Primary Health Care December 2016

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. WEDNESDAY, 21sr DECEMBER 2016 ,.:,. .. :

[Trnae : 9-00 -q..vr. ro 12-00 Noon]

(Torar, Manrs : 75)

1. The Candidate must rvrite irer/his Seat NumLrer in ENGIISH"

2. Please note that the cluesticn papel' set in ENGI,ISH version is finai for any
cloubt rn lILLRATHI Paper'.

." Marks
1. (A) Select the appropriate answer from the following. r- , (05)
(1) After Dog bite vaccine given.
(o) A.R.\r. (b) A.S.V. : .: :,:
(c) A.S.S. (d) A.R.T.
-, . : . :

(2) The pulse rate more than 100 beats / min is known BS ....1....,.... :

, Bradycardia
(cz) (6) Tachycardia
(c) Tachyponea (d) Bradyponea.
(3) is the communicable disease. ,. i

(a) Tetanus (b)_Diptheria

(c) Anaemia (d) Scabies.

(o) Scurvey (b) Beriberi

(c) Rickets (d) Night blindness.
(5) is I'unclicinal unit of'the body.
(a) l.lephron (b) Ct,ll'
(c) Tissue (d) Certiioge.
(R) h{atch the ibliorving :- (05)
A' Group t B'Group
(1) Mara-"rnus (o) 'XB
(2) HIV (b) Muscle and S,rbcutioneous fai wasting
(3) Iliabc,tes (c) Adis
(4) DOTS (d) Insulin
(5) Deng;ue (e) AIDS. 'i

(C) State fnue or _flruJsa :-- (05)

(1) inflammation of mtninges is caiied as meningitis.
(2) Vit K is hi.lp in coagulation ol the bkiocl.
(3) Tlie Respiratory rate rnore than 30 breath / rnin is called as
(4) Neuron is the functional unit of'the kidne,y.
(5) Tonornetry is instrument used fbr exarnination of'ear.

ITtirit ou:r
Cor l0ll :2
2. Writsshort notes (any three)":.-':' , (15)
(o) Ievels of prevention.l
(b) Pasteurization
(c) Administratioas of drugs'
(d) Hypothermia.

3. (A) Define the following (any fi.ue):- (05)

(i) Fever
(li) Malaria
(iill) Health
(ru) Immunization
(u) Hypertension
(ul) Family.

'(E).State the difference between (any;two):- 10)


(i)' trisinfection and Sterilization

(ll) Marasmus and Ku,ashwiorkar
(lll) Chicken Pox and N{easles.
4. Answer the foilowing questions :-
(s) Define Infection (02)

(b) Write types of infection (04)

(c) Write classification of imrnunity (04)
(d) Write role and responsibility oinur=e in preventian of irfeeiton. (05)
Answer the follovring questions :-
(o) Define communicable disease (02)
(b) How will you prevent the cross infection" (04)
(c) What is the epidemic? What are the causes of epidernic ? (04)
(d) Write the role of A.N.h{. in Epidemic. :

5. Mr. Rupesh is admitted in your rvard because of AIDS" Based cn this

answer the following questions :--
(c.) Define AiDS. (02)
(b) Write Causes, signs and Syrnptoms of AIDS. (ol+l
(c) Write in detail about the treatmeni and nursing eare of AIDS. (05)
(d) Write the prevention and health e,lucation ahout the AIDS. (05)


Mr. Rajendra 50 yrs. Old is known ease of Diabetes Nlellitus. He is an Inj

Insulin :-
(a) Ileiine Diabetes Nlellitus" ( 0'2 )

(b) Write ttre cau:ces and signs, sympiorrrs of'D.N1. (04)

(c) V/rite ttre l)ietaly pian tbr Fir. Ra.jenilrn. iu\r Dial:etes Mellitu-.. (ti5)
(d) $,Rrat Lreaitli cducatirrn rvill you gi:,,e to tv{r. Re.jcniira regiri'din€{ care ((l+)
at HurrrP.
Cox 1011
q-r4leTP{ s:f{.rru'"f qfuTq, cffi
SM q"trr.r onfu psqo=6
qerq qS qfrq{r, tq:r-g
qrryq-ft BFer &ars
qqsru, fu6?e BiTq-{ QoeQ

t+d' : t S*t
vrnp-r$ oq-oo g?-ool

(g*or T"I ' tg',)

e. fr*qr I eqiqr ail-fi-{ r.qio &;udqt,* frETqr.
?. rtr$ qr+#d 3rsqufiqrd} €u-fr qTq-ed srrsB*r
siRrT {r&f,"
q. (ei) q),q {r"E trrrqn er6+ guf fl{r ;- (.q
(q) gx{lcf{ €+{fi-{ forfl.

v (et) q.Gnr.d. (q) q.\-€'.€

(.rh) q.w.q$. (e) q.3il-i.C)
(a) -arl ftftuisT 9co SqT qlki gi-@'rtt .ott+ ...'...'. r€nrdrci.
(er) ,trS'nrSsl (e) #r+rdlqi
(e) #i=ftqr (e) fffiqr
(i) '... 6r €rrrfqq sil,{r< Gir}.
(er) t:-fqcr (q) sE-sd
(o) {frrc{q' (e) ffie (gi-ru).
(v) .fqq-<rs 'eT' GTqrqrq.A ':': ET errqrs eki.
(ei) ipdr (.{) n{ffi
(<l) 5-€qt:" (€.) q33i'arlq'r11"
(,r) ei er*qm tndq-q qrT 3n-t.
(ea) itri-{ (e) ffi
(.r) ftEg (s) tnnft-s'
(e) qtq'qlsEl Edqr:- ("'r)
' t q'-ld
' G{t.lE
(q) er<fsrqs (ei)
(l) qq.erq.Et. (q) r{rg e e"iers-o'E-rfr tnft ddr
(l) qg+d (o) qR-'s
(u) d-rq' (e) E-{sfrn
(,J) *=I (s) \Es,
(cr) qrfre fr*iri EF 6t q{tqx, t ftrei ,- ("9)
(c) ,t-( GTm.wrfl-dar n"Mfi' erq) rasr-.r*t-c.
(r) *q-rg+* 'eF' B qw ri)-oo-qrc{ rr-o q,-r&.
(l) rqrrnal_flereT d-q a" dtqtftfr,rrtf,r \irw: Gr*teq-r*r <qrdT dffiqi
erq] qurrrro
(s) g.".{q er grFi,q-an or$etq qrr en*.
(q) erd+t-l tr $T?lq ol=irfi ru-rcTft o-{r-qx{ ETq{flRi.
i scTi c-dr
CoN 1011 4
a. ftcr fa-ei (o)urcql-s dq),- (.ig)
(sr) sfuurqo !H{

(o) efivu)-rarc i..qC ffiq q.r.f

(s) qtfr dTcq6.
3. (et) ur*a q.REl fu-rr (onr-c+r€ qrq) :- ("'r)
(q) etv
(t) R-rols
(l) 3ila}"q
(x) erE{losoT
(,r) s.q {aKlfl-q
(q) ggq
(e) tnr6 FrE @-{T (rrtur-df,r et{):- (c")
(r) wgqmrE q ftr$-gdr+vur
(t) r-{T{q-qr q offirs
(3) .ni-ru-qT q -r)-q{.
u. srfra lqTim rrt fr-ar ,-
(er) 'aigqj-{Trll*' qrqt fr'U. ("r)
(e) -"rgriil,rfA rq;x fr-sr. ("t)
(o) qffiorro q"ffin q.fiErrT ftET (ou)
(s) v-qaiu,rf-<r qRiiq q f|-{aunqeitd cffiffi qqrq-Erfi ftro. ("'j)
(ei) sisr.f-wq €ur$ oru ?
GTTuitr ("r)
(e') qervrql grrqrdT ri{rf +o. =r$ e-"5.i pffi srds qra ? ("u)
(zr) wu rtoi-"i orq ? trq Elu-qr* tnnl} effi ? ("u)
(v) wer au-fr ersror (q.g{.gq ) zft TfumT orq emd a fu6T. ("'r) v
q. ft.s-+yT qifl vsr+ -*reitd. (qrctrqrrd disFd ard qTe. eq lgrdtf, er{ifr
sot fuar,-
(+t) gs*+ E-urS o;rq ? (oe)
(e) q-€S{ fr zil{ui q 1}-Q, oer.) ftr-6r. ("a)
(o) gsfl qT Bsqn q qftqrR*d znrS ftru. ("q)
(s) qs--$ Ets r-S lo"5l ottffi *,-1 tznfl q ert+q RreroT a-ril ErTd I (.q)
. fth{r
flq. qr-S(\" q$ qq eil*. .qirT qg+s errai or* e s,r-qftrq €fqcm .qiiT
aq er*. srfi-d nq{ifr e"at fka,- |
(sT) q*Xt6 q"r-$ tnrq ? ("4)

(q) str{u}, ftr€ q eerd fusr. (ou)

( o9,

(e) *ft. ir'ff, qirT u* sil1M oT-f,S +,qrM q;rq end.q rrc'crl qrfl. (ou)

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