Bar Codes and RFID Technology Use To University Library Management

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-5, Issue-1, May 2016

Bar Codes and RFID Technology Use to University

Library Management
Dr.Yogesh Kumar Atri

the tag , connection type with computer The reader has two
Abstract Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a rapidly main functions: the first is to transmit a carrier signal, and the
emerging technology which allows productivity and second is to receive a response from any tags in proximity of
convenience. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a new the reader. A tag needs to receive the carrier signal, modify it
generation of Auto Identification and Data collection technology in some way corresponding to the data on the card, and
which helps to automate business processes and allows
retransmit the modified response back to the reader. Further,
identification of large number of tagged objects like books, using
radio waves. This paper proposes RFID Based University
tags which are located in book are binding with the specific
Library Management System that would allow fast transaction Id. In modern passive RFID devices; the tag consists of a
flow and will make it easy to handle the issue and return of small integrated circuit and an antenna. The benefit of passive
books from the library without much intervention of manual RFID is that it requires no internal power source; the circuit
book keeping which benefits by adding properties of traceability on the tag is actually powered by the carrier signal. Thus, the
and security. The proposed system is based on RFID readers carrier signal transmitted from the reader must be
and passive RFID tags that are able to electronically store considerably large so that the response can be read even from
information that can be read with the help of the RFID reader. the card. In practical applications of using RFID technology,
This system would be able to issue and return books via RFID
a tag is attached to an object used to identify the target, when
tags and also calculates the corresponding fine associated with
the time period of the absence of the book from the library the target object pass through the area that the reader can read,
database. the tag and the reader builds up the radio signal connections,
the tag sends its information to the reader, such as unique code
and other data stored on, the reader receives those information
and decodes them, and then sends to a host computer so as to
Index Terms RFID, Library Security, Radio waves, complete the whole information processing.
Security System, Tag, Theft detection
The first barcode was developed by Bernard Silver and
Norman Joseph Woodland in the late 1940s and early
Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) devices have 1950s. It was a bulls eye symbol that consisted of a series
importance in our daily life and they will become appearing in of concentric circles. The first commercial use of barcodes
the near future. There is a tremendous growth in the industry was by the RCA/Kroger system installed in Cincinnati on the
to use RFID technology in the recent years. Research and call of the National Association of Food Chains (NAFC).
development in this field has made this technology to be used However it was not widely used until the Universal Product
in supply chain management, attendance management, library Code (UPC) was introduced into America and adopted by the
management, automated toll collection etc. RFID is an U.S. Supermarket Ad Hoc Committee. Todays barcodes
electronic technology whereby digital data encoded in an have two forms: one dimensional (1D) barcode and two
RFID tag is retrieved utilizing a reader. In contrast to bar code dimensional (2D) barcode. The barcodes use bars and gaps to
technology, RFID systems do not require line-of-sight access encode identification information such as serial numbers. The
to the tag in order to retrieve the tags data. Passive RFID is 2D barcodes consist of more complicated patterns and may
sure to replace bar codes in library applications. The bar-code encode up to 4K bytes of data. Figure 1 shows the two types
system used in libraries is very time consuming and labor of barcodes. Although is the more prevalent barcode used in
intensive. The RFID based LMS facilitates the fast issuing, daily life, the 2D barcode is becoming increasingly popular
reissuing and returning of books with the help of RFID since it needs significantly lower surface area to encode the
enabled modules. It directly provides the book information same amount of data as compared to 1D barcodes. Barcodes
and library member information to the library management can be printed from most printers. 1D barcodes usually have
system and does not need the manual typing. The RFID tag coded readable ID printed along with the barcode. Barcodes
can contain identifying information which is unique, such as a can be read by barcode scanners which we see at a typical
book's title or code, without having to be pointed to a separate Point of Sale (POS) in retail stores. Bar cods are a very
database. The information is read by an RFID reader, which common technology that has been wild implement across
replaces the standard barcode reader commonly found at a various industries for identification .barcode systems consist
library's circulation desk One step is to decide on which kind of a paper tag with black , vertical stripes of different width (
of RFID reader and tag is used for library automation. The the actual bar code ) and a scanning device which needs to be
importance of reader are what kind of tag it reads, its connected to a computer system. The transmission of daty is
operating frequency, capability of near reading, writing inside unitiated by a light signal send from the scanner to the tag.
The stripes of the barcode reflect the light in a urique way,
Dr.Yogesh Kumar Atri, Chief Librarian (Shamli Institute of which enbles the scanner to translate the reflected signal into a
Engineering & Technology)

Bar Codes and RFID Technology Use to University Library Management

specific binary code that can be interpreted by the computer. use RF signal to establish the communication between two
ends. RFID system does this communication by using
modulated RF signal which is sent between the two main
components in the system; the reader and the tag.



In the past, the only anti-theft systems in place at
supermarkets and large shopping malls were the CCTV
Figure 2 illustrates a basic barcode system. Barcodes are read
(Closed Circuit TV ) cameras and watchful security guards.
or scanned by a barcode reader and the reader is connected to
These were the only known anti-theft systems, which were
a computer. The operator has to physically align/point the
effective enough in preventing shoplifting. As with any other
barcode reader with/to the barcode to read the identification
technology, the same technology was used to prevent
information. The software running on the computer processes
shoplifting in a grocery mall as well as a jewelry shop. As
the identification information picked up by the scanner.
expected, the grocery malls investment did not pay off much
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is usually used to
(as the costs of the goods shoplifted were less than the cost of
control the scanner in more automated process such as
installing and maintaining the expensive security systems).
production line. The primary scanning technology for
The only place where this system gave a good ROI (Return on
barcode is LED (Light-Emitting Diode). More advanced
Investment) was in the jewelry shops, where each small item
scanning such as CCD (Charge-Coupled Device), Laser, and
(say a diamond ring), is much more expensive than a grocery
Imager are used in industry automatic processing


Short for Radio Frequency Identification. The term RFID is
used to describe various technologies that use radio waves to
automatically identify people or objects. RFID technology is
similar to the bar code identification systems we see in retail
stores every day; however one big difference between RFID
and bar code technology is that RFID does not rely on the
line-of-sight reading that bar code scanning requires to work.
Basically RFID is a wireless communication system which

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-5, Issue-1, May 2016
RFID tags replace both the bar code and traditional security
systems and creating a smart library.
Check-out stations can be automated with easy, intuitive
interfaces, since several items in a pile can be grabbed at a
Book returns can be automated with check-in and database
updates completed simultaneously in the book return chute.
Fast and convenient on-the-shelf inventory allows accuracy
in collection management;
Automatic book sorting.
RFID technology uses are limitless, flexible and easier to use
than other forms of data collection. RFID is a multi-purpose
technology, however, the full potential of RFID technology
and some of its unique applications and solutions have yet to
come to the information industry. RFID is the new technology
that revolutionizes Library Management by increased
productivity in deficit budgets. It can be harnessed to:
Reduce material handling time.
Do more frequent and accurate inventory to better manage .
Improve ergonomics of the repetitive tasks of librarians.
Improve customer service. Fig :5 RFID Library Management System

Application in RFID Library Management System

A big advantage of RFID is that its not dependent upon the
1. Book Drops: The Book Drops can be located anywhere,
line-of-sight, since it uses radio-frequency signals. Since
within or outside the library. Possible remote locations
RFID does not require line-of-sight between the transponder
outside the library include MRT/train stations, shopping
and the reader, it surmounts the limitations of other automatic
centers, schools, etc. This offers unprecedented flexibility and
identification devices, such as bar coding. RFID systems
convenience of returning library items at anytime of the day,
work effectively in hostile environments where excessive dirt,
even when the library is closed.
dust, moisture and/or poor visibility would normally hinder
2. RFID Transponder or Tagging: It is the most important
rapid identification process. One of the most outstanding
link in any RFID system. It has the ability to store information
benefits of RFID is its ability to read through these
relating to the specific item to which they are attached, rewrite
environments at remarkable speeds responding in less than
again without any requirement for contact or line of sight.
100 Milliseconds in most cases.
Data within a tag may provide identification for an item, proof
of ownership, original storage location, loan status and
history. RFID tags have been specifically designed to be
affixed into library media, including books, CDs, DVDs and
3. Counter Station: is a staff assisted station on services such
Using RFID in libraries saves library staff's time by as loan, return, tagging, sorting and etc. It is loaded with
automatizing their tasks. An establishment that uses RFID arming/disarming module, tagging module and sorting
library management saves a book reader, precious time that he module. Arming/Disarming module allows EAS (Electronic
would have been spent, waiting for his turn in a queue for Article Surveillance) bit inside the tag of the library material
borrowing or returning a book. Taking care of books and to be set/reset so as to trigger/not trigger the alarm of the EAS
making them available to the book readers are important gate.
tasks. Most of the library staff's time is spent in recording 4. The Patron self check-out station: It is basically a
information of incoming and outgoing books. computer with a touch screen and a built-in RFID reader, plus
special software for personal identification, book and other
Borrowing and returning of books can be fully automatzed media handling and circulation. After identifying the patron
with the help of self checkin/out systems. This system with a library ID card, a barcode card, or his personal ID
involves installation of special software. A person using this number (PIN), the patron is asked to choose the next action
system to borrow books, is presented with options on a (check-out of one or several books). After choosing check-out
computer screen. The person has to identify himself with a , the patron puts the book(s) in front of the screen on the RFID
code, which is preferably a personal identification number, or reader and the display will show the book title and its ID
any form of unique identity code. Books selected by the number (other optional information can be shown if desired)
person are identified by the system's built-in RFID reader. which have been checked out
And, the surveillance bit in the book's tag is deactivated by the 5. Shelf Management: This solution makes locating and
system. When a book is returned, the check-in/out system identifying items on the shelves an easy task for librarians. It
activates the surveillance bit. comprises basically of a portable scanner and a base station.
The solution is designed to cover three main requirements:


Bar Codes and RFID Technology Use to University Library Management

6. Anti-theft Detection: RFID EAS Gates is the anti-theft and journals in libraries. But nowadays, RFID tags are placed
part of the Library RFID Management System using the same inside the books and an alarm is installed at the exit doors.
RFID tags embedded in the library items. Each lane is able to The RFID tags can store data up to 2 KB whereas, the bar
track items of about 1 meter and would trigger the alarm code has the ability to read just 10-12 digits.
system when an un-borrowed item passed through them. The Disadvantages of RFID in Libraries:
alarm will sound and lights on the gate will flash as patron
passes through with the un-borrowed library material.
Important points based on RFID University Library
Management System problems
1. RFID tags replace both the EM security strips and Barcode.
2. Simplify patron self check-out / check-in.
3. Ability to handle material without exception for video and
audio tapes.
4. Radio Frequency anti-theft detection is innovative and safe.
5. High-speed inventory and identify items which are out of
proper order. VII. ROLE OF LIBRARIAN
6. Long-term development guarantee when using Open RFID technology introduces an ethical dilemma for
Standard. librarians. The technology allows for greatly improved
services for patrons especially in the area of self check out, it
allows for more efficient use of professional staff, and may
VI. BENEFITS OF RFID USE IN LIBRARY reduce repetitive stress injuries for library workers. And yet,
RFID improves library workflow by reducing non-value the technology introduces the threat of hot listing and tracking
added work processes Improves staff productivity Improves library patrons. Librarians have taken extra steps to ensure
customer service Assist inventory check with ease. Easy book that law such as the USA PATRIOT act cannot be used by
identification for shelving process Assist traceability of book government entities to invade the privacy of their patrons, and
allocation Enhance book return processes by full automation yet many of those same libraries are placing traceable chips
of check-in, EAS activation and system updates completed on their patrons books.
simultaneously in the self-return chute Allow better accuracy Libraries have traditionally acted to protect and defend 5the
in book collection management, resulting in reduced book privacy of their patrons and yet some are implementing a
purchase More than one item can be checked out or checked technology before proper safeguards have been developed.
in at the same time. Items can be placed on reader without Library use of RFID technology serves to legitimize the
careful placement that it is required for line of sight system technology in the eyes of the community. Therefore, it is
(bar code scanner) Faster inventory process. Ability to locate incumbent on the library community to ensure that the
specific items. technology is developed in concert with established privacy
principles and that any library use of RFID follows best
Advantages of RFID in Libraries: The use of RFID reduces practices guidelines consistent with library values.
the amount of time required to perform Circulation
operations. The most significant time saving with bootable to VIII. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
the fact that information can be read from RFID tags much In this paper, the study will analyze the success
faster than form barcodes and that served items in the stack factors in terms of strategic viewpoints and the RFID
can be read at the same time. implementation level. It is a kind of top-down research
structure. Based upon the literature review presented in the
previous chapter, it is found that the characteristics of RFID
system and its implementation method are different from the
well-known bar-code label system. Therefore, the strategic
viewpoints will play a critical role in the solution select and
reflect the long-term expected return on its investment. In
Reduction in workplace injuries Automated materials practice, the implementation method will influence its success
handling Easy stock verification Theft reduction High level and efforts taken into its realization in the system.
of security Mis-shelve easy identification External Book In terms of external factors and variants outside the
Return Improved tracking of high value items Reduce enterprises, the RFID industry will be analyzed in the
Shrinkage errors Technology standards to drive down cost following chapter to present the factor relationship and its
Reduce materials cost and handling Automated issue/return impact on the system performance. With the technology
Automated sorting of books on return Inventory visibility evolution and maturity, the impact by external variants will
accuracy and efficiency Improved Production planning be mitigated through the reference to the successful cases.
Ability to manage the expenses over a number of years. RFID
tags are very simple to install/inject inside the body of
animals, thus helping to keep a track on them. This is useful in IX. CONCLUSION
animal husbandry and on poultry farms. RFID technology is
better than bar codes as it cannot be easily replicated and RFID technology is not only emerging but also more
therefore, it increases the security of the product. Barcode effective, convenient and cost efficient technology in library
scanners have repeatedly failed in providing security to books security. This technology has slowly begun to replace the

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-5, Issue-1, May 2016
traditional bar-code on library items. The RFID tag can
contain identifying information such as a books title or
material type, without having to be pointed to a separate. The
information is read by an RFID reader, which replaces the
standard barcode reader commonly found at a librarys
circulation desk. The RFID tag found on library materials. It
may replace or be added to the barcode, offering a different
means of inventory management by the staff and self service
by the borrowed. It can also act as a security device, taking the
place of the traditional electromagnetic security strip. And not
only the books, but also the membership cards could be fitted.

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Dr.Yogesh Kumar Atri, (IT) and MLISc, M.Phil, P.hd (

Information Science) is currently working as Chief Librarian ( Shamli
Institute of Engineering & Technology ) he has stables more institution
center library. he has served the profession for more than 10 years. He has
published more than papers in seminars, conferences and journals at national
and international level. He is a recognized research guide for PhD. My Ph.D
Research work uploaded UGC website the SHODHGANGA developed by


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