Uber Reciept - Mumbaii
Uber Reciept - Mumbaii
Uber Reciept - Mumbaii
Total ₹603.45
August 29, 2022
Total ₹603.45
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Prime benefits on Uber
Subtotal ₹1,038.34
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11/11/22, 6:11 PM Gmail - [Personal] Your Monday afternoon trip with Uber
Promotion -₹493.73
GST ₹40.06
A temporary hold of ₹603.05 was placed on your payment method Amazon Pay. This is not a charge
and will be removed. It should disappear from your bank statement shortly. Learn More
Visit the trip page for more information, including invoices (where available)
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4:31 PM
A-201, vishalgad,Plot no.9,
Sector 16, Kamothe, Panvel,
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
410209, India
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11/11/22, 6:11 PM Gmail - [Personal] Your Monday afternoon trip with Uber
5:54 PM
Terminal 2, Navpada, Vile
Parle East, Vile Parle,
Mumbai, Maharashtra
400099, India
Fares are inclusive of GST. Please download the tax invoice from the trip detail page for a full tax breakdown.
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