Ocean Innovators Research Journal - Done

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Digital Research Journal

Ocean Innovators Challenge:
Digital Research Journal

Digital Research Journal

Welcome to the Ocean Innovators Challenge!

Be Inspired: Ready for an ocean-saving adventure? This is your chance to help our
amazing oceans and learn how our actions affect them. You're the heroes who will find
cool ways to solve big problems.

Inquire: Be like scientists, exploring how changes in our world impact ocean life. Ask
questions, investigate, and discover how we can all make a difference.

Innovate: Now, you turn into inventors! Your mission is to create solutions that help
protect our oceans, focusing on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal
number 14, "Life Below Water." Let your ideas flow and help keep our oceans thriving.

Let's dive in, learn lots, and make waves with our ideas to protect our

Ocean Innovators Challenge:
Digital Research Journal

Student Information

Team Name:

Team Members (please use student’s given name and the

first initial from their family name):

Example: Alice S.
Student 1:

Student 2:

Student 3:

Student 4:

Grade Category: Grades 3-5 ✓ Grades 6-8

Mentor Name:

Ocean Innovators Challenge:
Digital Research Journal

Expedition: Learn
Lesson Reflection
Select the Expedition: Learn lesson relevant to your grade and
complete the following reflection questions after completing the
lessons online.

Reflection Question 1: Describe how humans change environments. What are

the impacts of these changes on living things?

Write your answer here.

Reflection Question 2: Think of a specific example where a change in the

environment caused a problem for plants or animals. What might be a good
solution to this problem?

Write your answer here.

Ocean Innovators Challenge:
Digital Research Journal

Reflection Question 3: Share an example of how scientists have found

solutions to problems that occur when an environment changes.

Write your answer here.

Reflection Question 4: What role can technology play in reducing the negative
impact of human activity on the environment?

Write your answer here.

Ocean Innovators Challenge:
Digital Research Journal

Innovative Solution for

SDG 14:
Life Below Water
Concept Development
Idea Summary: Briefly describe your innovative solution to address
the challenges related to "Life Below Water."

Write your summary here. Include diagrams & drawings if relevant

Ocean Innovators Challenge:
Digital Research Journal

Space for diagrams & drawings if required.

Ocean Innovators Challenge:
Digital Research Journal

Inspiration: What inspired your idea? How does it contribute

to the goal of protecting ocean health?

Write about your inspiration here. Include diagrams & drawings if relevant.

Ocean Innovators Challenge:
Digital Research Journal

Solution Details
Design Approach: Explain how you approached the design of your solution. What
were the key considerations and creative elements?

Describe your design approach here.

Potential Impact: Discuss the potential impact of your solution on ocean health.
How does it address the specific challenges you identified?

Discuss the potential impact here. Include diagrams & drawings if relevant.

Ocean Innovators Challenge:
Digital Research Journal

Space for diagrams and drawings if required.

Ocean Innovators Challenge:
Digital Research Journal

Feedback and Mentor Notes

Mentor’s Observations

Feedback on Research and Reflection:

Mentor’s notes here.

Feedback on Innovative Solution:

Mentor’s notes here.

Ocean Innovators Challenge:
Digital Research Journal

Feedback and Mentor Notes

Mentor’s Observations

Team’s Reflection on Feedback Reflection and Next Steps:

Team’s response to feedback and future plans here.

Submission Date:

Mentor’s Signature:

To learn more, contact us:
[email protected] | +61 (0)2 9915 8800 | elearn.eb.com

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