Deepika Final Report - CBS

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Assistant Professor Department of Information Technology


Submitted to Mumbai University

Mumbai College of Arts, Commerce & Science


This is to certify that the project entitled, “WEB BASED CARGO BOOKING SYSTEM” is bonafide
submitted is partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of BECHELOR OF SCIENCE
In INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY from University of Mumbai for AY 2024-25.

Project Guide Co-ordinator

Internal Examiner ExternalExaminer

Date : College Seal


PNR No: Roll No: 32038

1. Name of the Student:

2. Title of the Project: Web Based Cargo Booking System

3. Name of the Guide:

4. Teaching experience of the Guide: 9 Years

5. Is this your first submission?

Signature of the Student Signature of the Guide

Date: ………………… Date: …………………….

Signature of the Co-ordinator

Date: ……………

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It gives me happiness and dignity to present my project on the topic “WEB BASED

CARGO BOOKING SYSTEM”. Through this acknowledgement, I can appreciate all those
who had shown me the right path to pack and deliver this project with their wonderful ideas
and great experience of knowledge.

My project has consumed huge amount of work, research, and dedications. But this project
could not have been possible without the support of the individuals. It becomes essential to

appreciate and show my gratitude to all of them who gave their mere and sincere contribution in
completing my project.

I am very much grateful to my project guide “” and

“” for giving appropriate guidance, inspiration, motivation, and constructive suggestion

that helped me a lot in the full-fledged preparation of the project

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I hereby declare that that the project entitled “WEB BASED CARGO BOOKING SYSTEM”
done atMumbai College of Arts, Science and Commerce has not been in

any case duplicated to submit to any other university for the award of any degree. To the best of
my knowledge other than me, no one has submitted to any other university.

The project is done in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of


semester project as part of our curriculum.


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Cargo Booking System (CBS) is a web application. Cargo booking software will manage the
products of the Supplier (Admin) . This software will have Supplier (Admin) Login. This
product will allow the supplier to stay an eye on the goods that they Order. The Warehouse
Login will allow Software to simply accept goods, check details of the It calculates
weight and other different types of things in the cargo, and can make entry of it. The admin
has overall rights over the system and may moderate the process.

Cargo Booking System helps to manage all the required payments transactions, is carried out
online by inputting all your details. It will also refer to the logistic, materials and goods is the
end-to-end gambit, including customer support. All the data can be stored very easily with the
help of this Web application. This will be one of the interesting web applications to be
implement and use in the real world.

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Chapter No Chapter Name Page No
Chapter 1 Introduction 15-18
1.1 Background 15
1.2 Objectives 15
1.3 Purpose, Scope, and Applicability 16
1.3.1 Purpose 16
1.3.2 Scope 17
1.3.3 Applicability 17
1.4 Achievements 18
1.5 Organization of Report 18
Chapter 2 Survey Of Technologies 19-23
2.1 Visual Studio 19
2.2 JavaScript 20
2.3 MongoDB 20
2.4 Python 21
2.5 CSS 21
2.5.1 Why CSS? 22
2.6 HTML 22
2.6.1 Why HTML? 23
2.7 Node JS 23
Chapter 3 Requirement and Analysis 24-38
3.1 Problem Definitions 24
3.1.1 Existing System 24
3.1.2 Proposed System 25
3.2 Requirement Specifications 25
3.2.1 Functional Requirement 25
3.2.2 Non-Functional Requirement 26
3.3 Planning and Scheduling 27 GANTT Chart 27 PERT Chart 28

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3.4 Hardware and Software Specifications 29
3.4.1 Hardware Requirements 29
3.4.2 Software Requirements 29
3.5 Preliminary Product Description 29
3.5.1 User Interface 29
3.6 Conceptual Diagram 30
3.6.1 Entity Relationship Diagram 30-32
3.6.2 Data Flow Diagram 33 0th Level DFD 34 1st Level DFD 34 2nd Level DFD 35
3.6.3 Flow Chart 36 Flow Chart for Admin Login 36 Flow Chart for Customer Login 37
3.6.4 Class Diagram 38
Chapter 4 System Design 39-57
4.1 Basic Modules 39
4.1.1 Admin Module 39
4.1.2 User Module 39
4.2 Data Design 40
4.2.1 Data Integrity and Constraints 40 Admin Details 40 Customer Details 40 Payment Details 40
4.3 Procedural Design 41
4.3.1 Data Structure 41-42
4.3.2 Use-Case Diagram 44-45
4.3.3 Activity Diagram 46-48
4.3.4 Schema Design 49
4.4 Algorithm Design 50
4.3.1 Login Page 50
4.3.2 Registration Page 50

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4.3.3 Admin Login 51
4.3.4 User Login 51
4.5 User Interface Design 51
4.5.1 Login Page 52
4.5.2 Registration Page 53
4.5.3 Home Page 54
4.6 Security Design 55
4.6.1 Test Case Design 56
chapter 5 Implementation and Testing 58-67
5.1 Implementation Approaches 58
5.2 Coding Details and Coding Efficiency 59
5.2.1 Code Efficiency 59
5.3 Testing Approach 60
5.3.1 Unit Testing 60 Unit Testing 60
5.3.2 Integrated Testing 61 Integrated Testing 62
5.3.3 Beta Testing 63 Beta Testing 64
5.4 Modification and Improvement 65
5.5 Test Cases 66-67
Chapter 6 Results and Discussion 68-86
6.1 Test Case Report 68
6.1.1 Customer Login Page 68-69
6.1.2 Registration Page 70
6.1 3 Change Password Page 71-72
6.1.4 Transaction Page 73-74
6.1.5 Tracking Page 75
6.2 User Documentation 76
6.2.1 Home Page 76
6.2.2 Registration Page 77
6.2.3 Customer Login Page 78 Forgot Password Page 78

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6.2.4 Admin Login Page 79
6.2.5 Customer Dashboard 80 User Profile Page 80 Book Cargo Page 81 Transaction Page 81 Orders Page 82 Tracking Page 82
6.2.6 Admin Dashboard 83 Users Details Page 83 Product Details Page 84 Payment Details Page 84 Total Locations Page 85 Total Category Page 85 Update Price Page 86
Chapter 7 Conclusions 87-89
7.1 Conclusions 87
7.1.1 Significance of the System 87
7.2 Limitations of the Project 87
7.3 Future Scope 88
References 88-90

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List of the Tables
Table no. Tables Name Page no. Entity Relationship 31 Data Flow Diagram 33 Admin Details 40 Customer Details 40 Payments Details 41 Use Case Diagram 44 Activity Diagram 46 Test Case Design 57 Requirement Phase 58 Planning Phase 58 Analysis Phase 58 Designing Phase 58 Coding Phase 59 Implementation Phase 59 Testing Phase 59

5.5.1 Test Case 67-68

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Table of Diagrams
Fig no. Fig Name Page no. GANTT Chart 27 PERT Chart 28 Entity Relationship Diagram 32 0th Level DFD Diagram 34 1st Level DFD Diagram 34 2nd Level DFD Diagram 34 Flow Chart for Admin 36 Flow Chart for Member 37 Class Diagram 38 Tree Diagram 43 Use Case Diagram 45 Activity Diagram for Admin 47 Activity Diagram for User 48 Schema Diagram 49 Login Page 52 Registration Page 53 Home Page 54 Unit Testing 60 Unit Testing 60

5..3.1.3 Unit Testing 61 Unit testing 61

Page 12 of 90 Integration Testing 62 Integration Testing 62 Integration Testing 63 Beta Testing 63 Beta Testing 64 Beta Testing 64 Beta Testing 65

5.4.1 Modifications and Improvement 65

5.4.2 Modifications and Improvement 66 Customer Login Page 68 Customer Login Page 69 Customer Login Page 69 Customer Login Page 70 Registration Page 70 Registration Page 71 Registration Page 71 Change Password Page 72 Change Password Page 72 Change Password Page 73 Transaction Page 73 Transaction Page 74 Transaction Page 74 Tracking Page 75 Tracking Page 75

Page 13 of 90 Home Page 76 Home Page 76 Home Page 77 Registration Page 77 Customer Login Page 78 Forgot Password Page 78 Forgot Password Page 79 Admin Page 79 Customer Dashboard Page 80 User Profile Page 80 Book Cargo Page 81 Transaction Page 81 Orders Page 82 Tracking Page 82 Admin Dashboard Page 83 User Details Page 83 Product Details Page 84 Payment Details Page 84 Total Locations Page 85 Total Category Page 85 Update Price Page 86

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1.1 Background

Courier Management System is that the Easiest solution for courier and cargo Tracking
Business, but thanks to the concern of making it compatible with many browsers and
systems, its interface has become a touch impaired and the system was developed by solving
the deficiency. It comes with all functionality of the first courier information system, but with
an interface that's much more friendly for the supervisor. most corporate body requires goods
to be moved or distributed from one location to another, be it raw materials or manufactured

Also, in day-to-day activities there arises the necessity to move assets from one location to
another by air, land or sea. The destination for these goods ranges from states, countries and
continents and should take hours, days, weeks or maybe months to reach. This observable
fact brought the necessity for owners to monitor the progress of their goods along the
distribution network.

Today, most logistics services providing company see tracking as a crucial tool for improving
customer service and it is known standard in most of these companies, there's no denying the
fact that tracking has come to stay and will continue to play role in proper and transparent
service delivery.

1.2 Objectives

The objectives of this study are to style and develop an implementable system to achieve
among others the follow:

• To automate all activities of cargo tracking in courier management.

• Designing a system to eliminate the present manual system if filling, file retrieval
problem and file processing and delivery of progress details to clients.
• Inflow and outflow cargo shipment report.
• Calculation of no. of parcel, pickup into different location.
• Booking, Delivering, Forwarding shipment details.

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• Records cargo events from source to destination.
• It will manage account and payment report.
• It will manage different Locations.
• To determine the extent to which a web cargo tracking system will help both
management and clients.
• It has many functionalities to manage your Cargo company easily.
• Simple and easy to use solution for your customers to search, compare rates and given
you an online Cargo Bookings, and for your sales team search, compares rates,
prepare quotes and send to your customer’s and get online quote approvals.

1.3 Purpose and Scope and Applicability

1.3.1 Purpose

Nowadays, system of the transportation uses the manual system where we need to fill all
records in a file from the system users to the technical writers. This work is handled by staff
to fill all the transport reservation form with handwriting. It is completely secured system and
works with cloud server. This will give difficult to find file when the same customer come to
book transport again.

Cargo Booking System (CBS) is a system to effectively manage information about cargo
order and manages the transportation system for other communities such as shift order,
reorder, track cargo and dispatch order etc. Customer also can see types of transport that can
be booked with faster and make the choice of the transport. Customer does not need to
register many times because the profile customer has been saved into database. This system
focuses as a reservation form and latest information about the transport availability.

The existing system Cargo Booking System has been thoroughly studied and surveyed the
different business organization.

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1.3.2 Scope

Our challenges are to style Web application using the design thinking approach incorporating
the different Plug-in. This website will gather both interested party (superior and admin) at
one place and connect them to every other.

The system is going to be designed to provide a complete version of the Cargo Booking
System in all over the world. The system will help to manage the shipment import export
module and also manage loading and unloading shipment details. The system will have a
supervisor-friendly graphical interface and can be more cost effective compared to the current
Cargo Booking System. This is often a nice enhancement in the web service field. From the
booking of shipment to its final delivery this Web Application lets you clear all the hurdles in

This Cargo ‘end-to-end’ solution is a prime choice for all the entities involved in cargo
processing and management. With integrations to facilitate support, door-to-door support,
space and stock management, report management and many more operations, this solution
lets you go above beyond just overseeing the entire cargo management process.

1.3.3 Applicability

• It will facilitate the management of the Invoice.

• The employee can receive Order details.
• The components of this project are collection, manipulation and dissemination of the
• The activities could be inputting and processing the data, storing the data, information
and production of the outputs.
• Employees’ data will be entered online and stored in the systems in the database of
• The data can be access from the central database to other location.

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1.4 Achievements

The Main achievement is to design and develop a web application which facilities the
supervisors to manage their cargo order. In this way, supervisor can accept order, dispatch
order, and create gate pass. The application has a simple and initiative supervisor interface
and work flows. We must develop a Cargo Booking System. It will have good UI so that
company and supervisor may easily Interact with each other. The project deals with courier
management. The system is used for daily activities such as booking, non-delivery, out
return, company details, and pickup centre.

The key factors that determine success in the cardo business are the availability of the fastest
shipping mode and the capability to deliver almost anywhere with reliability. Modern
transportation technology and automated processes are increasingly turning out to be key
differentiators for achieving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. The cargo
company has gradually become more competitive against other modes of transportation in
recent years.

1.5 Organization of Report

Chapter 1: This chapter summarize the motive idea and use of the project.

Chapter 2: A brief overview about all the important modules used in the system.

Chapter 3: Includes the need to make the project along with the planning phase.

Chapter 4: Describes the basic connectivity of the modules.

Chapter 5: Contains the code of the system along with different types of tests carried out.

Chapter 6: Shows the results of the tests carried out.

Chapter 7: Contains the summary of the project, its limitations and scope in the future.

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This chapter provides the detailed background of the research of the project conducted and
discussion which are made on all the technology used in this project.

A technological check is a system of gathering perceptivity on software, tools, and applicable

tech chops in a particular environment. Technology checks have a broad range from being
used to find out how tech- expertise your target followership is to conducting request
exploration and collecting product feedback.

2.1 Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a source-code editor that can be used with a variety of programming
languages, including C, C#, C++, Fortran, Go, Java, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, Rust. It is
based on the Electron framework,[20] which is used to develop Node.js web applications that
run on the Blink layout engine. Visual Studio Code employs the same editor component
(codenamed "Monaco") used in Azure DevOps (formerly called Visual Studio Online and
9Visual Studio Team Services).

Out of the box, Visual Studio Code includes basic support for most common programming
languages. This basic support includes syntax highlighting, bracket matching, code folding,
and configurable snippets. Visual Studio Code also ships with IntelliSense for JavaScript,
TypeScript, JSON, CSS, and HTML, as well as debugging support for Node.js. Support for
additional languages can be provided by freely available extensions on the VS Code

Instead of a project system, it allows users to open one or more directories, which can then be
saved in workspaces for future reuse. This allows it to operate as a language-agnostic code
editor for any language. It supports many programming languages and a set of features that
differs per language. Unwanted files and folders can be excluded from the project tree via the
settings. Many Visual Studio Code features are not exposed through menus or the user
interface but can be accessed via the command palette.

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JavaScript is an open-source programming language. It is designed for creating web-centric

applications. It is lightweight and interpreted, which makes it much faster than other
languages. JavaScript is integrated with HTML, which makes it easier to implement
JavaScript in web applications.

JavaScript is a high-level, often just-in-time compiled language that conforms to the

ECMAScript standard. It has dynamic typing, prototype-based object orientation first-class
functions. It is multi-paradigm, supporting event-driven, functional, and imperative
programming styles. It has application programming interfaces (APIs) for working with text,
dates, regular expressions, standard data structures, and the Document Object Model (DOM).

JavaScript engines were originally used only in web browsers, but are now core components
of some servers and a variety of applications. The most popular runtime system for this usage
is Node.js.

Although Java and JavaScript are similar in name, syntax, and respective standard libraries,
the two languages are distinct and differ greatly in design


MongoDB stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, meaning fields can vary from
document to document, and data structure can be changed over time.

The document model maps to the objects in your application code, making data easy to work
with Ad hoc queries, indexing, and real-time aggregation provide powerful ways to access
and analyse your data

MongoDB is a distributed database at its core, so high availability, horizontal scaling, and
geographic distribution are easy to use

MongoDB is free to use. Versions released prior to October 16, 2018, are published under the
AGPL. All versions released after October 16, 2018, including patch fixes for prior versions,
are published under the Server-Side Public License (SSPL) v1.

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2.4 Python

Python may be a high- position, general- purpose programing language. Its design gospel
emphasizes law readability with the utilization of significant indentation.

Python is dynamically-typed and garbage-collected. It supports Various programming

paradigms, including structured (particularly procedural), object-oriented and functional
programming. it's often described as a "batteries included" language because of its
comprehensive standard library.

Python continuously ranks as one of the most popular and developing programming

Python does not support tail call optimization or first-class continuations, and, consistent with
van Rossum, it never will. However, it helps to support for coroutine-like functionality is
provided by extending Python's generators. From Python 2.5 on, it's possible to pass data
back into a generator function; and from version 3.3, it often passed through multiple stack

2.5 CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) may be a style sheet language used for describing the
presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML or XML (including
XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS may be a cornerstone technology of
the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and Java Script. The name cascading comes from the
required priority scheme to determine which style rule applies if more than one rule matches
a particular element. This cascading priority scheme is predictable.

Separation of formatting and content also makes it feasible to present the same markup page
in different styles for different rendering methods, such as on-screen, in print, by voice (via
speech-based browser or screen reader), and on Braille-based tactile devices. CSS also has
rules for alternate formatting if the content is accessed on a mobile device.

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2.5.1 Why CSS?

CSS is meant to enable the separation of presentation and content, including layout, colors,
and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility; provide more flexibility and
control within the specification of presentation characteristics; enable multiple web pages to
share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate CSS file, which reduces
complexity and repetition within the structural content; and enable the CSS file to be cached
to enhance the page load speed between the pages that share the file and its formatting.

2.6 HTML

The Hyper Text terminology or HTML is the standard markup language for documents
designed to be displayed in a web browser. It often assisted by technologies such as
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript.

Web browsers receive HTML documents from an internet server or from local storage and
render the documents into multimedia web pages. HTML describes the structure of an
internet page semantically and originally included cues for the appearance of the document.

HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages. With HTML
constructs, images and other objects such as interactive forms may be embedded into the
rendered page. HTML provides a means to create structured documents by denoting
structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes, and other items.
HTML elements are delineated by tags, written using angle brackets. Browsers do not display
the HTML tags but use them to interpret the content of the page.

HTML can embed programs written in a scripting language such as JavaScript, which affects
the behaviour and content of web pages. The inclusion of CSS defines the look and layout of
content. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), former maintainer of the HTML and
current maintainer of the CSS standards, has encouraged the use of CSS over explicit
presentational HTML since 1997.[2] A form of HTML, known as HTML5, is used to display
video and audio, primarily using the <Canvas> element, together with JavaScript.

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2.6.1 Why HTML?

HTML provides a way to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for
text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. HTML elements are
used by tags, written using angle brackets. Other tags like surround and provide information
about document text and may include other tags as sub-elements. Browsers don't display the
HTML tags but use them to interpret the content of the page.

2.7 Node JS

Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source server environment that can run

on Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, and more. Node.js is a back-end JavaScript runtime
environment, runs on the V8 JavaScript Engine, and executes JavaScript code outside a web

Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side
scripting. The ability to run JavaScript code on the server is often used to generate dynamic
web page content before the page is sent to the user's web browser. Consequently, Node.js
represents a "JavaScript everywhere" paradigm,[6] unifying web-application development
around a single programming language, as opposed to using different languages for the
server- versus client-side programming.

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In this chapter, I have discussed the overview and explanation of the sections of prototype.
How can I implement the Requirements and Analysis of the project in the running application
form. Every section is discussed with the list of variable requirements and analysis. In the last
section the conceptual diagrams have been discussed.

3.1 Problem Definitions

Transporting things from one place to a special may be a very important aspect of our life. It
makes it easy to migrate and make things available to the places where the items are not
available. But the matter is how we do it.

The ships are very best means of transport for distance transport. because the transport of
things like heavy machinery, military weapons, and other tools which are in bulk and need to
transport to another country which will cost much more than this ship transport.

3.1.1 Existing System

So here we come up with a system with the feature from where one that needs to transport the
material will be registered and the other person whose ship is that will be registered. Here
they're going to have the option of requesting the shipment of the product to the particular
country as available ships in the interface by the users. The ship-owner approves the request.

As he got the approval he moves to payment after payment they will send their material and
after loading the material will be shipped to the other country’s place where they can export
the material and get the shipment complete through this cargo system. This is often a nice
enhancement in the web service field. From the booking of shipment to its final delivery this
Web Application lets you clear all the hurdles in logistics. The destination for these goods
ranges from states, countries and continents and should take hours, days, weeks or
maybe months to reach. This observable fact brought the necessity for owners to monitor the
progress of their goods along the distribution network.

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3.1.2 Proposed System

To automate all activities of cargo tracking in courier management

• Designing a system to eliminate the current manual system of filing, file retrieval
problems, and file processing and delivery of progress details to clients.
• Records all cargo events from source to destination.
• To determine the extent to which an online cargo tracking system will help both
management and clients.

3.2 Requirement Specifications

The Requirements for Online Cargo Booking System:

3.2.1 Functional Requirement

• The system must have a login process for administrator and authorized users to
avoid unauthorized access to the software.
• The system shall allow making Orders.
• The system shall allow the admin to display the present tracking information about
the order.
• It will manage account and payment report.
• It will manage different Locations.
• The system shall allow user to check the order information for tracking.
• The destination for these goods ranges from states that should take hours, days,
weeks to reach.
• It shall ask the user to enter the details like Product details.
• The system shall allow View Order.
• The system shall allow cancel Order.
• The system shall allow to Show Invoice and proceed to pay.

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3.2.2 Non-Functional Requirement

In software system engineering software requirement that describes not what the software
will do, but how the software will do it, for example, software performance requirements,
software external interface requirements, software design constraints, and software quality

Non-Functional Requirements are difficult to test therefore they are usually evaluated

Some Non-Functional Requirements are listed below.

• Performance: The performance measures are quantitative indicators that have to be

put in specific places to track the progress which is made in the organization.

• Usability: Usability is a measure of how well a specific user in a specific context can
use a product/design to achieve a defined goal effectively, efficiently and

• Employee friendly: An employee-friendly workplace is one that places a priority on

making employees happy at work. A workforce with a high level of job satisfaction
can affect productivity, customer satisfaction, and overall profitability.

• Maintainability: Maintainability is an important factor in the total cost of equipment.

An increase in maintainability can lead to reduction in operation and support costs.
For example, a more maintainable product lowers maintenance time and operating
• Flexibility: Project Flexibility refers to a project’s ability to vary its output in a cost-
effective manner within its lifecycle or a given time-frame. It is a qualitative
characteristic that determines how fast the project is able to adapt to variances and
changes happening within the project environment.

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3.3 Planning and Scheduling

After selecting the Cargo Booking Software as a final project, we keep on discussion about

its origin. We made a planning as system planning and scheduling as a system scheduling in
which we briefly discussed the matter that contains project aims, objectives, scope.

Requirements. We select the proper development environment and its tools after a huge

3.3.1 GANTT Chart

A GANTT chart, commonly used in project management, is one of the most popular and useful
ways of showing activities (tasks or events) displayed against time. On the left of the

chart is a list of the activities and along the top is a suitable time scale. Each activity is
represented by a bar; the position and length of the bar reflects the start date, duration and end
date of the activity.

Fig GANTT Chart

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3.3.2 PERT Chart

Requirement Gathering
Start:28-06-2022 ID:01

End:15-07-2022 Duration:18

Start:17-07-2022 ID:02

End:29-07-2022 Duration:13

Start:01-08-2022 ID:03

End:20-08-2022 Duration:20

Start:26-08-2022 ID:04

End:20-09-2022 Duration:26

End: 12-01-2023 Duration:105

End: 25-02-2023 Duration:40s

Start:26-02-2023 ID:07

End: 29-03-2023 Duration:35

Fig Pert Chart

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3.4 Hardware and Software Specifications

Hardware requires software to run correctly. Without the right hardware, your software might
not run efficiently or at all. it is important to consider both when making decisions about your
IT systems, as this will affect the way you work, your productivity and your business' bottom

There are two types of requirements are as follows:

3.4.1 Hardware Requirements

• Processor – Dual Core
• Hard Disk – 100 GB
• Memory – 8GB RAM
3.4.2 Software Requirements
• Windows XP Windows 10
• Mongo DB Atlas
• Visual studio code

3.5 Preliminary Product Description

The Product is made of a combination of modules that work in collaboration with each other
and make it beneficial to accomplish the main aim of the system.

3.5.1 User Interface

Registration: Users’ information has got to be registered within the system thus on establish
every one of them unambiguously and do the required group action as simple potential. On
the far side, this many things require measure there wherever we will reference him.

Log in: After registration users will log within the system because the operator of the system
either on the behalf of the user. when this he has the other helpful interfaces accessible for
any actions. Here users need to log in with their unique identity and passwords. After this,
they're going to be directed to the main user interface from where they have further options.

Ship: The shipping module is controlled by the ship owner he can give the small print of all
the components of the ship like the no. of the ship, name given thereto it’s the basis of going
sourced destination all. it's mandatory to give precise data as one needs to recognize it clearly

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and confidently. the small print legitimate to the owner and shared with other modules to
recognize it and book it.

Ship owner: The Shipowner is registered during this system with a different entity with its
attributes like name, ship ownership, number details, and get in touch with info so that
everyone can easily go for it.

Shipping: The main detail after checking and combining all the entities for final sending for
the shipment is on this interface. here we've all the references for the ship, owner, user who
wants the shipment, time, source destination, item, quantity, and few lines of the outline
which make it easy to reference the final confirmation.

Item: the fabric which is needs to be feed into this system to recognize everything properly
and verify it. it should mention that what proportion weight size and name and description too
will be in bold and blue so that one can ship it without a second thought.

Admin: Admin has the official powers to regulate the flow of the data from one part of the
system to the other. He has the facility to manipulate the access of the users to the data.

Track order: The system shall allow user to trace cargo from one warehouse to another.

View order: The system shall allow view order.

3.6 Conceptual Diagrams

A Conceptual diagram is a visual representation of how a system works. These diagrams are
used to describe the system in a specific manner. It helps to make our task easier and to
understand the data of the application.

3.6.1 Entity Relationship Diagram

An Entity-relationship model describes interrelated things of interest in a specific domain of

knowledge. A basic ER model is composed of entity types and specifies that can exist
between entities.

It is a standard way of modelling databases and business processes. An ERD will also often
visualize the attributes of these entities. By defining the entities, their attributes, and showing the
relationships between them, an ER diagram can illustrate the logical structure of databases.

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Notations for ER Diagram:

Symbol Description
Rectangles, which represents entity sets.

Double rectangles, represent weak entity


Ellipse, which represent attributes.

Primary Key.

Diamonds, represent relationship sets.

Lines, which link attributes to entity sets

and entity sets to relationship sets

Double lines, which total participation of an

entity in a relationship set.
Many to many relationships.

Many to one relationship.

One to many relationships.

One to one relationship

Table Notations for ER Diagram

Page 31 of 90 Entity Relationship Diagram:

Fig Entity Relationship Diagram

Page 32 of 90
3.6.2 Data Flow Diagram

DFD is Data flow diagram. It shows the flow of data between the system and Employee.
Employee requests for the information and system provides the required data.

A data-flow diagram is a way of representing a flow of data through a process or a

system (usually an information system). A data-flow diagram has no control flow — there are
no decision rules and no loops.

Data Flow Diagram represent detailed and well explained diagram of system components.
It is used as the part of system documentation file.


Symbol Description
A Data Flow is represented by a line, with
arrowheads showing the direction of flow.

A process shows a transformation or

manipulation of data flows within the

An external entity is source or destination of

a data flow which is outside the area of


Table Data Flow Diagram

Page 33 of 90 0th Level DFD

Fig 0th Level DFD 1st Level DFD

Fig3. 1st Level DFD

Page 34 of 90 2nd Level DFD

Fig 2nd Level DFD

Fig 2nd Level DFD

Page 35 of 90
3.6.3 Flow Chart

A flowchart is a visual representation in terms of representing data using symbols. It is better

approached by designing it in a diagrammatic approach for its easy behaviour and

With the help of this diagrammatic approach, a flowchart shows the overall model of a
particular problem and finds the solution using the right approach. It is used in analysing and
designing a program or a process in many sectors. Flow Chart for Admin Login

Fig Flow Chart for Admin Login

Page 36 of 90 Flow chart for Customer Login

Fig Flow chart for Customer Login

Page 37 of 90
3.6.4 Class Diagram

A Class Diagram is the Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a type of static structure
Diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system’s classes, their
attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among the classes. Class Diagram is
the blueprints of your system or subsystem. This shows the relation and their properties and
methods. It is the main building block of object-oriented modelling. It is used for general
conceptual model ling of the structure of the application, and for detailed modelling.

Fig Class Diagram

Page 38 of 90


4.1 Basic Modules

There are 2 main modules with the sub modules as follows:

4.1.1 Admin Module

The Project Admin module allows project administrators to manage project members,
companies, services and can edit the project profile. After an account administrator creates a
project, they are going to add one or more project administrators to handle the administrative
responsibilities for the project.

• The project administrators can:

• Add Different Locations.
• Add Different Product Items.
• Update Product Price as per weight.
• View all User details related to the product.

4.1.2 User Module

The user module allows users to register, log in, and log out. Users benefit from being able to
sign on because this associates content they create with their account and allows various
permissions to be set for their roles.

Users can use their own name or handle and can fine tune some personal configuration
settings through their individual my account page. Registered users need to authenticate by
supplying their username and password, or alternately an Open ID login.

Each user is assigned one or more roles. By default, there are three roles: anonymous (a user
who has not logged in) and authenticated (a user who is registered), and administrator (a
signed in user who will be assigned site administrator permissions).

Page 39 of 90
4.2 Data Design

Data design is the first design activity, which results in less complex, modular and efficient
program structure. The information domain model developed during analysis phase is
transformed into data structures needed for implementing the software. The data objects,
attributes, and relationships depicted in entity relationship diagrams and the information
stored in data dictionary provide a base for data design activity.

The structure of data can be viewed at three levels, namely, program component level,
application level, and business level.

4.2.1 Data Integrity and Constraints Admin Details Fields Datatypes Size Constraints

1 Name Varchar 25 Not Null
2 Email Varchar 25 Primary key, Not Null
3 Password Varchar 20 Not Null

Table Admin Details Customer Details

Sr no Fields Datatypes Size Constraints

1 Customer Name Varchar 20 Not Null
2 Email ID Varchar 20 Not Null
3 Phone Number Int 10 Not Null
4 No. of Products Varchar 30 Not Null
5 Source Varchar 20 Not Null
6 Destination Varchar 10 Not Null

Table Customer Details

Page 40 of 90 Payment Details

Sr no Fields Datatype Size Constraints

1 Payment Date Int - Not Null
2 Amount Int - Not Null
3 Discount Int - Not Null
4 Total amount Int - Not Null
5 Invoice Int - Not Null

Table Details

4.3 Procedural Design

Procedural design is used to model programs that have an obvious flow of data from input to

It represents the architecture of a program as a set of interacting processes that pass data from
one to another. Procedural design is also called component design. It is completely based on
process and control specifications.

The “state transition diagram” of the requirements analysis model is also used in component
design. Component design is usually done after user interface design. The component-level
design depicts the software at a level of abstraction that is very close to the code.

At the component level, the software engineer must represent data structures, interfaces, and
algorithms in sufficient detail to guide the generation of programming language source code.

4.3.1 Data Structure

Data Structure is nothing but the way to organize a data in logical way so that it can be used
efficiently. The arrangement of data is known as data structure. This is the way of storing and
organizing data in the computer so that it can be used efficiently. The data Structure works on
the main memory. To access any data in data structure we need to use some set of operations.
This allows us to do perform various operations on data which make it efficient that is in less
time, space and memory.

Page 41 of 90
Commonly used Data Structures are:


An array is a linear collection of same data types. The structure of the array can be imagined
as a single continuous memory location. It is initialized by single name. Individual element
can be accessed by index number of that is better and convenient way of storing
the data of same datatypes. It is simple and easy to implement. It does not allocate extra
memory for its elements.


A Stack is a linear data structure that can be represented in the real world in the form of
physical stack or pipe. The elements in the stacks are added or removed only from the
topmost position that is it works on LIFO positions. A stack can be implemented using array
and linked lists.


It is a linear data structure which has two references front and rear. A queue is a data type in
which the elements are ordered based on the principal that a new element is inserted after rear
and element of queue is deleted which is at front.

Linked Lists:

Linked list is a linear data structure which stores the elements in a node in a linear fashion but
not necessarily contiguous. The individual element of the linked list is called as node. Node
comprises of two parts: Data and Next. It is used to maintain a waiting list of
orders/processes according to their arrival if the processor is busy.


A Tree data structure consists of collection of nodes. The arrangement of nodes is in such a
way that it resembles to a family tree. It is a data structure in which nodes is connected by
edges with its subtrees. Subtrees can in turn have their own subtrees.

Page 42 of 90 Tree Diagram


Admin User

Login Update Login Register

Input Details

View Order View Payment

Update Price Add Items Delete Details Add Locations

Cancel Order
Book Book Cargo Track Order View Order

Do Payment

Fig Tree Diagram

Page 43 of 90
4.3.2 Use Case Diagram

The details of use cases of our project “Cargo Booking System”. This use case diagram has
different use case which the actor supervisor performance Admin manages it. This System
shows all interactions of the supervisor Cargo Booking System.

Notations for Use Case Diagram:

Symbol Description


Use Case

Solid Line

Fig Notations for Use Case Diagram

Page 44 of 90 Use Case Diagram

Fig Use Case Diagram

Page 45 of 90
4.3.3 Activity Diagram

Activity diagram is another important behavioural diagram in UML diagram to describe

dynamic aspects of the system. Activity diagram is essentially an advanced version of flow
chart that modelling the flow from one activity to another activity.

Activity Diagrams describe how activities are coordinated to provide a service which can
be at different levels of abstraction. Typically, an event needs to be achieved by some
operations, particularly where the operation is intended to achieve a number of different
things that require coordination, or how the events in a single use case relate to one another,
in particular, use cases where activities may overlap and require coordination.


Symbol Description
Initial state
A filled state followed by an arrow
represents the initial action state.

Final state
An arrow pointing to a filled circle nested
inside another circle represents the final
action state.

A synchronization bar helps illustrate
parallel transitions. Synchronization is also
called forking and joining.

Table Activity Diagram

Page 46 of 90 Activity Diagram for Admin

Fig Activity Diagram (Admin)

Page 47 of 90 Activity Diagram for User

Fig Activity Diagram (User)

Page 48 of 90
4.3.4 Schema Diagram
The design of the database is called a schema. This tells us about the structural view of the
database. It gives us an overall description of the database. A database schema defines how
the data is organised using the schema diagram. A schema diagram is a diagram which
contains entities and the attributes that will define that schema. A schema diagram only
shows us the database design. It does not show the actual data of the database. Schema can
be a single table or it can have more than one table which is related. The schema represents
the relationship between these tables.

Fig Schema Design

Page 49 of 90
4.4 Algorithm Design

An algorithm is a series of instructions, often referred to as a “process,” which is to be

followed when solving a particular problem. While technically not restricted by definition,
the word is almost invariably associated with computers, since computer-processed
algorithms can tackle much larger problems than a human, much more quickly.

The field of algorithm design requires a strong mathematical background, with computer
science degrees being particularly sought-after qualifications. It offers a growing number of
highly compensated career options, as the need for more (as well as more sophisticated)
algorithms continues to increase.

4.4.1 Login Page

Step 1: -The user will open the website.

Step 2: -Login page will be displayed for the user.

Step 3: - The user needs to enter the username and password set by the user.

Step 4: - After entering the username and password the user needs to click on submit button.

Step 5: - If the username and password is entered correct and submitted it will direct the user
to the main home page of site.

Step 6: - If the username and password is incorrect a popup message will display on screen.

4.4.2 Registration Page

Step 1: - The user opens the website.

Step 2: - If the user is new to the site then; the user needs to register himself/herself.

Step 3: - The user needs to enter the details as contact number, flat no, name, email id, etc.

Step 4: - After entering the details the user needs to click on register my account.

Step 5: - Once the user is registered successfully the user can check the website.

Step 6: - Else the user will get incorrect input popup message.

Page 50 of 90
4.4.3 Admin Login

Step 1: - login using username and password then click on submit button.

Step 2: - Click on payment details to check for new payments then go to step 7.

Step 3: - Else update the details of the member and go to step 7.

Step 4: - Else dd new Locations or delete Locations and go to step 7.

Step 5: - Else add Items or delete items and go to step 7.

Step 6:- Else Update Price and go to step 7

Step 7: - Logout.

4.4.4 User Login

Step 1: - login using username and password then click on submit button.

Step 2: - Book Cargo, receive an invoice and proceed to pay.

Step 3: - Else check for new Orders and update.

Step 4: - Else Track orders.

Step 5: - Else Cancel Orders.

Step 6: - logout.

4.5 User Interface Design

User interface (UI) design is the process designers use to build interfaces in software or
computerized devices, focusing on looks or style. Designers aim to create interfaces which
users find easy to use and pleasurable They come in three formats:

• Graphical user interfaces (GUIs)

• Voice-controlled interfaces (VUIs)
• Gesture-based interfaces

Page 51 of 90
4.5.1 Login Page

Fig Login Page

Page 52 of 90
4.5.2 Registration Page

Fig Registration Page

Page 53 of 90
4.5.3 Home Page

Fig Home Page

Page 54 of 90
4.6 Security Design

Security Architecture and Design describes fundamental logical hardware, operating system,
and software security components and how to use those components to design, architect, and
evaluate secure computer systems. Understanding these fundamental issues is critical for an
information security professional.

The admin is well protected by a password and username since all services are controlled by
the admin, any intrusion into the admin can cause damage or a failure in the system. The user
can only access the services but can’t modify.

4.6.1 Test Case Design

Testing is a process of executing a program with the intend of finding an error. Testing is a
crucial element of software quality assurance and presents ultimate review of specification,
design and coding.

System Testing is an important phase. Testing represents an interesting anomaly for the
software Thus a series of testing are performed for the proposed system before the system is
ready for user acceptance testing. A good test case is one that has a high probability of
finding an as undiscovered error. A successful test is one that uncovers an as undiscovered

Testing Principles:

• All tests should be traceable to end user requirements.

• Tests should be planned long before testing begins.

• Testing should begin on a small scale and progress towards testing in large.

• Exhaustive testing is not possible.

• To be most effective testing should be conducted by independent third party. The primary
objective for test case design is to derive a set of tests that has the highest livelihood for
uncovering defects in software. To accomplish this objective two different categories of test
case design techniques are used.

Page 55 of 90
• White-box testing

White box testing focus on the program control structure. Test cases are derived to ensure
that all statements in the program have been executed at least once during testing and that all
logical conditions have been executed.

• Black-box testing

Black box testing is designed to validate functional requirements without regard to the
internal workings of a program. Black box testing mainly focuses on the information domain
of the software, deriving test cases by partitioning input and output in a manner that provides
through test coverage. Incorrect and missing functions, interface errors, errors in data
structures, error in functional logic are the errors falling in this category.

• Unit Testing:

Unit testing is essential for the verification of the code produced during the coding phase and
hence the goal is to test the internal logic of the modules. Using the detailed design
description as a guide, important paths are tested to uncover errors with in the boundary of
the modules. These tests were carried out during the programming stage itself. All units of
Vienna SQL were successfully tested. Integration testing.

• Integration Testing:

Integration testing focuses on unit tested modules and build the program structure that is
dictated by the design phase. System testing: System testing tests the integration of each
module in the system. It also tests to find discrepancies between the system and its original
objective, current specification and system documentation.

The primary concern is the compatibility of individual modules. Entire system is working
properly or not will be tested here, and specified path ODBC connection will correct or not,
and giving output or not are tested here these verifications and validations are done by giving
input values to the system and by comparing with expected output. Top-down testing
implementing here.

• Acceptance Testing:

This testing is done to verify the readiness of the system for the implementation. Acceptance
testing begins when the system is complete.
Page 56 of 90
4.6.2 Test Case Design:

Test cases are derived to ensure that all statements in the program have been executed at least
once during testing and that all logical conditions have been executed.

White-Box testing methods, the software engineer can drive test cases that • Guarantee that
logical decisions on their true and false sides.

• Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides.

• Execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds.

• Exercise internal data structure to assure their validity. The test case specification for
system testing has to be submitted for review before system testing commences.

Test Test Case Input Value Expected result

Test User Registration All valid details User should be
case 1 registered
Test Registering existing All valid details Registration should be
case 2 user failed.
Test User Login Username and Password User should be logged
case 3 in.
Test Admin Login Username and Password Admin should be
case 4 logged in.
Test Payment Update Select details and click enter It should show
case 5 updated records to the
end user.
Test Logout Click logout Should be logged out.
case 6

Table Case Design

Page 57 of 90
Chapters 5

Implementation and Testing

5.1 Implementation Approaches
5.1.1 Requirements: Duration 20 Days
Start Date End Date

15/06/2022 05/07/2022

Table Requirement

5.1.2 Planning: Duration 27 Days

Start Date End Date

05/07/2022 1/08/2022

Table Planning

5.1.3 Analysis: Duration 20 Days

Start Date End Date

01/08/2022 20/08/2022

Table Analysis

5.1.4 Designing: Duration 36 Days

Start Date End Date

20/08/2022 24/09/2022

Table Designing

Page 58 of 90
5.1.5 Coding: Duration 105 days
Start Date End Date

25/09/2022 08/01/2023

Table Coding

5.1.6 Implementation: Duration 40 days

Start Date End Date

10/01/2023 19/02/2023

Table Implementation

5.1.7 Testing: Duration 28 days

Start Date End Date

25/02/2023 25/03/2023

Table Testing

5.2 Coding Details and Coding Efficiency

5.3 Code Efficiency
In order to create the system’s functionality, we used types of languages such as JavaScript
(JS), HTML, and CSS as frontend language and backend as MongoDB Atlas.

Software Used – REACT JS App, VS Code, MongoDB Compass.

Each specific functionality was created using appropriate methods and functions and was also
tested for the same.

Page 59 of 90
5.3 Testing Approaches
5.3.1 Unit Testing
Unit testing is a software development process in which the smallest testable parts of
an application, called units, are individually and independently scrutinized for proper
operation. This testing methodology is done by the software developers and sometimes QA
staff during the development process. The main objective of unit testing is to isolate written
code to test and determine if it works as intended.

POP UP message when Valid details are Provided:

Fig Unit Testing

Fig Unit Testing

Page 60 of 90
Invalid Details are Provided:

Fig Unit Testing

Fig Unit Testing

5.3.2 Integrated Testing

Integration testing is known as the second level of the software testing process, following
unit testing. Integration testing involves checking individual components or units of a
software project to expose defects and problems to verify that they work together as

Page 61 of 90
Detail of Product to Book Cargo:

Fig Integration Testing

Product Added Successfully:

Fig Integration Testing

Page 62 of 90
Order Cancelled Successfully:

Fig Integration Testing

5.3.3 Beta Testing

In software development, a beta test is the second phase of software testing in which a
sampling of the intended audience tries the product out. Beta is the second letter of the
Greek alphabet. Originally, the term alpha test meant the first phase of testing in a software
development process.

The user Added the Wrong Password:

Fig Beta Testing

Page 63 of 90
Login Failed:

Fig Beta Testing

The User Added Right Details:

Fig Beta Testing

Page 64 of 90
Logged In:

Fig Beta Testing

5.4 Modifications and Improvements

The term "Improvements and Modifications" means all changes in the design or
Specifications of any of the Products or the Core Technology, including the addition of new
features or capacities.

Error Output:

Fig 5.4.1 Modifications and Improvement

Page 65 of 90
Corrected Output:

Fig 5.4.2 Modifications and Improvement

5.5 Test Cases:

Test Case Test Case Expected Actual Result Remarks

ID Description Result

Test User Login User Should User Logged in. Pass

Case1 provide user ID
and password.
Test Admin Login Admin Should Redirect to the Pass
Case2 provide user ID appropriate page.
and password
Test Add Details User Opens It shows the. Pass
Case3 Book Cargo Product details.
Test Cancel Order Should Selected Selected Orders Pass
Case4 Cancel Order are deleted.
Test Track Order Should Select Tracking details Pass
Case5 Track Order Visible.
Test Make Payment Should Click on Payment details Pass
Case6 Payment Button are Visible.
Test Add Locations Should click on It displays that Pass
Case7 add Locations Locations have
been added.
Test Delete Locations Should click on Selected Pass
Case8 Delete Details Locations are
Test Add Product Should Click on It displays that Pass
Case9 items add products Product Items
have been added.

Page 66 of 90
Test Delete Product Should Click on The Product items Pass
Case10 items Delete products are deleted.
Test Update Price Should click on Updated Price has Pass
Case11 Price Update. Visible.
Test Logout Should Click Logout. Pass
Case12 Logout.

Table 5.5.1 Test Case

Page 67 of 90
6.1 Test Case Report
The test case is defined as a group of conditions under which a tester determines whether a software
application is working as per the customer's requirements or not. Test case designing includes
preconditions, case names, input conditions, and expected results. A test case is a first-level action derived
from test scenarios.

Test case gives detailed information about the testing strategy, testing process, preconditions,
and expected output. These are executed during the testing process to check whether the
software application is performing the task for that it was developed or not.

Test case helps the tester in defect reporting by linking the defect with the test case ID.
Detailed test case documentation works as a full-proof guard for the testing team because if
the developer missed something, then it can be caught during the execution of these full-
proof test cases.

6.1.1 Customer Login Page

Fig Customer Login Page

Page 68 of 90
Fig Customer Login Page

Fig Customer Login Page

Page 69 of 90
Fig Customer Login Page

6.1.2 Registration Page

Fig Registration Page

Page 70 of 90
Fig Registration Page

Fig Registration Page

Page 71 of 90
6.1.3 Change Password Page

Fig Change Password Page

Fig Change Password Page

Page 72 of 90
Fig Change Password Page

6.1.4 Transaction Page Transaction Page

Page 73 of 90 Transaction Page Transaction Page

Page 74 of 90
6.1.5 Tracking Page

Fig Tracking Page

Fig Tracking Page

Page 75 of 90
6.2 User Documentation
User documentation is the content that you provide the end user in order for them to be more
successful with your product or service. Also known as user guides, instruction manuals, or
user manuals, user documentation is there to hold your customer's hand as they learn about
your product.

6.2.1 Home Page

Fig Home Page

Fig Home Page

Page 76 of 90
Fig Home Page

6.2.2 Registration Page

Fig Registration Page

Page 77 of 90
6.2.3 Customer Login Page

Fig Customer Login Page Forgot Password Page Forgot Password Page

Page 78 of 90 Forgot Password Page

6.2.4 Admin Login Page

Fig Admin Login Page

Page 79 of 90
6.2.5 Customer Dashboard

Fig Customer Dashboard User Profile Page

Fig User Profile Page

Page 80 of 90 Book Cargo Page Book Cargo Page Transaction Page

Fig Transaction Page

Page 81 of 90 Orders Page

Fig Orders Page Tracking Page

Fig Tracking Page

Page 82 of 90
6.2.6 Admin Dashboard

Fig Admin Dashboard User Details Page

Fig User Details Page

Page 83 of 90 Product Details

Fig Product Details Payment Details Page

Fig Payment Details Page

Page 84 of 90 Total Locations Page Total Location Page Total Category Page

Fig Total Category Page

Page 85 of 90 Update Price Page

Fig Update Price Page

Page 86 of 90
7.1 Conclusions
Cargo Booking System (CBS) is a system to effectively manage information about cargo
order and manages the transportation system for other communities such as shift order,
reorder, track cargo and dispatch order etc. Customer also can see types of transport that can
be booked with faster and make the choice of the transport. Customer does not need to
register many times because the profile customer has been saved into database. This system
focuses as a reservation form and latest information about the transport availability.

The existing system Cargo Booking System has been thoroughly studied and surveyed the
different business organization.

The key factors that determine success in the cardo business are the availability of the fastest
shipping mode and the capability to deliver almost anywhere with reliability. Modern
transportation technology and automated processes are increasingly turning out to be key
differentiators for achieving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

7.1.1 Significance of the System

Transporting things from one place to a special may be a very important aspect of our life. It
makes it easy to migrate and make things available to the places where the items are not
available. But the matter is how we do it.

The ships are very best means of transport for distance transport. because the transport of
things like heavy machinery, military weapons, and other tools which are in bulk and need to
transport to another country which will cost much more than this ship transport.

7.2 Limitations of the Project

• It is a web-based system, therefore requires an active internet connection.

• The Software can give access to only authorized Users.
• The Software Cannot provide access without login details.
• Requires the MongoDB Compass to be connected to the end-user terminal.

Page 87 of 90
7.3 Future Scope of the Project

Our challenges are to style Web application using the design thinking approach incorporating
the different Plug-in. This website will gather both interested party (superior and admin) at
one place and connect them to every other.

The system is going to be designed to provide a complete version of the Cargo Booking
System in all over the world. The system will help to manage the shipment import export
module and also manage loading and unloading shipment details. The system will have a
supervisor-friendly graphical interface and can be more cost effective compared to the current
Cargo Booking System. This is often a nice enhancement in the web service field. From the
booking of shipment to its final delivery this Web Application lets you clear all the hurdles in

This Cargo ‘end-to-end’ solution is a prime choice for all the entities involved in cargo
processing and management. With integrations to facilitate support, door-to-door support,
space and stock management, report management and many more operations, this solution
lets you go above beyond just overseeing the entire cargo management process.

Page 88 of 90

[1] S Manoharan · 1980 — Cargo Booking System—A Conceptual Study

[2] A Literature Survey on Automated Cargo Tracking System. Authors: Dr. Priya Charles,
Pranet Tamgole, Avinash Dugane, Vishal Sagar.

[3] Cargo booking software at QuicklySeek. Find Cargo booking software. More Info.
Trusted For Many Years.

[4] Cargo Booking Software. Now with us! Search For Cargo Booking Software at

[5] Cargo Booking Software at GreatSelections.

Page 89 of 90

[6] Project Document/Synopsis ... Cargo booking software


[8] It is further declared that we have developed this software and accompanied report entirely
based on our personal efforts.


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