Lab 01 Seed Germination 2005
Lab 01 Seed Germination 2005
Lab 01 Seed Germination 2005
Part 1. Brainstorming
Question: What factors influence seed germination
Materials: markers and large newsprint paper
2. Brainstorm a list of 10-20 variables that might influence seed germination (sprouting).
3. All members of the group participate by taking turns recording ideas on the paper.
4. Place headings on the chart that include:
5. Post the completed charts on the walls of the room. These are sources of controlled variables.
2. Complete the Experimental Design Guide for an experiment to test whether or not Miracle Gro
speeds up seed germination. Use 5 levels of the independent variable and a measurable
dependent variable.
3. Follow your teachers instructions to make a dilution of Miracle Gro.
4. Instead of planting your seeds in soil, you will plant them in a germination bag. You make a
germination bag by placing 1 folded piece of paper towel in the plastic bag.
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Adapted by Kim B. Foglia • • © 2005
AP Biology Ms. Foglia
7. Plant approximately 10 seeds in a horizontal line approximately in the middle of the paper
8. Using masking tape, hang your germination bags on a cabinet door in the room
9. Construct a data table with a title. Your title must include the variables and the organism
studied Put the independent variable in the left-hand column.
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Adapted by Kim B. Foglia • • 2003-2004
AP Biology Ms. Foglia
TITLE _______________________________________________________________________
HYPOTHESIS ________________________________________________________________
CONTROL ___________________________________________________________________
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Adapted by Kim B. Foglia • • 2003-2004