Internal Control SUMMARY
Internal Control SUMMARY
Internal Control SUMMARY
(1) Organization And Management Control Controls are designed to establish an organizational
frame work for CIS activities including:
(2) Application System Development and Maintenance Control Control are designed to provide
reasonable assurance that systems are developed and maintained in an authorized and efficient
manner, to establish control over:
(3) Computer Operation Controls Designed to control the operation of the system and to provide
reasonable assurance that:
a) an authorization structure is established over transaction being entered into the system.
b) transactions are accurately converted into machine readable from and recorded in the
computer data files.
d) incorrect transactions are rejected, corrected and if necessary, resubmitted on a timely basis.
(7) Control Over Processing and Computer Data Files Controls are designed to provide
reasonable assurance that:
a) transactions including system generated transactions are properly processed by the computer.
b) Recovery procedures for use in the event of theft, loss or intentional or accidental destruction.