Complementary Therapy
Complementary Therapy
Complementary Therapy
-Complementary therapy or medicine are traditional methods that are used along with
traditional medical approaches (medications, immunotherapy, chemotherapy).
-Integrative medicine considers one’s entire health and wellness, not limiting the therapeutic
approach to the specific disease or organs involved. It focuses on the mental, emotional,
functional, spiritual, social, and community aspect of health.
-Relieves pain
-MANIPULATION AND BODY BASED PRACTICES: The following types are based on the
manipulation of the body.
1. MASSAGE: Massage relies on body’s nerve endings and pressure point to promote relaxation.
There are many forms of massage, for example; shaitu, Heller work(R) and reflexology.
However the most widespread variation builds upon five basic strokes of Swedish massage are:
1. Effleurage: This is slow rhythmic gliding strokes in the direction of blood flow towards heart.
2. Pelinssag: This is kneading, pressing and rolling muscle groups.
3. Friction: steady pressure or right circular movement often used around joint.
Massage therapy has been used to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood and pain
control. It can promote healing at incision sites and may prevent or reduce scarring. Foot
massage has been shown to have positive effect on pain, nausea and relaxation.
- REFLEXOLOGY: This therapy involves applying manual pressure to areas of foot, hand or ear
that are believed to correspond to the affected organs or systems. It may help to relieve
symptoms such as pain, constipation and nausea.
-CUPPING: This is the type of therapy that involves using heated cups to create a vacuum on
the skin. It increases blood flow to targeted areas to reduce inflammation.
-MEDITATION: Is a method of relieving and quieting the mind to relieve muscle tension and
achieve inner peace. There are numerous forms of meditation taught individually or in group
- YOGA: Is a gentle exercise consisting of body posture and breathing techniques. It has been
practiced thousands of years in India and is now popular around the world.
-LANDSCAPE THERAPY: Landscape therapy is the showing of peace fu, relaxing landscapes
that can evoke calmness and tranquility. Landscapes may be shown in a darken room via slide
show or video screen, or they may be shown in the form of art books or actual artwork
landscapes. It is often used as a distraction technique to help manage pain and anxiety.