2c-Accompanying by Alex Natera

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Sportsmith I couRsEs

strength training
Part 2c - Hip iso-push execution,
assessments, IZPis and training

In lesson 2c of the course, Alex will show you exactly how to set up
the hip iso-push assessment so you can collect valid and reliable
data, how to train using the hip iso-push, and what 'normal', 'good'
and 'excellent' looks like.

@ Sportsmith and Natera Performance Solutions

Again, the hip iso-push is another exercise lengths and distribution of mass in athletes
or assessment that seems to mirror image can have system mass in this position range
mid-stance running positions although this from 25 to 33% of body mass.
time the athlete is supine on the ground with
one heel on the force plate. The shoulders The bar should be placed directly over the
are placed on a small 15cm box with the hip crease. As the athlete brings their hips to
edge of the box resting just under the the bar, and starts to push into the bar, the
inferior angle of the shoulder blades. After angles knees 140-145°, hips 160-165° and
weighing the athlete in a bridge position trunk 10-15° should be achieved. If they are
with the knee flexed to between 140-145 not you may need to adjust one or several
degrees (assuming 180° would be knee fully things. In the case of bigger hips and
extended), the hips flexed to between difficulties fitting under the bar you may
160-165° (assuming 180° is the hips fully need to put a small step under the weight
extended) with the trunk angle between discs to get a slighter greater clearance
10-15 degrees (assuming 0° is the trunk between barbell and floor. Likewise with
completely erect) a heavy bar, normally 1.5 smaller athletes, with smaller hips you may
x the athletes body weight, is rolled over the need to increase the height of the box the
athletes legs or the athlete slides their legs shoulders are resting on. Again, it's
under the bar. It is important to weigh the important to standardise your set up. Keep
athlete in this position prior to positioning hell position consistent and always in the
the barbell. Establishing system mass, the middle of the plate, measuring and marking
body mass that is supported at the heel in this position with tape is recommended.
this position will allow one to quantify force Record the box height and the distance
relative to system mass. Varying lever engths between the box and the force plate. Once
and distribution of mass in athletes the bar is in perfect position use small

Spmtsmlth I CQl, 1..,E.s

weight discs to chock the barbell from to set the hip iso-push away from the rig­
rolling. leaving just the knee or ankle iso-push with
the higher bar positions. I have found the
If your testing rig set up is appropriate, you barbell set up to be consistently reliable with
can use the rig as the bar will be held in peak force CVs again of less than 3%.
place more securely. As we can often be
testing and training multiple athletes I tend

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When performing the test, the athlete is the capability of handheld devices like
permitted to lightly touch the barbell with tablets and phones.
the fingertips of their index finger to keep it
in place. All other testing procedures are the With a smaller system mass only a 2.5%
same as the other iso-push assessments, system mass pre-load is provided in ballistic
however, it is difficult to provide visual iso-push assessments. For an athlete with a
feedback to athlete unless your system has hip iso-push system mass of 200N a

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consistent load of 205N needs to be
maintained before executing the ballistic
iso-push. However, a word of warning this
need to be established quickly otherwise the
athlete will experience some fatigue holding
a bridge position trying to establish the
required pre-tension.

Hip iso-push scores as measured on force

plates and inclusive of system mass for
well-trained athletes range from:

Normal 2.0-2.19 x SW
Good 2.2-2.49 x SW
Excellent 2.5-2.75+ x SW

Spmtsmlth I CQl, 1..,E.s

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