Reviewer RS1a

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Article 9: "I Believe in the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints"

1. Nature and Mission of the Church:

o The Church is a community of believers in Jesus Christ, baptized, and in
communion with the Pope.
o Requirements to Belong to the Church:
1. Belief in Jesus as Christ.
2. Baptism.
3. Communion with the Pope.
2. Mission of the Church:
o Establishing God’s Kingdom through evangelization (proclaiming the Gospel)
and sacramentalization (sanctifying through sacraments).
3. Symbols of the Church:
o People of God: Unity of believers from all nations.
o Body of Christ: Spiritual body with Christ as the head.
o Bride of Christ: Church as the bride and Christ as the groom.
o Flock of Christ: Jesus as the shepherd guiding His community.
4. Four Characteristics of the Church:
o One: United under one faith and leadership (the Pope).
o Holy: Guided by the Holy Spirit; members strive for holiness.
o Catholic: Universal, open to all people.
o Apostolic: Founded on the Apostles and their teachings, with Apostolic
Succession (unbroken line of bishops).
5. The Communion of Saints:
o States of the Church:

 Pilgrim Church (on earth),

 Suffering Church (in Purgatory),
 Glorified Church (in Heaven).
o Canonized Saints: Officially recognized saints in Heaven.
o Adoration vs. Veneration:
 Adoration is worship reserved for God alone.
 Veneration is honor given to saints.

Article 10: "I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins"

1. Nature of Sin:
o Definition: Sin is a deliberate act against God’s Commandments.
o Types of Sins:
 Venial Sin: Minor offense; wounds the soul, excusable.
 Mortal Sin: Grave offense; requires Sacrament of Penance.
o Difference between Sin and Mistake: Sin requires intent and awareness;
mistakes are unintentional.
2. Power of the Keys:
o Jesus granted the Apostles, particularly St. Peter, the authority to forgive sins.
o Requirements for Forgiveness:

1. Repentance: Sincere regret.

2. Resolution: Strong intent to avoid sin.
3. Reparation: Making amends for harm caused.
o Confession to the Church:

 Follows Jesus’ institution of the Sacrament of Penance.

 Ensures reconciliation with both God and the Church community.
3. Proofs of Belief in Forgiveness:
o Peace of Mind: Assurance of God’s grace.
o Forgiving Others: Reflects belief in God’s mercy.

Apostles' Creed Articles 11 & 12

1. Resurrection and Judgment: Two types - Particular (individual) and Universal (at the
end of time).
2. Eschatology: Study of last things, including death, resurrection, and the final judgment.
3. Purgatory: State of purification before entering Heaven.
4. Heaven and Hell: Heaven as eternal communion with God, Hell as eternal separation.

 The Beatific Vision: Direct, eternal contemplation of God in Heaven.

 Special Days and Traditions

 November 2: All Souls' Day, dedicated to praying for the souls in Purgatory.
 "Memento Mori": A reminder of mortality and the need for spiritual preparedness.

 Creed’s End with "Amen": An affirmation of faith and belief in the statements within the

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