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ID2 [3985pts]

Army [3985pts] (Infernal Dwarves)

Bull of Shamut (180), Eye of the Bull (23), Onyx Core (90), Ring of
Overlord Characters 523
Desiccation (50)
General, Prophet of Nezibkesh (45), Light Troops, Wizard Adept,
Prophet Characters 370 Alchemy, Corruption of Tin, Living Steel, Wall of Lead, Talisman of
the Void (35)
Characters 250 Light Troops, Pyromancy, Fireball, Flaming Swords, Dragon's Roar
(17) Citadel Flintlock Axe (119), Standard Bearer (5), Flaming Standard (20),
Core Units 449
Guard Musician (15)
(21) Infernal
Core Units 447 Shield (21), Blunderbuss (105), Standard Bearer (5), Musician (15)
(20) Vassal
Core Units 295 Spear and Shield (20), Bow (100)
(18) Disciples
Special 476 Great Weapon (36), Standard Bearer (15), Musician (15)
of Lugar
(5) Taurukh Infernal Weapon (20), Shield (15), Blunderbuss (25), Musician
Special 290
Enforcers (15), Standard Bearer (15)
Special 290 Rocket Battery (105)
Special 185 Naphtha Thrower
(5) Vassal
Special 210 Standard Bearer (15), Musician (15)
Kadim Chariot Special 200 Paired Weapons
Selection Rules
Aegis is a Special Save, with a value indicated in brackets (X). If X is given as a modifier and with a maximum value
(e.g. +2), the model gains this as a modifier to all its Aegis Special Save rolls, which cannot be increased to rolls
better than 3+. If the model doesn’t have Aegis, it instead gains a Aegis (7 X+). For example, a model without Aegis
that gains Aegis (+2) will gain Aegis (5+).

Note that Aegis Saves cannot be taken against attacks with the Divine Attacks Attack Attribute.

Always hit on a roll equal to or greater than its Aim

Range 24", Shots 1, Str 3, AP 0, Volley Fire

Commanding Presence:
If any friendly unit is within 12" of the model:

• Its Courage is set to the Courage of the model with Commanding Presence, unless their original value is higher.

Apply any modifiers to the model’s Courage first, then set the recipient model’s Courage to that value. No single
source of modifiers are applied more than once.

• It gains Disciplined, if the model with Commanding Presence has it.

If the model with Commanding Presence is Shaken, this rule cannot be used.
If rules, properties or unit names are mentioned in brackets following this rule (X), it means that only units
possessing these qualities can benefit from the model’s Commanding Presence.

Corruption of Tin:
The target suffers -1~Arm, -1~Agi and gains Metal Armour.

Command Tests taken by a unit containing Disciplinedare subject to Maximised roll. Note that this rule interacts with
Commanding Presence, see Commanding Presence for details.

Divine Attacks:
Aegis Saves cannot be taken against Divine Attacks.

Dragon's Roar:
A single model part in the target gains Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 0, Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks), and

Grind Attack (2D6, Str 4, AP 0, Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks).

Units with Emplacement cannot Declare Charges, perform March Moves or Pursue Moves, or choose the Flee! Charge
Reaction. If a unit with Emplacement is about to perform a Flee Move, it is instead removed as a Casualty. The
model cannot shoot in the same Player Turn that it performed an Advance Move or Reform Move.
Units with Emplacement can draw Line of Sight in any direction from any points on their base (i.e. they are not
limited by their Front Facing or Front Arc).
This rule limits which Attachable Model is allowed to join what unit.

• Attachable Models with Exclusive (X) can only join units containing X.

• Non-Attachable Models with Exclusive (X) can only be joined by Attachable Models.

• Models with Exclusive without brackets cannot join units or be joined by other models at all.

The specific criteria for X can include unit names, Model Rules, or upgrades.

If a model has both Exclusive and Attached, apply all requirements from both rules. In some cases, this may mean
the model cannot be deployed. In this case, the model is considered a casualty.

Eye of the Bull:

Affects both Shooting and Standard Melee Attacks. Att is always set to 1, Str is always set to 5, and AP is always set
to 10. Hits automatically (no to-hit roll required). Multiple Wounds (2, Melee).

A unit containing Fearless automatically passes Panic Tests, cannot choose Flee! as a Charge Reaction unless it’s
already Shaken, and ignores the effects of Horror.

Feigned Flight:
At the end of a Combat, before rolling any Break Tests, any unit with Feigned Flight may choose to voluntarily break
from the Combat. If so, the unit is considered to have failed a Break Test. If the unit was on the winning side of the
combat, the enemy cannot Pursue.

In addition, any Rally Tests taken by units with Feigned Flight after voluntarily becoming Shaken (either due to
Charge Reaction Flee! or disengaging from combat), are automatically passed. This cannot be used if the unit has
performed another Flee move before rolling the Rally Test.

Models with Fearless and Feigned Flight are not prevented from choosing Charge Reaction Flee! due to Fearless.

Remember that a voluntary Flee Move does not cause a Panic Test in friendly units that the Fleeing unit moves

The target suffers 2D3
hits with Str~4, AP~0, Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks

First Strike:
During the First Round of Combat, model parts with First Strike, or using a weapon with First Strike, gains the rules
and Characteristic modifiers stated in brackets. For example, a model part with First Strike (+1 Str) gains +1 Str in
the first round of combat.

Flaming Attacks:
Fortitude Saves cannot be taken against Flaming Attacks.

Flaming Swords:
The target gains +1 to wound, Magical Attacks, Flaming Attacks (Melee & Shooting).

Flintlock Axe:
Counts as Halberd when Engaged in Combat
Units with <nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/fly">Fly</nuxt-link> ignore
<nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/terrain">Terrain</nuxt-link> Features and
other units during <nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/move_manoeuvres">Move
Manoeuvres</nuxt-link> and <nuxt-link class="ruleLink"
to="/app/rule/charge_move">Charge Moves</nuxt-link>. The unit must however follow the
<nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/unit_spacing">Unit Spacing</nuxt-link> rule
at the end of its moves, and <nuxt-link class="ruleLink"
to="/app/rule/terrain">Terrain</nuxt-link> Features from which the <nuxt-link
class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/model">model</nuxt-link> starts or ends its move still
affect it.\<br> During a <nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/charge_move">Charge
Move</nuxt-link>, the charged unit is not ignored, and there must be room for the
unit’s Front Facing to be placed in contact with the charged unit before the Align

An army may include a General, and this upgrade is One of a Kind. A General gains Commanding Presence.

Ghost Step:
A unit with Ghost Step ignores Terrain Features when moving. The unit must however follow the Unit Spacing rule at
the end of its move.

If the unit ends a move inside Impassable Terrain, backtrack the move to the unit’s last legal position, unless as part
of a Flee Move, in which case the standard Flee Moves rules apply.

When a model with Ghost Step is part of a unit where some models do not have Ghost Step, and this unit is about to
roll Dangerous Terrain Tests, consider the Terrain Feature to have the criteria "model without Ghost Step" (i.e. ignore
models with Ghost Step when calculating number of tests and allocating attacks).

Great Weapon:
+2 Str, +2 AP, always Agi, Two-Handed

Always strike at Agility Step 0, regardless of the wielder’s Agility.

Hand Weapon:
All models come equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment and cannot lose it. & -- & Models using a
Hand Weapon alongside a Shield gain Parry. A model equipped with another Melee Weapon must use this, and
cannot use its Hand Weapon.

Higher Calibre:
The Range of the model's Shooting Weapon is doubled. Enemy units hit by the weapon suffer -1" Cha and -1" Mob,
both to a minimum of 3" until the end of the affected model's Player Turn.
Impact Hits:
If Charging, the <nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/model">model</nuxt-link>
part can make a Special Melee Attack. Allocate this attack towards a Health Pool in
contact with the <nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/model">model</nuxt-link>,
except that it can not be allocated towards an Attachable <nuxt-link class="ruleLink"
to="/app/rule/model">Model</nuxt-link> that could not be the target of a Ranged Attack
<i>(see <nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/attacks">Attacks</nuxt-link>
chapter)</i>.<br><br> The attack is resolved at Agility Step 10, and hits
automatically, inflicting X hits, using the <nuxt-link class="ruleLink"
to="/app/rule/model">model</nuxt-link> part’s Strength, Armour Penetration, and <nuxt-
link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/attack_attributes">Attack Attributes</nuxt-link>,
but not <nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/weapons">Weapons</nuxt-link>.
<i>Remember that <nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/attacks">attacks</nuxt-
link> multiplied into several hits are allocated after establishing how many hits are
scored (this is relevant only if X is greater than 1).</i><br> <br> If values for
Strength, Armour Penetration and additional <nuxt-link class="ruleLink"
to="/app/rule/attack_attributes">Attack Attributes</nuxt-link> are defined in the
bracket (Y), these are used instead. In this case, note that characteristics <nuxt-
link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/modifiers">modifiers</nuxt-link> and <nuxt-link
class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/attack_attributes">Attack Attributes</nuxt-link> on the
<nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/model">model</nuxt-link> part itself do not
affect this attack.<br> <br><br> If more than one <nuxt-link
class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/model">model</nuxt-link> part of a combined <nuxt-link
class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/model">model</nuxt-link> has <nuxt-link
class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/impact_hits">Impact Hits</nuxt-link>, only a single
<nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/model">Model</nuxt-link> Part can perform
its <nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/impact_hits">Impact Hits</nuxt-link> in
each Round of Combat <span class="textbf">(owner’s choice)</span>.

Infernal Armour:
The model gains Resistance (Flaming Attacks).

Infernal Weapon:
+1 Str and +1 AP.

Units with Insignificant don’t cause Panic Tests on units not containing Insignificant when making Flee Moves
through them.

Keys to the Citadel:

The model must buy Weapon Enchantments for two of its mundane weapons. The Point Cost of one of the Weapon
Enchantments (the cheapest if applicable) is halved, rounding fractions up.

Models on foot cannot use Lances. Devastating Charge (+2 Str, +2 AP, +1 Agi)
Light Troops:
Units with Light Troops cannot perform Advance Moves or March Moves, and when they perform Reform Moves, the
centre of the unit can move up to twice the unit’s Mobility (rather than as normal only half Mobility). Depending on
how far the centre of the unit has moved during a Reform Move (the straight path from starting to ending position),
additional rules apply:

• If further than the unit’s Mobility, the move is considered a March Move for the purpose of rules triggering due to
Marching, such as Dangerous Terrain tests, and for units such as Undead being restricted from performing March
Move. Note that for the purpose of Shooting, this is still considered a Reform Move.

Units containing Light Troops are always considered to have 0 Proper Ranks. Ignore Attachable Models with Light
Troops joined to a unit for this, unless the unit consists of only Attachable Models.

Living Steel:
The target gains +1 to hit and Magical Attacks (Melee & Shooting).

Magical Attacks:
The Attack Attribute doesn’t confer any direct effects, but instead interacts with other rules, such as Aegis (X,
against Magical Attacks).

Musician is a unit-wide upgrade, normally represented by the presence of a regimental musician. Command Tests
taken by units containing Musician are subject to Maximised roll..

Naphtha Thrower:
The hits from an Explosion! Misfire Effect gain Flaming Attacks.

Oil Flasks:
If one or more simultaneous attacks with Oil Flasks hit, after resolving these attacks, the target unit gains one
Incendiary Marker.

Onyx Core:
Str is always set to 6. Flaming Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3, towards Weakness (Flaming Attacks)).

Paired Weapons:
+1 Att, +1 Off, Two-Handed. Attacks made with Paired Weapons ignore Parry

Prophet of Nezibkesh:
The model gains Engineer (Gunnery Team, Infernal Artillery or Infernal Engine). The model gains access to the
options below.

Ring of Desiccation:
When Choosing Equipment and Abilities at the start of a Round of Combat, each enemy unit in contact with the
bearer's model gains one Incendiary Marker.

Rocket Battery:
When rolling to hit, if two or more dice rolled a natural ‘1’, all hits are ignored and the weapon Misfires.

+1 Armour

Mounted models cannot use Spears. +1 Agi, Fight in Extra Rank, +3 AP against Swiftstride*. *AP Bonus Cannot be
used when Charging.
Standard Bearer:
Standard Bearer is a unit-wide upgrade, normally represented by the presence of a model carrying the unit standard,
icon, military insignia, totem, or other similar symbol. A unit containing a Standard Bearer adds +1 to the Combat
Score of its side.

Stomp Attacks:
The <nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/model">model</nuxt-link> part can make a
special Melee Attack. Allocate this attack towards a Health Pool of Height 0 - 1 and
in contact with the <nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/model">model</nuxt-
link>, except that it can not be allocated towards an Attachable <nuxt-link
class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/model">Model</nuxt-link> that could not be the target
of a Ranged Attack <i>(see <nuxt-link class="ruleLink"
to="/app/rule/attacks">Attacks</nuxt-link> chapter)</i>.<br><br> The attack is
resolved at Agility Step 0, and hits automatically, inflicting X hits, using the
<nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/model">model</nuxt-link> part’s Strength,
Armour Penetration and <nuxt-link class="ruleLink"
to="/app/rule/attack_attributes">Attack Attributes</nuxt-link>, but not <nuxt-link
class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/weapons">Weapons</nuxt-link>.<br> <br> If values
for Strength, Armour Penetration and additional <nuxt-link class="ruleLink"
to="/app/rule/attack_attributes">Attack Attributes</nuxt-link> are defined in the
bracket (Y), these are used instead. In this case, note that characteristics <nuxt-
link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/modifiers">modifiers</nuxt-link> and <nuxt-link
class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/attack_attributes">Attack Attributes</nuxt-link> on the
<nuxt-link class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/model">model</nuxt-link> part itself do not
affect this attack. <i>Remember that <nuxt-link class="ruleLink"
to="/app/rule/attacks">attacks</nuxt-link> multiplied into several hits are allocated
after establishing how many hits are scored (this is relevant only if X is greater
than 1).</i><br> If more than one <nuxt-link class="ruleLink"
to="/app/rule/model">model</nuxt-link> part of a combined <nuxt-link class="ruleLink"
to="/app/rule/model">model</nuxt-link> has Stomp Attack, only a single <nuxt-link
class="ruleLink" to="/app/rule/model">Model</nuxt-link> Part can perform its Stomp
Attack in each Round of Combat (owner’s choice).

When a unit containing Stubborn loses a combat, the modifier to the Courage from the Combat Score difference is
halved, rounding fractions up (i.e. towards a larger modifier). Note that if the unit is also Steady, the modifier is first
set to no smaller than 2 following the Steady rules, and then halved, rounding up, to 1.

If the unit is Unstable, the Health Point losses due to Unstable are halved, rounding fractions up (i.e. towards more
Health Point losses).

When a unit with Supernal fails a Break Test, instead of being Broken and subsequently Shaken, it suffers a number
of Health Point losses equal to the amount by which the combat was lost, with no saves of any kind allowed.

These Health Point losses are first allocated towards Rank-and-File models, and once enough Health Points losses
are suffered to remove all Rank-and-File models, remaining Health Point losses are allocated by the owner towards
Attachable Models, as evenly as possible.

Attachable Models with Supernal can only join units containing Supernal, and units containing Supernal can only be
joined by Attachable Models with Supernal.

Rolls for range on Charge Range, Flee Distance and Pursue Distance by units with Swiftstride are all subject to
Maximised Roll.
Talisman of the Void:
Channel (1). This item can only be used if the model's army total combined Channel is 3 or less (excluding Channel
from this Magic Item).

Theocratic Litigators:
The model's unit and enemy units in contact with the model's unit gain Magic Resistance (2), which is also applied to
friendly spells. This Magic Resistance value cannot be increased.

The model cannot take any Army specific Magic Items, and cannot choose Curse of Nezibkesh (Hereditary Spell).

After deployment, units with Vanguard may perform an out of sequence Move Manoeuvre (Reform, Advance, or
March Move), with the following exceptions:

• If an X is given, the unit’s Mobility is set to always X" during this move.

• No model can move further than 12" during this move, regardless of its Mobility.

• It cannot move within 6" of an enemy unit.

• Attachable Models cannot leave a unit as part of this move.

If both players have units with Vanguard, they alternate moving units one by one, starting with the player that
finished deploying first.

A unit that starts the game outside their own Deployment Zone cannot declare a Charge in the first Player Turn of
the first Game Turn.

Wall of Lead:
Place a Wall Terrain Feature with dimensions 1×6" on the target.

Remove the Terrain Feature when the spell ends.

Weapon Master:
The model part may choose what Melee Weapon to use at each Round of Combat, rather than only in the first round
of combat. The model part may also choose to use a Hand Weapon even if it has another Melee Weapon. If armed
with an Enchantment Weapon, the model part must still use it.

Wizard Adept:
The model gains Channel (1) and knows 3 spells, chosen from the Apprentice Spell and the Adept Spells (#1 - #4)
of the Path it has selected. Note that the choice of Path and spells are written on the Army List, and that during Pre-
game Selections, the model can swap one spell for the Hereditary Spell in the model’s Armybook.

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