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Development of Particle Boards from Rice

Straw and Sawdust using Urea-

Formaldehyde Resin as a Binder
Keysel A. Yamyamin Jovie Cabiles Dave Diosan Venus
Civil Engineering Program Civil Engineering Program Civil Engineering Program
College of Engineering College of Engineering College of Engineering
Education Education Education
University of Mindanao Matina, University of Mindanao Matina, University of Mindanao Matina,
Davao City, Philippines Davao City, Philippines Davao City, Philippines
k.yamyamin.518990@umindana j.cabiles.517037@umindanao. d.venus.518484@umindanao.

of using plant-based materials [3]. As an

agricultural country, rice plantations can be found
I. INTRODUCTION all over the place. Researchers in our country and
In recent years, a nation's economic progress is abroad discovered that replacing 25% of the cement
frequently reflected in the condition of its with rice straws resulted in no loss of strength. Rice
infrastructure. As the demand for affordable straws, which are also burned, could be used as
building materials continues to rise, researchers are reinforcing fibers in board, which could be a
exploring innovative methods to transform sustainable building material [4]. Moreover, rice
biodegradable waste into durable construction straw was used in cellular concrete and reported to
components that decompose naturally. Among these increase three-point bending strength while
materials, particle boards have gained popularity decreasing compressive strength. Furthermore, the
due to their versatility, durability, and adaptability rice straw improved the sound and heat insulation of
in various construction applications. Traditional the finished cellular concrete [5].
particle boards often rely on wood-based materials, Particleboards remain one of the most important
which can lead to deforestation and resource value-added panel products in the wood industry
depletion. As a response to these challenges, the use and are widely used in various fields of human
of agricultural by-products, such as rice straw and activity. Only one produced mechanical properties
sawdust, has emerged as a promising alternative. of laminated cementitious particleboards [6]. Urea-
Using raw materials in the production of particle formaldehyde resin is preferred in particle board
boards would begin an extensive research study into production due to its strong adhesive properties and
locating and converting other available agricultural low cost. It has been shown to enhance the bonding
remainders into a more valuable product. There are strength between particles, resulting in better
numerous advantages to using natural resources, mechanical properties such as bending strength and
including plants, in the manufacture of particle durability [7]. Aside from that, there are several
boards. One of these is that plant-based materials advantages to using urea-formaldehyde resin as a
are renewable and biodegradable, which aligns with binding agent, including strong bonding, water
environmentally friendly and sustainable resistance, and dimensional stability [8]. The
manufacturing practices. The use of these materials environmental advantages of using UF resin are
can improve the sustainability of construction significant. Thus, the properties of sustainable
products by reducing waste and environmental particleboards bonded with lignosulfonate-UF
impact [1]. The study emphasizes the possibility of adhesives show that UF resin can effectively
optimizing material ratios to improve mechanical improve internal bonding strength and modulus of
strength and durability of a particle board. Sawdust, rupture (MOR). This demonstrates the versatility of
a widely available material, has been thoroughly UF resin in enhancing board performance [9]. These
researched for its use in particle boards. When findings provide a more solid foundation for the
mixed with resin, it provides strong binding recycling of urea-formaldehyde resin. Additionally,
capabilities, improving the boards' physical the study found that using UF resin during co-
properties. Studies indicates that sawdust enhances pyrolysis improved the thermal stability of waste
the thermal insulation of particle boards and helps particleboards [10][11]. The composite board
maintain their lightweight structure [2]. produced shall not only help reduce the cost of a
Furthermore, the use of sawdust, a byproduct of building but would also be environment friendly for
wood processing, in biodegradable packaging it would introduce a new usage for the material
highlights the environmental and waste-free benefits components that were normally considered as

wastes [12]. Furthermore, advancements in UF efficient building techniques, and life-cycle
formulations have resulted in lower formaldehyde assessment, while providing alternative income
emissions, making these products suitable for sources for local farmers through the utilization of
indoor use. their agricultural byproducts.
Despite the promising results of previous studies, The scope of this study encompasses a thorough
there are still gaps in understanding the specific use analysis of the physical and chemical properties of
of raw materials in the production of particle these agricultural by-products, as well as the
boards. There is a lack of comprehensive insight specific methods for their treatment and preparation
into the synergistic effects that occur when for board manufacturing. The research will provide
combining rice straw and sawdust, especially in a detailed overview of the entire production process,
board applications. In particular, the optimization of including the precise mixing ratios and curing
material ratios and processing techniques, as well as techniques necessary to achieve optimal board
by using urea-formaldehyde resin as a binding performance. Additionally, the study will assess the
agent, remain inadequately explored. Furthermore, mechanical properties of the particle boards, such as
the impact of these factors on the mechanical and compressive strength and durability, while also
physical properties of the boards has not been evaluating their environmental benefits, including
thoroughly investigated. A comprehensive waste reduction and contributions to sustainability.
understanding of these factors is essential for Economic considerations will be explored,
developing a sustainable building material and to emphasizing cost-effectiveness and the potential for
determine how these materials can work together to generating additional income for local farmers. The
improve the overall performance and durability of research will not cover other forms of alternative
particle boards. materials. Ultimately, this study will offer valuable
This study aims to develop specific use of raw insights into the practical benefits of incorporating
materials in the production of particle boards. The agricultural waste into the construction industry.
specific goals include: (1) Develop particle boards
utilizing sawdust and rice straw as reinforcing
fibers, emphasizing their sustainability by reducing
agricultural waste and enhancing resource
efficiency, while also exploring their practical
applications in construction for structural integrity,
insulation, and eco-friendly building solutions. (2) II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Evaluate key physical properties of the particle A. Conceptual Framework
board, including water absorption, relative density,
and moisture content, to assess their suitability for The conceptual framework outlines the
real-world use. (3) Assess the mechanical properties development of particle boards from rice straw and
such as the modulus of rupture and compression sawdust using urea-formaldehyde resin. It begins
strength test, ensuring compliance with relevant with preparing the raw materials and adjusting their
industry standards. These goals will guide the proportions and particle sizes to enhance
research in developing a comprehensive sustainability. The materials are then mixed with
understanding of the properties and potential resin and subjected to hot pressing under controlled
applications of boards made from sustainable conditions to achieve optimal bonding. Finally, the
materials. resulting boards are evaluated for key physical
This study presents significant advantages to both properties like water absorption and moisture
the construction industry and the environment by content, as well as mechanical properties such as
exploring the innovative use of agricultural waste, modulus of rupture and nail head pull-through
particularly sawdust and rice straw, in the n
Input: Process: Output:
development of particle boards. By developing
boards that reduce waste and enhance resource Raw Materials Mixing Sawdust and Rice Key Physical Properties:
- Rice Straw Straw with Urea- - Water Absorption
efficiency, this research contributes to - Sawdust Formaldehyde Resin - Relative Density
environmentally friendly construction practices, - Varying Resin Amount - Moisture Content
- Adjusting
Urea-Formaldehyde Resin Sawdust/ Rice
such as waste recycling and resource recovery. The Straw Ratio Key Mechanical Properties:
evaluation of physical properties like water Proportions (Sawdust: Straw) - Modulus of Rapture
Hot Pressing - Compression Strength
absorption, relative density and moisture content, - Varying Pressure, Test
Particle Size (Control)
along with mechanical properties such as modulus Temperature, Curing Time
of rupture and compression strength test, ensures
that these boards meet industry standards, making strength, ensuring their suitability for construction
them viable alternatives to traditional materials. applications while meeting industry standards.
Ultimately, this study supports the construction Fig. 1. Conceptual Framework
industry in adopting sustainable solutions,
promoting practices such as eco-design, resource- B. Materials and Resources
Rice Straw The initial step involves collecting rice straw
Rice straw serves as a primary reinforcing fiber from agricultural fields in South Cotabato and
in the particle boards, composed of cellulose, sawdust from woodworking shops in Davao City.
hemicellulose, lignin, and silica. The straw is cut Both materials are carefully cleaned to remove
into 1 to 3 cm pieces to ensure effective mixing with impurities such as soil, dust, and other foreign
the resin, enhancing the boards' mechanical substances. The rice straw is then cut into pieces
properties and contributing to sustainability by measuring 1 to 3 cm to ensure uniformity during
minimizing agricultural waste. Rice straw is sourced mixing. The sawdust is sieved using a sieve number
from agricultural fields in South Cotabato, 10 (2 mm) to achieve a consistent particle size,
Philippines, which is known for its abundant rice which facilitates even distribution within the
production. particle board mixture and enhances bonding with
Sawdust the binder.
Sawdust is obtained from woodworking shops, Mixing of Materials
rich in cellulose and lignin, making it an excellent In this study, 15 particle board samples were
complement to rice straw in the particle board prepared to evaluate the mechanical strength, water
mixture. The sawdust is sieved to achieve a uniform absorption, and thermal performance of boards
particle size, crucial for ensuring consistent density made from varying ratios of rice straw and sawdust,
and surface quality in the final product. This material using urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin as the binder.
is sourced from woodworking shops in Davao City, The formulations included different rice straw to
a hub for woodcraft industries. sawdust ratios ranging from 50:50 to 80:20, as well
Urea-Formaldehyde Resin as variations in UF resin content for both the outer
Urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin acts as a key and core layers, ranging from 10% to 16%. The
binding agent, chosen for its cost-effectiveness and boards were enhanced with 2% ammonium
quick curing properties. It is sourced from chemical phosphate for fire resistance, 0.5% copper
suppliers such as Kraton Polymers and Sika naphthenate for mold resistance, and 0.8% paraffin
Philippines. Precise measurement and blending with wax emulsion for water resistance. These additives
the raw materials are essential for optimal bonding were mixed with the resin before being combined
during the hot-pressing process. with the wood fibers, and the mixtures were hot-
pressed at 20-30 MPa and 150-180°C to form dense,
cohesive boards.
Hot Pressing
Additives The homogeneous mixture is then placed into
Key additives include ammonium phosphate, a hot press machine. The machine applies controlled
which enhances fire resistance by forming a pressure (20-30 MPa) and temperature (150-180 °C)
protective char layer; copper naphthenate, an to the mixture, allowing the UF resin to cure and
antifungal agent that prevents Mold and mildew; bond the fibers together. The pressing time is
and paraffin wax emulsion, which reduces water carefully monitored and adjusted based on the
absorption by creating a hydrophobic layer. These desired thickness and density of the particle boards,
additives are sourced from specialized chemical ensuring a compact and cohesive structure.
suppliers and are critical for improving the Cooling and Conditioning
performance and durability of the particle boards.
After the pressing process, the particle boards
Equipment and Resources are removed from the hot press and allowed to cool
The study utilizes several specialized pieces of at room temperature. This cooling period is essential
equipment. An industrial-grade mechanical mixer is for the resin to fully set, achieving optimal hardness
employed to blend the rice straw, sawdust, UF resin, and stability. Following cooling, the boards undergo
and additives into a homogeneous mixture. A hot- a conditioning phase where they are stored in a
pressing machine is used to apply pressure (20-30 controlled environment with regulated humidity and
MPa) and temperature (150-180 °C) to cure the temperature to ensure even moisture content
resin, forming a cohesive board structure. Testing throughout the boards.
instruments, such as moisture meters and tensile Testing of Physical and Mechanical Properties
testers, ensure that the particle boards meet specific
Once conditioned, the particle boards undergo
quality standards for moisture resistance, mechanical
various tests to evaluate their physical and
strength, and durability.
mechanical properties. The Water Absorption Test
C. Methods and Procedures measures the amount of water absorbed by the
The methodology for developing particle boards over a specified period to assess their
boards from rice straw and sawdust involves several moisture resistance, following the ASTM D1037
key steps to ensure consistent quality and standard. The Relative Density Measurement
performance of the final product. determines the density of the boards to ensure they
Collection and Preparation of Raw Materials meet the required specifications, adhering to the
ASTM D2395 standard. Additionally, the Modulus
of Rupture (MOR) Test evaluates the bending The data obtained from the physical and
strength of the boards, which is critical for structuralmechanical property tests are analyzed and
applications, following the ASTM D1037 standard. compared against relevant industry standards to
Lastly, the Compression Strength also conducted assess the performance of the produced particle
according to ASTM D1037, evaluates the board's boards. This analysis informs any necessary
resistance to compressive forces, which is crucial adjustments to the formulation or production
for determining its structural integrity and load- process to enhance the quality and suitability of the
bearing capacity. boards for specific applications.
Data Analysis D. Abbreviations and Acronyms
UF – Urea-Formaldehyde
Urea-FormaldehydeMOR – Modulus of Rupture
Rice Resin WA – Water Absorption
Sample Sawdust MC – Moisture Content
Straw Outer

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