Community Health Nursing-I June 2008

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lncluding Communir.v, Nursitt-".- {, Ern,ironnzettta! t'lt,grene, Heolrh Eclucatiott & Communicutian
S?llls & |iutritirttt.s
Thursdal, 5th June 2008 ) (Time : 9.00 a m to 12 00 noon
Total Marks : 75

1. The Candidate must udte her,his Seat Nurnber in EIJGLISH.

2. Piease note ttLat tire qLiestion paper set in ENGLISH version is t-rnal toi anv doutrt in MARATHI

Q.1. (A) Selcct most eppropriate ansrvsr from the followiug" (0s)
1) Noise pollution is caiculaied b1, measure.
a) Calorie b) cms
I Decibel-
2) iodine is a nutrient necessa4, for production of _ hamnones.
a) Grorrth b) Piturary
g) Thyrozine
3) Yaccine is live attinuated yaccine.
a) Tetanus 9
c) Typhiod
4) Anganwadi at the rural areas are component of
a) Mid day meal H
c) Schocl health
5) Effective methods of health education are
il Group discussion b) Lecnrre
g1 Exhibirion
(B) Match the following (0s)
..A)) {(Br)

1) Refuse disposal a) A.V.Aid

2) Slide projector b) malaria
3) Steam under pressure c) Pyorrhoea
4) Oral Hygiene d) Food cooks quickly
5) Plasmodium vivax e) incineration
fl Anaemia
((-) State'frue on False. (0s)
1) ].{utrition does not affect the hurnair health.
2) Measles vaccine is given at the age of 2 to 3 years.
i) O,R.S. is given for the treatment of diarrhoeal patient.
4) Hard rvater produces good lather rvirh soap.
5) lriurse must know the lega1 rmportance of record & report.

I of4
60N-162. -2-

Q.2. Write short not*s on {ANY THREE). (1s)

{} Iron
S!"'h{ethods of cooking
.,|y Proteins
4) W.H.O. da],Llieme of 2008
5) Visit to seriage cisposal plant
Q.3. A) Define the follorvins terms (Af{ll F{\,8} t0s)
i) Fomrtes
..!) Communicafion
g lncubatiorr Period )
\-'. infant N{.qrtqIH rate
jt'ld '-
'9, Heatth
@" Family
B) State difference betryren {ANY TWO) $8|@-
Deep well aad Shailoin, rvell
7) Kwashiorkor & Marasrntn 38
j-} I{ospital and Ccurmunitv l{ealth Nursing

Q.4. Ans*.sr the following questions. .

1) Write Frurctions of "Yit 'A". (04)

?) \lry1at precaution you will take u,-hile preparing audio r isual ards? (04)
3) Role of community heaith nurse in National Rural heakh mission. (07)
Q.4. Ay*wer the following questions.
.-,tr) Write &e principles and objectives of famil1'healtir care (0s)
, " "s/
2) List various water born diseases. Explain horr, vou t,ill uear (0s)
a \#'
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dehydration at home.
3) Explain various hause hold methods of rl'ater purification (05) r
Q.s. During your rural public health experience ,vou are posted ur pnmary healtil
centre. Ansi.ver the following.
1) What are the different frlnction of PHC 'l (0s)
2j Write the health assesslnent of adolescence. (0s)
3) List the different nierhods of group teaching (0s)
Q.s. Ansu,e r the following.
1) Define "Air Polluhon " and its'causes (05)
2) Write the effects of air pollution on health. (0S)
3) What are the measure for preventiol and controi of air pollution?^ (05)
. 2of4
(o N-162 -?- Y
q-€rtrq qfrq'qf qRqE,
gwRn'rflf, qffirl qIft M se;q q{ qRe* (TeI
rrT - 8 Wr;ier?m ,qn+rq qM -q
(En-'d€gS,T qfi* qffir- e.E-qTrrrfrrm erqfu-q,lcl qq+?IE, ariifraai{ q+t-d qTFI ;g*flq)
Fqr{ q Eq ?oot) (to ,- $fi* t.oo t gqq qQ.oo
)a '$
ffeR'oTWi : \99
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? .E-d& ErSft-c{ rnqiilErftd GT-s"E?me ffi

qfifr-m sgqqh.sT dfrq' li.Sa

e. e (G{) Grgffi *A A-q*, (or,)

q) sqqA dqq"rq msqt-€,.r& f qqt€
q) 6iltr e) *.fr o) tR-qa
l) Elqt*aTftffffiHT etT*RqEqi ffiIu'effi-*,T{q exr&.
s) *el e) RTri{et a') aiTq*ffiq
i) Ea-frr{IS€ ffiFK€€ orn'eB.
+i) qryln q) fr.S.* m) edqr{s
r) fieq qTrnfta i+{qq$ 6r *-- odtFqTqT qer {r+ eT*.
a) $rA*dq e) GTrq.S.S.qsi m') wrdqorftq
r) fr srT{rq fte{rqT* qeEH qr}.
G{) sgrfif v) qrsm en) rqqfq

a) Glsql aIEI. ("q)

rre '3f, 'E'rre
q) +r+=RTffite ei) {*srTarqrerE
l) la6g**€? e') qAfuT
3) ETb-qrEKRfldt o) qHlRqT
x) dffistrfrI e) 31=qffiF'rp*'6
r) ffiEqq€qEfu V) $drrnT
w) ffifrqT
o) gen et E-t)-q{ d HrrrT (o q)
l) q-gqraT o,r$qm a1r6lr a afr'orEo qi*.
?) 'M 4qrzry EIE A fi-q
Ee-ti q*Tero tflrf,. qT

) GTqfiqI sreqT tqfe-f,I qt-$q-m-Sf,r q.ffi *f,m.

? EqT eTR

u) q1uqiqs+ q.mim *-s -r{x{ ffi.

. r) qRqTfremT dr$ e s'rqflrqr T&ftt{Eq rrrrq E qTBfr €i-{ffi

3 of4
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s.?. sr#e.ffiffi*.fi{ *qifrr6r. (qq)'
r) 8il6
q) q;qRmquqrelq?a*
1) *-Eq
u) tnffifrs aiitqfuH Qoo( qltiqftdqETEq
t) rrm'g, ffirer,qreFrdT tc e') r$rfi-f,frAeTqrenfrEl. to")
q) #eq u) EIsgqE{
r) $Er< t) eiTtl'q
$) r{rrtwqsi-nE* a) Sgg

e) sffiH€61l- {'rm*q) (q" i

r) g}aBfirqs€rtrfrfu \/
q) EElRrci-{EFt (g+fr ) q gtftq'T
?) E smrfri-s'rqr*,q qRqqf

s.B. qr#mw{i*emtqq.
q)'aT'Mffr$kri, (ot)
l) Etrs{iaqqtq+Hfi?s-{f,Frrzr-rqEurtlet,a? (ot}
i) ffiqqltqqftqiilfr'mqiqTFrrsttqqffioi*rp+'ifut, ("tg)
e.8. rqr*'f, sFTtfr smt at.
q) S'€ErqT a.rdfii trct E ts-{ffi
qT*?rtEqqs fra (o q)
t) gEfr qr"qq* .rqrorl*ql {F fl* qli frEI E qdgqtl STalu, wgfr avm ( q)
6Yffr t sTE E ri.

i) wft g< cF-sqrar EN'3fr ffi15ql qgEfr H.€ E'-tT- (oq)

q.q. g€ nfpr eryrqr-sRf,r xqR-o qT#q +g qe) qrtrd ct*d er{t* s"t qqT.

I) sprRdt slTqt'q ffi M sfi frsr. ("q)

t) dTrsrEre)frc{ qrt q f,qrsq .nqt iF-{drd A kEI. ("q)
$) 're frreroT fuqaT ${ft ("q)
s.q. rEl#f,smi* stut m.
r) alArggqffiqrculfr-dle"ffiAffi-ttfrET. (oq)
l) EA-aT r-gqqTt qi+-qEr df.Trt qRorq ftEr. (o q)
i ) 6aqT s-gqqq{ fr{ieo" q efuiffiq-o avtq fr-el. (" q)
*** {<{<* I ***
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