1 Nov 22 Uber 750
1 Nov 22 Uber 750
1 Nov 22 Uber 750
Total ₹750.25
November 1, 2022
We hope you enjoyed your ride
this evening.
Total ₹750.25
Due to unanticipated tolls or surcharges on this trip, we’ve adjusted your upfront fare
to reflect the charges actually incurred. Please see the receipt breakdown for
Subtotal ₹645.25
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1/8/23, 7:46 PM Gmail - [Personal] Your Tuesday evening trip with Uber
Visit the trip page for more information, including invoices (where available)
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7:56 PM
U-78/11, Rd Number 80, DLF
Cyber City, DLF Phase 3,
Sector 24, Gurugram,
Haryana 122022, India
9:44 PM
Maujpur, Shahdara, Delhi,
110053, India
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1/8/23, 7:46 PM Gmail - [Personal] Your Tuesday evening trip with Uber
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Fares are inclusive of GST. Please download the tax invoice from the trip detail page for a full tax breakdown.
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