Rfid Technology in Indian Libraries

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Research Paper Library Science Volume : 6 | Issue : 4 | April 2016 | ISSN - 2249-555X | IF : 3.919 | IC Value : 74.


Rfid Technology In Indian Libraries


Mr. Praveen K Thakre Ms. Rekha Khatarkar

HOD Dept. of Library & Information Science Career
Asst. Librarian Career College, Bhopal
College, Bhopal

Ms. Pooja Karaiya

Asst. Librarian Career College, Bhopal

Introduction Components of RFID System

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) allows an item, for
example a library book, to be tracked and communicated The RFID System is made up of few essential components.
with by radio waves. This technology is similar in concept These components should work synchronously in order to
to a cell phone. RFID is a broad term for technologies that achieve reliable data transmission and reception.
use radio waves to automatically identify people or ob-
jects. There are several methods of identification, but the 1. RFID tags that are that electronically programmed
most common is to store a serial number that identifies a with unique information.
person or object, and perhaps other information, on a mi- 2. Readers or sensor to query the tags.
crochip that is attached to an antenna (the chip and the 3. Antenna.
antenna together are called an RFID transponder or an 4. Server on which the software that interface with the
RFID tag). The antenna enables the chip to transmit the integrated library software is loaded.
identification information to a reader. The reader converts 5. Reader Interface Layer.
the radio waves reflected back from the RFID tag into digi-
tal information that can then be passed on to computers RFID Tag:
that can make use of it . A tag is a transponder mounted on a substrate that is pro-
grammed with information that uniquely identifies itself.
RIFD for Libraries Tags are activated when they pass through a radio fre-
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is the latest technol- quency field - the RF field produced by the antenna of the
ogy to be used in library theft detection systems. Unlike reader.
EM (Electro-Mechanical) and RF (Radio Frequency) sys-
tems, which have been used in libraries for decades, RFID-
based systems move beyond security to become tracking
systems that combine security with more efficient tracking
of materials throughout the library, including easier and
faster charge and discharge, inventorying, and materials

RFID is a combination of radio -frequency-based technol-

ogy and microchip technology. The information contained
on microchips in the tags affixed to library materials is
read using radio frequency technology regardless of item
orientation or alignment (i.e., the technology does not re- RFID Reader/Scanner
quire line-of-sight or a fixed plane to read tags as do tradi- A reader (also known as transceiver or interrogator) han-
tional theft detection systems) and distance from the item dles radio communications through the antennas. A reader
is not a critical factor except in the case of extra-wide exit can transmit signals to a tag, synchronize a tag with the
gates. The corridors at the building exit(s) can be as wide reader, and interrogates all or part of the tag’s contents.
as four feet because the tags can be read at a distance of In short, the main purpose of the reader is to transmit and
up to two feet by each of two parallel exit sensors. [The collect information.
devices used for circulation and inventorying are usually
called “readers” while the ones used at building exits are RFID Antenna
usually called “sensors.”] An antenna consists of a coil with one or more windings
and a matching network. The primary purpose of an an-
The tags or targets used in RFID systems can replace both tenna is to radiate the electromagnetic waves produced
EM or RF theft detection targets and barcodes, although by the reader, and in the same manner, receives RF signals
the system that 3M introduced in 2000 replaced only bar- from the transponder.
codes in the belief that EM is superior to RFID for security.
[3M did introduce a comprehensive RFID product that re- Reader Interface Layer
places both EM and barcodes in 2004] This interface layer is used as a conduit between the RFID


Research Paper Volume : 6 | Issue : 4 | April 2016 | ISSN - 2249-555X | IF : 3.919 | IC Value : 74.50

readers and hardware elements or devices such as desktop ees of routine work and operational tasks. All of tags used
computers and laptops that are capable of communicating in RFID technology for libraries are passive. The power to
with the readers and accepting information from it. read the tags comes from the reader or exit sensor (read-
er), rather than from a battery within the tag. A few librar-
ies use “Smart” card, which is an RFID card with additional
encryption, is an alternative to merely adding an RFID tag
on staff and user identification cards (Boss 2004). Not only
does that identify users for issue and return of library ma-
terials, but also for access to restricted areas or service.
This would make it possible to make it into a debit card,
with value added upon pre-payment to the library and val-
ue subtracted when a user used a photocopier, printer, or
other fee-based device, or wished to pay fine or fees.

Merits of RFID Technology in Libraries:

Other Components of RFID The major merits of RFID technology in libraries are as:

Optional RFID system includes the following three compo- • Ability to manage the expanse over a number of
nents. years.
• Staff can exploit their profession skills as applied to
1. RFID label printer. clerical skills.
2. Handheld reader/Inventory wand. • Miss-shelved reports.
3. External Book Return. • More than one item can be checked out or checked
in at the same time.
RFID label printer. • Long life of tag.
An RFID printer is used to print the labels with an individ- • Fast circulation.
ual barcode, library logo, etc. when the print is applied; it • Easy self charging/discharging.
simultaneously programs the data into the chip. After this • Fast inventorying.
process, the RFID label is taken from the printer and ap- • Greater reliability.
plied to the book. • Automatic material handling.
• Economical.
Handheld reader/Inventory wand: • Automated issue/return.
The portable handheld reader or inventory wand can be • Easy stock verification.
moved along the items on the shelves without touching • Automated sorting of books on return.
them. The data goes to a strong unit, which can be down- • Improve the security function in library.
loading at a server later on, or it can go to a unit which • Instant update of database is possible.
will transmit it to the server using wireless technology. The
inventory wand will cover three requirements: Demerits of RFID technology in Libraries:

• Screen the complete book collection on the shelves The demerits of RFID technology in libraries are as:
for inventory control;
• Search for books which are not properly shelved. • Frequency block.
• Search for individual book requested. • High Cost.
• Lack of standard
External Book Return: • Accessibility to compromise.
It can also offer a distinct service that is very useful for us- • Removal of exposed tags.
ers, such as the ability to return books, when the library is • User privacy concerns.
closed. An external book return is a machine with a slot • Exit gate sensor problems.
with a chip RFID reader integrated into the wall. It works in • Reader collision
the same ways as the self checkout station. The user iden- • Tag collision
tifies himself/herself (if required by the library), and then • Interoperability.
puts the book(s) into the slot. Upon completing the return, • Lack of proper standards and protocols, it need to be
the user will receive a receipt showing checked in; they unique and inter-operable.
can go directly back into the shelves. The units can also be
used with sorter and conveyor systems (Sahid, 2007)

Key Features of RFID in Libraries:

The reliability of the system, its ease of operation, and the
flexibility of tagging all kinds of media easily, are important
criteria in choosing an RFID system. The main aim for to-
day’s libraries in adopting RFID is the need to increase ef-
ficiency and reduce cost. Automation and self –service can
help libraries of all sizes achieve these aims, and RFID has
the added advantage that it can also provide security for
the range of different media offered in libraries. The tech-
nology can also improve circulation and inventory control
which helps allocate human and financial resources. This
means that libraries can relieve their professional employ-


Research Paper Volume : 6 | Issue : 4 | April 2016 | ISSN - 2249-555X | IF : 3.919 | IC Value : 74.50

Benefits of RFID technology system 5. RFID Journal. “The History of RFID Technology.” RFID Journal,
Times saving, fast accessing of books and eliminating man- Inc. 2005. Available at http://www.rfidjournal.com/article/articlev-
ual errors are the main benefits of the RFID in library. Al- iew/1338/1/129/
though RFID can be used in library anti theft system this 6. Management of RFID in Libraries: By Karen Coyle: Preprint version of
does not meant that it is a highly secure technology. The article published in the Journal of Academic Librarianship, v. 31, n. 5,
library save some time in processing new items because it pp. 486-489.
only has to affix one technology to the item. It may also 7. A Guide to RFID in Libraries by Simon Edwards and Mick Fortune No-
save some money due to the integration of circulation and vember 2008 Copyright.
security with single vendor and into a single system. RFID 8. Chavan,P.Subhash. july-Aug 2012: Use of RFID technology in Libraries.
improve library workflow, reducing non-value added work 9. Kaushik, Sudha (2011): The new Emerging technology in Libraries : RFID
process, improves staff productivity, assist traceability of Technology.
book allocation. Ability to locate specific items, faster in- 10. http://www.rfid-library.com/
ventory process. More than one item can be checked out 11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio-frequency_identification
or checked in at the same time, improve customer service, 12. Klaus Finkenzeller : RFID Hand book: components page 6
Higher staff job satisfaction with correct and reliable shelv-
ing order, Financial reduces costs of replacing stock reli-
able knowledge of stack location.

Library RFID technology system libraries in India

Several libraries have successfully installed the RFID system

in India. Some of the tem are:

• IIM Shillong
• Anna University, Chennai
• BCL, Delhi
• IIM, Indore
• NASSDOC, Delhi
• NCL, Pune
• IIT, Delhi
• NIT, Surat
• Parliament library, New Delhi

Some Vendors of Library RFID technology system

• LibSys Corporation, Gurgaon

• Total It solution, New Delhi
• 3M Lib system, New Delhi
• RFID Info Tech, Mumbai
• Edutech, Chennai
• Mantra softech (India) Pvt Ltd.
• VTLS Software, Noida

This technology has slowly begun to replace the tradition-
al one. The RFID tag can contain identifying information
such as a book’s title or material type, without having to
be pointed to a separate. The information is read by an
RFID reader, which replaces the standard barcode reader
commonly found at a libraries circulation desk. The RFID
tag found on library materials which it can also act as a
security device, taking the place of the traditional electro-
magnetic security strip. The cost of the technology is main
contain. RFID technology is not only emerging but also
more effective, convenient and cost efficient technology in
library security.

1. Sahid S.Md.(2007). Use of RFID technology in libraries: A new approach
to circulation, tracking, inventorying and security of library materials.
2. Coyle, Karen. 2005. Management of RFID in libraries. The Journal of
Academic Librarianship 31(5): 486-489.
3. Boss, Richard W. “RFID Technology for Libraries” ALA Tech Notes (Pre-
pared May 14, 2004) Available: http://www.ala.org/PrinterTemplate.
4. RFID Journal. “The History of RFID Technology.” RFID Journal,
Inc. 2005. Available at http://www.rfidjournal.com/article/articlev-


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