Powder Release Agent: Colored Stamp Mat Release

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Powder Release Agent

Colored Stamp Mat Release

Concretech Release Agent is a dry shake material formulated to facilitate the use and release of stamp tools for imprinting during
the plastic stage set of concrete. Concretech Release Agents are blended; UV stable, high quality synthetic pigments, micronized
aggregates, hydrophobic materials and admixtures providing easy release of imprint tools and rich accent colors. Concretech
Release Agents increase imprint tool life and reduce imprinting labor.

TECHNICAL DATA Allow bleed water to dissipate before broadcasting

Appearance: 28 standard colors Release Agent on surface. Release Agent shall be applied
Yield: approximately 800 sq ft per pail in one or more broadcasts. Use “hand” or dry calcimine
Shelf Life: Shelf life under normal conditions is one brush broadcast method, applying evenly and consistently.
year. Release Agent that has been It is generally recommended that the Release Agent is a
exposed to moisture for extended complimentary contrasting color, usually darker than the
periods should be discarded. Store in concrete. Recommended application rate is 30lbs per 800
sealed containers, with the lid tight and sq ft. Never trowel Release Agent into surface, as this will
in an upright position. cause discoloration and reduce concrete strength. Do not
add water to surface while imprinting over Release Agent
USES In some instances Release Agent may be used in
For use on all interior and exterior stamped concrete, conjunction with liquid release. Contractors should test this
imprinted horizontal and vertical surfaces. method and perfect their techniques before attempting
Allows the contractor or designer to apply additional color Cleaning
to concrete at the imprint stage to simulate the look of Once concrete has set, remove excess release powder
natural rock. Releases mats from fresh concrete. with soft bristle broom or vacuum or in some instances hose
off with clean water. Take care not to damage the surface
PREPARATIONS before concrete has reached final set. After the concrete
Refer to Concretech Architectural Specifications for has reached initial cure, wash the surface, scrubbing with
installation procedures. broom and commercial degreaser. Surface is sufficiently
clean when water on the surface no longer beads. In
general it is desirable to leave release color representing
10% to 30% of the final color.
Protect all surfaces that are not intended to receive
Release Agent. Take caution when using during windy
conditions or where rapid air movement exists. Use a Finishing
commercial grade detergent to facilitate the removal in All colored and imprinted concrete surfaces shall have a
unwanted areas. Never leave excess residue of Release sealer or water repellant coating applied to protect the
Agent on a substrate that is to be covered with concrete or finish from moisture and oxidization. Apply Concretech
other surface finishes. Cure and Seal (CS 15) as soon as possible. Follow up with
Concretech High Solids Sealer (CS 25 or CS 30) after 28
days. Follow Concretech technical bulletins for applied
Concretech Release Agents are available in 30lb (13.63Kg)
pails and a wide assortment of colors.
Caution - Wear protective clothing, rubber gloves, eye protection
INSTALATION INSTRUCTIONS and respirator. Keep away from children.
Upon completing final troweling of integral colored or color First Aid –Flush contaminated areas immediately and seek medical
hardened concrete, apply a light even coat of attention. Wash hands with soap and water. Remove
Concretech Release Agent over the area to be imprinted. contaminated clothing. Flush eyes with clean water or eye wash
solution. In all cases seek immediate medical attention.

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#190 - 6260 Graybar Road 12848-149 Street www.cctinc.ca
Richmond, BC V6W 1H6 Edmonton, AB T5V 1A4 www.concretech.ca
P. (604) 952-0057 P. (780) 447-5114 [email protected]
F. (604) 214-6665 F. (780) 451-8170

Concrete Chemical Technologies Inc.’s sole warranty is that our products have been manufactured to meet with our written specifications. The information herein is general information to
assist our customers in determining whether our products are suitable for their applications. Our products are intended for sale to commercial and industrial customers. We require customers
to inspect and test our products before use and to satisfy themselves as to contents, suitability and applications. Nothing herein shall constitute any other warranty, express or implied,
including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, nor is any protection from any law or patent inferred. All patent and trademark rights are reserved. The exclusive
remedy for all proven claims is placement of our materials and in no event shall we be liable for incidental or consequential damages.
Engineered Concrete Performance
Perma-Cast® Antiquing Release BUTTERFIELD
Technical Data Sheet P-0805 COLOR
FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY. Read all applicable and current product 625 W. Illinois Ave., Aurora, IL 60506
information for your project: Technical Data Sheet (TDS), Color Chart, Installation 1-800-282-3388 Fax: 630-906-1982
Guide, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). www.butterfieldcolor.com
MasterFormat™ Guide Specifications, and Butterfield Color Architectural Details
and Specifications are available for the specifier/designer. All information is
available for download online at www.butterfieldcolor.com

1. Description: Perma-Cast® Antiquing contamination during application and lightly troweled before the application.
Release is a color powdered bond breaker residue removal. Consider using Perma- Rougher finishes may require more
used with stamping mats, texturing skins Cast® Clear Liquid Release if material to achieve the proper coverage
and texture rollers. It also provides accent contamination is a concern, particularly on and may retain an excessive amount of

colors that compliment or contrast with the interior applications or when imprinting release powder after the removal process,

underlying concrete surface. Additionally, it cementitious overlays. thereby affecting the color of the surface.
enhances the transfer of the detailed
pattern and texture, and prolongs the Perma-Cast® Antiquing Release is Immediately prior to the placement of

surface life of the stamping mat or texturing retained on the surface by a mechanical stamping mats, texturing skins or texture
tool. It is compatible with integrally colored bond. It will require an application of a rollers, broadcast Perma-Cast® Antiquing
concrete, color hardened concrete and sealer to enhance the longevity of the Release uniformly over the surface with a
stampable cementitious overlays. antiqued coloration. soft bristled, 6 inch mason's brush. Apply

enough release so that the moist sheen on

Perma-Cast® Antiquing Release is a finely 3. Caution: Use with adequate ventilation. the concrete surface is covered. Do not
ground, streak free powder that is a blend Applicators and all other onsite personnel apply over standing bleed water. Perma-
of UV-resistant pigments and water must wear an OSHA-NIOSH approved Cast® Antiquing Release should not be
repelling additives. It is broadcast over the dust respirator while applying or working broadcast for more than a few feet or from
concrete surface prior to placing the around this product. Avoid contact with skin above the knee to minimize drifting outside
stamping or texturing tools. As the and eyes. Wear rubber gloves to protect of the work area. Multiple colors of Perma-
imprinting tool is pressed into the plastic skin and safety eye goggles. Close Cast® Antiquing Release may be used for
concrete surface, a portion of the Perma- containers after each use. Use good more unique colorations. Once applied, do
Cast® Antiquing Release is embedded into hygiene when handling this product. Wash not work the surface with a float or a trowel.
the textured surface of the concrete. As the and bathe after each use. Keep out of The surface of the imprinting tools should
tool is removed, it breaks cleanly, without reach of small children and animals. Do not also be lightly brushed with the release
marring the colored concrete surface. take internally. Dispose of all residual powder.
Upon washing and sealing, the difference material in accordance with local, state,
in color between the base concrete and the and federal regulations. Read the Material Timing is critical; applied too early, the
release creates a visually attractive, Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before handing antiquing release may be difficult to
antiqued look to the concrete. The added and using product. remove; applied too late, and most of the
color visually enhances the depth of the antiquing release will be removed during
texture. The amount of release agent 4. Packaging: Perma-Cast® Antiquing the removal and cleaning process.
retained on the concrete will vary. Perma- Release is packaged in 30-pound (13.6 kg)
Cast® Antiquing Release can be used in plastic pails. Shelf life is 2 to 3 years when An antiquing method may also be applied
matching or contrasting colors to create a stored in original containers in a cool and to concrete surfaces and cementitious
variety of effects. A combination of colors dry environment. overlays after the imprinting process has
can add interesting shading and highlights been completed. This method is useful

to the finished concrete surface. 5. Coverage: Coverage varies depending when more accent color is desired on a
on timing, application technique, method of new installation or as a means of
Perma-Cast® Antiquing Release is finishing, surface texture prior to rejuvenating an older, weathered surface.
available in 15 standard colors, as well as imprinting, coloration effect desired, and Detailed information about this process
colors selected from the Perma-Cast® other conditions. For most applications, can be found in the Perma-Cast® Clear
Color Hardener Color Chart. The resultant the coverage rate is approximately 3-4 Liquid Release Technical Data Sheet,
release colors may not be an exact match pounds/100 square feet (1.5-2.0 kg/10 m²), specifically the application information
to concrete colored with those of integral or which equates to 750-1000 square feet per found in section numbers 6.1. Antiquing
shake-on colors. Custom colors and color 30-pound pail (70-93m²/13.6kg). after stamping, 6.2. Integrally colored
matching are available with ample lead- Experienced release applicators can concrete or shake-on color hardener and
time, without up charges or minimums. achieve coverage up to 1200 square feet 6.3. Cementitious overlays. Read the
per 30-pound pail (112 m²/13.6 kg). Note: complete Technical Data Sheet before
2. Limitations: Perma-Cast® Antiquing Creating the antiqued color effects using the liquid release.

Release should not be used as the primary requires skill and practice. Prior to the

coloring agent. It should not be troweled installation of any jobsite concrete, make 7. Removal: After imprinting has been
into concrete. Do not use as a curing and approve a representative sample for completed, the residual Perma-Cast®
compound. Perma-Cast® Antiquing each color effect desired to determine the Antiquing Release must be removed to
Release will produce variegated colors and timing, application rate, finishing, removal, prevent tracking and loss of adhesion
is a function of concrete mix design, timing, and sealing techniques. when a sealer is applied. Do not clean the
method of application and removal, surface until the concrete has cured for 24-
method of imprinting, and weather. 6. Application: Cover and protect 48 hours. Cold temperatures may delay the
adjacent surfaces near the work area prior cleaning process, since the concrete will
Avoid over application, which may to applying Perma-Cast® Antiquing require a longer cure time. Cleaning too
minimize the depth of texture. Cover and Release. This is especially critical on windy soon may cause complete loss of the
protect adjacent surfaces from days. The concrete surface should be antiqued color, as well as damage to the

Uni-Mix, Perma-Cast, Sierra Stain, Clear Guard, Color Guard & T-1000 are trademarks of Butterfield Color, Inc. © BUTTERFIELD COLOR, INC. 2006
MasterFormat is a registered trademark of The Construction Specifications Institute – CSI All rights reserved. Made in the USA
Engineered Concrete Performance
Perma-Cast® Antiquing Release BUTTERFIELD
Technical Data Sheet P-0805 COLOR
colored concrete substrate. A small area Sealed surfaces will require COLOR, ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS
should be test cleaned to evaluate maintenance. Read the Clear Guard™ AND EMPLOYEES SHALL NOT BE
the cleaning process and the Cure and Seal Technical Data Sheet LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR
resultant colorations. before installing product. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR
Sweep or vacuum excess release, and 9. Quality Control: Cast a job site sample THE USE OR HANDLING OF THIS
follow by scrubbing with a soft bristled at least 21 days prior to the installation for PRODUCT WHETHER OR NOT
brush and water. Water can be applied with approval of color and finish. Utilize all BUTTERFIELD COLOR, INC. HAS BEEN
a garden hose or a high pressure wash. materials, tools, and techniques from the ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF
With either method, take care not to actual job in the mock-up. Consistent SUCH A LOSS OR DAMAGE.
damage the surface of the curing concrete batching, pouring, finishing, curing, PURCHASER ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY
or remove too much antiqued colorations. sealing, and preparation techniques, will FOR THE USE AND HANDLING OF THIS
Protect adjacent surfaces from runoff. ensure the uniformity of architectural PRODUCT INCLUDING ANY INJURY TO
Dispose of all residual materials in concrete. Verify adequate wet and dry slip T H I R D PA RT I E S . B U T T E R F I E L D
accordance with local, state, and federal r e s i s t a n c e . Ve r i f y m a i n t e n a n c e COLOR'S MAXIMUM LIABILITY SHALL
regulations. The antiquing release is requirements. Site visits by Butterfield BE THE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT.
mechanically bonded to the concrete, so the Color, Inc. personnel are for making
surface must be sealed and maintained to technical recommendations only and not
preserve its antiqued appearance over time. for supervising or providing quality
8. Sealing: After Perma-Cast® Antiquing
Release has been removed from the Warranty Disclaimer/Limitation of Liability:
surface, Clear Guard™ Cure and Seal BUTTERFIELD COLOR, INC. MAKES NO
should be applied after the concrete has WARRANTIES REGARDING THIS
thoroughly dried for a minimum of 72 PRODUCT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,
hours at 70° F (21° C). Approve final color INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS
before the sealer is applied. Sealed FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR
surfaces may become slippery when wet. MERCHANTABILITY. BUTTERFIELD

Suggested Short Form Specification for Butterfield Color Uni-Mix® Integral Colorant:
Add Butterfield Color Uni-Mix® Integral Colorant to concrete in proportion required to obtain [_______] color and mix according to
manufacturer's instructions. Maintain mix characteristics for all concrete having matching finish. Concrete shall contain a minimum
of five sacks of cement per cubic yard and have a maximum slump of 4 inches. Do not use calcium chloride. Place and finish concrete
according to industry standards. [Optional: Apply Butterfield Color Perma-Cast® Antiquing Release according to manufacturer's
instructions using [_______] color and imprint using Butterfield Color® Stamping Tools using [_______] pattern according to
manufacturer's instructions.] Cure and seal concrete with 2 coats Butterfield Color Clear Guard™ Cure and Seal with slip-resistive
additive according to manufacturer's instructions.
Suggested Short Form Specification for Butterfield Color Perma-Cast® Shake-on Color Hardener:
Apply Butterfield Color Perma-Cast® Shake-on Color Hardener to fresh concrete according to manufacturer's instructions using
[_______] color and a minimum of [_______] pounds per 100 square feet. Apply Butterfield Color Perma-Cast® Antiquing Release
according to manufacturer's instructions using [_______] color and imprint using Butterfield Color® Stamping Tools using
[_______] pattern. Seal concrete with 2 coats Butterfield Color Clear Guard™ Cure and Seal with slip-resistive additive according to
manufacturer's instructions.

Manufacturing a complete line of Page 2 of 2 1-800-282-3388

Decorative Concrete Products ver.3.30.07 www.butterfieldcolor.com
Engineered Concrete Performance
Butterfield Color® Clear Liquid Release BUTTERFIELD
Technical Data Sheet CLR-01 COLOR
FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY. Read all applicable and current product 625 W. Illinois Ave., Aurora, IL 60506
information for your project: Technical Data Sheet (TDS), Color Chart, Installation 1-800-282-3388 Fax: 630-906-1982
Guide, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). www.butterfieldcolor.com
MasterFormat™ Guide Specifications, and Butterfield Color Architectural Details
and Specifications are available for the specifier/designer. All information is
available for download online at www.butterfieldcolor.com

1. Description: Butterfield Color® Clear Liquid 6. Application: Apply Butterfield Color® Clear curing and sealing compound has dried,
Release is a bond breaker used with stamping Liquid Release after all finishing is completed locking in the antiquing color, spray or roll
mats, texturing skins or texture rollers prior to and prior to imprinting the surface. Do not additional coats of sealer as needed.
imprinting concrete or cementitious overlays. It attempt to float, trowel, or otherwise work the

prevents the stamping or texturing tool from surface once the liquid release is applied. Do 6.3. ON CEMENTITIOUS OVERLAYS: After

sticking to the surface, enhances the transfer of not apply over a large area, as the liquid completing the imprinting process using
the detailed pattern and texture, and prolongs release may evaporate prior to the imprinting Butterfield Color® Clear Liquid Release neat,
the surface life of the stamping mat or texturing process. Do not apply if bleed water is visible and once it has evaporated completely (no wet

tool. Use on integrally colored or uncolored on the concrete surface. Material should also sheen is visible), the surface should be sealed.
concrete, shake-on color hardeners, and be applied to the imprinting tools. Once the sealer is completely dry, the mixture
stampable cementitious overlays. It is suitable of liquid and powder releases can be applied.
for outdoor and indoor use. It is particularly Apply liberally. Butterfield Color® Clear Liquid The sealer will prevent the surface from

useful with overlays, since it will not Release evaporates and it must be reapplied to excessively absorbing the tinted release.
contaminate the existing concrete substrate as the concrete surface and tools during the Dabbing or rubbing with a clean cloth can be
readily as powdered releases. It evaporates imprinting process. Do not attempt to imprint done to remove excess antiquing. Once the
quickly and requires little to no clean up prior to the surface without liquid release visible on the tinted release has evaporated completely (no
applying solvent based curing and sealing concrete or imprinting tool surface. After wet sheen is visible), seal the concrete. The
compounds such as Clear Guard® Cure and complete evaporation, the concrete surface initial application of the sealer must be done
Seal, or prior to chemical staining with Perma- will lose its wet sheen and appear dull. At this with a sprayer. Application by roller will remove
Cast® Sierra Stain. Butterfield Color® Clear time, the surface may be cured or sealed with the antiquing color. Once the initial light coat of
Liquid Release may be tinted with Perma- Clear Guard® Cure & Seal, or chemically the sealer has dried, locking in the antiquing
Cast® Antiquing Release to create mottled stained with Perma-Cast® Sierra Stain in color, spray or roll additional coats of sealer as
color variations on a textured surface. VOC accordance with the Technical Data Sheets for needed.
content is less than 450 g/L (3.75 lb/gallon). those products.
7. Quality Control: Cast a job site sample at
2. Packaging: Butterfield Color® Clear Liquid 6.1. ANTIQUING AFTER STAMPING OR least 21 days prior to the installation for
Release is available in 5-gallon (19 L) pails. TEXTURING: If a mottled or antiqued color is approval of color and finish. Utilize all materials,
Pails should be stored in a cool, dry place when desired on the imprinted surface, mix ¼ cup of tools, and techniques from the actual job in the
not in use. Store away from combustible Perma-Cast® Antiquing Release powder with mock-up. Consistent batching, pouring,
materials and sources of heat. Do not reuse one gallon of Butterfield Color® Clear Liquid finishing, curing, sealing, and preparation
empty container. Release in a pump sprayer. Mix the combined techniques, will ensure the uniformity of
materials thoroughly. Keep the mixture well architectural concrete. Verify adequate wet
3. Coverage: A 5-gallon pail covers agitated during the application to prevent and dry slip resistance. Verify maintenance
approximately 750 square feet (1L/ 4 m2) of settling. Do not walk on the antiqued surface requirements. Site visits by Butterfield Color,
concrete surface. Apply full strength. Do not while wet. This method is best utilized after the Inc. personnel are for making technical
dilute. Coverage will vary depending on timing, surface has already been patterned or textured recommendations only and not for supervising
surface finish prior to stamping, application using Butterfield Color® Clear Liquid Release. or providing quality control.

method, air temperature, humidity and wind
conditions. Conditioning of the stamping tools 6 . 2 . O N I N T E G R A L LY C O L O R E D Warranty Disclaimer/Limitation of Liability:
with the liquid release prior to stamping will also CONCRETE OR SHAKE-ON COLOR BUTTERFIELD COLOR, INC. MAKES NO
affect the amount of material used. HARDENER: After the imprinting process is WA R R A N T I E S R E G A R D I N G T H I S
complete using Butterfield Color® Clear Liquid PRODUCT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,
4. Cautions: Combustible liquid and vapor. Release, and the surface is firm enough to walk INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS
May cause eye, skin, and respiratory irritation. on without leaving foot prints, the mixture of FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR
Do not take internally. Keep out of reach of liquid and powder releases can be applied to MERCHANTABILITY. BUTTERFIELD
children and animals. Wear an organic the concrete. Using a hand-pump sprayer, COLOR, ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS AND
respirator, eye protection, and protective apply liberally to the surface. The tinted release EMPLOYEES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR
clothing during application. Ensure adequate will randomly flow and concentrate in the INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL
ventilation during and after application. In case imprinted areas of the concrete, creating a DAMAGES OR PERSONAL INJURY
of spillage, absorb and dispose of material in mottled or antiqued look, similar to the natural ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR HANDLING

accordance with local, state, and federal variations found in stone, brick, or cobbles. OF THIS PRODUCT WHETHER OR NOT

regulations. Before use, read Material Safety While spraying, if it is determined that too much BUTTERFIELD COLOR, INC. HAS BEEN
Data Sheet. tinted release has been applied in a given spot ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH A
or area, it can be lightened by dabbing or LOSS OR DAMAGE. PURCHASER
5. Application Equipment: A clean, quality rubbing with a clean cloth. ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY FOR THE USE
hand-pump sprayer equipped with a fan AND HANDLING OF THIS PRODUCT
pattern spray nozzle should be used to apply Once the tinted release has evaporated INCLUDING ANY INJURY TO THIRD
Butterfield Color® Clear Liquid Release. completely (no wet sheen is visible), cure and PARTIES. BUTTERFIELD COLOR'S
Material should be applied to the surface of the seal the concrete. The initial application of the MAXIMUM LIABILITY SHALL BE THE PRICE
concrete and to the pattern and texturing tools. curing and sealing compound must be done OF THE PRODUCT.
Spraying equipment must be resistant to with a sprayer. Application by roller will remove
solvent-based materials. the antiquing color. Once the initial light coat of

Uni-Mix, Perma-Cast, Sierra Stain, Clear Guard, Color Guard & T-1000 are trademarks of Butterfield Color, Inc. © BUTTERFIELD COLOR, INC. 2006
MasterFormat is a registered trademark of The Construction Specifications Institute – CSI | ver.3.30.07 All rights reserved. Made in the USA

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