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Concure WB

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Fosroc Concure WB constructive solutions

Water based concrete curing compound

Uses Instructions for use

 As a spray applied membrane to retain moisture in Application

concrete for effective curing.
Concure WB white should be stirred before use to ensure
 Suitable for all general concreting applications. Of even dispersal of the pigment.
particular benefit for large area concrete surfaces, such
as airport runways, roads and bridgeworks. Concure WB should be spray applied to the surface of fresh
concrete. Application should begin as soon as the concrete
 Suitable for concrete curing of beams, columns and is free from surface water. Do not apply if bleed water is
slabs. forming, or is present on the concrete surface.

Advantages The spray nozzle should be held approximately 450 mm

from the concrete surface and passed back and forth to
 Improved curing of concrete enhances hydration ensure complete coverage. The fugitive white colour during
process and provides a more durable concrete. application provides a guide to the area covered. Pump
 Control of moisture loss improves surface quality, pressure should be maintained to give an even, fine spray.
reducing permeability, minimising surface cracking and
After spraying, no further application of water or other
material is necessary to ensure continued curing. The
 Fugitive colour provides visual guide during application. concrete surface should not be disturbed until it has suffi-
 Also available in white pigmented grade. cient strength to bear surface loads. The applied film should
 Water based, therefore, non-flammable. not be trafficked until it is fully dry, care should also be taken
 Spray application reduces labour costs, therefore to ensure that the film is not subsequently broken.
eliminates the need for alternative curing systems. Concure WB may be applied to the surface of newly hard-
ened concrete immediately after demoulding. In such cases
Standards compliance the concrete surface must be damp and not dry. Dry surfac-
Concure WB gives 75% or greater curing efficiency es may prevent correct film formation and cause absorption
when tested to BS 7542 and complies with BS 8110 Part of the Concure WB which may lead to staining and difficulty
1, clause 6.6.3(c), ASTM C309 and AASHTO M148 as Type in later removal.
1D. Equipment

Description Spray equipment such as knapsack or motorised sprayers

which produce a fine mist without damaging the emulsion
Concure WB water based concrete curing compound is may be used for Concure WB. The suitability of equipment
based on a low viscosity wax emulsion. It is supplied as a should be assessed by an application trial.
white emulsion which forms a clear film on drying.
Equipment cleaning
When first applied to a fresh cementitious surface the
emulsion breaks to form a continuous, non-penetrating Spray equipment should be cleaned immediately after use
white coating. This dries to form a continuous clear film by flushing through with water. If spray nozzles become
which provides a barrier to moisture loss, ensuring more blocked with wax particles these may be easily cleared with
efficient cement   hydration, improved durability and white spirit.
reduced shrinkage. Overcoating and removal
Concure WB is also available in a white pigmented version. Concure WB must be removed from concrete surfaces prior
It contains a white pigment based on titanium dioxide to to the application of a coating, this is necessary to ensure
meet specifications requiring such pigmentation for reduc- adequate bond of the coating material to the concrete
tion of solar temperature gain. substrate. Concure WB will slowly be removed by physical
abrasion in normal trafficking conditions or exposure to UV
Concure WB

light. To ensure complete removal use high pressure steam,

water jet or light sand blasting.
Fosroc Concure WB

Limitations Precautions

- Concure WB should not be continuously recirculated in Health and safety

high shear pumps in concrete train or similar applica-
Concure WB does not fall into the hazard classifications of
tions, as this may cause a breakdown of the emulsion
current regulations (see notes 1 and 2 below). However, it
before spraying. If continuous recirculation is necessary,
should not be swallowed or allowed to come into contact
the sprayer should be fitted with a low shear diaphragm
with skin and eyes either in bulk or spray form.
Suitable protective gloves and goggles should be worn.
- Minimum application temperature 5°C.
Splashes on the skin should be removed with water. In case
Technical support of contact with eyes rinse immediately with plenty of water
and seek medical advice. If swallowed seek medical
Fosroc provides a technical advisory service for on-site
attention immediately - do not induce vomiting.
assistance and advice on admixture selection, evaluation
trials and dispensing equipment. Technical data and guid- For further information consult the Material Safety Data
ance can be provided for admixtures and other products for Sheet available for this product.
use with fresh and hardened concrete.

Estimating Concure WB is water based and non-flammable.

Supply Cleaning and disposal

Concure WB : 200 litre drums
Spillages of Concure WB should be absorbed onto sand,
Coverage earth or vermiculite and transferred to suitable containers.
Concure WB : 3.5 to 5.0 m2/litre Remnants should be hosed down with large quantities of
The disposal of excess or waste material should be carried
Concure WB has a minimum shelf life of 12 months, out in accordance with local legislation under the guidance
provided the temperature is kept within the range of 4°C to of the local waste regulatory authority.
35°C. Freezing and prolonged exposure to heat or direct
sunlight should be avoided. Should the temperature of the
product fall outside this range then the Fosroc Technical
Service Department should be contacted for advice.

Containers should be kept sealed and airtight to prevent

loss of moisture by evaporation.

* Denotes the trademark of Fosroc International Limited

See separate data sheet

Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for the Supply of
Goods and Service. All Fosroc datasheets are updated on a regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the latest version.

Head Office
telephone: (+9714) 2039699 fax: (+9714) 2859649 email: [email protected]
Al Gurg Fosroc LLC
Regional offices
Post Box 657, Dubai Abu Dhabi, Al Gurg Fosroc telephone: 673 1779 fax: 673 1449 email: [email protected]
Bahrain, YBA Kanoo telephone: 17738200 fax: 17732828 email: [email protected]
United Arab Emirates Kuwait, Boodai telephone: 4817618 fax: 4832124 email: [email protected]
Oman, Al Amana telephone: 24815080 fax: 24817554 email: [email protected]


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