Session 2 2017
Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences
School of Computing and Mathematics
Internal Mode
Welcome to a new session of study at Charles Sturt University. Please refer to the Universitys
Acknowledgement of Country (
Consultation procedures
Your subject coordinator will be available for consultation. You will be informed of the consultation
procedures via your Interact2 subject site; as well as the names, contact details and consultation
procedures for any other staff teaching the subject.
If you cannot contact your Subject Coordinator, please contact your teaching team using the contact
details and consultation procedures provided on your Interact2 subject site.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, you should:
be able to create, manage and manipulate objects via the Java Collections Framework;
be able to design and implement multithreaded Java applications;
be able to design and construct Java Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) that interact with
problem domain objects;
be able to create, connect to and update a relational database using the Java Database
Connectivity (JDBC);
be able to construct and make use of reusable software elements utilising Java beans;
be able to use the inheritance features of the Java language to design and implement complex
object-oriented programs;
be able to write programs that would communicate with another program running in the
be able to deconstruct/analyse the object-oriented features of a Java program.
Pass Requirements
You must obtain at least 50% in both the examination and the total mark in order to pass this subject.
Key Subjects
Passing a key subject is one of the indicators of satisfactory academic progress through your course.
You must pass the key subjects in your course at no more than two attempts. The first time you fail a
key subject you will be 'at risk' of exclusion; if you fail a second time you will be excluded from the
Assumed knowledge
Academic integrity means acting with honesty, fairness and responsibility, and involves observing and
maintaining ethical standards in all aspects of academic work. This subject assumes that you
understand what constitutes plagiarism, cheating and collusion. If you are a new student we expect you
to complete the modules called Academic Integrity at CSU
Prescribed Text
Liang, YD (2015). Introduction to Java programming, Comprehensive Version, 10th Edition. New
Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9781292070018
The textbooks required for each of your enrolled subjects can also be found via the Student Portal
Textbooks ( page.
Week Commencing
1 24-Jul-2017 Text I/O and Binary I/O Chapter 12.10 to 12.13 and Chapter 17
3 07-Aug-2017 Inheritance and Generics Chapter 11.1 to Chapter 11.6 and Chapter 19
(Online Quiz is due on 11-August-2017)
Week Commencing
10 25-Sep-2017 Revision 1
12 09-Oct-2017 Revision 3
This study schedule has been devised to assist in your planning during the session, and is intended as
a guide only.
Subject Content
Information regarding the subjects content is outlined above in the Schedule.
Subject Delivery
Class/tutorial times and location
If you are enrolled in an internal offering of this subject, your class times can be found at Timetable @
CSU ( If you are enrolled in the online offering of the subject, this
timetable will not apply. Find out how to use Timetable @ CSU via the Student Portal Class
Timetable ( page.
All of your subject materials are available in the Interact site: Resources for the students, Textbook
and learning materials, Online learning modules, Recorded lectures etc. I suggest that for each topic
you read, from the online learning modules, the learning objectives carefully, read the overview, have
a quick skim of the text and then watch the recorded lecture on the topic-interactive tutorial. Once you
have got a feel for what the topic is about try and make a good set of notes under each of the topic
review questions both from the tutorials and online learning modules. You can do this by watching the
tutorial and consulting the text again in a more considered way. These questions have been designed to
give you focus in the topic, so it really helps to prepare a useful set of answers to them. I have also
uploaded some videos of the selected questions/problems. Once you feel ready you can test yourself
by taking the online quiz in the topic there are no marks recorded and you can do each quiz as many
times as you like.
In this subject we will meet for a 3 hour session where we will discuss that weeks topic. Before you
come to class you need to have looked at the online activities in the Interact site and read the text so
that you can contribute to the class and derive more meaning from the activities that we will do in
class. We will spend class time working through the topic questions, discussing them and preparing
responses. In addition we may use video, games and case studies to enhance understanding of certain
topic areas.
You should check the Interact Site on a regular basis for postings, announcements, lecture information
and other resources that will assist your studies or additional information and resources vital to your
success in the subject.
Studying at university does not mean studying alone. During class you will have an opportunity to
interact with the lecturer as well as your peers.
Use the subject schedule to plan your studies over the session.
Information on effective time management is available on the CSU Learning Support website via the
following link:
Visit the Learning Support website for advice about assignment preparation, academic reading and
note taking, referencing, effective time management and preparing for exams at:
Queries regarding the content of this subject should be directed to your Subject Coordinator.
Information on effective time management is available on the CSU Learning Support website via the
following link:
Visit the learning support website for advice about assignment preparation, academic reading and
note-taking, referencing, and preparing for exams at:
The Study Centres also offers a range of workshops specifically targeting your needs as an
international student. These workshops run multiple times per week and build into the comprehensive
Academic Skills Development Program that you should participate in. Additionally, a number of
student volunteers are available to assist you in a program known as Discipline Support Sessions.
Please see the timetables for these programs on the noticeboards on campus and also via the iLearn
Interact2 Organisation site.
Angela Maag
Dr Susan Lee
Elaine Rodrigues
Queries regarding the content of this subject should be directed to your Subject Lecturer.
Library services
You can search for books in the local Sydney library collection. You are able to Sign In to the CSU
Study Centre library catalogue online to place requests for books that are on loan to other students,
check their library record, and renew loans prior to the due date. This library service is available online
When books with outstanding requests are returned to the CSU Study Centre Library, an email will be
automatically sent to the next student who is waiting for that book.
CSU Library
The CSU Library online provides access to online and print material, using Primo Search to find:
You will also find library guides, Subject Reserve for any readings, eg. ACC100, BUS100, ITC100,
etc., and online assistance via free call phone number 1800 808 369, or Ask a Librarian - Live Chat or
Web Form.
Video tutorials in research skills, finding journal articles for assignments, topic analysis
Endnote referencing software
Other online library services to help you successfully complete your assignments
Online Tutorials
Use Primo Search to find eReserve study materials and journal articles
Search journal databases and web resources for information for your assessment tasks
Identify appropriate sources of information and peer reviewed material, to evaluate resources
Subject Library Guides are a great way to get started with research. Each online guide is tailored to a
Library Help
Friendly and quick assistance is available. Ask for help finding information and navigating the
librarys extensive eResources.
The Trove database from the National Library of Australia provides access to many different online
resources on any subject.
All students with a CSU student card can access University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) library for
free 10 times per year or paying $50 per year to join CAUL scheme to borrow books and use the UTS
library within the guidelines set down by UTS. Access restrictions may be in place during exam
periods. The UTS Blake library is located near Chinatown: corner Quay Street & Ultimo Road,
Haymarket. Phone: 02 9514 3666.
Zora Janeva
Senior Library Technician
Phone: 02 9291 9315
Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Residential school
You are not required to attend a residential school for this subject.
Assessment Items
Item Title Type Value Due date* Return
number date**
number date**
* due date is the last date for assessment items to be received at the University
** applies only to assessment items submitted by the due date
Assessment item 1
Online Quiz
Value: 5%
Due date: 11-Aug-2017
Return date: -
Submission method options
Interact2 Test
The assessment is an Online Quiz. In the Quiz, there will be 20 multiple choice questions on first two
This assessment has been designed to asses you understanding and knowledge on:
Marking criteria
Criteria HD DI CR PS FL
To meet this level
To meet this level To meet this level To meet this level Student has been
you will attain a
you will attain a you will attain a you will attain a unable to provide
cummulative mark
cummulative mark cummulative mark cummulative mark at least 50% of the
between 75%-84% between 65%-74% between 50%-64% cummulative mark
85%-100% of the
of the test of the test of the test of the test
Assessment item 2
Assignment 1: File Processing and GUI
Value: 15%
Due date: 04-Sep-2017
Return date: 26-Sep-2017
Submission method options
Alternative submission method
Write a Java program that will calculate tax for the employees of a company called XYZ. The main
menu of the tax calculation program is as follows.
When 1 is selected then the program will calculate the tax of an employee based on the annual income
of the employee and tax rates on the income. The tax rates on the income is stored in a file called
taxrates.txt. The program needs to read the taxrates.txt file and store the information in proper data
structure. If the taxrates.txt file does not exist in the directory of the source code then the program
should ask to provide the taxrates.txt file as an input. The format of the taxrates.txt file is as
The program will take user inputs on Employee ID (4-digit number) and the annual income of the
employee (floating-point number with two decimal places). Based on the annual income of the
employee the program will then calculate the tax (using the information in taxrates.txt file) of the
employee. For example, if the annual income of an employee is $100000.00 then the tax of the
employee=19822+(100000 - 87000)*0.37= 20303.00.
After calculating the tax of an employee the program will then write the Employee Id, taxable income
and tax into a file called taxreport.txt. The format of the taxreport.txt file is as follows.
Once the tax calculation is done for one employee then the program will ask if XZY wants to calculate
the tax for another employee, if yes then the above process will continue again. The program will
calculate the tax for as many employees as XYZ wants. However, if XZY does not want to calculate
the tax for another employee then main menu will be displayed.
When 2 is selected then the program will search the tax for an employee using the employee id in the
taxreport.txt file. However, if the taxreport.txt file does not exist in the directory of the source code
then the program should ask to provide the taxreport.txt file as an input.
If the taxreport.txt file contains the multiple tax for the same employee then the program will get the
latest tax amount of that employee. If the taxreport.txt file does not contain the employee id then the
program should give an warning message that the taxreport.txt file does not contain the tax of that
Once searching tax (based on employee id) is done for one employee then the program will ask if
XZY wants to search tax for another employee, if yes then the above process will continue again. The
program will search tax for as many employees as XYZ wants. However, if XZY does not want to
File read and write operations need to be done properly. You need to use proper data structure. Input
validation also needs to be done.
In this part of your assignment you are required to produce a fully functional GUI program in
accordance with the specifications mentioned below. The program will be used to determine and
display the final mark of students enrolled in the Programming in Java 2 subject. It will also have
the capability to calculate and display the average mark for all students entered into the system.
An appropriate title appearing on top of the main frame of the GUI (eg. Grade Processing
Programming in Java 2)
Six text fields with appropriate labels namely Student ID, "Student Name", Quiz Marks,
Assignment 1 Marks, Assignment 2 Marks and Exam Marks to take user inputs
Two buttons (Student Marks and Average Marks) used to trigger actions for calculations
A lower part (section) of the GUI will contain the Student Name, Student ID, Quiz marks,
Assignment 1 marks, Assignment 2 marks, Exam, Results and Grade.
Please see the figure below to get an idea about the GUI
Part 2 Functionality:
For each student, user enters Student ID, "Student Name", Quiz, Assignment 1,
Assignment 2, and Exam marks. The mark on each assessment items has to be an integer
between 0 and 100 (inclusive). Input validation needs to be done on each assessment mark to
make sure that the mark on each assessment is in between 0 and 100.
User then presses the Student Marks button to calculate the final marks and grade for the
student. The weights on Quiz, Assignment 1, Assignment 2, and Exam are 5%, 20%,
25% and 50%, respectively.
Results = (Quiz marks* 0.05) + (Assignment 1 marks * 0.20) + (Assignment 2 marks * 0.25)
+ (Exam marks* 0.5)
Calculate Grade:
HD: Results>=85
DI: 75<=Results<85
CR: 65<=Results<75
PS: 50<=Results<65
FL: 75<=Results<50
The users of the program are allowed to enter marks for as many students as they want
The lower part of the GUI will contain the Student Name, ID, Quiz marks, Assignment 1
marks, Assignment 2 marks, Exam marks, Results and Grade of 10 recently entered students.
Input validation needs to be done
When a user clicks the Average Marks button then the average marks for all students
entered will be displayed.
Note: For further clarification and concerns about the assignment, students are recommended to
contact with the subject lecturer.
Marking criteria
The marking criteria are represented via the following marking guide.
Task 1
Task 2
Report with enough screen
Very basic Report with
Report with enough shots is submitted. The
presentation (no few screen
Presentation 5 screen shots is discussion on each screen
screen shots are shots is
submitted shot is easy to read and
included) submitted
Program is not Program is Program is running
Program is running and
running but the running but but not showing all
Elements of showing all the required
15 source code not showing the required
the GUI components of the GUI
indicates the the GUI components of the
correctness properly GUI properly
Program is not
Program is Program is running
running but the Program is running properly
running but properly but cannot
Functionality 30 source code and not crashing because of
not working handle unexpected
indicates the unexpected inputs/events
properly inputs/events
Report: The report (in .doc or .pdf format) should explain how to run your program (1 or 2
page long) and any settings needed to run your program. Enough number of screenshots
should be shown in the document. In case if the assignment marker fails to run your
program, because of any inconvenience, these screenshots would show how the program
worked on your machine/environment.
Source code and other files: All source codes, exe file and other relevant files must have to
be zipped in a folder such that unzipping would keep the file/folder structure unaffected.
Assessment item 3
Assignment 2: Database and Multithread Programming
Value: 20%
Due date: 22-Sep-2017
Return date: 17-Oct-2017
Task 1 ( 60 marks)
University grading system maintains number of tables to store, retrieve and manipulate student marks.
These tables reside in a centrally or locally located server known as GradeProcessing. ITC521 is
one of the tables which contains following information/attributes for all the students enrolled in
ITC521: StudentID, StudentName, Quiz, Assignment1, Assignment2, Assignment3,
Exam, Results and Grade. A sample of the table may look like as follows:
HD: Results>=85
DI: 75<=Results<85
CR: 65<=Results<75
PS: 50<=Results<65
FL: 75<=Results<50
Note that Student ID must be 8-digit number, assignment and exam Marks must be integers between 0
and 100 (inclusive), and Results must be floating-point numbers with two decimal places.
Write a JAVA program that would simulate traffic lights using the concept of Multithreading. One
example is shown in the following figure. Each light has two statuses, "on" amd "off". Moreover, the
time of each light switching status can be set using the text input box beforehand. If the user clicks on
the "Start" button, the program starts to work. While if the "End" button is clicked, the program stops
working but not terminates. The program terminates only when the "X" button on right-upper corner.
Please note that, initially the switching time for each light would be set to "3". As shown in the last
column of following fiure, you should also display the text indicating the status of traffic light.
be able to create, connect to and update a relational database using the Java Database
Connectivity (JDBC);
be able to design and implement multithreaded Java applications;
be able to work on JavaFX UI Controls and Multimedia
Marking criteria
Task 1
Report with enough screen
Very basic Report with
Report with enough shots is submitted. The
presentation (no few screen
Presentation 10 screen shots is discussion on each screen
screen shots are shots is
submitted shot is easy to read and
included) submitted
A table is created Program checks the Some suggestions about
Create but provides no validation of the fields fields and table creation
10 error/warning
Table error/warning before sending the confirmation message is
is handled
message query to the MySQL displayed
A record is Program checks the
Some suggestions about
inserted but Any validation of the fields
Insert fields and insertion
10 provides no error/warning before
Record confirmation message is
error/warning is handled inserting a record in the
message table
A record is
Program checks the
Any validation of the field to Some suggestions about
correctly but
Search 10 error/warning be searched before fields and all search results
provides no
is handled running search are displayed
operation in the table
A record is
Program checks the
updated correctly Any Some suggestions about
validation of the field
Update 10 but provides no error/warning fields and all updated
before running update
error/warning is handled results are displayed
operation in the table
There are some Results and
mistakes in Grades are
Results and 10 All error/warning message is properly handled
calculating calculated
results and grade properly
Report: The report (in .doc or .pdf format) should explain how to run your program (1 or 2
page long) and any settings needed to run your program. Enough number of screenshots
should be shown in the document. In case if the assignment marker fails to run your
program, because of any inconvenience, these screenshots would show how the program
worked on your machine/environment.
Source code and other files: All source codes, exe file and other relevant files must have to
be zipped in a folder such that unzipping would keep the file/folder structure unaffected.
Assessment item 4
Assignment 3: Socket Programming
Value: 10%
Due date: 06-Oct-2017
Return date: 27-Oct-2017
Submission method options
Alternative submission method
Write a JAVA program that would facilitate text chatting/exchanging between two or multiple
computers over the network/internet, using the concept of JAVA socket programming. If you do not
Note: For further clarification and concerns about the assignment, students are recommended to
contact the lecturer.
Marking criteria
Very basic
Report with Report with enough screen
presentation Report with enough
few screen shots is submitted. The
Presentation 10 (no screen shots are screen shots is
shots is discussion on each screen shot
submitted is easy to read and understand.
Interfaces for ithe
clients and servers Interfaces for the clients and servers are done properly with
User 20
are not done necessary components.
established and
Connection texts are being
Texts being Partially done. E.g. Working perfectly and the
established exchanged,
exchanged the socket is created interface is user friendly.
30 but texts are Multiple clients
between but other parts are Multiple clients (i.e. users) can
not cannot exchange
both parties not working exchange text through server.
exchanged text between
themselves through
Report: The report (in .doc or .pdf format) should explain how to run your program (1 or 2 page long)
and any settings needed to run your program. Enough number of screenshots should be shown in the
document. In case if the assignment marker fails to run your program, because of any inconvenience,
these screenshots would show how the program worked on your machine/environment.
Source code and other files: All source codes, exe file and other relevant files must have to be zipped
in a folder such that unzipping would keep the file/folder structure unaffected.
Assessment item 5
Final Exam
Value: 50%
Date: To be advised
Duration: 2 hours
Submission method options
Allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the key concepts in all learning
outcomes. This assessment item also would assess the knowledge and understanding of reusable
software elements utilizing JavaBeans which is not assessed in other assessment items.
Students who have submitted assignments during the session that are not their own original work are
unlikely to be able to pass the exam.
It is a 2-hour closed book examination consisting of 40 multiple choice and 4 short answer questions.
Students must pass this exam in order to pass the subject - regardless of the marks achieved on the
other assessment items.
A sample exam can be accessed from the CSU DOMS collection: ITC521 Sample Exam
Marking criteria
Task Marks HD DI CR PS
Aggregate of MCQ Aggregate of MCQ Aggregate of MCQ Aggregate of MCQ
Part A falls in the range of PS falls in the range of PS falls in the range of PS falls in the range of PS
(40 40 grade as specified in grade as specified in grade as specified in grade as specified in
MCQ) the Assessment the Assessment the Assessmen the Assessmen
Information section Information section Information section Information section
Partially correct
Partially correct
Fully correct. Still contains few Partially correct
contains lot of
Part might contain very few programming errors. contains some
15 programming errors.
B: 1 minor typos/syntax Basic concept and programming errors.
Basic concept has
issues. understanding is fully Basic concept is ok.
some problems too.
Partially correct
Partially correct
Fully correct. Still contains few Partially correct
contains lot of
Part might contain very few programming errors. contains some
15 programming errors.
B: 2 minor typos/syntax Basic concept and programming errors.
Basic concept has
issues. understanding is fully Basic concept is ok.
some problems too.
Partially correct
Partially correct
Fully correct. Still contains few Partially correct
contains lot of
Part might contain very few programming errors. contains some
15 programming errors.
B: 3 minor typos/syntax Basic concept and programming errors.
Basic concept has
issues. understanding is fully Basic concept is ok.
some problems too.
Partially correct
Partially correct
Fully correct. Still contains few Partially correct
contains lot of
Part might contain very few programming errors. contains some
15 programming errors.
B: 4 minor typos/syntax Basic concept and programming errors.
Basic concept has
issues. understanding is fully Basic concept is ok.
some problems too.
Assessment Information
Learning materials
Details of learning materials that support your success in this subject can be found in the Interact2
Subject Site.
Referencing is an important component of academic work. All assessment tasks should be
appropriately referenced. The specific details of the referencing requirements are included in each
assessment task description. Get referencing style guides and help
( to use for your assessments.
CSU treats plagiarism seriously. We may use Turnitin to check your submitted work for plagiarism.
You can use Turnitin to check for plagiarism
( in your assessments before
In order to ensure that students who hand their assignments in on time are not disadvantaged, and to
enable the lecturer to comply with the requirement to return assignments to the class within 21 days,
the following rules about extensions will be strictly enforced:
1. Extensions cannot be granted for online tests, as these have to be done within a specific time
frame, after which the answers are released to the class automatically.
2. Computer problems and normal work-related pressures and family commitments do not
constitute sufficient reasons for the granting of extensions.
3. If it becomes obvious that you are not going to be able to submit an assignment on time
because of an unavoidable problem, you must submit your request for an extension to the
Subject Coordinator in writing (email or post) prior to the due date.
Requests for extensions will not be granted on or after the due date so you must make sure
that any extension is requested prior to the day on which the assignment is due.
You are expected to do all you can to meet assignment deadlines. Work and family related
pressures do not normally constitute sufficient reasons for the granting of extensions or
incomplete grades.
4. If you apply for an extension, you may be asked to email your lecturer on what you have
done so far on the assignment.
5. You must be able to provide documentary evidence (such as a certificate from a doctor or
counsellor) justifying the need for an extension as soon as practicable - but please note that if
the circumstances giving rise to the request for an extension arise on a day when you cannot
get documentary evidence, you must still apply for the extension before the due date and
submit the documentary evidence afterwards.
6. Given the tight deadlines involved in returning assignments to students and putting feedback
on Interact, the maximum extension granted generally will be seven (7) days from the
due date.
7. Assignments received more than 10 days after the due date or extension date will not be
marked unless the staff member decides otherwise. Items received late will be penalised at
10% of the mark available for the assessment item per day it is late (see below).
8. Note that for purposes of measuring lateness, the 'day' begins just after 00.00 hrs AEST - so
an assignment received after midnight of the due date will be penalised 10% for lateness.
This rule will be applied to all students uniformly.
10% deduction per day, including weekends, of the maximum marks allocated for the assessment
task, i.e. 1 day late 10% deduction, or 2 days late 20% deduction.
If an assignment is due on a Friday but is not submitted until the following Tuesday, then the penalty
will be four days (40% deduction or 8 marks in the example above).
Submissions more than 10 days late will be acknowledged as received but will not be marked.
Under normal circumstances resubmission of assessment items will not be accepted for any of the
assessments required in this subject.
Online Submission
Assessment items that are completed within the Interact 2 site, such as quizzes, tests and self and peer
assessments in the blog and wiki are noted in the assessment section above. You need to complete
these tasks within your subject site.
Unless advised otherwise, all Turnitin submissions are due by midnight (AEST) of the date specified.
Please note that the time and the date of your Turnitin submission will be used to determine your
official submission time.
Feedback on your assignment can be viewed on Turnitin after the assignment results are released. You
may also approach the lecturer in class for further clarification or feedback on the assignment.
Assignment Return
You should normally expect your marked assignment to be returned to you within 15 working days of
the due date, if your assignment was submitted on time. If you submitted your assignment on time but
have not received it back by the return date, you should make enquiries in the first instance to your
We strongly encourage you to complete your online Subject Experience Surveys. You will be
provided with links to your surveys via email when they open three [3] weeks before the end of
Data about your activity in the Interact2 site and other learning technologies for this subject will be
recorded and can be reviewed by teaching staff to inform their communication, support and teaching
Based on past analytics, changes made to the subject included <ABC> and <XYZ>.
Library Services
CSU Library ( provides access to the eBooks, journal articles, books,
and multimedia resources needed for your studies and assessments. Get the most out of these resources
by contacting Library staff either online or in person, or make use of the many Library Resource
Guides, videos and online workshops available.
Please refer to the collated list of policies and regulations relevant to studying your subject(s)
( which includes links to the
CSU Policy Library ( the sole authoritative source of official
academic and administrative policies, procedures, guidelines, rules and regulations of the University.