1. Introduction
Heterogeneity is pervasive in microeconomic data; households vary tremendously in
their income, wealth, and consumption, for example, while firms vary in their productiv-
ity, investment, and hiring. A rapidly growing literature has emerged which studies how
this micro heterogeneity shapes our understanding of business cycle fluctuations.1 The
heterogeneous agent models studied in this literature are computationally challenging
because the aggregate state vector contains the distribution of microeconomic agents,
hold side, see Auclert (2017), Berger and Vavra (2015), or Kaplan, Moll, and Violante (2018); on the firm side,
see Bachmann, Caballero, and Engel (2013), Khan and Thomas (2013), Clementi and Palazzo (2016), Terry
(2017b), or Ottonello and Winberry (2017).
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1124 Thomas Winberry Quantitative Economics 9 (2018)
because it includes the time spend processing the model and taking symbolic derivatives. Once these tasks
are complete, they do not need to be performed again for different parameter values.
Quantitative Economics 9 (2018) Solving and estimating heterogenous agent models 1125
Related literature
My method builds heavily on two strands of the computational literature. The first
strand of literature approximates the cross-sectional distribution using a parametric
family. I adapt the family from Algan, Allais, and Haan (2008), who use it to solve the
Krusell and Smith (1998) model. Algan, Allais, and Haan (2008) solve for the dynamics of
the parameters of the distribution using a globally accurate projection technique, which
is computationally slower than the locally accurate perturbation method that I use.
The second strand of literature I build on uses a mix of globally accurate and locally
accurate approximations to solve for the dynamics of heterogeneous agent models. The
most closely related paper is Reiter (2009) who, himself building on an idea of Campbell
(1998), solves the Krusell and Smith (1998) model using locally accurate approximations
with respect to the aggregate state vector. Reiter (2009) approximates the distribution
with a fine histogram, which requires many parameters to achieve acceptable accuracy.
This choice limits Reiter (2009)’s approach to problems with a low-dimensional individ-
ual state space because the size of the histogram grows exponentially in the number of
individual states.
Precursors to Reiter (2009)’s method can also be found in Dotsey, King, and Wolman
(1999) and Veracierto (2002) in the context of (S,s) models.3 Childers (2018) formalizes
this class of methods in the function space and is able to prove certain properties of
3 Veracierto (2017) extends Veracierto (2002) to a more general class of models. Unlike my method,
Veracierto (2017) does not rely on any direct approximation of the distribution. Instead, Veracierto (2017)
approximates the history of individual agents’ decision rules and simulates a panel of agents to compute
the distribution at any point in time. He then linearizes the system with respect to the history of approxi-
mated decision rules and uses that to compute the evolution of the distribution.
1126 Thomas Winberry Quantitative Economics 9 (2018)
them. Ahn, Kaplan, Moll, Winberry, and Wolf (2018) adapt Reiter (2009)’s approach to
continuous time and show how to use model reduction techniques to nonparametrically
reduce the size of the distribution. My method reduces the distribution in a parametric
way, which allows for a more straightforward extension to nonlinear approximations.4
More generally, the method developed in this paper is related to the large body of
work which, following Krusell and Smith (1998), approximates the distribution with a
small number of moments. This approximation works well if the moments accurately
forecast the prices which occur in equilibrium. The advantage of Krusell and Smith
(1998) is that it is globally accurate with respect to this reduced aggregate state and,
therefore, can capture global nonlinearities more easily than the locally accurate ap-
proach pursued in this paper. However, Krusell and Smith (1998) relies on the fact that
the distribution can be accurately summarized by a small number of moments. My
method instead includes the entire distribution in the aggregate state vector, but relies
on a local approximation of the aggregate dynamics.
Road map
I briefly describe the benchmark heterogeneous firm model in Section 2. I then explain
how to use the solution method to solve this model in Section 3. In Section 4, I extend the
method in various ways to illustrate its generality. In Section 5, I add investment-specific
shocks to the model and estimate the parameters of the shock processes using Bayesian
techniques. Section 6 concludes. Various Appendices contain additional details not in-
cluded in the main text.
2.1 Environment
Firms There is a fixed mass of firms j ∈ [0 1] which produce output yjt according to the
production function
yjt = ezt eεjt kθjt nνjt θ + ν < 1
4A number of papers pursue a pure perturbation approach with respect to both individual and aggre-
gate state variables. Preston and Roca (2007) approximate the distribution with a particular set of moments
and show how to derive the law of motion for those moments analytically given an approximation of the
policy function. Mertens and Judd (2017) instead assume a finite but arbitrarily large number of agents and
perturb around the point without idiosyncratic or aggregate shocks. They are able to leverage their pertur-
bation approach to analytically prove properties of their method. Evans (2015) follows a related approach
but updates the point of approximation around the actual cross-sectional distributions that arise in a sim-
5 Since the benchmark is directly taken from Khan and Thomas (2008), I keep my exposition brief and
The idiosyncratic shock εjt is independently distributed across firms, but within firms
follows the AR(1) process:
In each period, the firm j inherits its capital stock from previous periods’ investments,
observes the two productivity shocks, hires labor from a competitive labor market, and
produces output.
After production, the firm invests in capital for the next period. Gross investment
ijt yields kjt+1 = (1 − δ)kjt + ijt units of capital next period, where δ is the depreciation
rate of capital. If kjt ∈
/ [−a a], the firm must pay a fixed adjustment cost ξjt in units
of labor. The parameter a governs a region around zero investment within which firms
do not incur the fixed cost. The fixed cost ξjt is a random variable distributed U[0 ξ],
independently over firms and time.
Following Khan and Thomas (2008), I directly incorporate the implications of household
optimization into the firm’s optimization problem by approximating the transformed
value function
v(ε k ξ; s) = λ(s) max ez eε kθ nν − w(s)n
+ max va (ε k; s) − ξλ(s)w(s) vn (ε k; s)
6 An auxiliary assumption necessary for using perturbation methods is that the aggregate shock process
stays in some bounded interval [z z]. Since that assumption is not central to the analysis, I leave it implicit.
1128 Thomas Winberry Quantitative Economics 9 (2018)
where s is the aggregate state vector (defined below), λ(s) = C(s)−σ is the marginal util-
ity of consumption,
va (ε k; s) = max −λ(s) k − (1 − δ)k + βE v(ε k ; s z ; s |ε k; s (2)
k ∈R
vn (ε k; s) = max −λ(s) k − (1 − δ)k + βE v(ε k ; s z ; s |ε k; s
k ∈[(1−δ−a)k(1−δ+a)k]
v(ε k; s) = Eξ v(ε k ξ; s) and s (z s) is the law of motion for the aggregate state (de-
fined below). Denote the unconstrained capital choice from (2) by ka (ε k; s) and the
constrained choice from (3) by kn (ε k; s). The firm will choose to pay the fixed cost if
and only if va (ε k; s) − ξλ(s)w(s) ≥ vn (ε k; s). Hence, there is a unique threshold value
of the fixed cost ξ which makes the firm indifferent between these two options,
va (ε k; s) − vn (ε k; s)
ξ(ε k; s) = (4)
Denote ξ(ε k; s) as the threshold bounded to be within the support of ξ, that is,
ξ(ε k; s) = min{max{0 ξ(ε k; s)} ξ}}.
It will be numerically convenient to approximate the ex ante value function v(ε k;
s). Given that the extensive margin decision is characterized by the cutoff (4) and the
fixed cost ξ is uniformly distributed, the expectation can be computed analytically:
v(ε k; s) = λ(s) max ez eε kθ nν − w(s)n
ξ(ε k; s) ξ(ε k; s)
+ va (ε k; s) − λ(s)w(s) (5)
ξ 2
ξ(ε k; s)
+ 1− vn (ε k; s)
2.3 Equilibrium
In the recursive competitive equilibrium, the aggregate state s contains the current
draw of the aggregate productivity shock, z, and the density of firms over (ε k)-space,
g(ε k).7
Definition. A recursive competitive equilibrium for this model is a set v(ε k; s),
n(ε k; s), ka (ε k; s), kn (ε k; s), ξ(ε k; s), λ(s), w(s), and s (z ; s) = (z ; g (z g)) such
(i) (Firm optimization) Taking w(s), λ(s), and s (z ; s) as given, v(ε k; s), n(ε k; s),
ka (ε k; s),
kn (ε k; s), and ξ(ε k; s) solve the firm’s optimization problem (2)–(5).
(ii) (Implications of household optimization) For all s,
7 The computational method does not rely on the fact that the distribution is characterized by its density.
In Section 4, I discuss how to extend the method to allow for mass points in the distribution.
Quantitative Economics 9 (2018) Solving and estimating heterogenous agent models 1129
Note: Parameterization follows Khan and Thomas (2008), Table 1. Parameter values have been adjusted for the fact that my
model does not contain trend growth. Disutility of labor supply χ chosen to ensure steady state labor supply N ∗ = 13 .
• λ(s) = C(s)−σ , where C(s) = [ez eε kθ n(ε k; s)ν + (1 − δ)k − ( ξ(εk;s) )ka (ε k; s) −
(1 − )kn (ε k; s)]g(ε k) dε dk.
ξ(εk;s)2 1
• w(s) satisfies (n(ε k; s) + )g(ε k) dε dk = ( w(s)λ(s)
χ )α .
are no aggregate shocks but still idiosyncratic shocks. The final step is to compute the
aggregate dynamics of the finite-dimensional model using a locally accurate Taylor ex-
pansion around the stationary equilibrium.
Distribution Following Algan, Allais, and Haan (2008), I approximate the density
g(ε k) with the functional form
g(ε k) ≈ g0 exp g11 ε − m11 + g12 log k − m21
ng i (7)
j i−j j j
+ gi ε − m11 log k − m21 − mi
i=2 j=0
j (ng i)
where ng indexes the degree of approximation, g0 , g11 , g12 , {gi }ij=(20) are parameters, and
j (ng i)
m11 , m21 , {mi }ij=(20) are centralized moments of the distribution. The key difference from
Algan, Allais, and Haan (2008) is that the distribution is over a two-dimensional vector
rather than a univariate one.8 A ng = 2 degree polynomial in this family corresponds to
a multivariate normal distribution; ng > 2 polynomials allow for nonnormal features,
such as skewness or excess kurtosis.
ng ng
The parameter vector g = (g0 gng ) and moment vector m = (m11 mng ) must
be consistent with each other in the sense that the moments are actually implied by the
m11 = εg(ε k) dε dk
m21 = log kg(ε k) dε dk and (8)
j i−j j
mi = ε − m11 log k − m21 g(ε k) dε dk for i = 2 ng j = 0 i
Given a vector of parameters m, Algan, Allais, and Haan (2008) develop a simple and
robust method for solving the system (8) for the associated parameters g.9 Hence, the
vector of moments m completely characterizes the approximated density. I therefore
8 It may be possible to further reduce the dimensionality of the approximation using copulas to link to-
gether two univariate distributions. I do not pursue that approach here but thank an anonymous referee
for the suggestion.
9 The normalization g is chosen so that the total mass of the p.d.f. is 1.
Quantitative Economics 9 (2018) Solving and estimating heterogenous agent models 1131
use the moments m as the characterization of the distribution, and approximate the
infinite-dimensional aggregate state (z g) with the finite-dimensional representation
(z m).10
The fact that the distribution is completely characterized by its moments m suggests
a convenient method for approximating the law of motion (6): use the law of motion for
the moments themselves. Using (6), the law of motion for moments is given by
1 = ρε ε + ωε p ωε g(ε k; m) dωε dε dk
ξ(ε k; z m)
1 = log ka (ε k; z m)
ξ(ε k; z m)
+ 1− log k (ε k; z m) p ωε g(ε k; m) dωε dε dk
ξ (9)
1 i−j ξ(ε k; z m)
ρε ε + ωε − m1 2 j
mi (z m) = log ka (ε k; z m) − m1
ξ(ε k; z m) j
+ 1− log kn (ε k; z m) − m2
× p ωε g(ε k; m) dωε dε dk
The system (9) provides a mapping from the current aggregate state into next period’s
moments m (z m) by integrating decision rules against the implied density.11 I solve for
the steady state values of the moments m∗ by iterating on this mapping. Since the map-
ping is nonlinear there is no guarantee that this iteration converges, but I have found
that it does in practice.12
Firm’s value functions I approximate the firms’ ex ante value function v(ε k; z m) with
respect to individual states using orthogonal polynomials:13
v(ε k; z m) ≈ θij (z m)Ti (ε)Tj (k)
i=1 j=1
10 This approximation requires that moments of the distribution exist up to the order of the approxima-
tion, which is restrictive for models in which the distribution features a fat tail. In those cases, a different
parametric family should be used.
11 I numerically compute these integrals using two-dimensional Gauss–Legendre quadrature, which re-
places the integral with a finite sum. See the online codes and user guide for details of this procedure.
12 In practice, higher degree approximations of the distribution n require more points in the quadrature
in order to accurately compute the integrals.
13 The choice of orthogonal polynomials is not essential to the method and is made primarily for numer-
ical convenience. In the online codes and user guide, I show how to use linear splines instead. Furthermore,
the choice of tensor product polynomials is not necessary, and I have used the set of complete polynomials
and Smolyak polynomials as well.
1132 Thomas Winberry Quantitative Economics 9 (2018)
where nε and nk define the order of approximation, Ti (ε) and Tj (k) are Chebyshev poly-
nomials, and θij (z m) are coefficients on those polynomials.14 I solve for the depen-
dence of these coefficients on the aggregate state in the perturbation step.
With this particular approximation of the value function, it is natural to approximate
the Bellman equation (5) using collocation, which forces the equation to hold exactly at
nε nk
a set of grid points {εi kj }ij=11 :
v(εi kj ; z m)
= λ(z m) max ez eεi kθj nν − w(z m)n + λ(z m)(1 − δ)kj
ξ(εi kj ; z m)
+ −λ(z m) ka (εi kj ; z m)
ξ(εi kj ; z m)
+ w(z m)
2 (10)
+ βEz |z
v ρε εi + σε ωε k (εi kj ; z m); z m (z m) p ωε dωε
ξ(εi kj ; z m)
+ 1− −λ(z m)kn (εi kj ; z m)
+ βEz |z v ρε εi + σε ωε kn (εi kj ; z m); z m (z m)p ωε dωε
where the decision rules are computed from the value function via first order condi-
tions.15 Note that the conditional expectation of the future value function has been bro-
ken into its component pieces: the expectation with respect to idiosyncratic shocks is
taken explicitly by integration, and the expectation with respect to aggregate shocks is
taken implicitly through the expectation operator. I compute the expectation with re-
spect to idiosyncratic shocks using Gauss–Hermite quadrature and will compute the ex-
pectation with respect to aggregate shocks in the perturbation step.
k , due to taking the expectation over next periods draws of the fixed cost ξ and idiosyncratic productivity
shock ε .
Quantitative Economics 9 (2018) Solving and estimating heterogenous agent models 1133
where y =(θ ka g λ w) are the control variables, x =(z m) are the state variables, ψ is
the perturbation parameter, and ka denotes the target capital stock along the collocation
The residual function (11) is exactly the canonical form studied by Schmitt-Grohe
and Uribe (2004) who, following Judd and Guu (1997) and others, show how to solve
such systems using perturbation methods. The remainder of the computational method
simply follows the steps outlined in Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe (2004).
y = g(x; ψ)
x = h(x; ψ) + ψ × ηωz
16 The fine histogram approximates the distribution of firms along a discrete of points, as in Young (2010).
To compute the histogram, I use the same algorithm used to compute the steady state discussed in Ap-
pendix A, but approximate the distribution as a histogram instead of using the parametric family (7).
1134 Thomas Winberry Quantitative Economics 9 (2018)
Figure 1. Stationary distribution of firms for different degrees of approximation. Notes: slices
of the invariant distribution of firms over productivity ε and capital k. ng is the order of the poly-
nomial used in the parametric family (7). “Histogram” is the steady state distribution computed
using a fine histogram rather than the parametric family. Marginal distributions are computed by
numerical integration of the joint p.d.f. “High productivity” and “low productivity” correspond
to approximately +/− two standard deviations of the productivity distribution.
Variable ng = 1 ng = 2 ng = 3 ng = 4 ng = 6 Histogram
Note: Aggregates in stationary equilibrium computed using various orders of approximation. “Histogram” is the steady
state distribution computed using a fine histogram rather than the parametric family.
Quantitative Economics 9 (2018) Solving and estimating heterogenous agent models 1135
where η = (1 0ng ×1 ) and ψ is the perturbation parameter. Perturbation methods ap-
proximate the solution g and h using Taylor expansions around the point where ψ = 0,
which corresponds to the steady state values x∗ and y∗ . For example, a first-order Taylor
expansion gives:
g(x; 1) ≈ gx x∗ ; 0 x − x∗ + gψ x∗ ; 0
h(x; 1) ≈ hx x∗ ; 0 x − x∗ + hψ x∗ ; 0 + ηωz
The unknowns in the approximation (12) are the partial derivatives gx , gψ , hx , and
hψ . Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe (2004) show how to solve for these partial derivatives from
the partial derivatives of the equilibrium conditions, fy , fy , fx , fx , and fψ , evaluated at
the stationary equilibrium with ψ = 0. Since this procedure is by now standard, I refer
the interested reader to Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe (2004) for further details.
Dynare implements this perturbation procedure completely automatically. First, it
computes the derivatives of the equilibrium conditions (11), which gives a system of
equations involving the partial derivatives of the solution g and h. Second, Dynare
solves that system using standard linear rational expectation model solvers; see Ad-
jemian, Bastani, Julliard, Karame, Mihoubi, Perendia, Pfeifer, Ratto, and Villemot (2011)
for more details. An analogous procedure can be used to compute higher-order nonlin-
ear approximations of g and h with no additional coding required.17
Online code template The online code template and user guides shows how to imple-
ment the method in Dynare. Broadly speaking, the user provides two sets of codes. First,
the user provides Matlab .m files that compute the steady state of the model, that is, x∗
and y∗ . Second, the user provides a Dynare .mod files that define the model’s equilib-
rium conditions, that is, f (y y x x; ψ). In addition to the perturbation step described
above, Dynare will, if requested, simulate the model, compute theoretical and/or em-
pirical moments of simulated variables, and estimate the model using likelihood-based
Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe (2004), these systems are linear and thus in principle simple to solve. In practice,
the system is large and dense, which places computational limitations. In the Khan and Thomas (2008)
model, I have found that a second-order approximation is feasible using Dynare (see Section 4).
18 Runtimes are computed using using Dynare 4.5.3 in Matlab R2016a on a 3.10 GHz Windows
Note: Business cycle fluctuations of key aggregate variables under a first-order perturbation. All variables have been HP-
filtered with smoothing parameter λ = 100 and, with the exception of the real interest rate, have been logged. Standard devia-
tions for variables other than output are expressed relative to that of output itself.
Higher TFP directly increases aggregate output, but also increases investment and labor
demand, which further increase output and factor prices. Households respond to higher
permanent income by increasing consumption and to higher wages by increasing labor
The resulting business cycle statistics of aggregate variables are reported in Table 3.
As usual in a real business cycle model, consumption is roughly half as volatile as output,
investment is nearly four times as volatile as output, and labor is slightly less volatile
than output. All variables are highly correlated with each other because aggregate TFP is
the only shock driving fluctuations in the model.
Quantitative Economics 9 (2018) Solving and estimating heterogenous agent models 1137
The aggregate dynamics are largely unaffected by the degree ng of the parametric
family (7) approximating the distribution. Visually, increasing the degree of approxima-
tion from ng = 2 to ng = 4 barely changes the impulse response functions in Figure 2.
Quantitatively, the business cycle statistics in Table 3 barely change as well. Terry (2017a)
finds that the aggregate dynamics implied by my method are quantitatively close to the
results of other methods used in the literature, such as Krusell and Smith (1998).
The dynamics of cross-sectional features of the distribution are more sensitive to the
degree of approximation ng than are the dynamics of aggregate variables. Figure 3 plots
the impulse responses of the cross-sectional E[log k], Cov(ε log k), and Var(log k) with
respect to a TFP shock. Although the response of mean log capital is virtually identical
across the degrees of approximation ng , the responses of the other two statistics change
with ng . However, these differences are small and do not generate differences in the dy-
namics of aggregate variables described above. When computing their decisions, firms
must forecast the level of marginal utility λ; Figure 3 shows that the impulse response of
marginal utility is virtually identical for the different degrees of approximation.19
Table 4 confirms these graphical results by computing time-series properties of the
dynamics of the cross-sectional statistics plotted in Figure 3; although the cyclicality
19 Given the linear disutility of labor, the real wage is an explicit function of the marginal utility of con-
1138 Thomas Winberry Quantitative Economics 9 (2018)
Note: Business cycle fluctuations of key features of the distribution under a first-order perturbation. All variables have been
HP-filtered with smoothing parameter λ = 100. Marginal utility has been logged.
of Cov(ε log k) and Var(log k) differ with the degree of approximation ng , their overall
variation is limited.
Limitations of a local approximation Although the method can capture aggregate non-
linearities with a local approximation, it is not well suited for capturing nonlinearities
that are global in nature. For example, portfolio choice problems in which assets differ
only in their aggregate risk characteristics cannot be directly solved using the Dynare
code template because the stationary distribution of portfolios is not unique.20 In addi-
tion, the method is ill-suited to solve models which feature the economy transitioning
between multiple steady states, such as Brunnermeier and Sannikov (2014).
20 In order to solve such models, one could potentially adapt the technique in Devereux and Sutherland
Quantitative Economics 9 (2018) Solving and estimating heterogenous agent models 1139
Figure 4. Sign and size dependence in impulse responses, second-order approximation. Notes:
Nonlinear features of the impulse responses of aggregate output (left column) and investment
(right column). “Sign dependence” refers to the impulse response to a one standard deviation
positive versus negative shock. Negative shocks have been multiplied by −1. “State dependence”
refers to the impulse response after positive one standard deviation shocks versus negative one
standard deviation shocks in the previous two years. All impulse responses computed nonlin-
early as in Koop, Pesaran, and Potter (1996).
It is important to note that these limitations apply to aggregate dynamics only; the
method does compute a fully global approximation of individual behavior. Hence, the
method can be used to solve models in which aggregate shocks affect the distribution
of idiosyncratic shocks, such as the uncertainty shocks in Bloom, Floetotto, Jaimovich,
Saporta-Eksten, and Terry (2018).
model in 0.098% of the time of the Krusell and Smith (1998) method. This gain in speed
makes the full-information Bayesian estimation in Section 5 feasible.
Furthermore, because my method directly approximates the distribution, it can be
easily applied to other models in which approximate aggregation fails. I make this case
concrete in Appendix B by adding aggregate investment-specific shocks to the model
and showing that, for sufficiently volatile shocks, the aggregate capital stock does not
accurately approximate how the distribution affects aggregate dynamics. Extending
Krusell and Smith (1998)’s algorithm would therefore require adding more moments to
the forecasting rule, which quickly becomes infeasible since each additional moment
adds another state variable. Hence, my method is not only significantly faster for mod-
els in which approximate aggregation holds, but also applies to models in which it fails.
zt = ρz zt−1 + σz ωzt
qt = ρq qt−1 + σq ωt + σqz ωzt
where ωzt and ωt are i.i.d. standard normal random variables. I include a loading on neu-
tral productivity innovations in the investment-specific process, σqz , in order to capture
21 Strictly speaking, the distribution in the Krusell and Smith (1998) model is a collection of mass points,
and I approximate the collection of points away from the borrowing constraints with a smooth polynomial.
Quantitative Economics 9 (2018) Solving and estimating heterogenous agent models 1141
Note: Calibrated parameters in the estimation exercises. “Fixed parameters” refer to those which are the same across the
different estimations. “Changing parameters” are those which vary across estimations.
comovement between the two shocks. Without this loading factor, investment-specific
shocks would induce a counterfactually negative comovement between consumption
and investment and, therefore, be immediately rejected by the data. Denote the vector
of parameter values Θ = (ρz σz ρq σq σqz ).
I estimate the parameters of the shock processes Θ conditional on three different
values for the remaining parameters. The only parameter to vary across these parame-
terizations is ξ, the upper bound on fixed cost draws. I vary the fixed costs from ξ = 0 01
to ξ = 1. These parameter values vary the extent of micro-level adjustment frictions and,
therefore, micro-level investment behavior from frictionless to extreme frictions. The re-
maining parameters are fixed at standard values, adjusting the model frequency to one
quarter in order to match the frequency of the data. Table 5 collects all these parameter
The Bayesian approach combines a prior distribution of parameters, p(Θ), with
the likelihood function, L(Y1:T |Θ) where Y1:T is the observed time series of data, to
form the posterior distribution of parameters, p(Θ|Y1:T ). The posterior is proportional
to p(Θ)L(Y1:T |Θ), which is the object I characterize numerically. The data I use is
Y1:T = (log Y1:T log I1:T ), where log Y1:T is the time series of log-linearly detrended real
output and log I1:T is log-linearly detrended real investment; see Appendix C for de-
tails. I choose relatively standard prior distributions to form p(Θ), also contained in
Appendix C. I sample from p(Θ)L(Y1:T |Θ) using the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm;
since this procedure is now standard (see, e.g., Fernandez-Villaverde, Rubio-Ramirez,
and Schorfheide (2016)), I omit further details. Dynare computes 10,000 draws from
the posterior in 44 minutes, 32 seconds.22
Table 6 reports the estimated aggregate shock processes for the three different
micro-level parameterizations considered in Table 5. As the upper bound of the fixed
costs increases from ξ = 0 01 to ξ = 1, the estimated variance of investment-specific
shocks significantly increases from σq = 0 0056 to σq = 0 0077; hence, matching the ag-
gregate investment data with larger adjustment frictions requires more volatile shocks.
Additionally, the loading on neutral shocks in the investment-specific shock process
22 Akey reason the estimation is so efficient is that the parameters of the shock processes do not affect
the stationary equilibrium of the model. Hence, the stationary equilibrium does not need to be recomputed
at each point in the estimation process.
1142 Thomas Winberry Quantitative Economics 9 (2018)
Note: Posterior means and highest posterior density sets of parameters, conditional on micro-level parameterizations.
Micro-Level Share from ωzt (Neutral) Share from ωt (Investment-Specific)
ξ = 0 01
Output 84.73% 15.33%
Consumption 91.21% 8.79%
Investment 35.08% 64.92%
Output 84.08% 15.92%
Consumption 90.56% 9.44%
Investment 34.27% 65.73%
Note: Variance decomposition of aggregate output, consumption, and investment under two of the estimations reported
in Table 6.
shrinks because larger frictions reduce the negative comovement between consump-
tion and investment. The remaining parameters are broadly constant over the different
specifications, indicating that micro-level adjustment frictions mainly matter for the in-
ference of the investment-specific shock process.
Table 7 reports the variance decomposition of aggregate output, consumption, and
investment under the estimated parameters corresponding to two different parameter-
izations of micro-level behavior. With relatively flexible capital adjustment (ξ = 0 01),
most of the variation in output and consumption is driven by TFP, due to the fact that
the estimated investment-specific shock process is relatively unimportant under this
parameterization. Although the investment-specific shock accounts for a slightly larger
share of fluctuations with large adjustment frictions (ξ = 1), the differences are quanti-
tatively small. Of course, the ideal estimation exercise would jointly estimate the capital
adjustment frictions and aggregate shock processes using both micro- and macro-level
data. The illustrative results in this section show that, using my method, such exercises
are now feasible.
Quantitative Economics 9 (2018) Solving and estimating heterogenous agent models 1143
6. Conclusion
This paper has developed a general-purpose computational method for solving and es-
timating heterogeneous agent models. In contrast to much of the existing literature, the
method does not rely on the dynamics of the distribution being well-approximated by
a small number of moments, expanding the class of models which can be feasibly com-
puted. I have provided codes and a user guide to implement the method using Dynare
with the hope that it will bring heterogeneous agent models into the fold of standard
quantitative macroeconomic analysis.
A particularly promising avenue for future research is incorporating micro data into
the estimation of DSGE models. As I showed in Section 5, micro-level behavior places
important restrictions on estimated model parameters. In the current representative
agent DSGE literature, these restrictions are either completely absent or imposed only
indirectly through prior beliefs. The computational method I developed in this paper
instead allows the micro data to formally place these restrictions itself.
for the collocation nodes i = 1 nε and j = 1 nk and where θk l denotes next
period’s values of the value function coefficients. The optimal labor choice is defined
through the first-order condition
νez eεi kθj 1−ν
n(εi kj ) =
The policy functions ka (εi kj ), kn (εi kj ), and ξ(εi kj ) are derived from the approx-
imate value function as follows. First, the capital decision rule conditional on adjusting
ka (εi kj ) satisfies the first-order condition
0=E λ−β τoε θk l Tk ρε εi + σε ωεo Tl k (εi kj ) (15)
o=1 k =1 l =1
where Tl denotes the first derivative of the Chebyshev polynomial. Conditional on this
unconstrained choice, the constrained capital decision is
⎪ a
⎨(1 − δ + a)kj if k (εi kj ) > (1 − δ + a)kj
kn (εi kj ) = ka (εi kj ) if ka (εi kj ) ∈ (1 − δ − a)kj (1 − δ + a)kj
⎩(1 − δ − a)k if ka (ε k ) < (1 − δ − a)k
j i j j
ξ(εi kj )
= −λ ka (εi kj ) − kn (εi kj )
+β τoε θk l Tk ρε εi + σε ωεo a
Tl k (εi kj ) − Tl k (εi kj )
o=1 k =1 l =1
and the bounded threshold is given by ξ(εi kj ) = min{max{0, ξ(εi kj ) ξ}}. To evaluate
the decision rules off the grid, I interpolate the capital decision rule ka using Chebyshev
polynomials, and derive kn and ξ from the formulae above.
Given the firm decision rules, the implications of household optimization can be
written as
0=λ− τi ez eεi kθi n(εi ki ) + (1 − δ)ki
Quantitative Economics 9 (2018) Solving and estimating heterogenous agent models 1145
ξ(εi ki ) a ξ(εi ki ) n
− k (εi ki ) − 1 − k (εi ki ) g(εi ki |m)
ξ ξ
1 mg
wλ α
g ξ(εi ki )2
0= − τi n(εi ki ) + g(εi ki |m) (17)
χ 2ξ
g(εi kj |m) = g0 exp g11 εi − m11 + g12 log kj − m21
ng k
1 k−l 2 l
+ gkl εi − m1 log kj − m1 − mlk
k=2 l=0
The approximate law of motion for the distribution (9) can be written
0 = m1
1 − τl τkε ρε εl + σε ωεk g(εl kl |m)
l=1 k=1
g ξεl kl
0 = m2
1 − τl τkε log ka (εl kl )
l=1 k=1
ξεl kl a
+ 1− log k (εl kl ) g(εl kl |m)
ξ (18)
j g ξ(εl kl ) i−j j
0 = mi − τl τkε ρε εl + ωεk − m1
1 log ka (εl kl ) − m2
l=1 k=1
ξ(εl kl ) i−j j
+ 1− ρε εl + ωεk − m1
1 log kn (εl kl ) − m2
× g(εl kl |m)
0 = E z − ρz z (20)
1146 Thomas Winberry Quantitative Economics 9 (2018)
With all these expressions, we can define f (y y x x; ψ) which outputs (14), (15),
(16), (17), (18), (19), and (20).
(i) Compute the firm’s value function θ∗ by iterating on the Bellman equation (10).
Note that λ∗ does not enter the stationary Bellman equation because it is a multiplicative
(ii) Using the firm’s decision rules, compute the invariant distribution m∗ by iterating
on the law of motion (9).
(iii) Aggregate individual firms’ labor demand according to Nd = (n(ε k) + ξ(εk) ) ×
g(ε k) dε dk.
∗ ∗
I then compute labor supply using the household’s first order condition Ns = ( w χλ )1/α .
I solve for the market-clearing wage w∗ using a root-finding algorithm. The marginal
utility of consumption λ∗ is computed from firm’s behavior using C ∗ = Y ∗ − I ∗ .
For the comparisons to the histogram approximation in the main text, I follow the
same steps, but approximate the distribution using a fine histogram as in Young (2010).
log λt = α0 + α1 zt + α2 log Kt
log Kt+1 = γ0 + γ1 zt + γ2 log Kt
on data simulated using my solution. The R2 s of these forecasting equations are high,
indicating that a Krusell and Smith (1998) algorithm using the aggregate capital stock
performs well in this environment.
Den Haan (2010) notes that the R2 is a poor error metric for two reasons: first, it only
measures one period ahead forecasts, whereas agents must forecast into the infinite fu-
ture; and second, it only measures average deviations, which can hide occasionally large
23 Given the linear disutility of labor supply, the wage is purely a function of the marginal utility of con-
Quantitative Economics 9 (2018) Solving and estimating heterogenous agent models 1147
Note: Results from running forecasting regressions (21) on data simulated from first
order model solution. “DH statistic” refers to Den Haan (2010)’s suggestion of iterating on
the forecasting equations with updating Kt from simulated data. Expressed as a percent
of mean marginal utility or log capital.
errors. To address these concerns, Den Haan (2010) proposes iterating on the forecasting
equations (22) without updating the capital stock, and computing the maximum devi-
ations of these forecasts from the actual values in a simulation. Table 8 shows that this
more stringent error metric is also small in the benchmark model.
To break this approximate aggregation result, I add an aggregate investment-specific
productivity shock qt to the benchmark model. In this case, the capital accumula-
tion equation becomes kjt+1 = (1 − δ)kjt + eqt ijt , but the remaining equations are
unchanged. I assume the investment-specific shock follows the AR(1) process qt =
q q
ρq qt−1 + σq ωt , where ωt ∼ N(0 1), independently of the aggregate TFP shock.
Figure 5 shows that approximate aggregation becomes weaker as the investment-
specific productivity shock becomes more important. The left panel plots the R2 s from
the forecasting equations
log λt = α0 + α1 zt + α2 qt + α3 log Kt
log Kt+1 = γ0 + γ1 zt + γ2 qt + γ3 log Kt
The center and right panels of Figure 5 show that the more stringent Den Haan (2010)
metrics grow even more sharply as a function of the volatility σq .
Because my method directly approximates the distribution, rather than relying on
these low-dimensional forecasting rules, it continues to perform well as investment-
specific shocks become more important. Figure 6 plots the impulse responses of key
aggregate variables to an investment-specific shock for σq = 0 014, a value for which
approximate aggregation fails. As with neutral productivity shocks in Figure 2, even rel-
atively low degree approximations of the distribution are sufficient to capture the dy-
namics of these variables.
Figure 7. Estimated distribution of aggregate shock processes. Notes: Estimation results for
ξ = 1. Grey lines are the prior distribution of parameters. Dashed lines are the posterior mode.
Black lines are the posterior distribution.
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February, 2018.