Hitech ADP v6.12 Software Manual - www.Plc1.Ir
Hitech ADP v6.12 Software Manual - www.Plc1.Ir
Hitech ADP v6.12 Software Manual - www.Plc1.Ir
Reference Manual
MA00822 2005-11
This manual is a description of ADP6, the configuration tool used to create
applications for the operator terminals in the PWS-series.
The manual assumes that the most recent versions of the system program (firmware)
and configuration tool are used.
The operator terminal can be connected to many types of automation equipment,
such as PLCs, servo and drives. In this document the expression “the controller” is
used as a general term for the connected equipment.
1 Installation....................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Installation Procedure ....................................................................... 10
2 Instructions.................................................................................................... 13
2.1 ADP6 Programming Environment ................................................... 13
2.2 File Menu ......................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 New .................................................................................................. 14
2.2.2 Open and Close ................................................................................ 15
2.2.3 Save and Save as................................................................................ 15
2.2.4 Print ................................................................................................. 15
2.2.5 Upload Application and Download Application From...................... 16
2.2.6 Upload Recipes and Download Recipes ............................................ 16
2.2.7 Reconstruct Source ........................................................................... 17
2.2.8 Exit ................................................................................................... 17
2.3 Edit Menu ........................................................................................ 18
2.3.1 Duplicate .......................................................................................... 18
2.3.2 Find/Replace Address........................................................................ 19
2.3.3 Decompose Shape............................................................................. 22
2.3.4 Align and Make Same Size ................................................................ 23
2.3.5 Nudge and Layer .............................................................................. 24
2.3.6 Group and Ungroup ......................................................................... 24
2.3.7 Object Attributes .............................................................................. 25
2.3.8 State/Text Management.................................................................... 26
2.4 View Menu ....................................................................................... 30
2.4.1 Whole Screen and Whole Screen With I/O Labels............................ 30
2.4.2 Language 1-5 .................................................................................... 30
2.4.3 Zoom In, Normal and Zoom Out .................................................... 31
2.4.4 Toolbars............................................................................................ 31
2.5 Screen Menu..................................................................................... 32
2.5.1 New Screen....................................................................................... 32
2.5.2 Screen Manager ................................................................................ 32
2.5.3 Close Screen...................................................................................... 36
2.5.4 Cut/Copy/Delete Current Screen and Paste Screen........................... 36
2.5.5 OPEN Macro, CLOSE Macro and CYCLIC Macro......................... 36
2.5.6 Screen Properties............................................................................... 37
2.6 Draw Menu ...................................................................................... 44
2.6.1 Geometric Shapes ............................................................................. 44
2.7 Object Menu .................................................................................... 56
2.7.1 Creating Objects ............................................................................... 56
2.7.2 Specifying Object Properties ............................................................. 57
2.7.3 Buttons ............................................................................................. 61
2.7.4 Numeric Entry.................................................................................. 73
2.7.5 Character Entry ................................................................................ 76
2.7.6 List.................................................................................................... 77
2.7.7 Drop Down List ............................................................................... 79
2.7.8 Indicators.......................................................................................... 80
2.7.9 Numeric Display............................................................................... 85
2.7.10 Character Display ............................................................................. 87
3 Recipes .........................................................................................................161
3.1 Example ..........................................................................................161
3.2 Recipe Operation Steps ...................................................................162
3.3 Recipe Controlled by Controller......................................................165
3.4 Recipe Controlled by Operator Terminal ........................................168
8 Macros..........................................................................................................211
8.1 Macro Function ..............................................................................211
8.2 Macro Classifications.......................................................................211
8.2.1 Application Macros .........................................................................211
8.2.2 Screen Macros .................................................................................211
8.2.3 ON/OFF Macros ............................................................................212
8.2.4 Sub-Macros .....................................................................................212
8.3 Macro Commands...........................................................................213
8.3.1 Arithmetic .......................................................................................215
8.3.2 Logical.............................................................................................215
8.3.3 Data transfer....................................................................................216
8.3.4 Comparison ....................................................................................216
8.3.5 Flow Control...................................................................................220
8.3.6 Data Conversion .............................................................................221
8.3.7 Bit Setting .......................................................................................222
8.3.8 Others .............................................................................................222
8.4 Cautions..........................................................................................226
8.5 Internal Memory .............................................................................226
1 Installation
The basic ADP6 system requirements are as follows:
– PC - CPU 80586 or higher;
– Memory - 64 MB RAM or more;
– Hardware - 60 MB or more available hard drive space;
– Display - VGA or SVGA. Microsoft Windows with 256 colors or higher, and a
resolution of 800×600 or higher.
Since all the programs in the ADP6 suite have been compressed, one needs to
uncompress and install the software before using it.
The ADP6 software can be run under the following Windows operating sys-
– Windows 95
– Windows 98
– Windows ME
– Windows 2000
– Windows XP
The software is available from the following website or your local distributor.
Note also that not all features provided by ADP6 are available for every operator
terminal model.
For complete details of these ADP6 features and the applicable models, please
refer to Appendix A - ADP6 Features and Operator Terminal Models.
5. Click Next to select the type of setup. Typical is recommended for most users.
Compact installs the program with basic options. Custom allows users to indi-
vidually select the options to install and this is recommended for advanced users.
ADP6 installation
7. After installation, the system will create the ADP6 icon automatically.
8. Once the installation is complete, the ADP6 software can be found in the
specified directory. To launch the ADP6 program, simply click the
ADP6 icon.
2 Instructions
Microsoft WindowsTM is undeniably the predominant PC operating environment
these days. ADP6 is designed to make full use of the Windows environment,
using a “What You See is What You Get” Approach. Users can immediately see the
objects they create on a PC screen with their specified attributes, such as font size,
color, object location, picture, scale, frame, and so on. What the user sees on the PC
screen will be the same as what is displayed on a operator terminal.
Furthermore, ADP6 utilizes the principles of object-oriented design to implement
drag-and-drop editing. Users can use a mouse to conveniently drag objects to
another location or change their shape and size as they wish.
Window Workspace
Status Bar
ADP6 program environment overview
Title Bar
The Title Bar shows the name of the window and the directory where the current
application is found.
For example: C:\Program Files\ADP6\Project Files\Project1.V6F.
If an application file has not been saved, “Untitled” will be displayed in the Title Bar.
Menu Bar
There are 13 menus in the Menu Bar; they are File, Edit, View, Screen, Draw,
Object, Library, Application, Tool, Options, LadderPlus, Window and Help.
Tool Bar
Users can easily create an ADP6 project by clicking the icons on the Tool Bar.
This feature also helps new users to familiarize themselves with the software quickly
and easily.
Window Workspace
This is the area where the user designs a screen. The objects or data created in this
area will actually be displayed on the operator terminal screen.
In the following sections, we will talk about the function, application, and usage of
each of the commands and menus in much more detail.
2.2.1 New
This command allows users to create a new application and specify its properties,
including Application Name, Panel/Terminal, Controller/PLC, Printer, Multilin-
gual Support, Control Block, Status Block, and so on.
To create a new application, select File/New. The New Application’s Properties
dialog box appears on the screen.
2.2.4 Print
An application file can be printed for the planning, management or storage.
The Print option is not available for all operator terminal models: please refer to
Appendix A - ADP6 Features and Operator Terminal Models for complete details.
Select File/Print and the Print Options dialog box appears on the screen.
Screen Overview prints a screen image with the controller location of each object.
Other options:
Copies: Specifies the number of copies to print.
Range: Only available for the Screen Overview and Screen Image options.
These functions are not available for all operator terminal models: please refer to
Appendix A - ADP6 Features and Operator Terminal Models for complete details.
This function is not available for all operator terminal models: please refer to
Appendix A - ADP6 Features and Operator Terminal Models for complete details.
2.2.8 Exit
Exit is used to close and exit ADP6.
If any changes have been made, the following dialog box will appear on the screen,
asking the user to save the changes or exit.
2.3.1 Duplicate
Allows a user to make multiple copies of an object and simultaneously increase the
corresponding addresses incrementally.
Address Increment
X-Direction: The address of the same dynamic objects in-creases from left to right.
Y-Direction: The address of the same dynamic objects increases from top to bottom.
Use the Replace button to replace the address with a new one. The function of the
Replace button is to replace the objects’ addresses one by one; use Replace All to re-
place all of the objects’ address at one time.
2. Click on the master object; the four corners of this master object should then be
3. Select the command Align or Make Same Size to make the other objects aligned
with or made same size as the master object.
Common Attributes
This function makes it easier to edit objects with common attributes simultaneously.
The user can modify attributes of all objects which are on the screen at one time.
First, select the objects to be edited at one time. The Common Attributes dialog box
will be displayed on the screen when you double-click one of the objects.
Specifies language to be used for the selected objects.
Apply to State
Specifies the state of the selected objects. The user can edit different states in this list.
Specifies the width and height of the objects. Click the Apply button to modify.
Specifies the apperance of selected objects.
Shape ID: Specifies the shape of different objects. When clicking the Select button,
a dialog box with a selection of shapes will appear on the screen.
Font: Specifies the text font for different objects. The user can specify the text font
for different types of objects. When using the Selection button, the Font Selection
dialog box will be displayed.
2. On the General tab, check the Multi-lingual Support box to begin setup.
Startup Language: Specifies the language to display at startup. The user can
select the language directly from the View menu if the screen language is to be
switched later.
2.4.4 Toolbars
There are eight different toolbars in the View menu. The user can decide to display
the toolbars for quick-operation or not. The toolbars are shown as below:
The Edit toolbar, the Draw toolbar and the Basic Objects toolbar
The Bitmap toolbar, the Monitor toolbar and the Ladder toolbar
Selecting two screens for editing at once. Right-clicking opens the edit pop-up menu.
List sorted in numerical order after clicking No. in the table header.
The Screen Manager can also help you manage and edit the screens quickly and eas-
ily. If the data in these columns is to be modified, you can click the Screen Properties
button on the toolbar and modify the screen properties in the displayed dialog box.
Alternatively, right-click for the Screen Properties selection.
The Compilation column is used to choose to check compilation or not. This can
also be configured in the Screen Properties dialog box, on the General tab.
The Optimization column is used to choose to perform block optimization during
compilation. This can also be configured in the Screen Properties dialog box, on the
Read Blocks tab.
Please refer to section Screen Properties for complete details.
General Tab
The Screen Background Style tab of the Screen Properties dialog box
Filled With:
When selecting Pattern, the options Pattern, Pattern Color and Background Color
will be available for selection.
When selecting Bitmap, a bitmap can be selected from the drop-down list. There are
two filling methods available:
– Stretch: Displays the bitmap entirely on the entire screen. When this option is se-
lected, the bitmap can be enlarged to match the designed screen.
– Tile: Displays the duplicate bitmaps lined up on the designed screen. Each bitmap
keeps its original size.
This function is not available for all operator terminal models: please refer to
Appendix A - ADP6 Features and Operator Terminal Models for complete details.
A sub-screen is a screen that is smaller than the normal screen. The operator terminal
displays a sub-screen in the center of the screen without destroying the existing dis-
play and adds a raised frame to it automati-cally.
The following are the steps required to create a sub-screen:
1. Create a new screen; enter the screen name and number.
2. Open the Screen Properties dialog box and check the This screen is a sub-
screen box.
3. Enter the width and height of the sub-screen.
4. Specify the position of the sub-screen display (shown on the display center or
designated specific position).
Base Screen
A base screen is a screen which may be used as a template for many different screens.
Once you have edited a base screen, all of the same base screens in the application
will be changed at the same time.
The following are the steps required to create a base screen:
1. Create a base screen first, named for example Screen 5.
2. Create a new screen (Screen 6). Then check the Need a base screen box and
specify the base screen (Screen 5) in the Screen Properties dialog box.
Draws an ellipse
Double-click on the object, or right-click and select Object Attributes. The dialog
box corresponding to the object will appear.
Style, Color and Profile can be specified in the Dot dialog box.
Drawing a Dot
Drawing a Parallelogram
Drawing an Arc
Drawing a pie segment or a solid pie segment is similar to drawing an arc. The dif-
ference between a pie and an arc is that two lines are connected between the two sides
of an arc and the center.
Static Text
The Static Text object allows you to select text, font, color, reading order, alignment,
and frame/edge. Double-click on the object to display the Static Text dialog box on
the screen.
Text tab
Enter text in the Text area. 16 different types of fonts can be selected.
Frame/Edge tab
Click the Select button to specify the style of frame/edge.
The purpose of Bitmap is to provide graphics for selection. Double-click on the ob-
ject; you can then select the bitmap from the drop-down list in the Static Graphic
dialog box.
Frame/Edge enables you to choose style, pattern style, background and color.
Scale provides scales directed left, right, up and down, as well as color, number of
ticks, and display marks for scales.
Table is used to create tables.
Apply to Header: Interlace applied to header. Not available with transparent table.
Shape provides graphics for selection. Double-click on the object, then click Select
to access the shape library in the Shape dialog box.
Flow Chart
Flow chart is one of the applications in Draw used for lines, geometric graphs and
frame/edge editing. You can illustrate an applied flow chart clearly to facilitate oper-
Convert the boiler temperature in Procedure A into centigrade (° C). If the temper-
ature is less than 100° C, Procedure B will be entered; if the temperature is 100° C
or more, Procedure C will be entered. The following flow chart is made up of poly-
gons, rectangles, lines with arrows and static text:
Some of the objects are provided in the Basic Objects toolbar for editing.
Attributes Tab
Major properties are specified on the Attributes tab. Each object has attributes that
define its use.
Select: Specifies shape from library.
Color: Specifies the color of the selected shape.
Write: Writes to the specified controller register.
Read: Reads the value from the specified controller register. If the location is not
specified, the operator terminal reads from the Write location.
Enabled By: Specifies the controller register to the ON button. This is not available
in OFF state labeled.
Shape Tab
The shape style of a selected object is defined on the Shape tab.
State Tab
The states of the object are defined on the State tab.
Text Tab
Font and apperarance of the text in the object is specified on the Text tab.
Editing Option
Wrap Lines: If the length of the text is longer than the width of the button, it will be
executed in wrapped lines.
Text Movable: If the length of the text is longer than the width of the button, it will
not be executed in wrapped lines. Click the text on the selected object, to make the
text surrounded with the handlebars for dragging.
Font: Specifies the size of the font.
Underlined: Specifies whether the text is to be underlined.
Color: Specifies the text color.
Background Color: Specifies the background text color.
Blink: Specifies whether the text blinks.
Graphic Tab
Bitmap style, color etc for each state is defined on the Graphic tab.
2.7.3 Buttons
There are 13 buttons in the sub-command list for the Push Button menu:
Set Button
When pressed, the operator terminal sets the controller’s corresponding bit location
to ON. A Set Button will be ON whether pressed or released.
Attributes Tab
Function: Select Set.
The button is white displaying ON in state 1, and black displaying OFF in state 0.
Reset Button
This button is contrary to the Set Button. A Reset Button sets a bit-location to OFF
whenever pressed or released.
Attributes Tab
Function: Select Reset.
All other properties are the same as for the Set Button; please see section Set Button.
Maintained Button
The function of the Maintained Button is to change the button states by pressing.
Click to be ON and when released will still be ON until re-clicked to be OFF.
Attributes Tab
Function: Select Maintained.
Macro: There are Use ON Macro and Use OFF Macro options for the Maintained
Button. For properties not explained in this section, please see chapter Macros.
All other properties are the same as for the Set Button; please see section Set Button.
Momentary Button
The function of the Momentary Button is to change the state by clicking and releas-
ing. When the button is pressed, the bit-location is ON; when it is released, it is OFF.
Attributes Tab
Function: Select Momentary.
Macro: There are Use ON Macro and Use OFF Macro options for the Momentary
Button. For properties not explained in this section, please see chapter Macros.
To create two states as an ON button simultaneously, please see section Set Button.
Multistate Button
When the button is pressed, the operator terminal will write the command to a cor-
responding controller bit-location or register. The option Change to Next State is
used to change states in a straightforward cycle (S0 S1 S2 S3 S4
S0); the option Change to Previous State is used to change states in a reverse
cycle (S0 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0). Click to change a register to the
next (previous) state of a referenced register.
Attributes Tab
Write: Writes the specified command to a corresponding controller bit-location and
– Bit: Only two states; enables you to enter multistated text but only two states can
be displayed on the operator terminal.
– Value: 256 (0-255) states in all, 0 represents state 0; 1 represents state 1…etc.
– LSB: 16 states in all represented by bit. The operator terminal takes the bit num-
ber of the lowest bit that is on as the state number.
Format: Only available when Value has been selected. There are BCD, Signed Bina-
ry and Unsigned Binary options.
– Read: Specifies a register/bit location to read from; if the location is not specified,
then the operator terminal reads from the Write location.
– Change to Next State: Changes the Write location to its next state in a forward
cycle S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S0.
– Change to Previous State: Changes the Write location to its previous state in a re-
verse cycle S0 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0.
Note that the number of states can be edited on the State tab.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the section Specifying Object
Example of designing a Multistate Button
On the Attributes tab of the Multistate Button:
1. Write: Specify controller register W50 to write in.
Read: Specify W50. (The controller model is NULL.)
2. Format: Value.
3. Function: Change to Previous State.
4. Shape: Select Outlined _1 and the color Black.
On the State tab of the Multistate Button:
5. Add 8 States.
Texts for the 8 different states of the Multistate Button in the example
The above steps will create a Multistate Button that displays First State in state 0;
Second State in state 1 etc.
Set Value Button
The function of the Set Value Button is to enable numeric entry. When pressed, the
operator terminal displays a numeric keypad on the screen. When pressing ENT, the
operator terminal will store the input value to the corresponding controller register.
Note that the corresponding controller value is not available in the Set Value Button.
Attributes Tab
– Word: The entered value is 16-bit data; the maximum 65,535.
– Double Word: The entered value is 32-bit data; the maximum is 4,294,967,295.
– Format: BCD, Signed Binary, Unsigned Binary and Hexadecimal can be select-
– Notification: Specify a register/bit location to be notified; the operator terminal
will set the bit to ON.
Select Before Writing to make the operator terminal set the notification to ON
when the numeric keypad appears, and set the location to OFF when the numeric
keypad disappears.
Select After Writing to make the operator terminal set the notification location to
ON after writing the input value to the Write location.
Display Format:
– Decimal Pt. Position: Specifies the number of digits after the integral part of the
number. The maximum is based on the specified format.
– Intergral Digits: The number of the integral part in a number.
– Fractional Digits: The number of decimal digits.
– Display Asterisk Instead of Number: Displays an asterisk instead of input value
for security reasons.
Increment Button
The Increment Button is used to make the operator terminal read a constant variable
stored in a controller register. Then a specified constant will be added to the value,
before writing it back to the controller register.
Attributes Tab
– Increment: Select Increment to create an Increment Button; one click increases a
specified constant.
– Jog Step: The Increment Button is used to add a specified constant by clicking.
– Limit: Specifies the maximum value written to the register when using the Incre-
ment Button.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the section Specifying Object
Example of designing an Increment Button
When clicking the Increment Button, the increased value stored in the controller
register will be displayed in the bar graph. The Bar Graph is an object used to display
the dynamic data.
When the Increment Button is clicked, the level in the Bar Graph is increased
On the Attributes tab of the Increment Button:
1. Variable:
Write: Specify controller register W200 to write in.
Read: Specify W200. (The controller model is NULL.)
2. Shape: Select Raised.
Clicking the Increment Button five times adds 25 to the controller constant W200
Decrement Button
The Decrement Button is used to make the operator terminal read a constant variable
stored in a controller register. Then a specified constant will be subtracted from the
value, before writing it back to the controller register.
Attributes Tab
– Decrement: Select Decrement to create a Decrement Button; one click is one sub-
– Jog Step: The Decrement Button is used to subtract a specified constant by click-
– Limit: Specifies the minimum value written to the register when using the Decre-
ment Button.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the section Specifying Object
Example of designing a Decrement Button
When clicking the Decrement Button, the subtracted constant value stored in the
controller register will be displayed in the bar graph. The Bar Graph is an object used
to display the dynamic data..
When the Decrement Button is clicked, the level in the Bar Graph is decreased
The steps used to create a Decrement Button are the same as in section Example of
designing an Increment Button , but remember to change Limit to 0.
Clicking the Decrement Button five times subtracts 25 from the controller constant
Action Button
The Action button is used to perform a built-in function.
The following actions are available:
Action Description
Contrast Up Increases the contrast or brightness of the display.
Contrast Down Decreases the contrast or brightness of the display.
Save contrast Saves the setting of contrast or brightness.
Password Table Displays the password table.
Reenter Password Displays the password table to reenter.
Set Lowest User Level Changes to the lowest user level (level 9).
Print Screen Prints the specified region (HARDCOPY) of current screen.
Goto System Menu Changes to the system menu.
Turn off Backlight Turns off the backlight.
Alarm Ack Acknowledges the current active alarm to continue.
Set Time & Date Sets the time and date.
Select Language #1-#5 Displays the screen in the specified language, 5 languages
available for selection.
All features are not available on all operator terminal models; please refer to Appendix
A - ADP6 Features and Operator Terminal Models.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the section Specifying Object
Example of designing an Action Button
In this example, the Action Button will be used to change the contrast of the display.
On the Attributes tab of the Action Button:
1. Action: Select Contrast Up from the drop-down list.
On the Graphic tab of the Action Button:
2. Bitmap: Select Symbol - ContrastUp.
(Fractional Digits + Integral Digits or Decimal Pt. Position <= the maximum
number of digits.)
– Integral Digits: The number of the integral part in a number.
(Fractional Digits + Integral Digits or Decimal Pt. Position <= the maximum
number of digits.)
– Scaling: The formula is Y = aX+b.
Note that only the formats Signed Binary, Unsigned Binary and 32-bit Floating-
point support this option.
Gain: Y = aX, where X = the value stored in controller and Y = operator terminal
displayed value.
Offset: If the initial value is not zero, then set the Offset.
Validation and Security
– Variable Input Limits: Set the input limits as variable. The minimum is stored in
the bit following the write location; the maximum is stored in the bit following
the minimum input value.
For example, if the write location is W10, then the minimum is stored in W11;
the maximum is stored in W12.
– Min: Set the minimum input value. Values less than the minimum input value will
be warned and rejected.
– Max: Set the maximum input value. Values greater than the maximum will be
warned and rejected.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the sections Set Value Button
and Specifying Object Properties.
A Numeric Entry button with Scaling feature and a Numeric Display button
(Y = aX + b: X is the value stored in the controller, Y is the input value on an operator
terminal; where a = 0.5 and b = 2 here)
The Alt-key on the keypad is used for Shift functionality.
After entering the characters, press ENT on the keypad. A dialog box asking for user
confirmation appears on the screen.
2.7.6 List
Each item in the List object corresponds to a designated register value in the control-
ler. The first item represents the register value as 0. The second item represents the
register value as 1, and so on. When the user chooses one of the items in the list, the
operator terminal will store the corresponding value in the controller register.
The corresponding item will be highlighted in the List object. Furthermore, you can
change the value of a controller register by making a selection from the List object.
The object is not available on all operator terminal models; please see Appendix A -
ADP6 Features and Operator Terminal Models for complete details.
Read Only: For display purposes. Users are not able to make a selection from the list.
Write: Writes the value to the specified controller register.
Type of State:
– Value: There are 256 states (0-255). The value of 0 represents state 0; the value of
1 represents state 1, and so on.
– LSB: There are 16 states. If more than 2 bits are to be ON, the controller register
will store the value of the lower bit.
Format: This is only available when the Value option is selected. There are three se-
lections: BCD, Signed Binary and Unsigned Binary.
Read: Reads the value from the specified controller register. If the location is not
specified, then the operator terminal reads from the Write location.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the section Specifying Object
A List object
Adding one text for each state on the Text tab of the List object
The steps above will create a List object. When an item from the List object is select-
ed, the operator terminal will write the value associated with the item to the specified
controller register. In this example, if the item Peach is selected, the value of the con-
troller register will be 5.
The List object and the display of the controller register value of the item
The Drop Down List object and the display of the register value of the item
2.7.8 Indicators
There are two types of indicators; the Multistate Indicator and the Range Indicator.
Multistate Indicator
The Multistate Indicator is used to indicate which state exists with text and/or
graphics. Therefore, as the operator terminal reads the contact status or the register
value from the controller, it can automatically display the corresponding designed
content on the operator terminal screen according to the indicator.
The number of states is as follows:
1. Bit: The maximum number of states is 2
2. Value: The maximum number of states is 256
3. LSB: The maximum number of states is 16
Read: Specifies the register/bit location.
– Bit: Two states in all. (Users can input more than two states but only two states
will be displayed in the operator terminal.)
– Value: 256 states (0-255) in all ; value 0 represents state 0; value 1 represents state
1; value 2 represents state 2, and so on.
– LSB: 16 states in all; the operator terminal takes the bit number of the smallest bit
that is on as the state number.
Format: Specifies the data format. There are three options: BCD, Signed Binary, and
Unsigned Binary.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the section Specifying Object
Example of designing a Multistate Indicator object
Range Indicator
A Range Indicator displays one of several indicator labels depending on the register
value. The operator terminal reads register values from the controller and automati-
cally calculates the difference according to the boundary value of current states. Then
the contents of current status are displayed on the operator terminal screen according
to the calculated results.
Read value from controller Calculated result Display the corresponding states
Variable Limits: Specifies the minimum value of the ranges to be read from registers
following the read location. If the Read address is Wn, the minimum value of Range
# 0 is stored in Wn+1, the minimum of Range # 1 is stored in Wn+2, and so on.
Constant Limits: The minimum of the ranges is constant.
– Range #: The number of ranges, 15 ranges at most.
– Minimum: The minimum of ranges.
Number of ranges = number of states -1.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the section Specifying Object
Example of designing a Range Indicator object
Message Display objects contain only text; Indicator Buttons can have both text and
graphic, however.
Data Terminal
The Data Terminal object is used to simulate an ASCII terminal. The operator ter-
minal can be connected with another specified communication port and the speci-
fied communication parameters to the data terminal displayed using ASCII /HEX
Remember to set the ASCII Device to communicate and specify the communication
The object is not available on all operator terminal models; please see Appendix A -
ADP6 Features and Operator Terminal Models for complete details.
Read: Specifies a bit-location to read from. The ASCII Device provides RX, RXSTS,
TX and TXSTS contacts.
Mode: Displays the terminal data in ASCII/HEX mode.
Data Buffer
Type: Selecting Local displays the current terminal data, but the last displayed data
is not included when the screen is changed. Selecting Global displays the terminal
data, including the last one when the screen is changed.
Size: Specifies the number of rows of terminal data.
Time Display
The Time Display object is used to make the operator terminal read the time value
of the internal real time clock (RTC) and to display the content directly on the op-
erator terminal screen.
Display Format
HH:MM:SS: Displays Hours:Minutes:Seconds
HH:MM: Displays Hours:Minutes
Example of a Time Display object
See section Example of the Time, Date and Day-of-Week Display objects.
Date Display
The Date Display obejct is used to make the operator terminal read the date value of
the internal real time clock (RTC) and to display the content directly on the operator
terminal screen.
Display Format
MM/DD/YY: The format is Month/Date/Year.
DD/MM/YY: The format is Date/Month/Year.
DD.MM.YY: The format is Date.Month.Year.
Example of a Date Display object
See section Example of the Time, Date and Day-of-Week Display objects.
Day-of-Week Display
The Day-of-Week Display object is used to make the operator terminal read the day
of week value from the internal real time clock (RTC) and to display the content di-
rectly on the operator terminal screen.
The object is not available on all operator terminal models; please see Appendix A -
ADP6 Features and Operator Terminal Models for complete details.
The operator terminal will display the date of week automatically.
Display Format
Upward, Downward, Rightward, and Leftward: Selects the direction of the bar
Color: Specifies the color of the bar graph.
Pattern: Specifies the pattern style to display.
Target: Sets the target to display.
– Value: Specifies the constant target value.
– Color: Specifies the color of target line.
Ranges: Select this option to fill the graph with a different color when the register
value is beyond a normal range.
– Low Range: Specifies the color to fill the graph with if the register value is equal
to or less than the low range limit.
– Limit: Specifies a constant for the low range limit.
– High Range: Specifies the color to fill the graph with if the register value is greater
than or equal to the high range limit.
– Limit: Specify a constant for the high range limit.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the section Specifying Object
Example of designing a Bar Graph object
1. Frame: Select Recessed_1 and White for background color.
2. Variable: Specify @5 (Local Internal Memory) for Read and Unsigned Binary
for format.
3. Set Min. to -32,768 and Max. to 32,767.
4. Check the option Variable target/range limits.
5. Check Ranges and select Blue for Low range and Red for High range.
Display Deviation Limit: Select this option to fill the bar graph with selected color
when the difference of the register value and the standard value is beyond the limit.
– Limit: Specifies the constant limit.
Difference Value: =¦Variable - Standard Value¦
– Color: Specifies the color to fill the graph with when the difference of the register
value and the standard value is beyond the limit.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the sections Normal Bar Graph
and Specifying Object Properties.
Example of designing a Deviation Bar Graph
A Deviation Bar Graph shows the difference to the set standard value
1. Frame: Select Recessed_1 and Yellow for background color.
2. Variable: Specify @5 (Local Internal Memory) for Read and Signed Binary for
3. Set Min. to -100 and Max. to 100.
4. Display Format: Select horizontal direction for the Deviation Bar Graph.
5. The Standard Value is 20 on this deviation bar graph.
6. Specify that the Red color is to fill the graph when the difference between the
register value and the standard value is beyond the limit 60.
Maximum: Specifies the value corresponding to the highest point on the trend
graph. When the register is equal to or greater than the Maximum, the operator ter-
minal places the dot at the top pixel of the drawing area of the trend graph.
Pen Color: Specifies the color of the trend curve.
Line Style: Specifies the line style of the trend curve.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the section Specifying Object
Example of designing a Trend Graph object
A Trend Graph
1. Frame: Select Outlined_2 and White for background color.
2. Variable: Specify @100 (Local Internal Memory) for Read and Unsigned Binary
for Format.
3. Control: Select 1 for Trigger Flag # and for Clear Flag #.
4. Display Format: Specify 10 for Number of Points.
2.7.14 XY Chart
The XY Chart is used to read a series of values from the related controller register.
Then the operator terminal converts these values and presents them on an XY chart
in the operator terminal.
Suppose that the register to read from is Wn, with two curves in all. The data will be
read as follows:
Value in Wn = m are the real sampling points;
Value in Wn+1 is the first point of the X-axis on curve #1;
Value in Wn+2 is the first point of the Y-axis on curve #1;
Value in Wn+3 is the first point of the X-axis on curve #2;
Value in Wn+4 is the first point of the Y-axis on curve #2;
Value in Wn+5 is the 2nd point of the X-axis on curve #1;
Value in Wn+6 is the 2nd point of the Y-axis on curve #1;
Value in Wn+7 is the 2nd point of the X-axis on curve #2;
Value in Wn+8 is the 2nd point of the Y-axis on curve #2;
and so on. The operator terminal reads all controller registers from Wn to Wn+2m.
For example, if the value in Wn is m = 15 sampling points, the operator terminal will
read data from 61 (=2 × 2 × 15 + 1) controller registers.
To control the trend graph by controller.
Trigger Flag #: The trigger flag number of the trend graph is bits 12-15 in CFR. The
operator terminal reads data from controller and displays the XY chart when the trig-
ger flag turns on.
Clear Flag #: The clear flag number of the trend graph is bits 8-11 in CFR. The op-
erator terminal clears the trend graph when the clear flag turns on.
Points, Line, Area over X-axis and Area over Y-axis: See the illustration below.
– Number of H Lines: Specifies the number of horizontal lines.
– Number of V Lines: Specifies the number of vertical lines.
– Color: Specifies the color of the lines.
Data Set # 1 - Data Set # 2: When the Edit button is clicked, the dialog box below
will appear:
– Vertical Min. and Vertical Max.: Specifies the minimum and maximum values for
the Y-axis.
– Horizontal Min. and Vertical Max.: Specifies the minimum and maximum values
for the X-axis.
– Color: Specifies the color for the point/line.
– Point Size: Specifies the size of the point to display.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the section Specifying Object
Example of designing an XY Chart object
An XY Chart
– Variable target/range limits: The target value and range limits are read from the
controller. The target value is stored in a bit-location which is next to the Read
location. The low limit is next to the target value. The low limit is next to the high
limit. When the Read location is specified as W10, the target value is stored in
W11; the low limit is stored in W12; the high limit is stored in W13.
– Display target indicator: Check this option to display target indicator.
– Display range scale: Specifies the color of the range scale to display.
Low Range Color and High Range Color: Specifies the color to display on the
scale when the value is less/greater than low/high range.
Low Limit and High Limit: Specifies the low limit and high limit constants.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the section Specifying Object
Example of designing a Round Panel Meter object
Animated Graphic
The Animated Graphic object enables you to control a graphic, including its posi-
tion and moving-path on the operator terminal screen, whether via controller or not.
For instance, the controller can control the graphic movement along the X-axis, Y-
axis, or displaying different graphics.
Attributes Tab
Not Controlled by PLC: Check this option and the graph is not controlled by the
Graphic State:
– PLC controlled: Displays the graphic states controlled by the controller.
– Location dependent: Displays the different states according to the location.
– Auto change: Changes the graphic state automatically.
Rate (Once per): Specifies the rate at which to change the graphic state.
– PLC controlled: Controls the object’s movement path via the controller.
– Horizontal line: Moves the object along a horizontal line.
– Horizontal marquee: Moves the object along a horizontal line with marquee.
Check Duplication to move duplicated graphics along a horizontal line.
– Vertical Line: Moves the object along a vertical line.
– Vertical marquee: Moves the object along a vertical line with marquee.
Check Duplication to move duplicated objects along a vertical line.
– Connected Lines: Moves the object along the route of connected lines.
Path: Double-click the left key on the object to display the movement path.
Path Point: Right-click on the object to select Add Path Point or Delete Path
Point from the drop-down list for the connected lines setup. Please see section
Example of creating horizontal/vertical line as a path for complete details.
Note that a curve path can be configured with various path points.
– Still: Changes the state without movement.
– Rate (pixels/sec.): Specifies the rate of movement.
Path Tab
– The Graphic State is Location dependent:
On the Path tab, this feature enables you to specify the graphic states to be
changed according to different locations. For instance, the point # 0 displays the
graphic state in state # 0; the point # 1 displays the graphic state in state # 1.
2. Move the cursor to the point, then click to draw the movement path. The
revised path is marked with a red line.
3. Move the cursor to any one of the points and right-click to select Add Path
Point or Delete Path Point from the drop-down list.
4. In the same fashion, the way to edit a new path is to click the added path point
to drag a movement path, which is marked with red lines.
Therefore, this animated graphic is not controlled by the controller and moves along
horizontal line at 10 pixels/sec. in one-way mode; the graphics are both oil.bmp.
Therefore, this object is not controlled by the controller and moves along a horizontal
marquee at 60 pixels/sec. This object will move back and forth when it comes to the
end point.
Therefore, this animated graphic object is not controlled by the controller and moves
at 60 pixels/sec. back and forth along the curve. The graphic state is set to auto
change to show a rolling effect.
GIF Graphic
The GIG Graphic displays GIF graphics, controlled by the controller or not.
Graphic: Selects the graphic to display from the drop-down list. The graphic will ap-
pear in the View window.
Profile: Modifies the location and size of objects.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the section Specifying Object
Example of designing a GIF Graphic object
1. Select a GIF graphic form the Graphic drop-down list; specify the controller
register from which to read (if the option Controlled by PLC is checked) and
modify its profile.
State Graphic
The State Graphic constantly displays one of several bitmaps depending on the state
of the controller register.
– Auto Change: Check this option to change the graphic automatically.
Therefore, the object changes its state repeatedly every 0.5 sec and is controlled by
the controller. A pumping effect will be generated on the operator terminal screen.
Dynamic Circles
The Dynamic Circles object changes its position, radius and color according to con-
troller registers.
Variable Central Point: The position of the central point is controlled by the con-
Variable Radius: The length of the radius is controlled by the controller.
Variable Color: The color of the object is controlled by the controller.
Display Format: Specifies the format of the object to display.
For properties not explained in this section, please see the section Specifying Object
Example of using Dynamic Circle
Suppose that the dynamic circle’s central point, radius, and color are controlled by
the controller. The Read address is W430.
The operator terminal can read four pieces of data simultaneously at most, and the
read addresses here are W430, W431, W432, and W433. The following is the table
for controller addresses and graphic properties.
Wn= Radius Wn= Radius Wn= Radius Wn= Radius Wn= X Wn= X Wn= Color
Wn+1= X Wn+1= X Wn+1= Color Wn+1= Y Wn+1= X
Wn+2= Y Wn+2= Y Wn+2= Color
Wn+3= Color
Dynamic Rectangle
The Dynamic Rectangle object changes its position, radius, and color according to
controller registers.
Re-position Re-position Fix Position Fix Color Fix position Re-position Fix Position
Re-size Re-size Re-size Re-size Fix Size Fix Size Fix Size
Re-Coloring Fix Color Re-Coloring Re-Coloring Re-Coloring Fix Color Fix Color
Logging Buffer
Select the Logging Buffers tab from Application/Workstation Setup.
Time Interval: Specify how often the logging buffer gets a record of data from the
timer. Unit: seconds.
After completing the setup on the Logging Buffers tab , you can create three types
of Historical Display objects:
Logging Buffer #: Specifies the number of the logging buffer where the historical
data is stored, numbered 1 to 12.
Format: BCD, Signed Binary or Unsigned Binary.
Display Date and Display Time: Checking the boxes displays date and time; click
Format button to setup.
Color: Specifies the color of characters to be displayed.
Display Format
Number of Grids: Specifies how many evenly spaced horizontal lines shall be dis-
Grid Color: Specifies the color of the horizontal grids.
Curve #1 - #4: There are four curves to be selected. Click the Edit button to display
the following dialog box:
Word No: Specifies the number of the words to display on the historic trend curve.
Minimum and Maximum: Specifies the value corresponding to the lowest and high-
est point on the historical trend curve.
Pen Color: Specifies the color used to draw the trend curve.
Line Style: Specifies the line style of the trend curve.
Example of designing a Historical Trend Graph
1. First assign logging buffer size and area for Logging Buffer #1 on the Logging
Buffers tab in Application/Workstation Setup:
Source Address: @20
Size: 4
Total: 3000
Check Time and Date
Triggered By: Time
Time Interval: 1
Check Non-volatile.
Please see section Logging Buffer.
For the Historical Trend Graph object, select the following properties:
6. Set Minimum to 0 and Maximum to 65535. Specify a different color for each
The result of the settings in the above example: Displaying data stored in logging buffer #1.
Clicking the Field Attribute button displays the dialog box below:
If the starting position is 0 for Field No. 1; the time will be displayed in Field No. 1,
the date will be displayed in Field No. 2, and the first data field will be displayed in
Field No. 3. If there is no time/date displayed, the first data field will be displayed in
Field No. 1.
The result of the settings in the above example: Displaying data stored in logging buffer #1.
Status Display
– Date and Time: Check the boxes to display the date and time and click the Format
button to specify formats.
– Alarm Number: Check this box to display the alarm number.
– Color: Specifies the color of the message.
Text Tab
On this tab, Font, Color and Background Color for alarm messages can be selected.
Example of designing an Alarm History Table
Alarm Setup:
1. Select Application/Alarm Setup.
2. Specify @230 for Address of Alarm Block to and 16 as Number of Alarms.
3. Set the scan time to 1 second for sampling the controller data, and maximum
number of records to 100.
4. Enter texts in the message block, select to acknowledge the alarm and which
screen to display.
7. Note that the properties for Message, ACK and Screen set in the Alarm Setup
dialog box will be shown on the Text tab. Select Red for message color and Black
for background color.
The Alarm History Table, using 16 On/Off Buttons to send alarm messages.
Note that the Alarm State A represents Activate; Alarm State C represents Clear.
The Active Alarm List displays only the active alarms, and in numerical order.
Alarm Frequency Table
The operator terminal summarizes the number of occurrences of each alarm which
are to be monitored and displayed on the screen.
All the attributes are the same as for the Alarm History Table object, please see the
section Alarm History Table.
Example of designing an Alarm Frequency Table
The steps used to create an Alarm Frequency Table are the same as for an Alarm His-
tory Table object. You must complete the alarm setup first, and then specify its prop-
erties. Please see section Example of designing an Alarm History Table.
The Alarm Frequency Table displays the number of occurrences of each alarm
Alarm Marquee
The operator terminal displays alarm messages from active alarms as a moving sign.
All the attributes are the same as for the Alarm History Table object, please see the
section Alarm History Table.
Example of designing an Alarm Marquee
The steps used to create an Alarm Marquee are the same as for an Alarm History
Table object. You must complete the alarm setup first, and then specify its properties.
Please see section Example of designing an Alarm History Table.
The Alarm Marquee displays the active alarm message as a moving sign on the screen
User-defined fonts
Select Library/Font Library to display the Font Library dialog box.
The following List object displays the text which was edited in Text Pool.
General Tab
On the General tab, you can set up the operator terminal and controller model,
startup language and screen, and control block and status block.
Application Name: The name of the application.
Panel/Workstation: Specifies the model of operator terminal. Note the resolution,
size, and color while selecting.
Programming Type: Selects Macro or Standard.
Controller/PLC: Specifies the type of controller the operator terminal will commu-
nicate with.
Printer: Specifies the type of printer the operator terminal will print to.
Multi-lingual Support: Check this option to support multi-lingual use and specify
the startup language. Supports up to 5 different languages including Arabic, Chinese
Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Cyrillic, English, Greek, Japanese, Korean, Thai,
Turkish and Western European. Please see section Language 1-5 for setup. The
Multi-lingual Support function allows that only one application file for a machine
that can support up to 5 languages has to be maintained.
Control Block: Specifies the controller address to control, and size. The minimum
size is 2 words, the maximum size is 32 words (the maximum size is 6 for recipe). The
control block enables the controller to control actions in the operator terminal such
as change screen, print, send recipes etc. Please see the chapter Control and Status
Block for complete details.
Status Block: Specifies the starting address for the Status Block; the fixed size is 10
words. The Status Block provides communication between the operator terminal
and the controller. The operator terminal will write a continuous block of data.
Please see the chapter Control and Status Block for complete details.
Data Format: Specifies the data format to be read.
Start-up Screen: Specifies the screen to display when the operator terminal starts up.
Connection Tab
On the Connection Tab, you can add or delete devices for connection and set up the
parameters such as address, connection method and IP address.
The Connection tab of the Application Properties dialog box; Multi-link is selected
Add: Click to add new devices to connect with, including Muti-link, and select con-
troller type to connect with. For the steps or methods related to setup, please see the
chapter Multi-Link: Normal Connection Port.
Remove: Removes the connected device. The No. 1 device cannot be removed.
Rename: Modifies the device name and type, but the device type cannot be modified
for the No. 1 device. This change has to be made on the General tab.
Address: Sets up the operator terminal. Once the multi-link is made, the address can
be repeated and the range is 0~255.
Port/method used for the connection: Specifies the port and method to connect
with the controller or other operator terminal models including COM1, COM2,
Ethernet (Cross-link), COM1 (Multi-link slave), COM2 (Multi-link slave) and
Ethernet (Multi-link slave).
– This HMI is a multi-link master: Check this option to specify the operator as a
Master Port: Specifies the port which connects master with slaves; COM1,
COM2 or Ethernet.
Common Register Block: Specifies the starting location for the Common Register
Block (CRB), which master and slaves use.
Common On/Off Block: Specifies the starting location for the Common On/Off
Block (COB).
IP Address: Specifies the IP addresses of the other operator terminal. The specified
operator terminal connects with the controller through the other operator terminal.
HMI Type: Specifies the model to connect with the controller (other operator termi-
For the setup of Multi-link and Cross-link, please see the chapter Ethernet Commu-
The transmission parameters for the operator terminal and the controller must be iden-
tical as they are linked together. When the controller model is specified, ADP6
will set it up as the controller default, but you must ensure that this setup is identical
in the operator terminal.
For the setup of each controller, please see the relevant controller manual or the chap-
ter Communication between Operator Terminal and Controller.
Miscellaneous Tab
On the Miscellaneous tab, recipe functions and write time and data to the controller
can be set up.
2.9.6 Macros
Macros enable the operator terminal to execute a number of tasks including flow con-
trol, data transfer, conversion, counter, system service instructions, etc. Using macros
can not only help you communicate to the controller but also connect to other de-
vices. This feature provides an efficient integration system as well as an economical
structure for hardware application. In addition, using macros can also significantly
reduce program size and optimize controller efficiency.
Please see the chapter Macros for complete details.
There are three macro options in the Application menu; INITIAL Macro, BACK-
GROUND Macro and CLOCK Macro.
When the operator terminal runs the application for the first time (this means the
first time the application is executed after power off ), this macro is executed once.
The purpose of INITIAL Macro is data initialization, communication parameters
declaration etc.
When the operator terminal runs the application, the command will be executed cy-
clically. A maximum 30 lines of macro commands can be executed at once. Whatever
the screen is, the macro commands will be executed. The purposes of the BACK-
GROUND Macro include communication control, data conversion etc.
When the operator terminal runs the application, the entire macro will be executed
once every 500 ms. The purpose of the CLOCK Macro is screen control, bit setting,
command control, data transfer etc.
2.9.7 Compile
The Compile button is used to test the application to see if any errors happen before
the application is executed. After correcting the errors, the application can be execut-
Select Application/Compile.
Downloading application
Download Firmware and Application is used to download the firmware and appli-
cation to the operator terminal. This option has to be selected the first time you
download the application.
Remember to execute Compile before downloading.
This password is used to protect the application file from being modified by unauthorized
users, and is totally different from the password set on the Password Tab. That password
provides security against copying and uploading.
Icon Description
Select this icon to sort by screen number.
Select this icon to sort by controller address in ascending order; click the
address to list the object.
Select this icon to sort by Macro-in use objects.
Select this icon to sort by search pattern. This feature is only available when
searching controller addresses or tag names.
Set the desired pattern for search. Select by PLC Addr or by Tag Name,
Exact match or Partial match.
When searching controller addresses or tag names, the seach pattern can be specified.
If the search pattern is W, and Partial match is selected, the cross reference will dis-
play objects with the controller addresses W - W0, W1, W20, W60.
The application must compile before simulation.
Off-line simulation is available with all controllers which ADP6 offers, but on-
line simulation is only available on some controllers.
Off-line Simulation
Off-line Simulation can be used to present results on a PC with the same operation
mode as between the operator terminal and the controller.
On-line Simulation
ADP6 offers user On-line Simulation for connection between the PC and the
controller communication ports. If there is only one RS232C serial port in the PC,
the user needs to add an adapter for transferring the signal from RS232C to RS422
or RS485 in order to connect with the RS422 or RS485 port in the controller. Note
that the communication time between ADP6 and controller is 60 minutes. If
you need to connect again, please close the ADP6 and restart it.
Editing Recipe #1
The function of the recipe editor is the same as a common edit tool; it includes open,
save, print, view the recipe file, and window arrangement.
If Ethernet is selected for PC Port, you need to input the PC address or select from
the drop-down list.
Tile can be used when copying between screens and for an overview of screens
Close All is used to close all open screens at once; the screens will not be saved. The
application is not closed.
3 Recipes
Recipes include blocks of similar systematic data. Because of the similarities, users
can edit them as a group of recipes for convenient transmission. In this way, users can
send data efficiently and accurately.
Recipes are not available for all operator terminal models: please refer to Appendix A -
ADP6 Features and Operator Terminal Models for complete details.
3.1 Example
The following coating equipment is used to spray paint on different parts. The paint
colors are limited to white, red, blue, dark, and mixed color (1 = spray, 0 = no spray).
Recipes can be used to present and save data to simplify matters.
Coating Equipment
This recipe data has five variables: White, Red, Blue, Black and Time.
The following recipes are to be created:
Recipe 1 paints the top in white for 3 minutes
Recipe 2 paints the bottom in red for 2 minutes
Recipe 3 paints the left side in purple (red+blue) for 1 minute
Recipe 4 paints the right side in black for 1 minute
A variable represents a word, the recipe size is 5, and the number of recipes is 4.
2. The application can be edited and saved as a *.V6F file. In the example, a
Numeric Entry object is used to display the coating equipment data in the oper-
ator terminal.
6. Select File/Open and select the desired recipe file (e.g. painting.RCP).
The *.RCP recipe files must be uploaded and saved in the operator terminal first; the
recipe size and number of recipes cannot be modified
7. To edit the recipe select Recipe/Open and enter the recipe number to open. The
coating equipment examples are recipe numbers 1 - 4.
Coating Equipment
The following are the words and their names in the controller. The words related to
read/write recipes are highlighted with a light blue background. Please see the chapter
Control and Status Block for complete details.
CFR bit # 4 is the Recipe Write Flag; bit # 5 is the RCPNO Change Flag;
bit # 6 is the Recipe Read Flag.
GSR bit # 4 is the Recipe Write Status; bit # 5 is the RCPNO Change Status;
bit # 6 is the Recipe Read Status.
3. Set up RNR to read recipe # N. W5 in the controller is assigned to read recipe #
N from the operator terminal. For example, 1st recipe N = 1.
4. Then set RCPNO Change Flag to ON for about 1 second. The operator termi-
nal’s internal RCPNO and Current Recipe will be changed to read recipe # N.
Remember to set the RCPNO Change Flag to OFF before re-triggering.
Status Block: When the value of RCPNO is changed, the value of RIR (W15) will
also be changed. The current recipe # N can be checked on the controller. Moreover,
if the RCPNO Change Flag is set to ON, the GSR bit (W11 bit # 5) will also be set
to ON. The status bit will turn OFF automatically after RCPNO is changed.
For details on addressing recipe data, please see the chapter Addressing Recipe Data -
Enhanced Operator Terminals.
5. Finally, set the Recipe Write Flag to ON. The operator terminal will then write
the Current Recipe to the controller. The recipe data will be saved in the desig-
nated Recipe Register Block. Remember to set the Recipe Write Flag to OFF
before re-triggering. In this example, set W1 bit # 4 to ON for about 1 second.
The operator terminal will then write the Current Recipe to controller W100-
Status Block: When the operator terminal has written a recipe, the GSR bit (W11
bit # 4) will be set to ON automatically. Likewise, if the Recipe Write Flag is set to
OFF, the GSR bit will also be set to OFF.
Once the steps above have been completed, the controller can read one cycle of a
recipe from the operator terminal. Remember to reset the flag to OFF each time in
order to trigger the flag.
Follow the steps above to set the RNR, RCPNO Change Flag and Recipe Read Flag
values and to read a recipe from the controller to the operator terminal.
Using the coating equipment as an example, the address of RNR is W5; so the
controller recipe N will write to W5. It is also possible to enter RCPNO directly
into a Numeric Entry object. This can only be changed locally in the operator
2. Design an object that can confirm the designated recipe and write the com-
mands to controller CFR bit # 5 RCPNO Change Flag; set the flag to ON.
Using the coating equipment as an example, the address of CFR is W1. The
RCPNO Change Flag is located in CFR bit # 5.
The constant is set to 32 (25 = 32), so the RCPNO Change Flag will be set to
Say, for example, that the starting address is W0 (the starting address can be specified;
the members in the above table will shift according to the starting address). Size 10
means that the operator terminal can read data from the W0-W9 (10 words) control-
ler registers and store data in the CB0-CB9 internal control block.
The functions of the words Wn through Wn+m (word n+m) in the control block will
be discussed in the following sections.
The value of the SNR data register (Wn) and the functions (bit 0-bit 05) are as fol-
The register (bit 0-9) is used to control the screen change and the other bits (bit 10-
15) are not related. In other words, it is not necessary to control the backlight or lan-
guage when changing the screen. Likewise, it is not necessary to assign the screen
number when setting up the backlight or selecting a language.
Wn+1 16-bit
Bit 0 Alarm History Buffer Clear Flag
1 Alarm Frequency Buffer Clear Flag
2 Print Change Paper Flag/Form Feed Flag
3 Hardcopy Flag
4 Recipe Write Flag - Data sent from operator terminal to controller
5 RCPNO Change Flag
6 Recipe Read Flag - Data sent from controller to operator terminal
7 Buzzer action control
8 Clear Flag #1
9 Clear Flag #2
10 Clear Flag #3
11 Clear Flag #4
12 Trigger Flag #1
13 Trigger Flag #2
14 Trigger Flag #3
15 Trigger Flag #4
The bits of the CFR (Wn+1) are described in more detail below.
Bit 0: Alarm History Buffer Clear Flag
This controller bit is used to clear the data in the alarm history buffer.
If bit 1 is set to clear the data in the alarm history buffer, the operator terminal will
clear its data when bit 0 is set to 1.
The controller requires that the bit be reset if the operator terminal is re-assigned to
clear the data and it needs enough time for operator terminal detection. The “hand-
shake” function can be used to reset the bit as well. For more about the “handshake”
function, please see the section General Status Register.
Bit 1: Alarm Frequency Buffer Clear Flag
This controller bit is used to clear the Alarm Frequency Buffer.
If bit 1 represents to clear the data of alarm frequency buffer, the operator terminal
will clear its data when bit 0 sets to bit 1.
The controller requires that the bit be reset if the operator terminal is re-assigned to
clear the data and it needs enough time for operator terminal detection. The “hand-
shake” function can be used to reset the bit as well. For more about the “handshake”
function, please see the section General Status Register.
Bit 2: Print Change Paper Flag
This controller bit is used to control form feed on the printer connected to the oper-
ator terminal.
Set the bit ON, and the printer will change paper.
The controller requires that the bit be reset if the operator terminal is re-assigned to
form feed and it needs enough time for operator terminal detection.
There are twelve logging buffers here, and operator terminals can be set to sample the
data automatically at fixed periods, or to sample or clear the historical trend graph
controlled by the controllers.
Bit # 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
VW4 0 SB4 CB4 TB4 0 SB3 CB3 TB3 0 SB2 CB2 TB2 0 SB1 CB1 TB1
Bit # 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
VW6 0 SB8 CB8 TB8 0 SB7 CB7 TB7 0 SB6 CB6 TB6 0 SB5 CB5 TB5
Bit # 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
VW8 0 SB12 CB12 TB12 0 SB11 CB11 TB11 0 SB10 CB10 TB10 0 SB9 CB9 TB9
For example, if the address of the control block is D0, the Numeric Display object
can be selected to display the recipe number register by configuring it to display CB5
instead of displaying D5.
The internal buffer of the control block is read-only. This means, for example, that
you can configure a Numeric Display object to show the value of CB2, but you can-
not configure the object to allow the operator to change the value of CB2.
Say, for example, that the you want to achieve the effect of the RNR numeric display
object using ADP6. You can specify that D5 be read from (writeable) or that
CB5 be read from (non-writeable).
For example, if the status block is W10 and the size is 6 words, the operator terminal
will write the status data of the current screen to W10-W15.
AB: Almost Full Bit - indicates that the buffer is 90% or more full.
FB: Full Bit - indicates that the buffer is full.
CB: Clear Status Bit indicates the clear command was received.
TB: Trigger Status Bit indicates the trigger command was received.
LBSR1 Buffer #4 Buffer #3 Buffer #2 Buffer #1
LBSR2 Buffer #8 Buffer #7 Buffer #6 Buffer #5
LBSR3 Buffer #12 Buffer #11 Buffer #10 Buffer #9
The operator terminal will turn ON one of the trigger status bits when it finishes col-
lecting one data record for the logging buffer. The operator terminal will turn OFF
the same status bit as it detects the corresponding trigger flag being turned OFF. One
can use the trigger status bits as handshake signals to switch the trigger flag.
Format Description
RCPNO Recipe Register Number (1-N)
RCPNO is an internal register of the operator terminal that specifies
the current recipe number; No>1.
RCPWnnnnn Recipe Register
#nnnnn is current recipe where nnnnn is a decimal number and n>0.
RCPWnnnnn.b Recipe Register Bit
nnnnn is decimal number, n>0; b is a hexadecimal number, b=0-F.
RCPNO is an internal register of the operator terminal used to display the specified
recipe on the screen. The operator terminal changes the RCPNO number to display
its corresponding recipe data.
There are two methods to change the RCPNO number:
One way is for the user to change the RCPNO number directly through the numeric
entry object.
The other way is for the controller to change the RCPNO constant. To change the
RCPNO constant, the user must write the specified number N to RCPNO number
register Dn+5, then set the RCPNO change flag Dn+1 bit 5 as ON (about 1 sec.).
The operator terminal will change the RCPNO constant to N and display the recipe
data RCPW0 - RCPWm corresponding to the Nth recipe.
So, RCP234 represents the second recipe data, 35 words and RPCW 34 in
RCPNO = 2.
The steps to set up the time block follow. Select Application/Workstation Setup in
ADP6 and you can set up the time block on the Miscellaneous tab. The start-
ing address is W240 and the size is 3 words, so the data will be saved in the W240,
W241, and W242 16-bit registers. The operator terminal updates the time block ev-
ery minute with the time data.
A Multi-Link network
The cable and the connection between the master and the controller is the same as
for the normal 1-to-1 application. The RS485 cable must be used for the connection
between the master and the slaves. Additionally, each of the slaves must be assigned
a unique address. All the controller models in ADP6 support this function.
Multi-link can also be connected through Ethernet. Please see the chapter Ethernet
Communication for complete details.
Remember to compile and download applications each time after making any
changes to the address.
If the slave operator terminal dip switch #5 is set to ON, the operator terminal
will read the parameters from the hardware. The user must enter the address (1-
15) in HMI Node Address.
5. Download the edited application to the slave operator terminals.
Please note that the address number of the master operator terminal will not affect
communication with the slave operator terminals. Moreover, it is not necessary to set
up the baud rate or data type for the slave operator terminals. The purpose of setting
up the slave operator terminals is to make sure the connection port for the master
operator terminal is correctly set.
The CRB is a block of registers and the COB is a block of On/Off locations in the
controller. In every read cycle, the master operator terminal reads the data from both
the CRB and the COB. Then the master sends the CRB and COB data to all the
The CRB and the COB allows a maximum of 128 words and 256 words respectively.
In multi-link, the CRB and the COB has to be specified with the same size and for-
mat for each of the operator terminals. The slaves are not requested to read the data
from the CRB or the COB directly. The slaves read the data from the buffer contain-
ing the data sent by the master. The CRB and the COB play important roles in terms
of communication efficiency since they can reduce traffic in the multi-link as well as
in the link between the master and the controller
For instance, arranging control blocks for the operator terminal in the CRB and the
COB is one of the most effective ways to improve performance. Arranging the vari-
ables common to some of the operator terminals in the CRB or the COB will also
improve performance. Doing so will result in a high refresh rate for the variables held
in the CRB and the COB since the variables are refreshed every read cycle.
In addition to the CRB and the COB, remember to make use of the register blocks
and on/off blocks for screens, since these too lessen the burden of the operator termi-
nal by reducing the number of read commands.
It is recommended to specify the CRB and the COB with continuous locations when
designing screens.
6 Ethernet Communication
The following chapter will introduce communication setup, application upload/
download and Ethernet communication with Ethernet-enabled controllers and op-
erator terminals. There are two methods for Ethernet-enabled operator terminals to
communicate with multi-operator terminal/controllers over Ethernet; multi-link and
Ethernet communication is not available for all operator terminal models: please refer
to Appendix A - ADP6 Features and Operator Terminal Models for details.
6.1 Connection
There are two methods to set up the link; using a RJ45 straight through cable or us-
ing a RJ45 crossover cable. The RJ45 crossover cable requires a HUB for connection.
The choice between these two methods depends on one’s needs and available equip-
ment. The following table describes differences between thestwo methods.
If uploading/downloading over Ethernet, the first three segments of the PC IP address
must be the same as the first three segments of the operator terminal IP address.
Example: PC IP address= and operator terminal IP address=192.168.1.XXX.
The IP address of the operator terminal should not be shared with other units in the
Selecting PC Port
3. Enter the address under IP Address or select from the drop-down list.
2. On the Connection tab, check the This HMI is a multi-link master box and
select Ethernet from the Master Port list. Next, check Limit data access to
Multi-link Common Blocks only.
2. On the Connection tab, click Add to add Connection 2 for the Cross-link.
Select Ethernet (Cross-link) from the Port/method used for the connection list.
Enter the Default Address, IP Address and HMI Type for the desired device.
a) Double-click on the object. Select the Attributes tab. For Write under Vari-
able enter the location 2/Q0.0.
b) Enter the address of the controller register in the object attributes dialog box.
Select 2-Connection 2 from the Connection list. Enter the address in the Device
Type and Addr./Value boxes. In the example the address is C0.
Click OK and 2/C0 will appear in the object attribute dialog box.
4. Download the edited application to the first operator terminal.
7 Multi-Channel Communication
Since there are many different vendors and models of all kinds of equipment on the
market, users often have a difficult time with data collection and integration. The op-
erator terminal model with 2 COM Ports and an Ethernet connection can be used
to connect controllers or other equipment (such as temperature controllers, servers,
inverters etc.) from different vendors in order to integrate and collect data using an
operator terminal or PC.
This feature is not available for all operator terminal models: please refer to Appendix
A - ADP6 Features and Operator Terminal Models for details.
7.1 Connection
COM1, COM2 or the Ethernet Port can be used to link the Multi-Channel connec-
The link can be set up via RS232, RS422 or RS485, with the connection method
based on needs and available equipment. For Ethernet, RJ45 has to be used to set up
the link. The controller must also be Ethernet-enabled.
For connection method and setup, please see the chapter Communication between
Operator Terminal and Controller.
Multi-Channel Connection
2. On the Connection tab, select the method of connection for the first controller
from the Port/method used for the connection list. Enter the addresses in the
HMI Address box and controller’s Default Address box and make the appropri-
ate selections for Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity and Stop Bits.
If SW5 = ON on the operator terminal, the parameters of the first linked controller must
be set up according to the Configuration Table in the operator terminal’s System Menu.
If SW5 = OFF, the parameters of the first linked controller must be set up according to
the Connection tab in Application/Workstation Setup in ADP6. The switches are
described in the Installation and Operation Manual for the operator terminal.
3. To add a second controller, click Add on the Connection tab, and select, for
example, Simatic S7-200 via PPI; 1-to-1.
4. Enter the addresses in the HMI Address box and controller’s Default Address
box and make the appropriate selections for Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity and
Stop Bits.
Item Description
Add Click to add a new connection device/controller.
Remove Click to delete a connection device.
The first connection (Connection 1) cannot be deleted.
Rename Click to change Device Name or Device Type.
For Connection 1, only the Device Name can be changed. The Device
Type can be changed on the General tab.
No. column Numbered according to the order in which devices are added and cannot
be changed.
This function is not available for all operator terminal models: please refer to
Appendix A - ADP6 Features and Operator Terminal Models for details.
2. For Connection 2, in the Write and Read boxes, enter 2/Q0.0 for the bit
address. Note that 2 refers to Connection No. 2 and / denotes the separation
from its register address.
3. For Connection 3, in the Write and Read boxes, enter 3/1 for the bit address.
Note that 3 refers to Connection No. 3 and / denotes the separation from its
register address.
8 Macros
8.1 Macro Function
ADP6 offers user a convenient and powerful macro application. It enables the
operator terminal to execute a number of tasks: Arithmetic, Logic, Flow Control,
Data Transfer, Comparison, Conversion and system service instructions, for exam-
ple. Using macros can also significantly reduce program size and optimize controller
efficiency. Macros not only allow the operator terminal to communicate with the
controller, but can also connect it to other devices. Macros provide an efficient inte-
gration system as well as an economical hardware application structure.
8.2.4 Sub-Macros
The Sub-Macro can be selected from the Object menu.
Sub-Macro: The Sub-Macro is a sub-command of Macro. The Sub-Macro is execut-
ed by the operator terminal with the CALL command. Common uses for the Sub-
Macro are to edit and save some basic functions and macro arithmetic commands.
Operation Format A1* A2* A3* Data Format
ADD A1 = ADD (A2, A3) 2 2, 4 2, 4 DW/Signed -
SUB A1 = SUB (A2, A3) 2 2, 4 2, 4 DW/Signed -
MUL A1 = MUL (A2, A3) 2 2, 4 2, 4 DW/Signed -
DIV A1 = DIV (A2, A3) 2 2, 4 2, 4 DW/Signed -
MOD A1 = MOD (A2, A3) 2 2, 4 2, 4 DW/Signed -
OR A1 = A2 | A3 2 2, 4 2, 4 DW -
AND A1 = A2 & A3 2 2, 4 2, 4 DW -
XOR A1 = A2^A3 2 2, 4 2, 4 DW -
SHL A1 = A2<<A3 2 2, 4 2, 4 DW -
SHR A1 = A2>>A3 2 2, 4 2, 4 DW -
MOV A1 = A2 0, 2 0, 2, 4 - DW Yes
BMOV BMOV (A1, A2, A3) 0, 2 0, 2 2, 4 Yes
FILL FILL (A1, A2, A3) 2 2, 4 2, 4 -
CHR CHR (A1, ”A2”) 2 5 - - -
IF== IF A1 == A2 GOTO A3 2, 4 2, 4 4 DW/Signed -
IF!= IF A1! = A2 GOTO A3 2, 4 2, 4 4 DW/Signed -
IF> IF A1>A2 GOTO A3 2, 4 2, 4 4 DW/Signed -
IF>= IF A1>=A2 GOTO A3 2, 4 2, 4 4 DW/Signed -
IF< IF A1<A2 GOTO A3 2, 4 2, 4 4 DW/Signed -
IF<= IF A1<=A2 GOTO A3 2, 4 2, 4 4 DW/Signed -
IF AND ==0 IF A1 AND A2==0 THEN GOTO A3 2, 4 2, 4 4 DW -
IF AND !=0 IF A1 AND A2!=0 THEN GOTO A3 2, 4 2, 4 4 DW -
IF==ON IF A1 = ON GOTO 3 4 - Bit -
IF==OFF IF A1 = OFF GOTO 3 4 - Bit -
IF-THEN IF condition ** THEN DO 2, 4 2, 4 - Condition ** -
IF-THEN- IF condition ** THEN DO 2, 4 2, 4 - Condition ** -
Nest IF- IF condition ** THEN DO 2, 4 2, 4 - Condition ** -
ELIF IF condition 1** THEN DO 2, 4 2, 4 - Condition ** -
ELIF condition 2** THEN DO
ELIF condition 3** THEN DO
** Condition includes A1==A2, A1!=A2, A1>A2, A1>=A2, A1<A2, A1<=A2, (A1&A2)==0,
(A1&A2)!=0, A1==ON and A1==OFF. A1 and A2 are only for internal memory and constant.
* The usable range of memory will be identified according to the commands. The numbers
in the table represent: 0 = Controller Device (word), 1 = Controller Device (bit),
2 = Internal Memory (word), 3 = Internal Memory (bit), 4 = Constant, 5 = ASCII Character
Operation Format A1* A2* A3* Data Format
GOTO Goto label A1 4 - - -
LABEL Label A1 4 - - -
CALL Call A1 2, 4 - - -
RET Return - - - -
FOR For A1 2, 4 - - -
NEXT Next - - - -
SETB Bit setting 1, 3 - - Bit Yes
CLRB Bit resetting 1, 3 - - Bit Yes
INVB Bit inversion 1, 3 - - Bit Yes
BCD A1 = BCD (A2) 2 2 - DW -
BIN A1 = BIN (A2) 2 2 - DW -
W2D A1 = W2D (A2) 2 2 - Signed -
B2W A1 = B2W (A2, A3) 2 2 2, 4 -
W2B A1 = W2B (A2, A3) 2 2 2, 4 -
SWAP SWAP (A1, A2) 2 2, 4 - -
MAX A1 = MAX (A2, A3) 2 2, 4 2, 4 DW/Signed -
MIN A1 = MIN (A2, A3) 2 2, 4 2, 4 DW/Signed -
A2H A1 = A2H 2 2 -
H2A A1 = H2A (A2) 2 2 -
COMMENT #A1 = ”Chars” 5 - - -
SYS SYS (A1, A2) -
* The usable range of memory will be identified according to the commands. The numbers
in the table represent: 0 = Controller Device (word), 1 = Controller Device (bit),
2 = Internal Memory (word), 3 = Internal Memory (bit), 4 = Constant, 5 = ASCII Character
8.3.1 Arithmetic
Only internal memory can be used in these commands. The internal memory includes @,
RCPW, CB, RCPNO and *@ (indirect internal memory). The data format is word, double-
word, signed binary and unsigned binary.
Format: A1 = A2 + A3
Description: Adds A2 and A3 and saves the result in A1.
ADD Format: A1 = A2+A3. Adds A2 and A3 and saves the result in A1.
SUB Format: A1 = A2-A3. Subtracts A3 from A2 and saves the result in A1.
MUL Format: A1 = A2×A3.
DIV Format: A1 = A2/A3. A1 is the quotient and A3 cannot be zero.
MOD Format: A1 = A2%A3. A1 is the remainder and A3 cannot be zero.
8.3.2 Logical
Only internal memory can be used in these commands. The internal memory includes @,
RCPW, CB, RCPNO and *@ (indirect internal memory). The data format is word, double-
word etc. (no signed binary, floating point number arithmetic).
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
Truth tables for OR (to the left) and AND (to the right) logical operations
OR Format: A1=A2 | A3.
Performs the bit-wise OR operation on A2 (word) and A3 (word) and saves the result
in A1 (word), or on A2 (double-word) and A3 (double-word) and saves the result in
A1 (double-word).
AND Format: A1 = A2 & A3. Performs the bit-wise AND operation on A2
(word) and A3 (word) and saves the result in A1 (word) or on A2 (double-word) and
A3 (double-word) and saves the result in A1 (double-word).
XOR Format: A1=A2 ^ A3. Performs the bit-wise exclusive OR operation on
A2 (word) and A3 (word) and saves the result in A1 (word) or on A2 (double-word)
and A3 (double-word) and saves the result in A1 (double-word).
SHL Format: A1=A2 << A3. Shifts A2 (word) left by A3 bits and saves the result
in A1 (word). The left shift command puts 0 into bit 0 and the last bit will shift out.
If the displacement (A3) is greater than 16, then 16 will be the most shiftable
Alternatively, shifts A2 (double-word) left by A3 bits and saves the result in A1 (dou-
ble-word). The left shift command puts 0 into bit 0 and the last bit will shift out. If
the displacement (A3) is greater than 32, then 32 will be the most shiftable amount.
SHR Format: A1=A2 >> A3. Shifts A2 (word) right by A3 bits and saves the
result in A1 (word). The right shift command puts 0 into bit 15 and the first bit will
shift out. If the displacement (A3) is greater than 16, then 16 will be the most shift-
able amount.
Alternatively, shifts A2 (double-word) right by A3 bits and saves the result in A1
(double-word). The right shift command puts 0 into bit 31 and the first bit will shift
out. If the displacement (A3) is greater than 32, then 32 will be the most shiftable
8.3.4 Comparison
Only internal memory can be used in these commands. The internal memory includes @,
RCPW, CB, RCPNO and *@ (indirect internal memory).
Command: IF . . . DO; ELIF . . . DO; ELSE DO; ENDIF
Description: Use an IF statement when you want your macro to choose between two
or more options. An IF statement consists of the keyword IF, a condition to be eval-
uated, the keyword THEN, the keyword DO, and the keyword ENDIF, as shown
IF condition THEN DO
# statements to be executed if condition is true
The condition can be one of the following:
A1 == A2
A1 != A2
A1 > A2
A1 >= A2
A1 < A2
A1 <= A2
(A1 & A2) == 0
(A1 & A2) != 0
A1 == ON
A1 == OFF
The following IF statement structures are provided:
IF-THEN structure
The simplest IF statement evaluates a condition and performs a specified action if the
condition is true. If the condition is not true, the entire statement is ignored. For ex-
IF @100 == 50 THEN DO
If @100 equals 50, sub-macro 50 is called. If @100 contains anything else, the entire
statement is ignored.
IF-THEN-ELSE structure
An IF statement can also specify one or more statements to be executed if the condi-
tion is false. This option is indicated with the keyword ELSE, as shown below.
IF condition THEN DO
# statements to be executed if condition is true
ELIF structure
The ELIF statement is provided to create IF structures in which the ELIF branch of
one IF statement leads to another option:
IF first condition THEN DO
# statements to be executed if condition is true
ELIF second condition THEN DO
# statements to be executed if condition is false
ELIF third condition THEN DO
# statements to be executed if third condition is false
In the following example, if @100 equals 50, sub-macro 50 is called. If @100 is not
equal to 50, the program continues to the ELIF statement to test if @100 is equal to
100. If @100 equals 100, sub-macro 100 is called. If @100 is not equal to 100, the
program moves to the next ELIF, and so on.
IF @100 == 50 THEN DO
ELIF @100 == 100 THEN DO
CALL 100
ELIF @100 == 150 THEN DO
CALL 150
You cannot define a label inside an IF statement.
The END command represents the end of the macro and is invalid in sub-macro. Sub-
macro must use the RET command, otherwise, the program will cause errors.
BCD Convert BIN to BCD. Format: A1 = BCD (A2). This command is used
to convert A2 (integer, word or double-word) from a binary number to a BCD num-
ber and saves the result in A1. Valid integer values of A2 are between 0 and 9999
(word) or 0 and 99999999 (double-word).
BIN Convert BCD to BIN. Format: A1 = BIN (A2). This command is used to
convert A2 from a BCD number (word or double-word) to a binary number and
saves the result in A1 (integer, word or double-word). Valid BCD numbers are be-
tween 0 and 9999 (word) or 0 and 99999999 (double-word).
W2D Convert WORD to DOUBLE WORD. Format: A1 = W2D (A2). The
W2D command is used to convert A2 from a WORD number (integer) to a DOU-
BLE WORD (integer) and saves the result in A1 (double-word, signed, or unsigned).
Valid integer values of A2 are between 0 and 65535 (word, unsigned) or -32768 and
32767 (word, signed). This function can extend the size of a 16-bit signed integer
(word) to a 32-bit integer (double-word).
B2W Convert BYTE to WORD. Format: A1 = B2W (A2, A3). The byte array
starting at A2 with the size A3 and the result is saved in the memory starting at A1
(word). The high bytes of the word array are set to 0.
W2B Convert WORD to BYTE. Format: A1 = W2B (A2, A3). The word array
starting at A2 with the size A3. The result is saved in memory starting at A1. The
conversion will discard the high bytes of the A2 word array.
SWAP Swap the Bytes, Format: SWAP (A1, A2). The SWAP command is used
to swap the low byte and high byte of each word of a memory block starting at A1.
A2 specifies the size of the memory block in words. After execution, the Al data will
be changed.
MAX Maximum. Format: A1 = MAX (A2, A3). Sets A1 to the larger of A2 and
A3. (The data format can be word, dword, signed binary, or unsigned binary.)
MIN Minimum. Format: A1 = MAX (A2, A3). Sets A1 to the smaller one of
A2 and A3. (The data format can be word, dword, signed binary, or unsigned binary.)
A2H Convert 4-digit hex number in ASCII character form into a binary num-
ber. Format: A1 = A2H (A2). The character of the fourth digit is in word A2 and the
characters of the other digits are in the words following A2 in sequence. The result
will be saved in A1. For example, suppose A2 is @200 and the data in @210=9538H.
After the conversion, the result will be saved in A1=@210 and will be @200=0039H,
@201=0033H, @202=0035H, and @203=0038H. (The data format is word only.)
H2A Convert a 16-bit binary number into a 4-digit hex number in ASCII char-
acter form. Format: A1 = A2H (A2). The number to be converted is in A2. The char-
acter of the fourth digit will be saved in A1 and the characters of the other digits will
be saved in the words following A1 in sequence. For example, suppose A2 is @100
and the data in @100=1234H. After the conversion, the result will be saved in
A1=@110 and will be @110=0031H, @111=0032H, @112=0033H, and
@113=0034H. (The data format is word only.)
8.3.8 Others
There are three special commands to use.
TIMETICK Get the current system time tick (CPU internal clock time). For-
mat: A1= TIMETICK (). The system time tick is increased by 1 in every 100 ms.
COMMENT This is a non-executable instruction and it is used to comment
SYS There are a number of system services which can be used in the SYS com-
mand. Please see below for full details:
1. SET_TIMER Specify the internal timer.
Format: SYS (SET_TIMER,N).
0 Timer will stop when it reaches the default setting, the flag will be set to 1.
Bit 6, Bit 5 COM PORT > 00: COM1, 01: COM2, 10: COM3, 11:
Bit11, Bit 10, Bit 9, Bit 8 0001: 115200, 0010: 57600, 0011: 38400,
0110: 19200, 1100: 9600, Others: 4800.
If this service is successful, the word @n+1 will be set to 1; otherwise, it will be
set to 0.
Some models provide a Computer Protocol slave driver for the second COM
port. This function provides communication between PC/another operator ter-
minal on the second COM port. The operator terminal can communicate with
the controller over the first COM port and the connection steps are the same as
the normal steps. The P PC can read from the internal registers @0-@8191 (the
data in W0-W8191 corresponds to @0-@8191).
@N=30 represents the pointer parameter, and the internal value of @30 must be
@N+1(@31) represents the starting address of the block.
@N+2(@32) represents the size of the WORDS block.
@N+3(@33) represents the initial value of the summand and the sum will be
saved in this address automatically. The command must be set before execution.
Most communication protocols regulate the initial value of the summand = 00H
or FFH, so please refer to initial value assigned by the vendor.
10.SUM_XOR Calculate the sum of a block of words by the bit-wise logical
exclusive-or operation and save the result in the specified address.
Format: SYS(SUM_XOR,N).
The output data will be saved in “@N+3”. This function is convenient for macro
communication applications. For example, SYS(SUM_XOR,50) (here N = 50)
will calculate the sum of the @50, @51, @52, @53 internal registers. Execution
of this command requires the internal values of @50, @51, @52 and @53.
@N=50 represents controller station number and the internal value of @50must
be 0 if no controller station is required.
@N+1(@51) represents the starting address of the block.
@N+2(@52) represents the size of the WORDS block.
@N+3(@53) represents the initial value of the summand and the sum will be
saved in this address automatically. The command must be set before execution.
Most communication protocols regulate the initial value of the summand = 00H
or FFH, so please refer to initial value assigned by the vendor.
11.READ_WORDS Read a number of words from controller word devices or
internal memory and save the result in the specified address.
The data will be saved in “@+5”. This command is powerful for use in commu-
nication with any controller registers and can be used for setting and monitoring
controller data. Take, for example, SYS(READ_WORDS,80) (here N = 80).
Execution of this command requires the internal values of @80, @81, @82,
@83, @84, @85 and @86.
@N (@80) represents the controller station number, and the internal value of
@80 must be 0 if no controller station is required.
@N+1(@81) represents the device type setting. For the device type of controller,
please see the chapter Communication between Operator Terminal and Controller
for full details.
@N+2(@82) represents the low word of the device address.
@N+3(@83) represents the high word of the device address.
@N+4(@84) represents the auxiliary address if required else set to 0.
@N+5(@85) represents the address of the internal memory to receive the data
and the size of data is specified by N+6(@86).
@N+6(@86) represents the number of words to be read.
12.READ_Bit Read a controller bit device or internal bit and save the data in
the specified address.
Format: SYS (READ_Bit,N).
The data will be saved in “@+5”. This command is powerful for use in commu-
nication with any controller bit-state and can be used to set and monitor con-
troller data. For example, SYS(READ_bit,80) (here N = 80). Execution of this
command requires the internal values of @80, @81, @82, @83, @84 and @85.
@N(@80) represents the controller station number, and the internal value of
@80 must be 0 if no controller station is required.
@N+1(@81) represents the device type. For controller device types, please see
the chapter Communication between Operator Terminal and Controller for full
@N+2(@82) represents the low word of the device address.
@N+3(@83) represents the high word of the device address.
@N+4(@84) represents the auxiliary address if required else set to 0.
@N+5(@85) represents the address of the internal memory to receive the data.
N+5(@85) DATA = 1 if the bit is ON; DATA = 0 if the bit is OFF.
13.WRITE_WORDS Writes a block of data in internal memory to controller
word devices or internal memory.
The data will be saved in “@N+5”. This command is powerful for the random
modification of controller data and can be used to set and monitor controller
data. For example, SYS(WRITE_WORDS,90) (here N = 90). Execution of this
command requires the internal values of @90, @91, @92, @93, @94, @95 and
@N(@90) represents the controller station number, and the internal value of
@90 must be 0 if no controller station is required.
@N+1(@91) represents the device type. For controller device types, please see
the chapter Communication between Operator Terminal and Controller for full
@N+2(@92) represents the low word of the device address.
@N+3(@93) represents the high word of the device address.
@N+4(@94) represents the auxiliary address if required else set to 0.
@N+5(@95) represents the source address while the size of the continuous block
of data is assigned by N+6 (@96).
@N+6(@96) represents the number of words in the data block.
14.WRITE_Bit Set a controller bit device or internal bit to the state of an
internal word.
Format: SYS(WRITE_Bit,N).
The source address is”@+5”. This command is powerful for the random modifi-
cation of controller data and can be used to set and monitor controller data. For
example, SYS(WRITE_Bit,90) (here N = 90). Execution of this command
requires the internal values of @90, @91, @92, @93, @94 and @95.
@N(@90) represents the controller station number, and the internal value of
@90 must be 0 if no controller station is required.
@N+1(@91) represents the device type. For controller device types, please see
the chapter Communication between Operator Terminal and Controller for full
@N+2(@92) represents the low word of the device address.
8.4 Cautions
The last line of code must be the RET command, otherwise an error will occur when
you compile.
Except in sub-macro, the END command marks the end of the macro.
The CPU will execute other programs after the execution of INITIAL Macro,
CLOCK Macro, ON/OFF Macro, OPEN Macro and CLOSE Macro.
For BACKGROUND Macro, CYCLIC Macro and sub-macro, the CPU executes
the 30 command lines once. The CPU will then execute other programs. The CPU
will execute the 30 command lines following the last executed command until the
next cycle.
To use the macro communication function, the user must define the related commu-
nication format for INICOM. This command is only used once, so it is usually en-
tered in INITIAL Macro.
2. The n value of RCPWn is based on the size of the recipe and the maximum
number. The data register can be used as bit.
3. The n value of CBn is based on the size of the control block. The current size is
2-32. This data register can be used as bit.
4. @n: Internal Register. The size is 8191 WORDS (n=0-8191). This data register
can be used by bit.
9 Communication between
Operator Terminal and Controller
The Register and Range of Relay Numbers in this document refer to the setup range
available in ADP6. In practice, please make sure not to exceed the maximum
range defined by the controller CPU in use. Otherwise communication errors will occur.
This chapter provides current information on the settings of the supported control-
lers at the time of writing. As controller vendors continue to release new models, con-
troller data capacity, data range and drivers are also often updated. Please visit
www.hitechsite.com for the latest information.
For correct communication between the controller and operator terminal, the Com-
munication Format, Station, Baud Rate and Data Format settings must be consis-
Before connection, please setup the operator terminal and controller communication
parameter and DIP switch settings.
Data format and range of the controller ON/OFF location which ADP6 can
access: Bit Device.
Device Type/ Data Size
Relay Type Format Relay Range
Aux. Address R/W
Output O:0.n/bb n=0-3; bb=0-15 0xC0 0-15 Word
Input I:1.n/bb n=0-3; bb=0-15 0xC1 0-15 Word
Status S2:nn/bb nn=0-65; bb=0-15 0xC2 0-15 Word
Bit B3:nnn/bb nnn=0-254; bb=0-15 0xC3 0-15 Word
Timer T4:nnn/bb nnn=0-254; bb=0-15 0xC4 0-15 Word
Timer Preset Value T4:nnn.pre/bb nnn=0-254; bb=0-15 0xC5 0-15 Word
Timer Accumulator T4:nnn.acc/bb nnn=0-254; bb=0-15 0xC6 0-15 Word
Counter flag C5:nnn/bb nnn=0-254; bb=0-15 0xC7 0-15 Word
Counter Preset C5:nnn.pre/bb nnn=0-254; bb=0-15 0xC8 0-15 Word
Counter Accumula- C5:nnn.acc/bb nnn=0-254; bb=0-15 0xC9 0-15 Word
tor Value
Control R6:nnn/bb nnn=0-254; bb=0-15 0xCA 0-15 Word
Control Size of Bit R6:nnn.len/bb nnn=0-254; bb=0-15 0xCB 0-15 Word
Control Reserved R6:nnn.pos/bb nnn=0-254; bb=0-15 0xCC 0-15 Word
Integer N7:nnn/bb nnn=0-254; bb=0-15 0xCD 0-15 Word
The operator terminal does not support block read for the registers in TIMER, COUNTER
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch-
es as follows:
Data format and range of the controller ON/OFF location which ADP6 can
access: Bit Device.
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Data format and range of the controller ON/OFF location which ADP6 can
access: Bit Device.
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawing
This figure is a PC simulation, and the hook up method depends on the actual controller
pin position.
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
COMPUTER (AS MASTER) V2 does not only include the function of COMPUTER (AS MASTER)
- it also can inform the slaves when the data is changed (e.g. value input).
The Null function includes macro and ladder but no communication with any controller.
X_Data and Y_Data are Oct. code, such as X0-X7, X10-X17, X20-X27 or X30-X37.
The operator terminal can be connected to the controller RS232 port using a DELTA
8-pin male connector (PC DELTA DVP PLC).
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Facon FB Series (RS232/RS485) for RS232 w/o RTS control (3-PIN cable) or RS485 Facon
FB Series (RS232-RTS) for RS232 with RTS control (5-PIN cable, RTS, CTS with connect),
not for RS485.
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
9.11 Fuji NB
Data format and range of the controller registers which ADP6 can access: Word
Device and Bit Device.
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
9.14 Hitachi EC
Data format and range of the controller registers which ADP6 can access: Word
Device and Bit Device.
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
When using exclusive protocol, you must set the controller peripheral mode selector to
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
If only one controller is used, set the Station No. as 255. In a network, set the Station
No. to 0-31.
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
When operator terminal changes a relay’s state, the operator terminal must read 1
byte (8 relays). After changing the corresponding bit, the operator terminal will write
the byte to the controller. These actions will take more than one controller scan. PLC
ladder cannot control other bits (relay) of the byte before the operator terminal has
completed the Change the Relay action, otherwise these bits (relay) will return to
their initial values. In other words, the controller’s control action will be resumed.
For example, if the operator terminal wants to change B3’s state, it will read B0-B7.
After the corresponding bit B3 is changed, the operator terminal will write the entire
byte to the controller. The PLC ladder command will be cancelled after the operator
terminal writes the changes.
Cable Drawings
KOYO SA21 series E02-DM and TI305-02DM have the same wiring.
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
9.24 LG K10/60H/200H
Data format and range of the controller registers which ADP6 can access: Word
Device and Bit Device.
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
9.25 LG K200S
Data format and range of the controller registers which ADP6 can access: Word
Device and Bit Device.
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
9.26 LG K300S
Data format and range of the controller registers which ADP6 can access: Word
Device and Bit Device.
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
9.27 LG Master-K10S/K30S/60S/100S
Data format and range of the controller registers which ADP6 can access: Word
Device and Bit Device.
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
9.29 Mirle DX
Data format and range of the controller registers which ADP6 can access: Word
Device and Bit Device.
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
9.30 Mitsubishi FX
Data format and range of the controller registers which ADP6 can access: Word
Device and Bit Device..
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
9.31 Mitsubishi A
Data format and range of the controller registers which ADP6 can access: Word
Device and Bit Device.
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
00-31 (AJ71UC24)
Transmission Speed 9600/19200 bps Set the SW5=OFF if parameters are
CPU port=9600 bps set in ADP6.
Set the SW5=ON if parameters are
Transmission Format Size: 8-bit set in the operator terminal.
Parity: ODD
Stop bit: 1-bit
Comm. Protocol Format 1;5;A
Check Sum YES
Write during Run Allowed
For AISJ71C24 or AJ71c24, set the operator terminal station no. to 255 and PLC sta-
tion no. to 0 and connect with controller CPU port. To communicate via COM2, please
set the DIP switch = off and the communication parameters to 9600, 8, 0DD, 1.
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Operator Terminal
Format Controller Setting
Communica- RS422 or RS232C COM2 = RS232C/
tion Format RS422/RS485
Station No 00 (CPU port/Q Series C24) Set PLC Station to 00
in ADP6.
Transmission 19200 bps Set the SW5=OFF if
Speed parameters are set in
Transmission Size CPU Port: 8-bit Q Series C24: 7-bit ADP6.
Format Set the SW5=ON if
Parity CPU Port: ODD Q Series C24: EVEN parameters are set in
Stop bit CPU Port: 1-bit Q Series C24:2-bit the operator terminal.
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
9.35 Omron C
Data format and range of the controller registers which ADP6 can access: Word
Device and Bit Device.
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
For CQM1 and CPU21, set the DM6648=0000.
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
9.37 Omron CV
Data format and range of the controller registers which ADP6 can access: Word
Device and Bit Device.
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
9.38 Parker 6K
Data format and range of the controller registers which ADP6 can access: Word
Device and Bit Device.
Register Type Command Format Register Range Data Size Data Range
Input !nTIN In n=0-8 Double-word
Output !nTOUT On n=0-8 Double-word
Alarm Status !INTHW Asn n=1 Double-word
Axis Status !nTAS AXSn n=1-8 Double-word
System Status !TSS SYSn n=1 Double-word
User Status !TUS USSn n=1 Word
Binary !VARBnnn VARBnnn nnn=001-125 Double-word
Numeric !VARnnn VARnnn nnn=001-225 Double-word +-999,999,999
Integer !VARInnn VARInnn nnn=001-225 Double-word +-2,147,483,647
String !VARSnn VARSnn nn=01-50 10 words 0-20 characters
Motor Position !nTPC MOPn n=1-8 Double-word +-2,147,483,647
Motor Velocity !nTVEL MOVn n=1-8 Double-word
Encoder Position !nTPE ENPn n=1-8 Double-word
Timer !nTTIM Tn n=1 Double-word 0-999999999
Nnn Run Nnn nn=1-50 10 words 0-20 characters
If Parker 6K still executes, it will cause a communication time-out.
Parker 6K needs an internal program in order to accept commands with the initial code
“!”, otherwise communication errors may arise.
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
The communication mode of the Simatic S7-200 network is a Token Ring structure and
can exist in several majors. When on-line, the PC can download from/upload to the
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
1. The cable is the same as for the Siemens Simatic S7 200.
2. The operator terminal and PLC stations are between 0 and 15. The operator ter-
minal station no. is lower than the PLC station.
3. When using a macro, the size of block move is limited to within 10 words.
4. Due to the Token Ring protocol, no error message is generated when removing
the cable.
Cable Drawings
Example of connections between operator terminal and S7-300/400 CPU MPI port
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
The above Controller Setting is the ADP6 default - please refer to the controller
9.49 Taian N2
Data format and range of the controller registers which ADP6 can access: Word
Device and Bit Device.
Cable Drawings
For connection to the RS232C port, the TAIAN’s FA-RS-232-N2 cable must be
For connection to the RS485 port, the TAIAN’s FA-RS-485-KN cable must be used,
connected as below:
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
1. Unsigned binary object must be used.
2. Even though the F125 can be chosen, it cannot be used. (Display 33333)
3. F0, F21, F42, F63, F84, F105 are quick read/write start positions. (Block sizes
are 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 23.)
4. 33333 represents the Function is reserved.
5. In the Function table, Format and Function values marked * cannot be changed.
6. If editing a double-word object, its value is composed of nearby two values.
(Don’t use.)
7. Please adjust the value of the operator terminal: Command Delay (block read
displays 0020 error message).
8. Object, integer, decimal, digit must correspond with reality (unsigned binary
object)(refer to the user manual).
1. The writing unit for a single point bit is 16 bits.
2. When operator terminal changes a relay’s state, the operator terminal must read
1 word (16 bits). After changing the corresponding bit, the operator terminal
will write the word to the controller. These actions will take more than one con-
troller scan. The controller ladder cannot control other bits (word) before the
operator terminal has completed the “Change the Relay” action, otherwise these
bits (word) will return to their initial values. In other words, the controller’s con-
trol action will be resumed.
For example: When the operator terminal changes W1234:7, the operator termi-
nal must read the word from W1234:0 toW1234:15. After changing bit 7, the
operator terminal will write the word to the controller. If the operator terminal
does not write to the controller, the controller ladder has changed W1234:0-
W1234:6 or W1234:8-W1234-15. The operator terminal’s write action will
cause the controller control action to resume.
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawing
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
9.54 Vigor M
Data format and range of the controller registers which ADP6 can access: Word
Device and Bit Device.
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Cable Drawings
Communication Format
Before connection, please set up the communication parameters and the DIP switch
as follows:
Operator terminal station no. must match YOKOGAWA controller CPU slot no. If CPU
plugs in the first slot, the operator terminal station no. must be set to 1.
6600/6620 6700/6800/6A00
ADP6 Features 6300 6500
Ethernet No No No No Yes No No Yes
Printer No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Upload Application Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Upload/Download Recipes No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Reconstruct Source Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Auxiliary Keys No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Contrast Adjustment No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Turn off Backlight No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Set Time & Date No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Character Entry No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
List and Drop-down List No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Numeric Display Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Time, Date, and Day of Week Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Historical Display No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alarm Display No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Macro Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ladder Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multi-Link Slave Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
(One master, Slaves)
Cross-Link (Mutual Read) No No No No Yes No No Yes
Multi-Channel Communication No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Logging Buffer No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Common Key Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Slide-out Menu No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
System Messages Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Off-line/On-line Simulation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View/Edit Recipes No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes