Azi Final Research
Azi Final Research
Azi Final Research
Azeb Tessema
May, 2015
Jimma, Ethiopia
Jimma University
ByAzeb Tessema
Habtewold Deti (B.Pharm, MSc)
Shimeles Ololo (BSc.PH,MPH)
May 2015
Jimma, Ethiopia
Objective: The purpose of this study is to assess the practices and factors associated with
self-medication in Shanan Gibe hospital, Jimma, Ethiopia.
SM= Self-Medication
Table of content
Abstract .................................................................................................................................
Acknowledgment ...................................................................................................................
Abbreviations .........................................................................................................................
Table of contents....................................................................................................................
List of Figures and tables .......................................................................................................
Chapter one: Introduction ......................................................................................................
1.1. Background...................................................................................................................
1.2. Statement of the problem..............................................................................................
1.3. Significant of the study.................................................................................................
Chapter two: Literature review ..............................................................................................
Chapter three: Objectives ......................................................................................................
3.1. General objective ............................................................................................................
3.2. Specific objectives ..........................................................................................................
Chapter four: Methods and Materials ....................................................................................
4.1. Study area and Period .....................................................................................................
4.2. Study design....................................................................................................................
4.3. Populations .....................................................................................................................
4.3.1. Source Population ........................................................................................................
4.3.2. Study population ..........................................................................................................
4.3.3. Inclusion and exclusion criteria ...................................................................................
4.4. Sample size and sample procedure .................................................................................
4.4.1. Sample size determination ...........................................................................................
4.4.2. Sampling technique .....................................................................................................
4.5. Study variables ...............................................................................................................
4.5.1. Dependent variables ....................................................................................................
4.5.2. Independent variables ..................................................................................................
4.6. Data collection procedure ..............................................................................................
4.6.1. Data collection instrument ...........................................................................................
4.6.2. Personnel......................................................................................................................
4.6.3. Data collection technique ............................................................................................
4.7. Operational definition .....................................................................................................
4.8. Data analysis plan ...........................................................................................................
4.9. Data quality management ...............................................................................................
4.10. Ethical considerations ...................................................................................................
4.11. Limitation of the study..................................................................................................
4.12. Dissemination of the findings .......................................................................................
Chapter Five: Result…………………………………………………………………………
Chapter Six: Discussion………………………………………………………………………
Chapter Seven: Conclusion & Recommendation……………………………………………...
Annex I
List of figures and tables
Chapter One
1.1. Background
Self-care is what people do for their own selves to establish and maintain health, prevent and
deal with illness (WHO, 1998). It is a broad concept encompassing hygiene, nutrition,
lifestyle, environmental factors, socioeconomic factors and self-medication (Al Khaja et al.,
2006, Alano et al., 2009). Self-medication, as one element of self-care, is the selection and
use of medicines by individuals to treat self recognized illnesses or symptoms (WHO, 1998).
It is use of nonprescription medicines by people on the basis of their own initiatives. Husain
A and Khanum A, (2008) also defined self-medication as obtaining and consuming
medication without professional supervision regarding indication, dosage, and duration of
treatment. However, self medication is not necessarily means the consumption of modern
medicines but also of herbs.
The World Health Organization has also pointed out that responsible self-medication can
help to prevent and treat ailments that do not require medical consultation and provides a
cheaper alternative for treating common illnesses. Nevertheless, the individual bears primary
responsibility for the use of self-medication products. All parties involved in self-medication
should be aware of the benefits and risks of any self-medication product. Self-medication
may be associated with certain risks such as drug resistance, drug interactions, adverse drug
reactions, increased poly-pharmacy, incorrect diagnosis and drug dependence (Hughes
CM,2001; Sapkota AR,2010). The study will thus conduct to evaluate the practices of self-
medication and to identify factors associated with it in Shanangibe hospital,Jimma , Ethiopia
1.2.Statement of the problem
Medicines for self-medication are often called ‘non- prescription’ or ‘over the
counter’ (OTC) and are available without a doctor’s prescription through
pharmacies. In some countries OTC products are also available in supermarkets and
other outlets. Medicines that require a doctor’s prescription are called prescription
products (Rx products).
Self-medication with OTC medicines is sometimes referred to as ‘responsible’ self-
medication to distinguish it from the practice of purchasing and using a prescription
medicine without a doctors’ prescription. Self- medication is widely practiced in
both developed and developing countries. As a result medications may be approved
as being safe for self-medication by the national drug regulatory authority. Such
medicines are normally used for the prevention or treatment of minor ailments or
symptoms, which do not justify medical consultation. In some chronic or recurring
illnesses, after initial diagnosis and prescription, self-medication is possible with the
doctor retaining an advisory role (Partha et al., 2002). Studies revealed that there is
an increase in trends of self- medications particularly among the youth. This can be
attributed to socio-economic factors, life style, ready access to drugs, the increased
potential to manage certain illnesses through self-care, and greater availability of
medicinal products, socio-demographic, epidemiological, availability of healthcare
and health professional, law, society and exposure to advertisement; high level of
education and professional status (Alano et al., 2009).
Moreover, knowledge of drugs and their use are the main causes of self-medication
especially among pharmacists and physicians (Al Khaja et al, 2006). In most illness
episodes, self-medication is the first option which makes it a common practice
worldwide. In the treatment of minor illness, when problems are self-limited, self-
care can be used. The criteria for considering health problems as a minor illness
include having limited duration and being perceived as non- threatening to the
patients. For government institutions, this can reduce costs while allowing health
professionals to focus on more serious health problems (Alano et al., 2009). In
economically deprived countries most episodes of illness are treated by self-
medication (G/Mariam and Worku, 2003). In a number of developing countries
including Ethiopia, many drugs are dispensed over the counter without medical
supervision. In this case, self- medication provides a lower cost-alternative for
people who cannot afford the cost of clinical services. The common episodes for
which most people go for self-medication include, but not limited to colds and flu,
heart burn, infrequent and difficulty of passing stool, minor skin problems, insect
bites and many others (G/Mariam A and Worku S, 2003). Though the practice of
self- medication is as old as mankind itself, little has been exploited. If used
appropriately, self-medication could lighten the demand on doctors and make people
more health conscious. However, if abused, it could delay accurate diagnosis and
appropriate treatment, and could cause toxicity, side-effects, drug interaction and
unnecessary expenditure (Arzi A et al., 2010). The use of drugs from informal
sectors such as open markets and village kiosks encourage the practice of self-
medication (Baruzaig A a Bashrahil K, 2008).
In order to handle unnecessary health risk and bacterial resistance due to improperly
obtained drugs, it is important to consider the manners of drug availability to
consumers. Unlike in the developed countries, illegal purveyors of drugs are
common in developing countries along with some practitioners. There is much
anecdotal evidence of self-medication with such drugs and inappropriate purchasing
of medicines for a particular condition though few studies have quantified their
extent (G/Mariam and Worku, 2003). No data is available on the current status of
self-medication practices among Shanangibe hospital. wWhich the current study was
1.3. Significance of the Study
Due to lack of proper health education to the population, the practice of self-medication is
becoming one of the public health problems.
The rising level of resistance of infectious disease to the drug effect can be related to self-
medication as one main factor. The aim of this study is to assess self-medication practice in
Shanan Gibe hospital. The result will help in recognizing possible intervention measure and
provide the base line information to plan health education activities on self-medication
practice. Finally based on the study finding feasible recommendation and conclusion was
Unlike the developed countries, illegal providers of drugs are common in developing
countries, which is a further source of irrational and potentially dangerous drug use
(http// in people’s general knowledge, level of education
and socio-economic status in many countries form a reasonable basis for successful self-
medication (WHO,200).
Proprietary medicines alone were used by 28.3%, herbs alone by 20.7%, while 32.8% had
used both.
In the study self-medication with proprietary medicines was least common with the middle
aged, the elderly and low level of education. It was most associated with low and middle
income, but no gender difference was found. Self-medication behavior with herbs was most
associated with middle-age, female gender and lowest income earners (Badeg W.&
Tsigi.G,2002). A preliminary assessment conducted in Addis Ababa showed that almost all
(99.5%) respondents have used herbal remedies for self-care. 20% of the respondents
preferred traditional medicine (TM); while 75% preferred both TM and modern medicine
(MM) for selfcare (Mecganaw F.& Getu D. 2003).
In another study conducted in Amhara region of Ethiopia on 17,780 people, from people
claimed they were sick 995(5.6%) the most important reasons for not visiting health
institutions were they believed that the disease did not need treatment in health institutions
(31.9%), bought drugs from drug vendors (27.2%) and visited traditional healers (20.2%)
(WHO,2004). A study in southern Ethiopia showed that 15% of the persons with perceived
illnesses performed self-medication. In another study conducted in Addis Ababa and central
Ethiopia the magnitude of self-care was as high as 50% (Tefera A.& Alemayhu W.2003).
A cross-sectional study conducted in Jimma zone, on 198 households reported that from 93
responds whose family member was ill in the previous month, 8.6% took drugs by
themselves without prescription. About 68% of the 93 respondents were cured: of whom
74.6% got treatment in the health institutions while 14.3% use traditional medicines
(Solomon W.& Abebe G.2003).
A similar study conducted in Jimma town showed that the prevalence of self-medication in
the town is 27.6% which is almost similar with the studies done in Mexico (30%), India
(34.5%) and china (32.5%) (9). Another study conducted on 630 households in Butajira,
southern Ethiopia, it was reported that 294(46.7%) of respondents had visited health
institutions after taking anti malarial drugs at home and 112 (17.8%) had self-medicated at
home with antimalarial drugs (Tsegaye G.1998).
According to the 1982-83 rural health survey, more than half of health service seekers relied
on traditional healers, lay treatment or self-care. The use of traditional medicine among the
urban population is also very high. For instance, in Addis Ababa, where modern health
service is relatively better, a significant percentage of the population has been shown to have
used traditional medicine (Mecganaw F.& Getu D. 2003).
Chapter Three
Chapter Four:
Shanan Gibe hospital started giving service to the community in 2011 by oromia health
office. It has 60 beds and OPD which has the capacity of giving service to 450 people.
Generally in the hospital there are 74 medical staffs, 9 doctors, 6 Libratory technician, 39
Nurse, 8 midwife, 4 anesthesia with one environmentalist and 7 pharmacists. It also have its
own pharmacy, the activities done in the hospital are minor surgery, family planning and
antenatal care, emergency OPD for rural areas.
4.3 Populations
The following was preclude because we aimed to describe self-medication behavior: (i)
patients unable to participate because of cognitive impairment, neuropsychiatric disorders,
language barriers or having presented with an unstable medical illness in the absence of a
near relative who could answer for them: (ii) declining study participate
According to the information from the Jimma zone shanan gibe hospital, the maximum
population that came to the hospital at the end of May was 450. .By using systematic
random sampling technique the minimum sample size was determined from the total OPD
patient of the SGH by the following formula:-
N=Total population
n=450(1.96)2 0.276(1-0.276)
n = 158
4.6.2 Personnel
Four data collectors will be recruited among third year health officer students. One
supervisor will be recruited from graduating class Health Officer Student. One day training
will be given to both data collectors and supervisors. Close supervision will be done both by
the supervisor and principal investigator.
Before data collection, training was given for data collectors to enable them to have
common understanding on the objectives of the study the data collection methods and each
of the questions in the .
The collect data was checked for completeness of information and consistency. The data
wasentered, and analyzed using SPSS version 20. And results were presented using tables
and figures. Chi-square test was used to determine association between dependent and
independent variables
Before data collection, training was given for data collectors to enable them to have
common understanding on the objectives of the study, the data collection methods and
each of the questions in the questionnaire. Therefore, the personal variations on
interpretation of the questions was minimize. The data collection was supervised by the
principal investigator.
An official letter were taken from Jimma university community based education office to
administration of hospital then verbal consent will obtain from the hospital administrator.
The study subjects was clearly be informed about the purpose of the study before
administering the questions.
Chapter Five
The questioners were completed for 158peoples who visitedsthe shanan gibe hospital . oOut of
that the respondents 75(60.23%)were in the age of 35 and above 93(58.8%)and 65(41.2%) were
female and male respectively.mMajority of the respondents 101(63.93%) were literate while
57(36.07%) illiterate. Christian represented 65(41.12%) and muslims 93(58.86%). the majority
73(46.20%) earns monthly income of 301-600 birr and 46(25.31%) earns monthly income of 150-
300. The common illnesses for which the subjects took action where headache /fever 58(23.87%),
abdominal problem /GI 57(23.46%), cough 53(21.81%),eye infection 7(2.88%) sore throat
10(4.11%), skin disease 20(8.23%) and others 38(15.64%). who had reported headache /fever and
cough respectively, were self medicated.
Table1. Types of illness reported and action taken in Shanangibe hospital, May 2015 .
Action taken
Headache/ fever 48 10 0 58
GI/abdominal problem 40 12 5 57
Cough 32 14 7 53
Eye infection 2 5 0 7
Sore throat 2 8 0 10
Skin disease 4 11 5 20
Others 18 13 7 38
85(53.79%), 67(42.40%) and 58(36.7%) reported that they used self medication because its'
previous experience for similar illness, illness was minor to see health care provider and low coast
alternative respectively,
previous experince
illness was minor
low cost
56(35.44%), 14(8.86%), 7(4.43%)and 3(1%) said they obtained the drugs from DRO ,left over from
privies use , neighbor / relative and kiosk
DRO 56 35.44
Neighbor/relative 7 4.43
Kiosk 3 1
24(15.18%),18(11.39),71(44.93), 45(28.48); there source of information was personal of drug outlet
other health professional, previous experience and neighbor/relative
Chart Title
1 2 29%
3 4
85(53.79),67(42.40),32(20.25), 8(5.06),58(36.70);there reason for self medication previous
experience for similar illness,illness was minor to see health care provider,long waiting time ,un
satisfaction by the service of H/F and low cost alternative.
Table 3. Factors associated with self medication in shanangibe hospitals, May 2015.
Female practiced more SM (58.8%) than males (41.13%) and this findings is
in agreement with the study done in Mexico that identified women as the
fundamental element in the consumption of drugs and employment of SM
(Angeles 1992).The commonest illnesses that led to SM in this study
(headache/fever, cough, GI) where also reported similarly.
Unlike the study done in China where people used SM mainly because they
felt that they know what to do, in this study one of the commonest reason
for practice of SM was previous experience for similar illness 85(53.79%)
and its relative less cost 58 (36.7%). As who noted, SM provides a cheap
alterative to people who cannot afford to pay medical practitioners. Thus,
SM is often the first response to illness among people with low income (Lam
8.86% said they obtained the drugs from over from previous use, 4.43%
from neighbor/relative, 1% from kiosk. Where majority of 35.44% are
obtained the drugs from DRO while in the studies done in Jimma
(Ethiopia) about one third and in France about three over from previous
use and from DROs(Tejedor.N,1995).
A significant number of people use self medication among shenen gibe clients of Jimma
town. the self medication behavior of the shenen gibe clients varies significantly with a
number of socio-demographic characteristics and its more prevalent among females
middle age and lowest income earning individuals. there is also between the types of
illness/symptoms, educational level marital status occupation and monthly income or the
population. but no association is found between the action taken for illness/symptoms and
religion of the population.
the major reason for self medication is reported to be previous experience for the
illness/symptoms and majors taken. DRO are cited to be the major source of drugs that
used for self medication. the similar illness/symptoms and drugs left over from previous
use contribute to the increases in the self medication practices .
Much has to be done in educating the public including the health care providers on the type of
illnesses that can be self-diagnosed and self-treated, the type of drugs to be used for S/M, the
proper use of antihelmentics and the dangers of sharing and using left over drugs.
Drug Administration and Control Authority (DACA) needs to effectively implement laws on drug
handling and dispensing so as to take necessary measures on illegal providers of drugs.
The Federal Ministry of Health (MOH) and the regional health bureau may need to facilitate ways
so as to increase health service delivery institutions and quality of service delivered as well, so that
more people can have access for utilizing health facilities. Finally, further study needs to be done in
the study area to understand especially self-treatment practice of malaria in the study area.
Annex I
work plan
Table 1
No. Activities Months
March April May June
1 Proposal X X
2 Recruitment X
of data
3 Training of X
4 Pre-testing X
the tools
5 Main Data X
6 Data Entry X
& analysis
7 Report X
8 Submission X
of the thesis
Table 2
Unit Quantity Unit price Total Price
Secretary Per day 1 150 150
Pans Each 5 10
Pensile Each 1 50 50
Eraser Each 1 1 1
Paper Ream 1 70 70
Diskettes Each 1 20 20
Binder Each 1 25 15
Transportation Per trip 3 10 30
Duplication Per page 3 15 45
Binding the Each 3 6 18
Ground Total 24 50 959 50
Annex I
Part I
Socio-demographic information
1. Address: Kebele _______________ House Number ____________
2. Respondent’s Age ___________ Sex____________
Head of household’s
1. Was there any health problem in your house in the last two year?
Yes No
e. Use valuable traditional medicine.
9. Your plan for future about the same perceived illness /symptom?
a. Continue self-medication b. Look for modern health care
12. To what category do they belong, could you show sample of the drugs?
a. Analgesic /antipyretic c. Antimalarial e. other(specify)___
b. Antimicrobial d. Anthelminthics
Table 3
Sex* Male 65
Female 93
Total 158
18-24 20
25-34 43
Age* 35-44 25
45-54 15
55-64 32
>65 23
Total 158
Un married 29
Widow 14
Divorce 18
Total 158
Orthodox 43
Religion Muslim 93
Protestant 20
Catholic 2
Total 158
Illiterate 57
Informal 9
Junior (5-8) 34
Secondary (9-12) 15
10+/12+ 27
Total 158
Business man 8
Daily laborer 23
Government 34
Farmer 47
Retire 10
Other 0
Total 158
< 150 32
Income 150-300 40
301-600 73
>600 13
Total 158
Illness/symptom Frequency %
TABLE:4: frequency of
Headache/fever 53
illness/symptom in Shanangibe
cough 37
Eye infection 6
Sore throat 8
Skin disease 9
Other 24
Table 5, Action taken by individuals with the socio-demographic characteristics of the individuals.
Shanangibe hospital, May 2015
Statistical test
Socio-demographic Self-medication
MM TM N/F Total
Sex Male 34 28 13 75
Female 42 52 18 108
Total 76 80 31 183
18-24 11 16 4 31
25-34 36 25 14 75
35-44 20 17 7 44
45-54 8 15 11 34
55-64 18 27 21 66
> 65 13 17 9 39
Unmarried 18 22 5 45
Widow 10 13 4 27
Divorce 15 17 2 34
Orthodox 32 16 7 55
Religion Muslim 27 45 16 88
Protestant 16 11 0 27
Others 2 2 0 2
Total 77 74 23 172
Pre school
Illiterate 15 46 17
Educational Informal 3 7 2
Elementary 12 8 5
(grade 1-4)
Junior 24 27 6
(grade 5-8)
Secondary 13 9 3
(grade 9-12)
Above grade 22 11 1
10 and 12*
Total 89 108 34
* Individuals who had completed grade 10/12, and attended higher education
Table 6 : reported symptom/illness and action taken in Shanagibe hospital, May2015
Headache/ 48 10 0 58
GI/abdominal 40 12 5 57
Cough 32 14 7 53
Eye infection 2 5 0 7
Sore throat 2 8 0 10
Skin disease 4 11 5 20
Others 18 13 7 38
TABLE 7: reason for conducting self medication in Shanagibe hospital, May 2015
Illness was minor to see health care 67
TABLE 8source of information for self medication in Shanagibe hospital, May 2015
Source of information Frequency %
Other 0 -
TABLE 9: distribution of category of medication in Shanagibe hospital, May 2015.
Anti malarial 37
Analgesic/antipyretic 48
Traditional 80
Antimicrobial 8
Antihelmentic 2
Other 4
N/F 31
DRO 56 35.44
Left over from previous use 14 8.86
Neighbor/relative 7 4.43
Kiosk 3 1.89
Improved 46 29.11
Worsen 28 17.72
No change 70 44.30
Other 0 -
TABLE 12: distribution of future plan for the same illness in shanangibe hospital, May 2015.
Other 23 14.55
TABLE 13: reason for hoard medication in shanagibe hospital, May 2015.
Other 29 18.35
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13. Husain A and Khanum A,(2008)
14. IPF(2013)
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23. WHO drug information 2004; 18(1):27.
24. WHO drug information. 2000; 14(1):1-26.
25. WHO(2013)
26. WHO,1998