Cathodic Disbonding of Coated Steel: Standard Test Methods For
Cathodic Disbonding of Coated Steel: Standard Test Methods For
Cathodic Disbonding of Coated Steel: Standard Test Methods For
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: G8 − 24
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
G8 − 24
or disbonded coating at the holiday in the immersed area with electrolyte solution (for example, 3 % NaCl solution). The
extent of loosened or disbonded coating at a new holiday in the voltage differential shall be within 5 mV. If over 5 mV, the
coating made in an area that was not immersed. Test specimens subject Ag/AgCl reference electrode shall be discarded.
are also examined for any other visible defect. 5.1.5 Thickness Gauge, for measuring coating thickness in
accordance with Practice D7091.
4. Significance and Use 5.1.6 Holiday Detector, for locating holidays in the coating
4.1 Breaks or holidays in a coating applied over steel of the test specimen in accordance with Practice D5162, Test
exposes the substrate to a potential corrosion cell. When the Method A – Low Voltage Wet Sponge Testing.
steel is subjected to cathodic protection by the polarization of 5.1.7 Thermometer, for measuring electrolyte temperature,
the steel via sacrificial anodes or impressed current, the general lab type, 1° subdivisions, 76.2 mm (3 in.) immersion.
exposed steel at the holiday becomes the cathode in the 5.1.8 High-Resistance Voltmeter, for direct current, having
corrosion cell. When the electrolyte is neutral or slightly an internal resistance of not less than 10 MΩ and capable of
alkaline, hydroxyl ions form from the reduction of oxygen and, measuring as low as 10 µV potential drop across a shunt in the
when paired with a suitable cation from the electrolyte, form an test cell circuit.
alkaline solution. Depending on the strength of this alkaline 5.2 Additional Apparatus for Methods, Method A and
solution and the concentration of the alkaline compound, this Method B:
alkalinity may disrupt the adhesion between the coating and the 5.2.1 Test Vessel—A nonconducting material shall be used
steel, disbonding the coating from the steel. for the vessel or as a lining in a metallic vessel. Dimensions of
4.2 Current density of the cathodic cell also can affect the the vessel shall permit the following requirements:
degree of cathodic disbondment. The greater the current Test specimens shall be suspended vertically in the
density generated by the concentration of electrons at the vessel with at least 25.4 mm (1.0 in.) clearance from the
anode, the greater the number of hydroxyl ions formed, thus bottom.
increasing the alkalinity available for disrupting the adhesion Each test specimen shall be separated from the other
between the coating and the steel substrate. Likewise, the specimens, from the anodes and from the walls of the test
concentration of oxygen in the electrolyte will affect the vessel by at least 38.1 mm (1.5 in.).
concentration of hydroxyl ions formed at the cathode. The depth of electrolyte shall permit the test length
4.3 For these reasons it is often useful to measure pH, of the specimen to be immersed such that a minimum of
oxygen, and current density when conducting a cathodic 23 227 mm2 (36 in.2) shall be immersed in the electrolyte.
disbondment test. Plywood or plastic material has been found suitable
for the construction of test vessel covers and for the support
5. Apparatus through apertures of test specimens and electrodes. Wood
5.1 Apparatus for All Three Methods—Method A, Method B, dowels introduced through holes in the top ends of test
and Method C: specimens have been found suitable for suspending test speci-
5.1.1 Connectors—Wiring from anode to test specimen mens from the vessel cover.
shall be 4107 cmil (14 gauge AWG), minimum, insulated 5.3 Additional Apparatus for Method A:
copper. Attachment to the test specimen shall be by soldering, 5.3.1 Sacrificial Anodes—Anodes shall be made as specified
brazing, or bolting to the non-immersed end, and the place of in Table 1. It shall have a surface area not less than one third
attachment shall be coated with an insulating material. A that of the total specimen area exposed to electrolyte (for flat
junction in the connecting wire is permitted, provided that it is panels, the area containing the artificial holiday only and for
made by means of a bolted pair of terminal lugs soldered or pipe outside area exposed only). The anode shall be provided
mechanically crimped to clean wire ends. with a factory-sealed, 4107 cmil (14 gauge AWG), minimum,
5.1.2 Holiday Tools—Holidays shall be made with conven- insulated copper wire for connecting to the test specimen.
tional drills of the required diameter. For use in preparing Anodes without a factory seal may be used if the alloy extends
small-diameter pipe specimens, the use of a flat end mill has above the cover or if the connection of the wire to the anode is
been found effective in preventing perforation of the metal wall coated with an insulating material. Anodes, alternatively, may
of the pipe. be directly bolted to the test specimen ensuring that there is
5.1.3 Disbondment Evaluation Tools—A sharp-pointed thin positive electrical contact between the anode and the test
blade knife with a safe handle is required for use in removing specimen. If pre-used anodes are to be used, the anodes shall be
disbonded coating from the specimen. cleaned by wire brushing or by immersion in dilute acid to
5.1.4 Reference Electrode—A reference electrode Ag/AgCl remove corrosion products to ensure they are active.
in saturated KCl with double junction, or a saturated Cu/
CuSO4 reference electrode shall be used. The accuracy of the TABLE 1
Ag/AgCl reference electrode shall be checked before starting Metal Alloy Potential (Ag/AgCl Potential (Cu/CuSO4
the test. The Ag/AgCl reference electrode can be checked reference electrode) reference electrode)
against another Ag/AgCl reference electrode which is only Magnesium –1.33 to –1.43 V –1.45 to –1.55 V
Zinc –0.88 to –0.98 V –1.00 to –1.10 V
used for accuracy checkup only without routine usage. The two User specified alloy User specified User specified
Ag/AgCl reference electrodes can be inserted into the same
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5.4 Additional Apparatus for Method B: Impressed-Current Anode—The anode shall be of
5.4.1 Precision Wire-Wound Resistor, 1 Ω 6 1 %, 1 W corrosion-resistant metal wire 0.51 mm (0.020 in. – 24 gauge
(minimum), shall be used in the test cell circuit as a shunt for AWG) diameter. A titanium wire coated with mixed metal
current. oxide IrO2/Ta2O5 or a platinum coated wire has been used with
5.4.2 Metallic Electrode, used temporarily with the high- good results.
resistance voltmeter to determine apparent initial holiday status 5.4.7 Voltage Divider, 100 Ω, 25 W rheostat, to be used if
of the test specimen. more than one specimen is to be tested as shown in Fig. 6.
5.4.3 Additional connecting wires shall be 4107 cmil
(14 gauge AWG), minimum, insulated copper. 5.5 Additional Apparatus for Method C:
5.4.4 Brass Studs, used at a terminal board, together with 5.5.1 Test Vessel—The test vessel shall be a transparent
alligator clips or knife switches, for making and breaking plastic or glass tube that is centered over the intentional holiday
circuits may be used. Alligator clips shall not be used to and sealed to the test sample surface with a waterproof sealing
connect to electrodes or specimens at the top location of test material. The cylinder shall be 101.6 mm (4.0 in.) nominal
cells. diameter and of sufficient height to contain 127.0 mm (5.0 in.)
5.4.5 Direct-Current Rectifier or Power Supply, capable of of electrolyte. Size of vessel shall remain unchanged. Sealing
supplying constant voltage at a voltage of up to 5.0 V 6 procedure must be altered to accommodate specimen having a
0.05 V, as measured between the test specimen and reference diameter less than 101.60 mm (4 in.).
5.4.6 Impressed-Current Anode Assembly (Fig. 1): 5.5.2 Impressed-Current Anode Assembly (Fig. 1): Filter Tube—Anode assembly shall be inserted into Filter Tube—Anode assembly shall be constructed
a glass tube. Length of the tube shall be a minimum of 180 mm utilizing an immersion tube. Length of the tube shall be a
(7 in.) and 6 mm (0.25 in.) in diameter. A removable glass or minimum of 180 mm (7 in.) and 6 mm (0.25 in.) in diameter. A
plastic (for example, polyester) wool plug shall be fitted at the removable glass or plastic (for example, polyester) wool plug
bottom of the tube. The plug shall be removed after testing and shall be fitted at the bottom of the tube. The plug shall be
disposed. removed after testing and disposed.
G8 − 24 Impressed-Current Anode—The anode shall be of 8. Test Specimen Preparation
corrosion-resistant metal wire 0.51 mm (0.020 in. – 24 gauge
8.1 Three single holiday specimens or one, three holiday
AWG) diameter. A titanium wire coated with mixed metal
pipe specimen shall be tested for each coating/test condition
oxide IrO2/Ta2O5 or a platinum coated wire has been used with unless otherwise specified.
good results.
5.5.3 High-Impedance Multimeter—For making direct- 8.2 Preparation of Artificial Holiday:
current and voltage measurements, the multimeter must have 8.2.1 Prior to making the artificial holiday, the continuity of
an internal resistance of not less than 10 M Ω and be capable the coating shall be verified by using a low-voltage wet-sponge
of measuring current as low as 1 mA, and voltage up to 10 V. holiday detector (Practice D5162) with sufficient water on the
5.5.4 Direct-Current Rectifier or Power Supply, capable of sponge to ensure electrical connection in case a holiday is
supplying constant voltage at a voltage of up to 3.00 V 6 0.05 encountered. Specimens with holidays shall be removed and
not tested and replaced with holiday free specimens.
V, as measured between the test specimen and reference
electrode. 8.2.2 For flat panels, curved panels, and large diameter pipe
specimens, one intentional holiday shall be made in each
5.5.5 Precision Wire-Wound Resistor, 1 Ω 6 1 %, 1 W
specimen to be tested at the center of the immersion area. The
(minimum), shall be used in the test cell circuit as a shunt for
holiday shall be drilled so that the angular cone point of the
current (Fig. 1).
drill will fully enter the steel where the cylindrical portion of
the drill meets the steel surface. The specimen shall not be
6. Reagent and Materials perforated by the drill. The drill shall be for Methods A and B,
6.1 The electrolyte employed shall be one of those found in 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) in diameter and for Method C, 3.2 mm
Table 2: (0.125 in.) in diameter, unless otherwise specified.
TABLE 2 8.2.3 For 50.8 mm (2.0 in.) pipe specimens, three holidays
Electrolyte Ionic Composition Preparation with diameters of 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) shall be drilled with a flat
Designation end mill or a regular drill bit and the angular cone point of the
I Aqueous solution of 1 % Using technical grade salts,
sodium chloride, 1 % sodium add to distilled or deionized
drill will fully enter the steel where the cylindrical portion of
sulfate, 1 % sodium carbonate water, and mix until the drill meets the steel surface. The specimen shall not be
dissolved. perforated by the drill. One holiday shall be drilled in the
II Aqueous solution of 3% sodium Using technical grade sodium
chloride chloride, add to distilled or
center of the immersion area of the pipe. One holiday shall be
deionized water, and mix until drilled halfway above the center holiday to the upper immer-
dissolved. sion level on the pipe, offset 120° to the right the center
III Synthetic seawater Practice D1141 (without
heavy metals) holiday. One holiday shall be drilled halfway below the center
IV Specified by the user Specified by the user holiday to the bottom on the pipe, offset 120° to the left the
center holiday.
6.1.1 Use freshly prepared solution for each test.
8.3 Measure and record the dry film thickness of the coating
6.2 Materials for sealing edges of coated panels or the ends in accordance with Practice D7091, and the dry film thickness
of coated pipe specimens shall consist of non-conducting immediately adjacent to where each holiday is made.
protective materials.
8.4 For Methods A and B, the end of the specimen which
7. Test Specimen will protrude above the immersion line shall be provided with
suitable supporting means and a separate wire connection for
7.1 Test specimens shall be of the following types, unless electrical purposes, soldered, brazed, or bolted to the specimen.
otherwise specified by the end user: The protruding end, including hanger and wire connections,
7.1.1 Applicable for Methods A, B, and C—Coated flat shall be protected and sealed with an insulating coating
panels or coupons shall have minimum dimensions of 150 mm material. The specimen test area shall consist of the area
× 300 mm (6 in. × 12 in.) with a minimum thickness 3.2 mm between the edge of the bottom end of the specimen and the
(1⁄8 in.). Unless otherwise specified, the grade of steel shall be immersion line and shall be not less than 23 227 mm2 (36 in.2).
Specification A36 or equivalent. Uncoated edges shall have a
protective edging applied to the panels when used with Method 9. Procedure for Method A
A and Method B.
9.1 Immerse the test specimen in the electrolyte and connect
7.1.2 Applicable for Methods A and B—Coated pipe shall it to the anode as shown in Fig. 2. Position the middle or single
have an outside diameter of 50.8 mm (2 in.) with a wall holiday so that it faces away from the anode. Space the anode
thickness of 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) and a minimum length of with respect to test specimens as described in 5.2. Mark the
300 mm (12 in.). The end of the pipe to be immersed shall be correct immersion level of the test specimen with a grease
plugged or capped, and sealed. pencil or other suitable marker and maintain by daily additions
7.1.3 Applicable for Method C—Coated pipe or curved plate of distilled or deionized water as required. Perform the test at
of a diameter that the test vessel can be fitted and sealed to the electrolyte temperature of 21 °C to 25 °C (70 °F to 77 °F) and
surface. The recommended wall thickness of the test specimen aerate the electrolyte solution throughout the length of the
shall be 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) or greater. immersion period unless otherwise specified. An aquarium air
G8 − 24
pump with a hose and air stone has been shown to be adequate 9.4.1 At the end of the test period, remove the test specimen
for aerating the electrolyte. Check the temperature daily and from the electrolyte bath and rinse the test area with warm tap
adjust as necessary. water. Immediately wipe the sample dry and visually examine
9.1.1 In order to ascertain that the test cell is functioning, the entire test area for any evidence of unintentional holidays
measure the potential between test specimen and a reference and loosening of coating at the edge of all holidays, including
electrode immediately after starting the test and immediately the intentional holiday, and record coating condition, for
before terminating it. The potential measured shall be as example, color change, blisters, cracking, crazing, adhering
specified in Table 1 with respect to an Ag/AgCl in saturated deposits, etc.
KCl reference electrode or a CuCuSO4 reference electrode. If
9.4.2 Drill a new reference holiday in the coating in an area
the test cell is not functioning properly at the termination of the
that was not immersed. Follow the same drilling procedure as
test, the test shall not be considered valid.
described in 8.2.
9.2 Duration of the immersion period shall be 30 days.
9.4.3 For both the intentional holiday and the reference
Optionally, other test periods such as 60 or 90 days may be
holiday, make radial 45° cuts at eight compass points through
used, or as specified by the end user.
the coating intersecting at the centers of the holiday with a
9.3 Optionally, during the immersion period, measure the sharp, thin-bladed knife (see Fig. 3). Take care to ensure that
pH and oxygen content of the electrolyte at the beginning, at coating is cut completely through to the steel substrate.
the end, and at least on a weekly basis and record.
9.4 An examination shall be performed immediately upon
termination of the test period as follows:
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9.4.4 Attempt to lift the coating at both the reference 10. Method A Report
holiday and the intentional holiday with the point of a sharp, 10.1 The report for Method A shall include the following
thin-bladed knife. Insert the flat blade of the knife between the information:
substrate and the coating, then pry the disbonded coating away 10.1.1 Complete identification of the test specimen, includ-
from the steel substrate. Keep prying away disbonded coating ing:
until a boundary of tightly adhered coating is encountered (see Product name and batch or lot number(s) of the
Fig. 4).
coating; Dimensions of the test specimen(s); Description of the surface preparation of the steel
10.1.2 Minimum-maximum coating thickness, average
coating thickness, and the coating thickness at the holiday;
10.1.3 Size and number of initial holidays;
10.1.4 Verification of coating continuity prior to immersion;
10.1.5 Anode type and voltage measured;
10.1.6 Immersion conditions, including: Identification of the electrolyte used;
FIG. 4 Removal of Disbonded Coating If electrolyte was not aerated during immersion
period; Immersed area of specimen(s);
9.4.5 Optionally, if any liquid is found beneath the dis-
bonded coating, using pH paper, determine the pH of said Start and end dates of immersion;
liquid. Temperature of immersion bath.
9.4.6 For both the reference holiday and the intentional 10.1.7 Radial disbondment length (RDL), Area of Disbond-
holiday, at four disbondment diameters measured at the radial ment (AOD), and Equivalent Circle Diameter (ECD) as speci-
cuts around the coating disbondment area, measure the diam- fied;
eter length of disbondment through the center of the holiday. 10.1.8 Any visual defects such as color change, blisters,
Report the following as specified: cracking, crazing, adhering deposits, etc.; Radial Disbondment Length (RDL): 10.1.9 Any other pertinent observations or data.
RDL 5 ~ Average diameter length of disbondment 10.2 The report for Method A shall optionally include the
following information if measured:
2 Diameter of holiday! ⁄2
10.2.1 pH of the electrolyte at the measured time intervals; Area of Disbondment (AOD): 10.2.2 Oxygen content of the electrolyte at the measured
AOD 5 ~ π * ~ Average diameter length of disbondment/2!! 2 time intervals;
2 ~ π * ~ diameter of holiday/2!! 2 10.2.3 pH of any liquid found beneath disbonded coating.
11.1 Conduct the procedure in accordance with Method A as
described in Section 9, except use Fig. 5 for the equipment
G8 − 24
setup using impressed current for a single specimen. If more 12.1.1 Complete identification of the test specimen, includ-
than one specimen is tested, use the modification as shown in ing:
Fig. 6. Product name and batch or lot numbers of the
11.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, an applied potential of coating;
–1.38 6 0.05 V DC versus Ag/AgCl in saturated KCl reference Dimensions of the test specimen(s);
electrode or –1.50 6 0.05 V DC versus saturated Cu/CuSO4 Description of the surface preparation of the steel
reference electrode shall be applied to the test specimens. substrate.
11.1.2 Measure the following electrical properties: 12.1.2 Minimum-maximum coating thickness, average Measure the voltage versus the reference electrode coating thickness and the coating thickness at the holiday;
a minimum of two times per week and adjust as necessary. 12.1.3 Size and number of initial holidays;
(1) If the applied coating is a “self-healing” type and the 12.1.4 Verification of coating continuity prior to immersion;
voltage cannot be adjusted to specification, remove the healing 12.1.5 Voltage versus the reference electrode and current
material from the holiday and adjust accordingly. If the voltage demand at the start, mid-way, and end of immersion;
cannot be adjusted to specification, the test shall be considered 12.1.6 Any interruption time of the rectifier;
invalid. 12.1.7 Immersion conditions, including: Measure the current demand in amperes, by deter- Identification of the electrolyte used;
mining the potential drop across the 1 Ω resistor permanently If electrolyte was not aerated during immersion
installed in the test cell circuit with the high-resistance volt- period;
meter described in 5.1.8. The voltage reading will be numeri- Immersed area of specimen(s);
cally equal to amperes. Measure the current demand a mini- Start and end dates of immersion;
mum of two times per week. Temperature of immersion bath.
11.1.3 Rectifier current shall be continuous. Any interrup- 12.1.8 Radial disbondment length (RDL), Area of Disbond-
tions shall be reported. ment (AOD), and Equivalent Circle Diameter (ECD) as speci-
12. Method B Report 12.1.9 Any visual defects such as color change, blisters,
12.1 The report for Method B shall include the following cracking, crazing, adhering deposits, etc.;
information: 12.1.10 Any other pertinent observations or data.
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FIG. 6 Modification of Method B Using Impressed Current to Test More than One Specimen
12.2 The report for Method B shall include the following 13.4 Place and support the impressed-current anode assem-
information if measured: bly into the electrolyte solution as described in 5.5.4.
12.2.1 pH of the electrolyte at the measured time intervals; 13.5 Attach the positive lead of the current source to the
12.2.2 Oxygen content of the electrolyte at the measured anode wire and the negative lead to the cathode (panel or pipe).
time intervals; An applied potential of –2.76 6 0.05 V DC versus an Ag/AgCl
12.2.3 pH of any liquid found beneath disbonded coating. in saturated KCl reference electrode or –3.00 6 0.05 V DC
13. Procedure for Method C (Excerpted from Test versus a CuCuSO4 reference electrode is to be impressed
Method G95, withdrawn) across the test cell, unless otherwise specified.
13.1 Place the test specimen on a flat, non-conductive 13.6 Conduct the test at a room temperature of 21 °C to
surface with the intentional holiday facing upward. 25 °C (70 °F to 77 °F). Tests shall be run for a period of 90
days, unless otherwise specified.
13.2 Attach the test cylinder to the test specimen, (see
5.5.1). Take care to ensure that the cylinder satisfactorily fits 13.7 At least twice each week, place an Ag/AgCl in satu-
the curvature of the pipe sample if applicable, that it is centered rated KCl reference electrode or a saturated CuCuSO4 refer-
over the intentional holiday, and is completely sealed. Use the ence electrode in the electrolyte between the anode and the
setup illustrated in Fig. 7. holiday. Read the voltage and adjust the power supply output,
if required, so that the specified potential is maintained
13.3 Add the electrolyte solution to the specified level in the
between the reference electrode and the test sample.
test cylinder. Optionally record the pH of the solution. Check
the level of the electrolyte each day and maintain by adding 13.8 Optionally, during the immersion period, measure the
distilled or deionized water. Do not aerate the electrolyte pH and oxygen content of the electrolyte at the beginning, at
during the immersion duration unless specified by the end user. the end, and at least on a weekly basis and record.
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13.9 Measure the current demand in amperes by determin- Start and end dates of immersion;
ing the potential drop across the 1 Ω resistor permanently Temperature of immersion bath.
installed in the test cell circuit with the high-impedance 14.1.8 Radial disbondment length (RDL), Area of Disbond-
multimeter described in 5.5.3. The voltage reading will be ment (AOD), and Equivalent Circle Diameter (ECD);
numerically equal to amperes. Measure the current demand a 14.1.9 Any visual defects such as color change, blisters,
minimum of two times per week. cracking, crazing, adhering deposits, etc.;
13.10 Rectifier current shall be continuous. Any interrup- 14.1.10 Any other pertinent observations or data.
tions shall be reported. 14.2 The report for Method C shall include the following
13.11 At the end of the immersion period, examine and information if measured:
evaluate the test specimen(s) as described in 9.4. 14.2.1 pH of the electrolyte at the measured time intervals;
14.2.2 Oxygen content of the electrolyte at the measured
14. Method C Report time intervals;
14.2.3 pH of any liquid found beneath disbonded coating.
14.1 The report for Method C shall include the following
information: 15. Precision and Bias
14.1.1 Complete identification of the test specimen, includ-
ing: 15.1 Methods A and B: Product name and batch or lot numbers of the 15.1.1 Precision data are limited to two adjacent specimens
coating; taken from the same production-coated pipe and assume that Dimensions of the test specimen(s); the production process was uniform with respect to pipe Description of the surface preparation of the steel surface condition and coating material. Specimens that were
substrate. not adjacent in the as-produced condition or were taken from
14.1.2 Minimum-maximum coating thickness, average different lengths of pipe may represent differing process
coating thickness and the coating thickness at the holiday; conditions. The following data should be used for judging the
14.1.3 Size and number of initial holidays; acceptability of results (These precision data are approxima-
14.1.4 Verification of coating continuity prior to immersion; tions based on limited data, but they provide a reasonable basis
14.1.5 Voltage versus the reference electrode and current for judging the significance of results.):
demand at the start, mid-way, and end of immersion; 15.1.2 Method A:
14.1.6 Any interruption time of the rectifier; Repeatability—Duplicate results by the same
14.1.7 Immersion conditions, including: worker should not be considered suspect unless they differ by Identification of the electrolyte used; more than 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) in value ECD in accordance with If electrolyte was aerated during immersion period; the following equation: Immersed area of specimen(s); ECD 5 ~ A / 0.785! 1⁄2
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where: (1) The results reported by one laboratory should not be
A = unsealed area developed from 1 artificial holiday, mm2 considered suspect unless they differ from those of another
(in.2). laboratory by more than 25 mm (1 in.) in the value of ECD as
described in Reproducibility—The results reported by one labo-
ratory should not be considered suspect unless they differ from 15.2 Method C (See Note 1):
those of another laboratory by more than 25 mm (1 in.) for 15.2.1 Precision—For between-laboratory testing, data is
value ECD in the equation given in within 625 % of the mean for represented samples. Samples
were taken from one length of production run coated 16 in.
15.1.3 Method B:
pipe. Repeatability—Duplicate results by the same 15.2.2 Bias—No statement of bias is made since samples
worker should not be considered suspect unless they differ by were all obtained from one length of pipe and all participating
more than unity in the negative characteristic of the logarithm laboratories utilized equipment and procedures as outlined in
of the current demand in amperes. this test method.
(1) Duplicate results by the same worker should not be
considered suspect unless they differ by more than 12.7 mm NOTE 1—The Precision and Bias Statements for Method C were
(0.5 in.) in the value of ECD as described in excerpted from Test Method G95 (withdrawn) when Method C was
incorporated into this standard. Once G8 is published, an Interlaboratory Reproducibility—The results reported by one labo- Study (ILS) addressing Methods A, B, and C will be undertaken.
ratory should not be considered suspect unless they differ from
those of another laboratory by more than unity in the negative 16. Keywords
characteristic of the logarithm of the current demand in 16.1 anode; cathode; cathodic disbonding; electrolyte; im-
amperes. pressed current; sacrificial anode; steel
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