PB06FLe 02
PB06FLe 02
PB06FLe 02
Fire extinguishers with the extin- The extinguishing powder Euro- Wide range of application
guishing agent powder are ideal Troxin is used wherever different The ideal extinguishing agent for
for fighting initial fires of class A, burning substances are expected. gas fires
B and C. It reliably extinguishes fires of solid
Good extinguishing effect due to a
organic substances as well as fires
The extinguishing effect is based three-dimensional powder cloud
of liquid substances or substances
on the anticatalytical effect where Extremely strong extinguishing effect
becoming liquid and gas fires.
the powder particles interfere and due to the anticatalytical effect
stop the reaction process of the Typical ranges of application are:
combustion. In case of a glowing Good storing properties of the
- outside areas extinguishing agent
burning substance (fire classifica-
- vehicles, Easy handling due to standardised
tion A) the formation of a melting
- garages operation
layer causes an additional barrier
- car-parks
effect, which prevents the oxygen Armature with brass design guaran-
- multi-storey car-parks
supply. In addition re-inflamma- teeing strength and high resistance
- heating systems
tion is not possible. against corrosion
- chemical industry
- refineries Easy to proportion. The extinguishing
jet can be stopped at anytime
Recognised as safe for people,
animals and the environment
Extinguish agent cylinder made of
high-quality steel: inside phosphatized
1x, outside phosphatized 2x and pro-
tected, against corrosion with a strong
polyester resin coating
Protected against accidental
High operating safety
Easy to maintain
Operation and function
Screw cap
valve Locking screw
of CO2 cartridge
Tandem pipe
The place of employment regulation (like ASR137 1 Fire extinguishers must be checked, maintained and
and 2, point 6.1) recommends to provide fire extin- repaired in regular intervals by an authorised expert
guishers with the same operating armature in a com- (in Germany according to DIN 14406, Part 4.)
pany to avoid operating mistakes. Minimax provides
Fire extinguishers must be refilled immediately after
fire extinguishers with single-lever operation for all
use – even if not completely emptied – to guarantee
ranges of application and fire classifications, which
guarantee special safety.
Minimax Service stations take over all test and filling
The extinguisher is ready for operation after pulling
services. Ask your local agent.
the safety device. When operating the pressure lever,
the spindle is pressed onto the special sealing screw Suitable for up to 1000 volt observing a minimum
of the propellant cylinder, breaking off its sealing distance of 1 m
head. The propellant flows into the extinguisher
container, mixes with the extinguishing powder
and presses the powder via riser, powder hose and
nozzle to the outside, forming a cloud.
The extinguishing agent flow is interrupted when
releasing the pressure lever. Repeated operation Certificates*
of the pressure lever brings fires of solid substances
under control. Liquid and gas fires must be extin-
guished without an interruption.
Consider national approval details according to models. PB06FLe_02/ 12.02/ 5/10.04/HMB Printed in Germany
Technical data
Type Official Design Exting. Exting. Propellant Test Max. ope- Spraying Spraying Operating Fire classes / Rating* Dimensions Weight
approval agent agent gas pres- rating pressure time range tempe- Efficiency classifikation (LE)** Height Width Ø without
no. quantity sure at +60 °C rature wall bracket
kg bar approx. bar approx. s approx. m approx. °C mm mm mm approx. kg
PU 6in P1-1/99 PG 6 H 6 Euro- Carbon 28 15.9 25 8 -30 to 34 A 233 B ✓ 545 270 160 11.8
Troxin dioxide +60 10 LE 15 LE
PU 9in P1-2/99 PG 9 H 9 Euro- Carbon 28 18.2 31 8 -30 to 43 A 233 B ✓ 545 310 190 15.7
Troxin dioxide +60 12 LE 15 LE
PU 12in P1-3/99 PG 12 H 12 Euro- Carbon 28 19.5 44 8 -30 to 55 A 233 B ✓ 620 310 190 19.7
Troxin dioxide +60 15 LE 15 LE
*according to EN 3 ** according to ZH 1/201 The right is reserved to modify any specification without prior notice.
Germany Germany
Phone: +49 71 25 1 54-2 29 Phone: +49 45 31 8 03-0
Fax: +49 71 25 1 54-1 66 Fax: +49 45 31 8 03-2 48