Lynch Brochure For Web2021
Lynch Brochure For Web2021
Lynch Brochure For Web2021
Concept to Reality
- Component Selection
- 3D Modeling/Design
- Validation & Testing
- In-house FEA/CFD
- Training Camps
Capabilities & Technology
- 3 to 9 Axis Machining
- 6500+ Cutting Tools
- Full 3D Profiling
- Tool Breakage Detection
- 24/7 ‘Lights-Out’ Operation
Group of Companies
Electronics Dynamics
Manufacturing electronic Designing, manufacturing, Designing & manufacturing
components for the mobile integrating & distributing motion for the aerospace, medical &
& industrial markets. control solutions for the mobile military markets.
- Proportional Amplifiers & industrial markets. - Custom Manifolds
- Control Box Accessories - Bar Manifolds - Valve-pack Assemblies
- Coil Saver/Fast Shift Timer - Custom Manifolds - Hydraulic Components
- On/Off Control Plug - Valve-pack Assemblies
- Hydraulic Components
ᅮ Lynch Bar Manifolds are enhanced to maximize ᅮ Lynch’s custom designed and manufactured Standard
performance while accommodating the highest Valve Packages (SVPs) are preconfigured valve
number of standard options in a more uniform and assemblies which combine commonly used hydraulic
easier-to-install package. functions.
ᅮ Options include: Relief Cavities and Pressure/Tank ᅮ SVPs typically include multiple cartridges integrated
Isolations. into a variety of mounting options thereby offering
ᅮ Standard materials include: Aluminum & Ductile Iron. a simple solution for many industrial, mobile and
ᅮ Non-Standard materials include: Stainless Steel, Mild military hydraulic systems.
Steel & Brass. ᅮ These prepackaged manifolds and sandwich modules
ᅮ Coatings include: Anodizing, Electroless Nickel and Zinc contain fully engineered and tested predefined circuits
Nickel finishes as per your request. with single part numbers for faster lead times at a
ᅮ No variation in the design layout for each model fraction of the cost.
regardless of Port Code. ᅮ Specialty Valves engineered for specific requirements
and operating conditions, including oil & gas, nuclear
power, and chemical applications.
Enhanced to
DIN Bodies
ᅮ All Lynch manufactured electronics offer better ᅮ Lynch Fluid Controls and Metal Work supply pneumatic
repeatability with cleaner circuitry. They are clearly components for automation systems.
defined and simple to operate, ensuring increased ᅮ Serving industries such as Food & Beverage, Wood
accuracy and control over your electro-hydraulic system. Working, Granite Cutters, Medical/Pharma & more.
ᅮ Our suite of electronics products enables you to select ᅮ Currently offer 5 product ranges:
the most cost effective electronic solution for any • Actuators
proportional valve in all hydraulic applications. • Valves
ᅮ Fast, easy intuitive setup, adjustable settings without • FRL units
additional hardware or software. • Fittings
ᅮ Always displays information for proper operation. Not • Accessories
just a black box.
ᅮ Directional Valve Control Products: On/Off Plugs, Coil
Savers, On-Delay Timers, Power Switch Arrays. Components
ᅮ Accessories & other electronic products: Wireless for
Hydraulic Controls, Enovation Powerview Displays, Automation
SAE J1939 CANbus Murphy Engine Control Panels, Systems
Connectors & Cable harnesses. Valves Island HDM
Valves Island EB80
Electronic Accessories
Connectors, Remote Control,
Engine Control Panels Sensors & Cables Actuators One Unit
ᅮ At Lynch, we focus on delivering superior value through ᅮ From concept or circuit drawings, our team of
our supplier partnerships. We collaborate with a select hydraulic design engineers will ensure that your
group of leading manufacturers in order to provide custom hydraulic systems are fully optimized for
complete hydraulic & pneumatic solutions and drive maximum performance.
improvement throughout our supply chain. ᅮ 3D modeling/FEA/CFD/design & component selection
ᅮ In order to serve you better, Lynch selects only the most with the latest software.
efficient, competitive and financially stable suppliers ᅮ 3D printing of metal or plastic manifolds.
capable of maintaining the highest quality and delivery ᅮ Materials include Aluminum, Ductile Iron, Steel, Brass,
standards. Stainless Steel, Titanium and more.
ᅮ Together with SUN, Atos & Kawasaki we offer complete
system solutions.
Compact ᅮ Specials can be designed, manufactured and tested in
& Efficient
house to latest ASME standards and supplied with CRN
on request.
ᅮ Serving a variety of industries including mining,
aerospace, material handling, oil & gas, construction,
Cables And Connectors entertainment, medical, mobile & more.
Ball Valves
Engineered &
Pumps & Motors Manufactured
to the Highest
Standards of
Stainless Steel
Components Repeatable
Control Products
Mobile Valves
Cetop Valves
Specialty Valves
Filters Sensors
Group of Companies
• Military & Defence • Medical • Oil & Gas Design &
• Mining • Entertainment • Construction Manufacturing
• Material Handling • Aerospace • Mobile & Industrial