Unit 3.2format of Balance Sheet

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The format of Balance Sheet is prescribed in Part I of Schedule III of the

Companies Act, 2013.

Name of the Company...

Particulars Note Figures as Figures as at
No. at the end the end of
of the the Previous
Current Reporting
Reporting Period
1. Shareholders' Funds
(a) Share Capital ----- -----
(b) Reserves and Surplus ----- -----
(c) Money Received against Share Warrants ----- -----
2. Share Application Money Pending ----- -----
3. Non-Current Liabilities
(a) Long-term Borrowings ----- -----
(b) Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) ----- -----
(c) Other Long-term Liabilities ----- -----
(d) Long-term Provisions ----- -----
4. Current Liabilities
(a) Short-term Borrowings ----- -----
(b) Trade Payables ----- -----
(c) Other Current Liabilities ----- -----
(d) Short-term Provisions ----- -----
Total ----- -----
1. Non-Current Assets
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment and
Intangible Assets:
----- -----
(i) Tangible Assets
----- -----
(ii) Intangible Assets
----- -----
(iii) Capital Work-in-Progress
----- -----
(iv) Intangible Assets under Development
----- -----
(b) Non-current Investments
----- -----
(c) Deferred Tax Assets (Net)
----- -----
(d) Long-term Loans and Advances
----- -----
(e) Other Non-current Assets
2. Current Assets
----- -----
(a) Current Investments
----- -----
(b) Inventories
----- -----
(c) Trade Receivables
----- -----
(d) Cash and Cash Equivalents
----- -----
(e) Short-term Loans and Advances
----- -----
(f) Other Current Assets
----- -----

1. Shareholders' Funds

(a) Share Capital

 Equity and Preference share capital

 Authorised capital, Issued capital, Called up, Fully Paid up, Not Fully Paid up

(b) Reserves and Surplus


 Capital Reserve
 Capital Redemption Reserve
 Securities Premium Reserve
 Debentures Redemption Reserve
 Revaluation Reserve
 Other Reserves

Surplus: Balance in Statement of Profit and Loss.

(c) Money Received against Share Warrants

A Share warrant gives the holder the right to purchase a company's share at a
specific price and at a specific date, but the holder is not obliged to do so.
2. Share Application Money Pending Allotment

Amount received by the company as shares application and against which the
company will certainly allot shares is shown against Share Application Money
Pending Allotment. This situation will arise only when the application money is
received before the Balance Sheet date and allotment is made after the
Balance Sheet date, i.e., 31st March of that year.

3. Non-Current Liabilities

(a) Long-term Borrowings

 Debentures
 Bonds
 Term Loans: (a) from Banks; and (b) Other Parties
 Public Deposits
 Other Loans and Advances

(b) Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net)

Every year Accounting Income is compared with Taxable Income and if the
difference between the two exists which is temporary in nature, income tax on
the difference amount is termed as deferred tax.

Deferred Tax Liability: Accounting Income > Taxable Income

Deferred Tax Asset: Accounting Income < Taxable Income

(c) Other Long-term Liabilities

 Trade Payables
 Premium on redemption of Debenture
 Others

(d) Long-term Provisions

Long term provisions are provisions against which liability will arise after 12
months of the date of balance sheet.

 Provision for Gratuity

 Provision for Earned Leave
 Provision for Employees Provident Fund

4. Current Liabilities

(a) Short-term Borrowings

 Loans repayable on demand

 Bank Overdraft or Cash Credit from banks
 Loans from other parties repayable within 12 months from the date of
 Other Loans and Advances

(b) Trade Payables

 Creditors
 Bills Payables

(c) Other Current Liabilities

 Income Received in Advance
 Outstanding Expenses
 Share Application Money (Refundable)
 Other Payables

(d) Short-term Provisions

 Provision for taxation

 Provision for dividend
 Provision for doubtful debts
 Provision for Expenses
 Provision for Contingencies

1. Non-Current Assets
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets
(b) Non-current Investments

 Investments in Property
 Investments in Equity Instruments
 Investments in Preference Shares
 Investments in Government or Trust Securities
 Investments in Debentures or Bonds
 Investments in Mutual Funds
 Other Non-current Investments.

(c) Deferred Tax Assets (Net)

Deferred Tax Asset: Accounting Income < Taxable Income

(d) Long-term Loans and Advances

 Capital Advances
 Security Deposits
 Other Loans and Advances

(e) Other Non-current Assets

 Long Term Trade Receivables

 Fictitious Assets
 Preliminary Expenses
 Discount on Issue of Debenture
 Others

2. Current Assets

(a) Current Investments

 Investments in Equity Instruments

 Investments in Preference Shares
 Investments in Government or Trust Securities
 Investments in Debentures or Bonds
 Investments in Mutual Funds
 Other current Investments.

(b) Inventories

 Raw Materials
 Work-in-Progress
 Finished Goods
 Stock-in-Trade
 Store and Spares
 Oil and Grease
 Loose Tools

(c) Trade Receivables

 Debtors
 Bills Receivables

(d) Cash and Cash Equivalents

 Balance with Banks

 Cash in Hand
 Others

(e) Short-term Loans and Advances

 Loans and Advances

 Others

(f) Other Current Assets

 Prepaid Expenses
 Accrued Income
 Dividend Receivable
 Advance Taxes
 Other Current Assets

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