DA Ravenwing Strike Force (Dark Angels: Codex (2015) v54) (500pts)

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New Roster (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition v4) (500pts)

DA Ravenwing Strike Force (Dark Angels: Codex (2015) v54) (500pts)

First Huntsman, Speed of the Raven, Strike as One

HQ (95pts)
Librarian (95pts)
Deathwing, Fearless, Grim Resolve, Hatred (Chaos Space Marines), Independant Character

Power Armour (30pts)

Bolt Pistol, Force Sword, Shroud of Heroes (10pts), Space Marine Bike (20pts)
Feel No Pain, Force, Hammer of Wrath, Jink, Relentless, Shrouded

Level 1
Mastery Level 1

Unit Type




4 5 2

A Ld Save

4 2 10





Each time a unit (or model) is targeted by an enemy psycic power and is within 12" of a friendly model with a
psychic hood, the wearer of the hood can attempt to Deny the Witch in their stead, as if he were in the target unit.
If the Deny the Witch attempt is failed, the psychic power is resolved as norma, but effects only the initial target,
not the wearer of the hood. If a model with a psychic hood is embarked in a vehicle or building, he can only use
the hood to nullify powers targeting the vehicle or buildign he is embarked within.

of Heroes

Grants Feel No Pain (5+). In addition as long as the wearer is not in a unit gains Shrouded


Changes unit type to Bike, and gives +1 to Toughness. Has built-in Twin Linked Bolter.


Range Strength AP Type

Bolt Pistol



Force Sword


Melee, Force



Assault 1, Blast, Don't suffer Initiative penalty for charging through cover



Assault 1

Fast Attack (240pts)

Ravenwing Black Knights (120pts)
2x Black Knight (80pts)
And They Shall Know No Fear, Gets Hot, Grim Resolve, Hammer of Wrath, Hit and Run, Jink, Outflank, Ravenwing, Relentless,
Rending, Scout, Skilled Rider

Huntmaster (40pts)
2x Corvus Hammer

Unit Type


Ravenwing Black


4 5 1

A Ld Save

4 2 9



Bike (Character) 4

4 5 1

4 2 9





Friendly Terminators do not scatter when placed within 6", model must have started the turn on the board


Range Strength AP Type

Bolt Pistol





Melee, Rending

Frag Grenades


Assault 1, Blast, Don't suffer Initiative penalty for charging through cover

Krak Grenades


Assault 1

Plasma Talon


Rapid Fire, Gets Hot, Twin Linked

Ravenwing Black Knights (120pts)

2x Black Knight (80pts)
And They Shall Know No Fear, Gets Hot, Grim Resolve, Hammer of Wrath, Hit and Run, Jink, Outflank, Ravenwing, Relentless,
Rending, Scout, Skilled Rider

Huntmaster (40pts)
2x Corvus Hammer

Unit Type


A Ld Save

Ravenwing Black


4 5 1

4 2 9



Bike (Character) 4

4 5 1

4 2 9





Friendly Terminators do not scatter when placed within 6", model must have started the turn on the board


Range Strength AP Type

Bolt Pistol





Melee, Rending

Frag Grenades


Assault 1, Blast, Don't suffer Initiative penalty for charging through cover

Krak Grenades


Assault 1

Plasma Talon


Rapid Fire, Gets Hot, Twin Linked

Elites (165pts)
Ravenwing Command Squad (165pts)
4x Black Knight (160pts), Ravenwing Champion (5pts)
And They Shall Know No Fear, Gets Hot, Grim Resolve, Hammer of Wrath, Hit and Run, Jink, Outflank, Ravenwing, Relentless,
Rending, Scout, Skilled Rider

Unit Type


A Ld Save

Ravenwing Black


4 5 1

4 2 9


Ravenwing Champion

Bike (Character) 5

4 5 1

4 2 9





Friendly Terminators do not scatter when placed within 6", model must have started the turn on the board


Range Strength AP Type

Blade of



Bolt Pistol



Corvus Hammer -


Melee, Rending

Frag Grenades


Assault 1, Blast, Don't suffer Initiative penalty for charging through cover

Krak Grenades


Assault 1

Plasma Talon


Rapid Fire, Gets Hot, Twin Linked

Force Rules
First Huntsman: If this detachment is your primary detachment, you may reroll the result on the warlord trait table.
Speed of the Raven: Units in this detachment may turbo-boost on their first turn and then automatically count as jinking. However, they do not
fire snap shots on their next turn.
Strike as One: All units must be placed either in reserve or deployed normally. If deployed in reserve, they automatically arrive on your 2nd

Selection Rules
And They Shall Know No Fear: A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule automatically passes Fear and Regroup tests.
When it Regroups, the unit does not make the 3" Regroup move, but can instead move, shoot (or Run) and declare charges normally in that
turn. Furthermore, if a unit containing one or more models with this special rule is caught by a Sweeping Advance, they are not destroyed, but
remain locked in combat instead.
Deathwing: A model with this special rule has the Fearless and Hatred (Chaos Space Marines) special rules.
Fearless: Units containing one or more models with the Fearless special rule automatically pass Pinning, Fear, Regroup tests and Morale
checks, but cannot Go to Ground and cannot choose to fail a Morale check due to the Our Weapons Are Useless rule. If a unit has Gone to
Ground and then gains the Fearless special rule, all the effects of Go to Ground are immediately cancelled.
Feel No Pain: When a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved Wound, it can make a special Feel No Pain roll to avoid being wounded
(this is not a saving throw and so can be used against attacks that state that no saves of any kind are allowed , for example those inflicted by
Perils of the Warp).
Feel No Pain saves may not be taken against Destroyer attacks or against unsaved Wounds that have the Instant Death special rule.
Roll a D6 each time an unsaved Wound is suffered. On a 4 or less, you must take the Wound as normal. On a 5+, the unsaved Wound is
discounted treat it as having been saved.
If a unit has the Feel No Pain special rule with a number in brackets afterwards Feel No Pain (6+), for example
is the D6 result needed to discount the Wound.

then the number in brackets

Force: Any Psyker that has one or more weapons with this special rule knows the Force psychic power in addition to any other powers they
Force - Warp Charge 1
Force is a blessing psychic power that targets the Psyker and his unit. All of the targets' weapons that have the Force special rule gain the
Instant Death special rule until the start of your next Psychic phase.
Gets Hot: When firing a weapon that Gets Hot, roll To Hit as normal. For each To Hit roll of 1, the firing model immediately suffers a Wound
(armour or invulnerable saves can be taken) this Wound cannot be allocated to any other model in the unit. A character cannot make a Look
Out, Sir attempt to avoid a Wound caused by the Gets Hot special rule. A vehicle instead rolls a D6 for each roll of a 1 to hit. On a roll of a 1, 2
or 3 it suffers a glancing hit.
Weapons that do not roll To Hit (such as Blast weapons) must roll a D6 for each shot immediately before firing. On a 2+, the shot is resolved as
normal. For each roll of a 1, the weapon Gets Hot; that shot is not fired and the firing model immediately suffers a single Wound (armour saves
or invulnerable saves can be taken) this Wound cannot be allocated to any other model in the unit. A character cannot make a Look Out, Sir
attempt to avoid a Wound caused by the Gets Hot special rule. A vehicle instead suffers a glancing hit on a further roll of a 1, 2 or 3.
If a model has the ability to re-roll its rolls To Hit (including because of BS6+ or the Twin-linked special rule), a Wound is only suffered if the To
Hit re-roll is also a 1; it may also re-roll Gets Hot results of 1 for weapons that do not roll To Hit.
Grim Resolve: A model with this rule has Stubborn and therefore ignores negative Leadership modifiers. In addition they may never choose to
fail a morale check. Allows overwatch to be resolved at BS2.
Hammer of Wrath: If a model with this special rule ends its charge move in base or hull contact with an enemy model, it makes one additional
Attack that hits automatically and is resolved at the model s unmodified Strength with AP-. This Attack does not benefit from any of the model s
special rules (such as Furious Charge, Rending etc.). This Attack is resolved during the Fight sub-phase at the Initiative 10 step, but does not

grant the model an additional Pile In move.

If a model with this special rule charges a building or vehicle, the hit is resolved against the Armour Value of the facing the charging model is
touching. If a model with this special rule charges a building or vehicle that is a Transport or a Chariot, the hit is resolved against the building or
vehicle, not the occupants or the rider.
Hatred (Chaos Space Marines): Reroll all misses in the first round of each close combat.
Hit and Run: A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule that is locked in combat can choose to leave close combat at the end
of any Assault phase. If the unit wishes to do so, it must take an Initiative test.
If the test is failed, nothing happens and the models remain locked in the fight.
If the test is passed, choose a direction then roll 3D6. As long as the distance rolled, in inches, is sufficient to allow the entire unit to move
over 1" away from all of the enemy units they are locked in combat with, the unit breaks away from combat and must immediately move a
number of inches in the chosen direction equal to the 3D6 result, ignoring the models they were locked in combat with. No Sweeping Advance
rolls are made. Enemy units that are no longer locked in combat immediately Consolidate D6".
A Hit & Run move is not slowed by difficult terrain, but takes Dangerous Terrain tests as normal. It may not be used to move into base or hull
contact with enemy units, and models instead stop 1" away. If there are units with this rule on both sides who wish to disengage, roll-off to
determine who goes first and then alternate disengaging them. If the last of these ends up no longer in combat, it Consolidates instead.
Honour or Death: Must issue or accept challenges.
Independant Character: Independent characters can join other units. They cannot, however, join units that contain vehicles or Monstrous
Creatures. They can join other Independent Characters, though, to form a powerful multi-character unit! Independent Characters pass Look
Out, Sir rolls on a 2+. A unit that contains one or more Independent Characters does not need a double 1 to Regroup if reduced to below 25%
of its starting numbres, but instead tests as if it had at least 25% remaining.
Full details in BRB. Rule too long to copy verbatim.
Jink: When a unit with any models with the Jink special rule is selected as a target for a shooting attack, you may declare that it will Jink. The
decision must be made before any To Hit rolls have been made. If the unit Jinks, all models in the unit with this special rule gain a 4+ cover
save until the start of their next Movement phase, but they can only fire Snap Shots until the end of their next turn.
Mastery Level 1: Generate 1 Warp Charge per turn, choose 1 power from: Interromancy (Dark Angels p 156), Divination, Pyromancy,
Telepathy, Telekinesis or and/or Demonology
Outflank: During deployment, players can declare that any unit that contains at least one model with this special rule is attempting to Outflank
the enemy. This means they are making a wide sweeping move to get behind enemy lines or come at the foe from an unexpected direction.
When an Outflanking unit arrives from Reserves, but not Ongoing Reserve, the controlling player rolls a D6: on a 1-2, the unit comes in from
the table edge to the left of their controlling player s own table edge; on a 3-4, they come on from the right; on a 5-6, the player can choose left
or right. Models move onto the table as described for other Reserves. If such a unit deploys inside a Dedicated Transport, they may Outflank
along with their Transport.
Ravenwing: Reroll failed cover saves when jinking.
Relentless: Relentless models can shoot with Heavy, Salvo or Ordnance weapons, counting as stationary, even if they moved in the previous
Movement phase. They are also allowed to charge in the same turn they fire Heavy, Ordnance, Rapid Fire or Salvo weapons.
Rending: If a model has the Rending special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Rending special rule, there is a chance that
his close combat attacks will strike a critical blow. For each To Wound roll of a 6, the target automatically suffers a Wound, regardless of its
Toughness. These Wounds are resolved at AP2.
Similarly, if a model makes a shooting attack with a weapon that has the Rending special rule, a To Wound roll of 6 Wounds automatically,
regardless of Toughness, and is resolved at AP2.
In either case, against vehicles, each armour penetration roll of 6 allows a further D3 to be rolled, with the result added to the total. These hits
are not resolved at AP2, but are instead resolved using the model/weapon s AP value.
Scout: After both sides have deployed (including Infiltrators), but before the first player begins his first turn, a unit containing at least one model
with this special rule can choose to redeploy. If the unit is Infantry, Artillery, a Walker or a Monstrous Creature, each model can redeploy
anywhere entirely within 6" of its current position. If it is any other unit type, each model can instead
redeploy anywhere entirely within 12" of its current position. During this redeployment, Scouts can move outside the owning player s
deployment zone, but must remain more than 12" away from any enemy unit. A unit that makes a Scout redeployment cannot charge in the
first game turn. A unit cannot embark or disembark as part of a Scout redeployment.
If both sides have Scouts, roll-off; the winner decides who redeploys first. Then alternate redeploying Scout units.
If a unit with this special rule is deployed inside a Dedicated Transport, it confers the Scout special rule to the Transport (though a
disembarkation cannot be performed as part of the redeployment). Note that a Transport with this special rule does not lose it if a unit without
this special rule is embarked upon it. Having Scout also confers the Outflank special rule to units of Scouts that are kept as Reserves.
If a unit has both the Infiltrate and Scout special rule, that unit can deploy as per the Infiltrate special rule and then redeploy as per the Scout special
Shrouded: A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule counts its cover save as being 2 points better than normal. Note that
this means a model with the Shrouded special rule always has a cover save of at least 5+, even if it s in the open.
Cover save bonuses from the Shrouded and Stealth special rules are cumulative (to a maximum of a 2+ cover save).
Skilled Rider: A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule automatically passes Dangerous Terrain tests, and receives +1 to
its Jink cover saves (other cover saves are unaffected).
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