State of M.P.
29th-Oct. -2021
302 of I.P.C. and has been awarded Life Sentence and a fine of
year 2002. The deceased was residing with the appellant in Ayodhya
informed Atar Singh, the father of the deceased, that his daughter has
found that the dead body of the deceased Papitabai was lying supine
were recorded. The spot map was prepared. The post-mortem of the
dead body of Papitabai was got done. The cause of death was found
harassing her for the same. It was also found that accordingly in the
night of 15-12-2008, the appellant had beaten his wife Papitabai. The
of I.P.C.
(P.W.5), Parmanand Anuragi (P.W.6), Dr. Vibha Kurele (P.W. 7), Atar
Bhupendra (P.W.11), Meena (P.W. 12), Dr. R.K. Singh (P.W. 13),
Yashwant Singh (P.W. 14), Rakesh Singh Jadon (P.W. 15) and D.K.
submitted by the Counsel for the appellant, that the appellant has
to how his wife met with homicidal death. In fact the prosecution has
failed to prove that the death of the wife of the appellant was
The possibility that some unknown person might have committed the
9. Per contra, the Counsel for the State has supported the
11. Before adverting to the facts of the case, this Court thinks it
12. Dr. R.K. Singh (P.W. 13) has conducted the post-mortem of the
dead body of Smt. Papitabai, and found the following injuries on her
Sitaram Vs. State of M.P. (Cr.A.No.209 of 2010)
body :
death was homicidal, but it was also mentioned that finally will
depend on circumstances and the evidence. The time since death was
13. This witness was cross-examined and only one suggestion was
given that the witness has prepared the false report, which was denied
evidence. This does not mean that Strangulation was not the cause.
clearly shows that the deceased had struggled. Thus, after considering
the evidence of Dr. R.K. Singh (P.W. 13) coupled with the number of
18. S.C. Swarankar (P.W.1) had given notice to the Panchas and the
Safina Form is Ex. P.1. The Lash Panchnama, Ex. P. 2 was prepared.
clarified that the Lash Panchnama Ex. P.2 was prepared outside the
by Tahsildar.
19. Satyadeo Sharma (P.W.2) did not support the prosecution case
20. Rampyari (P.W.3) also did not support the prosecution and was
declared hostile.
21. Sushil Sharma (P.W. 4) had brought Viscera, salt solution and
specimen of seal from dead house and handed over the same to Head
Constable Rakesh Singh who seized the same vide seizure memo Ex.
(i) The deceased and the appellant were residing under the same
(ii) On the date of incident, the deceased was with the appellant.
homicidal death.
The deceased and the appellant were residing under the same
roof and on the date of incident, the deceased was with the
Sitaram Vs. State of M.P. (Cr.A.No.209 of 2010)
25. Atar Singh (P.W. 8) has stated that they had gone to marry his
son, however, the appellant did not go with barat. Before the Barat
could return, the appellant took away the deceased with him. It was
also stated that the appellant was married to his daughter about 15
years back. Initially, the appellant used to keep the deceased properly,
but for the last about 1 year, he was harassing the deceased. After
appellant was missing, and his daughter was lying dead in the house.
Accordingly, he made complaint, Ex. P.8. Safina form is Ex. P.1 and
Lash Panchayatnama is Ex. P.2. The spot map is Ex. P. 9. The dead
body was handed over to him and its acknowledgment is Ex. P. 10.
the deceased had three children. The elder daughter is aged about 12
years, whereas one son is aged about 9 years and another is aged
about 7-8 years. He admitted that in complaint, Ex. P.8, he did not
admitted that he had not mentioned in his complaint, Ex. P.8 that the
appellant has killed the deceased, but clarified that he had not seen
26. Chandan Singh (P.W.9) has also stated that before the marriage
the deceased back and he also went to the matrimonial house of the
deceased and found that she was lying dead. He used to beat and
and Meena (P.W.12) are in similar lines. These witnesses were cross-
examined very briefly, but nothing could be elicited from their cross-
28. Thus, from the evidence of Atar Singh (P.W. 8), Chandan Singh
deceased. The appellant did not attend the marriage of his brother-in-
law and also took away the deceased with him, even before
proved that the deceased Papitabai was not with him at the time of
of Cr.P.C., the appellant has admitted that he had returned from the
and the deceased Papitabai was with the appellant on the date of
under :
the light of the judgments of the Supreme Court, then it is clear that
deceased Papitabai was residing with the appellant under the same
roof, and on the date of incident, the appellant and the deceased were
together and the dead body of the deceased was found in the house of
33. This Court in para 16 of the judgment has already held that the
34. The prosecution has already proved that the appellant was
residing with the deceased under the same roof and on the date of
incident also, the deceased was with the appellant, and She died a
homicidal death in the house of the appellant. The dead body of the
35. The appellant has not given any explanation as to how his wife
died a homicidal death. The complaint, Ex. P.8 was made by Atar
and therefore, it is clear that the deceased Papitabai had already died
much prior to 9:45 A.M. As already pointed out, the appellant had
had returned from the marriage along with the deceased. However, in
his statement under Section 313 of Cr.P.C., the appellant has taken
cts vius /kj x;k Fkk rFkk ySV~hu djus pyk x;k FkkA tc eS
ySV~hu djds vius /kj okfil vk jgk Fkk rks eq>s xksfoan esjs /kj ls
fudyrs gq, feyk rFkk /kj es esjh iRuh eq>s ejh iMh feyh rFkk
cPps jks jgs FksA xksfoan esjs lekt dk gSA dksbZ fj'rsnkj ugh gSA eS
funksZ"k gwa eq>s >wBk Qalk fn;k gSA
36. From the defence taken by the appellant, it is clear that he has
PM., then he saw that Govind was coming out of the house and his
wife was lying dead. It is not out of place to mention here that the
deceased died in the morning hours, some times around 4-6 A.M.,
whereas the appellant has claimed that he returned back at 4 P.M. and
his wife was lying dead. Further, the natural conduct of the appellant
should have been to inform the police and should have participated in
could not point out any police document, which may indicate, that the
the contrary, it is clear that all the investigation was done in the
Even the dead body of the deceased was received by Atar Singh
(P.W.8) and even the last rites of the deceased were performed by her
father Atar Singh (P.W.8) and not by the appellant. Even in his
statement under Section 313 of Cr.P.C., this witness has admitted that
Mohangarh and other rituals were also performed by Atar Singh (P.W.
ughA eS VsEiks ls yk'k dks Qasdus ugh tk jgk FkkA bykt djkus
ys tk jgk FkkA
38. Although the original prosecution story was that the appellant
after noticing the residents, he ran away after throwing the dead body
on the spot. However, it is made clear that all the witnesses to the
has admitted in his statement under Section 313 of Cr.P.C. that he was
trying to take the deceased to the hospital for treatment. Thus, if that
defence is correct, then the appellant should not have left the dead
39. Thus, it is held that the appellant has not given any explanation
40. As already pointed out, the appellant could not point out from
incident. Thus, the presence of the appellant, after the incident has
itself, may not be sufficient to hold the appellant guilty, but if this
circumstances which have been found proved, then it is clear that the
Sitaram Vs. State of M.P. (Cr.A.No.209 of 2010)
under Section 313 of Cr.P.C. that the witness has stated that the
appellant Sitaram was not found on the spot, then it was merely
his house and could be arrested only on 24-12-2008, Ex. P.13, which
Cr.P.C. also.
Sitaram Vs. State of M.P. (Cr.A.No.209 of 2010)
44. The Supreme Court in the case of Rohtush Kumar Vs. State
51. Let a record of the Trial Court be sent back along with the copy