Brain Tumours
Brain Tumours
Brain Tumours
Possible effects of brain tumours
Difficulty in understanding spoken language. This is
because it may be difficult to distinguish the
Different speech sounds. The ability to alter or
change speech and correct errors may not occur
because of a lack of awareness that speaking
problems have arisen. Speech frequently be
comes unintelligible.
However, written language may still be understood
Difficulty in recognition of peoples faces, or
identifying or categorising objects
Parietal lobes
The following problems may occur:
Frontal Lobes Inability to name objects
Changes to a person's personality and intellect often occur Inability to locate the correct words for writing &
problems with reading
1. Personality Changes in the ability to perform calculations and
Loss of spontaneity in interaction with family/friends etc mathematical tasks
Unable to be flexible in thinking processes Difficulty drawing
Mood changes Difficulty in distinguishing right from left
Changes in social behaviour, eg. Impulsive may Difficulties with hand/eye coordination
swear, tell off-colour jokes Self care & body awareness. Individuals may
Unrealistic optimism, lack of initiative and neglect one half of their body while bathing,
Spontaneity dressing or combing hair
2.Intellectual Difficulties with touch, pain, temperature or body
Difficulty with problem solving Position
Inability to focus on task Problems with spatial location. Individuals may
Inability to plan a sequence of complex movements have difficulties finding their way about; judging the size
required to complete multi stepped tasks eg. of objects or distance from them;
making a cup of tea, a meal etc remembering where furniture is in the room
Individuals with frontal tumours may become stuck at © All Rights Reserved. The content provided remains the intellectual property of
L.J Cross , prepared :1998, revised: 2000, 02, 04, 07, 08,09,2010 This guide may not
any of the stages of the thinking process. This type of be reproduced in any form without the written permission of
Brain Tumour Australia Information
Possible Effects & Managing Symptoms