Bartlett Tuck Everlasting Feelings About Living Forever

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Tuck Everlasting:

Feelings About living forever

Directions : The members of the Tuck family have mixed feelings about living
forever. Use the chart below to note their different attitudes (summarize each
character’s feelings about living forever). Then, find evidence in the story to
back up your claim (this must be copied word for word from the book!). Be
sure to include page numbers!!! :)

Feelings about Clues from the

Character living forever story
(Claim) (2 or more pieces of

Angus Tuck is not in “I was having that

favor of living forever dream again, the good
Angus (Tuck) one where we’re all in
heaven and never
heard of
Treegap”(Babbitt pg.
9-10) “Can you picture
what that means?
Forever? The wheel
would keep on going
round, the water
rolling by to the
ocean, but the people
would’ve turned into
nothing but rocks by
the side of the road”
(Babbitt pg. 64)

Mae Tuck is not in “We got to take you

favor of living forever home with us. That’s
Mae and is tired of living. the plan. Tuck-- he’ll
want to talk it out,
make sure you see
why you can’t tell no
one” (Babbitt pg. 43)
“Mae Tuck didn’t need
a mirror… her
reflection had long
since ceased to
interest her” (Babbitt
pg. 12)

Miles Tuck is not in “My wife, she finally

favor of living forever made up her mind I’d
Miles because it made him sold my soul to the
lose his family. Devil. She left me. She
went away and she
took the children with
her” (Babbitt pg. 39)
“Her name was Anna.
Lord, how sweet she
was, that child! It’s
queer to think that
she’d be close to
eighty now if she’s
even still alive”(Babbitt
pg. 84)

Jesse is in favor of “Listen, Ma and Pa and

living forever. Miles, they don’t know
Jesse how to enjoy what we
got” (Babbitt pg. 72)
Why, heck. Winnie life’s
to enjoy yourself, isn’t
it? What else is it good
for? That’s what I say.
And you and me, we
could have a good
time that never

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