A. Introduction
Muhammad Takbir, Rizal Mustansyir, Sindung Tjahyadi
convention 107 of 1957, with the phrase indigenous and tribal population.
In 1982, the World Bank paid the same attention to a broad spectrum of
social groups with social and cultural identities different from those of the
dominant society. Because of these differences, in the development
process, this group is often disadvantaged. By the World Bank, this group
is called indigenous ethnic minority, tribal groups, and scheduled tribes.
At the ILO Convention 169 in 1989, these community groups were agreed
to be indigenous people with three main characteristics, namely: (1)
identifying themselves as different ethnic groups; (2) historical experiences
concerning the vulnerability of their living conditions to disturbance,
dislocation, and exploitation; (3) has a long relationship with its natural
area; and (4) the desire to maintain a different ideology (read Sangadji,
2 According to Saldi Isra, the Chief of Constitutional Court of
that “It has been shown that recently, in almost all parts of Indonesia,
there have been several mystical / community beliefs or sects that
contradict religious teachings and laws. Among the teachings/actions of
adherents of these sects, many have caused things that violate the law,
break national unity and tarnish Religion. From the fact it is clear, that the
mystical / belief schools or organizations that legitimize and/or use
Christianity and Islam, (Baltimore and London, the John Hopkins University
Press: 1993), p. 29.
In Pasang (message), its term can seem in idiom, “guru sara’ lata
tappa ri patuntung tala assai kaguruanna, sanro tala tappa ri sara’