English Class 10
English Class 10
English Class 10
Class Nine
Important Questions and Answers
Q1: How does the Quran describe the personality of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
Answer: “We have indeed in the messenger of Allah, a good example to follow, for anyone whose
hope is in Allah and the Final Day.
Q2: Why did Quraish think that Holy Prophet (PBUH) would favour them?
Answer: They thought so because the Holy Prophet (SAW) belonged to the tribe of Quraish.
Q3: How were people of Makkah convinced of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) justice even before
his Prophethood?
Answer: The people were convinced of the Holy Prophet’s (SAW) justice even before his
Prophethood by his just dealings.
Q4: What advice did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) give to Hazrat Ali (R.A)?
Answer: When two men come to you for judgment never decide in favour of one without hearing
the other.
Q5: What standards of justice did the Holy Prophet (SAW) practice as head of the state of
Answer: As head of the state of Madina, the Holy Prophet (SAW) practiced justice and equity,
irrespective of colour, creed and race.
Q6: How did the Rasool (SAW) set high and noble ideals for all mankind?
Answer: The Rasool (SAW) set high and noble ideals for all mankind through his practical
Q7: Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is a perfect model and example for all mankind. Explain.
Answer: Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) set high and noble ideals through his practical example for all
mankind to follow in every walk of life.
Important Questions and Answers
Q1: What is Chinese belief about cleaning houses before New Year Day?
Answer: They do thorough cleaning to clean out any bad luck from the previous year and to make
the house ready to welcome good luck for the coming year.
Q2: Why is “Chinese New Year” never on the same day each year?
Answer: The “Chinese New Year” is celebrated according to the Lunar Calendar which has shorter
cycle than the sun.
Q3: What is the significance of New Year’s Eve Dinner?
Answer: It is a source of visiting relatives and of getting prosperity and long life.
Q4: How is “Chinese New Year” celebrated?
Answer: The Chinese families come together to revive their relationship with each other and
welcome the New Year with great festivities and merry making.
Q5: When does Chinese New Year start?
Answer: The Chinese New Year starts between January 21st and February 20th..
Q6: Why does Chinese dinner consist of eight and nine dishes?
Answer: The dinner consists of eight or nine dishes because in Chinese language ‘eight’ means
“prosperity” and ‘nine’ means “Long Lasting.”
Q7: Why do Chinese families do thorough cleaning of their houses before New Year’s day?
Answer: They do so because they believe that it will clear out any bad luck from the previous year
and make the house ready to accept good luck for the coming year.
Important Questions and Answers
Q1: Why is “trying again” important in life?
Answer: We can overcome out shortcomings and can get success.
Q2: Why is the poet repeating the sentence “Trying Again”?
Answer: The poet is repeating the sentence “Try again” because he wants to highlight the
importance of continuous struggle.
Q3: What can we learn from failure?
Answer: We can learn from failure the lesson of courage, it urges us to take more daring and steady
steps to reach our goal.
Q4: What does the word “Persevere” mean?
Answer: To persevere means continuous struggle in spite of failure until success.
Important Questions and Answers
Q1: When do you need to see a doctor?
Answer: We need to see a doctor when the wound is not healing or we notice redness, increasing
pain, or swelling.
Q2: How is an antibiotic cream or ointment good in healing the wound?
Answer: An antibiotic cream or ointment is good in healing the wound because it helps to keep
surface moist and speeds up the body’s natural healing process.
Q3: Why is it necessary to keep away soap from the wound?
Answer: It is necessary to keep away soap from the wound because the soap can irritate the wound.
Q4: You should not keep on checking if the bleeding has stopped. Why?
Answer: You should not keep on checking again and again whether the blood has stopped or not,
because it may damage the clot that is forming and cause bleeding to resume.
Q5: What should you do if you are allergic to adhesive material used in mostly bandages?
Answer: It we are allergic to adhesive material, then we should use adhesive free material.
Important Questions and Answers
Q1: What will happen after the rain stop?
Answer: After the rain stops a wondrous light will fill each dark round drop. It will be lovely sight.
Q2: In “The Rain” what makes the scene lovely?
Answer: When the sun shines brightly after rain, it makes the scene lovely.
Q3: What according to the poet is a sweet noise?
Answer: According to the poet falling of rain drops on the leaves, drop after drop, is a sweet noise.
Q4: Do you like the sum coming out after rain? Why?
Answer: Yes, I like the sun coming out after the rain because rain drops shine after rain in the sun. It
is fascinating and charming scene.
Q5: What do the rich and poor leaves stand for?
Answer: The rich leaves stand for the rich people who enjoyed all the comforts of life. The poor
leaves stands for the poor people.
Important Questions and Answers
Q1: Why do some people read more than one newspaper?
Answer: Some people read more than one newspaper to get different viewpoints of the incidents and
check for their validity.
Q2: Why do busy people prefer to read newspaper?
Answer: Newspapers can be read at any time and at any place. They give us in-depth coverage.
Q3: What is one good thing about newspapers?
Answer: We have no restriction of time and place to read newspapers.
Q4: How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news?
Answer: A newspaper can be read at any time and at any place. Therefore, it is more convenient
medium of news.
Q5: Which medium do you prefer for news? Why?
Answer: For me, both medium have equal importance due to their good points and specialties.
Q6: How cam readers give feedback to the newspaper articles?
Answer: Readers can give their feedback to the articles by writing to the forum pages.
Important Questions and Answers
Q1: How has the writer spent his summer vacation?
Answer: He did different jobs in summer vacation.
Q2: What are some distinctions of the writer?
Answer: The writer won many distinctions during his academic career. These awards include Quaid-
e-Azam batch in scouting and who’s who Academic Excellence Awards in speech and essay writing
Q3: What has motivated the author to participate so actively?
Answer: The developing positive outlook has motivated the author to participate so actively.
Q4: What kind of person is the author?
Answer: The author is a young man with creative mind. He is hard-working and aspiring.
Q5: How are these experience helpful to him in future?
Answer: The job experience have prepared him mentally and financially. He has become more
mature and responsible.
Important Questions and Answers
Q1: How is wind described in the poem “Peace” by the writer?
Answer: Wind has been described as a demon destroying everything all around.
Q2: With what the wind is compared by the writer?
Answer: The wind is compared with a destructive devil.
Q3: How does the scene look like when wind is still?
Answer: When wind is still, the scene looks beautiful, calm, and peaceful.
Important Questions and Answers
Q1: How can career counselors help the young people?
Answer: They determine the personalities of the young people and after observing their interests,
suggest suitable careers.
Q2: What is meant by “Right profession”?
Answer: Right profession means a rewarding profession in terms of respect, money and mental
Q3: How do career counselors help you choose the right profession?
Answer: They determine our personalities and guide us to choose right careers.
Q4: In past, why did people want to become a doctor, an engineer or a pilot?
Answer: In the past the people wanted to become a doctor, an engineer or a pilot because these were
thought to be respectable and paying professions.
Q5: Why is it important to consider the scope of any field?
Answer: To adopt a field as a rewarding profession, it is important to consider the scope of that
Q6: Nowadays non-traditional careers are more appealing to young mind. Why?
Answer: Nowadays non-traditional careers are more appealing to young minds because these careers
are more rewarding in terms of both respect and money.
UNIT NO. 10:
Important Questions and Answers
Q1: Which book has inspired you the most? Why?
Answer: The Holy Quran has inspired me the most as it keeps us on the right path.
Q2: What is meant by “A world without book”?
Answer: A world where there is no place for books.
Q3: Can modern technology take place of books?
Answer: No, Modern technology cannot take place of the books. On screen text is not equal to
printed text.
Q4: Why should people be given more opportunities to read books?
Answer: People should be given more opportunities to read book because books give awareness of
the world around us. They also connect a man with humanity.
Q5: How does a book connect the reader and the writer?
Answer: By reading a book, the reader enters the world created by the writer. Thus the book links
the both.
Q6: In what way books are better than Radio, TV and Internet?
Answer: Books cannot the reader and the writer. They arouse feelings.
Q7: Have you ever experienced the same feelings while reading a book?
Answer: Yes, I have experienced the same feelings. Sometimes, I feel pleasure and sometimes I feel
sad while reading a book.
UNIT NO. 11:
Important Questions and Answers
Q1: Who looked after Pip after the death of his parents?
Answer: Pip’s sister and her husband looked after him after the death of his parents.
Q2: Who was Joe? How did he treat pip?
Answer: Joe was husband of Pip’s sister. He loved Pip and treated him kindly.
Q3: How did Pip become a successful businessman?
Answer: He worked as a clerk. Then he became one of the owners of an insurance firm. Thus he
became a successful businessman.
Q4: Why did Pip give food and drink to the prisoner?
Answer: He gave food and drink to the prisoner as an act of kindness.
Q5: What changed Pip’s life?
Answer: Good education and good habits changed Pip’s life.
Q6: What kind of boy was Pip?
Answer: He was a kind boy. He was a lonely orphan. He had to suffer cruel treatment of his sister.
Q7: What happened to the prisoner?
Answer: The prisoner was recaptured by soldiers and taken away.
Q8: Why did the prisoner support Pip?
Answer: As Pip had fed the prisoner in his misery, so he supported Pip.
Q9: Who was Joe? How did he treat Pip?
Answer: Joe was Pip’s sister husband. He was very kind and warm-hearted. He treated Pip like his
own son.
Q10: What happened to the prisoner’s wealth after his death?
Answer: After his death, his wealth was occupied by the Government.
Important Questions and Answers
Q1: Which areas are most affected by incessant growth in population?
Answer: The under developed and developing countries are the most affected areas.
Q2: How is fossil energy a finite fuel?
Answer: Fossil energy is a finite fuel because this fuel is in limites quantity.
Q3: How are water resources under great stress?
Answer: Due to over population resources are under great success because more people consume
more water.
Q4: Why are developing countries going to suffer more due to over population?
Answer: Birthrate in developing countries is relatively high than that of the advanced countries.
Their food resources are also lesser than the available people. Thus, developing countries are going
to suffer more due to over population.
Q5: How can we raise the status of our country in the world?
Answer: We can raise the status of our country in the world by our hard work.
Q6: Do you also face any shortage of water in your locality? Why?
Answer: Yes, we are also facing shortage of water in our locality because of over use the water level
has decreased.
Important Questions and Answers
Q1: What case did the young men bring to Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A.)?
Answer: They brought the case of their father’s murder. They also brought the murderer with them
they demanded justice.
Q2: On what condition was the criminal allowed to leave?
Answer: He was asked to give his guarantor who could suffer death in case he did not return.
Q3: Why did the old man hurl a stone at the camel?
Answer: The old man hurled a stone at the camel because it had eaten a few leaves from one of his
Q4: Who was Hazrat Ghaffari (R.A.)?
Answer: Hazrat Abuzar Ghaffari (R.A.) was a highly respected sahabi.
Q5: Why did the accusers forgive the villager?
Answer: The accusers forgave the villager as they were impressed by the faithfulness of the villager.
Important Translation Paragraphs
Unit No. 1
1. As head of state of Madinah, he decided all cases on merit with justice and equity, irrespective of
colour, creed or race. Once a Quraishi woman was found guilty of stealing. Some people wanted to
save her from punishment in order to protect the honour of the family of the Quraish. They asked
Hazrat Usama bin Zaid (R.A) to intercede on her behalf. Hazrat Usama requested the Rasool (SAW)
to forgive her.
عقیدہ اور نسل سے باال تر ہو کر تمام،مدینہ کی ریاست کے سر براہ کی حیثیت سے آپ نے رنگ
معامالت کا فیصلہ عدل اور انصاف کے ساتھ اصولوں کی بنیاد پر کیا۔ ایک مرتبہ قریش کی ایک
خاتون چوری کی مجرم ٹھہری۔ چند لوگوں نے قریش خاندان کے وقار کو بچانے کے لیے اسے سزا سے
بچانا چاہا۔ انہوں نے حضرت اسامہ بن زید رضی اللہ تعالی سے اس کی طرف سے سفارش کرنے کو
کہا۔ حضرت اسامہ رضی اللہ تعالی نے رسول اکرم ﷺنام سے اسے معاف کرنے کی درخواست کی۔
2. During the Sermon, an Ansari seeing some men from the tribe of Banu Tha'lba sitting there stood
up and pointed towards them and said, "Oh Messenger of Allah! Their ancestors killed a member of
our family. "We appeal to you to get one of them hanged in exchange for that." The Holy Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) replied, "The revenge of the father cannot be taken on his son.
قبیلہ بنو ثعلبہ کے کچھ لوگوں کو وہاں بیٹھے دیکھ کر اٹھ کھڑا ہوا اور،خطبے کے دوران ایک انصاری
ان کی طرف اشارہ کیا اور کہا " اے اللہ کے پیغمبر ﷺ ان کے آباؤ اجداد نے ہمارے خاندان کے ایک
شخص کو قتل کیا تھا۔ ہم آپ ﷺ سے درخواست کرتے ہیں کہ اس کے بدلے میں ان میں سے ایک
کو پھانسی دی جائے"۔ نبی پاکﷺ نے جواب دیا "باپ کا بدلہ بیٹے سے نہیں لیا جا سکتا۔
3. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) practically proved that no one could be more just and equitable than
the Messenger of Allah Almighty. As a young trader, he earned the good reputation of being an
honest, fair and just businessman. He always had fair and just dealings with all people. When the
Ka'bah' was being constructed, there arose a dispute among the people regarding the Black Stone. He
devised the most equitable plan for the setting of the Black Stone. This pleased everyone and saved
them from a tribal conflict۔
حضرت محمد ﷺ نے عملی طور پر ثابت کیا کہ خدا کے پیغمبر ﷺ سے بڑا مصنف اور عادل کوئی ہو
منصف اور عادل کاروباری انسان کے،ہی نہیں سکتا۔ بحیثیت نوجوان تاجر آپ ﷺ نے ایک ایماندار
_طور پر شہرت حاصل کی۔ آپ ﷺ کا تمام لوگوں سے لین دین ہمیشہ منصفانہ تھا۔ جب خانہ کعبہ
کی تعمیر ہو رہی تھی تو لوگوں میں حجر اسود کو نصب کرنے کے لیے ایک جھگڑا پیدا ہو گیا۔ آپ ﷺ
نے سب سے زیادہ منصفانہ حل پیش کیا۔ اس حل نے سب کو خوش کر دیا اور انہیں ایک قبائلی
جھگڑے سے بچالیا۔
Unit No. 2
1. Another popular custom is to hang up signs and posters on doors and windows with the Chinese
word 'fu' written on them, which means luck and happiness. Buying flowers for the home is also
common place since they symbolize the coming of spring and a new beginning.
ایک اور عام رواج ایسی عالمات اور چھوٹے چھوٹے اشتہارات ( پوسٹرز) کو دروازوں اور کھڑکیوں پر
' لکھا ہوتا ہے جن کا مطلب خوش قسمتی اور خوشی ہے۔ گھر کے لیے پھولfu ' لٹکاتا ہے جن پر لفظ
خرید نا بھی ایک عام رواج ہے یہ ٓانے والی بہار اور نئی شروعات کی عالمت ہوتے ہیں۔
2. Every year is associated with one of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. These animals are
often represented in decorations. Some people believe that those born during the year of a particular
animal may have the character traits of that animal.
ہر سال بارہ جانوروں کے چینی راس چکر میں سے کسی ایک کے ساتھ منسلک ہوتا ہے۔ ان جانوروں
کو سجاوٹ کے طور پر استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔ کچھ_ لوگوں کا یقین ہے وہ لوگ جو مخصوص جانور کے
سال کے دوران پیدا ہوتے ہیں ان میں اس جانور کی خصوصیات موجود ہو سکتی ہیں
3. It is a traditional practice for adults to give children little red envelopes filled with money in order
to symbolize wealth and prosperity for the coming year. It is also common for elders to present red
packets to unmarried members of the family. Envelopes are not to be opened until
the recipient has left the home of the giver.
بڑوں کا چھوٹے بچوں کو رقم سے بھرے ہوئے سرخ لفافے دینا یہ ظاہر کرنے کے لیے ہے کہ آنے واال سال
یہ ایک روایتی عمل ہے۔ بڑوں میں یہ عمل بھی عام ہے کہ خاندان کے، دولت اور خوشحالی واال ہو
غیر شادی شدہ افراد کو سرخ پیکٹ دینا۔ جب تک وصول کنندہ دینے والے کے گھر سے چال نہ جائے
اسوقت تک لفافے نہیں کھولے جاتے۔
4. Prior to the first day of the New Year it is customary for families to thoroughly clean their houses.
Doing this is said to clear out any bad luck from the previous year and to make the house ready to
accept good luck for the coming year. All cleaning must be finished before New Year's Day. So there
is no chance of accidently throwing out the good fortune of the year. Wearing black cloth is not
allowed due to its association with death, however, wearing red is encouraged as the colour is
associated with warding off bad spirits.
نئے سال کے پہلے دن کے آغاز سے پہلے اپنے گھروں کو مکمل طور پر صاف کرنا خاندانوں میں ایک
عام رواج ہے۔ کہا جاتا ہے کہ اس طرح کرنے کا مقصد پچھلے سال کی بری قسمت کو گھروں سے باہر
نکال پھینکنا اور آنے والے سال کی اچھی قسمت کو حاصل کرنے کے لیے گھروں کو تیار کرنا ہے۔ تمام
صفائی نئے سال کے دن سے پہلے ختم ہونی چاہیے تاکہ نئے سال کی اچھی قسمت کو اتفاقا بھی
باہر پھینکنے کا کوئی موقع نہ رہے۔ موت کے ساتھ منسوب ہونے کی وجہ سے سیاہ لباس پہننے کی
تاہم سرخ رنگ پہننے کی حوصلہ افزائی کی جاتی ہے کیونکہ یہ رنگ بدروحوں کو،اجازت نہیں
بھگانے سے جڑا ہوا ہے۔
5. On the eve of the Chinese New Year it is customary to visit relatives and partake in a large dinner
where a number of specific foods are served. It is typical for a Chinese family to make eight to nine
dishes for the new year's Eve dinner because in Chinese language the word "eight" means
"prosperity" and the word "nine" means long- lasting.
چین کے نئے سال کے موقع پر رشتہ داروں کے ہاں جانا اور ایک بہت بڑی دعوت جس میں
میں شرکت کرنا بھی ایک رسم ہے۔ چینی خاندانوں کے لئے،مخصوص کھانے پیش کئے جاتے ہیں
روایتی امر ہے کہ نئے سال کے کھانے میں ٓا ٹھ یا نو کھانے ہوں کیونکہ چینی زبان میں لفظ ٓا ٹھ کا
مطلب خوشحالی اور لفظ نو کا مطلب لمبی عمر ( دیر پا ) ہوتا ہے۔
Unit No. 4
1. We all need help at times in our lives. Sometimes we may have accidents and hurt. When we are
injured or suddenly become unwell, we need someone to help us someone who knows what to do. It
is the temporary and immediate help. This timely assistance, comprising of simple medical
techniques, is most critical to the victims and is often lifesaving.
ہم سب کو کبھی کبھار مدد کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ کبھی ہمیں حادثات پیش آسکتے ہیں
اور ہمیں چوٹیں لگ سکتی ہیں۔ جب ہم زخمی ہوتے ہیں یا اچانک بیمار ہو جاتے ہے تو ہمیں
ہے۔ یہ. کہ کیا کرنا.ضرورت ہوتی ے کہ کوئی ایسا شخص ہماری مد کرے جو جانتاہو
،عارضی اور فوری درد ہوتی ہے۔ یہ وقتی مد د سادہ طبی مہارتوں پر مشتمل ہوتی ہے
مریض کے لیے بہت اہم ہوتی ہے اور اکثر جان بچالیتی ہے۔
2. Bandages can help keep the wound clean and keep harmful bacteria out. After the wound has
healed enough to make infection unlikely, exposure to the air will speed wound healing?
یا یعنی جراثیم کو دور. زخم کو صاف رکھنے اور مضر بیکیٹر.زخم کو باندھنے والی پنیاں
رکھنے میں مدد کر سکتی ہیں۔ جب زخم اتنا بھر جائے کہ متعدی جراثیم پھیلنے کی
کر دے گا۔.توقع نہ ہو تو خم کو ہوا میں کھال رکھناز خم بھرنے کے عمل کو تیز
3. Minor cuts and scrapes usually stop bleeding on their own. If they don't, apply gentle pressure
with a clean cloth or bandage. Hold the pressure continuously for 20 to 30 seconds and if possible
elevate the wound. Don't keep checking to see if the bleeding has stopped because this may damage
or dislodge the clot that is forming and cause bleeding to resume. If blood spurts and
continues flowing after continuous pressure, seek medical assistance.
معمولی زخموں اور خراشوں .کی صورت میں خون اپنے آپ بہنا بند ہو جاتا ہے۔ اگر ان سے
خون بہنا بند نہ ہو تو صاف کپڑے یا پٹی سے ہلکا سا دبائیں۔ مسلسل 20تا 30سیکنڈ
تک دبائے رکھیں اور اگر ممکن ہو تو زخم کی سطح بلند کر دیں۔ بار بار چیک نہ کریں
کہ خون رکا ہے یا نہیں کیونکہ .اس سے جو خون کی کھرنڈ بن رہی ہوتی ہے۔ اسے
نقصان پہنچے گا
یاوہ اپنی جگہ سے ہٹ جائے گی اور خون دوبارہ بہنا شروع ہو جائے گا۔ اگر مسلسل دباؤ
کے باوجود .بھی خون مسلسل بہتا ہے تو طبی امداد حاصل کریں۔
Unit No 6
1. Television on the other hand requires its viewers to be at a certain place at a certain time in order
to watch and listen to the news. If they are busy people they will miss the news. They cannot choose
to read it on the move or throughout the day. They cannot even choose which piece of news they
wish to skip.
اس کے بر عکس ،ٹیلی ویژن پر خبریں دیکھنے اور سننے کے لیے سامعین کو ایک خاص وقت میں
ایک مخصوص جگہ پر بیٹھنے کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ اگر وہ مصروف لوگ ہیں تو وہ خبریں سننے سے
رہ جاتے ہیں۔ وہ ان کا سفر کے دوران یا سارا دن پڑھنے کے لیے انتخاب نہیں کر سکتے۔ وہ حتی کہ
اس کا بھی انتخاب نہیں کر سکتے کہ وہ خبر کا کونسا حصہ چھوڑبا چاہتے ہیں۔
2. Newspapers do not require us to sit at a place and read the news. Busy people may read the papers
anytime of the day. They may read the news that is important to them early in morning, and carry the
paper with them to read in the bus or van. They may also choose to omit, the certain aspects of the
news that they are not interested in. Television, on the other hand requires its viewers to be at a
certain place, at a certain time in order to watch and listen to the news.
اخبارات ہم سے ایک جگہ براجمان ہونے اور خبریں پڑھنے کا تقاضا نہیں کرتے۔ مصروف لوگ دن میں
کسی وقت اخبارات پڑھ سکتے ہیں۔ صبح سویرے مصروف لوگ صرف وہ خبریں پڑھ سکتے ہیں۔ جو
ان کے لئے اہم ہیں اور بس یا گاڑی میں پڑھنے کے لئے وہ اخبار ساتھ بھی لے جاسکتے ہیں۔ وہ خبر
کے ان خاص پہلووں کو چھوڑنے کا انتخاب بھی کر سکتے ہیں جن میں وہ کوئی دلچسپی نہیں
رکھتے ہیں۔ اس کے برعکس ٹیلی ویژن اپنے ناظرین سے خبریں دیکھنے اور سننے کے لیے مخصوص
جگہ اور خاص وقت پر موجود گی کا مطالبہ کرتا ہے۔
Unit No. 8
As a student, I am an active participant in academic and co-curricular activities. My first priority has
always been to get good grades in school. Although this is important to me, I also know that by
participating in sports, and after-school activities. I will become a well-rounded student.
بحثیت طالب علم میں تعلیمی اور یم نصابی سرگرمیوں میں گرم جوشی سے حصہ لینے واال ہوں۔
میری پہلی ترجیح ہمیشہ یہ رہی ہے کہ میں سکول میں اچھا درجہ حاصل کروں۔ اگر چہ یہ چیز
میرے لیے اہم ہے لیکن میں یہ بھی جانتا ہوں کہ کھیلوں اور بعد از سکول کی سرگرمیوں میں
حصہ لے کر میں ایک ہمہ پہلو طالب علم بن جاوں گا۔
Unit no 9
Today, life has become more dynamic and innovative. Gone are the days when the
Medical and the Engineering fields were the only available choices. Now a whole world of non-
traditional careers, from IT, Electronic media and web networking to online business portals and
fashion designing, are available for young people.
آج کل زندگی زیادہ متحرک اور اختراعی ہو گئی ہے۔ وہ دن گزر گئے جب صرف طب اور انجینئر نگ
ہی چناؤ کے لیے دستیاب تھے۔ اب نوجوانوں کے لیے آئی۔ ٹی برقی میڈیا اور ویب نیٹ ورکنگ سے لے
کر ٓان الئن کاروبار اور فیشن ڈیزائنگ جیسے غیر روایتی پیشوں کے دروازے کھلے ہیں۔
Mass communication is certainly one of the fastest emerging industries in the world. This field is
highly rewarding in terms of both respect and money. Unlike other disciplines, Mass communication
does not require a particular line of study; you may join this field after completing your BA, B.Com
or B.Sc etc.
دنیا میں ما س کمیونیکیشن تیزی سے ابھرتی ہوئی صنعتوں میں سے ایک ہے۔ یہ پیشہ پیسے اور
عزت دونوں کے اعتبار سے بہت بہتر ہے۔ دوسرے شعبوں کے بر عکس ماس کمیونیکیشن میں خاص
کورس کی ضرورت نہیں ہوتی۔ آپ بی اے بی کام یابی ایس سی کی تعلیم مکمل کرنے کے بعد
اسے جوائن کر سکتے ہیں۔
Unit No. 10
Books are a source of comfort for us. They are a safe shelter. Throughout human history man has
found peace in the written works. Books are bridges-through their pages we make our contact with
society. Those who read more are better prepared to face the world than those who don't read.
کتابیں ہمارے لیے سکون کا ذریعہ ہیں۔ وہ ایک محفوظ پناہ گا ہیں۔ پوری انسانی تاریخ میں انسان
نے تحریر شدہ کاموں سے سکون پایا ہے۔ کتا ہیں پل ہیں ان کے صفحات کے ذریعے ہم معاشرے سے
اپنا رابطہ قائم رکھتے ہیں۔ جو لوگ زیادہ مطالعہ کرتے ہیں وہ دنیا کا مقابلہ کرنے کے لیے ان
لوگوں کی نسبت بہتر طور پر تیار رہتے ہیں جو مطالعہ نہیں کرتے۔
Unit No. 12
The alarming and incessant growth of population is causing serious economic problems in almost all
continents. Create pressure is being placed on arable land, water, energy and biological resources. As
the world population grows, the fo problem will become increasingly severe. The most vulnerable
will be population developing countries. The per capita availability of food grains has been declining
the past 25 years.
Unit No. 13
The third day dawned. The accusers and the surety were present at the Mosque the Holy Prophet
(S.A.W). They were waiting for the criminal. As time passed Sahabah (R.A) felt anxious for the fate
of Hazrat Abuzar Ghaffari ((R.A). When on an hour remained, both the accusers came forward and
demanded from Hazrat Abuzar Ghaffari (R.A) their man. (2 times)
دن طلوع ہوا۔ دعوی گزار اور ضامن مسجد نبوی میں موجود تھے۔ وہ مجرم کا انتظار کر رہے تھے۔ جیسے
جیسے وقت گزرتا گیا۔ صحابہ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہم حضرت ابو ذر غفاری رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کے انجام کے
بارے میں پریشان ہوتے رہے ۔ جب صرف ایک گھنٹہ باقی رہ گیا تو دونوں مدعیان آگے بڑھے اور حضرت ابوذر
غفاری رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ سے اپنا آدمی طلب کیا۔
Important Direct and Indirect
1 She said, “I am doing my home task now.” She said that she was doing her home task
2. He said, “I have returned the pen.” He said that he had returned the pen.
3. The master said to servant, “Go and fetch ma The master ordered the
a glass of water.” servant to go and fetch him a glass of water.
4. The teacher said, “Who is next on list?” The teacher asked who the next on the list
5. He said, “Alas! We have lost the match.” He exclaimed with sorrow that they had lost
the match.
6. She said, “May you prosper!” She prayed that I might prosper.
7. He said, “What a beautiful piece of art!” He exclaimed with wonder that it was a very
beautiful piece of art.
8. The master said to his servant, “Do not sit The master ordered his servant not to sit
here.” there.
9. Afshan said, “I am sewing mother’s shirt.” Afshan said that she was sewing mother’s
10. He said, “How well she sings!” He exclaimed with wonder that she sang
very well.
11. Roshan said, “Let us finish our work first.” Roshan suggested that they should finish
their work first.
12. He said to me, “What are you looking for?” He asked me what I was looking for.
13. She said to me, “Tell the truth.” She advised me to tell the truth.
14. They say, “We have done our duty.” They say that they have done their duty.
15. She said, “I like clouds in the sky”. She said that she liked clouds in the sky.
16. She said, “I do not agree with you”. She said that she did not agree with me.
17. The doctor said to the patient, “Take The doctor advised the patient to take
complete rest and follow my direction”. complete rest and follow his directions.
18. He said to her, “Please fetch me a glass of He requested her to fetch him a glass of
water”. water.
19. He said, “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” He asked if I was not ashamed of myself.
20. He said, “Hurrah! We have won the match”. He exclaimed with joy that they had won the
21. She said, “Would that my father were alive!” She wished that her father had been alive.
22. The father said to his son, “Get up early in The father advised his son to get up early in
the morning.” the morning.
23. He said, “Hurrah! I have won the prize.” He exclaimed with joy that he had won the
24. She said, “How clever you are!” She exclaimed with wonder that I was very
25. The doctor says, “The patient is still in a The doctors says that the patient is still in a
critical condition.” critical condition.
26. The doctor says, “The patient is still in a The doctors says that the patient is still in
state of comma.” the state of coma.
27. You will say, “She is cranky”. You will say that she is cranky.
28. The teacher said to us, “You have not The teacher told us that we had not
completed your drawing”. completed our drawing.
29. He said to his sister, “Please say something”. He requested his sister to say something.
30. She said to me, “Please lend me your camera She requested me to lend her my camera for
for a day”. a day.
31. The teacher said to pupil, “Read the The teacher ordered the pupil to read the
paragraph and explain it in Simple English”. paragraph and explain it in simple English.
32. She said to her teacher, “May you live long.” She prayed for her teacher that he might live
33. She said, “I am helping my mother in the She said that she was helping her mother in
kitchen”. the kitchen.
34. He tells his son, “Opportunity knocks but He tells his son that
one”. opportunity knocks but once.
35. He said, “The boys did not put up a good He said that boys had not put up a good
show last night.” show the previous night.
36. She said to me, “She sang a beautiful song at She told me that she had sung a beautiful
the concert yesterday.” song at the concert the previous day.
37. He said, “Alas! We cannot win the match.” He explained with sorrow that they could
not win the match.
38. She said, “What a beautiful piece of art!” She admired the art and commented that it
was beautiful.
39. You have said, “We have done our duty.” You have said that you have done yesterday.
40. He says, “I want to speak to you.” He says that he wants to speak to me.
41. She has said, “She is ready to accompany She has said that she is ready to accompany
us.” them.
تھا۔ وہ بہت.الہ دین چین کے شہر بیجنگ میں رہتا تھا۔ اس کا والد درزی کا کام کرتا
ہی تھا کہ اس کے والد کا انتقال ہو گیا۔ الہ.محنتی شخص تھا۔ الہ دین ابھی چھوٹا
دین اور اس کی والدہ نے بہت افالس کی زندگی گزاری۔ الہ دین بہت کاہل تھا۔ وہ
میں کھلتا اور کوئی کام نہیں کرتا تھا۔ البتہ وہ جسمانی طور پر.تمام دن گلیوں
اور طاقتور تھا۔
Allah Din lived in Beijing, a city in China. His father was a tailor. He was very hardworking. Allah
Din was still young when his father died. Allah Din and his mother spent their lives in abject
poverty. Allah Din was very sluggish. He played day long in the streets and did no work. However,
he was physically strong and powerful.
آدمی اپنی قسمت خود بناتا .ہے۔ اس کو چاہئے کہ محنت کرے اور لگن سے کام کرے تا کہ
وہ اپنی زندگی میں کامیاب ہو سکے۔ محنت اس دنیا کی سب سے بڑی حقیقت ہے جس
کو جھٹالیا نہیں جاسکتا۔ ہم ماضی میں نظر دوڑائیں تو معلوم ہو گا کہ جتنے بھی
عظیم آدمی گزرے ہیں سب نے محنت اور ہمت سے کام لیا اور اپنی قسمت سنواری۔ ابراہم
لنکن امریکہ .کا صدر گزرا ہے اگر ہم اس کی زندگی کا مطالعہ کریں تو معلوم .ہو گا کہ
وہ لکڑ ہارے کا بیٹا تھا۔ لیکن اس کو پڑھنے لکھنے کا شوق تھا۔
Man is the architect of his fate. He must work hard and do work with devotion so that he may
succeed in his life. Hard work is the greatest truth of the world which cannot be falsified. If we look
into our past, it will come to our knowledge that all the great men in the past worked hard, showed
courage and made their fate. Ibraham Lincoln had been the president of America. If we study his life,
we shall come to know that he was the son of a wood-cutter. But he was fond of studies.
یہ نوجوان قائد اعظم رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کو قتل کرنے کے ارادے سے آیا تھا۔ جب اس نے
دیکھا کہ کوئی آس پاس .نہیں ہے ۔ اس نے تیزی سے چاقو نکاال۔ وہ قائد اعظم رحمتہ
تعالی نے قائد اعظم رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کو بہت عقل اور
ٰ اللہ علیہ کی طرف لپکا۔ اللہ
حوصلہ عطا کیا تھا۔ انہوں نے اپنا لمبا باز و بڑھا کر قاتل کا ہاتھ .مضبوطی سے پکڑ لیا۔
انہوں نے اپنے پرائیوٹ سیکرٹری .کو آواز دی۔ مجرم کو گرفتار کر لیا گیا۔ تمام لوگوں نے
دیکھ لیا کہ قائد اعظم رحمتہ اللہ علیہ بہادر انسان .تھے۔
This young man had come with the intention to kill Quaid-e-Azam. When he saw that there was
nobody nearby, he quickly pulled out a knife. He leapt towards Quaid-e- Azam. Allah had blessed
Quaid-e-Azam with great wisdom and courage. He stretched out his long arm and caught the
murderer's hand firmly. He called to his private secretary. The criminal was arrested. All the people
saw that Quaid-e-Azam was a brave man.
میرے گھر کے سامنے ایک باغ ہے۔ اس میں بہت سے پودے .اور در خت ہیں۔ بہار کے موسم
میں کئی رنگ کے پھول کھلتے ہیں۔ ان کی خوشبو ارد گرد پھیل جاتی ہے۔ شام کو باغ
آدمیوں ،عورتوں اور بچوں .سے بھر جاتا ہے۔ لوگ ادھر ادھر پھرتے ہیں اور لطف اٹھاتے
میں دوڑتے ہیں۔ اب وہ یہاں ہیں اور دوسرے لمحے وہ باغ کے دوسرے .کونے ہیں۔ بچے باغ
میں ہیں۔ ہر شام میں بھی باغ میں سیر کے لیے جاتا ہوں بہت سے مالی بالغ کی دیکھ.
بھال کرتے ہیں۔
There is a garden in front of my house. It has many plants and trees. Flowers of different colours
bloom in the spring season. Their fragrance spreads around. The garden is filled with men, women
and children in the evening. People walk about and enjoy themselves. Children run in the garden.
Now they are here and the next moment they are in the other corner of the garden. I also go to this
garden for a walk daily in the evening. Many gardeners look after the garden.
اڑھائی سو سال سے زیادہ عرصہ گزرا ہے جرمنی کے ایک چھوٹے سے قصبے میں ایک لڑکا
رہتا تھا۔ اس کا نام چارج فریڈرک ہینڈل تھا۔ اس کا والد مشہور ڈاکٹر تھا۔ بوڑھے
ڈاکٹر نے ایک دن اپنے بیٹے سے کہا جارج تم بھی ایک دن شہرت پاؤ گے ۔
" میں نہ ڈاکٹر بنتا چاہتا ہوں،شاید تم بھی بڑے ڈاکٹر بنو گے یا جج ۔ جارج نے جواب دیا
نہ جج میں اپنی زندگی موسیقی کے لئے وقف کرنا چاہتا ہوں "۔ اور وہ واقعی ایک دن
بڑا موسیقار بن گیا۔
More than two hundred and fifty years ago, there lived a boy in a small town of Germany. His name
was George Fredrick Handle. His father was a famous doctor. One day, the old doctor said to his son,
"George, you will also earn name one day. You will probably become a great doctor or a judge".
George replied, "I want to become neither a doctor nor a judge. I want to devote my life to music".
And, one day, he really became a great musician.