Mi Eng30405 - 2024 - 04
Mi Eng30405 - 2024 - 04
Mi Eng30405 - 2024 - 04
Module Name: Engineering Innovation, Civilization and the Future of Humankind (To include “MC” after the
module name if this is a MI for MC)
This is a design module whereby a large part involves applying methodologies in creating and managing an
engineering project. Students are formed as teams and are taught the processes involved in developing a
prototype. As part of the module students will understand how engineering, science and economy are
related. Throughout this course, engineers will be enlightened with other side of historical developments of
engineering, which includes ethics as an important factor in engineering applications.
This module is aimed at grounding the engineering students in the tradition of engineering practices through
presenting engineers as civilization builders. The module also elucidates the role engineers play in addressing
the Grand Challenges of the 21st Century and equips students with the necessary thinking and practical skills
based on the Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate functional engineering system.
The teaching approach of this module is based on a guided learning approach where the students are
facilitated by the lecturer to achieve the outcomes of the module. This module is delivered by a combination
of face-to-face and online lectures/tutorials and also group discussions.
Half of the module assessments include project deliverables while the remaining half will include test and a
final exam. Project related deliverables include proposal, presentation, meeting minutes&team analysis and
prototype demonstration during the engineering fair. The prototype development will be based around a
microcontroller, typically the Arduino Uno.
Name(s) of academic staff teaching the module, module leader and staff email:
Staff teaching the module: Teh Aun Shih, [email protected]
Module leader: Teh Aun Shih, [email protected]
Year-level: 1
Semester Offered: January (Short) / March (Long) / August (Long) (Choose 1 or more, do not choose any for
Credit Value: 5
Co-requisite: Nil
Anti-requisite: Nil
Module offered as: Primary Major, Minor, Free Elective, Extension (Choose 1 or more, do not choose any for
Transferable Skills:
Upon successful completion of this module, student should be equipped with the following Taylor’s graduate
technical thought processes in tutorials to answer the questions. Students need to describe concepts
innovative engineering and to explain how certain concepts are relevant to varying scenarios.
Final Examination:
The examination questions consist of six structured questions where the
students need to use various concepts learned during lectures and
tutorials to answer the questions. Students need to demonstrate the
understanding of concepts closely related to project management.
Teaching and Learning Activities:
MLO2 is achieved after the completion of the test/exam. Students are evaluated based on the answer
given in the test/exam. Students need to be able to describe certain methodologies and demonstrate the
ability to apply concepts of topics learnt in the module to varying scenarios.
Test will be written test. Students are required to answer all questions of the tests in 1.5 hours.
This presentation involves a 10 min group presentation follow by Question-and-Answer (QnA) session of
individual group members.
The meeting minutes and team analysis is performed every session the group meets to discuss on the project.
Averagely a total of 8 meeting sessions is expected of each group.
There are SIX (6) Questions that would total up to 50 marks of the overall 100 marks of the examination
component. Students are required to answer ALL the questions given in this section.
The final examination will be based on materials covered during class lectures, tutorials and discussions. There
will be examination revisions from time to time and at the end of the semester that are useful in preparing for
the examination. Further information about the examination will be provided by the lecturer later. The exam
shall comprise of descriptive, application and structured questions.
Criteria Weightage Outstanding (9-10) Mastering (7-8) Developing (5-6) Beginning (0-4)
Apply CDIO 10 Comprehensive and well Comprehensively contain all the Contain all the relevant key Missing key points relevant to
engineering elaborated relevant key points relevant key points related to the points related to the project the project and not composed
pertaining to the project with project and also describes the and also describes the properly with unclear
methodology towards clear project objectives and project objectives and challenges project objectives and objectives. Project planning
understanding project necessary background but not composed very clearly. challenges but not does not follow proper CDIO
management. information. Project planning Project planning demonstrates composed very clearly. methodology.
clearly follows the CDIO some CDIO methodology with Project planning missing
methodology with relevant relevant components such as some CDIO methodology
components such as decision decision matrix, schematic and relevant components
matrix, schematic diagrams, diagrams, Gantt chart, flow chart. such as decision matrix,
Gantt chart, flow chart. schematic diagrams, Gantt
chart, flow chart.
Criteria Weightage Outstanding (9-10) Mastering (7-8) Developing (5-6) Beginning (0-4)
Communicate 20 Presentation is delivered Presentation is delivered fluently, Presentation is delivered Presentation not prepared
engineering problems fluently, comprehensively comprehensively covering clear fluently, comprehensively well. Poorly demonstrating the
covering clear description of description of prototype. covering clear description of prototype development and
using the knowledge of prototype. Prototyping process Prototyping process flow is prototype. Prototyping poor teamwork.
engineering flow is described well following described well following the CDIO process flow is described
methodology the CDIO methodology. methodology. Teamwork effort is well following the CDIO
Prototype demonstrates demonstrated. methodology.
innovative and creative
elements. Teamwork effort is
Criteria Weightage Outstanding (9-10) Mastering (7-8) Developing (5-6) Beginning (0-4)
Apply CDIO 5 Meeting minutes are Meeting minutes are presented Meeting minutes are Meeting minutes are
engineering presented clearly, adhere to clearly, adhere to the format, submitted with some submitted without using the
the format, show the details of shows the matter discussion, meeting details and adheres appropriate format. The Team
methodology towards the matter discussion, updated updated with the individual to format. The Team Analysis shows poor
understanding project progressively with the responsibility. The Team Analysis Analysis shows understanding about the team
management. individual responsibility. The shows clear understanding about understanding about the progression.
Team Analysis shows clear the team progression with team progression.
understanding about the team actions listed.
progression based on the
Tuckman stages and explain
action which had been taken
to overcome the issues.
Criteria Weightage Outstanding (9-10) Mastering (7-8) Developing (5-6) Beginning (0-4)
Apply CDIO 15 Concept(s) and/or hypothesis Concept(s) and/or hypothesis for Concept(s) and/or Concept(s) and/or hypothesis
engineering for the project are based on the project are based on sound hypothesis for the project for the project minimally
sound scientific principles that scientific principles that show are lacking in scientific present with no thought put
methodology towards demonstrate clearly critical critical thoughts put into aspects principles with little thought into aspects of
understanding project thoughts put into aspects of of technological feasibility, put into aspects of technological feasibility,
management. technological feasibility, economic viability, technological feasibility, economic viability,
economic viability, environmentally friendly and economic viability, environmentally friendly and
environmentally friendly and sustainable and legal with some environmentally friendly and sustainable and legal and
sustainable and legal with the minor errors in application of sustainable and legal with minimal application of thinking
logical selections of thinking thinking techniques from the little effort of thinking techniques from the Design
techniques from the Design Design Thinking processes. techniques from the Design Thinking processes.
Thinking processes. Thinking processes. Errors in
understanding of the
techniques are also clear.
Students are required to complete all assessments and attend the final exam.
A student who obtains marks between 40 – 49 % based on the overall assessments’ mark and overall
grade of D-, D or D+ after the initial final examination may be allowed for the resit examination;
approval to be ascertained by the Board of Examiners. The maximum grade awarded upon passing the
resit examination will be a grade C.
A student who obtains 39% and below for the overall assessments will result in failing the module.
Student Learning Time (SLT) per topic/week of the content outline (SLT mapping against MLO, Teaching & Learning Activities [Guided Learning F2F
(L,T,P,O), NF2F & Independent Student Learning Time]:
Guided Assessment
Guided Learning: Learning: Independent Assessment Tasks
Assessment Student
Date/ Face-to-Face Non Face-to- Student Tasks (Independent
Tasks Learning
Week Lecture, Tutorial Face Learning (Face-to- Student
(Online) Time (SLT)
Practical, Other Online Time Face) Learning
Learning Time)
Week 1 2 (2L + 0T) 6 5 13
• Outline on Project Management, Teamwork recorded Group
and Best Practices in Prototype Development lecture/Video Project
Week 2 4 (2L + 2T) 2 2 5 13
• Proposal writing and Gantt chart lecture/Video Methodology Project
Week 3 4 (2L + 2T) 2 2 2 4 14
recorded Project Arduino Group
• SWOT analysis
lecture/Video Methodology Programming Project
• Conducting Meetings
Week 4 4 (2L + 2T) 2 2 2 4 14
• CDIO Methodology
recorded Project Arduino Group
• Decision Matrix
lecture/Video Methodology Programming Project
• Tuckman’s Model
Week 5 4 (2L + 2T) 2 2 2 4 14
recorded Project Arduino Group
• The framework of Emotional Intelligence developed by
lecture/Video Methodology Programming Project
Daniel Goleman
Week 6 4 (2L + 2T) 2 3 4 13
• Coding of Arduino boards to be used in the project lecture/Video Methodology Preparation
Week 7 2 (0L + 2T) 2 2 1.5 5.5 13
• Coding of Passive and Active Devices lecture/Video Methodology Programming Preparation
Week 8 4 (2L + 2T) 2 2 2 4 14
recorded Project Arduino Group
• History of The World
lecture/Video Methodology Programming Project
• Industrial Revolution
Week 9 4 (2L + 2T) 2 2 2 4 14
3 10 13
TOTAL 50 (26L + 24T + 0P) 30 31 4.5 10 74.5 200