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This copy is translated from the an Arabic report written by the author Dr Saeed Naser El Deen.
Subject: - Report on the case of Student on the Death Penalty: Sudanese student Idriss Shifa (Criminal Incident number \ 1544 \ 2012, Court of Criminal Karriri Omdurman), State of Khartoum, Sudan Date of the incident (accident): 22 \ 6 \ 2010, at time 12:10 am
Site of the incident: Thawra, Hara One, North of University of Holy Quran, Omdurman Sudan. Name of the Defendant: Idriss Shifa, University student, AL- Azhari University, aged 25, exact birth date was not provided, student member of the National Umma Party (major opposition political party) Sudan. Name of Victim: The late Hamedin Adam Hamedin, University student, Al Koran Al Kareem Univeristy, member of the National Congress Party (ruling political party) Sudan. Date of death of the deceased: 26 \ 6 \ 2010, Omdurman Hospital, State of Khartoum, Sudan Details of the Incident: On 06/23/2010, on the day after the incident/accident which resulted from a quarrel between Idriss Shifa and the late - Hamedin Adam Hamedin I was contacted by a colleague of Idriss Shifa, who informed me that he has is a serious, important and urgent matter to report to me and discuss and would like to arrange to meet me, preferably away from the Tiganh (Technical) University, Thawra Site, Omdurman and or the Umma National Party Head Quarters in Omdurman, I met him an hour after the call, where he reported to me the entire tragic incident, and its details, the details of the incident included the students quarrel, the resultant fight, chase and the knife attack on the National Congress Party member Hamedin Adam Hamedin. He also reported that they, friends of Idriss Shifa & Umma National Party student members have been put under constant surveillance as a result and that he fears that a brutal revenge attack might be eminent from his fellow National Congress Party student members at his university, reason why they have hidden themselves, and avoided appearing on any university public function and or political discussion (debate) corner.
Note (1): report did not mention whether the reporters university was the same as Umma National Party student member Idriss Shifa and or that of National Congress Party, late member Hamedin Adam Hamedin. Note (2): please see additional note below with regards to National Congress Party students behaviour in Sudanese Universities). I agreed with their precautions, asked them to secure themselves, to help keep safe and secure Idriss Shifa, and to stop appearing on any political, public activities as well as to secure their communication channels so it does not get infiltrated by National Congress Partys National Intelligence and Security Services , which will enable their whereabouts can be tracked easily. The reporting student contacted me later that day stating that student Hamedin Adam Hamedin had died from his wounds and that his fellow student Shifa Idriss handed himself to the police. Idriss Shifa was held in custody of Bullock Police station, Thawra, Fourth Hara, Omdurman, and State of Khartoum, Sudan. The next day I visited Idriss Shifa, to reassure him that I will do my utmost to secure his defence in this case. it was clear to me to be a case of manslaughter in self defence and not intentional murder. I deposited some money on his behalf, and with his knowledge at the police station. I reported the incident to the Umma National Partys Secretary-General and the Council Secretariat and presented our plan to seek a resolution on the to be carried along three lines of action. Which were legal action, customary and community action and political action. Legal action: With regards to the legal action plan, professional lawyers were employed immediately to work alongside the student circles to represent and defend Shifa Idriss. Following a meeting of the Secretariat of the Umma National Party, a senior party member Mortada Habani, got in touch with the Partys legal secretary, Prof. Musa Hassan Imam, who immediately took up the case to represent Idriss Shifa legally. Customary and community action (reconciliation meetings): I got in touch with Idriss Shifas family, who are resident in the capital Khartoum, explained to them what procedures we have in place and invited them to meet the Umma National Partys Secretary General at the Partys Head Quarters in Omdurman, Khartoum State. I explained our plan with regards to the case, and with Shifa Idrisss family we coordinated a team to visit the deceased family to pay our respects as is customary in Sudanese culture.
We formed a delegation headed by tribal leader Ali Al Oumda, Umma Party political leaders, tribal and religious leaders to call upon the deceased family, and discus the issue at length; and work on an offer of re-conciliation and forgiveness as is customary in such cases in the Sudan.. The meeting was held at the home of the deceased relatives, in Ombadh, Omdurman, Hara five, there was a large congregation present, which included a number of tribal leaders ( Nazers), a number of tribal Mayors (Ummda), a large number of the deceased family members, a large number of University students, a large number of police force, a large number of Student Security force and a number of the National Umma Party Leadership. On that customary meeting, we made a provisional agreement on reconciliation and forgiveness between the family of the deceased and the family of the accused. Dr Kamil from the deceased family was appointed as temporary representative of the family on the case, and was made responsible to follow through with the provisional agreement made until the return of the deceaseds parents from Fouga, Al Nihoud, South Kordofan State. Pursuant to this principle, the family of the Defendant paid the family of the deceased the amount of $ (2000) pounds, as a good faith contribution. We held another reconciliation meeting on the 21st of Ramadan, after the return of the parents of the deceased, which was attended by a large number of both the deceased and the Defendant families, where the deceased father and mother announced to everyone at that meeting: reconciliation and forgiveness on their behalf and spoke kindly of the accused, thanked everyone who was involved and we made a solid agreement that the legal reconciliation documents, to be signed after Eid ul Fitir 2010 and in the presence of the tribal chiefs of Al Hamar tribe and the Bani Amer Tribe. Unexpected turn of events and the Death Sentence (Penalty) We were later surprised when matters suddenly changed, family of the deceased denied reconciliation agreements, meetings and took the matter to the court whereby the Defendantwas charged in court on 27 \ 6 \ 2011, and has been convicted under Article 130 of the Criminal Code of 1991, Sudan law which issued the DefendantShifa Idriss with the death sentence.
The Three Lines of Action Progress Report: 1. Date of the accident 22 \ 6 \ 2010, at 12:10 am 2. Site of accident: Thawra, Hara One, North of University of Holy Quran, Omdurman Sudan.
3. Name of the accused: Idriss Shifa, University student, AL- Azhari University, aged 25, exact birth date was not provided, student member of the National Umma Party (major opposition political party) Sudan. 4. Name of victim; The late Adam Hamedin Hamedin, University student, Al Koran Al Kareem Univeristy, member of the National Congress Party (ruling political party) Sudan. 5. Date of death of the victim 26 \ 6 \ 2010, Omdurman Hospital. 6. Date the Defendant handed himself in to police on 27 \ 6 \ 2010. 7. Date of report writers visit to the defendant in the police department 29 \ 6 \ 2010. 8. Date of his first visit from the legal defence member to the Defendant in the police department 30 \ 6 \ 2010. 9. Date the case was transferred to court 20 \ 7 \ 2010 10. Number of meetings in the trial court = 30 sessions started on 22 \ 8 \ 2010 finished on 27 \ 6 \ 2011, extending the period of 10 months and five days 11. Visit a number of the Defendant in prison before transferring the communication to the court 5 times. 12. The number of times the report writer visited the Defendant in prison= 6 times. 13. . Number of meetings with the family of the Defendant = 5 sessions. 14. Number of meetings with the family of the deceased= 4 sessions. 15. The defence; copy of the defence plea can be requested from the reports author at the above provided telephone number. 16. Appeal from the defence at the Court of Appeals Omdurman. Copy of the appeal can be requested from the reports author at the above provided telephone number. Remaining to do Action Plan: 17. An opportunity to present an appeal before the Supreme Court and the Audit Department and the Constitutional Court 18. Forecasted duration of an appeal at the Constitutional Courts, approx. more than a year and a half. Further Action towards reconciliation
19. We contacted the deceased family and agreed to continue with mediation. Side Note: 1. The defence team include attorney Imam Hassan Moussa and Hisham Adam Omer. 2. The student affairs office was in continues contact with the defendants family and the student union and his fellow students. Dr / Naseeruddin Saeed Saeed Assistant to the Secretary-General of the Students Department Umma National Party
Extra information which might support the case of student on death penalty Idriss Shifa: Please note at this point, that National Congress Party affiliated students use extreme forces against other fellow students , specifically opposition students; there are many reported incidents whereby National Congress Party affiliated students engage with the police and the National Intelligence and Security Services to batter and seriously injure fellow opposition students, whether during students protests. Just recently on an incident reported on the 10th December 2011, National Congress Party students attack and cause serious injury to over 22 students in Al Imam Al Mahdi University, in Darfur. The incident was reported by Hurriyat online journal
Below is yet another incident where National Congress Party students are holding construction metal rods to beat fellow students and spread terror in Red Sea University, Sudan; incident was reported by eyewitnesses on Facebook on the 8th December 2011.