330 IPR Group C
330 IPR Group C
330 IPR Group C
Group ID C
Topic Agriculture
Group Members:
I. Abstract
The increased demand for energy worldwide puts more dependence on traditional resources, which in
turn has increased pollution and climate change. Therefore, there is a dire need for urgency in
sustainable energy consumption. In as much as energy saving technologies and renewable options are
increasingly being advanced, a large proportion of people lack information on their energy use or the
tools to manage it. It allows the user to monitor, manage, and reduce his consumption in an ecofriendly
manner through the mobile application called EcoWatt.
EcoWatt is an intuitively designed Mobile application service for real-time energy monitoring and
responsible consumption. The target will be residential users and small business owners who will be
able to avail themselves of this app by mapping out a strategy to reduce carbon footprints through
simple strategies in managing energy. This shall include the creation of awareness about the
environmental impact of energy use, data driven efficiency recommendations, and assurance through
a community forum that experiences and successes can be shared.
It interfaces with smart home devices and API data for energy analytics, pricing, and weather to provide
users with informed decisions in an economical way. Certain features include real-time monitoring
with feedback through displays, personalized suggestions based on daily habits, and goalsetting
functions that allow the user to track their progress towards set goals to maintain motivation.
Additionally, interactive notifications remind users to switch off lights that are not in use or adjust the
temperature settings, updating information on best practices for energy efficient appliances and
renewable sources of energy. EcoWatt makes energy management an easy and rewarding feature of
daily life while creating a culture of sustainability and environmental responsibility.
II. Table of Contents
I. Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... 2
II. Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... 3
III. Introduction and Description of the Project .......................................................................... 4
IV. Problem Specification .............................................................................................................. 5
V. Solution outline............................................................................................................................. 7
VI. Key benefits .............................................................................................................................. 8
VII. Appendices .............................................................................................................................. 11
III. Introduction and Description of the Project
The selected industry on which this project is based is energy management. Energy is an essential
industry in tackling the increased demand for energy in a very complexly evolving environment of
environmental sustainability. With the increase in global energy consumption, there has been heavy
reliance on conventional energy sources to meet the demand, which has resulted in huge pollution,
increased greenhouse gas emission, and further deterioration of climate change issues. Most of the
small businesses and individuals either remain ignorant about their energy usage patterns or, in certain
cases, even lack the tools to manage and reduce consumption. This gap means that such a solution, if
availed, is greatly in need to empower users to monitor and optimize the use of energy in a sustainable
Because of this dire need, an innovative solution is to be developed: the EcoWatt mobile application.
This will be an easy way to monitor, manage, and reduce energy supply in real time. EcoWatt focuses
principally on making its clients gain clear insight into their consumption patterns and the socializing
of the user for sustainability. By embedding state-of-the-art functionalities like AI powered forecasting,
dynamic energy rate alerts, and community engagement tools.
From the design to the implementation of the EcoWatt app, it targets residential users and small
enterprises that have much need for effective methods of energy consumption management. The key
challenge to be addressed is the promotion of sensitivity toward energy use and rational decision
making by users in directions that will enhance sustainability. The idea is to monitor energy use in real
time, give personalized recommendations on the basis of each user's behavior, and create a platform
for community engagement where people can share experiences, tips, and successes related to energy
Through these strategic steps, EcoWatt intends to enable active participation by users in energy
reductions that will contribute toward a better future. The EcoWatt application covers not only the
current challenges in energy management through integrating technology with user engagement but
also fosters a cultural shift toward higher environmental responsibility. This project, therefore, stands
at the point of innovation, sustainability, and community with an intention to offer effective
intervention in energy management.
IV. Problem Specification
Various challenges characterize energy management in Sri Lanka; these mostly have to do with a heavy
reliance on imported fossil fuels. Fossil fuels comprised over half of the energy demand in 2019,
leaving Sri Lanka very vulnerable to changes in energy price and supply in the globe. These have
created severe economic impacts, including record fuel shortages and skyrocketing energy costs that
strain both households and industries.
In this context, Sri Lanka has actively pursued a number of alternative solutions that improve the
sustainability of energy. Solar, hydropower, and wind forms of renewable energy are increasingly
gaining importance in the country's energy mix, though they still represent a low share of total
consumption. In the direction of the low-carbon industrial future, government-organizations
collaboration, like the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, pursues a reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions through switching industries to renewable sources of energy and sets an
agenda for the reduction of industrial emissions by 7% in 2030.
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These gaps persist because of lesser awareness among consumers on the best practices of sustainable
energy, access to energy management technologies being inadequate, and lack of cooperation among
stakeholders for the uptake of renewable energy sources. The availability of incentives for wider
adaptation by companies towards greener alternatives has been deficient thus far, which has also
impacted the broader diffusion of energy efficiency solutions.
Stakeholders Involved
V. Solution outline
The EcoWatt mobile app is designed to be strategic for users in managing and reducing their energy
consumption through a robust suite of features that caters to the increasing demand for sustainable
energy living standards. Core among these functions in EcoWatt is real-time energy monitoring, where
through an intuitive user interface, users can gauge in real time the instantaneous patterns in their
energy usage. It provides intuitive graphs and metrics in a comprehensible form to the user, showing
peak usage times and trends. The system will thus be able to supply in-depth information such that
enlightened decisions may be made by the users themselves concerning their energy habits and leading
to a more efficient and responsible consumption.
Besides these basic functionalities, EcoWatt has integrated added innovative features that give it a
unique touch compared to the existing solutions on the market. Perhaps one of the most striking
features is the integration of social media into community involvement. This feature allows users to
share tips, best practices, and successful experiences in saving energy with their networks. By
providing an online support group through EcoWatt, it will foster collective participation in sustainable
behavior where all users inspire one another. This sense of community not only enhances user
experience but also amplifies the impact on the individual in conserving energy.
Besides that, EcoWatt applies game thinking in achievements and rewards for users while reaching
their aims in saving energy. Users receive points, badges, and recognition of achievements, turning the
process of energy conservation into an engaging and enjoyable activity. Besides being gamifying
through rewarding or encouraging measures, this creates a sustainable culture based on friendly
competition and collaboration among users. In addition, EcoWatt features an adaptive notification
system with context-aware reminders on changes in the weather or energy pricing in real time.
Probably the most distinctive feature of EcoWatt is the energy meter logger, which enables the user to
track and log their energy consumption data over time. It provides the user with a view of their
historical usage patterns for better insight into their energy habits and their continual improvement.
Putting these together, EcoWatt not only meets current energy management challenges but goes on to
create long-term sustainability through active user engagement and education. Therefore, EcoWatt
becomes an important tool for whoever intends to reduce carbon footprint emissions and get involved
with environmental sustainability.
VI. Key benefits
The EcoWatt mobile app has immense benefits for individual users, small business owners,
communities, and society in general. EcoWatt fosters sustainable energy consumption, hence
actionable insights to influence change in energy management and consumption, among other positive
Benefits to Stakeholders
Keeping such stakeholders in mind, the following is additional insight into key benefits provided by
EcoWatt in satisfying each constituent's needs:
Industrial Sector:
Availed by the facility of EcoWatt, companies are able to save on operational costs by using energy
efficiently, optimally consuming power, and reducing wastage. In industrial sustainability, EcoWatt
has so far provided a means of learning about energy distribution and demand at each turn, thereby
helping businesses make informed, intelligent decisions, reduce carbon footprints, and ensure
optimum compliance with global sustainability standards.
Residential Users:
Households will also benefit from the tailor-made energy insights provided by EcoWatt through their
ability to reduce electricity bills and save monthly. In turn, this allows residents to take effective control
of their energy use and behave in a more energy-conscious way, helping to improve the overall
household sustainability through real-time monitoring and value-added advice.
Technology Partners:
EcoWatt's platform offers developers and innovators in the fields of technology and energy
management unparalleled collaboration opportunities. Due to the partnership with such partners, the
EcoWatt platform will be empowered-advanced analytics, IoT connectivity, AI-driven insights at
unprecedented speed-to ensure that it is second to none in the energy management market.
Societal Impacts
1. Environmental Sustainability:
One of the fundamental impacts of EcoWatt involves its contribution to environmental sustainability.
It encourages people not to waste energy; thus, it contributes to reducing the amount of greenhouse
gas emissions. As this number goes up with users taking up more sustainable behaviors and habits, it
can lead to a significant reduction of carbon footprint and have a positive effect on fighting climate
change. Furthermore, the emphasis that this app places on renewable energy sources is something in
which global efforts should be participating to transition toward cleaner energy alternatives. 2.
Increased Awareness and Education: EcoWatt therefore becomes a source of learning whereby, through
articles, guides, and videos, users get to understand in depth the best practices of energy efficiency and
renewable energy
3. Economic Benefits:
By offering users a chance to save on their electricity bills through informed decision making, EcoWatt
provides an indirect economic benefit at both an individual and corporate level. These financial savings
accrued from reduced consumption of electricity can be reinvested elsewhere within the economy,
therefore stimulating growth and investment. As more users increasingly adopt energy saving
technologies and practices, the demand for green products and services will increase, hence new jobs
and job opportunities also arise in the renewable energy sector.
4. Social Responsibility and Community Engagement:
The EcoWatt application provides an effect of social responsibility among its users. People, along with
the contribution of saving energy, help others be comfortable in their societies and on the planet. This
will make the community closer and help to solve environmental problems at the local level more
effectively. The users learn from each other's successes and share; the sense of shared identity and
commitment to sustainability starts to develop. Summary of Benefits
In a nutshell, EcoWatt offers a wide array of benefits for all stakeholders involved: empowerment to
individual users and small businesses, nurturing community involvement, and assisting local
governments in pursuing their sustainability objectives. Realtime monitoring, customized suggestions,
and a community platform enable users to take the initiative in creating changes for financial savings
along with reduced carbon footprints.
Statista. (2024). Smart home - Energy Management - Sri Lanka. Available at:
https://www.statista.com/outlook/cmo/smart-home/energy-management/sri-lanka (Accessed: 2
November 2024).
ENERGY STAR. (2019). Smart Home Energy Management Systems. Available at:
https://www.energystar.gov/products/smart_home_energy_mgnt_systems (Accessed: 2 November
World Resources Institute, 2023. State of the World’s Forests 2023: Sustainability and resilience in
energy consumption. Washington, D.C.: WRI. Available at:
https://www.wri.org/research/stateworldsforests2023 [Accessed 2 Nov. 2024].
REN21, 2023. Renewables 2023 Global Status Report: Accelerating the transition to sustainable
energy. Paris: REN21. Available at: https://www.ren21.net/reports/globalstatusreport/ [Accessed 2
Nov. 2024].
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VII. Appendices
Workload matrix
Title page ✔
Abstract ✔
Table of contents ✔
Introduction and ✔ ✔
description of the
Problem ✔
Solution outline ✔
Key benefits ✔ ✔
References ✔
Appendices ✔
Meeting Agenda
Meeting I
This meeting held regarding the discussion of the group work held in Zoom on 18 th of October 2024
at 7.00 pm
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Meeting II
This meeting held regarding the discussion of the group work held in Zoom on 22 nd of October 2024
at 10.00 pm
Meeting III
This meeting held regarding the discussion of the group work held in Zoom on 26 th of October 2024
at 8.00 pm
Meeting IV
This meeting held regarding the discussion of the group work held in Zoom on 28 th of October 2024
at 7.00 pm
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Meeting V
This meeting held regarding the discussion of the group work held in Zoom on 01 st of November 2024
at 6.00 pm
Meeting VI
This meeting held regarding the discussion of the group work held in Zoom on 03rd of November 2024
at 4.00 pm
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