Direct Retainer
Direct Retainer
Direct Retainer
Direct retainer
Definition - A direct retainer is a unit of a removable partial denture that
engages an abutment tooth in such a manner as to resist displacement
of the prosthesis away from basal seat tissues. It is usually composed of
a retentive arm, a reciprocal (bracing) element or arm, a rest and a
minor connector.
6. Passivity - at rest, a direct retainer should not exert force against a tooth.
Factors affecting the magnitude of retention
1. Size of the angle of convergence and How far into the angle of convergence the
clasp terminal is placed.
ii. Diameter
" diameter is inversely proportional to flexibility
" in a uniform taper the average diameter lies midway
" if the taper is not uniform a point of flexure will exist at the narrowed
" area, weakening the clasp arm (possible fracture area)
" the point of flexure determines flexibility regardless of average
A narrowing of the clasp arm creates a point of flexure which weakens,
and affects the flexibility of the clasp, since flexure begins at this point.
c. the retentive arm begins above the height of contour, and curves and
tapers to its terminal tip, in the gingival 1/3 of the tooth, well away from
the gingival.
d. the bracing arm is in the middle 1/3 of the tooth, and is broader
occluso-gingivally, does not taper and is either entirely above the height
of contour or completely on a prepared guiding plane – it should never
be designed into an
undercut, as it is a rigid element.
a. Excellent bracing qualities.
b. Easy to design and construct.
c. Less potential for food accumulation below the clasp compared to bar
a. More tooth coverage than bar clasps.
b. More metal is displayed than with bar or combination clasps.
c. Adjustments are difficult or impossible due to the half round nature of
the clasp.
A direct retainer should be designed with its elements in the proper
positions and in the correct proportions. If the height of contour is
incorrect for placement of the arms of the direct retainer, the heights of
contour and NOT the direct retainer should be altered (i.e. perform
abutment modifications – don’t distort the design of the direct retainer)
2. Ring clasp
a. Encircles nearly the entire abutment tooth
b. Usually used with mesially and lingually tilted mandibular isolated
c. The undercut is on the same side as the rest seat (i.e. adjacent to
edentulous span)
d. Should always be used with a supporting strut on the non-retentive
side with an auxiliary occlusal rest on the opposite side. Omission of the
supporting strut will allow the clasp arm to open and close with
minimum or no reciprocation.
e. Use a cast circumferential clasp with lingual retention and buccal
bracing, in preference to a ring clasp whenever possible, unless a severe
tilt of the tooth will not permit.
a. Excellent bracing (with supporting strut).
b. Allows use of an available undercut adjacent to edentulous area.
a. Covers a large area of tooth surface, therefore requiring meticulous
b. Very difficult to adjust due to the extreme rigidity of the reciprocal
c. The lower bracing arm should be at least 1 mm from the free gingival
margin and relieved to prevent impingement of the gingival tissues.
a. Allows placement of direct retainer where none could otherwise be
placed (especially contralateral to the edentulous span on a Class II case)
a. Extensive interproximal reduction is usually required
b. Covers large area of tooth surface - hygiene considerations.
a. Allows use of undercut adjacent to edentulous space
a. Almost impossible to adjust
b. Non-esthetic
c. Difficult to fabricate so the upper portion of the retentive arm clears
the opposing occlusion
d. Covers extensive tooth surface and acts as a food trap
e. Insufficient flexibility on short crowns due to insufficient clasp arm
1. Bar Clasps
a. The bar clasp is a cast clasp that arises from the partial denture
framework and approaches the retentive undercut from gingival
direction (as opposed to a circumferential clasp that approaches the
undercut from the occlusal direction).
b. Retentive clasps are identified by shape of retentive terminal, i.e. T, Y,
L, I, U, and S.
c. The shape is unimportant as long as the direct retainer is mechanically
and functionally stable, covers minimal tooth structure with minimum
display (the I bar most often meets these requirements).
d. T-and Y-shaped terminal ends are the most misused clasps. The full
area coverage of the T and Y terminal ends is rarely necessary for
adequate retention.
e. L-shaped clasp is same as an I clasp with a longer horizontal
component. The U-shaped clasp is same as an L-shaped clasp with a
terminal like a double I-clasp.
f. The S-shaped terminal end is used to avoid a mesial soft tissue
a) Deep cervical undercuts - food trap or impingements result.
b) Severe soft tissue or bony undercuts - food trap or impingements
4. The I-bar clasp is located on the buccal surface of the premolar and on the
mesio-buccal surface of the canine. The I-bar originates at the meshwork and
approaches the tooth from the gingival direction.
7. The guiding plane is a parallel surface prepared on the occlusal one third of
the distal surface of the tooth. The guiding plane extends lingually enough so
that, along with the mesial rest, it can prevent lingual migration of the tooth. It
is approximately 2 to 3 mm in height.
2. RPA Clasp
This clasp assembly is similar to the RPI design except a wrought wire
circumferential clasp (Akers) is used instead of the I-bar. This clasp arises
from the proximal plate and terminates in the mesiobuccal undercut. It is used
when there is insufficient vestibule depth or when a severe tissue undercut
3. Combination Clasp
The combination clasp is similar to the cast circumferential clasp with
the exception that the retentive arm is fabricated from a round wrought
wire (platinum-gold-palladium alloy or chromecobalt alloy).
a. a cast reciprocal arm.
b. the wrought wire is flexible (round form)
c. more adjustable than cast or 1/2 round forms
d. better esthetics (due to its round form and smaller
diameter - 18 gauge)
e. can used with a mesial or buccal undercut
f. can be placed in 0.02" undercut due to its flexibility
(allows lower placement for better esthetics)
g. can be used in tooth borne cases as described earlier
h. for best results, the wire should be soldered remotely to the
framework so it is not overheated, which would cause recrystallization
of the metal and loss of flexibility. If wrought wire clasps are cast into
the framework, a low heat chromium alloy should be used to avoid
recrystallization as well