The effects of external electric and magnetic fields on the energy spectrum of quantum rings made out of a
bidimensional semiconductor material with anisotropic band structures are investigated within the effective-mass
model. The interplay between the effective-mass anisotropy and the radial confinement leads to wave functions
that are strongly localized at two diametrically opposite regions where the kinetic energy is lowest due to the
highest effective mass. We show that this quantum phenomenon has clear consequences on the behavior of the
energy states in the presence of applied in-plane electric fields and out-of-plane magnetic fields. In the former,
the quantum confined Stark effect is observed with either linear or quadratic shifts, depending on the direction
of the applied field. As for the latter, the usual Aharonov-Bohm oscillations are not observed for a circularly
symmetric confining potential, however they can be reinstated if an elliptic ring with an appropriate aspect ratio
is chosen.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.205414
Min 0 Max
FIG. 2. Wave functions for the first six low-lying states in the
absence of electric and magnetic fields, being (a), (c), and (e) FIG. 4. Splitting E2 − E1 (right scale) of the first low-lying two
symmetric and (b), (d), and (f) antisymmetric. The ring width is energy levels E1 and E2 (left scale) of a BP quantum ring as a function
fixed as W = 10 nm with internal (external) radii of Ri = 10 nm of the in-plane electric-field amplitude F for θ = 0 [see Fig. 3(a)]
(Re = 20 nm). along with the wave functions for the (I) first and (II) second states at
F = 200 kV/cm.
Min 0 Max
E (meV)
W = 10 nm
FIG. 7. (a) Elliptical quantum ring potential with (b) two eccen- 15 (b)
tricities: ε = 0 (circular) and ε = 0.9. (c) The ground (black solid)
and the first excited (red dashed) states energies as a function of the
external magnetic field, assuming different values of eccentricity,
for a fixed ring width of W = 40 nm and an average radius of 12
E (meV)
(Re + Ri )/2 = 30 nm.
and, consequently, increasing its energy. Notice the width of mass in the y direction (zigzag direction). Thus, this feature
the circular ring in Fig. 6(b) is the same as the one for the can be used, e.g., to analyze the crystal directions of the
elliptic ring in Fig. 8(b). Yet, only the latter exhibits clear system.
AB oscillations, especially for excited states, thus proving the Furthermore, in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic
importance of the ring eccentricity in observing the AB effect field, our results also show that a circular anisotropic mass ring
in quantum rings made out of BP. does not exhibit AB oscillations in the energy spectrum, which
also is attributed to the anisotropy-induced wave-function
V. CONCLUSIONS localization. However, if the electron is confined rather by
an elliptical potential ring, the localization effect is reduced,
We have investigated the effect of applied electric and and it becomes possible to recover the AB oscillations.
magnetic fields on the energy levels of conduction-band Our numerical results were obtained using parameters for
electrons confined into a quantum ring made of an anisotropic monolayer black phosphorus, although the same qualitative
material. Due to the mass anisotropy, the probability density features are expected for any system with effective-mass
is demonstrated to be not evenly distributed along the ring anisotropy, such as arsenene ReS2 and even multilayer black
but rather concentrated in two diametrically opposite regions phosphorus.
of the system. As a consequence, our results show that, if the
applied electric field points towards the armchair direction, the
energy-level and wave-function behaviors are reminiscent of
that of a pair of stacked (independent) quantum dots (quadratic This work was financially supported by CNPq under the
Stark shift), whereas if the same field points towards the PRONEX/FUNCAP grants, CAPES Foundation, the Flemish
zigzag direction, the system behaves as coupled quantum Science Foundation (FWO-Vl), and the Brazilian Program
wells (linear Stark shift). This is related to the higher effective Science Without Borders (CsF).
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