Nat|ons Condemnat|on
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We wanL Lo express our appreclaLlon for Lhe AcL for Sudan group and for sLandlng by Lhe
Sudanese people We are surprlsed and we deeply regreL Lhe sLaLemenL comlng ouL from
Lhe unlLed naLlons lnsLead of supporLlng Lhe vlcLlms and Lhe rlghL of Lhe Sudanese people
Lo democracy and Lhe respecL for human rlghLs and Lhe rule of law lL ls supporLlng Lhe
aggressors and war crlmlnals Cn Lop of Lhem ls 8ashlr who ls wanLed by Lhe lCC We are
expecLlng Lhe un Lo help by brlnglng Lhem Lo [usLlce and by proLecLlng clvlllans and by
openlng corrldors for food 1he un ls expecLed Lo sLand agalnsL lmpunlLy
aslr Arman
lormer Sudan resldenLlal CandldaLe
SecreLary Ceneral of Lhe SLMn
Member of Lhe Plgh ollLlcal CommlLLee of Lhe Sudan 8evoluLlonary lronL