Reviewer RS1a
Reviewer RS1a
Reviewer RS1a
1. Nature of Sin:
o Definition: Sin is a deliberate act against God’s Commandments.
o Types of Sins:
Venial Sin: Minor offense; wounds the soul, excusable.
Mortal Sin: Grave offense; requires Sacrament of Penance.
o Difference between Sin and Mistake: Sin requires intent and awareness;
mistakes are unintentional.
2. Power of the Keys:
o Jesus granted the Apostles, particularly St. Peter, the authority to forgive sins.
o Requirements for Forgiveness:
November 2: All Souls' Day, dedicated to praying for the souls in Purgatory.
"Memento Mori": A reminder of mortality and the need for spiritual preparedness.
Creed’s End with "Amen": An affirmation of faith and belief in the statements within the