Summary of Important Strategies Discussed
Summary of Important Strategies Discussed
Summary of Important Strategies Discussed
Attention strategies
o Try to complete activities in short bursts (e.g., 20 minutes) and then spend a few
minutes resting
o Set small but specific goals for each day, and try to complete them in short bursts,
e.g. of 20-40 minutes and take a break between tasks (Pomodoro technique)
o Don’t force yourself to sit at a task if you feel your concentration is fading. Take a
break and come back to it.
o Set a time frame for when the task needs to be completed.
o Try to concentrate on one task at a time. Avoid multi-tasking. If one task is finished
before another is begun, you are less likely to forget things or make mistakes
o Aim to complete harder tasks when you are feeling fresh and your attention is likely
to be at its best.
Time management and organization, reducing procastination
Effective use of ‘best’ time.
Dos and don’ts first thing in the morning – no checking emails/messages. Save it for
unproductive time. Get fresh air & exercise. Tackle one ‘medium’ task
Do a Mid-day review to see what you have finished, and what is left to do.
Last task of the day – plan for next day
Setting SMART goals for each day (use a list/diary) - Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Realistic, and Timely
Prioritise tasks – e.g.,
Urgent & important not urgent, Important
Urgent, not important Not urgent, not important
Or set a time frame for each task (with some leeway, e.g., “40 minutes, plus 10 minutes
grace period”)
Use cognitive control techniques to deal with distracting thoughts/worries
If your task is incomplete by the scheduled time, or if thoughts continue to intrude, take
a break and move on to your next scheduled task instead of lingering. You might have to
make space for that task later on.
If you notice the same task remaining incomplete over 2-3 successive study sessions,
consider what it is about the task that is creating a block – is there a particular aspect you
are dreading? Is there something small that you can start with that might ease your way
into it? Can you do it with a friend? Can you do it in another location?
Pomodoro principle - 20 minute slots
Planning and problem solving
Develop a plan – KEEP CALM & PLAN to remind planning before activity
o “I am working on / My goal is” “I need to do…”
o Generate several strategies “How can I go about this?”,
o Pick one
o Identify steps “First I will…” “Next I will…”
o Choose Plan B “If that doesn’t work I will try…”
o Self-monitoring – “Am I using my plan?”
o Using breaks effectively. “Am I paying attention?” Set shifting if intrusions.
o Self-evaluate – “Did I meet my goal?”
Memory strategies –
o Prospective memory. Things-to-do - It might help to use diaries / whiteboards /
planners / memory cards to note important information.
o It is also useful to organise space – using boxes or trays with labels to store important
documents; always keeping keys, spectacles, medications in a specific, prominent
place and returning them to the same place each time. This takes some of the burden
off one’s memory – there is less to remember.
o You may also benefit from employing memory strategies such as repeating to
yourself, or using mnemonics (making up imagery / acronyms / rhymes) to serve as a
cue for later recall.
o If you need to remember something important, consciously use a strategy, or ‘turn up
the focus’ on it – because most memory problems are to do with poor concentration
or inefficient registration, they can be fairly easily fixed -
o Link it to something personal (most PINs are birthdays!)
o Make up an acronym
o See if the information can be grouped or clustered – e.g, shopping list items
for a quick run to supermarket
o Visualise it as an image – e.g., pantry/fridge with items needed; position of
your car in the parking lot, relative to the lifts