English Test Yr 1 (Semester 2)

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Mini Test! (Topic 12-22 )

Section A: Read the passage and answer the following question.

“Hello, my name is Aminah. I am 8 years old. I lived in a big house. I have

one door, three windows and one roof. The shape of my door is rectangle, the
shape of my windows are circle and the shape of my roof is triangle. I also
have a very big family including my mother, my father, my brother, my sister
my grandpa and my grandma. My father’s name is Rizwan and my mother’s
name is Suzy. My brother and my sister’s name are Saleh and Zahra. My
grandpa and my grandma’s name are Sufi and Maria. My favorite animal is
rabbit. I have one rabbit in my house. Her name is Bunny. I like to brush and
hug my rabbit. I also like to eat watermelons and strawberries. Sometimes, I
like to go to the playground with my friends. I like to play a slide and a see-
saw. I have so many toys in my house. My favorite toy is a doll and a kite.
The color of my doll is white and the color of my kite is blue and red. I like to
play with my toys every day”

1. What is her brother’s name?


2. Who is Maria?


3. Who is Bunny?


4. How old is Aminah?

5. What is her favorite fruit?


6. What is the shape of her windows?


7. She lived in what house?


8. With who she is going to the playground?


9. What is her favorite toy?


10. What is her favorite animal?


11. What is the shape of her door?


12. What is the girl’s name?


13. How many roofs she has?

14. What is her grandpa’s name?


15. What is the shape of her roof?


16. She like to play what in the playground?


17. What does she like to do with her pet?


18. What is the color of the doll?


19. How many windows that she has?


20. When she like to play with her toys?


Section B: Circle the correct answer.

1. Emma likes to cook for me. ____ is my favorite sister.
a) he
b) she
c) me
d) mother
2. Which fruit that its shape is circle?

a) pineapple
b) banana
c) oranges
d) strawberry

3. Which animals that can fly?

a) rabbit
b) bird
c) cat
d) dog

4. Alex can play a guitar. _____ also, can play a piano.

a) he
b) she
c) her
d) him

5. Which animals that can jump?

a) duck
b) chicken
c) bird
d) rabbit

6. What is this?

a) tree
b) tri
c) three
d) thre

7. Which toy that can spin for 20 minutes?

a) kite
b) doll
c) spin top
d) toy car

8. These are things that found in the playground, except…

a) see-saw
b) bedroom
c) jungle gym
d) slide

9. These are animals that cannot be pet, except…

a) snake
b) bear
c) crocodile
d) fish

10. Which sentence is correct?

a) one dolls
b) two kite
c) three bicycle
d) four toy cars

11. Which one is correct?

a) fly the book

b) fly the spin top
c) fly the kite
d) fly the slide

12. What fruit is this?

a) papaya
b) pear
c) apple
d) mango

13. Aqiel like to climb the …

a) tree
b) ball
c) kite
d) bicycle

14. A toy that can be bounce is a …

a) table
b) chair
c) pencils
d) ball

15. A …….. has one wheel at the front and one wheel at the back.

a) toy car
b) spin top
c) bike
d) bus

16. Animals that can swim is …

a) bird
b) giraffe
c) chicken
d) fish

17. “Woof woof” who makes that sound?

a) cat
b) rabbit
c) dog
d) duck

18. Animals that has two legs but cannot fly?

a) chicken
b) cat
c) fish
d) bird

19. The color of this fruit is yellow. This is…

a) a papaya
b) a banana
c) an orange
d) an apple

20. This fruit tastes very sour. This fruit is…

a) a strawberry
b) a mango
c) a watermelon
d) a pear

Section C: Choose the correct answer from the answer box.

orange yoyo tree doll see-saw
ball papaya toy cars slide grandmother
duck jungle gym banana grandfather giraffe
swing bicycle bird pear kite

1. This fruit sometimes tastes sour but sometimes not. This fruit is ________________.

2. ________________ is a big fruit.

3. The color of this fruit is green. This fruit is ________________.

4. The shape of this fruit is like a crescent moon. This fruit is a ________________.

5. When we play this thing, one person will go up and the person will go down. This is

a ________________.

6. My friends and I are always playing on the ________________.

7. Jenny and Kim are climbing the ________________ at the playground.

8. When we play this thing, we feel as if we are flying. This is a ________________.

9. I like to race with my friends by playing a ________________. Who spin it within the

longest time is the winner.

10. My sister and I like to flying a ________________ .

11. My brother and I are playing a ________________ together.

12. She bounced the ________________ so hardly until she injured someone’s head.

13. Aqilla and Kak Nawa are riding a ________________ together every afternoon.

14. He likes to climb the ________________ to steal Pak Randi’s apples.

15. This animal has a long neck that can reach to the very top of the tree. This is a


16. Mia and Jessica are playing a ________________ in a doll’s house.

17. The sound the ________________ is “Quack quack!”

18. The ________________ is always flying to the other city to find food.

19. My ________________ loves gardening and giving money to his grandchild.

20. My ________________ likes to cook her grandchild’s favorite food.

Section D ( part 1 ) : Fill in the blanks by using “She, He or They” only.

1. Linda likes to sleep all the time. _________ is very tired lately.

2. Johnny likes to play a bike. _________ is also likes to play a scooter.

3. Viona and Alex are going to the playground. _________ are having so much fun in

the playground.

4. Wendy and Liona are going to the neighborhood. _________ are going to gives

present to everyone.
5. Betty likes to watch a movie in the TV. _________ is also likes to eat noodles while

watching it.

6. Julia and Maxwell are going to the living room. _________ are going to watch a

Boboiboy’s The Movie together.

7. My father is at the kitchen. _________ wants to cook us a dinner.

8. Liam is going to the supermarket. _________ is going to buy some milk and cereal.

9. Caroline is going to her bedroom. _________ is going to sleep early today.

10. Sherly is going to the bathroom. _________ is going to take a shower and brush her

teeth afterwards.

Section D ( part 2 ) : Put a Tick [ ✔ ] if the sentences are correct and put a cross
[ X ] if the sentences are wrong. ( Look at the underline words )

1. Hanie buys eleven avocado at the shop today.

2. Jason gives Ben four spin tops at the school today.
3. Maddy eats all the nine pineapples in the fridge.
4. His father bought him three red bicycle as a reward for him.
5. Linda’s mother gives her seven white dolls for her birthday.
6. Eight yellow and grey duck are swimming in the Ceria Lake.
7. Ten blue and orange bird are sleeping in the apple’s tree.
8. One brown monkeys is stealing a banana in my grandpa’s farm.
9. Five girls are walking to the school together.
10. One apple cost $2 in the grocery store.
Section E: Write a comprehension about your house by using the keywords below.
-big or small house
-how many windows, doors, roofs and rooms
-what is the colour of your house
-who is living at your house
-2 levels or more levels















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