SSB 4.2

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Job No Sheet No Rev

exp 4 1
Software licensed to
Job Title alysis & design of SSB Ref

By 22485A0106 Date16-Jul-24 Chd

Client hasith File SSB 22485A0106.std Date/Time 16-Jul-2024 12:12

Job Information
Engineer Checked Approved

Name: 22485A0106
Date: 16-Jul-24

Structure Type SPACE FRAME

Number of Nodes 5 Highest Node 5

Number of Elements 4 Highest Beam 4

Number of Basic Load Cases 2

Number of Combination Load Cases 1

Included in this printout are data for:

All The Whole Structure

Included in this printout are results for load cases:

Type L/C Name

Primary 1 DL

Node X Y Z
(m) (m) (m)
1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 2.000 0.000 0.000
3 4.000 0.000 0.000
4 7.000 0.000 0.000
5 10.000 0.000 0.000

Beam Node A Node B Length Property 
(m) (degrees)
1 1 2 2.000 1 0
2 2 3 2.000 1 0
3 3 4 3.000 1 0
4 4 5 3.000 1 0

Print Time/Date: 16/07/2024 12:16 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 1 of 4
Job No Sheet No Rev
exp 4 2
Software licensed to
Job Title alysis & design of SSB Ref

By 22485A0106 Date16-Jul-24 Chd

Client hasith File SSB 22485A0106.std Date/Time 16-Jul-2024 12:12

Mat Name E  Density 
(kN/mm2) (kg/m3) (/°C)
1 STEEL 205.000 0.300 7.83E+3 12E -6
2 STAINLESSSTEEL 197.930 0.300 7.83E+3 18E -6
3 ALUMINUM 68.948 0.330 2.71E+3 23E -6
4 CONCRETE 21.718 0.170 2.4E+3 10E -6

Node X Y Z rX rY rZ
(kN/mm) (kN/mm) (kN/mm) (kN-m/deg) (kN-m/deg) (kN-m/deg)
1 Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed
5 - Fixed - - - -

Primary Load Cases

Number Name Type

1 DL Dead
2 LL Live

Combination Load Cases

Comb. Combination L/C Name Primary Primary L/C Name Factor

3 DL+LL 1 DL 1.50
2 LL 1.50

Beam Maximum Moments

Distances to maxima are given from beam end A.
Beam Node A Length L/C d Max My d Max Mz
(m) (m) (kNm) (m) (kNm)
1 1 2.000 1:DL Max +ve 0.000 0.000 0.000 35.321
Max -ve 0.000 0.000
2 2 2.000 1:DL Max +ve 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.637
Max -ve 0.000 0.000 2.000 -12.736
3 3 3.000 1:DL Max +ve 0.000 0.000
Max -ve 0.000 0.000 2.250 -19.888
4 4 3.000 1:DL Max +ve 0.000 0.000
Max -ve 0.000 0.000 0.000 -19.091

Print Time/Date: 16/07/2024 12:16 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 2 of 4
Job No Sheet No Rev
exp 4 3
Software licensed to
Job Title alysis & design of SSB Ref

By 22485A0106 Date16-Jul-24 Chd

Client hasith File SSB 22485A0106.std Date/Time 16-Jul-2024 12:12

Beam Maximum Shear Forces

Distances to maxima are given from beam end A.
Beam Node A Length L/C d Max Fz d Max Fy
(m) (m) (kN) (m) (kN)
1 1 2.000 1:DL Max +ve 0.000 0.000 0.000 17.669
Max -ve 0.000 0.000
2 2 2.000 1:DL Max +ve 0.000 0.000 0.000 12.014
Max -ve 0.000 0.000
3 3 3.000 1:DL Max +ve 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.359
Max -ve 0.000 0.000 3.000 -2.123
4 4 3.000 1:DL Max +ve 0.000 0.000
Max -ve 0.000 0.000 3.000 -10.605

Max: 48.156 kN

Max: 17.174 kN
Max: 8.691 kN

Max: -16.755 kN

Z X Load 3 : Shear Y : Displacement
Force - kN


Print Time/Date: 16/07/2024 12:16 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 3 of 4
Job No Sheet No Rev
exp 4 4
Software licensed to
Job Title alysis & design of SSB Ref

By 22485A0106 Date16-Jul-24 Chd

Client hasith File SSB 22485A0106.std Date/Time 16-Jul-2024 12:12

Max: 79.504 kNm

Max: -24.191 kNm

Max: kNm
Max: -33.092 -31.180 kNm

Z X Load 3 : Bending Z : Displacement
Moment - kNm


Print Time/Date: 16/07/2024 12:16 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) Print Run 4 of 4

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