Foreword: by Senior Navigator Ministries Staff in Davao City, Mr. Jose “Eseng” V. [from Luzon, Phils.]
[12:19 P.M., August 9, 2018; Thursday; To be finally included in my future Parts of my “revelation.”
Preferably in my next Internet publication, “A Revelation of Darvin Anthony Delgra, Part 3.”] ii
Why I deem that there should be a Part 2 of my Internet publication that I uploaded on December 22, 2012:
the day before December 23, 2012 for a most unusual, confidential reason related to the “December 21,
2012 End of the World-hype,” but I have a separate source of concern. iii
Introduction iv
Questions about my Christian Faith and the Catholic Religion, the Church of my
birth, which I tried to answer myself. I am a long-time Navigator Ministries
member since July 1, 1980. The Navigators is an international, interdenominational,
evangelical Christian para-church organization which has its roots as a movement in the
U.S. Navy in 1933 and founded by Dawson Trotman, an American from California. The
common doctrines of our members from different mainline Christian churches are: 1.) salvation
by faith; 2.) God-Man Jesus; 3.) Trinity. (There may be a fourth one however; and this is that
the Holy Spirit is neuter: neither male nor female.) If one Christian’s church has at least these three
(3) common elements, he or she will not be required to leave their Christian church’es religion.
[I need more time to write about this Chapter. And so lately (now June 30, 2018) I decided
to just include this chapter in my future editions of this Internet publication: “A Revelation
of Darvin Anthony Delgra, Part (more than 2 & later parts).”] [*Brief sample discussions
below. I have my own ideas about my church’ unusual practices. And they are original.]
*I am not convinced about the charge that the Catholic Church is an apostate church because
of its many visual arts practices, etc. The truth is that “the promise holds fast, the promise
holds true, and the promise is still there.” The Catholic (meaning universal) Church is the
church of the promise. The doctrines about the virgin Mary (and Virgin Mary), Christ Child,
Purgatory, etc. are products of very intelligent human thinkers gifted by God in Jesus with
sound metaphysical reasoning abilities. There really may be just two (2) places beyond earth
which the souls of the departed [temporarily] stays: Paradise and Hell. In Luke 23:43 Jesus
said to the repentant thief also hanged on the cross [maybe to his right], “I tell you the truth,
today you will be with me in paradise.” Paradise and Hell may just really be two temporary
places for the two kinds of departed dead: the just and the unjust. Hell is not forever: its final
destiny is the Lake of Fire (maybe the infinitely hot, infinitely dense point that is the inverse
of the “Big Bang Theory” of the contemporary physical scientists; this is the: “Big Crunch”;
see Wikipedia in the Internet). I don’t believe in the “Big Bang Theory” but it has merit
when considering the Biblical truth of the “Lake of Fire” spoken of in the Bible in Revelation
20:15; this is the inverse of the theory, the “Theory of Big Crunch” – this is maybe clearly the
Lake of Fire – it will exist for all eternity – but infinitely far from Heaven. The fire of hell may
be just the “fire of wood,” that is why it is bearable for the evil inhabitants there who tortures the
departed unjust dead. But the destiny of Satan and all his hordes of evil beings and all the unjust
– whether dead or alive at Jesus Christ 2nd Coming – is this Lake of Fire mentioned in Revelation
20:15. How about the Purgatory? How about this? In Daniel Chapter 4 in the Old Testament of
the Bible, King Nebuchanezzar’s insanity for exactly 7 years was really a 7-year stay in (literal)
hell. Aside from my “backward-culture unusual” “aviation/ aerospace unusual enthusiast rule-
breaker behavior,” I don’t deserve my own actual experience of a 4-month stay there during my
emotional disorder in (December 1982-April 1983) after my emotional breakdown (“collapse of
my emotional health”) in December 1982 after enduring a 3-semester or 1½ year emotional ordeal
in the non-aviation environment at the Cebu Institute of Technology (June 1981-October 1982);
after which I transferred schools to the University of San Carlos-Technological Center at the
opposite northeastern side of metropolitan Cebu City. Once in the 1990’s a fellow Digos (former)
town resident, Mr. Saturnino A. asked me what it was like in my temporary emotional disorder state
in December 1982-April 1983. I told him: “it cannot be described.” But I thought about it later, and
I realized it was really a 4-month temporary stay in “a literal hell of a 4-month emotional disorder.”
Although it’s not hot, it is an equivalent. Here on earth, with the judgment of lawbreakers, we have
the Penal Code which determines and specifies the stay (months or years) in prison as the sentence
of lawbreakers; or permanent stay in prison called reclusion perpetua as sentence punishment for certain
heinous crimes or offenses. King Nebuchadnezzar’s 7-year nervous disorder (disorder of emotion
due to fear) was temporary and it produced for him a godly character in the end of that period when
he acknowledged that Almighty God is sovereign among all the rulers of the world; and that he
alone gives power and dominion to anyone on earth he chooses. I think this kind of temporary hell is
the Purgatory (but I still have to do an extensive study on this Catholic doctrine). I am happy to
learn that my group, The Navigator Ministries, on page 131-1 recognizes the virgin Mary in its Statement
of Faith. No. 3 of these (in 10 items): “That Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit and born
of the virgin Mary, and that He was and remains true God and true man.” (But I have exact ideas
about this reality.) I make distinction about the concepts virgin Mary, Virgin Mary, Blessed virgin
Mary, Blessed Virgin Mary. Like for example: that the Blessed Mary is the virgin Mary; the female
human being chosen by God from Eternity Past to be the human mother of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
However, the Virgin Mary is the person in the [human being’s] Blessed Mary’s heart. Now this is
NOT the human being Blessed Mary. Now as a brief digression, I posed this question to 5 people
already, and no got it right: “Are we in our hearts, are we in our lungs, are we in our stomachs, or
are we in our heads?” The first three (3) of them, (the third was a nun) and the last (no. 5) readily
answered: “we are in our hearts” – which I believe is wrong. The fourth person (male) cannot
decide whether “we are in our hearts or in our heads” and so he gave me a joke answer: “I am in
my stomach because I am hungry.” I believe we human beings are all in our heads (brains, minds:
where our spirits reside – I have a discussion in the Afterword of the Part 1 of this Internet publication).
In the modern times, this would be: “we are in our CPU(s)” (Central Processing Unit(s) in computer
terminology). And this our brains or minds in our heads. Our hearts are at first an empty place
or inner room in our houses (our bodies: see Hebrews 3:1-6 which compares our bodies, hearts,
life/ lives, souls and spirits to a house). In 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, it says that all of us together is
the house of God, and that the Spirit of God (clearly the Holy Spirit) lives among us in his house.
In the King James Bible, and in other versions of the Bible, this house is rendered, the temple of God:
that our bodies (etc., heart, life, soul, spirit) is the temple of God that is holy. In 2 Corinthians 1:22
it says (The Living Bible Version): “He has put his brand upon us – his mark of ownership – and
given us his Holy Spirit in our hearts as guarantee that we belong to him, and as the first installment
of all that he is going to give us.” So that the Person in the Blessed Mary’s heart is the Holy Spirit
himself (in italics, since the Holy Spirit is neuter, neither male nor female in orthodox Christian
doctrine). The Hail Mary standard Catholic prayer, I believe, is a two-part prayer: a Blessed Mary fans
club vocalization; and prayer to the Holy Spirit, of which the Blessed Mary’s heart is the Holy Spirit’s
first home: The Blessed Mary really is the first Christian. Even before the Pentecost (Acts 2:1-13),
the Holy Spirit entered the heart of one person, the Blessed Mary, during the Annunciation
(Luke 1:26-38), when the Angel Gabriel visited the virgin Mary to announce to her that she is
chosen to be the virgin mother of the Christ (the Messiah; according to the Bible, the Savior who
will come to deliver God’s chosen people). What did the virgin Mary said to the Angel Gabriel:
“May it be done unto me according to your word.” (I don’t know what Bible version is the rendering
of the words of the virgin Mary just stated.) But I will present next the version of Luke 1:38 in
my The Way, The Living Bible Version: “Mary said, ‘I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing
to do whatever he wants. May everything you said come true.’ And then the angel disappeared.”
In verse 34-35 of Luke 1, it is written: “Mary asked the angel, ‘But how can I have a baby? I am
a virgin.’ The angel replied, The Holy Spirit shall come upon you, and the power of God shall
overshadow you; so the baby born to you shall be utterly holy – the Son of God.” The Angel
Gabriel, when we consider the messages in the rest of the Bible, really means that the Holy Spirit
will enter the Blessed virgin Mary’s heart, and the Spirit of the Son of God will enter the virgin Mary’s
womb so He will have flesh like all human beings. For the Son of God, begotten by the Almighty
God from Eternity Past, before the Incarnation, is a pure Spirit in Heaven. What Mary answered
to the Angel Gabriel is the equivalent of the Prayer of Salvation for Christians (see the Bridge to Life
Witnessing Material of The Navigator Ministries), who live after Jesus Christ’s first mission which
happened 2000 years ago; the reference beginning of our A.D. Calendar. The Person inside the
Blessed virgin Mary’s heart is the Holy Spirit, which makes and qualifies her to become the first
Christian; even before the Pentecost (Acts 2:1-13). I believe that the Holy Spirit, when He (italics
since He is neuter) choses to present to us her person, she will chose to reveal to us herself in the
image of the person which is her first home: the image of the virgin Mary. But the Blessed virgin
Mary, maybe, is still to be resurrected in the First Resurrection (of the saved Elect) which may be
very soon; for we are now at the beginning of the 7th Millennium from the Creation of Adam and
Eve in 4004 B.C. (see Wikipedia in the Internet). So, I believe that the Virgin Mary is not the
Blessed virgin Mary (yet to be resurrected with the rest of the saved Elect during the First Resurrection
at Jesus Christ 2nd Coming). Though the image which the Holy Spirit will be that of the Blessed
virgin Mary, I believe that the Virgin Mary (the neuter person in the Blessed Mary’s heart), is the
neuter Holy Spirit when she chooses to reveal herself to us in the New Testament Times. I have many
more ideas about this; but I think this is enough to sway the protest of other Christians in different
denominations not to denigrate our many Catholic doctrines and practices that with just “surface
understanding” conclude that the Catholic Church is having many unbiblical practices. About the
Christ Child, our Santo Niño statue at home has the face of a real one-year old child. I don’t know
who bought this statue, whether my late father Glicerio or my late mother Carolina. But I guess they
have good artistic taste for I inherited my artistic appreciation/ tastes traits from them. My history
teacher at the University of San Carlos in Cebu City in mid-1980’s told us his class that the visual
arts practices of the Catholic Church, even other churches like the Orthodox Church, etc. – they can
speak to illiterates [and children]. I still have to do an in-depth research on the Christ Child. Whatever
the members of other Christians say about this doctrine, the fact is that it was instrumental in the
conversion of the early Filipinos to the Catholic religion. And the truth is that the many Catholic visual
arts practices which dated to antiquity has the value of pictures or photographs in the modern times.
Now, you don’t call any photograph as an idol, for it is an essentially exact copy of images of
actual people that are in the pictures. Members of other religions, please respect the many visual arts
practices of the Catholic religion. vi
Related Questions and Issues about Religion, Science, Life, Meaning, Existence, etc.
[I need more time to write about this Chapter. And so lately (now June 30, 2018) I
decided to just include this chapter in my future editions of this Internet publication:
“A Revelation of Darvin Anthony Delgra, Part (more than 2 & later parts).”] [However,
I choose to state here very briefly facts that are deliberately forgotten by our society’s more
intelligent members such as the atheist scientists whose words are regarded as absolute
truths. I hope that after reading my short discussions here you will be wary of them.]
There are many questions in science such as: “is there intelligent life (or even just
ordinary biological life such as moss, etc.) in outer space?” Regarding the first case, it
is my quite credible opinion that there is absolutely no intelligent life out there (space).
I got my idea from the Christian religion: Jesus Christ will not go there to save those
fallen E.T.’s (extra-terrestials) by becoming a “God-E.T.” himself – the only way to
save them, just the way he saved the human beings here on earth. He became God-Man
to save us, and he is successful. Now, for the Part 2 of his mission, he will come
again to gather all the saved elect, those who were triumphant in their struggle with
evil, to bring them into eternal glory with him in heaven. We are now already in the
7th Millennium from the Creation of Adam and Eve in 4004 B.C. The Millennium,
the Thousand Years spoken of in Revelation 20:1-6 in the Bible may really just be
already in the offing. I included below, the very first scanned material, which is
about “[Repent], The end is near (ha, ha).” There are very many signs already that the
End is very near: The first may be the human capability for total annihilation such
as the many nuclear weapons, etc. Please read the first scanned article below. I have
more original ideas about this Section, but I choose to just include them in my future
writings. vii
“The End is Near (ha, ha),” Thursday, October 30, 1997, Malaya national daily
Newspaper OPINION, Editorial article. 1-1
Front page newspaper article: “Man Burns Self to Death at Park” (Ritual seen by a big crowd, he
failed to ‘resurrect’). Cebu City local daily newspaper SunStar, August 11, 1985, Sunday. 2-1
September 19, 1990 reply letter of my (in early 1980’s) then searching Phys 311 Nuclear Physics teacher
at the Cebu Institute of Technology, Engr. Feliciano V. Paradela, BSME, M.S. Physics. 3-1
THE ALTERNATIVES TO PSYCHOANALYSIS: Source: Great Events of the 20th Century; Freud,
by Reader’s Digest. 4-1
Movie in August 2004: “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,” starring Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet,
Kirsten Dunst, Elijah Wood; “One of the great movie love stories ever told,” – Glenn Whipp,
Los Angeles Daily News. This movie is about a love story and normal schizophrenia, just like my case. 5-1
Bible Help (resource): from Philippines Literature Evangelism, P.O. Box 7, Valenzuela, Metro Manila 6-1
SAPAT NA PANAHON (THERE IS ENOUGH TIME): The most potent weapon of the Evil forces
in the universe to lead unsuspecting souls to damnation. From: In Christ Ministries, Inc., P.O. Box
SM 267, Manila, Philippines 7-1
A Simple Illustration Communicates a Great Truth (short discussion from the Navigator Ministries). 9-1
U.S. Bishops approve new Mass translation. Philippine Star WORLD NEWS, Saturday, June 17, 2006. 10-1
July 4, 1990 Issue of the Manila Bulletin, the nation’s leading newspaper, mentioning my first cousin,
Cecilio Galvez Delgra, Jr. (“CJ”), a high school Valedictorian at the Charleston Catholic High School,
in Charleston, West Virginia, U.S.A. Point of Order article by writer Jose L. Guevarra. 13-1
June 20-26, 1990 issue of Philippine News – New York, New Jersey (Fil-Am newspaper), featuring
on the front page my high school Valedictorian first cousin in the U.S.A., “CJ” Delgra. 14-1
FIESTA GREETINGS! 1999 Minglanilla Town, Cebu Province, Philippines: FROM THE HEIRS OF:
Martin Sedoriosa Delgra, Sr.; Maria Salome de la Victoria Delgra (first wife); Rosario de la Victoria
Delgra (second wife, my grandma). My Lolo’s (grandpa’s) first wife died. He remarried: the younger
sister, my grandma. My father, Glicerio, is the eldest child in the “2nd batch” of children (5). There are
also 5 children in the first union. 15-1
PICTURES: My U.S.-based (Charleston, West Virginia) first cousins (6); and my Uncle Dr. Cecilio V.
Delgra, M.D. and wife Dra. Lolita G. Galvez-Delgra, M.D. Me, during my high school graduation on
March 28, 1979, with my Bronze Medal for placing 3rd in Religion. Also in the picture is my The Way,
The Living Bible Version, Illustrated Catholic Edition supplementary award. I heard from my father
that he was told by a school staff or Sacred Heart Brother that the Bibles were brought by a Brother
who came back from a tour at The Vatican in Italy. As far as I know, the giving of Bibles as
supplementary awards (in Religion) is not a usual practice of our high school, then Holy Cross College
of Digos (now Digos City – September 8, 2000, Davao del Sur). The school has been renamed since as
the Cor Jesu College. 16-1
CERTIFICATION (July 7, 2008; addressed to Dr. Hamid Hefazi, (former) Chairman of the Dept. of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, California State University, Long Beach). Rehabilitation Center
Stay/ Admission: Babista - New Day Recovery Center, Lanang, Davao City, Philippines: July 2, 2001,
on-and-off, until October 18, 2007. 17-1
MEDICAL CERTIFICATE (September 23, 2009): Advised to rest from (graduate) school for 1 year.
By my present psychiatrist, Dr. Marjorie Calud, M.D., DPBP. 18-1
CERTIFICATION (June 22, 2018; TO WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN): Unofficial Document from
my factual side of the details of my three (3) last times of my Rehab Stay-Admission. This time at the
Forestal Healing and Therapeutic Milieu Rehabilitation Center in a suburban place in Davao City,
Philippines. 19-1
June 14, 1990 reply letter of Charles Cliett, M.S., Head, Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Mississippi State University. This is a mysterious letter: in fact this is a triple mystery.
Mr. Charles Cliett wrote that they received a letter from me dated October 16, 1989; when my
first contact letters to U.S. aerospace schools were dated December 26, 1989. And he said that
I met their entrance requirements of TOEFL 550; GRE 1180 (quantitative + analytical) and 1600
(verbal + quantitative + analytical) based on my scores of “this October 16, 1989 letter” which
did not come from me. My TOEFL score is 617 (scale: 200-677). I took the GRE in June 1991
(first take) and December 1991 (second take) as I was very sick then during my first GRE take
(see Certification of Davao Doctors’ Hospital on page 74 where I was hospitalized for one night,
the 2nd night before the GRE test due to severe indigestion). My GRE scores really met their
requirements: (2nd GRE take): 500 Verbal; 695 Quantitative; 380 Analytical (460 in the first take).
This is 1075 (Quantitative + Analytical); or 1155 (Quantitative + Analytical: based on highest scores).
But my 380 and 460 (first GRE take) Analytical are very inaccurately low scores for my true ability.
Instead of improving 80 points to 540, 52%ile A on my 2nd take, my score fell 80 points to 380 A.
540 A is my absolute NORMAL ABILITY score that is demonstrated in an official ETS (Educational
Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey – the test maker) reviewer which are actual recent past tests
editions compiled into an official reviewer. I have demonstrated in an essentially-perfectly simulated
official practice GRE tests that I can improve my GRE scores by 50 points above my ABSOLUTE
NORMAL ABILITY SCORES of 500 V, 695 (77%ile) Q, 540 A. This is my highest simulated scores
of 550, 69%ile Verbal, and 705 (81%ile) Quantitative-Math for a combined GRE (V+Q) score of 1250/
1255. My combined normal ability GRE (Verbal + Quantitative + Analytical) score is 1735. And my
highest actual GRE (V + Q + A) score is 1655 (500 + 695 + 460). My combined GRE (Q + A) score
is 1235 based on my normal ability score (695 Q actual score and 540 A simulated score in an ETS
official reviewer). My scores during my first GRE take on June 1, 1991 which resulted when I was
very sick then were: 470 V, 610 Q, & 460 A. The standard deviations for this particular GRE test
administration were 124 for Verbal score; 142 for Quantitative-Math score; and 128 for Analytical
score. Since my GRE scores during my first take (June 1991) are my absolute lowest obtainable
scores; I deem I can add these GRE standard deviations printed in the GRE scores Interpretation-Guide
which accompanies the test results. And my theoretical ultimate scores I am mathematically capable of
attaining are these: 594 Verbal, 752 Quantitative, and 588 Analytical. Because I thought that my hope
lies in the verbal section during my review for the GRE in late May 1991 a week or few days before
June 1, 1991, my first GRE take test date, I reviewed my Thesaurus (Family Word Finder, by Reader’s
Digest, © 1975) from A to Z as I started using in 1974 (age 13 years old) when I am first year in high
school, our family dictionary (Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of the English Language). I have
a belief that even though I can’t possibly memorize the whole Thesaurus, I can at least understand all
the words in this important book. So I just read it, through this whole book for 3 weeks in early-late
May 1991, with no conscious effort of memorizing, after which my GRE verbal score jumped 50 points
to 550, 69%ile (from 500, 55%ile). The 10 points or 1 level improvement to 705 of my Quantitative-Math
score is just the synergistic effect of a 20% chance rate improvement effect on my GRE Q score of
my ultimate GRE Verbal score performance of 550, 69%ile: although, the standard deviation, S.D.,
for verbal scores for this particular test administration predicts my ultimate GRE V score would be 594.
50 points above my normal ability GRE Q-Math score would be 745; and 50 points above my normal
ability GRE Analytical score of 540 would be 590. 550 Verbal I demonstrated in my ETS reviewer would
be my conclusively ultimate (final result based on the official ETS reviewer) verbal score that I can get
in the GRE in the future. However, since August 2011 the ETS changed the scale in the new revised
GRE test to 130 (“zero”) to 170 (“perfect”) scale (40 levels); from the old GRE scale of 200 (“zero”)
– 800 (“perfect”); (60 levels). 166 being equivalent to the old maximum score before of 800. Before,
1600 GRE (V+Q) is equivalent to IQ 159 (Wechsler); (source: Internet). Now, I determined that 340
GRE (V+Q) would be equivalent to IQ 170 (Wechsler). Because of my daring, I now have this new
identity (since 1996) of being borderline gifted with an IQ of 126, 96%ile (Wechsler) from my normal
ability GRE (V+Q) score of 1195 (500, 55%ile Verbal; and 695, 77%ile, Quantitative-Math). 21-1
CIT Faculty. From the “Residuum ‘81,” Yearbook of the Cebu Institute of Technology, N. Bacalso
Avenue, Cebu City 6000, Philippines. 22-1
ACADEMIC OFFICIALS: Cebu Institute of Technology. Featuring the picture of my former Phys 311
Nuclear Physics teacher, (then searching), Engr. Feliciano V. Paradela, BSME, M.S. Physics. 23-1
30 September 1997 reply letter of Dr. F. R. Payne of the Department of the Department of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of the University of Texas at Arlington. He wrote, in
reply to inquiry question, that “Your GRE total of 1190 (V+Q) is well above our minimum for
Ph.D. work here.” Before in the old GRE scale (before August 2011) a score of 1100 GRE
(V+Q) is the usual minimum required for most Ph.D. programs in many U.S. graduate schools. 24-1
Mensa, The High IQ Society, advertisement in the January 1994 issue of the Discover magazine.
And my discussions on how I achieved unofficially in an essentially-perfectly simulated
GRE General Test (ETS official reviewer) their minimum requirement for membership of
1250 GRE (V+Q) score: equivalent to their minimum requirement for membership of
IQ 130, 98%ile (actually 97.725%ile), Wechsler. My actual test score is 1195 GRE (V+Q). 25-1
My GRE Report of Scores report. Also in the form, I arranged to fit, for brevity, my TOEFL/ TWE and
TSE scores. 26-1
4 November 2014 Certification from the Davao Doctors’ Hospital for my admission on May 30-31, 1991
for my condition then of Acute Gastroenteritis, the 2nd night before my first take of the GRE on
June 1, 1991. 27-1
The GRE General Test scores report of my close boyhood friend from high school, Holy Cross
College of Digos, genuine mathematician (also college schoolmate at USC-TC, Cebu City) friend
Dr. Manuel B. Abello, who has Ph.D. degree (Artificial Intelligence, 2014) from the
University of Adelaide, Australia. His GRE Q-Math score is 770, 92%ile. 28-1
Page (2): AMNE (Aerospace, Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering) Graduate Program, Admission
Criteria and Policies, University of Oklahoma, Norma, Oklahoma, U.S.A. 31-1
GRE General Test score information for the Twenty Foreign Countries with the Highest
Annual Testing Volumes: 1987-1988. Official Publication of the ETS – Educational Testing
Service, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. 32-1
Ph.D. certificate (July 31, 2014; University of Adelaide, Australia) of my boyhood friend, Dr. Manuel
B. Abello, Ph.D. Page (on Manuel Abello): University of New South Wales, Australia.
M.Eng.S. in Electrical Systems certificate (September 23, 1997; University of Queensland) of my
close boyhood from my former hometown of Digos City (Sept. 8, 2000), Davao del Sur, PH. 33-1
CLOUDSCAPES photos (one from the CAS – Cloud Appreciation Society, U.K.). Below the
photos are my discussions about people like me who are appreciative of all the things that can
be seen in the day and night skies. 35-1
Aviation magazine advertisement of the EAA – Experimental Aircraft Association (U.S.A.: “the
leader in recreational aviation”): “What if everyone who wanted to fly, could?” The EAA helps
interested aspiring individuals with disabilities to earn (private) pilot’s licenses. 36-1
“Science, freedom, beauty, adventure – Aviation offers it all” – Charles A. Lindbergh. “Why Do
You Fly?” – John and Martha King Schools, supplier of aviation training materials. 38-1
December 17, 1985 reply letter of Nigel Moll, Executive Editor of FLYING magazine,
One Park Avenue, New York, NY, U.S.A. 39-1
October 5, 1999 reply letters (2) from the AIAA – American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics in response to their acceptance of my membership application – signed by two officers. 40-1
FROM AN INTERNET RESOURCE: Aerospaceweb.org. “If I graduate college with a degree in B.S. in
Mechanical Engineering, can I attend graduate school in aeronautical engineering?”
-question from Eroz. Can a mechanical engineering graduate work in the aircraft industry?
-question from name withheld 41-1
October 15, 1996 reply letter of Dr. F. S. Henry, Postgraduate Tutor of the Department of Mechanical
Engineering and Aeronautics of the CITY University, London, U.K. 42-1
October 19, 1981; Cebu Institute of Technology, Cebu City, Philippines.
This is the SCANNED original carbon copy of my mini-thesis submitted to my then-searching teacher,
Engr. Feliciano V. Paradela, BSME, M.S. Physics. After the First Semester 1981-1982 (June-October
1981), we became friends because of his discovery of the Truth from my research with my background
knowledge of the Holy Scriptures or the Bible, that I got from The Navigator Ministries. The international
headquarters of The Navigators is in Colorado Springs, CO, U.S.A. The Phil. Navigators was founded in
1961. I became a Nav member in July 1980. 44-1
ILLUSTRATION: The famed ancient Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus.” 46-1
INTERNET NEWS: Tuesday, November 18, 2008. “CAAP (Civil Aviation Authority of the
Philippines) expresses openness to utilize old Sasa Airport.” By Joy Romares-Sevilla. 47-1
ADVERTISEMENT: DAEDALAPULAPU. Word Play of: “Daedalus”, from the famed ancient
Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus,” which means “success”; and skillful, ingenious,
cleverly intricate and diversified (the meanings of the lesser-known Dictionary word “daedal”).
The Cebu Aeronautical Institute of Technology. A STATE COLLEGE: Sponsored*(↘) by
the UNESCO – Division of Higher Education; Section for Reform, Innovation and Quality Assurance.
A CTU* Branch College Established with the Expert Assistance of the Northrop Rice Advanced
Institute of Technology, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. (*Cebu Technological University). 49-1
July 22, 2010 reply (1st Endorsement) from the Presidential Action Center, Office of the President,
Malacañang Palace, Manila, Philippines. 51-1
ROUTING/ ACTION SLIP (late 2010): from the DOTC – Department of Transportation and
Communications. Regarding my proposed aeronautics specialty public college at the long-abandoned
(since December 1, 2003 when the airport operations transferred to the new location across the
runway) Old Davao Airport – whether a state college branch of the reputable University of Southeastern
Philippines, Obrero, Davao City; OR aeronautics specialty city college of Davao City. 52-1
September 2, 2011 reply letter of the DOTC – Department of Transporation and Communications. 53-1
October 7, 2011 reply letter of the MinDA – Mindanao Development Authority. 54-1
November 21, 2008 reply letter of Turbine Technologies, Ltd. (aero lab equipment manufacturer),
Chetek, Wisconsin, U.S.A. 55-1
Two (2) Laws of Congress (first pages only; source: from Internet): Republic Acts for the Creation of the
University of Southeastern Philippines (1978) and Cebu Technological University (2009). 56-1
TIME Magazine (November 16, 2009 issue): “The Great Hope, Why Manny Pacquiao is more than
just the World’s Best Boxer?” An Invitation for our Hero from Southern Mindanao, Philippines to
make a gift of an endowment for my proposed U.S.-par (one which meets international standards)
aeronautics specialty public college in Davao City at the Old Davao Airport. And if he is interested, the
endowments also for my proposed two similar schools in Mactan Cebu International Airport General
Aviation Area, and Subic Bay International Airport in Zambales. These investments are what really
matters for the development in high-technology of our country – these are undreamed of by many
backward Filipinos, ordinary people and people in high positions in the public and private sectors,
alike. The time has come to change our aeronautics-development backward status quo. Manny Pacquiao’s
birthday, December 17, 1978 is the 75th anniversary of the first successful powered airplane flight of
the Wright brothers on December 17, 1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, U.S.A. 58-1
INTERNET NEWS (The Economic Times, India: January 16, 2006): “[$10 Million] Aerospace
Academy coming up in Coimbatore (Southwest India).” 59-1
NEWSPAPER CLIPPING (with my discussions): “Pacquiao sets aside PhP 295 Million for new church.”
Philippine Daily Inquirer (Across the Nation): Wednesday, December 3, 2014. 60-1
“DAEDALUS,” The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology, Old Davao Airport, D.C., PH.
FIVE (5) INTERNET PICTURES of the Old Davao Airport, Sasa, Davao City, Philippines. 63-1
SEVEN (7) REPLY LETTERS of Philippine local and national politicians regarding my very
sound proposal of an aeronautics specialty public college for the Old Davao Airport, Davao City. 64-1
INTERNET PICTURE: The famous picture of the Wright brothers first successful powered airplane
flight on December 17, 1903 at Kitty Hawk, NC, U.S.A. [Below this picture in one computer
screen page]: Dr. Ing. B. J. Habibie, aerospace scientist and former President of Indonesia. 65-1
“In the Clouds: Indonesia sets new goal as N-250 makes first flight.” Far Eastern Economic
Review, page 47; August 24, 1995. 66-1
Prof. Dr. Ing. B. J. Habibie, Indonesia State Minister of Research and Technology. Featured
on the cover of the Philippine magazine [Phil.] CONSTRUCTION TODAY, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1995. 67-1
Aerial picture of the middle of the very flat Padada Valley of Davao del Sur, showing Barrio Guihing,
Hagonoy, Davao del Sur. The site of my proposed PAGA&SA agency. 70-1
Two (2) pictures of the booming city of my former hometown, Digos City (September 8, 2000),
Davao del Sur; just around 7 Km. north of my proposed site for the PAGA&SA in Hagonoy. 71-1
MAGAZINE ARTICLE (defunct Modern Asia magazine; June 1978 issue): JUST FOR STARTERS:
“Koreans Putting All Their Eggheads Into One Basket (science town).” I suggest
the creation of the Philippine government at Hagonoy, Davao del Sur, my proposed mixed-use
research airport complex here like the Braunschweig Research Airport in Germany, site for
the German Aerospace Center (DLR – its abbreviation in German). Southern Mindanao is
seldom visited by the yearly typhoons. The last typhoon to visit here is the “Bagyo Titang” in 1972.
Current Digos City Mayor Joseph R. Peñas (last term ends 2009) is my grade school classmate. 72-1
INTERNET PICTURE: Northrop Grumman F-20 Tigershark with discussions below it.
Magazine advertisements of the Northrop F-20 Tigershark in the 1980’s. The Subic Bay
International Airport I humbly proposed as the location for our national aircraft company.
This former USN Air Base is rendered no longer commercially viable for public air travel due
to close proximity to the Clark Diosdado Macapagal International Airport, a former USAF Air Base. 73-1
AEROSPACE ENGINEERING: Descriptive introduction flyer of the University of Texas at Arlington. 74-1
Aeronautical Engineering Profession Descriptive Flyer of the PRC – Professional Regulation Commission,
Philippines. 75-1
“BOEING AND YOU” The Boeing Company Career Brochure sent in 1993 by Ken Rogers, Regional
Manager of the Boeing Employment Center, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. 76-1
AIRCRAFT DESIGNER: NASA Quest. Highlighting people and professions related to NASA and its
exploration missions. Andrew Hahn, Conceptual Aircraft Designer, NASA Langley Research Center. 77-1
NEWSPAPER ARTICLE: Monday, December 24, 2001; Philippine Star [national daily newspaper].
“Scholar Program to be Revived,” featuring the late Opposition Senator Edgardo J. Angara.
By: Aurea Calica. 78-1
My Drawings of Aircraft. And pictures and illustration of Dr. Ing. Stelio Frati’s finest creation,
the SIAI-Marchetti SF-260, the favorite advanced-basic trainer of many of the world’s air forces.
A civil version is produced in few numbers for those lucky wealthy civilian sport pilots who
afford the price: about the same price of a light twin-engined aircraft. 79-1
At CSU, Long Beach in Spring 2000 Semester: AE 355 Stability and Control of Aerospace
Vehicles Final Class Project. Instructor: Mr. Eric R. Kendall, M.Sc. (Cranfield Institute of
Technology), [former] Senior Manager (ret.), C-17 Globemaster Flying Qualities, The Boeing
Company, Long Beach, California, U.S.A. My final grade in this course: “A” (or “A+”). 80-1
NEWSPAPER ARTICLE: Monday, October 27, 1997; Philippine Daily Inquirer-Business (national daily
newspaper): “Boeing may set up maintenance center in RP.” PDI January 28, 1992; Tuesday issue:
“Big U.S. firm sets $600-M aircraft project in Cebu,” by: Corrie S. Narisma. 81-1
“High-Flying Ambitions, McDonnell Douglas Wants Partnerships in Asia.” ASIAWEEK, August 10,
1994 issue. 82-1
The State-of-the Art of Philippine Aeronautics: articles, news clippings, internet news, etc. 83-1
4:35 P.M., April 26, 1995; Wednesday: My first B.S. Aeronautical Engineering preliminary
Curriculum design for my envisioned AE Dept. at the University of the Philippines-Diliman. 87-1
JS&A (Joseph Silny & Associates, International Education Credential Evaluators): June 19, 1997, Report
of Evaluation of Educational Credentials. Required in my re-admission application to the M.S. in
Aerospace Engineering Degree Program of the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach,
Florida, after a 4-year lapse from their first MSAE admission offer (December 16, 1992). I was deemed
a special case; but in my re-admission application I was not offered admission again since my tests
scores dropped. 88-1
Admission Offer Letter of the California State University, Long Beach dated May 25, 1999. 89-1
ABIM – American Board of Internal Medicine November 4, 1998 Letter of Congratulations
to my elder brother (eldest of our family of 5 children) Dr. Alexander B. Delgra, M.D. for
passing the Certification Exam as a Diplomate in Internal Medicine. 90-1
CSU, Long Beach grades in my one (1) year BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan studies in my M.S.
in Aerospace Engineering Degree Program. 91-1
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute letter draft for my request for assistance from Dr. Antonio
E. Refre in my application for a U.S. F-1 Student Visa for my U.S. advanced study. Upon
learning of my psychological condition, he changed his initial assent to write for me a
recommendation-endorsement letter to the U.S. Embassy. 92-1
20 August 1990 REPLY POSTCARD of Eduardo V. Segura, (ret. August 1990) Lead Engineer,
Dept. 303 Fluid Dynamics, McDonnell Douglas Corp., St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. 94-1
In response to my inquiry letters with my U.S. grad school (ERAU) MSAE admission documents and
admission tests scores: “testing the waters.” 95-1
5th International “Aviation, Maritime and Defense ‘97,” Trade Show on 12-15 February 1997 at
Philippine Trade Training Center, Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines. 96-1
May 10, 1991 (my 29th birthday: “7+7+7+8”) reply letter of Dr. Ing. Stelio Frati which I am an
avid fan of, as an aspiring aircraft designer also. Related Documents. Picture and 3-view drawing
of the General Avia F.220 Airone: my dream airplane. Internet picture of the Sequioa F.8L Falco
and a picture of its cockpit. 97-1
“DIWATA NOW IN ORBIT,” the first Philippine satellite made by scientists and engineers of the DOST –
Department of Science and Technology and the University of the Philippines, Diliman, in partnership
with two Japanese universities, the Tohoku University and Hokkaido University. News feature in the
Philippine Star national daily newspaper, Thursday, April 28, 2016 issue. 98-1
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: of the National SPACE (Space Promotion, Advancement and Capability
Expansion) Development Program: Three (3) Research Assistants (contractual – 1 year). Advertisement
in the Internet in 2016. 99-1
[Early 2017]: “Duterte Admin To Create Philippine Space Agency And National Space
Development Program.” Internet news. 100-1
NEWSPAPER ARTICLE: “How about space and space exploration?” By: Abner S. Cabisuelas,
Office of the Comelec Secretary, Commission on Elections, Intramuros, Manila. Tuesday,
February 24, 2004 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer national daily Philippine newspaper. 101-1
NEWSPAPER ARTICLE: “Who will be the first Filipino astronaut?” By: Art Villasanta,
Philippine Daily Inquirer-COMMENTARY; Wednesday, October 16, 2002 issue. 102-1
My May 8, 1996 letter to former President Fidel V. Ramos asking for a special scholarship from the
Philippine government. I got replies. Including a foreign scholarship interview summon letter from
the FAPE – Fund for Assistance to Private Education. Since I stopped teaching, my scholarship did
not materialize. 105-1
FORMAL PROPOSALS TO THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT: Requested by President Fidel V. Ramos. 106-1
PICTURES OF ME IN WASHINGTON, D.C. when my elder brother (residence: Nutley, New Jersey)
brought me there on January 14, 2000 to visit the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum. 107-1
My AIAA – American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics membership certificate. With inset my
CSULB Identification Card and AIAA membership ID card. 108-1
Los Angeles Section Membership Update of the AIAA in the January 2000 AIAA newsletter. 109-1
CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH: Documents (varied); including pictures, etc. 110-1
CSULB Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering: PLANNED Schedule of Courses. Also the
Doctor of Engineering (DOE) Degree Program of the MSU-IIT, Mindanao State University-Iligan
Institute of Technology COURSE choices. Alternative DegME (Degree of Mechanical Engineer)
Degree Program at the quality prestigious school, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ. 111-1
RESUME: Objective: Special Request of a Loan or Special Tuition Scholarship from the Philippine
Government (funds of the NSDP – National Space Development Program) of $--,---.-- for the
continuation of my MSAE graduate study at CSU, Long Beach; Long Beach, CA, U.S.A. 112-1
CSULB MSAE Post-baccalaureate Transcript of Records (TOR): One (1) year BSAE Deficiency-
removal Plan in my MSAE Degree Program. 113-1
PICOP (Paper Industries Corporation of the Philippines) Psychological Test Profile: Results in a
Graphical Form of the 6-part Management and Industrial Tests (elimination tests) that I passed.
Only around 20 of us passed from the about 400+ test takers who took the tests that test week in
March 1987 in Cebu City, as I learned from a company staff. 116-1
Mensa, The High IQ Society, advertisement in the January 1994 issue of the Discover magazine.
And my discussions on how I achieved unofficially in an essentially-perfectly simulated
GRE General Test (ETS official reviewer) their minimum requirement for membership of
1250 GRE (V+Q) score: equivalent to their minimum requirement for membership of
IQ 130, 98%ile (actually 97.725%ile), Wechsler. My actual test score is 1195 GRE (V+Q). 117-1
My GRE Report of Scores report. Also in the form, I arranged to fit, for brevity, my TOEFL/ TWE
and TSE scores. 118-1
4 November 2014 Certification from the Davao Doctors’ Hospital for my admission on May 30-31,
1991 for my condition then of Acute Gastroenteritis, the 2nd night before my first take of the
GRE on June 1, 1991. 119-1
The GRE General Test scores report of my close boyhood friend from high school, Holy Cross
College of Digos, genuine mathematician (also college schoolmate at USC-TC, Cebu City) friend
Dr. Manuel B. Abello, who has Ph.D. degree (Artificial Intelligence, 2014) from the
University of Adelaide, Australia. His GRE Q-Math score is 770, 92%ile. 120-1
SUBJECT TEST SCORES -1997-98. 121-1
PICTURE: My elder brother and his family in Nutley, New Jersey. His old prescription pad at the
the Davao del Sur Provincial Hospital, in our former hometown of Digos City (Sept. 8, 2000),
Davao del Sur. 123-1
Obituary of my father, Engr. Glicerio V. Delgra, CE, died: November 12, 2016; age: 86 years old. 124-1
[11:56 PM, 9 July 2018; Mon.] The “A Father’s Prayer” wish, writings of Gen. Douglas McArthur:
Given by Papa “Glee” Glicerio, in the 1990’s. 125-1
GRADUATION PROGRAM: 29th Commencement Exercises. Class 1978-1979 of the Holy Cross
College of Digos, High School Department. March 28, 1979. 127-1
National Air and Space Museum, National Aviation and Space Exploration Wall of Honor, Special
Reserved Invitation for Mr. Darvin Anthony B. Delgra. And Donation Solicitation
Letter from Apollo 17 astronaut Eugene A. Cernan for their new NA&SM Dulles facility (project). 129-1
The Philippine Navigators 50th Anniversary Grand Celebration. April 28-30, 2012, Bahay ng Alumni,
Magsaysay Street, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. 131-1
Flyer/ page. The Philippine Navigators VISION STATEMENT FOR THE ‘90s. 132-1
Conference Invitation: The Cebu Navigators Invites you to the “Growing in Christ Conference.”
Camp Bato, Sibonga, Cebu. October 30 – November 2, 1982. 133-1
“ONE MAN,” For Disciples Only, A monthly discipleship letter: May 1982. 135-1
White Bird (featured in the cover page of this Internet publication). And Bookmark Souvenir from:
The Cebu Navigators “The Challenge” Conference ‘80, Eco-Tech, Lahug, Cebu City, November
7-9, 1980. “I have finished the work…” John 17:4. 136-1
My red heart souvenir “God loves Darvin” from our “Growing in Christ Conference” in late 1982 in
Camp Bato, Sibonga, Cebu. 137-1
The Most Beautiful View of Mount Apo, highest peak in the Philippines with a height of
Almost 10,000 feet. In my learned opinion the best view of it is from the parade grounds of the
elementary school, Ramon Magsaysay Elementary School, I attended (1968-1975) in my
former hometown of Digos City (September 8, 2000), Davao del Sur, Philippines. 139-1
“Today Can Be the best Day of our life.” By: Dr. Harold J. Sala. “INTEGRITY” (page 8,
STARWEEK/ The Sunday magazine of The Philippine STAR/ January 14, 1996).
ABOUT HEAVEN” (STARWEEK/ September 15, 1996). 140-1
References 144-1
[This Section is essentially the same as the one in my first publication, A Revelation of Darvin Anthony Delgra
(Part 1 – these words is not written there). If you have read this before, you may go directly to the next Section:
FOREWORD: by Senior Navigator Ministries Staff in Davao City, Mr. Jose “Eseng” V.: from Luzon, Philippines.
Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME, MS Aerospace Eng. grad student (1999-2000: on extended/expired leave from CSU,
Long Beach) was the “No. 2 weird person” at the Cebu Institute of Technology in 1981-1982, after Engr. Rudy
Maneja (CE) who led a “burning-survival/ challenge-to-the Almighty God of-being-resurrected-from-the dead
ritual” on August 10, 1985 at the historic Plaza Independencia in Cebu City, Philippines: he failed supremely
miserably in his challenge. He then transferred to the University of San Carlos in the same city in the middle of his
extended 7-year college career. There he graduated on March 23, 1986 in his B.S. Mechanical Engineering degree
program after a two-year extension of his college education. He was excluded for three semesters or 1½ years due
to his “unusual irrational intense interest in aeronautics and aviation” at CIT, a school not offering aeronautical
engineering or having an AE Dept., but is only a general engineering school offering quality traditional
engineering degree programs. He studied in this non-aeronautics school instead of PATTS College of Aeronautics
or FEATI University in Manila (we have no relatives there) due to his father’s wish. CIT is also his father’s Alma
Mater, BSCE ‘53. He hails from his former town of Digos City (September 8, 2000), Davao del Sur where he was
born in 1962. Aeronautics and Aviation (and Space or Astronautics) has been his “unusual passions” since
childhood. Because of his experiences, he is all the more determined to fulfil his dream of a U.S. aerospace
engineering advanced degree and to pursue his quest to help our aerospace-backward country “to make a dent in
high technology” in this “fearsome” field of aerospace engineering. May the good Lord God in Jesus bless his
unselfish altruistic long-time efforts in helping to establish genuine aerospace engineering education here in our
NIC 2011 country, Philippines as the germinal real first efforts at true aeronautical development, i.e., aircraft
design and manufacturing, quality AE education, R&D, genuine aeronautics/ aerospace organization, etc. He hopes
that God willing he will be able to resume his U.S. advanced study in 2020 when his two U.S.-based nephews will
have then already graduated from college and law school. His sponsor is his elder brother, M.D., DABIM in NJ.
It took the author, me a very long time to decide to publish this compilation (he decided to publish it free, his
second; he deems he will no longer have a hard-copy book on this; reason below): The only explanation to “the
Mystery Ritual of Engr. Maneja in Cebu City in 1985.” [Lately (now: 9:43 P.M., April 16, 2018; Monday), I
decided, I will not write a book anymore from this information: I will just make it a free publication: its value will
be charged to the “bank of heaven” where its worth will multiply indefinitely for the rest of eternity.] There were
actually three of us who were “weird” at CIT at that time. The third one was this author’s searching Nuclear
Physics (Phys 311, a 3rd year course) teacher, Engr. Feliciano V. Paradela, BSME, M.S. (Physics) who was then in
a very-severe, extremely-multifaceted mid-life crisis. He had deep unanswered questions about life and religion,
science, the meaning of existence, the Truth about the ESP or Extra-Sensory Perception, and Creation and
Evolution: which is true? etc. For he told the author once when he approached him in his daring, that he has had
experiences with paranormal phenomena coupled with supernatural experiences, and that he does not understand if
what is happening to him is real: His supernatural experiences followed him to school at CIT for three semesters
during this author’s emotional ordeal: June 1981-October 1982. Because simultaneous at the beginning of this
author’s being persecuted by him in class because of a trivial offense (found in Part 1’s Afterword) near the start of
that semester, Engr. Maneja began his unusual “demon-possessed behaviour.” (He heard from schoolmates that
Engr. Maneja may have left CIT also in October 1982, at the same time of his transfer to the USC.) (But the author
soberly think he is not a demon-possessed person but a plain antichrist – a major one, at the End Times.) During
that semester under him, Engr. Paradela gave us his class, for the first and only time, a special mini-research
requirement about these to be submitted in a Term Paper at the end of the semester: “Is There Any Truth About the
Extra-Sensory Perception?” or ESP phenomena? This book-compilation contained such work (I choose to publish
the original documents here which are scanned by computer). He also gave us an alternative topic to research:
“What Is Man Searching For?” (not included here because this author submitted to him only a short handwritten
paper). It was the author’s Adventure of a Lifetime, and the author has virtually no regrets why he studied there at
CIT in ME. For B.S. Physics (at the University of San Carlos, in Cebu City), his second course choice after AE in
Manila (his father requested him to write his degree program options – only three – the night of his high school
graduation in 1979), was far from his main interest (modern physics, etc.) as he discovered later. It was because of
his enjoyment of his learning experience in senior year high school physics class that’s the reason for this. Had he
graduated in AE here in the Philippines he would never had been accepted to U.S. graduate school (admission
offer letters dated: ERAU: December 16, 1992; and CSULB: May 25, 1999). Because the status quo or state-of-
the-art of Philippine aeronautical education is far from U.S.-par to date; or far below international standards in
quality, faculty-wise, laboratory equipment, textbooks, etc.: Our government grossly neglected the aerospace
sector by not providing our talented aeronautics youth quality aeronautical education. Because our government
people and policy makers has yet to recognize the entity of the Filipino aerospace professional, i.e., engineers,
scientists, professionals in allied fields – they simply do not know we exist. His father told him that high school
graduation night on March 28, 1979 that his 2nd choice of B.S. Physics will lead him to become just a (high school)
physics teacher later on, and so it’s not his choice for him. (But in his last year in BSME, he discovered that B.S.
graduates of ME, Physics, Math, Computer Science and other engineering can be accepted to aerospace graduate
school: their education is considered adequate background for the aerospace graduate program-study.) Now, he is a
mechanical engineer and he has heard relayed comments from way back his college years “that he is mechanical
and not aero” because people in our cultural group make issues on the slightest trivial matters about controversial
people. As though this author has no right to have a keen authoritative serious intense interest in the aerospace
field because of his undergraduate background. Most of his cultural group’s members simply do not know the
connection between mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering: That ME is the general field and AE a
specialty field of ME (but the critical factor in aerospace undergraduate and graduate study is serious, even intense,
interest in aeronautics and astronautics). Just like Computer Engineering as a specialty subfield of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering. At CIT 37-36 years ago, non-aviation schoolmates, staff and other people in school
simply found him, when he began to be excluded in school starting in Engr. Paradela’s class and Engr. Maneja
beginning his demon-possessed behaviour for 3 semesters, something of an “aerospace-abnormal/ religious
fanatic” person because of the school’s sub-society’s unusual issues and spiritual warfare inside Engr. Paradela’s
class and outside (the CIT school environment). This author would like to tell the readers that in ancient times
fascination with flight is suspected by ordinary people with superstition and in the late 19 th Century when there
were more experiments in manned/winged-craft flight, before the Wright brothers first successful powered flight
on December 17, 1903, the opinion of many sober people and the majority of learned scientists then was that those
manned/ winged-craft aeronautical experiments was the “height of foolishness” and the “peak of lunacy.” For it is
dreamy ancient people’s belief that “if God meant man to fly, he would have given them wings.” Did God do so?
Look at the aerospace successes of the 20th Century and beyond. God really gave man wings to fly but it was
reserved for us in modern times (man-made mechanical wings made by man himself but created with God-given
human intelligence). This author is lucky to be born in the 2nd half of the 20th Century. But the status quo or state-
of-the-art of aeronautical development here in the Philippines is still in the 19th Century (this author would like to
restrict the meaning of aeronautics to the science, technology and engineering, etc. of atmospheric flight as
opposed to “aviation” which he would like to restrict the meaning to the “operation and use of aircraft” (consult
your dictionary): “aviation,” i.e. from Latin “avis-actio” literally “bird-action,” is just the whole range of activities,
of, or for, finished, certificated, in-service aircraft; such as aircraft piloting, aircraft maintenance including that of
avionics, airline operations, military and general aviation, and the licensing and regulations functions of the CAAP
– Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines, etc.). As of the present, since August 2012, he found a serious
partner in his local aeronautical development endeavors in a similar mindset aerospace engineering professional, a
professor in ME (Ph.D., 2007, A&AE, Kyushu University, Japan), of a better university here in Mindanao,
Philippines that be befriended thru the Internet. May God in Jesus bless his endeavors. Capt. Panfilo Villaruel’s
voice has been heard. He did not die in vain. Remember him who held hostage NAIA control tower in 2003? It
was a mystery to all except perhaps to the. For he has been acquainted with him during his 1 semester and 1
summer term post-baccalaureate study (April-October 1988) in BSAE in Manila at the PATTS College of
Aeronautics (the school where he was supposed to study right from first year college, now knowing what awaited
him there). He aspired for a local BSAE degree, but he discovered later he may be the one, with at least one other
local partner, that Ph.D.-degreed professor I mentioned above, who are called to establish quality aeronautical
education (BSAE) in his poor third-world country. (His countrymen, most of them, perhaps do not know that we
are now a NIC 2011 (newly-industrialized country – 2011) with the study survey/ assessment of international
agencies with this concern.) The local DOST – Department of Science and Technology – now has, in their Official
Agenda, a program in space endeavors. But the aeronautics field is neglected. I suggest the newly created PSA –
Philippine Space Agency should be RENAMED as the PAGA&SA, Philippine Aviation, General Aeronautics
and Space Agency. The Tagalog (a major Philippine dialect) Filipino word “Pag-asa” means “Hope” in English.
Everyone knows what happened to Engr. Maneja in 1985, but it was all a mystery. This author’s teacher, Engr.
Paradela, died in peace with his Creator on February 14, 1996. (He was instrumental in his salvation, and he may
be the only one Engr. Paradela may consider credible in his sharing of the Bridge to life Illustration witnessing
material of the Navigator Ministries because of their unusual one-semester acquaintance 15 years earlier – he never
forgotten him.) This book is also about what happened to the “2nd weird person of CIT in 1981-1982”: The
blessings of the Almighty God in Jesus, and his continuing quest to finish his graduate degree(s) in aerospace
engineering in U.S., for he is only privately sponsored by his elder brother, an M.D., DABIM; in New Jersey since
June 1989. (Before, in his 1-year BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan in his MSAE degree program at CSULB in
1999-2000, it was his loving father, Glicerio, CE (died: November 12, 2016 at the age of 86 years old) who
produced the funds by selling their old house in Digos, Davao del Sur; but his share was good only for one school-
year at CSULB). He is a self-called herald to the coming of genuine aeronautical engineering education in the
Philippines; again, which he envisions as our poor 3rd world country’s (actually, now NIC 2011) humble, serious
first efforts at true aeronautical development. He has an 1195 GRE (verbal plus quantitative) and 617 TOEFL
scores. With God’s blessings in Jesus, he hopes to finish his studies very early in the next decade (early 2020’s):
“In our backward cultural group, someone should lead the initiative to finally break the ‘cynicism barrier’ in
genuine aeronautical development that has been with us ever since.” For man-made flight has been around for
more than a Century already: December 17, 1903 success of the Wright brothers; the first manned balloon flight of
the French Montgolfier brothers was on November 21, 1783: “What are we indifferent Filipinos doing in
aeronautics?” On page 188 you will find there news about the foolish schemes of a government agency official.
It is this unusual aerospace enthusiast’s thesis that Religion and Flight “are in fact linked” (somewhat linked, even
closely or clearly linked). Also enclosed among his writings is his mini-Term Paper in special English class for
foreign students at the California State University, Long Beach in 1999-2000 entitled: The Airplane, Flight, the
Aerospace [Environment] and Religion. He has knowledge in this area. If you are intrigued with his writings and
would like to read more, avail more of his documents not included here in this voluminous excerpt, please contact
him at his E-mail address: [email protected]. He would be glad to share to you more of these.
He is a Catholic and a member of the interdenominational Christian para-church organization, The Navigator
Ministries (international headquarters: Colorado Springs, Colorado), since July 1980. His spiritual father (the one
who witnessed to him) is Mr. Romeo Dilla, BSChE (CIT, early 1980’s), senior Navigator Ministries member. This
author has seen Almighty God bless our long-time members. The author wrote the draft of the Foreword below
but Mr. Jose “Eseng” V. modified it and added his thoughts about this author as per this author’s request (“to make
it mine”, he said during one of our counselling sessions). [4:18 PM, 9 August 2018; Thurs. However, the turn of
events near the uploading of this Internet publication did not allow this.] They were companions in the Navigator
Ministries Training Apartment “Noah’s Ark” near CIT in 1981-82 during this author’s 1½ year emotional ordeal.
As a faithful Christian overseer, “Eseng” was assigned to the CIT campus that time. He is a Veterinary Medicine
graduate of Araneta Univesity. He holds a Master in Counselling degree from Koinonia Theological Seminary in
Davao City. This author as a psychological patient has him as his excellent Christian counsellor and confidant. He
is also now a national Navigator Ministries staff in the Philippines. The author is lucky to have him as a friend.
FOREWORD: by Senior Navigator Ministries Staff in Davao City, Mr. Jose “Eseng” V. [from Luzon, Philippines]
[2:43 P.M., August 9, 2018; Thursday. Eseng needs more time to write for me my request of a Foreword. This will
finally be included in the future Parts of my revelation. I aim to include it in my “revelation” Part 3 in the future.]
WHY I DEEM THAT THERE SHOULD BE A PART 2 of my Internet publication that I uploaded on December
22, 2012: the day before December 23, 2012 for a most unusual, confidential reason related to the much-publicized
“December 21, 2012 End of the World-hype,” but I have a separate source of concern.
I am a controversial person here in my country because of my unusual experiences from my college days
starting in June 1981 when I was beginning my 3rd year in my BSME Degree Program at the Cebu Institute of
Technology, in Cebu City, Philippines. I was then under my searching Phys 311 Nuclear Physics teacher, Engr.
Feliciano V. Paradela, BSME, M.S. Physics. In the Part 1 of my Revelation – though I deem I need not write there
“Part 1,” although from the very start I intend to add a Part 2, even a Part 3, etc. – I explained “thoroughly” my
public classroom conflict with my searching teacher who was then in a very severe, extremely multifaceted mid-
life crisis. [Please read in “Part 1” details on this starting on page 34.] This is the Part 2. Because I still have a U.S.
advanced study degree (MSAE) dream (and possibly beyond) at the quality U.S. school, California State
University, Long Beach (where I finished one (1) schoolyear of my BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan in my MSAE
Degree Program in 1999-2000; then I came back home due to lack of private family funds), I plan to add a Part 3
(etc.) of my unusual Revelation Internet free publication after earning my coveted U.S. advanced degree (I will
pray to God in Jesus tonight (April 16, 2018; Monday) to forgive me for using this “serious” term (coveted); but
my altruistic career dreams and plans include our very aerospace-technology backward cultural group whose
government and agencies leaders have yet to recognize talented-in-aeronautics people like me). Though I stated
above that I explained “thoroughly” my public classroom conflict with my then searching Physics teacher, there
are still many things I failed to mention or missed in my “comprehensive” writings and documents; as my title
page suggests: “Writings of Darvin Delgra with Documents.” So, before writing my topics here, I tried to
remember many details of my life (even before my college years in 1979-1986), and wrote them in a separate
Word file as a guide in my writings. Now here it is, the Part 2: A Revelation of Darvin Anthony Delgra, Part 2.
I propose to change Engr. Rudy Maneja’s name spelling to Engr. Rudy Manêja for it is pronounced that way.
The “ê” in “nê” is pronounced “I” as in “chin” and not “e” as in “egg.” I have also a reason for my choice of the
letter “ê.” This is the cap above the letter “e.” You know in geometry, going to the right is positive and going up is
positive, so going both in the right and the “up” direction is positive. Therefore going outward from the center or
origin, in the 1st quadrant, is positive. The cap in ê goes up then goes down as it hit the top (the lower boundary of
heaven where the cap bounced down). This may be exactly what Satan did when his heart became proud and
wanted to be like God. This is found in Isaiah 14:12-20. The cap really is a fitting symbol for Satan’s ambition and
defeat or loss; because going down to the right is negative (defeat). My idea is to single out Engr. Rudy Manêja
from all the Maneja’s of the world. But I am not so sure what God’s stand on this issue is. However, let us call
Engr. Rudy Manêja that way. Even in the Bible, there are a number of people who are called Jesus, but not Jesus Christ. (But I really
don’t know how many since I know only one, such as Jesus, who is called Justus in Colossians 4:11.) May God forgive me if I am
wrong in my thesis; and if I sin regarding this matter, I am confident that God the Holy Spirit will protect me from that one unforgivable
sin of the “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” since I am a Christian. However, in my discussions hereinafter, it would still be Engr. Rudy
Maneja which will be the spelling of his name. I would just like to remind people of how his family name is pronounced. This is
common knowledge in Cebu City and around the region where people heard about the most unusual thing he did on August 10, 1985:
his “gasoline-burning survival and resurrection-challenge to the Almighty God of duplicating Jesus Christ’s Resurrection 2000 years
ago – public ritual 33 years ago. Again, I am the only one who can explain it to all the people. Only a mystery before this document.
This work is aimed at primarily to people who are likely to scoff at religion and choose to become atheists and agnostics, etc. Many
people recognize that as intelligence increases, the more one is likely to become an atheist or agnostic, freethinker, etc. This work is
again aimed at convincing these class of people about the existence of a good, holy God and that his Messiah, Jesus Christ already
arrived 2000 years ago; was victorious over sin and death, and is coming again, this time with a different mission. That is to gather all
the saved Elect of the world to bring with him into eternal glory and everlasting happiness in heaven. Enclosed are solid evidences.
The next paragraph is a reprint from my first Internet informal book that I uploaded on December 22, 2012. [Time
and date tonight: 8:16 P.M., May 30, 2018; Wednesday.]
Will the world end on December 21, (2012)? I cannot tell because I am only a man. But watch out for the 3rd day after this: December
23, 2012. I don’t know also what will happen that day. Only that in my life I have a serious concern for this date; and my source of
concern is other than the much-talked about “End of the World” Hype. The source of my concern is just the “holy coincidences in my
life” that I discovered; this is secret. Now, we are almost there. The only thing we know is that God is good and holy; and that He
already had the victory in what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for all the Elect 2000 years ago in Calvary. Be on the safe side and be
serious with your bona-fide Christian religion: (having the three (3) elements of 1.) Salvation by Faith; 2.) God-Man Jesus; 3.) Trinity).
And when the End does finally come you will be ready with the worthy life you lived. We are now 5+ years past that date.
This document, A Revelation of Darvin Anthony Delgra, Part 2, must be published before August 10, 2018; Friday – for a confidential
reason. However, I will reveal to you a few “unusual holy coincidences” on this date: I wanted to publish this Document before the date
above on May 25, 2018, but I have not done it. Before this, May 10, 2018, is my 56th birthday anniversary (56 = 8x7). June 22, 2018 is
my parents’ 63rd wedding anniversary (63 = 9x7). 28 days after this is July 20, 2018: the 49th anniversary of the American Apollo 11
Moon Landing Mission (49 = 7x7). August 10, 1985, the date of Engr. Rudy Maneja’s “failed resurrection ritual” is exactly 33 years
before August 10, 2018 – this date is exactly 7 years to August 10, 2025. Please read my newspaper clipping “Repent, The End is Near
(ha ha).”
**This document is an exact reprint (but with a few new editions) found in my first Internet document I uploaded
on December 22, 2012; Saturday. If you have read this before, you may go directly to the next document. But if for
the sake of continuity you may wish to be guided in your reading with a holistic perspective on my story please
read this document again. Thank you. D.A.B.D.
June 4, 1999; [revised: March 22, 2012]; [rev.: May 11, 2018]
[Further revised: July 20, 2017; Th.; Dec. 17, 2017; Sun.]
Dr. Taiwhan David Kim, Ph.D., Graduate Advisor FACTS STATEMENT on the Truth on my
Department of Aerospace Engineering Psychological Condition and my person’s
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University most intriguing mystery. Mr. Edwin M.
600 South Clyde Morris Boulevard at [street address], Digos City, high classmate
Daytona Beach, Florida 32114, U.S.A. and college schoolmate at CIT can give more
first-hand details.
Please re-accept me to the MSAE degree program. I am a B/B+ (GPA) academic-performance student who did
mediocre performance starting 3rd year in college. This letter is a short document about what happened in my
college days: it was a most amazing thing, perhaps it will leave its mark in history (but please understand I am not
having delusions). If you are not a Christian or atheist, this will be a chance for you to believe in the existence of
the Christian God (Trinity) and the power of Jesus Christ, the Almighty God’s only Son, and the Messiah. My
psychological condition was first caused by my personal encounter and showdown with evil in my college days for
1 & ½ years (June 1981 to October 1982), or 3 semesters, after which I transferred to another school in Cebu City.
This was the cause of my mediocre performance later in college and the roller patterns in my grades. SO PLEASE
DO NOT GLOSS SO MUCH on my seemingly-average undergraduate academic performance. Please consider
my unusual new resume as a strong basis for your evaluation of me. You may not believe this, but my psychiatric
condition is unique in world history and even, perhaps, in par with King Nebuchadnezzar’s psychological illness
we can read in the Bible as God’s temporary punishment. (But my case was different in that it was not a
punishment.) I was excluded in my first school’s sub-society at the Cebu Institute of Technology as an
“airplane-nut/religious fanatic” starting 1st Semester 1981-1982 when my Nuclear Physics teacher, Engr.
Feliciano V. Paradela, BSME, M.S. Physics, hits out me verbally in class every meeting for the whole semester
(since the sem’s beginning) in front of all my classmates after I committed a trivial offense (details start at page
32) at A Revelation of Darvin Anthony Delgra – Part 1); I was already 3rd year BSME student then in Phys 311
Nuclear Physics. He was also in a deep-seated multifaceted very severe mid-life crisis with very many problems
ranging from Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP), paranormal phenomena, etc., to life, science, religion, Creation,
Evolution (which is true?), etc., and was searching for solid, conclusive answers ever since young to his many
problems. He was probably more than 50 years old then and he has not established a solid religious faith yet; also,
as he confided to me when I approached him in my daring, he told me he has had supernatural experiences. At the
same time, another teacher in Civil Eng., Engr. Rudy Maneja, BSCE (I don’t know if he holds a graduate
degree) started to behave like a demon-possessed person: he claimed to be the “messiah” and blasphemed God and
Jesus; (although everyone knows the victorious Redeemer Messiah Jesus Christ already arrived 2000 years ago). (I
believe this teacher is not demon-possessed but a plain antichrist; a major one, at the End Times.) He died
publicly by self-immolation by fire using gasoline at a public “ritual” at the historic Plaza Independencia in Cebu
City he scheduled on August 10, 1985, Saturday (I have learned somewhere, probably from the news or an
elementary school friend-classmate/ college schoolmate (BSCE) at CIT, that he postponed two schedules before
this date). He challenged to duplicate Jesus’ Act of Resurrection, but by another power, by his “almighty” he called
“Yawa Ellohem” (this is the original spelling in my Cebu SunStar newspaper clipping copy). Yawa is a misuse
of the Tetragrammaton YHWH (one of four spelling versions) in which we have now God’s Name Yahweh
(Jehovah). Yawa incidentally is the Cebuano (Visayan language, a Philippine dialect; Cebu is an island in the
middle of the Visayan central-Philippine island group), term for Devil, so this teacher’s god was the “Devil god.”
During the duration of his apparently demon-possessed behaviour at the CIT, also for 1 & ½ years starting from
June 1981, I was the No. 2 “weird person” there; and Engr. Paradela the No. 3. (I have researched from a
schoolmate acquaintances later that Engr. Maneja may have left CIT after 1st semester 1982-83, the same time as
that of my transfer to the University of San Carlos at the opposite northeastern boundary of metropolitan Cebu
City – in November 1982, 2nd Semester, 1982-‘83.) For my non-aviation schoolmates, it was perhaps the first time
that they knew of an adult college person who would always look at an airplane flying overhead – as with
aviation people. Also, since I have no outlet for my very much-intense aviation/aerospace interests, as a rule-
breaker, I would “talk aviation” to slightly interested friends who seemingly/ apparently just understand me. But
the gossipers, who heard that I was excluded in the school’s sub-society starting in my Nuclear Physics class,
muddled the issue, as I can soberly surmise. To-date, I have heard all insane labels applied to me. But I have
virtually no regrets: the Almighty God may have precisely called me to engage in such bloody (emotionally)
spiritual warfare in my college days: A connected fact with this was my receiving a “The Way,” The Living Bible
Version, Catholic Edition, during my high school graduation in 1979 as a Bronze Medalist 3rd Honor in Religion
in our Catholic school, then the Holy Cross College of Digos (now Cor Jesu College) run by the Sacred Heart
Brothers. (The giving of Bibles as supplementary award during high school graduation, as far as I know, is not a
usual practice of our school. And that the Bibles were brought from The Vatican in Rome, Italy by a Brother who
returned from there on a tour, which I can vaguely remembered it a relayed information to my late father
(November 12, 2016) Engr. Glicerio V. Delgra (BSCE, past Municipal Engineer of Digos: 1969-1978) from one of
my school’s religious order member (Brothers of the Sacred Heart). I cherished this fact ever since in my life.) My
stay at the CIT was for 7 semesters or 3&½ years; my stay at the USC where I transferred to was for exactly
another 3&½ years in an extended 7-year college career. (The normal length of study in all engineering programs
here is 5 years. In the recent years, I have discovered hundreds of curious coincidences in my life in this manner;
and more are discovered as times passes.) My teacher’s (in Nuclear Physics, Engr. F. V. Paradela) questions were
answered after he read my mini-thesis research he requested us to do: “Is There Any Truth About the ESP?” or
Extra-Sensory Perception (given only to our batch). He also requested us to research/make a term paper on “What
is Man Searching For?” as alternative topic. His definitive answer from my research: ESP is mostly evil, usually
the work of demons. (This is because I do not rule out the possibility of the holy-type of the ESP phenomena to
happen. The holy-type however, may simply be called God’s divine revelation to his holy prophets and not “holy
ESP.”) And consequently the God of the Bible really exists as a solid reality: The power of Jesus was
demonstrated and the scientists from the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute in Manila, who visited CIT at the
time of my transfer to the USC were convinced that God really did in fact actually does exist: the Devil exists,
therefore Almighty God (and the Trinity God of mainline Christianity) must also exist. This was the cause of my
mediocre academic performance later in college*; but my first two (2) college years GPA (grade point average)
was 4.00562 (“B” on the U.S. 4.0-point Letter Grade Scale) on the CIT 3.0 “pass” and 5.0 “excellent” scale (with
0.5 increments); no “D” grade equivalent in the Philippines. I hope that my health condition is not a cause for non-
consideration as I get emotional residual-illness relapses** at certain times of 1-week to 1-month duration. Please
consider favorably my re-admission application. Equal opportunity requested that I will be applied to me. My U.S.
advanced aerospace education dreams pursuit now had been an early-manhood aspiration for me – it started in
early 1980’s during my BSME study at CIT. Now my opportunity has finally come: I thank the good Lord God in
Jesus for His many blessings and providence; in His time He will fulfil all his promises to me. My nominal sponsor
before in my aborted (1 year in 1999-2000) MSAE study at CSULB, my elder brother in Nutley, NJ, Dr.
Alexander B. Delgra, M.D., DABIM, will finally be able to finance my very expensive U.S. graduate study starting
in Fall Semester 2020 when his eldest son Alphonse will have then already finished his J.D. degree at St. John’s
University in Queens, New York. (Before in 1999-2000, it was really my loving father Glicerio (BSCE ‘53, CIT,
Cebu City) who financed my study by selling our old house in Digos City, Davao del Sur around 1997 (again, he
died on November 12, 2016 at the age of 86 years old); (my mother Carolina L. Borgonia Delgra died on March 1,
2002 after a year-long battle with breast cancer; age 73). I hope that you will realize the seriousness of my
intentions, goals and plans; they are altruistic with the advancement of my very aerospace-development-backward
cultural group foremost in my mind – ever since I was young. My unusual but normal psychological disability
interfered with my teaching career – key to a government scholarship. But I am a lot better now since my last
emotional illness relapse happened more than eight (8) years ago (March 1, 2010; I was in a [suburb], Davao City
Rehab of Dr. _._., M.D. until May 30, 2010). I hope that I will no longer have any more emotional illness relapses.
May the good Lord God in Jesus bless me and my support systems: family, etc. Please reply. Thank you.
P.S. GPA means grade point average; M.S., Master of Very truthfully and truly yours,
Science. **My emotional disorder lasted only 4
months: December 1982 to April 1983. My Christian
interdenominational group is the Navigator Ministries;
international Headquarters, Colorado Springs, Colora-
do, U.S.A. My relapses were plain emotional illnesses:
19 instances to date (at the time of the writing of this
document: mid-1999). It was only in 1999 at the Califor-
nia State University, Long Beach that I met my first
genuine psychiatrist. Now I am satisfied with the services
of my local psychiatrists (since July 2001) because I
considered them genuine with their real concern. *Since
my college BSME GPA is only 2.25 (“B-”), I have to
do a one-year non-degree M.S. Math study to improve
impressions on my transcript before seriously searching
for a college teaching job. I had my break when in the
Summer of 1989 I got a teaching job in Mathematics
at the Ateneo de Davao University. But since my goal is
a teaching career in genuine aeronautical engineering,
I aspired and was accepted for admission to U.S aero-
space engineering graduate schools. I have two admission
offers: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona
Beach, Florida (December 16, 1992), and the California
State University, Long Beach (May 25, 1999). Tony Darvin Anthony B. Delgra
I discussed many details on my 1&½ year or 3 semester emotional ordeal and social exclusion at the Cebu
Institute of Technology in June 1981 to October 1982, in my Part 1 of this Internet Document, A Revelation of
Darvin Anthony Delgra. You can find it starting on page 34:
3:51 A.M., June 19, 2018; Tuesday dawn. This movie is about a love story and normal schizophrenia, just like my case. D.D.
4:52 P.M., July 9, 2018; Monday. THERE IS ENOUGH TIME.
One person has a very strange, intriguing dream that was a widely spread issue in the old times past. It was not known
who was this person who dream, but his dream will serve as an extremely serious warning to us all.
There was a man who dream that he saw Satan who was sitting on his throne, was surrounded by his hordes of evil spirits
who were waiting for his commands. Then Satan said, “who among you who will go to earth to lead people to damnation?”
“I will go!” was the swift answer of one demon. “What will you say to them?” “I will tell them that there is no God.” “That
will not work,” was the sad reply of Satan. “People always know that God exist. Sometimes they deny it, even to their fellow
men but deep in their hearts they know He exist, and they know that they will face Him one day in the future. They may be
able to suppress their feelings, but in times of sickness or when death is near, it is not easy for them to deny God’s
existence.” “Your story will not lead them to damnation.”
Then Satan repeated his question: “who will go to the earth to lead people’s soul to damnation?” “I will!” was the answer
of the 2nd demon who responded. “And what will you say to them?” “I will tell them that there is God but He is a faithful
and holy God, and all of them are too vile as sinners to dare to come to Him.” “That will not work either,” was the repeated
view of Satan. “Their many needs and wants will bring them close to God. Aside from that, there are still many Bibles on
earth, they will only need to read it and they will see the invitation of God to all men; even though they are all sinners, they
only need to come to Him and they will receive Eternal Life.” “I want a better way of deception that will lead people to
And this issue of the matter, this particular question, was discussed in the whole city of the kingdom of darkness. Satan
again said, “who will go to lead people’s souls to damnation.”
Then silence fell. Then the person who had this dream saw the 3rd evil spirit who came forward and stood in front of
Satan’s throne and spoke: “I will go. I will tell them that God exist. I will let them hear, all of them, the Gospel as much as
they want to. They will all know the story and the love of God to give His only Son [as salvation sacrifice] for the lost sinners.
They will read about the only Son of God who gave Himself to die for them [on the cross]. They will all hear the invitation:
“Whoever wants, the free gift of the water of life they will receive for free. I will not stop them from hearing that Salvation
is a free gift from God, ‘not by works,’ They will all hear that.”
“But how will you be able to lead them to damnation?” was the intrigued and puzzled question of his master. “I will tell
them that all of that is true, but” with the swift addition that was accompanied by an evil malicious smile of a deception-
expert, “I will tell them all that THERE IS ENOUGH TIME to think about the offer to receive the presented salvation of God.”
The whole kingdom of darkness roared in agreement and wicked exultation. “You go!” was the swift command of the
Prince of Darkness, “you will be successful.” And this came to pass; and everyday until today, this clever demon’s message
of damnation remains as their standard weapon; which was whispered to the ears of the multitudes of peoples on earth.
Is…, this only a dream? The truth content is real, and not just a dream. In the olden times, when the person who dream
this dream was not yet born, this clever, wicked evil trap has been forged already in hell.
If you hear the message of Salvation of God through his Son Jesus Christ, and you learn of the calamity of the coming
Judgment, isn’t it that the enemy is whispering in your ears, “THERE IS ENOUGH TIME,” “you are healthy and strong, you
wait for the time of death. You don’t need to do it now,” “THERE IS ENOUGH TIME.” Yes… and it will disappear. “It will be
gone!” was the cry of regret, because remember, ETERNAL LIFE, is offered NOW, and not TOMMOROW.
“For God says, ‘Your cry came to me at a favorable time, when the doors of welcome is wide open. I helped you on a day
when salvation was being offered.’ Right now God is ready to welcome you. Today he is ready to save you.” 2 Cor. 6:2 LVB.
“What makes us think that we can escape if we are indifferent to this great salvation announced by the Lord Jesus Christ
himself, and passed on to us by those who heard him speak?” Hebrews 2:3; [The Living Bible Version].
When I was a baby I laughed and cried – time crawled. When I was a boy, I dream dreams and spoke – time walked.
When I was a young adult – time ran. After this period I grow older and older every day – time ran fast. Time will not wait
for me anymore in my life’s journey – time altogether left me. O Lord God, will you still consider saving me?
Wicked people will go to hell, and also all nations who forget God – [Mga Awit: (Psalms); I will find the verse later. (To be
indicated in the future Editions of this Internet publication.) Engr. Darvin Delgra.]
Freely distributed without cost by the: IN CHRIST MINISTRIES, INC., P.O. BOX SM 267, Manila, Philippines
This drawing picture is an illustration of the well-known Bridge to Life witnessing material of The Navigator Ministries. The
Navigators is a worldwide interdenominational Christian para-church organization which has its international headquarters located in
Colorado Springs, CO, U.S.A. Since the Navigators is interdenominational, our members come from the different churches of different
Christian denominations. The common elements of the different churches of which the members of our groups belong to are these: 1.)
Salvation by Faith; 2.) God-Man Jesus; 3.) Trinity (Three Persons in One God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit). There
may be a fourth element however that may be included; but these first three (3) may just be sufficient for new members yet to have
acquired considerable knowledge of Scriptures, and the consequential spiritual maturity. And this is the reality that the Holy Spirit is
neuter: neither male nor female – which I just discovered around late 2000’s decade and very near 2010. However, I still have to do an in-
depth study of this mainline Christian churches doctrine. (Again, I define “mainline” as in mainline Christian church/es as having at least
the essential first three elements stated above.) I am a Catholic since birth; and since my church has these elements numbered above, I
remained a Catholic 100% since my group is only a para-church (like a church) organization. In our man-to-man (or life-on-life) Christian
discipleship mentoring activities, there were never any doctrines (of any particular denomination) discussed, because the one who
followed-up me in my spiritual growth program of Scriptures Bible study, is not a Catholic but a Protestant. Only the plain teachings of
the Bible are presented. And the most important result of these activities is the application of the Scriptural lessons learned to one’s life.
Because of my Bible knowledge, I have consistently avoided the many activities that are pursued by most spiritually unborn persons. I am
happy that the good Lord God in Jesus found his way into my heart at a young age of 18 y.o. – when I was beginning my 2nd yr. in BSME
at the Cebu Inst. of Tech. in Cebu City. I am now 56 – soon to be fulfilled in my life-long aerospace dreams. May God in Jesus bless me.
[5:12 P.M., July 9, 2018; Monday]. Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV): “For it is by grace you have been saved by faith – and this is not
from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” Romans 10:9-10 (NIV): “That if you confess
with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is
with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” The New
Prayer before Communion in the Catholic Mass is based on Luke 7:1-10 which is the Faith of the Centurion (Roman Army
officer) who requested a miracle from Jesus of healing his servant in his house. And that Jesus need not go there because
he understands the military chain of command, and he himself is a man of authority: it is his view that “Jesus only needs to
say the word and his servant (in his house) will be healed.” (V.8). (V.9) “When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and
turning to the crowd following him, he said, I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” The phrase “Lord, I
am not worthy that you should enter under my roof (go to my house), but only say the word and my soul (adaptation from
the original fact, servant, in Luke 7:1-10) will be healed”: In my NIV – New International Version Bible and KJV – King James
Version Bible, the “house” or “home” in my TLBV – The Living Bible Version, is rendered “roof” or “under my roof” (which
has no ambiguity). This is how to become a born again/ renewed Christian (for Catholics: 2 Cor. 5:17 “having a new life from
Jesus as a new creation”); (born again is found: John Ch. 3): To receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior in the
simple Prayer of Salvation (shown above; many variations among mainline Christian churches) after a proper [bona fide]
full understanding of the Lord’s terms regarding salvation, is the way to become a citizen of heaven. In the Catholic Church
the repeated prayer and receiving of communion bread would be the equivalent of animal sacrifices on God’s temple by
human high priests in the Old Testament. This simple Prayer of Salvation would be precisely the New Testament Sacrifice of
Jesus Himself on the cross to destroy the power of death of the Devil. In Part 1 of this Internet publication, you can read
there my comprehensive explanations on the Bridge. You may contact The Navigator Ministries on www.navigators.org.
[5:25 P.M., August 4, 2018; Saturday]. Be very careful when you pray the simple “Prayer of Salvation” above. Because you
must make the commitment to grow in the knowledge of the Lord as you grow older. After you pray this simple prayer, you
don’t automatically go to Heaven, or else, if it is automatic, you die right away after your salvation in order to be protected
from the further sins people commit. We are called to become citizens of Heaven with Jesus Christ as Head of the Church,
the firstborn OVER all creation (because He is not a created being but shared in the fullness of the Deity. Colossians 2:9 “For
in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form”; now the fullness of the Deity in traditional, bona fide Christianity is
the Trinity). After our spiritual birth with our inviting Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Savior with our verbal assent in our
doing the Prayer of Salvation above, we still have a responsibility of growing in the knowledge of the Lord. By reading the
Holy Scriptures and earnest Bible Study. etc. In 2 Peter 1:3-11 which in my NIV Bible has a title for this section “Making
One’s Calling and Election Sure,” in verses 5-9, it says: “For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith
goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to
perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these
qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in the knowledge in your
knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that
he has been cleansed from his past sins.” Although salvation is a gift, saved people still have the responsibility of a willing
effort to grow in the knowledge of the Lord. The New Testament of the Bible and Psalms and Proverbs, etc. in the Old
Testament has so many instructions and guide for godly living. The Navigator Ministries is committed to The Great
Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 which is Jesus’ commandment for us “to go and make disciples of all nations” with
additional instructions from Jesus on how to do this. If you are interested to become a disciplemaker by becoming first a
disciple yourself, please keep in touch with the interdenominational Christian para-church organization The Navigator
Ministries at www.navigators.org in the convenient Internet. We are very lucky to be in our Internet age of the 21st
Century. There are no excuses anymore for anyone not to join in the work God called us in Jesus for the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Section of Hebrews 10:1-18 is titled “Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All.” (Please read Hebrews 10:1-18. Verse 18 says “And
where these have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin.”) We always do the Holy Communion every Sunday
service in the Catholic Mass, and perhaps also in other similar churches such as the Orthodox Church, etc. The Eucharist was
instituted by Jesus in the Last Supper (complete reference: Luke 22:7-38), and He said “do this in remembrance of me.” The
practice of the Holy Communion in the Catholic Mass is to prepare people to receive Christ in the Prayer of Salvation. Just
as the animal sacrifices in the Old Testament in God’s Temple, as a practice to prepare people for the ultimate sacrifice of
the body and blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins. If you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and
Savior in the Prayer of Salvation (above; before this page), you will become a born again Christian (John Chapter 3; for
Protestants, etc.) or reborn or renewed Christian (for Catholics; Titus 3:5b “He saved as through the washing of rebirth and
renewal by the Holy Spirit”; NIV). Please do not be afraid to take the “first step to cross the Bridge to Life.” After you do this
life-changing step, the first thing you will experience is that you will not enjoy saying bad things and bad words anymore;
and will be empowered by your newfound relationship with the good Lord God in Jesus to live the new life. Also, when you
start reading the Bible after your spiritual birth, you will find that you will understand the Scriptures as your renewed mind
is being guided by the Holy Spirit to understand Scriptural Truths. So, please do not be afraid to become a born again or
reborn or renewed Christian. Going to Heaven is a very difficult prospect, but take heart, the victorious redeemer our Lord
Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Savior had already been victorious 2000 years ago in Calvary. And he has already paved the
way for us in our Adventure of our trip to Heaven (the rest of your born again/ reborn, renewed Christian life on earth).
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ may really happen within the 21st Century (21 = 7+7+7). There are many signs already.
Like the message in Daniel 12:4 which says that “…[the] end times, [will happen] when travel and education shall be vastly
increased” (Living Bible Version). This clearly refers to our times today: the subsonic 500+ mph-plus airliner is the limit
speed for public air travel. The supersonic Concorde has proven to be not viable for en masse public air travel. Also the
circumference of the earth is around 25,000 miles. So 25,000 miles/ 500 mph will be 50 hours. But who would travel around
the world and stop at the same place of origin (other than Burt Rutan’s specially designed Voyager aircraft which travelled
around the world in 1986 on one tank of fuel – a difficult goal, but only done for the record books). It could be that before
Jesus Christ 2nd Coming the World War 3 may happen. I have a techno-thriller book by Tom Clancy, SSN, which is about
submarine warfare. And the scene is the South China Sea which is contested by 6 countries, especially the shallow sea areas
that are believed to be rich oil fields yet to be exploited. I believe the disputes of the interest among countries to dominate
these contested territory will result to inevitable conflict in the unforeseen future. China is being very aggressive because of
its huge military. But other countries of the world also are mandated to maintain world peace by the United Nations. So the
South China Sea problem is an international concern. In the news I learned that the maritime powers of the world like
France, UK, Canada, U.S., India, Australia & Japan have sent their warships to the area to maintain “freedom of navigation.”
4:26 P.M., June 19, 2018; Tuesday. My uncle Dr. Cecilio V. Delgra says CJ is a 1400 SAT scorer. Sincerely, Tony Delgra
*I may take again the GRE in the future. But the ETS made a new very difficult revised GRE General Test with a new scale of
130 (“zero”)-170 (“perfect”) and the verbal + quantitative scale of 260-340. My scores below are my NORMAL ability scores.
*4:32 P.M., June 19, 2018; Tuesday
I finally found a society whose members’ concern is the appreciation of fair weather (and other types of) clouds.
This is the CAS – Cloud Appreciation Society founded by a Briton, Gavin Pretor-Pinney, after 2000. I bought but
have yet to read a book he authored, The Cloudspotter’s Guide. There may be at present more than 30,000
members worldwide of the CAS that’s connected via the Internet. When I am outside our house while walking, I
always take a few moments to look up to the skies and appreciate the beautiful ever-changing clouds (now I know
I am not alone in this behavior). When I am flying in an airliner, I always make it a point to get the window seat as
I’d liked to watch the outside view for the duration of the entire flight. And not only this: I also loved to watch the
twinkling distant stars during every starry night. I have a new binocular given by my M.D. elder brother (eldest) in
the U.S., but I aspired to own someday an astronomical telescope. My interest really is aerospace and not just aero-
nautics. And God willing in Jesus, in less than 5 years from now, I will be honoring a lifelong dream of becoming
an aircraft designer with at least an MSAE degree from a U.S. university. However, I have in mind my aero-dev’t-
backward cultural group to help. And I am forming my own genuine aeronautics society because I need similar
minded people to forge political influence with. I think serious aviation people have also my behavior and reaction
to what the day and night sky present to the visual senses. But I was born with this nature ever since my childhood.
Pronounced: “Daedalus,” from the famed ancient Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus,” which means “success”;
and skillful, ingenious, cleverly intricate and diversified (the meanings of the lesser-known Dictionary word “daedal”).
INITIAL OFFERINGS (All 5-year Bachelor of Science Degree Programs except where noted):
B.S. in Aerospace Engineering → Plus a 2-year* Diploma in Aerospace Engineering (Program: 4 year and 5 year courses): th th
B.S. in Aircraft Engineering Technology (Practical); [↑For B.S. in Engineering (any type); *BS in Physics, *BS in]
B.S. in Avionics Engineering Technology (Engineer Programs); [↑Math and *BS in Computer Science Graduates:]
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Traditional local Mech’l Engg. Program); [↑Post-Baccalaureate Study in Aero Eng.]
B.S. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (6 years; Dual Degree Program); [↑*Some remedial course work]
B.S. in Aircraft Maintenance Technology (Professional Aircraft Maintenance Degree Program); [↑may be needed in DP.]
B.S. in Aviation Maintenance Management* (JOINT PROGRAM**(*) with the *FILIPINO AVIATION ACADEMY):
[*A new Program that’s a combination of B.S. in Management and the 2-year degrees A.S. Aircraft Maintenance or A.S. Avionics Technician at FAA.]
[**This degree can also be pursued at the MATS College of Technology-Aviation School at the old Davao International Airport General Aviation Area.]
[***Also at the AISAT – Asian International School of Aeronautics and Technology, Sta. Ana Ave. & L. Garcia St. They have facility at Gen. Av. Area.]
B.S. in Aviation Business Administration (4 years); [↓The Flying Course below is also a 4-year B.S. Degree Program.]
B.S. in Flight Science (Professional Piloting: Joint Program with any Flying School at the DIA General Aviation Area, Sasa, D.C.);
B.S. in Aviation Computer Science (4 years); Future Offerings: B.S. Applied Meteorology (4 yrs.);
B.S. in Engineering Physics (Space Science); B.S. Human Factors Psychology (aerospace applications; 4 y.);
B.S. in Air Traffic Management (4 years); B.S. in Aviation Safety Science (4 years); and MORE!
Inquiries please send to (specially for finished US-par B.S. curriculums I made using ERAU catalog; Dec. 19, 2017; Tue.):
Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME, MSAE Grad Student (CSULB ‘99-2000: expired leave); E-mail: [email protected]
AVIATION Courses are invited; also instructors in PE, ROTC & NSTP. COLLEGE BS graduates welcome; MS preferred.
It was my wish to study at the University of the Philippines (1979) but there was no AE Department then and until now 2017.
Our debut in modern aeronautical education has come! US-par education is the key to all my visions in aeronautics & space.
†May we finally develop in this first-world field aeronautics/space starting with this US-par aerospace specialty gov’t college.
Philippine Aerospace Enthusiasts JOIN ME IN MY CAUSE! I will need your SUPPORT SIGNATURES in my letters to Philippine gov’t officials and
policy makers. Visit my Internet webpage: Dreams of Engr. Darvin Delgra of MODERN Philippine Aeronautics: there’s a Signature Solicitation Form.
There are developments in my correspondence to gov’t agencies. This school is the key to the establishment of a local aircraft manufacturing industry.
Republic of the Philippines
Subic Bay International Airport, Waterfront Road, Subic Bay Freeport Zone 2209, Zambales
WATCH FOR the establishment of this proposed AERONAUTICS SPECIALTY COLLEGE,
A unique, pioneering U.S.-par QUALITY Institution in the “Port of Subic Bay,”
the beautiful, peaceful, “idyllic” Subic Bay – in the NEAR future
“SUPAERO” is the nickname of the École Nationale Supérieure de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace in Toulouse, France. It is translated as the
“National Higher School of Aeronautics and Space.” Founded in 1909, it is one of the most prestigious and selective grandes écoles in France.
[Proposed to be] Founded with an Endowment from the MANNY PACQUIAO FOUNDATION.
December 17, 1978, Manny Pacquiao’s Birthday, is the 75th Anniversary of the Wright Brothers’ amazing first successful powered flight!
INITIAL OFFERINGS (All 5-year Bachelor of Science Degree Programs except where noted):
B.S. in Aeronautical Engineering (*Difference from aerospace with just five (5) exclusively space courses or around 15 units.)
B.S. in Aerospace Engineering → Plus a 2-year* Diploma in Aerospace Engineering (Program: 4 year and 5 year courses): th th
B.S. in Aircraft Engineering Technology (Practical); [↑For B.S. in Engineering (any type); *BS in Physics, *BS in]
B.S. in Avionics Engineering Technology (Engineer Programs); [↑Math and *BS in Computer Science Graduates:]
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Traditional local Mech’l Engg. Program); [↑Post-Baccalaureate Study in Aero Eng.]
B.S. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (6 years; Dual Degree Program); [↑*Some remedial course work]
B.S. in Aircraft Maintenance Technology (Professional Aircraft Maintenance Degree Program); [↑may be needed in DP.]
B.S. in Aviation Maintenance Management* (JOINT Program with any 2-year aviation college at Subic Bay Airport):
[*A new Program that’s a combination of B.S. in Management and the 2-year degrees A.S. in Aircraft Maintenance OR A.S. in Avionics Technician.];
B.S. in Aviation Business Administration (4 years); [↓The Flying Course below is also a 4-year B.S. Degree Program.]
B.S. in Flight Science (Professional Piloting: Joint Program with any Flying School at SBIA General Aviation Area, Subic Bay, Zambales);
B.S. in Aviation Computer Science (4 years); Future Offerings: B.S. Applied Meteorology (4 yrs.);
B.S. in Engineering Physics (Space Science); B.S. Human Factors Psychology (aerospace applications; 4 y.);
B.S. in Air Traffic Management (4 years); B.S. in Aviation Safety Science (4 years); and MORE!
Inquiries please send to (specially for finished US-par B.S. curriculums I made using ERAU catalog; 8 Feb. 2018; Thurs.):
Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME, MSAE Grad Student (CSULB ‘99-2000: expired leave); E-mail: [email protected]
AVIATION Courses are invited; also instructors in PE, ROTC & NSTP. COLLEGE BS graduates welcome; MS preferred.
It was my wish to study at the University of the Philippines (1979) but there was no AE Department then and until now 2018.
Our debut in modern aeronautical education has come! US-par education is the key to all my visions in aeronautics & space.
†May we finally develop in this first-world field aeronautics/space starting with this US-par aerospace specialty gov’t college.
Philippine Aerospace Enthusiasts JOIN ME IN MY CAUSE! I will need your SUPPORT SIGNATURES in my letters to Philippine gov’t officials and
policy makers. Visit my Internet webpage: Dreams of Engr. Darvin Delgra of MODERN Philippine Aeronautics: there’s a Signature Solicitation Form.
There are developments in my correspondence to gov’t agencies. This school is the key to the establishment of a local aircraft manufacturing industry.
Republic of the Philippines
Mactan Cebu International Airport, General Aviation Area, Lapu-lapu City 6015, Cebu Province
WATCH FOR the establishment of this proposed AERONAUTICS SPECIALTY COLLEGE,
A unique, pioneering U.S.-par QUALITY Institution in the “Queen City of the South,”
the beautiful, peaceful, “idyllic” Cebu City – in the NEAR future
Word Play of: “Daedalus”, from the famed ancient Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus,” which means “success”;
and skillful, ingenious, cleverly intricate and diversified (the meanings of the lesser-known Dictionary word “daedal”).
INITIAL OFFERINGS (All 5-year Bachelor of Science Degree Programs except where noted):
B.S. in Aerospace Engineering → Plus a 2-year* Diploma in Aerospace Engineering (Program: 4 year and 5 year courses): th th
B.S. in Aircraft Engineering Technology (Practical); [↑For B.S. in Engineering (any type); *BS in Physics, *BS in]
B.S. in Avionics Engineering Technology (Engineer Programs); [↑Math and *BS in Computer Science Graduates:]
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Traditional local Mech’l Engg. Program); [↑Post-Baccalaureate Study in Aero Eng.]
B.S. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (6 years; Dual Degree Program); [↑*Some remedial course work]
B.S. in Aircraft Maintenance Technology (Professional Aircraft Maintenance Degree Program); [↑may be needed in DP.]
B.S. in Aviation Maintenance Management* (JOINT PROGRAM**(*) with the *Indiana Aerospace University):
[*A new Program that’s a combination of B.S. in Management and the 2-year degrees A.S. Aircraft Maintenance or A.S. Avionics Technician at IAU.]
[**This degree can also be pursued at the Flight Dynamics School of Aeronautics at the Mactan Cebu International Airport, General Aviation Area.]
[***Also at the Philippine State College of Aeronautics-Cebu Campus, Mactan Benito Ebuen Air Base, Philippine Air Force, Lapu-lapu City, Cebu.]
B.S. in Aviation Business Administration (4 years); [↓The Flying Course below is also a 4-year B.S. Degree Program.]
B.S. in Flight Science (Professional Piloting: Joint Program with any Flying School at MCIA General Aviation Area, Lapu-lapu City);
B.S. in Aviation Computer Science (4 years); Future Offerings: B.S. Applied Meteorology (4 yrs.);
B.S. in Engineering Physics (Space Science); B.S. Human Factors Psychology (aerospace applications; 4 y.);
B.S. in Air Traffic Management (4 years); B.S. in Aviation Safety Science (4 years); and MORE!
Inquiries please send to (specially for finished US-par B.S. curriculums I made using ERAU catalog; January 13, 2018; Sa.)
Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME, MSAE Grad Student (CSULB ‘99-2000: expired leave); E-mail: [email protected]
AVIATION Courses are invited; also instructors in PE, ROTC & NSTP. COLLEGE BS graduates welcome; MS preferred.
It was my wish to study at the University of the Philippines (1979) but there was no AE Department then and until now 2016.
Our debut in modern aeronautical education has come! US-par education is the key to all my visions in aeronautics & space.
†May we finally develop in this first-world field aeronautics/space starting with this US-par aerospace specialty gov’t college.
Philippine Aerospace Enthusiasts JOIN ME IN MY CAUSE! I will need your SUPPORT SIGNATURES in my letters to Philippine gov’t officials and
policy makers. Visit my Internet webpage: Dreams of Engr. Darvin Delgra of MODERN Philippine Aeronautics: there’s a Signature Solicitation Form.
There are developments in my correspondence to gov’t agencies. This school is the key to the establishment of a local aircraft manufacturing industry.
[**5:25 P.M., September 6, 2016; Tuesday]; Dear Sir/ Ma’am:
We can request our “hero from Southern Mindanao,” World Boxing Champion Senator Emmanuel “Manny” D.
Pacquiao to sponsor the $10 Million Endowment for my proposed U.S.-par Aeronautics Specialty State College or
(Local) City College, the “Daedalus,” The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology to be located at the long-
abandoned (December 1, 2003) Old Davao Airport Terminal Buildings and surrounding areas as campus. This $10
Million investment for the future of our country in genuine aeronautical development, Air Defense Capability
Development and energy security (i.e., modern windmills), etc., can be realized by harnessing our talented aero youth.
The time has come for our genuine aerospace development with our national leadership’s new interest in space matters.
“DAEDALUS,” The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology
Old Davao Airport, Sasa, Davao City: A Specialty Technological State College of the University of Southeastern Phils. System, Obrero, Davao City
Proposal: a Public College; by Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME, MS Aero Eng. grad student (expired leave: CSU, Long Beach)
1:20 P.M., May 13, 2010 A.D., Tuesday; [02-23-2017]. †$10 Million is the OUTLAY for the Aerospace Academy Project in Coimbatore, Southwest India which was an Internet news in Jan. 2006.
Board of Regents (10 members); ↓Offices Tennis and Badminton Courts; Basketball Courts; Volleyball Courts;☺;
President of School; [for School Officers] Football Field; Sports/Cultural Center (bldg.); Books, educational video
Vice-President for Admin.; Vice-Pres. for Retired aircraft: airplane & helicopter airframes & engines; Avionics lab
Registrar (& Staff); [↑Acad. Affs.; Research] Rapid Prototyping Stereolithography machine☺; CAD/CAM system☺.
Finance Department (Head and Staff) Computer Lab.; Mechanical Engineering Lab; Composite Materials Lab.
Guidance and Testing Office (and Staff) Software: Aircraft Design, Sizing & Performance; Flight Dynamics, etc.
Librarian (& Staff); Secretaries for offices Aero Lab: Subsonic & Supersonic Wind Tunnels, Water Tunnel;
Dean of Men, & Women; Admissions Office Modular Air Flow Bench; Aircraft Structures Lab; Jet Engine Test Set.
College Dean: Engineering and Aviation BUILDINGS: 2 unused for 13+ years now; plus Cargo Building (for:
Advisory Committee: for Engg. Programs Aero Lab). Needed: to acquire unused ECJ (610) Hangar, nearby;
DEPARTMENTS (Chairperson and Faculty): [Carpentry Dept.]; [Parking Lot: the present ample-sized area]☺.
1. Mathematics and Computer Science IMPORTED TEACHERS from Embry-Riddle Aero. U., Daytona
2. Physics and Chemistry (and Lab Staff) Beach, Florida, USA: 13 w/ Master’s Degrees to teach BSAE (2),
3. Engineering Graphics (and CAD Lab Staff) BSAcET (1), BSAvET (2), BSAMT (2), BSABA (2), BSACS (2)
4. English (/Speech/Public Speaking, Liter’re) & BSAS (2) courses (higher years). Contract: 3 years; Budget:
5. Laboratories Maintenance Dept. (overall) PhP 70(+) Million. Salary: $40,000+ a year. ☺This is a one-time
6. Machine Shop/ Workshop (and Staff) expense. Our better first graduates will take over as new faculty.
7. Accounting (and Engineering Economy) LOCAL FACULTY to teach General Education (etc: ROTC, NSTP
8. Psychology (/Family Planning/Drug Abuse) & Physical Edu.), and General Engineering and Aviation courses.
9. Engineering Science [Thermodynamics, ↓] IMPORTANT: SPONSORSHIP OF THE MANNY PACQUIAO
10. Logic and Philosophy; [↑Mechanics, Etc.] FOUNDATION TO PROVIDE THE FUNDS IN THE FORM OF۩
11. Philippine Government and Constitution ENDOWMENT FOR THE SCHOOL the “Daedalus.” I’m certain†
12. Social Science; [**New Buildings needed]; ₱500 Million/ $10 Million would be sufficient as initial funding.*
13. Pilipino; [around the periphery of the 7-]; *Money for 7-ha. adjacent vacant lot not included in this FUND.
14. History; [ha. vacant lot* as school grows.]; SUPPORT FROM THE GOV’T: An Act of Philippine Congress
15. Avtn. Management; ↓Degree Programs: is needed for the creation of this specialty Aero State College☺.
16. Aviation Science (Professional Pilot); (2; ↓) SUPPORT from International Organizations such as The AIAA:
17. Aerospace Engineering (2 imported) American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, of which I’m
18. Mechanical Engineering (Traditional Program) a member #188,884: ‘99-2000: inactive, at the Calif. State Univ.,
19. Aircraft Engineering Technology (1 import.) Long Beach; and ASEE: American Society for Eng’g Education.
20. Avionics Engg. Technology (2 imported) IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS SCHOOL IS PROPOSED PREFE-
21. A/c Maintenance Technology (2 imported) RABLY AS A BRANCH COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY
22. Aviation Business Administration (2 imported) OF SOUTHEASTERN PHILIPPINES as I used to be a for-
23. Aviation Maintenance Management (↑included) mer faculty member in this QUALITY school: early 1990’s.
24. Aviation Computer Science (2 imported) The USeP is one of two State Univ. Systems in Mindanao.
25. Air Force ROTC/Nat’l Service Training Prog./PE This school is proposed to be sponsored (backed, supported,
ACADEMIC SUPPORT, ADVOCATES, Etc.: promoted) by UNESCO, Div. of Higher Education, Section
Classrooms and Laboratories (general); School Clinic for Reform, Innovation & Quality Assurance, Paris, France.
Library & Internet facilities; Lights; [↓Tables & chairs &] ☺I bet no operation can be the next use of the old airport**
File cabinets for Offices of personnel and departments except this aeronautics specialty college, the “Daedalus.”
Faculty room; Air-conditioners/ ceiling and wall fans May the good Lord God in Jesus bless us even in this area.
Computers for offices; Cafeteria (contracted) and Bldg.
Audio-visual room; Drafting room; blackboards/whiteboards Very sincerely,
Athletic Field & Parade Grounds: The nearby long-vacant
7-hectare Lot* owned by the late Mr. Fernando Bermejo Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME, MSAE grad student
Dormitories: there are 2 unused buildings nearby that were March 23, 1986: University of San Carlos, Cebu City
abandoned ever since but are excellent for student dorms. Prof’l Reg. Commission ME#33,353: 10 March 1987
Speech Lab; Student Organizations’ Headquarters Offices. Expired leave grad student at CSULB from ‘99-2000
**The old terminal has been unused/unoccupied since Dec. 1, 2003 when airport operations transferred to new location across the runway. No new use found/decided since.
PROPOSALS TO THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT. [10:07 P.M., April 13, 2018; Friday @ Bangkal, D.C., Philippines]
To be originally named as the PARO to reflect our current state of development or state-of-the-art in technology:
Location [Proposed]: Digos National Airport, Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur 8006 (gov’t aeronautics agency)
[Future] Director: Engr. Darvin A. B. Delgra, BSME, M.Eng. Program-ME student @ USeP (Nov. 2011- ); M.S.
Aerospace Eng. graduate student (BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan: ‘99-2000; expired leave: California State U.,
Long Beach). I will continue my MSAE degree program at the CSULB Mech. & Aero Eng. Dept. where I am on
leave (hoping to resume: 2020). Los Angeles, California is my most viable place of study because of a large num-
ber of relatives residing there. My post-MS degree goal now is the Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.) in Mechanical
Eng. at Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology. I will need this Degree for my credibility.
The D.Eng. (my Program Specialization: Fluid Dynamics) requires a practical dissertation with an applied re-
search emphasis rather than on basic research that’s characteristic of the Ph.D. I plan to do my Doctoral Project
in Aerodynamic Design Optimization at this local grad school. I’ve first fantasized that I’ll be a Ph.D. someday
upon seeing that Airport ‘77 movie in which a main character has a Ph.D. in Physics – my favorite high school
subject along w/ Math in ‘78-79. My 126 IQ: 96%ile, is average among PhD’s. I am searching for a scholarship.
[Small experimental] Rocket Launches done on the Island of Sarangani, Sarangani Province: PROPOSED PSC site.
BOEING PHILIPPINES, LTD.; Regional Airline Maintenance Center, [at the future] Digos National Airport.
NORTHROP GRUMMAN PHILS., LTD.; Clark Field, Angeles, Pampanga; Subic Bay Airport, Zambales.
To be established for the manufacture of the Northrop Grumman F-20 Tigershark fighter a/c. [PAF lacks fighters.]
(“Daedalus”) DAEDALVS, The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology [or City College]
A CITY COLLEGE or STATE COLLEGE of USeP or MSU; Old Davao Airport Terminal Building, Sasa, Davao
Other “Daedalus” campuses will be established at selected locations all over the country. Darvin “Tony” B. Delgra
*This will be the start of genuine aeronautical development in our country. I am doing my pursuits, goals and plans in aeronautics for the
sake of our talented Filipino youth in science and engineering that’s continually forsaken by our government. The Philippines has
continually neglected the aeronautics sector until now year 2017. There’s not one quality aeronautics college all over the nation to date!
Aeronautics is not the same as aviation although these two terms are interchangeably used, loosely. “Aviation” means just “all the range
of activities of, or for, finished, certificated, in-service aircraft.” Such as piloting aircraft: airlines, military aviation & general aviation;
aircraft maintenance including that of avionics; and the licensing and regulations function of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philip-
pines (CAAP), etc. We Filipinos have yet to break the “cynicism barrier” in genuine aeronautical development. Most of our people’s
attitude towards the science & technology of flight (“aeronautics,” from the original concept of “aerial navigation” in the 19th Century) is
very much like that during the turn of the 20th Century in advanced nations. We don’t believe we can make our own locally-made air-
craft. Actually we can. For we only need to design them with aid of U.S. aerospace companies which wanted so much to enter the Philip-
pines with its so many unused facilities for aircraft manufacture. Then we buy the parts from them. For even a small aircraft is composed
of thousands of parts. (The F-22 Raptor has a million parts; the Boeing 747 has 6M parts.) There are many well-established, reliable for-
eign subcontractors that can be depended upon to supply quality parts for us. We don’t need to start from scratch especially because we
are an ally of our former colonizer America. We have an advantage in having a western culture. Surely, it’s never too late for us Filipinos!
It is now high time for the Philippine Government people to act on this very important matter. For aeronautics has lots of far-reaching
significance, the foremost surely is our national security. We may acquire 12 KAI FA-50 air defense fighters in our military moderniza-
tion programs but these are clearly lacking. Should we be just like a “sissy” cultural group that will not fight back when our very national
existence is at stake or in danger? 12 KAI FA-50’s can’t do it! The state-of-the-art of Philippine aeronautics is like that in Papua New
Guinea: yet to have a debut. Our non-aero enthusiast policy makers are just content with the status quo of our aero education. Or
they don’t know what the first-world countries are teaching in genuine aeronautics as they are not aero engineers. But there’s no excuse
not to pursue even just the smallest efforts at genuine aeronautical development. Dreamers like Capt. Panfilo Villaruel are only ignored.
Now I am pursuing my US advanced study in aerospace engineering (MSAE) through private family sponsorship. I am planning to do a
5-year H-1B working visa short-stint career @ Boeing Co. St. Louis MO (military a/c division) then I will come back. I hope that by then
the Philippine government will not ignore me the way they ignored my unlucky friend Capt. Villaruel. He clearly made the wrong choice
of an Air Force piloting career when he stopped schooling in mechanical engineering as a sophomore at UP because his passion and
perceived calling is the establishment of genuine aero development in industry, aircraft design; academe, R&D, etc. in our country. He did
not realize that to actualize his dreams, he should start with genuine aerospace eng. education because he is not an engineer or a teacher.
*The view is that of the GADECO – Guihing Agricultural Development Corporation – Banana Plantation, in
Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur, Philippines in the middle of the very flat Padada Valley. Guihing Barrio Site
(foreground) is around 7 Km. south of my new city, Digos City (September 8, 2000), Davao del Sur; which in turn
is around 60 Km. south-southwest of the booming city of Davao City. The slope of this Padada Valley is very flat:
from my old homeplace of Digos City to the Town of Sulop 20+ Km. south from Digos. In fact, there was a former
World War II Japanese airfield in the town of Hagonoy (my Civil Engr.-former Municipal Engr. of Digos, father
Glicerio, told me; but I don’t know exactly where). There is also an excellent deep-water port in the town of
Malalag, Davao del Sur, about 15 Km. from Hagonoy: this is a very important factor as entry point to our country
of supply materials from Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., our main source of aerospace parts-products. I propose
to the Philippine government with its national leadership’s new interest in “space matters,” to locate the head-
quarters of the Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA) here. The fact that southern Mindanao is rarely visited by the
yearly happening strong typhoons is a very attractive incentive for our country to consider this proposal. (Also, a
similar move by the government is to transfer the Philippine Air Force Flying School to the Rajah Buayan Airport,
the old airport in General Santos City in South Cotabato; this public airport now being replaced by a new
international airport there. The reason is precisely the same as my presented fact: that typhoons seldom visit
southern Mindanao. The last typhoon to visit Davao del Sur was the Bagyo “Titang” in 1972.) I suggest the
establishment and construction of a new mixed-use research airport complex here like the Braunschweig
Research Airport in Germany; site for the German Aerospace Center (DLR – its abbreviation in German): see
Wikipedia. May I respectfully propose to the Philippine gov’t the creation of the PARO – Philippine Aeronautics
Research Organization. When the Philippine government is ready for the fusion of the PhilSA and the PARO, a
new aerospace field all-encompassing agency will result: this is the PAGA&SA – Philippine Aviation*, General
Aeronautics and Space Agency (*aviation research; and NOT operations and use of finished, certificated, in-
service aircraft; the jurisdiction of the CAAP – Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines). The view above is
looking NNE; and the view below with the foreground, my old hometown, now Digos City, is looking SSE or SE.
The bottom next page view is the main road of Digos City, Rizal Avenue: looking (essentially) north. I have many
policy makers-friends here/ (more than) acquaintances (as our family is a long-time resident of Digos: 1954-1998).
I sincerely urge the Philippine government to consider seriously my first-world ideas for our general development.
[4:19 P.M., June 30, 2016; Saturday]; 2:24 A.M., June 19, 2018; Tuesday
Dear Philippine Politician/ Government Agency Official:
I have a plausible belief why the veritably (being truly or very much so) excellent Northrop Grumman F-20 Tigershark did
not sell in the 1980’s is that God in Jesus meant it to be the nucleus of an expedited genuine aeronautical development
for the only former colony of neophyte colonizer America. Let us consider seriously the local licensed manufacture of the
versatile F-20 at the now unprofitable Subic Bay International Airport, Zambales (that’s rendered its present status by the
very close Clark International Airport in Angeles, Pampanga). In our manufacture of this excellent fighter aircraft, we will
only do the ASSEMBLY of FINISHED COMPONENTS shipped from the U.S. (mainly, Los Angeles, California) to our National
Aircraft Company (my proposal) at the Subic Bay Airport. Let us follow the former Indonesia’s President B. J. Habibie (a
German-trained aerospace engineer) philosophy of “begin with the end, and end with the beginning.” He meant that to
expedite the aeronautical development of one’s nation we should start with the LOCAL LICENSED MANUFACTURE (the last
part: aircraft assembly) of a FINISHED IMPORTED FOREIGN-DESIGNED aircraft, rather than start from scratch using local
technology and resources. This is our only hope for the creation of a credible air defense force of a considerable number of
fighter units. We can also recommend it as the NEW VERSATILE ASEAN Joint Fighter. This jet fighter may really sell this time.
I have a fiction book which featured the versatile F-20 in a hypothetical Middle East conflict: this is the Warriors, by
Barrett Tillman © A Bantam Book / July 1990. I have not finished reading it yet – only up to page 78 of this wonderful 385
pages techno-thriller pocketbook. But I have read about the very important advantages of this excellent fighter over many
others in my incomplete reading (I know I should finish reading it soon). Dear Gov’t Politician/ Agency Official: Please secure
a copy of this book and read it. The F-20 is the most excellent 4th generation fighter of its class. And with recent technology
such as radar-absorbent paints (etc.), we can improve it to become a most versatile 4.5th generation fighter. Please write back
and CORRESPOND with me REGARDING this MATTER. I hope I will find forward-looking people in the government agencies,
politicians, etc. who will be interested in this very important, very-critical-to-our national security proposal (etc., such as
technological dev’t). I thank the good Lord God in Jesus for our leadership’s recent interest in space. Please reply. Thanks.
4:29 P.M., July 12, 2018; Friday
Subic Bay International Airport in Subic Bay, Zambales, Philippines: a former USN Naval Base. This is my suggestion of my
envisioned site or location for our national aircraft company, my proposed Northrop Grumman Philippines, Ltd. where we
will manufacture among others (such as UCAV’s – unmanned or uninhabited combat air vehicles, etc.) the veritably (being
truly or very much so) excellent Northrop Grumman F-20A Tigershark, which I propose as the new ASEAN Joint Fighter
aircraft. The F-20 is a finished design but did not reach the manufacturing stage because of a failed sales campaign in the
1980’s, with the F-16 its chief competitor in its fighter class. The countries of the world naively followed the “only the best”
preference of Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich Middle East countries for the General Dynamics (now Lockheed Martin) F-16
Fighting Falcon which is in actual operation with the U.S. Air Force. Though the F-16 class fighter airplanes were designed in
the 1970’s, they are expected to be in operation throughout the first half of the 21st Century or up to near 2050 – these are
the 4th generation and 4.5th generation fighter airplanes. The 5th generation fighters such as the Lockheed Martin F-22
Raptor will be used in limited numbers due to restrictive economics. The F-20 is the most excellent 4th generation fighter
airplane of its class – even superior in many ways to the popular F-16. But the “stigma” of its being designed for friendly 3rd
world countries allies of the U.S. may have, apparently, prevented it from being manufactured and marketed worldwide
even though, again, it is a finished design. But its design information and data, I of course believe, is preserved, although as
I have read in the Internet that the Northrop Corporation destroyed the tooling for the manufacture of the only three (3)
prototypes of the F-20. Two prototypes crashed not due to functional defects, but mainly due to test pilot’s G-LOC (gravity-
induced loss of consciousness) during flight demonstrations. The last prototype is donated to the Science Museum in LA.
It is now high time for us Filipinos to look up to the skies for our general technological dev’t. In 2016, President Rodrigo
Duterte signed into law the PhilSA – Philippine Space Agency which I suspected is a space-focused initiative and endeavor
and headed by a Filipino Astrophysicist, Dr. Rogel Mari D. Sese, who has a Ph.D. degree from the University of Tsukuba,
Japan. May I respectfully suggest that the PhilSA should be renamed as the PAGA&SA – Philippine Aviation, General Aero-
nautics & Space Agency to precisely define its total entireness in its whole relevance. Space (astronautics & space explora-
tion) cannot be pursued in isolation: the foundation and most essential prerequisite to space is aeronautics & aviation. DAD
6:47 P.M., July 14, 2018; Saturday
The airplane in this black and white picture is the world-famous SIAI-Marchetti SF-260 designed by the talented Italian,
Dr. Ing. Stelio Frati (1919-2010). This regarded as the world’s best-light airplane-design aircraft is the favorite advanced
basic trainer of many of the world’s air forces. A few units in the manufacturing plant are spared for a few lucky wealthy
civilian sport pilots who can afford the price: more than half a million dollars each unit. I am a big fan of Stelio Frati since I
first learned about him from reading aviation magazines in the early 1980’s. And in fact, when I wrote to him in April 1991, I
received a reply letter from him, enclosed together in the printed matter mailed by him is a brochure of his last aircraft des-
ign then (his 22nd), the General Avia F.22 Pinguino. I, being a big fan of him, do my aircraft sketches imitating his way. DABD
Dreams of MODERN Philippine Aeronautics
PAR0, Philippine Aeronautics Research Organization; Digos National Airport, Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur 8006, PH
20xx A.D., DAEDALVS, The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology; a PUBLIC College @ Old Davao Airport, D.C.*
“Daedalus,” from the Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus,” meaning “success,” skillful, ingenious and cleverly intricate.
A USeP (University of Southeastern Philippines, Obrero, D.C.) Branch (STATE) College OR Aeronautics Specialty CITY College of Davao City
In Partnership with The California State University, Long Beach and the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Two schools that offered me MSAE admission in 1990’s. Finished 1 year in my BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan at CSULB in 1999-2000.
US-par AE Department w/ imported aero.-lab equipt.: proposed to be established with assistance from the Manny Pacquiao Foundation.
Proposed Department of Aeronautical Engineering; 11:28 AM 17 May 2018; Thursday; *Davao City
Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, BSAsE; A Finally Perfected Aeros. Eng. Program
Proponent: Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME (USC, Cebu), Expired leave MSAE Graduate Student @ CSULB
SAMPLE CURRICULUM: Designed by DAГV Delgra [Future Degree↑; Hopefully, God willing.]
First Year, 1st Semester Units First Year, 2nd Semester Units
College Algebra 5 Differential Calculus and Analytic Geometry 5
Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 2+1 Intermediate Algebra 3; Gen. Physics I Lec. & Lab 3+2
Foundations of Chemistry, Lec. & Lab 3+2 Programming and Problem Solving in Java 3
Engineering Graphics I (Manual) 2 Engineering Graphics II (Computer-Aided Drafting) 2
English Grammar and Composition I 3 English Grammar and Composition II 3
Introduction to Logic and Philosophy 3 Speech Improvement/ Public Speaking 3
Aviation/ Aerospace Orientation 1 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 2
Computer Fundamentals and Programming 3 Air Force ROTC [or Adult Lectures on Scouting](1.5)
AFROTC [or NSTP]; PE/EXSA(1)25(26/27.5) PE/ Exercise Science and Activities (1) 26(27/28.5)
Second Year, 1st Semester Units Second Year, 2nd Semester Units
Integral Calculus & Analytic Geometry 5 Applied Differential Equations & Linear Algebra 3+2
Engg. Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics 2+3 Solid Mechanics (Strength of Materials) 3
General Physics II, Lec. & Lab 3+2 General Psychology/ Family Planning/ Drug Abuse 3+1+1
Technical Report Writing 3 Introduction to English Literature 3
Workshop Theory and Practice 2 Machine Shop Theory and Practice 2
Civil Air Regulations and Labor Laws 3 History of the Airplane and its Technology 3
Aircraft Maintenance and Repair 3 Introduction to the Flight Sciences I 3
AFROTC (1.5); PE/Ex.Sci. (1)26(27/28.5) AFROTC[Opt.](1.5); Physical Edu./EXSA(1)24(25/26.5)
Third Year, 1st Semester Units Third Year, 2nd Semester Units
Advanced Engg. Math: Vector Analysis 3 Engineering Materials Science, Lec. & Lab 3+1
Electrical Engineering I, Lec. & Lab 3+1 Numerical Methods in Engineering 3
Engineering Thermodynamics 3 Heat Transfer 3
Introduction to the Flight Sciences II 3 Aircraft Mechanical, Electrical & Avionic Systems 3
Probability & Statistics in Aero Eng. 3 Engineering Fluid Dynamics*(1) 3
Philippine Government & the Constitution 3 Communication Arts in Pilipino 3
Social Issues and Social Justice 3/ 22 History through the Arts 3/ 22
Fourth Year, 1st Semester Units Fourth Year, 2nd Semester Units
1. Aerodynamics I*(2) 3 1. Aerodynamics II 3
2. Eng. Instrumentation & Measurement 2 2. Experimental Aerodynamics, Lec. & Lab 2+1
3. Aerospace Structures I*(3) 3 3. Aerospace Structures II 3
4. Airplane Performance*(4) 3 4. Airplane Stability and Control*(5) 3
5. Vibration Theory and Applications 3 5. Fundamentals of Spacecraft Dynamics 3
Survey & Reading of Philippine Literature 3 Project Feasibility Study (Aero-related Business) 2
History of Western Civilization 3/ 20 Life, Works and Writings of National Hero Rizal 3/ 20
Fifth Year, 1 Semester
st Units Fifth Year, 2nd Semester Units
6. Aerospace System Desn I (Team work) 6 6. Aerosp. Systems Design II (Lab Design in school) 6
7. Aircraft Preliminary Design (T.W.) 6 7. Gas Turbine and Rocket Engines; [†Technical]; 3
8. Aerospace Structures Laboratory 1 8. Aerospace Powerplant Laboratory; [Electives]; 1
9. Space Flight and Orbital Mechanics 3 9. †Composite Materials OR Control Systems Ana Desgn 3
10. Spacecraft Systems; ↑*(6); 3 10. AE Seminar & **Inspection Trips (Manila, Phils.) 2
Engg. Economy and Elementary Accounting 3 Practicum/OJT:Summer<5th yr(320 hrs)–Academic Rqt 3
Aviation Management 3/ 25 Engineering Law, Contracts and Ethics 3/ 21
*I have already taken the AE courses with asterisks*. **IAe, Indonesia; SAe Ltd., Singapore;
Airod, Malaysia; AIDC, TAC, Taiwan; and several aircraft companies in South Korea and Japan.
The STATUS QUO of our Aeros. Education all over the Phils. is FAR BELOW International Standards.
It was my wish to study at the UP (June 1979) but there was no Aero Eng. Dept. then and now.
This BSAsE curriculum I made has a difference of just 5 exclusively space courses from BSAE.
May God bless this altruistic plan. This I pray in Jesus Name. Sincerely, Darvin A. B. Delgra
Aeronautical Laboratory Equipment – Daedalus Aero Tech College;
or University of Southeastern Philippines–Aeronautical Engineering Dept.
Techquipment TD200 Small Engine Test Set – Thermodynamics; [11-04-2014; Tuesday]; [2-09-2017]
Versatile engine test bed and instrumentation for investigations into the fundamental features of internal
combustion engines (piston engines)
US Didactic HM 225 Airflow Bench (fluid mechanics equipment); PRINT DATE: 1-10-2015; Sat.
US Didactic HM 172 Supersonic Wind Tunnel; (below ↓ is subsonic wind tunnel)
Engineering Laboratory Design Model 402(B) 12”x12”x24” Wind Tunnel (subsonic)
Turbine Technologies, LTD. MiniLab™ Gas Turbine Lab (small jet engine)
Turbine Technologies, LTD. TrueStructures™ Strain Analysis Lab
Rolling Hills Research Corporation
University Desktop Water Tunnel Model 0710 (for flow visualization studies)
Development of a Flight Dynamics Engineering Simulator (FDES) at Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia: An Overview; [for simulating flight behaviour of]
Shuhaimi Mansor; [an airplane using the computer.]
Assoc. Prof., Head of Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory, PhD, PEng
[email protected]
Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, 5th Edition (book); & RDS-Win Student, Version
6.0 - Aircraft Design Software; By: Dr. Daniel P. Raymer
Design Notes for Airplane Preliminary Design: AE-420, Aircraft
Design I; By: Donald J. Ritchie (Author); Publisher: Embry Riddle Aeronautical
University, Daytona Beach, Florida, U.S.A.; 1976; 694 Pages
Laboratory Manual and Design Notes for Airplane Detail Design:
AE-421 Aircraft Design II; [Unknown Binding]
By: Donald J Ritchie (Author); Publisher: ERAU; 3rd Ed. (1976); 258 pages
Turbine Tech. WindLab™ Wind Turbine Power System Lab Eqpt. in Wind Energy
Engineering Instrumentation and Measurement Lab equipt.; Space Flight Simulator;
Composite Materials Laboratory; Electrical/ Avionics Laboratory equipment.
Computer-Aided Design Lab; Rapid Prototyping Stereolithography machine
Computational Fluid Dynamics software; Finite Element Method software; etc.
*We will consult with Calif. State U., LB about more lab equipment, etc. to acquire.
We will request Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., FL to aid us regarding the other
aspects of starting a U.S.-par (at least in certain very important respects) Aeronautical
Engineering Dept. I have studied at CSULB (1999-2000: 1 school-year of BSAE Deficien-
cy-removal Plan). ERAU is the first school to offer me (Dec. 16, 1992) MSAE admission.
†I found in the Internet the Northrop Rice Advanced Institute of Technology (former NU)
whose new business concern is helping countries worldwide establish quality aero schools.
Univ. of Southeastern Philippines – Aeronautical Eng. Dept.: 3 copies each:
Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach [latest Edition]; Daniel P. Raymer; PRINT DATE:
Introduction to Aircraft Design; Fielding 2-10-2017; Friday: 12:21 AM
Introduction to Aircraft Performance, Selection and Design; Francis J. Hale
Foundations of Aerodynamics: Bases of Aerodynamic Design; Kuethe and Chow
Flight Stability and Automatic Control; Robert C. Nelson [Author]; Flight Dynamics Principles; Cook
Experimental Methods for Engineers, Holman; Measurement & Data Analysis for Eng. & Science, Dunn
Linear Control System Analysis and Modern; D’Azzo and Houpis
Airframe Structural Design; Michael Chun-Yung Niu
Practical Stress Analysis for Design Engineers; Jean-Claude Flabel
Aircraft Reciprocating Engines; by Jeppesen; Aircraft Dynamic Stability and Response, Babister
Aerospace Propulsion: Gas Turbines and Rockets; Jack Mattingly
Powered Flight: The Engineering of Aerospace Propulsion; David R. Greatrix
Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Basics with Applications; Anderson
Compressible Fluid Flow; Oosthuizen and Carscallen
Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials; Hyer
Composite Manufacturing Technology; Bratukhin and Bogolyubov
Systems Engineering and Analysis; Blanchard and Fabrycky
Fundamentals of Aircraft Structural Analysis, Howard D. Curtis
Understanding Aircraft Structures, Cutler; Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, Megson
Introduction to Avionics, R. P. G. Collinson
Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application; Manwell, McGowan and Rogers
Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design; Ashby, Shercliff, Cebon
Aircraft Performance and Design; John D. Anderson
Fluid Mechanics; Streeter and Wylie; Engineering Vibrations (varied titles) [Any author(s).]
Advice to Rocket Scientists: A Career Survival Guide for Scientists and Engineers; Jim Longuski
AIAA Aerospace Design Engineers Guide, 6th Edition; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Interactive Aerospace Engineering and Design with CD-ROM; Dava Newman
Standard Handbook for Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineers; Mark Davies (Editor)
Understanding Space: An Introduction to Astronautics; Sellers, Astore, Giffen, Larson
Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Testing; J. B. Barlow, W. H. Rae, Alan Pope; High-Speed Wind Tunnel
Testing, [same authors]; Elements of Gas Dynamics; by Hans Wolfgang Liepmann and Anatol Roshko
Probability and Statistics in Aerospace Engineering [Paperback]; 136 pages;
M. H. Rheinfurth (Author), L. W Howell (Author), NASA (Author); $30.00
How to Land a Top-Paying Aeronautical Engineer’s Job: Your Complete Guide to
Opportunities, Resumes and Cover Letters, Interviews, Salaries, Promotions, What to
Expect from Recruiters; and More [Paperback]; Tammy Reese: Author; 4/02/2012; $24.00
The Cambridge Aerospace Dictionary (Cambridge Aerospace Series) [Hardcover]
Bill Gunston (Editor) ; [May 10, 2004]; 750 pages
Introduction to Numerical and Analytical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and
and Scientists [hardcover]; by William Bober; Publication date: Sept. 11, 2013; $113.95
Introductory Finite Element Method (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series)
Hardcover – May 18, 2001 by Chandrakant S. Desai (Author), Tribikram Kundu (Author)
Introduction to Flight, J.D. Anderson; Civil Air Regulations and Labor Laws (book & Internet resource)
Introduction to Aeronautics: A Design Perspective; by S.A. Brandt, R.J. Stiles, J.J. Bertin & R. Whitford
The Airplane: A History of its Technology; by John D. Anderson
Aircraft Maintenance and Repair; Kroes, Watkins, Delp
Aircraft Systems: Mechanical, Electrical and Avionics Subsystems Integration; Moire and Seabridge
[9:05 P.M., June 20, 2018; Wed.] *We will consult with my AE Dept. at CSULB regarding modern books. D.A.D.
Dreams of MODERN Philippine Aeronautics
PAR0, Philippine Aeronautics Research Organization; Digos National Airport, Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur 8006, PH
20xx A.D., DAEDALVS, The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology; a PUBLIC College @ Old Davao Airport, D.C.*
“Daedalus,” from the Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus,” meaning “success,” skillful, ingenious and cleverly intricate.
A USeP (University of Southeastern Philippines, Obrero, D.C.) Branch (STATE) College OR Aeronautics Specialty CITY College of Davao City
In Partnership with The California State University, Long Beach and the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Two schools that offered me MSAE admission in 1990’s. Finished 1 year in my BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan at CSULB in 1999-2000.
US-par AE Department w/ imported aero.-lab equipt.: proposed to be established with assistance from the Manny Pacquiao Foundation.
Proposed Department of Aeronautical Engineering; 10:01 PM 13 April 2018; Friday; *Davao City
Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering, BSAE; A Finally Perfected Aero Eng. Program
Proponent: Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME (USC, Cebu), Expired leave MSAE Graduate Student @ CSULB
SAMPLE CURRICULUM: Designed by DAГV Delgra [Future Degree↑; Hopefully, God willing.]
First Year, 1st Semester Units First Year, 2nd Semester Units
College Algebra 5 Differential Calculus and Analytic Geometry 5
Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 2+1 Intermediate Algebra 3; Gen. Physics I Lec. & Lab 3+2
Foundations of Chemistry, Lec. & Lab 3+2 Programming and Problem Solving in Java 3
Engineering Graphics I (Manual) 2 Engineering Graphics II (Computer-Aided Drafting) 2
English Grammar and Composition I 3 English Grammar and Composition II 3
Introduction to Logic and Philosophy 3 Speech Improvement/ Public Speaking 3
Aviation/ Aerospace Orientation 1 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 2
Computer Fundamentals and Programming 3 Air Force ROTC [or Adult Lectures on Scouting](1.5)
AFROTC [or NSTP]; PE/EXSA(1)25(26/27.5) PE/ Exercise Science and Activities (1) 26(27/28.5)
Second Year, 1st Semester Units Second Year, 2nd Semester Units
Integral Calculus & Analytic Geometry 5 Applied Differential Equations & Linear Algebra 3+2
Eng. Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics 2+3 Solid Mechanics (Strength of Materials) 3
General Physics II, Lec. & Lab 3+2 General Psychology/ Family Planning/ Drug Abuse 3+1+1
Technical Report Writing 3 Introduction to English Literature 3
Workshop Theory and Practice 2 Machine Shop Theory and Practice 2
Civil Air Regulations and Labor Laws 3 History of the Airplane and its Technology 3
Aircraft Maintenance and Repair 3 Introduction to the Flight Sciences I 3
AFROTC (1.5); PE/Ex.Sci. (1)26(27/28.5) AFROTC[Opt.](1.5); Physical Edu./EXSA(1)24(25/26.5)
Third Year, 1st Semester Units Third Year, 2nd Semester Units
Advanced Eng. Math: Vector Analysis 3 Engineering Materials Science, Lec. & Lab 3+1
Electrical Engineering I, Lec. & Lab 3+1 Numerical Methods in Engineering 3
Engineering Thermodynamics 3 Heat Transfer 3
Introduction to the Flight Sciences II 3 Aircraft Mechanical, Electrical & Avionic Systems 3
Probability & Statistics in Aero Eng. 3 Engineering Fluid Dynamics*(1) 3
Philippine Government & the Constitution 3 Communication Arts in Pilipino 3
Social Issues and Social Justice 3/ 22 History through the Arts 3/ 22
Fourth Year, 1st Semester Units Fourth Year, 2nd Semester Units
1. Aerodynamics I*(2) 3 1. Aerodynamics II 3
2. Eng. Instrumentation & Measurement 2 2. Experimental Aerodynamics, Lec. & Lab 2+1
3. Aircraft Structures I*(3) 3 3. Aircraft Structures II 3
4. Airplane Performance*(4) 3 4. Airplane Stability and Control*(5) 3
5. Vibration Theory and Applications 3 5. Control Systems Analysis and Design 3
Survey & Reading of Philippine Literature 3 Project Feasibility Study (Aero-related Business) 2
History of Western Civilization 3/ 20 Life, Works and Writings of National Hero Rizal 3/ 20
Fifth Year, 1 Semester
st Units Fifth Year, 2nd Semester Units
6. Aircraft Design I (Teamwork Design) 6 6. Aircraft Design II (Lab Design work in school) 6
7. Aircraft Reciprocating Engines 3 7. Gas Turbine and Rocket Engines; [†Technical]; 3
8. Aircraft Structures Laboratory 1 8. Aircraft Powerplant Laboratory; [Elective(s)]; 1
9. †TE: Intro to FEM OR Wind Power Eng. 3 9. †Tech El: Intro. to CFD OR Aviation Ground School 3
10. Mechanics of Composite Materials 3 10. AE Seminar & **Inspection Trips (Manila, Phils.) 2
Eng. Economy and Elementary Accounting 3 Practicum/OJT:Summer<5th yr(320 hrs)–Academic Rqt 3
Aviation Management 3/ 22 Engineering Law, Contracts and Ethics 3/ 21
*I have already taken the AE courses with asterisks*. **IAe, Indonesia; SAe Ltd., Singapore;
Airod, Malaysia; AIDC, TAC, Taiwan; and several aircraft companies in South Korea and Japan.
The STATUS QUO of our Aeron. Education all over the Phils. is FAR BELOW International Standards.
It was my wish to study at the UP (June 1979) but there was no Aero Eng. Dept. then and now.
May we finally develop in this first-world field aeronautics/space starting w/ the Daedalus.
May God bless this altruistic plan. This I pray in Jesus Name. Sincerely, Darvin A. B. Delgra
Dreams of MODERN Philippine Aeronautics
PAR0, Philippine Aeronautics Research Organization; Digos National Airport, Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur 8006 Phils.
20xx A.D., DAEDALVS The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology, A Public College; F. Bangoy Airport, Sasa, D.C.*
“Daedalus,” from the Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus,” meaning “success,” skillful, ingenious and cleverly intricate.
A most unique specialty State College of the University of Southeastern Philippines, A. Iñigo Street, Barrio Obrero, Davao City 8000 PH
In Partnership with The California State University, Long Beach and the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Two schools that offered me MSAE admission in 1990’s. Finished 1 year in my BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan at CSULB in 1999-2000.
Proposed Department of Aeronautical Engineering; 9:43 PM 4 August 2016 Thursday; *Davao City
Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering, Dip.AE; A Perfected Aero. Eng. Diploma Program: 2 years
Proponent: Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME (USC, Cebu), Expired leave grad student in MSAE @ CSULB
SAMPLE CURRICULUM: Designed by DAГV Delgra [Future Degree↑; Hopefully, God willing]
Preliminary Year, 1st Semester Units Preliminary Year, 2nd Semester Units
1. Fluid Mechanics*[*If already taken]3 1. Aerodynamics I (Incompressible Fluid Flow)(*os)3
2. Eng Instrumentation &Meas[the BSAE]2 2. Experimental Aerodynamics, Lec. & Lab. 1+1
3. Aircraft Structures I[majors apply]3 3. Aircraft Structures II 3
4. Airplane Performance[no offsem sub]3 4. Airplane Stability and Control 3
5. Mech’l Vibration Theory[*offsem]3/14 5. Control Systems Analysis and Design 3/ 14
Final Year, 1st Semester Units Final Year, 2nd Semester Units
6. Aircraft Design I (Teamwork Design) 6 6. Aircraft Design II (Lab Design work in school) 6
7. Aerodynamics II (Compressible)(*os)3 7. Tech El: Intro. to CFD or Aviation Ground School 3
8. TE: Intro. to FEM or Space Mechanics 3 8. Composite Materials(*off-semester AE offerings)3
9. Aircraft Structures Laboratory 1 9. Gas Turbine and Rocket Engines 3
10. Aircraft Reciprocating Engines 3/16 10. Aircraft Powerplant Lab 1; 11. AE Seminar 2/18
It was my wish to study at the UP (June 1979) but there was no Aero Eng. Dept. then and now.
The good Lord God in Jesus never meant me to become a victim of the low-quality aero schools
in our country such as PATTS, etc. It is my calling to foster genuine aero education in RP.
The STATUS QUO of Philippine Aeronautical Education is substandard all over the archipelago.
May we finally develop in this first-world field aeronautics/space starting w/ the Daedalus.
May God bless this altruistic plan. This I pray in Jesus Name. Sincerely, Darvin A. B. Delgra
This Post-baccalaureate Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering Program was designed for those very interested BS graduates in suita-
ble related fields such as other Engineering (e.g., CE, EE, etc.), Physics, Math & Comp. Sci. Holders of these latter 3 degrees may require
remedial course work in the engineering sciences such as Thermodynamics, etc., and their programs will be extended – up to three years.
Their background is considered adequate preparation to engage in this Diploma Program. The critical factor for successful post-B.S. study
in this high-tech field is serious interest in aeronautics. However, there are late bloomers in enthusiast’s interest. And there are those who
will do it for this equally valid reason: the challenge and excitement in the field. CE grads may pursue a structures specialty. While EE
grads will be interested in avionics, flight dynamics and control. There are a vast range of specialties which will excite all backgrounds.
There are very intelligent graduates of other eng. programs, physics, math and computer science who did not choose a BS Aeronautical
Engineering course as first degree because of the very poor reputation of aeronautical engineering education in the Philippines, in fact
all over the country. I have first-hand information on this as I have done post-baccalaureate studies in BS Aero Eng. at PATTS College
of Aeronautics (1988) and MATS Coll. of Tech., Davao City (3 rd year, 1989-90) because of my aborted plan then of becoming eligible to
take the PRC AE Board Exam. But in the middle of that school-year while studying in BSAE at MATS and at the same time teaching
mathematics part-time at the Ateneo de Davao University, I decided to pursue my aerospace education in the U.S. This was because my
elder brother, M.D., DABIM (he was 32 years old then) was able go to the US. His visa was granted though his wife, a nurse, was in the
U.S., because of his certification that he has operated aboard the US Navy Hospital Ship, USN Mercy. (During my first application for an
F-1 Student Visa in 1994, the U.S. Consul just read my I-20 Certificate of Eligibility in M.S. in Aerospace Engineering Degree Program
at the specialty school I will attend, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach, FL, and I was approved a visa right away without
a single question. But I studied at CSU, Long Beach in 1999-2000 because of severe financial problems. My loving father was able to
raise the funds for my very expensive U.S. study by selling our house in Digos, Davao del Sur; a new City on Sept. 8, 2000.) It is among
my life’s more important missions to establish genuine aeronautics in the Philippines starting at the academe, and then later starting a
fledgling aircraft manufacturing industry through the establishment of my envisioned government agency in aeronautics, the “PARO.”
To the immediate south of my former hometown, now Digos City, was a former Japanese airfield during World War II located at the town
of Hagonoy that is situated in the middle of the wide, very flat Padada Valley of northern Davao del Sur. I suggest that my proposed
government agency in aeronautics, the future Philippine Aviation, General Aeron. & Space Agency (PAGA&SA) will be located there.
As you know, foreign aerospace concerns want to utilize the former Clark Air Base as a location for an aircraft company, especially The
Boeing Co. of the U.S. To realize their prospects, we must do our part by providing quality graduates in aeronautics and allied fields so
that our backward cultural group will finally break the “cynicism barrier” that has been with us ever since: what are we Filipinos doing in
aeronautics? For the truth is that the state-of-the-art of Philippine aeronautics has not taken off since the first airplane flight of the Wright
brothers on December 17, 1903 and the first manned balloon flight of the French Montgolfier brothers on Nov. 21, 1783. I envisioned my
aeronautics specialty college to be the very start of genuine aeronautical development in our country by harnessing our talented aviation,
aerospace and science youth. I am very serious to continue the altruistic cause of my patriotic friend the late Capt. Panfilo V. Villaruel, Jr.
DAEDALUS, The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology
[1:57 A.M., March 13, 2017; Monday]; Pronounced: “Daedalus,” from the famed ancient Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus.”
GRADING SYSTEM;[Also Proposed to be adopted by the the Philippine Higher Education Dept.]
The U.S. Letter Grading System is employed to facilitate the admission of our
B.S. in Aeronautical Engineering/ Aviation Graduates to U.S. Graduate Schools in
the M.S. and Ph.D. Programs if the they are interested to further their education.
Letter Grade Equivalent % Quality PRECISE MEANING* INDICATION:
[√ For me, Letter] [for GPA, Grade Point] [guide only;] [*this is more important ] [For Cumulative Grade]
[Grades are fairer] [Average calculation] [can be adjusted†] [than the guide at left] [Point Average (CGPA):]
A++ 1.0 (3 top grades.) 100* “Perfect Grade”: *Bonus points of up to 5% may be given:
A+ 1.0 [Using the] 95 - 99 Exceptional; Maximum Points to be given: “100 +5”%.
A 1.0 [Computer:] 90 - 94 Excellent: 1.150 Cumulative GPA: “Summa cum Laude”
A- 1.3 (1.3333…3) 85 - 89 Extremely Good Work; 1.400 CGPA: “Magna cum Laude”
B+ 1.7 (1.6666…7) 80 - 84 Very Good Work; 1.750: “Cum Laude” ←↑Dean’s List
B Grade Pt. Average 2.0 [for accurate] 75 - 79 Good Work, High Achievement; 2.000(+): “Honor Roll”
B- needed to finish in 2.3 (2.3333…3) 70 - 74 Quite a bit better than Average; ↑ for Semestral Listings
C+ U.S. Grad. School: 2.7 (2.6666…7) 65 - 69 Better than Average; 2.5* qualifies in MS program admission
C MS&PhD Programs 3.0 [num’l value] *60 - 64 Average, Satisfactory Work: *Qualifies for the B.S. Degree
C- Minimum grade in 3.3 (3.3333…3) 55 - 59 Almost Satisfactory Work; ←↓pass (as individual grade)
D+ US graduate school. 3.7 (3.6666…7) 50 - 54 Not Good but passed; ***Graduation Requirement: “C”
D ↓Minimum in college. 4.0 [: 10 decimal] 45 - 49 Penultimate Minimum Passing; or 3.000 cumulative GPA
D- †40% can’t be adjusted 4.3 (4.33…3) 40 - 44 Barely Passing: Questionable; needed to graduate or be
F (“0,” zero credit) 5.0 [places precision] 0 - 39: Failed; ↓EIF expired (must repeat); awarded the degree of
INC [*A “C” average is needed for satisfactory] ↓ Incomplete; [*2.50 GPA is absolute]; Bachelor of Science
W [academic progress, which means that] N/A Withdrawn; [minimum for MS]; [in Aeronautics/Aviation]
UW [the student is maintaining good standing.] ↑ Unauthorized Withdrawal; [admission]; [Degree Program.]
DR [*A student can fall below “C” semestral CGPA only 6 times.] Dropped (within prescribed time period when classes start.)
*In a GPA of 3.000 only the 3 digits to the right of the decimal point will count. The 4th and all the rest of the digits after that will just be truncated.
[May 13, 2010 Thu.]; I have decided to adopt the U.S. System in our future college because our present “21 level”
grading system (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, … to 3.0) is susceptible to arbitrary grading of the student’s performance by the
teachers who have different philosophies of grading. What’s the difference between a grade of 1.6 & 1.7 in quality
except that “1.6 >1.7.” But this system can no longer be given precise meaning. In my own transcript it is noted
there that 1.0 - 1.5 is “excellent” and 1.6 - 2.0 is “very good,” that 2.1 - 2.5 is “good” and that 2.6 - 3.0 is “fair.”
So you see, institutions have DIFFICULTY giving grade quality with more than four (4) levels of distinction,
namely again, “excellent”, “very good”, “good”, and “fair.” But these descriptors of quality failed to express the
finer levels of distinction of quality expressed in number grades (21 levels) which can no longer be given precise
meaning. For me to give grades that can no longer be given precise meaning is like using the IQ number-concept
to measure intelligence quotient, which is useful, but not to delicate precise academic matters in the school setting.
The descriptors above is the result of my extensive research. I based them on the U.S. government graduate study guide I
found at the local U.S. Information Service Library here. I believe these are the most number of precise-meaning finer-
distinction grade system available anywhere, just 13 levels. In the % Quality of the student’s work are given the percentage
of the students’ work which meet the grade criteria. At most it is just within 5% of the students’ scores that meets a certain
grade level, say “C” which is 60% - 64%, which is fair to the students. I hope that with this system the many abuses
committed by the teachers in giving unfair grades to the students will be addressed. *Because at the time of giving the final
grade the teachers should think in terms of worded meanings in their heads in order to give fair meaningful grades. There are
not a few teachers who will abuse their positions, who have committed so many “academic sins” in giving unfair arbitrary
grades based on not so meaningful calculations. It is now high time to exploit the better grading system of the U.S. with
which we have inherited our higher education system of learning. Also, when most international students decide to further
their studies abroad, their number one choice is the US. I have studied there for at least one year in ‘99-2000 at Calif. State
Univ., Long Beach. It is now high time to establish modern aeronautical education in the Philippines and I am committed to
my goal. Here in Davao City the Old Airport is still unused more than 13 years now after it was vacated on Dec. 1, 2003. The
government do not have an inkling on what to do with the old facility. Even urban developers in Manila don’t have any idea
on what to do with the airport. So I gave my solid idea in the Internet; web search on: “Darvin Delgra.” ***BONUS Points
will be given for work that are like the momentous achievements in history such as the advent of the first airplane flight, etc.
Needed for the “DAEDALUS,” The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology,
Davao City 8000 U.S.-par Department of Aeronautical Engineering
Engr. Darvin A. B. Delgra, BSME, MSAE grad student, MEP-ME-2 student (10:48 A.M., August 3, 2016 A.D., Wed. in Bangkal, Davao City 8000)
1. 2 MS-degreed teachers from my school in the U.S., the California State University, Long Beach (1 for Aero Eng.: 1 AE
professor from the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida). I am sure they will assist me in
my altruistic patriotic goals and plans for our country in the field of aeronautics. My part-time teacher* at CSULB, Mr.
Eric R. Kendall, M.Sc., Cranfield Institute of Technology, U.K. (retired: late 2006, Senior Manager, C-17 Globemaster
Flying Qualities Department, The Boeing Company, Long Beach, California, U.S.A.) already made an unsolicited
volunteer commitment upon hearing my plans for modern aeronautical education in the Philippines, in the Spring Sem.
2000 in his class when I mentioned to him my plan (then) for the UP AE Dept. Now it will be here in Davao City that
I will pursue my goals. My teacher is an old bachelor at perhaps 70+ years old. He may be interested to become an
emeritus professor in the Department in his old age. He seemed to have a “missionary zeal” specifically in aeronautics
education. We may need another (1) AE professor and one (1-2) in the Aircraft Engineering Technology Department:
I received his 3 e-mail messages in 2007; the last was on November 28, 2007. I am still waiting for his fourth e-mail
message. I hope nothing bad happened to him. May God bless us all in Jesus. [*I saw in the Internet just yesterday,
August 2, 2016, about a book he authored, Airplane S&C, that he mentioned in 2000 that he will publish: the copyright
is 2013 – and therefore he may still be alive and well to date. Our original plan was for the UP. But I continually failed
to make them become interested in my plans. The state-of-the-art of Philippine aeronautics has not taken off since the
first airplane flight of the Wright brothers on December 17, 1903; first manned balloon flight of the French Montgolfier
brothers: November 21, 1783. What are we Filipinos doing in aeronautics? Our poor politicians simply don’t care.]
2. Books: I have collected over the years textbooks for the BSAE curriculum I designed (finished or finally perfected after
21 years of deep thinking, extensive research and dedicated work). These are good quality books and some were bought
in the U.S. I will complete my book collection for my BSAE program. Books allied to aeronautics are also collected.
3. Laboratory equipment. I have discovered many companies in U.S. that manufactures small-scale aero-laboratories
equipment for use in developing countries: Aerolab, Turbine Technologies, TQ Education & Training Ltd. (U.K), etc.
4. Computer Programs: I’m starting to collect aeronautics-related cd-rom’s. Some free software available from Internet.
5. Subscription to the better aviation/ aerospace publications (especially magazines):
A. Aircraft Design: Theory, Technology and Applications, An international Journal; [defunct publication]
Editors: E. Torenbeek, Jan Roskam (Ackers Distinguished Professor of Aerospace Engineering, U. Kansas)
By: Elsevier Science Ltd., The Blvd., Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, U.K. [there are others]
B. Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine: P.O. Box 125, Galway, England
C. Several free publications (magazines) especially offered to qualified aviation/aeronautics people. Etc.
6. Student organizations: Student branch of the AIAA or the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (of
which I am a professional member: #188,884; November 1, 1999); (inactive, since Nov. 1, 2000). Student branch of the
Philippine Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics Professional Society (proposed). The PSAA organization will seek
membership in The International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences. The AIAA must be the leader of the ICAS.
7. Advisory and Development Council: same as for the Aerospace Eng. Dept. of CSULB. A local counterpart may be
needed. My Department at CSU, Long Beach has goals to establish ties with foreign schools (their mission statement).
8. Funding from the Manny Pacquiao Foundation. I suggest the USeP Admin. should contact now the MPF for the
endowment for the “Daedalus.” The most significant implication of the dept. is air defense capability development.
9. SUPPPORT FROM THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT for our Dept. I received only some polite replies from my
many correspondences to gov’t people. However, I have made progresses toward my goal. I am never discouraged.
The Dept. will be a precursor of my envisioned U.S.-par (certain important respects) aero public college to be nick-
named “Daedalus” Aero Tech at the long-abandoned (12-01-2003) Old Davao Airport, Sasa. This school should be a
public State College for our talented aeronautics youth that are continually forsaken by our gov’t until now, 2016.
10. Support from international organizations especially Foundations in New York; the AIAA, ASEE, etc., of the U.S., &
other international organizations in the other advanced countries of the world. I plan to publish soon my book Writings
of Darvin Delgra in which I will place an invitation page to solicit signatures for my projects, namely my school, the
Daedalus, The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology, and also for my proposed (future) government agency in
aeronautics, the Philippine Aeronautics Research Organization (PARO; “paro”), Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur.
The initial main concern of the PARO will be the R&D, design and manufacture of wind energy conversion systems
(WECS) or wind turbines (modern windmills for electricity generation). Composites for aircraft manufacture (subcon-
tracting) is also attractive as we will have gained expertise with composites because the large wind turbine blades are
made exclusively of composite materials. The Philippines is among the top ten countries in the World with the longest
coastlines. It is our experience that at the beach the wind seemed to blow always during sunny days: wasted energy.
Dreams of MODERN Philippine Aeronautics
PAR0, Philippine Aeronautics Research Organization; Digos National Airport, Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur 8006 Phils.
20xx A.D., DAEDALVS The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology, A Public College; F. Bangoy Airport, Sasa, D.C.*
“Daedalus,” from the Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus,” meaning “success,” skillful, ingenious and cleverly intricate.
A most unique specialty State College of the University of Southeastern Philippines, A. Iñigo Street, Barrio Obrero, Davao City 8000 PH
In Partnership with The California State University, Long Beach and the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Two schools that offered me MSAE admission in 1990’s. Finished 1 year in my BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan at CSULB in 1999-2000.
Proposed Department of Mechanical Engineering; 12:25 A.M. Oct. 25, 2011 Tuesday; *Davao City
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, BSME; A Finally Perfected Mech’l Eng. Program
Proponent: Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME (USC, Cebu), Expired leave grad student in MSAE @ CSULB
SAMPLE CURRICULUM: Designed by DAΓV Delgra [Future Degree↑; Hopefully, God willing]
First Year, 1st Semester Units First Year, 2nd Semester Units
College Algebra 5 Differential Calculus and Analytic Geometry 5
Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 2+1 Advanced Algebra 3
Foundations of Chemistry, Lec & Lab 3+2 General Physics I, Lec. & Lab. 3+2
Engineering Graphics I (Manual) 2 Engineering Graphics II (Computer-Aided Drafting) 2
English Grammar and Composition I 3 English Grammar and Composition II 3
Introduction to Logic and Philosophy 3 Speech Improvement/ Public Speaking 2+1
Aviation/ Aerospace Orientation 1 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 3
Computer Fundamentals and Programming 3 AFROTC [Opt.]; or Adult Lectures on Scouting (1.5)
AFROTC [or NSTP]; PE/EXSA(1)25(26/27.5) PE/ Exercise Science and Activities (1)24(25/26.5)
Second Year, 1st Semester Units Second Year, 2nd Semester Units
Integral Calculus & Analytic Geometry 5 Applied Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 5
General Physics II, Lec. & Lab. 3+2 Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics 2.5+2.5
Programming & Problem Solving in Java 3 General Psychology/Family Planning/Drug Abuse 3+1+1
Technical Report Writing 3 Introduction to English Literature 3
Aircraft Maintenance and Repair 3 Aircraft Mechanical, Electrical &Avionics Systems 3
Workshop Theory and Practice 2 Machine Shop Theory and Practice 2
AFROTC (1.5); PE/Ex.Sci. (1)21(22/23.5) AFROTC [Opt.] (1.5); PE/Ex.Sci.&Act. (1)23(24/25.5)
Third Year, 1st Semester Units Third Year, 2nd Semester Units
Strength of Materials/Solid Mechanics 3 Engineering Materials Science, Lec. & Lab. 3+1
Electrical Engineering I, Lec & Lab 3+1 Electronics 3
Adv Eng Math: Vector An & Numer. Meth 3 1. Fluid Mechanics 3
1. Intro. to the Flight Sciences I 3 2. Introduction to the Flight Sciences II 3
2. Engineering Thermodynamics I 3 3. Engineering Thermodynamics II 3
Philippine Gov’t and the Constitution 3 Communication Arts in Pilipino 3
Social Issues and Social Justice 3/ 22 History through the Arts 3/ 22
Fourth Year, 1st Semester Units Fourth Year, 2nd Semester Units
3. Aerodynamics I (Incompressible) 3 4. Aerodynamics II (Compressible Fluid Flow, etc.)3
4. Fluid Dynamics Laboratory 1 5. Experimental Aerodynamics, Lec. & Laboratory 1+1
5. Airplane Performance 3 6. Fluid Machinery 3
6. Kinematics and Machine Elements 3 7. Machine Design I 3
7. Mechanical Engineering Lab. I 1 8. Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II 1
8. Mechanical Vibration Theory 3 9. Heat Transfer 3
Survey & Rdng of Liter’re in Pilipino 3 Project Feasibility Study (Aero-related Business) 2
History of Western Civilization 3/ 20 Rizal’s Life, Works and Writings 3/ 20
Fifth Year, 1st Semester Units Fifth Year, 2nd Semester Units
9. Industrial Plant Design 4 10. Power Plant Design 4
10. Internal Combustion Engines 3 11. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning 3
11. Machine Design II 3 12. Wind Power Engineering 3
12. Mechanical Engineering Lab.III 1 13. Gas Turbine and Rocket Engines with Lab 3+1
13. Mechanics of Composite Materials 3 Engineering Law, Contracts and Ethics 3
Eng’g Economy & Elementary Accounting 3 Practicum/OJT:Summer›4th yr(320 Hrs)-Academic Rqt 3
Aviation Management 3/ 20 Seminar and **Inspection Trips (Manila, Phil.) 2/22
•Among my goals: to establish modern aeronautics here. *IPTN, Indonesia; SAe Ltd. Singapore;
Airod, Malaysia; AIDC, TAC, Taiwan; and several aircraft companies in South Korea and Japan.
The STATUS QUO of Philippine Aeronautical Education is substandard all over the archipelago.
It was my wish to study at the UP (June 1979) but there was no Aero Eng. Dept. then and now.
May we finally develop in this first-world field aeronautics/space starting w/ the Daedalus.
May God bless this altruistic plan. This I pray in Jesus Name. Sincerely, Darvin A. B. Delgra
Dreams of MODERN Philippine Aeronautics
PAR0, Philippine Aeronautics Research Organization; Digos National Airport, Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur 8006 Phils.
20xx A.D., DAEDALVS The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology, A Public College; F. Bangoy Airport, Sasa, D.C.*
“Daedalus,” from the Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus,” meaning “success,” skillful, ingenious and cleverly intricate.
A most unique specialty State College of the University of Southeastern Philippines, A. Iñigo Street, Barrio Obrero, Davao City 8000 PH
In Partnership with The California State University, Long Beach and the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Two schools that offered me MSAE admission in 1990’s. Finished 1 year in my BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan at CSULB in 1999-2000.
Proposed Department of Mechanical Engineering; 10:50 A.M., Oct. 23, 2011 Sunday; *Davao City
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, BSMAE; A Dual Degree Program
Proponent: Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME (USC, Cebu), Expired leave grad student in MSAE @ CSULB
SAMPLE CURRICULUM: Designed by DAΓV Delgra [Future Degree↑; Hopefully, God willing]
First Year Program: Exactly the same with BS Mechanical Eng. and BS Aeronautical Engineering
Second Year, 1st Semester Units Second Year, 2nd Semester Units
Integral Calculus & Analytic Geometry 5 Applied Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 5
General Physics II, Lec. & Lab. 3+2 Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics 2.5+2.5
Programming & Problem Solving in Java 3 General Psychology/Family Planning/Drug Abuse 3+1+1
Technical Report Writing 3 Introduction to English Literature 3
Aircraft Maintenance and Repair 3 Aircraft Mechanical, Electrical &Avionics Systems 3
Workshop Theory and Practice 2 Machine Shop Theory and Practice 2
AFROTC (1.5); PE/Ex.Sci. (1)21(22/23.5) AFROTC [Opt.] (1.5); PE/Ex.Sci.&Act. (1)23(24/25.5)
Third Year, 1st Semester Units Third Year, 2nd Semester Units
Strength of Materials/Solid Mechanics 3 Engineering Materials Science, Lec. & Lab. 3+1
Electrical Engineering I, Lec & Lab 3+1 Electronics 3
Adv Eng Math: Vector An & Numer. Meth 3 1. Fluid Mechanics 3
1. Intro. to the Flight Sciences I 3 2. Introduction to the Flight Sciences II 3
2. Engineering Thermodynamics I 3 3. Engineering Thermodynamics II 3
Philippine Gov’t and the Constitution 3 Communication Arts in Pilipino 3
Social Issues and Social Justice 3/ 22 History through the Arts 3/ 22
Fourth Year, 1st Semester Units Fourth Year, 2nd Semester Units
3. Aerodynamics I (Incompressible) 3 4. Aerodynamics II (Compressible Fluid Flow, etc.)3
4. Fluid Dynamics Laboratory 1 5. Experimental Aerodynamics, Lec. & Lab. 1+1
5. Airplane Performance 3 6. Airplane Stability and Control 3
6. Kinematics and Machine Elements 3 7. Machine Design I 3
7. Mechanical Vibration Theory 3 8. Heat Transfer 3
8. Mechanical Engineering Lab. I 1 9. Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II 1
Survey & Rdng of Liter’re in Pilipino 3 Project Feasibility Study (Aero-related Business) 2
History of Western Civilization 3/ 20 Rizal’s Life, Works and Writings 3/ 20
Fifth Year, 1st Semester Units Fifth Year, 2nd Semester Units
9. Aircraft Structures I 3 10. Aircraft Structures II 3
10. Avionics and Opto-Electronics 3 11. Gas Turbines and Rocket Engines with Lab 3+1
11. Machine Design II 3 12. Control Systems Analysis and Design 3
12. Internal Combustion Engines 3 13. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning 3
13. Mechanical Engineering Lab.III 1 14. Fluid Machinery 3
14. Aircraft Systems Analysis &Design 3 15. Aircraft Drafting and Design 3
Aviation Management 3/ 19 History of the Airplane’s Technology 3/ 22
Sixth Year, 1st Semester Units Sixth Year, 2nd Semester Units
15. Aircraft Design I(Teamwork Design)4 16. Aircraft Design II (Lab Design work in school)4
16. Materials&Manufacturing Processes 3 17. Space Flight and Orbital Mechanics 3
17. Aircraft Structures Testing Lab 1 18. Wind Power Engineering 3
17. Mechanics of Composite Materials 3 19. Power Plant Design 4
18. Industrial Plant Design 4 Engineering Law, Contracts and Ethics 3
Eng’g Economy & Elementary Accounting 3 Practicum/OJT:Summer›4th yr(320 Hrs)-Academic Rqt 3
Civil Air Regulations & Labor Laws 3/21 Seminar and **Inspection Trips (Manila, Phil.) 2/22
•Among my goals: to establish modern aeronautics here. *IPTN, Indonesia; SAe Ltd. Singapore;
Airod, Malaysia; AIDC, TAC, Taiwan; and several aircraft companies in South Korea and Japan.
The STATUS QUO of Philippine Aeronautical Education is substandard all over the archipelago.
It was my wish to study at the UP (June 1979) but there was no Aero Eng. Dept. then and now.
May we finally develop in this first-world field aeronautics/space starting w/ the Daedalus.
May God bless this altruistic plan. This I pray in Jesus Name. Sincerely, Darvin A. B. Delgra
Dreams of MODERN Philippine Aeronautics
PAR0, Philippine Aeronautics Research Organization; Digos National Airport, Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur 8006 Phils.
20xx A.D., DAEDALVS The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology, A Public College; F. Bangoy Airport, Sasa, D.C.*
“Daedalus,” from the Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus,” meaning “success,” skillful, ingenious and cleverly intricate.
A most unique specialty State College of the University of Southeastern Philippines, A. Iñigo Street, Barrio Obrero, Davao City 8000 PH
In Partnership with The California State University, Long Beach and the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Two schools that offered me MSAE admission in 1990’s. Finished 1 year in my BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan at CSULB in 1999-2000.
Department of Aircraft Engineering Technology; 9:24 AM, Jan. 6, 2015; Wednesday; *Davao City
Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Engineering Technology, BSAcET; A Finally Perfected Program
Proponent: Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME (USC, Cebu), Expired leave grad student in MSAE @ CSULB
SAMPLE CURRICULUM: Designed by DAГV Delgra [Future Degree↑; Hopefully, God willing]
First Year, 1st Semester Units First Year, 2nd Semester Units
College Algebra 5 Differential Calculus and Analytic Geometry 5
Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 2+1 Advanced Algebra 3
Foundations of Chemistry, Lec & Lab 3+2 General Physics I, Lec. & Lab. 3+2
Engineering Graphics I (Manual) 2 Engineering Graphics II (Computer-Aided Drafting) 2
English Grammar and Composition I 3 English Grammar and Composition II 3
Introduction to Logic and Philosophy 3 Speech Improvement/ Public Speaking 2+1
Aviation/ Aerospace Orientation 1 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 3
Computer Fundamentals and Programming 3 AFROTC [Opt.]; or Adult Lectures on Scouting (1.5)
AFROTC [or NSTP]; PE/EXSA(1)25(26/27.5) PE/ Exercise Science and Activities (1)24(25/26.5)
Second Year, 1st Semester Units Second Year, 2nd Semester Units
Integral Calculus & Analytic Geometry 5 Applied Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 5
General Physics II, Lec. & Lab. 3+2 Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics 2.5+2.5
Programming & Problem Solving in Java 3 General Psychology/Family Planning/Drug Abuse 3+1+1
Technical Report Writing 3 Introduction to English Literature 3
Workshop Theory and Practice 2 Machine Shop Theory and Practice 2
Aircraft Maintenance and Repair 3 History of the Airplane’s Technology 3
Civil Air Regulations and Labor Laws 3 Introduction to the Flight Sciences I 3
AFROTC (1.5); PE/Ex.Sci. (1)22(23/24.5) AFROTC [Opt.] (1.5); PE/Ex.Sci.&Act. (1)26(27/28.5)
Third Year, 1st Semester Units Third Year, 2nd Semester Units
Strength of Materials/Solid Mechanics 3 Engineering Materials Science, Lec. & Lab. 3+1
Electrical Engineering I, Lec & Lab 3+1 Fluid Mechanics 3
Eng’g Economy & Elementary Accounting 3 Machine Design I 3
Intro. to the Flight Sciences II 3 Aircraft Mechanical, Electrical & Avionic Systems 3
Engineering Thermodynamics I 3 Heat Transfer 3
Philippine Gov’t and the Constitution 3 Communication Arts in Pilipino 3
Social Issues and Social Justice 3/ 22 History through the Arts 3/ 22
Fourth Year, 1st Semester Units Fourth Year, 2nd Semester Units
1. Aerodynamics I (Incompressible) 3 1. Aerodynamics II (Compressible Fluid Flow, etc.)3
2. Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer Lab 1 2. Experimental Aerodynamics, Lec. & Lab. 1+1
3. Aircraft Structures I 3 3. Airplane Stability and Control I 3
4. Airplane Performance 3 4. Applied Reliability and Maintainability Engg. 3
5. Materials &Manufacturing Processes 3 5. Aircraft Drafting and Design 3
6. Machine Design II 3 6. Applied Hydraulics 3
Survey & Rdng of Liter’re in Pilipino 3 Project Feasibility Study (Aero-related Business) 2
History of Western Civilization 3/ 22 Rizal’s Life, Works and Writing 3/ 22
Fifth Year, 1 Semester
st Units Fifth Year, 2 Semester
nd Units
7. Aircraft Design I (Teamwork Design)4 7. Aircraft Design II (Lab Design work in school)4
8. Nondestructive Test &Qual As w/Lab 3 8. Gas Turbine and Rocket Engines with Lab 3+1
9. Aircraft Systems Analysis & Design 3 9. Applied Structural Dynamics 3
10. Aircraft Structures Testing Lab 1 10. Applied Instrumentation Lab. 3
11. Mechanics of Composite Materials 3 Engineering Law, Contract and Ethics 3
12. A/c Internal Combustion Engines 3 Practicum/OJT:Summer›4th yr(320 Hrs)-Academic Rqt 3
Aviation Management 3/20 Seminar and *Inspection Trips (Manila, Phil.) 2/ 22
•Among my goals: to establish modern aeronautics here. *IPTN, Indonesia; SAe Ltd. Singapore;
Airod, Malaysia; AIDC, TAC, Taiwan; and several aircraft companies in South Korea and Japan.
The STATUS QUO of Philippine Aeronautical Education is substandard all over the archipelago.
It was my wish to study at the UP (June 1979) but there was no Aero Eng. Dept. then and now.
May we finally develop in this first-world field aeronautics/space starting w/ the Daedalus.
May God bless this altruistic plan. This I pray in Jesus Name. Sincerely, Darvin A. B. Delgra
Dreams of MODERN Philippine Aeronautics
PAR0, Philippine Aeronautics Research Organization; Digos National Airport, Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur 8006 Phils.
20xx A.D., DAEDALVS The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology, A Public College; F. Bangoy Airport, Sasa, D.C.*
“Daedalus,” from the Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus,” meaning “success,” skillful, ingenious and cleverly intricate.
A most unique specialty State College of the University of Southeastern Philippines, A. Iñigo Street, Barrio Obrero, Davao City 8000 PH
In Partnership with The California State University, Long Beach and the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Two schools that offered me MSAE admission in 1990’s. Finished 1 year in my BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan at CSULB in 1999-2000.
Department of Avionics Engineering Technology; 12:16 P.M., Oct. 28, 2011 Friday; *Davao City
Bachelor of Science in Avionics Engineering Technology, BSAvET; A Finally Perfected Program♪
Proponent: Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME (USC, Cebu), Expired leave grad student in MSAE @ CSULB
SAMPLE CURRICULUM: Designed by DAГV Delgra [Future Degree↑; Hopefully, God willing]
First Year, 1st Semester Units First Year, 2nd Semester Units
College Algebra 5 Differential Calculus and Analytic Geometry 5
Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 2+1 Advanced Algebra 3
Foundations of Chemistry, Lec & Lab 3+2 General Physics I, Lec. & Lab. 3+2
Engineering Graphics I (Manual) 2 Engineering Graphics II (Computer-Aided Drafting) 2
English Grammar and Composition I 3 English Grammar and Composition II 3
Introduction to Logic and Philosophy 3 Speech Improvement/ Public Speaking 2+1
Aviation/ Aerospace Orientation 1 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 3
Computer Fundamentals and Programming 3 AFROTC [Opt.]; or Adult Lectures on Scouting (1.5)
AFROTC [or NSTP]; PE/EXSA(1)25(26/27.5) PE/ Exercise Science and Activities (1)24(25/26.5)
Second Year, 1st Semester Units Second Year, 2nd Semester Units
Integral Calculus & Analytic Geometry 5 Applied Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 5
General Physics II, Lec. & Lab. 3+2 Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics 2.5+2.5
Programming & Problem Solving in Java 3 General Psychology/Family Planning/Drug Abuse 3+1+1
Technical Report Writing 3 Introduction to English Literature 3
Direct & Alternating Current Funda- Microelectronics Fundamentals & Circuit Analysis 4
mentals & Circuit Analysis & Lab. 4+1 Microelectronics Laboratory 1
AFROTC (1.5); PE/Ex.Sci. (1)21(22/23.5) AFROTC [Opt.] (1.5); PE/Ex.Sci.&Act. (1)23(24/25.5)
Third Year, 1st Semester Units Third Year, 2nd Semester Units
Strength of Materials/Solid Mechanics 3 Fluid Mechanics 3
Introduction to the Flight Sciences 3 Aircraft Mechanical, Electrical &Avionics Systems 3
Files and Database Systems 3 Engineering Law, Contracts and Ethics 3
Pulse Components &Circ. Appl. & Lab 2+1 Microprocessor Systems with Lab. 3+1
Digital Circuits &Systems Analy. &Lab 5 History of the Airplane’s Technology 3
Philippine Gov’t and the Constitution 3 Communication Arts in Pilipino 3
Social Issues and Social Justice 3/ 23 History through the Arts 3/ 22
Fourth Year, 1st Semester Units Fourth Year, 2nd Semester Units
Linear Systems Analysis 3 Microwave and Radar Systems Analysis 2
Elements of Engineering Design and Applied Reliability & Maintainability Engineering 3
Laboratory Procedures 2+1 Aircraft Drafting and Design 3
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 3 Advanced Communication Systems Analysis and Lab 4+1
Aircraft Structures Testing Lab. 1 Applied Instrumentation Laboratory 3
Mechanical Vibration Theory 3 Control Systems Analysis and Design 3
Survey & Rdng of Liter’re in Pilipino 3 Project Feasibility Study (Aero-related Business) 2
History of Western Civilization 3/ 19 Rizal’s Life, Works and Writing 3/ 24
Fifth Year, 1st Semester Units Fifth Year, 2nd Semester Units
Avionics Analog Systems Design Avionics Digital Systems Design
Considerations with Laboratory 3+1 Considerations with Laboratory 3+1
Aircraft Systems Analysis and Design 3 Avionics Systems Integration and Design 3
Thermodynamics I 3 Integrated Aviation Logistics Support 3
Airplane Performance 3 Heat Transfer 3
Eng’g Economy & Elementary Accounting 3 Practicum/OJT:Summer›4th yr(320 Hrs)-Academic Rqt 3
Aviation Management 3/ 19 Seminar and **Inspection Trips (Manila, Phil.) 2/18
•Among my goals: to establish modern aeronautics here. *IPTN, Indonesia; SAe Ltd. Singapore;
Airod, Malaysia; AIDC, TAC, Taiwan; and several aircraft companies in South Korea and Japan.
The STATUS QUO of Philippine Aeronautical Education is substandard all over the archipelago.
It was my wish to study at the UP (June 1979) but there was no Aero Eng. Dept. then and now.
May we finally develop in this first-world field aeronautics/space starting w/ the Daedalus.
May God bless this altruistic plan. This I pray in Jesus Name. Sincerely, Darvin A. B. Delgra
Dreams of MODERN Philippine Aeronautics
PAR0, Philippine Aeronautics Research Organization; Digos National Airport, Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur 8006 Phils.
20xx A.D., DAEDALVS The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology, A Public College; F. Bangoy Airport, Sasa, D.C.*
“Daedalus,” from the Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus,” meaning “success,” skillful, ingenious and cleverly intricate.
A most unique specialty State College of the University of Southeastern Philippines, A. Iñigo Street, Barrio Obrero, Davao City 8000 PH
In Partnership with The California State University, Long Beach and the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Two schools that offered me MSAE admission in 1990’s. Finished 1 year in my BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan at CSULB in 1999-2000.
Proposed Department of Aviation Business Administration; 12:04 AM Oct. 26, 2011; *Davao City
Bachelor of Science in Aviation Business Administration BSABA; Finally Perfected 4-yr Course
This Degree Program can be a local Business Administration Program with added aero emphasis.
Proponent: Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME (USC, Cebu), Expired leave grad student in MSAE @ CSULB
SAMPLE CURRICULUM: Designed by DAГV Delgra [Future Degree↑; Hopefully, God willing]
First Year, 1st Semester Units First Year, 2nd Semester Units
College Algebra 5 Differential Calculus and Analytic Geometry 5
Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 2+1 Advanced Algebra 3
English Grammar and Composition I 3 English Grammar and Composition II 3
Introduction to Logic and Philosophy 3 Speech Improvement/ Public Speaking 2+1
Aviation/ Aerospace Orientation 1 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 3
Computer Fundamentals and Programming 3 Introduction to English Literature 3
Business Communication 3 Macroeconomics 3
Air Force ROTC [Optional] or NSTP (1.5) AFROTC [Opt.]; or Adult Lectures on Scouting (1.5)
Physical Education/ EXSA (1)21(22/23.5) PE/ Exercise Science and Activities (1)23(24/25.5)
Second Year, 1st Semester Units Second Year, 2nd Semester Units
Financial Accounting 3 Advanced Financial Accounting 3
Marketing 3 Principles of Management 3
Microeconomics 3 Business Statistics 3
Eng’g Economy & Elementary Accounting 3 Organizational Behavior 3
Integral Calculus & Analytic Geometry 5 General Psychology/Family Planning/Drug Abuse 3+1+1
Programming & Problem Solving in Java 3 Communication Arts in Pilipino 3
Civil Air Regulations and Labor Laws 3 History through the Arts 3
Air Force ROTC [Optional] or NSTP (1.5) AFROTC [Opt.]; or Adult Lectures on Scouting (1.5)
Physical Education/EXSA (1)/23(24/25.5) PE/ Exercise Science and Activities (1)21/(22/23.5)
Third Year, 1st Semester Units Third Year, 2nd Semester Units
Managerial Accounting 3 Business Information Systems 3
Human Resource Management 3 International Business 3
Corporate Finance I 3 Economics of Air Transportation 3
Managerial Economics 3 Management of Air Cargo 3
Decision Mathematics 3 Probability and Statistics 3
Survey & Rdng of Liter’re in Pilipino 3 Project Feasibility Study (Aero-related Business) 2
History of Western Civilization 3/ 21 Rizal’s Life, Works and Writing 3/ 20
Fourth Year, 1st Semester Units Fourth Year, 2nd Semester Units
Aviation Maintenance Management 3 Social Responsibility and Ethics in Management 3
Life Cycle Analysis for Systems and Business Law 3
Programs in Aviation/Aerospace 3 Management of Production and Operations 3
Airline Management 3 Project Management in Aviation Operations 3
Aviation Law 3 History of the Airplane’s Technology 3
Files and Database Systems 3 Current Issues, Taxation & Land Reform, Pop. Ed. 3
Philippine Gov’t and the Constitution 3 Seminar and **Inspection Trips (Manila, Phil.) 2/20
Social Issues and Social Justice 3/ 21
•Among my goals: to establish modern aeronautics here. *IPTN, Indonesia; SAe Ltd, Singapore;
Airod, Malaysia; AIDC, TAC, Taiwan; and several aircraft companies in South Korea and Japan.
The STATUS QUO of Philippine Aeronautical Education is substandard all over the archipelago.
It was my wish to study at the UP (June 1979) but there was no Aero Eng. Dept. then and now.
I aspired for a U.S. advanced degree (the M.S.A.E.) so I can help our country in my own way.
No one else in our country seems to care so much to change our poor status quo of aero educ.
U.S.-par education is the key to all my visions in aeronautical development for our country.
May we finally develop in this first-world field aeronautics/space starting w/ the Daedalus.
May God bless this altruistic plan. This I pray in Jesus Name. Sincerely, Darvin A. B. Delgra
Dreams of MODERN Philippine Aeronautics
PAR0, Philippine Aeronautics Research Organization; Digos National Airport, Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur 8006 Phils.
20xx A.D., DAEDALVS The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology, A Public College; F. Bangoy Airport, Sasa, D.C.*
“Daedalus,” from the Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus,” meaning “success,” skillful, ingenious and cleverly intricate.
A most unique specialty State College of the University of Southeastern Philippines, A. Iñigo Street, Barrio Obrero, Davao City 8000 PH
In Partnership with The California State University, Long Beach and the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Two schools that offered me MSAE admission in 1990’s. Finished 1 year in my BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan at CSULB in 1999-2000.
Aeronautics Specialty Campus founded by the Aerospace Engineer Darvin Anthony B. Delgra, B.S.M.E., **M.S. Aerospace Engineering
Department of Aviation Science (Professional Pilot); 11:28 AM 7 Aug. 2016; Sun.; *Davao City
Joint Program w/ any Flying School in Davao A/P General Aviation Area: MATCI, MATS Avtn etc.
Bachelor of Science in Flight Science, BSFS; A Finally Perfected four-year Program in Flying
Proponent: Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME (USC, Cebu), Expired leave Grad Student in MSAE @ CSULB
SAMPLE CURRICULUM: Designed by DAГV Delgra [**Future Degree; Hopefully, God willing]
First Year, 1st Semester Units First Year, 2nd Semester Units
College Algebra 5 Differential Calculus and Analytic Geometry 5
Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 2+1 General Physics I 3
English Grammar and Composition I 3 English Grammar and Composition II 3
Introduction to Logic and Philosophy 3 Speech Improvement/ Public Speaking 2+1
Computer Fundamentals and Programming 3 Introduction to English Literature 3
Foundations of Chemistry, Lec. &Lab 3+1 Intermediate Algebra 3
Aviation/ Aerospace Orientation 1 Basic Navigation 3
Aeronautics I 3 Aeronautics II 3
Air Force ROTC [Optional] or NSTP (1.5) AFROTC [Opt.]; or Adult Lectures on Scouting (1.5)
Physical Education/EXSA (1)/24(25/26.5) PE/ Exercise Science and Activities (1)26/(27/28.5)
Second Year, 1st Semester Units Second Year, 2nd Semester Units
Aircraft Maintenance and Repair 3 Basic Attitude Instrument & Adv. Flight Maneuvers 3
Civil Air Regulations and Labor Laws 3 Meteorology I 3
Aeronautics III 3 Aircraft Mechanical, Electrical & Avionic Systems 3
Private Pilot Certification 3 History and Regulation of Aviation 3
Integral Calculus & Analytic Geometry 5 Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics 2+3
Programming & Problem Solving in Java 3 Communication Arts in Pilipino 3
General Physics II 3 General Psychology/ Family Planning/ Drug Abuse 3
Air Force ROTC [Optional] or NSTP (1.5) AFROTC [Opt.]; or Adult Lectures on Scouting (1.5)
Physical Education/EXSA (1)/23(24/25.5) PE/ Exercise Science and Activities (1)23/(24/25.5)
Third Year, 1st Semester Units Third Year, 2nd Semester Units
Instrument Flight Transition 3 Flight Physiology 3
Aircraft Engines - Reciprocating 3 Aircraft Engines – Gas Turbines (Jet) 3
Introduction to the Flight Sciences I 3 Introduction to the Flight Sciences II 3
Avionics for Aviators 3 History of the Airplane and its Technology 3
Meteorology II 3 Commercial Pilot Certification (Single Engine) 3
Survey & Reading of Philippine Literature 3 History through the Arts 3
Social Issues and Social Justice 3/ 21 Life, Works and Writings of National Hero Rizal 3/ 21
Fourth Year, 1st Semester Units Fourth Year, 2nd Semester Units
Airplane Performance 3 Basic Aerodynamics and Flight Dynamics 3
Commercial Pilot Certific. (Multi Eng.) 3 Flight Safety 3
Global Navigation 3 Aviation Law 3
Aircraft Systems and Components 3 Electronic Navigation and Flight Control Systems 3
Cert Flight Instructr – Single Engine 3 Advanced Instruments and Crew Coordination 3
Philippine Gov’t and the Constitution 3 Current Issues, Taxation & Land Reform, Pop. Ed. 3
History of Western Civilization 3/ 21 **Seminar and Inspection Trips (Manila, PH.) 2/ 20
The Flight Training will be done every Saturday afternoons after satisfactory Ground School.
The students will choose one of the flying schools in the Gen. Avtn. Area w/ which to train.
•Among my goals: to establish modern aeronautics here. **IPTN Indonesia; SAe Ltd. Singapore;
Airod, Malaysia; AIDC, TAC, Taiwan; and several aircraft companies in South Korea and Japan.
It was my wish to study at the UP (June 1979) but there was no Aero Eng. Dept. then and now.
The STATUS QUO of Philippine Aeronautical Education is SUBSTANDARD all over the archipelago.
May we finally develop in this first-world field aeronautics/space starting w/ the Daedalus.
May God bless this altruistic plan. This I pray in Jesus Name. Sincerely, Darvin A. B. Delgra
Dreams of MODERN Philippine Aeronautics
PAR0, Philippine Aeronautics Research Organization; Digos National Airport, Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur 8006 Phils.
20xx A.D., DAEDALVS The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology, A Public College; F. Bangoy Airport, Sasa, D.C.*
“Daedalus,” from the Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus,” meaning “success,” skillful, ingenious and cleverly intricate.
A most unique specialty State College of the University of Southeastern Philippines, A. Iñigo Street, Barrio Obrero, Davao City 8000 PH
In Partnership with The California State University, Long Beach and the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Two schools that offered me MSAE admission in 1990’s. Finished 1 year in my BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan at CSULB in 1999-2000.
Aeronautics Specialty Campus founded by the Aerospace Engineer Darvin Anthony B. Delgra, B.S.M.E., **M.S. Aerospace Engineering
Proposed Department of Aviation Computer Science; 1:22 PM Nov. 27, 2011, Sunday; *Davao City
Bachelor of Science in Aviation Computer Science, BSACS; A Finally Perfected Com Sci Program
Proponent: Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME (USC, Cebu); Expired leave grad student in MSAE @ CSULB
SAMPLE CURRICULUM:Designed by DAГV Delgra [**Future Degree↑; Hopefully, God willing]
First Year, 1st Semester Units First Year, 2nd Semester Units
College Algebra 5 Differential Calculus and Analytic Geometry 5
Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 2+1 Advanced Algebra 3
English Grammar and Composition I 3 English Grammar and Composition II 3
Introduction to Logic and Philosophy 3 Speech Improvement/ Public Speaking 2+1
Introduction to Discrete Structures 3 General Physics I 3
Introduction to Computing 1 Scientific Programming in Fortran 3
Computer Science I 3 Computer Science II 3
Aviation/ Aerospace Orientation 1 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 1
Air Force ROTC [Optional] or NSTP (1.5) AFROTC [Opt.]; or Adult Lectures on Scouting (1.5)
Physical Education/EXSA (1)/22(23/24.5) PE/ Exercise Science and Activities (1)24(25/26.5)
Second Year, 1st Semester Units Second Year, 2nd Semester Units
Programming & Problem Solving in Java 3 Microprocessor Systems w/ Lab 3+1
Digital Circuit Design w/ Lab 3+1 Data Structures and Algorithms 3
Files and Database Systems 3 Software Engineering 3
Integral Calculus & Analytic Geometry 3 Applied Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 3
College Physics II 3 Introduction to English Literature 3
Technical Report Writing 3 Communication Arts in Pilipino 3
Social Issues and Social Justice 3 History through the Arts 3
Air Force ROTC [Optional] or NSTP (1.5) AFROTC [Opt.]; or Adult Lectures on Scouting (1.5)
Physical Education/EXSA (1)22(23/24.5) PE/ Exercise Science and Activities (1)22(23/24.5)
Third Year, 1st Semester Units Third Year, 2nd Semester Units
Advanced Programming Practices 2 Computer Architecture 3
Organization of Programming Languages 3 Analysis and Design of Software Systems 3
Operating Systems 3 Presentation Graphics 1
Decision Mathematics 3 Probability and Statistics 3
Civil Air Regulations and Labor Laws 3 History of the Airplane and its Technology 3
Philippine Gov’t and the Constitution 3 Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics 2.5+2.5
Survey & Rdng of Liter’re in Pilipino 3 Current Issues, Taxation & Land Reform, Pop. Ed. 3
History of Western Civilization 3/ 23 Rizal’s Life, Works and Writing 3/ 24
Fourth Year, 1st Semester Units Fourth Year, 2nd Semester Units
Real-time Systems 3 Software Team Project 3
Computer Modeling and Simulation 3 Telecommunications Systems 3
Database Management Systems Design 3 Artificial Intelligence 3
Adv Eng Math: Vector An & Numer. Meth 3 Special Topics in Mathematics 3
Introduction to the Flight Sciences I 3 Engineering Law, Contracts and Ethics 3
Eng’g Economy & Elementary Accounting 3 General Psychology/Family Planning/Drug Abuse 3+1+1
Aviation Management 3/ 21 Seminar and **Inspection Trips (Manila, Phil.) 2/22
•Among my goals: to establish modern aeronautics here. **IPTN Indonesia; SAe Ltd. Singapore;
Airod, Malaysia; AIDC, TAC, Taiwan; and several aircraft companies in South Korea and Japan.
It was my wish to study at the UP (June 1979) but there was no Aero Eng. Dept. then and now.
I aspired for a U.S. advanced degree (the M.S.A.E.), so I can help my country in my own way.
The STATUS QUO of Philippine Aeronautical Education is substandard all over the archipelago.
May we finally develop in this first-world field aeronautics/space starting w/ the Daedalus.
May God bless this altruistic plan. This I pray in Jesus Name. Sincerely, Darvin A. B. Delgra
Dreams of MODERN Philippine Aeronautics
PAR0, Philippine Aeronautics Research Organization; Digos National Airport, Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur 8006 Phils.
20xx A.D., DAEDALVS The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology, A Public College; F. Bangoy Airport, Sasa, D.C.*
“Daedalus,” from the Greek Mythology of “Daedalus and Icarus,” meaning “success,” skillful, ingenious and cleverly intricate.
A most unique specialty State College of the University of Southeastern Philippines, A. Iñigo Street, Barrio Obrero, Davao City 8000 PH
In Partnership with The California State University, Long Beach and The Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida
Two schools that offered me MSAE admission in 1990’s. Finished 1 year in my BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan at CSULB in 1999-2000.
Aeronautics Specialty Campus founded by the Aerospace Engineer Darvin Anthony B. Delgra, B.S.M.E., **M.S. Aerospace Engineering.
Proposed Department of Engineering Physics; 12:55 PM, November 27, 2011, Sunday; *Davao City
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics, BSEnP; A Finally Perfected Space Science Program
Proponent: Engr. Darvin Delgra, BSME (USC, Cebu); Expired leave grad student in MSAE @ CSULB
SAMPLE CURRICULUM: Designed by DAГV Delgra [**Future Degree↑; Hopefully, God willing]
First Year, 1st Semester Units First Year, 2nd Semester Units
College Algebra 5 Differential Calculus and Analytic Geometry 5
Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 2+1 Intermediate Algebra [2:03 P.M., 3-13-2017; M] 3
Foundations of Chemistry, Lec & Lab 3+2 General Physics I, Lec. & Lab. 3+2
Engineering Graphics I (Manual) 2 Engineering Graphics II (Computer-Aided Drafting) 2
English Grammar and Composition I 3 English Grammar and Composition II 3
Introduction to Logic and Philosophy 3 Speech Improvement/ Public Speaking 2+1
Aviation/ Aerospace Orientation 1 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 3
Computer Fundamentals and Programming 3 Air Force ROTC [or Adult Lectures on Scouting](1.5)
AFROTC [or NSTP]; PE/EXSA(1)25(26/27.5) PE/ Exercise Science and Activities (1)24(25/26.5)
Second Year, 1st Semester Units Second Year, 2nd Semester Units
Integral Calculus & Analytic Geometry 5 Applied Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 5
General Physics II, Lec. & Lab. 3+2 Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics 2.5+2.5
Programming & Problem Solving in Java 3 General Psychology/Family Planning/Drug Abuse 3+1+1
Technical Report Writing 3 Introduction to English Literature 3
Workshop Theory and Practice 2 Machine Shop Theory and Practice 2
Aircraft Maintenance and Repair 3 History of the Airplane’s Technology 3
Civil Air Regulations and Labor Laws 3 Aircraft Mechanical, Electrical &Avionics Systems 3
AFROTC (1.5); PE/Ex.Sci. (1)24(25/26.5) AFROTC [Opt.] (1.5); PE/Ex.Sci.&Act. (1)26(27/28.5)
Third Year, 1st Semester Units Third Year, 2nd Semester Units
Strength of Materials/Solid Mechanics 3 Engineering Materials Science, Lec. and Lab. 3+1
Electrical Engineering I, Lec & Lab 3+1 Electronics 3
Engineering Thermodynamics I 3 Heat Transfer 3
Adv Eng Math I: Vector An & Num. Meth 3 Advanced Engineering Mathematics II 3
1. Intro. to the Flight Sciences I 3 1. Introduction to the Flight Sciences II 3
Philippine Gov’t and the Constitution 3 Communication Arts in Pilipino 3
Social Issues and Social Justice 3/ 22 History through the Arts 3/ 22
Fourth Year, 1st Semester Units Fourth Year, 2nd Semester Units
2. Microcomputers &Electronic Instrum 3 2. Fluid Mechanics 3
3. Space Systems Engineering 3 3. Introduction to Space Systems Design 3
4. Modern Physics with Laboratory 3+1 4. Planetary Science 3
5. Statistical Thermodynamics 3 5. Electro-Optical Engineering 3
6. Classical Mechanics 3 6. Microelectronics Fund’ls &Circuit Analy &Lab 3+1
Survey & Rdng of Liter’re in Pilipino 3 Engineering Law, Contracts and Ethics 3
History of Western Civilization 3/ 22 Life, Works and Writings of National Hero Rizal 3/ 22
Fifth Year, 1st Semester Units Fifth Year, 2nd Semester Units
7. Space Systems Design I 3 7. Space Systems Design II 3
8. Quantum Physics 3 8. Space Flight & Orbital Mechanics 3
9. Eng’g Electricity and Magnetism 3 9. Space Physics 3
10. Spacecraft Instrumentation 3 10. Special Topics in Engineering Physics 3
11. Mechanical Vibration Theory 3 11. Control System Systems Analysis and Design 3
Engg. Economy & Elementary Accounting 3 Practicum/OJT:Summer›4th yr(320 hrs)–Academic Rqt 3
Aviation Management 3/ 21 Seminar and **Inspection Trips (Manila, Phil.) 2/20
•Among my goals: to establish modern aeronautics here. **IPTN Indonesia; SAe Ltd. Singapore;
Airod, Malaysia; AIDC, TAC, Taiwan; and several aircraft companies in South Korea and Japan.
There is no Space Degree Program here in our backward country Philippines up to the present.
May God bless this altruistic plan. This I pray in Jesus Name. Sincerely, Darvin A. B. Delgra
**Grade forgiveness is not counting (including) the credits (units) of the failed grade(s) in the calculation of the GPA. D.A.D.
*Since I did not have a Form (AE 374 Assignment of INC grade already predetermined: “C+/C”, my teacher told me), when
the grace period lapsed, he gave me a “D” (instead of “F”). I hope my computer operations proficiency will improve. D. Tony
Mathematics Courses and Grades of
Engr. Darvin Anthony B. Delgra, BSME
[10:29 P.M., July 4, 2018; Wednesday] @ [Village Name, Sub-urban Place Name], Davao City 8000, Philippines.
Cebu Institute of Technology; Grading System: 5.0 “highest” and 3.0 “passing”; 1.0 “failure”. GRADE COMPLETION UNITS
1. Math 111 College Algebra and Trigonometry 3.5 5
2. Math 121 College Algebra and Trigonometry 4.5 5
3. Math 211 Differential Calculus and Analytic Geometry 3.5 5
4. Math 221 Integral Calculus and Analytic Geometry 4.5 5
5. Math 311 Differential Equations; [ATTENDED THIS SCHOOL: June 1979-October 1982] 4.0 3
University of San Carlos; Grading System: 1.0 “highest” and 3.0 “passing”; 5.0 “failure”. [ATTENDED THIS SCHOOL: November 1982-Mar. 1986: 3½ years.]
6. Math 3 Review of High School Mathematics 3.0 0
7. Math 103 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III 2.9 5
8. Math 26 Spherical Trigonometry 2.0 2
9. Math 106 Introduction to Numerical Analysis; [GRADUATION: March 23, 1986; BSME Degree] 2.3 3
University of San Carlos, Graduate School; 2.0 “passing” in MS Mathematics (Non-Degree) Program. [Below: post-baccalaureate MS in Mathematics Studies.]
10. Math 202 Boolean Algebra 1.3 3
11. Math 127 Introduction to Linear Algebra 2.0 3
12. Math 35 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (undergraduate course; required background) 2.1 3
13. Math 228 Abstract Algebra I 1.7 3
14. Math 111 Advanced Calculus I 1.8 3
15. Math 126 Set Theory [ATTENDED THIS SCHOOL: November 1986-October 1987.] 1.2 3
Ateneo de Davao University, Graduate School; 2.0 “passing” in M.S. in Mathematics/ M.Eng. (Master of Engg.) Degree Programs (TAKEN in different years.)
16. Math 200 Linear Algebra [ATTENDED THIS COURSE: Summer 1990] 2.0 3
17. Math 270-71 Real Analysis [ATTENDED THIS COURSE: Summer 1990] 1.1 3
18. ME 600 Advanced Engineering Mathematics [ATTENDED THIS COURSE: 1st Semester 1995-1996] 2.0 3
19. ME 603 Computer Programming [ATTENDED THIS COURSE: 2nd Semester 1997-1998] 1.7 3
University of Southeastern Philippines, Graduate School; 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) Graduate School “passing” GPA, and 3.0 “individual grade passing”:
USeP Graduate School Policy. [ATTENDED this school’s MSAM Degree Program: 11/07-10-09]
M.S. in Applied Mathematics (MSAM) Degree Program: November 2007-October 2009; from which I shifted to MEP-ME. New Grades:
20. Math 213 Differential Equations INC 2.5 3
21. Math 214 Mathematical Statistics with Probability Theory INC 2.0 3
22. Math 205 Foundations of Computer Programming INC 2.0 3
23. Math 201 Foundations of Mathematics 1.5 3
24. Math 202 Set Theory and Logic 2.0 3
25. Math 215 Time Series Analysis (expired; permanent) INC (3)
26. Math 216 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation (expired; permanent) INC (3)
University of Southeastern Philippines, Graduate School; 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) Graduate School “passing” GPA, and 3.0 “individual grade passing”:
USeP Graduate School Policy. [ATTENDED this school MEP-ME Degree Program: Nov. 2011-present]
Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (MEP-ME) Degree Program: Nov. 2011 –
27. MEPFC 111 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 1.50 3
28. MEPFC 112 Statistics 1.25 3
29. MEPFC 113 Operations Research INC 2.25 3
30. MEPCC 126 Numerical Methods for Engineers with Computer Programming 2.0 3
California State University, Long Beach; Long Beach, Calif., U.S.A. Grade A–4.0 “highest”; C–2.0 (“average”: Graduate School “passing”); B GPA (3.0) required.
MSAE–Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering Degree Program: Directed Research Option NECESSARY: many possibilities, i.e., further advanced studies.
31. MAE 205 Computer Methods in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (BSAE course: Deficiency-removal Plan)
32. MAE 305 Numerical Methods in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (BSAE course: Deficiency-removal Plan)
33. MAE 501 Engineering Analysis I
34. MAE 502 Engineering Analysis II
*I have finished one (1) year of my BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan in my MSAE Degree Program (Conditional) in 1999-2000, after which I came back home due
to lack of private family funds. I hope that the good Lord God willing, in Jesus, I will be able to resume my MSAE study in the Fall Semester ‘20, or earlier in 2019.
MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology; 1.0 “highest”; 2.0 GPA required. [Degree Program to be initiated after planned short-stint career @ The Boeing Company.]
***It is my heart’s burning desire to earn a Doctorate Degree for my credibility in my programs, projects and proposals to the Philippine Government in the first-
world field of aeronautics. The status quo of Philippine aeronautical dev’t is like that in backward Papua New Guinea. I have dedicated my life to this cause. D.D.
35. ES 301 Engineering Vector and Tensor Analysis
36. ES 302 Advanced Engineering Analysis
37. ES 303 Variational Methods in Engineering
[1:28 A.M., July 3, 2018; Tuesday early dawn]. With these range of mathematics courses I have taken, I may be ready to pursue the Ph.D. in Aerodynamics
(Aerospace Engineering) Degree Program in the U.S.A. after my further studies indicated herein. That is, if God is leading me in this direction. I really desire to
have both a D.Eng. & Ph.D. degrees for my goals and plans in my cultural group’s genuine aerospace development efforts which I plan to be one of the leaders. I
thank the good Lord God in Jesus for my country’s national leadership’s new interest in space with the recent creation of the Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA).
May I suggest that this newly-established agency be renamed as the PAGA&SA–Philippine Aviation, General Aeronautics & Space Agency to reflect its entireness.
11:11 P.M., July 13, 2018; Friday
On February 15, 1997 they have an open house and I attended this Air Show (no flying aircraft display; the whole activity
was housed in the Philippine Trade Training Center Building, Pasay City, Philippines). This was my first time of attending an
aeronautics activity like this. And it was a very memorable time for me, being in an “aviation/ aerospace heaven” for a few
hours: all people here are like me. And there was a special atmosphere and aura of the place being in a specialized
environment for aviation/ aerospace enthusiasts – essentially all of us people there; foreigners and local residents. I heard
about this Air Show over the radio when I and my mother were in Manila: I was then at a Domestic Airport airline office in
Manila, maybe PAL (Philippine Airlines) when I and my mother Carolina (1929-2002) bought airline tickets for our trip back
home to Digos after my (maybe) 2nd-to-the last (6th) F-1 Student Visa application at the U.S. Embassy in Manila (for the
specialty school, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University located at Daytona Beach, Florida); (my first F-1 Visa for this school
was unused; being awarded in January 1994). (During my first application for an F-1 Student Visa for ERAU, the Consul
readily approved my visa without any questions: he just read my specialty school’s name and the name of my specialty
degree program. But due to lack of private family funds, my first F-1 Visa in 1994 was unused and cancelled during my 2nd
visa application. I wrote to the office in mid-1996 of then President F. V. Ramos and got a reply. But my scholarship was not
approved due to the fact that I was not currently teaching then in college. Please find documents on these on pages 286-.)
After 2 years of graduating in my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering degree program from the University of San Carlos in
Cebu City on March 23, 1986, I was in Manila pursuing as a post-baccalaureate degree program the local BSAE at the PATTS
College of Aeronautics in Pasay City, Metro Manila, which campus then is located within the area of the Manila Domestic
Airport, its main building then, being a former aircraft hangar; with additional buildings constructed nearby. And I was a
curious case post-baccalaureate student then among my schoolmates being already a licensed mechanical engineer (March
10, 1987) who began as a 2nd year student again in a local BSAE degree program here in my very-aerospace-development
backward cultural group, whose debut in genuine aeronautical development has yet to take off, even to date, 2018. I was
not able to fight the temptation to show my PRC (Professional Regulation Commission) ME license to my classmates then.
And the other students were intrigued about me: an unusual 2nd year student whose classmates call him (me) “engineer.”
Anyway, my experience there is just for 1 Summer Term and 1 Semester Term (April 1988-October 1988). I got sick at the
end of this time that is most unusual - to be revealed in my future editions (Part 3 and later parts) of my “revelation.” I
don’t know how I ever survived in Manila with my condition that lasted almost one (1) month at the end of my 7-month
stay in Manila (I came back home in late November 1988). But I came back home with another aeronautics plan: I will
continue my BSAE Degree Program at the MATS College of Technology in Agdao, Davao City; my intention then is to be-
come eligible to take the PRC Aeronautical Engineering Licensure Board Examinations (administered since 1983). In April ‘89
Summer Term at the quality, prestigious Ateneo de Davao University, run by the Catholic Jesuit Order, I got my career break
of college teaching instructing Calculus to 2nd year Engineering students. In June 1989, I was offered a full-time math teach-
ing job by the Mathematics Department Head then, Mrs. Elizabeth Callo. But I declined the offer; telling her that I only wan-
ted a part-time teaching job because of my intended, planned continuation of my BSAE studies at MATS. But after over one
semester of local BSAE studies (3rd yr.), I decided that I will discontinue my study (4-yr. program) in this school. On Dec. 26,
1989 I decided to send my first inquiries to US aero schools because my elder brother, MD, emigrated to the US: June 1989.
General Avia F.220 Airone: my Dream Airplane. Designed by the talented Italian Dr. Ing. Stelio Frati.
12:16 A.M., July 14, 2018; Saturday
I thank the good Lord God Almighty in Jesus for our country’s national leadership’s new interest in “space matters” as
highlighted by the creation in 2016 of a new space agency, the PhilSA – Philippine Space Agency. Our President (2016-
2022), Rodrigo Roa Duterte being a former active private pilot in his youth is understandably open to first-world possibilities
such as this fearsome field of space. This is clearly the reason why he is interested in aerospace endeavors; that he signed
into law the establishment of this fledgling space agency. I have read in the Internet that this program of the NSDP –
National SPACE (Space Promotion, Advancement and Capability Expansion) Development Program, needs at least 800
aerospace engineers & scientists. But I think this government endeavor is a space-focused undertaking. The key person in
this new agency is an Astrophysicist, Dr. Rogel Mari D. Sese, who has a Ph.D. degree from the University of Tsukuba, Japan.
However, the Department of Science & Technology which published the new National Science & Technology R&D Agenda in
the Internet neglected aeronautical development. Don’t they know the very inseparable link between aeronautics & space?
And that “aerospace” is a modern and all-encompassing term for all activities, research work, etc. in aeronautics and space?
The term “aerospace” has 3 meanings: the aerospace environment, which is the atmosphere and space beyond considered
a single entity for the operation of aerospace vehicles; the aerospace industry; and aeronautics and astronautics inseparab-
ly combined fields. “aerospace” in this third (3rd) meaning is the science, technology and engineering of aerospace vehicles.
I offer to the Philippine government my research in aero eng. education such as my many aeronautics-related specialty B.S.
curriculums, (etc.), I made for my envisioned aeronautics specialty public college (whether a state college branch of the
quality Univ. of Southeastern Philippines, Obrero, D.C. OR aeronautics specialty city college for the city of Davao City). This
is the Daedalus, The Davao Aeronautical Institute of Technology; and two similar U.S.-par (meeting int’l standards) public
aero colleges in Cebu City & Luzon at the Subic Bay Int’l Airport in Zambales. The time has come for our aeron. dev’t debut.
3:43 P.M., June 19, 2018; Tuesday. This Term Paper is dedicated to all aspiring future Filipino astronauts & aerospace engrs.
June 20, 2018. This is my motivation in pursuing my goals and plans for the Old Davao Airport which has no other viable next uses. I bet there will be no other. I was not
able to obtain this scholarship because I was currently unemployed as a college teacher then. I stopped teaching after my brief 3-year sub-career start (just part-time) in
April 1989 to March 1992 at 4 better Davao colleges because of frequent relapses of my residual emotional illnesses then due to varied conditions/ situations. But I am a
lot better now since my last emotional illness relapse happened 8 years ago on March 1, 2010. I hope to obtain this scholarship next time. May God in Jesus bless me. D.D.
[2:47 P.M., May 12, 2018; Sat.]. I hope the Philippine gov’t will heed my urgings for our cultural group to finally develop in
this first-world field of aerospace (aeronautics & astronautics) that revolutionized life in the 20th Century & beyond. D. Tony
[6:14 P.M., July 30, 2018; Monday]. It took me 10 years to arrive at CSULB (arrived LA on August 13, 1999) from the time I
sent my initial inquiry contact letters to U.S. aerospace schools. Communications is slow: no access then to the Internet. DD
*I may take again the GRE in the future. But the ETS made a new very difficult revised GRE General Test with a new scale of
130 (“zero”)-170 (“perfect”) & verbal + quantitative scale of 260-340. My SCORES BELOW are my NORMAL ABILITY SCORES.
[4:07 A.M., June 20, 2018; Wednesday]. My elder brother (eldest of 5 siblings including me; I am 4th), is only a “C” grade
Diplomate in IM as he passed the Certification Exam in 3 takes (2 or 3 takes allowed). The first take he failed both parts. The
2nd take he passed just one part (of 2 parts). The 3rd time he was allowed to take only the failed part (in 2nd take), which he
finally passed. He may have a modest achievement, but he is a gregarious, personality-plus and dandy professional who can
command deep respect from peers and patients and members of the community. Currently he is pursuing a lucrative, suc-
cessful medical career in New Jersey. He will turn 62 yrs. old late this year, 2018 (me, 56). May God in Jesus bless us. Tony D.
[11:56 PM, 9 July 2018; Mon.] The “A Father’s Prayer” wish, writings of Gen. McArthur was given by Papa “Glee” Glicerio, 90’s.
4:11 AM, June 20, 2018; Wednesday. The cute 3-year old boy in the rightmost position is me. Our age gaps are 2 years each.
[8:07 A.M., June 19, 2018; Tuesday]. Family picture taken in late 1979 at our old residence in Digos, Davao del Sur 8000, PH.
[2:50 P.M., July 18, 2018; Wednesday].
I only have a 3 semester and one (1) summer term teaching experience in April 1989 to March 1991 at the Ateneo de
Davao University, a quality college that is run by the Catholic Jesuit Order. I often got sick then with my emotional illness
relapses. I transferred from one school to another in 1989-1992 at four (4) Davao better colleges because of my frequent
emotional illness relapses that interfered with my intermittent sub-career start teaching part-time position. But I am a lot
better now since my last emotional illness relapse happened more than 8 years ago on March 1, 2010 (I was in a (suburb
place), Davao City Rehab of Dr. _. _., M.D. until May 30, 2010). I did not have any more relapses since. May the good Lord
God bless me in Jesus that I may never have any more relapses in the future, so my plans and career will not be interfered
anymore by any emotional illness relapses. I have this hope in the good Lord God Almighty in Jesus since my unusual case is
a supernatural, God-ordained experience. I trust the good Lord God in Jesus’ sure promises in the Bible. Sincerely, DAD
3:33 P.M., July 18, 2018; Wednesday
I have experiences that are expressed and highlighted in the illustration of the cartoon above. Most people outside one’s
immediate family have the attitude above: they are not happy about another person’s dream come true experiences. It is
as though they are offended by someone’s achieving an unusual, outside-of-one’s cultural group’s-reality, career successes.
My career goals and dreams are unselfish and deeply patriotic. It is my goal ever since to establish genuine Philippine
aeronautics starting at the academia, when I discovered the very poor status quo of Philippine aero eng. education, during
my post-baccalaureate BSAE studies at the PATTS College of Aeronautics in Pasay City, Metro Manila (2 nd year; April 1988-
October 1988); and MATS College of Technology in Agdao, Davao City (3 rd year; June 1989-March 1990). This latter year,
while pursuing 15 units for each of the 1st Semester and 2nd Semester School-year 1989-1990, I am also pursuing a
mathematics teaching part-time position in my sub-career start then, at the quality Jesuit-run Ateneo de Davao University.
(My B.S. degree is in Mechanical Engineering awarded by the SVD Catholic Order-run University of San Carlos in Cebu City. I
passed the ME Licensure Board Examination in August 1986, and I am a licensed mechanical engr.) But my passion is really
undergraduate AE college teaching career, so I aspired for an advanced degree in aerospace engineering (MSAE) from a U.S.
university. I started my initial inquiry to U.S. aerospace graduate schools by preparing my first inquiry letters on December
26, 1989, in our old residence then in our former hometown of Digos City (Sept. 8, 2000), Davao del Sur. I have two (2)
MSAE admission offers: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida (December 16, 1992); and California
State University, Long Beach (May 25, 1999). I finished one (1) school-year of my BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan in my MSAE
Degree Program at CSULB (1999-2000), and then I came back home due to lack of private family funds – as I have no
government scholarship since I stopped teaching due to my unusual normal psychological disability. (But I am a lot better
now since my last emotional illness relapse happened more than 8 years ago on March 1, 2010; I was in the (suburb, Davao
City) Rehab of Dr. _. _., M.D. until May 30, 2010). May the good Lord God in Jesus continually bless my career goals, plans
and dreams. I thank Him for His many providential assistance through the loving care of my immediate family members. My
dreams is for country to finally achieve genuine aeronautical development through real aeronautical engineering education
even just at the undergraduate (BSAE) level, by my proposal to the Philippine gov’t of importing from the U.S. AE education.
[5:33 P.M., July 30, 2018; Monday] I kept this document from The Navigator Ministries, Inc. (Phils.). I hope you can see that
I have no illusions about my calling from the good Lord God in Jesus. By God’s grace and His providential assistance through
the people that are close to me, I am victorious in my mission. But final victory of the good forces in the Universe has yet to
happen - it is still a future happening. However, I believe that we are in the very offing of this - we are in fact very close to it.
3:42 P.M., July 18, 2018; Wednesday
I got the picture of the white bird above during my last stays (admission) at the Babista – New Day Recovery Center at
Lanang, Davao City. It just suddenly appeared on the wall from nowhere (but I did not notice the actual moment of its
appearance). The view appealed to me because of the bird’s color(s) – mostly white; but with a red beak and a black head.
So I took it because it seemed that no one in the Rehab Center owned it. I kept the picture ever since among my personal
documents. Even though I grew up with little physical development because my father did not provide me with tennis sport
materials (my kind of sport) during grade school, and also did not provide me with a bicycle when I was young, I am really a
flyer inside. My mind soared the skies with my self-study knowledge of aircraft piloting (my aviation science knowledge did
not follow a curriculum). I aspired for a private pilot’s license in my future with the help and endorsement of the EAA –
Experimental Aircraft Association, U.S.A. which I learned helps people with disabilities to earn private pilot’s (etc.) licenses.
The bookmark above (The Cebu Navigators, “The Challenge” Conference ‘80) is the first Nav Conference I attended. I was
witnessed to by my discipler, senior Nav member, Mr. Romeo D. one mid-afternoon on July 1, 1980 at the west side of the
grounds at the Cebu Institute of Technology campus. “The Challenge” Conference ‘80 was held on November 7-9, 1980. The
beginning of this conference Nov. 7, 1980 is the 63rd (9x7) anniversary of the triumph of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia;
same day in 1917. The Soviet Union was officially dissolved during the December 25, 1991 speech of Soviet Union Chairman
Mikhail Gorbachev. I do not want to put more meaning to this “coincidence,” but the reader needs only to judge from the
rest of my documents in this Part 2 of my “revelation.” I have more discussions on this in the future. I hope the reader will
be inspired to read my writings and documents. I will have more Parts to publish about my revelation in the future. Tony D.
4:29 P.M., July 18, 2018; Wednesday; God loves Darvin: Souvenir from our Oct.-Nov. 1982 Navigator Ministries Conference.
During early 1998 (3x666), I had an emotional illness relapse (and my favorite activity during these times are long walks
seemingly to nowhere, but of course I recognize the local places I am going and passing by). When I was walking on the
northern side of the highway (oriented East-West) in my place in Davao City not far from my village where my residence is, I
just suddenly and unconsciously grazed the ground lightly where there are small stones. Then I saw that there was a heart-
shaped stone with the same size as the red heart-souvenir (above) from our The Cebu Navigators “Growing in Christ”
Conference in Camp Bato, Sibonga, Cebu Province during October 30-November 2, 1982. (This was the time when I
transferred to the University of San Carlos-Technological Center at the opposite northeastern side of metropolitan Cebu
City after enduring a 3-semester or 1½ year emotional ordeal in the non-aviation environment of the Cebu Institute of
Technology in June 1981 to October 1982.) Because of this stone’s size which seemed to me as essentially exactly the same
as my red heart souvenir from our Nav Ministries late 1982 Conference, I took it and brought it to my house where I placed
it beside this red heart souvenir. And it essentially fit in size. I called it my “holy anting.” (Before I proceed, I have a little
discussion: here in my country when a word is repeated twice it means it is only a toy object and not the real thing. Like
“auto-auto” for toy car, and “eroplano-eroplano” for toy airplane. “Anting-anting” here in my country means amulet in
English. But I did not regard this heart shaped stone as the real thing, because I called it only as “anting.”) And I found a
meaning to my new word construct: “Ang nadawat nakong tahas, ipadayag, isangyaw na-ay Guino-o.” Which means in
English as “The calling that I received [from God Almighty in Jesus] is to reveal and preach that there is God [or that God
exist].” The word holy is before “anting” so it can be added to the meaning of my new word construct and its equivalent in
English. I am not superstitious about these things. In fact, my life is mysterious; and I have many mysterious experiences. It
never occurred to me then to take a photograph of it since I have an old Nikon SLR camera. On August 26, 2006, when I
went to the Matina Aplaya Beach, I threw it to the shallow sea shore. Then I realized that this date is the 41 st birthday of my
first love, BERB (of course, I did not wait for this timing to throw it to the sea). My “real holy anting” is the souvenir above.
During December 1982 at my second school USC-TC, when I was very near the onset of my emotional breakdown (or
collapse of my emotional health), I was sleepless for 9 days and nights at our (me and my BS Bio. student younger sister,
Eunice, now MD) distant (mother-side) relative’s house where we stayed. I became very talkative and initiated bewildering
and deep discussions about life and science (etc.) with my boardmates. Our fellow Nav members were concerned whether I
am possessed by a spirit or something. The late Atty. Leonardo “Nards” Lisondra visited me in my room and he looked
around. There on my wall was a Space Shuttle poster I got from the USIS – U.S. Information Service library. Also posted on
the wall was the election campaign (paper material) of my late uncle, Atty. Martin V. Delgra, Jr. who once ran for a position
in the Philippine Senate as Congressman (he did not win). Also, on my wall was the yellow circular placard with the message
“It’s fun being a Christian.” When “Nards” saw the red heart souvenir on my Bible, he asked “is this yours?” I answered
“yes.” To him this confirmed my condition is God-ordained and holy in origin. Then he said “let’s go to the airport.” I
answered “I am tired, I want to rest.” The people at USC-TC gossiped on me for the rest of my 3½ year stay at this college.
[9:55 P.M., August 3, 2018; Friday]. This is in response to boastful preacher, Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy about the
reality of the Trinity in the Bible that he is questioning about in his TV programs. Just because the word “Trinity”
is nowhere to be found in the Bible, their sect developed their doctrine about what God Almighty said that he is
the Holy One, and not “Holy Three.” Actually, God is really one; and at the same time also three. Is this a violation
of logic? Certainly not! Because this is a mathematical problem: Consider 3∞ ≡ 1∞. This is because God is an
infinite Being, and he is a holy Supreme Being. Pastor Quiboloy charged that God cannot be “both senior and
junior” in his false doctrine of “Oneness theology.” Their group clearly misinterpreted Isaiah 9:6 in the Bible
which says: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. He will be
called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” I believe these refers to Jesus
Christ, the Messiah, Savior and our Redeemer. Now this “Everlasting Father” is not the Almighty, for His second
enumerated Title is Mighty God. I think why he is called Everlasting Father here is because not all who go to
Heaven will see God. Now I believe this refers to God the Father; not all the inhabitants of Heaven in Eternity
Future will see God (God the Father, the Almighty), but only those with pure hearts. Matthew 5:8 says “Blessed
are the pure in heart for they will see God.” Now in human families, in the absence of the father, or if the father
dies early, the eldest child, especially a male old enough son, will assume the responsibilities of a father to the
rest of the siblings. God Almighty Father meant Jesus, his only begotten Son, to be the firstborn among many
brothers (Hebrews 5:18 Section titled “Jesus Made Like His Brothers.”). In Colossians 1:15-23, this Section titled in
my NIV Bible “The Supremacy of Christ,” it is stated that Jesus is the “firstborn over all creation” and “firstborn
from among the dead.” Notice that it doesn’t say “firstborn of all creation” but “firstborn OVER all creation.”
Because Jesus Christ is not a created being but shared in the fullness of the Deity (Colossians 2:9 “For in Christ all
the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form”). I think the phrase “fullness of the Deity” refers to the Trinity. But I
will discuss below the Scriptural Evidence that the three persons of the Godhead are different and distinct yet
still one God. Why because, again, God is an infinite Being. And we are thankful to his revelation in the Bible that
he is a holy Supreme Being. The time has come to refute the errors of famous preacher Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy.
The reality of the Trinity is Scriptural even though God did not include the word “Trinity” in the Bible. Even the
word “Bible” is not found inside, on the pages of the Bible, but only the word Scripture, which means divine Holy
Writings. The word Bible is written only outside, on the cover of the Bible and on the title page of the contents of
the Bible. This is because the word Bible means “library” or collection of books (such as the word “Bibliography”
which mean “reference” to all the books in the library). I will analyze certain Bible verses in order to present that
God is really a Triune God in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. It says in 1
Corinthians 8:6 (Living Bible Version) "But we know that there is only one God, the Father, who created all things
and made us to be his own; and one Lord Jesus Christ, who made everything and gives us life.” In Ephesians 1:3 it
says “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with
every spiritual blessing in Christ.” Ephesians 1:17 says “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the
glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” Matthew
28:19-20 which is “The Great Commission” of Jesus Christ for all the world’s disciplemakers says “Therefore go
and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end
of the age” (NIV). So it is very clear that God the Father is the Father of Jesus Christ and his God and our God. The
third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is also clearly God himself (in italics because the Holy Spirit is neuter, or
neither male nor female in bona fide traditional Christian Theology or Doctrine). If Jesus Christ is really just one
God in the false doctrine of “Oneness theology” then “he is the father of himself” – which is ultimately-greatly
impossible. The “Oneness” doctrine raises some interesting questions; such as: when Jesus died, who raised him
back from the dead? Because in “Oneness” doctrine he is just one. Now, I believe, if God is not a Triune God or
Trinity, then he will be defeated by a mere creature, the one who opposed Him, which is Satan, but who was
defeated because of the Triumph of God the Son Jesus on Calvary 2000 years ago in Israel which is a historical
fact. I have more to say and discuss about this most important issue. But I will reserve it for my future writings, in
my Part 3 and later parts of my “revelation.” The reader should be wary of religions which deny the Trinity, that
Jesus Christ is God-Man, and the doctrine of Salvation by Faith in the Scripture or Bible. I hope that with this short
discussions about the issue of Trinity, you are convinced of my sound reasoning here about bona fide Christianity.
[8:07 P.M., August 3, 2018; Friday]. Even though I know I am not perfect, I can say honestly to myself before God Almighty in
Jesus, that I have integrity, or have a considerable amount of integrity. We are the only ones who know aside from the good Lord
God who sees us from above and who knows everything about us, whether we are blameless or not. The criteria for blameless-
ness is found in Psalms 15 in the Bible. I am happy that the good Lord God in Jesus found His way into my heart at a young age of
18 years old when I was a 2nd year BSME student at the Cebu Institute of Technology in July 1980. The one who witnessed to me
is my discipler, senior Nav member, Mr. Romeo Dilla, BSChE (CIT; early 1980’s). Since then I am protected from the many sins
committed by most spiritually-unborn persons. I am now fulfilling my long-time dream of becoming an aero engr. w/ a US degree.
[8:40 P.M., August 3, 2018; Friday]. Going to Heaven is a very difficult prospect (but I am not there yet). Even following the Lord Jesus
Christ’s path of going to hell first and coming out of it, for our redemption. Take heart you dear readers; whatever your religion is. There
are elect (chosen) people even in non-Christian cultural groups. In Acts 18:10, God said to Paul, “stay here in this city (Corinth) for many
people here belong to me” (and that was before the place was evangelized). [In my NIV Bible], “Then the Lord said to me (Paul), ‘Go,
I will send you far away to the Gentiles’” (Acts 22:21). It may be a most difficult trip, but when we finally arrived there, we will
know then that it’s worth the effort. Nothing compares to this gift. Even if salvation is because of God’s grace, love and mercy we
still have a part of growing up in the knowledge of the Lord. Like the additions to faith enumerated in 2 Peter 1:3-11 for our
spiritual growth. My NIV Bible called this section: “Making One’s Calling and Election Sure.” Please take time to read this chapter.
[4:35 P.M., August 3, 2018; Friday. Dear Reader, Please print this Letter, scan it and sign and send to it me via my
E-mail address: [email protected]. OR IF YOU HAVE A BETTER WAY OF DOING IT, PLEASE
DO SO. I am collecting signatures for my local genuine aeronautical development initiatives. Thank you for your
much-needed participation. Sincerely, Engr. Darvin A. B. Delgra, BSME, MSAE grad student: expired leave, CSU]
August 3, 2018
This letter is my formal document/ assent of support to Engr. Darvin Delgra’s very sound proposals to the
Philippine government I have read and understood herein.
The time has finally come for the debut of genuine Philippine aeronautics with the signing into law in 2016 by
our President Rodrigo Roa Duterte the creation of the Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA). This space agency is
led by a Japanese-university trained astrophysicist, Dr. Rogel Mari D. Sese. However, Engr. Delgra suspects this
agency is a space-focused new Philippine government agency.
It is Engr. Delgra’s learned opinion that if he is correct in his perception regarding the thrusts and aims of the
PhilSA and its predecessor program, the NSDP – National SPACE (Space Promotion, Advancement and
Capability Expansion) Development Program, this is clearly shortsighted. Space (astronautics and space
exploration) cannot be pursued in ISOLATION. The foundation and most relevant prerequisite to “space” is
aeronautics and aviation. If one imagines going up to space, as you go up the air becomes more and more thin,
until there is no perceptible amount anymore of the relevant atmosphere of the earth. I’ve read in the internet that
space begins at an altitude of 73 miles. (But there are still particles there like the solar wind from the Sun.) Before,
the information is 50 miles – for starters. The modern term “aerospace” means aeronautics and astronautics –
combined and unified engineering, science and technology fields. But it has two other meanings: aerospace
industry; and the atmosphere and space beyond combined, considered a single entity for the operation of aerospace
vehicles. Also, the realm of the atmospheres of other planets are included in the “fearsome” field of aerospace.
Engr. Delgra humbly suggests to the Philippine government to rename the PhilSA as the PAGA&SA –
Philippine Aviation*, General Aeronautics and Space Agency (*aviation research, and not operations and use
of finished, certificated, in-service aircraft: the jurisdiction of the CAAP – Civil Aviation Authority of the
Philippines). This new agency is also very much allied to the existing PAGASA agency which means Philippine
Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration. It is a very fortunate coincidence that the
Filipino (Tagalog) word “Pag-asa” means “Hope” in English. The NASA of the U.S. means National Aeronautics
and Space Administration. Below is my signature to indicate my clear support to Engr. Delgra’s first-world goals,
plans and dreams.
___________________________________________ _____________________________________________
I My signature is formal support of Engr. Delgra’s schemes. I I My signature is formal support of Engr. Delgra’s schemes. I
I__________________________________________I I____________________________________________ I
NAME: ; Job position NAME: ; Job position:
[12:35 P.M., August 6, 2018; Monday]. The first time I met JSMQJ was during our family dinner date at Balik
Bukid [organic food] Restaurant at Quimpo Blvd., Davao City in early July 2016. Their family was invited; but I
don’t know who invited them. His father (left, behind her) is my high school schoolmate (I am one year ahead) at
the then Holy Cross College of Digos High School Dept. (now Cor Jesu College), in the late 1970’s. Her mother
(behind my late father, November 12, 2016, Glicerio) knew me as early as mid-1979 when we were boardmates at
the Santo Rosario Dormitory in Cebu City (for ladies; but the cottage at the back of the dorm that was built during
the construction of the dorm was the quarters for the male dorm maintenance staff and also rented by a few lucky
male occupants with relatives or with connection to the dorm’s female boarders). This is how the good Lord God
provided me with what may turn out to be my final love; specifically my 3rd, final real love (love No. 16) in my
storied lovelife. She may be 32 years younger than me. My 15th love, VTP, is 35 years younger than me. VCL, my
14th love, maybe 23 years my junior. I never thought before during my life’s deepest brokenheart over ALAJ (my
immature 3rd love – girl-of-my heartbeat love which is now no more), that I will have many more loves to come.
My girl-of-my heartbeat love (3rd love; 8 years younger than me) which is now no more is ALAJ, from
Maguindanao Province. I wrote details about her in my lengthy Afterword in Part 1 of my “revelation.” But she
turned out to have many undesirable traits (I will mention just 3): she is immature, impulsive, and with zero-
broadmindedness (the most undersirable trait in my opinion). Because my normal psychological disability requires
in an intimate partner extreme broadmindedness and she has absolutely nothing of it. After my first visit to her
residence in Landasan, Parang, Maguindanao on June 12, 1990 (92nd anniversary of the Philippine Independence
Day from the Spaniards), I received her reply letter at the first floor of the Ateneo de Davao University dormitory
(given by a dorm staff) after June 12, 1990, and my heart literally jumped in excitement and happiness on seeing
the letter’s outside written addresses information. When I read her letter and saw her picture with dedication at my
room at the 2nd floor of the dorm where I stayed (for a few months already that time), my heartbeat suddenly
increased in the speed of beating (confirming she is the girl-of-my hearbeat love); (but now no more: the good
Lord God in Jesus cancelled my love for her around the time of the limit of my waiting, the 7 th anniversary, April
17, 1997, of the first time I met her – at the entrance of the AdDU dorm one night on April 17, 1990. This is as per
my request to God because all it did to me were a deluge of tears of tears and hurt emotions for 7 years). When I
returned to Davao City after my first visit to her, I got sick with my 3rd emotional illness relapse precipitated by
that emotion-filled visit in which she entertained me for 5 hours at her house; from 12:00 noon to 5:00 P.M., in the
afternoon (the predisposing factor was my stressful work of part-time math teaching at Ateneo while at the same
time also pursuing post-baccalaureate BSAE studies at the MATS College of Technology, Agdao, Davao City for
2 semesters in schoolyear 1989-1990). (This was because I plan then to take the local Aeronautical Engineer
Licensure Board Examination which is administered since 1983. But in December 1989, I decided to pursue
graduate study in MSAE in the U.S. since my elder brother sponsor emigrated to the U.S. on June 12, 1989.)
During my first visit, I met in her house both her father and mother for it was a Philippine holiday. My father
Glicerio upon coming home to Digos City, Davao del Sur, my old hometown, when he heard my words that
ALAJ’s father, in his amazement of my reply letter from Dr. Jan Roskam (professor at the University of Kansas,
Dept. of aerospace engineering who invited me as an easily-admitted BSAE student), that I showed him (ALAJ’s
father) as my answer to his telling me that “his daughter will go abroad (U.S.; to work as a nurse),” I also answered
“mag-abroad din ako Sir” (“I am also going abroad Sir” – telling him this and simultaneously presenting him my
letter from Dr. Jan Roskam), when my own father heard this, especially my telling him that ALAJ’s father was
deeply amazed that our future plans were parallel, my own father said to himself “this girl may be the one.” My 3rd
relapse may have lasted a month with medication, but I was AWOL at my part-time job at the other Davao college
that I held a teaching position, the University of the Immaculate Conception (I don’t have a teaching position at
Ateneo that 1st Semester 1990-1991). When I visited again ALAJ in Cotabato City, this time on July 27, 1990 at
her boarding house near her school, Notre Dame University, I told her that “I have an emotional breakdown in
1982” (because I believe it is important that she learn of this fact in my life; I also hoped that she will turn out to
have the same broadmindedness as that of a broadmindedness-genius girl I met 2+ years earlier on January 18,
1988 in Digos who is Honeyline D. Braceros (a volunteer election watcher); but they turned out to be exact
opposites in this regard). ALAJ entertained me for 6 hours: from 5:00 P.M., to 11:00 P.M. on that Friday. And she
was shocked to learn of my most unusual psychological disability. I don’t have much knowledge about her inner
self, what are her character traits, and the many things about her to explore in a sweetheart relationship, etc. During
my 2nd visit not long after she was shocked to learn of my “secret,” she made a decision right away regarding me
as a suitor, in an innuendo “hindi ko sasabihin, hindi ko sasabihin” (“I will say, I will not say”). This was after she
asked me if I want to learn about my “status with her.” And that was it. My elder brother in the U.S., Dr.
Alexander Delgra, M.D. sent me 7 very beautiful cards with much-inspired messages (I barely remember the
messages now, for my sending her cards was stopped at card no. 5; however, I kept the 6th and 7th card). The
message of the 6th card is a response to a successful courtship. And the message of the 7th card is about an engaged
relationship for serious lifelong intimate intentions. I remember the card no. 5’s message is “somehow, someway,
somewhere, someday.” This card I sent to her in response to her busted up letter (“basted” in the vernacular Bisaya
for we have many local vocabulary words that are English and Spanish, even Chinese and Japanese in origin).
After my 2nd visit on July 27, 1990 when I came back home, I have an emotional illness relapse again. And my
father changed his mind and decided “this girl in not the one.” So he prohibited me to go again to Cotabato City.
He told me that a caring, loving letter is as effective as my actual presence there. This is also what Mr. Teodulo
“Jong” Ramirez told me when we met twice on the bus on the General Santos City-Davao City route, and also on
the telephone when I called him once during 1990’s later months. He said “seven years!” thrice; twice in the bus,
and once on the phone. He said that regarding her busted up letter: “binata” (“childish”). A woman will yield in the
end to a suitor’s patient endurance in courtship (“matyaga” or “matiyaga” in Tagalog-Pilipino dialect); and that,
like what my father said, a caring, loving letter is as effective as my actual presence with her. I believed “Jong” for
I considered him an authority on love being a writer with a Ll.B. and M.A. History degree (University of the
Philippines); he was also a former college dean and a gov’t agency (DOLE - Dept. of Labor and Employment)
high official. So I need only to send her letters and cards; which I did. Even after I heard that she married another
man already around 2 years or 3 years later in 1992 or 1993. For I realized this immature woman is, what is termed
here in my cultural group, M.D. (“minyo dayon,” or “got married right away” – after graduating from college or
medical school). This is maybe really true: During our initial acquaintance at the Ateneo dorm during that Summer
Term 1990, there was this rumor that I am getting to be married. Because she told her friends-student nurses that
“next year (1991) she is going to settle down with a lucky guy.” But her “lucky guy” turned out be
“schizophrenic.” I thought that she has the broadmindednesss from her “Psychiatric Nursing Practicum Summer
‘90” experience in Davao City, that she has the knowledge that not all psychiatric patients are “abnormal.” When
the End of my waiting, April 17, 1997, nears, it was at my village in suburban Davao City at a low hill that I
looked up to Heaven and prayed to God Almighty in Jesus that if ever this (already married) woman is not
widowed by that time, then He will cancel my love for her in my heart. (I have counted to about 25 married
women in my immediate place of residence that were widowed early.) The rest was history (but I have details
below): Even if my love for her is a “girl-of-my heartbeat love,” it is not true love or real love because it is not
requited. She turned out to be an unworthy woman of my unusual-intention deepest-emotion love (then). Again,
my brokenheart experience with her started on December 17, 1990 the time of my receipt of her busted up letter.
But this is already history. God showed me the way in my tragic but interesting storied lovelife. I have no regrets
about my actions and decisions in my revealing to her my “secrets” very early in our acquaintance. And they
turned out to be blessings in disguise. Below, are details on how my “deepest-emotion love” for her finally ended.
During June 28, 1991 (the 77th anniversary of the start of World War 1), I found a 17-year old girl who will turn
out to be my 6th love 6 years later. She is RMNI. And I first saw her during their dance rehearsal for the Miss
Davao del Sur Pageant few days later, that day’s late afternoon at the temporarily prepared stage on the parade
grounds (oval) of the Ramon Magsaysay Elementary School in Digos (where I spent my elementary school years).
I was attracted right away with her as I watched from the grandstand about 20 meters or 30 meters away. For she is
a gifted dancer, and in my opinion, the counterpart of famous Dancer/Actor/Singer Gary Valenciano among
women in my country in caliber of dance talent. Really, and you can trust my words here, for I have also talents of
appreciation in this regard and in many things like classical music, etc. She was really a gift from God to me of a
lesser love 14 months later after I met ALAJ and a little more than 6 months later after my life’s deepest
brokenheart which started on December 17, 1990 (87th anniversary of the Wright brothers’ first successful airplane
flight) when I received ALAJ busted up letter. So, I took the initiative to be acquainted with her. But as one family
friend opined “this daughter of Mrs. GNI will [discriminate and] choose among people.” So she avoided me for the
rest of my 6-year one-sided courtship with her through my letters. It was only once when I cornered her at the Cor
Jesu College (in Digos) canteen that she entertained me (but forcibly; because she did not like me). However, my
lesser-love attraction for her is the good Lord God’s provision for me so that I will be able to endure my life’s
deepest brokenheart over ALAJ which lasted exactly 76 months (from December 17, 1990 to April 17, 1997).
On July 1, 1996 (the 16th anniversary of my spiritual birth, same day in 1980, with the bona fide witness to me of
my discipler, senior Nav member Mr. Romeo Dilla, BSChE – early 1980’s, CIT), I met at the Rizal Park in Digos
one night during a public function (she is one of high school CAT – Citizen Army Training officers doing their
part in this public program), an almost 16-year old girl, SSS, who will turn out to be my 7th love, less then one (1)
year later (details below); (she was first my 2nd lesser love after ALAJ). But in 1994 and 1995, I have buffer-
interface loves with two young women in my hometown (their residences are in the next town south of Digos).
They are JVW and CAS whose nickname is Emma. They both have good characters and my courtship with them
ended in good terms; I am not the one they want to have sweetheart relationship with (details found in my lengthy
Afterword of Part 1 my “revelation”). When April 17, 1997 neared, as I stated above, I knew I should make a
decision. And I looked up to Heaven one day here at my village in suburban Davao City at a low hill (few or no
houses then), and prayed to God that if ever ALAJ is not widowed by that time then He will cancel my love for
her: I said to God in Jesus in my sincere prayer that regarding His will in my life, “I am neutral.” Also, my deepest
emotion of a girl-of-my heartbeat love for her starting around 1995 began to become stale when I heard a message
from her that seemed to indicate that she regretted her choice of a husband (for any reason that I don’t know or can
only surmise). Then around a year later, I heard another story from my Civil Engineer high school classmate,
Antonio G. who told me that she saw at a business establishment and talked briefly with ALAJ in Kidapawan City,
North Cotabato, because my former classmate saw her picture she gave me. My high school friend Antonio G. is a
contractor and he was at Kidapawan to buy lumber for his projects when he met ALAJ, but only briefly was their
conversation because he, or both of them were in a hurry then. I heard from a bus conductress in one of my trips to
and from Cotabato City that she met the man who will become her husband at the Madonna Hospital in Kidapawan
City, 60 Km. NW of Digos City. (Details about this found in my lengthy Afterword of Part 1 of my “revelation.”)
When the day of April 17, 1997 finally came, (I was then on the same low hill at my village here in suburban
Davao City), I realized “my waiting is over” (regarding my immature “girl-of-my heartbeat love”). And right then
I can feel in my heart that God placed in my person’s center of emotion two loves (6th love and 7th love) as His
response to my sincere prayer. Right then I felt that my lesser-love emotion for RMNI graduated already to my 6th
love – full-fledged love already. And when I said to myself “maminyo na man siguro ko” (“I may be able to marry
at last”), my thoughts transferred to SSS, who will turn out to be my 7 th love. (15 days or 7 days + 8 days later, my
15th love was born, VTP, who is just an around 9-houses away neighbor here in my same village in suburban
Davao City. She was born on May 2, 1997. She is now 21 years old and may have already graduated from her B.S.
in Mechanical Engineering degree program from the University of Mindanao here in Davao City. She is the one in
the top picture of this Section. She has photos in Facebook that showed her exquisite beauty. And she may also be
an aviation enthusiast because she looked up to the skies in her picture (above). This behavior is exclusive for
serious aero enthusiasts.) Anyway my love for RMNI and SSS were not fulfilled or requited. Although SSS
relayed considerable interest for me: in fact, our relaying “regards” and “rebound” to each other and many other
things became an issue among the people in her high school environment of the Davao del Sur National High
School or “National.” RMNI who avoided me for 6 years, upon coming home to Digos, heard unusual feedbacks
about me from her trips to Cebu City. She asked her auntie, Mrs. ENB (my father Glicerio was a sponsor at her
wedding), “minyo na ba daw ka? ta-as na daw ka ka-ayo” (“am I married already? I am so high, or great, already”
– from the stories and legends she heard about me). This was 6 days after April 17, 1997, on April 23, 1997.
Earlier that year in 1997, in one of my frustrating one-sided courtship unwelcomed visitations to her house, when I
went away in my deep disappointment I said to myself “it’s a hopeless love intention” and decided to stop my one-
sided courtship and will not pursue her anymore. But after her auntie’s message, I was inspired to resume my
courtship as though seeing a glimmer of hope. This proved to be tragic with the happenings in the next year, 1998.
During my life’s deepest brokenheart over ALAJ – by the good Lord God’s will and providence in Jesus, I was
able to endure it for 76 months – He also provided me with two lesser-love attractions with two attractive girls in
my own hometown, now Digos City (September 8, 2000), Davao del Sur. Because ALAJ busted up letter I
received on December 17, 1990 broke my heart in exactly 2, when the time came for the end of my waiting to
persevere regarding ALAJ, with the details above, I became in love with two lesser loves who graduated from a
lesser-love status, RMNI (from 6 years earlier starting June 28, 1991), and SSS (from less than a year earlier when
we met on July 1, 1996, again, at the Rizal Park in Digos). When maybe as I remember, May 1, 1998 (Labor Day
Holiday in the Philippines) came, the day or night before, it was at a Funeral Parlor in Digos that I spent most of
the night that I heard stories about SSS’s interest in me which is an issue in her high school – I heard this story
from a much-younger acquaintance at this place. So when May 1, 1998 night arrived, I was walking then at the
Ramon Magsaysay Elementary school parade grounds (or oval) – the school’s west-side boundary is around 250-
300 meters from our residence in Digos – it was early evening, and I looked at the place where I first saw RMNI
and cried for her (for around 15 minutes, but only once) because all my efforts at courting her through the mail
yielded nothing (I cried for her when at that time, because of the many favorable stories regarding SSS I heard
recently, I decided SSS is the one to choose; then I cried for RMNI – again, just once). Actually, when I started
courting her in 1991, I have an “unrealistic hope” (because I don’t realize then her trait of an “equivalent zero
broadmindedness” of an unusual, unfactual prejudiced fears on the unknowns of my mysterious person); again, I
have an unrealistic hope that finally she will respond positively when she will know the facts of my mysterious,
even unusual person – even with first-world talents – such as evidenced by my documents here in my publications.
Again, RMNI, is my 6th love, and SSS is my 7th love. But my prospect, and what seemed to be mutual attraction
with SSS, did not materialize as a sweetheart relationship. Her mother, Belen S., told me that her daughter is very
young: I should wait until she turns 25 years old. I also heard from our immediate neighbor, Mr. Danilo “Jun-jun”
D. that “SSS mother’s already agreed that I will visit her at her house” – which I believe is a true story for I am
acquainted with “Jun-jun” well. The Evil One may have really made a challenge to God in this regard that I should
have a failed love prospect with SSS and the good Lord God in Jesus acquiesced to the challenge for a testing of
my Christian character. When June 18, 1998 (June = “6th month”; 18 = 6+6+6; 1998 = 3x666) came, there was a
freak happening in my life of a “dubious contestable-as-to genuineness of intention simulated offense” against
RMNI’s mother at her house. I have also a similar experience one or two weeks earlier with a far neighbor, Eke C.
(problematic youngest son of Mr. “Inciong” C., a wheelwright) one night around 9:00 P.M. at the boundary gate of
one of the Digos Parks, in front of Eke C.’s house. I was also sick then with my 12th emotional illness relapse
starting June 2, 1998 when I received Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s (Daytona Beach, Florida) BSAE
admission offer. (I have been offered admission before to this aeronautics specialty school’s MSAE Degree
Program in an admission offer letter dated December 16, 1992 which lapsed after a 4-year extension (to Spring
Semester 1997) as I was deemed a “special case.” I reapplied but since my test scores dropped, specially my
TOEFL score which fell to 557 from 617, and my listening comprehension TOEFL subscore which fell to 47 from
57, I was not offered MSAE admission again. So I applied to their BSAE degree program with the results above.)
(My F-1 Student Visa granted in January 1994 was unused due to lack of private family funds. I have no
scholarship because I stopped my college teaching after a 3-year sub-career start in 1989-1992 due to my frequent
emotional illness relapses then. The result of my writing to then President Fidel V. Ramos which is a Foreign
Scholarship (prospect) summon-for interview in Manila letter (dated: December 17, 1996; the 93rd anniversary of
the Wright brothers’ momentous achievement) – from the CHED, Commission on Higher Education, and FAPE,
Fund for Assistance to Private Education, did not materialize since I stopped teaching in college since May 1992
due to my normal psychological disability. The scholarship interview committee has reasonable apprehensions on
my person for I am unemployed for 4+ years already that time, and I claimed as a former part-time teacher of
Ateneo de Davao Univ. which is true. I did not receive any result of the interview. However, I have a further reply
letter from FAPE: negative message.) This information is necessary to express the whole issue of my experiences.
Anyway because of the Evil One’s insane challenge to God for that day’s (June 18, 1998) freak incident, it was
decided in an amicable settlement by my parents and the other party that I will be exiled from Digos, because I was
sick then with my 12th emotional illness relapse when that supernaturally-freak incident happened. I cannot reveal
to you any more details about this, except that clearly it was the Evil One’s most sinister scheme to paint my
person with a very bad image. I came to Cebu City a few months later. And in August 1999, I was able to pursue
M.S. in Aerospace Engineering graduate study at the California State University, Long Beach – yet only a one (1)
year BSAE Deficiency-removal Plan in my MSAE degree program because my background is BSME. The date of
my trip to Los Angeles was August 13, 1999; ALAJ’s 29th (7+7+7+8) birthday. I came back home on June 8, 2000
due to lack of private family funds. One of this unusual publication’s purposes is to finally obtain a much-needed
government scholarship, because of my serious first-world intentions for our country. But I wanted to be like those
adjunct professors in the U.S. with actual industry experience with my planned 5-year short-stint career high-tech
industry experience at any U.S. aircraft company, but preferably at The Boeing Co., St. Louis, Missouri where I
have a relative-of-a relative family/ clan character reference. May the good Lord God in Jesus bless my altruistic
goals, plans and intentions for our still right-to-the present time aerospace-development backward cultural group.
I sent SSS further letters after this freak incident, but only one was “returned to sender.” I continued to send her
letters until the time of my return to Digos on July 25, 2005 (July – 7th month; 25: sum of digits is 7; 2005 sum of
digits is 7). This was her 25th birthday: this is because her mother, Belen S. told me on the phone in 1996 or 1997
that I should pursue a serious courtship with her beautiful daughter by the time she will be 25 years old. And in my
letters, I asked her to “tie a yellow ribbon on her gate” if she still wanted me as a serious suitor – just the like the
message of this well-known song. When I arrived that night, maybe past 7:00 P.M., at the gate of her house, there
was no yellow ribbon. I retraced my step; then moved forward again – there was really no yellow ribbon. Then I
looked up to Heaven (the night sky; cloudless with many stars visible then) and prayed to God Almighty in Jesus,
“Thy will be done on me.” I learned from her neighbor my bearer, Honeymichelle G. that she married the past year
2004, her boyfriend K.C. (maybe a classmate or schoolmate at Ateneo in her college days: 1997-2001). I did not
sin to God regarding this matter and my Christian character has proven robust – the Evil One was defeated in his
“insane challenge” to God. When I came back home to Davao City after July 25, 2005, I got sick with an
emotional illness relapse again and was rehabilitated. On August 4, 2005 at the Babista New Day Rehabilitation
Center in Lanang, Davao City, I met my 14th love that day’s morning around 9:00-10:00 A.M. at the 2nd floor of
the facility where a nursing student from San Pedro College in Davao City on a Rehab visit came near me. (I have
6 buffer-filler loves, no. 8 to no. 13 after SSS. And I fell in love with them in different ways; no two are alike or
the same.) I never thought before during my life’s deepest brokenheart over ALAJ, that I will have many more
loves to come. This proves the truth of one of the messages of Desiderata which is “Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.” I think the Desiderata poem is
divinely inspired – even an annotation of biblical message. I decided very lately that I will commit it to memory
and in fact it will be this publication’s last part. I think God’s messages in the Bible did not end with the Bible. In
Eternity in Heaven, Jesus will teach us everything which in the present time we only have a hazy view of its truths.
That August 4, 2005 morning around 9:00-10:00 A.M., I was then facing the wall at the 2nd floor near the nurses’
station of the Rehab facility where I stayed, but my eyes look to infinity like when looking at the distant stars
during every starry night. And I said to myself “minyo na si SSS, bahala na, di na ko magminyo” (“SSS is married
already, come what may; I will not marry anymore”). Then at that essentially exact moment, as though an unseen
hand above my head turned my head to the right and I saw a beautiful around 20-year old woman who came near
me. And I said to myself in my mind upon seeing her “magminyo pa gihapon ko” (“I may still consider marrying”
– someone with my new acquaintance as a most beautiful prospect – I changed my hasty stance regarding
relationships with my life’s happenings in view of my 7th love, SSS). Also a simultaneous thought in my mind
upon seeing her was “kani!” (“this is it!” – my new beautiful woman discovery whose beauty appealed to me,
because she was extremely beautiful). But the words that came out of my mouth was “hello! what’s your name” (in
English for we Filipinos are “Americanized” as I read in the book Word Factbook this statement). Then she said
“V------,” – her name; her complete initial is VCL. She was wearing her shirt from her CAT – Citizen’s Army
Training from her high school days at the Einstein School in Cotabato City; with the picture of the famous
scientist, physicist Albert Einstein on her shirt. (But I failed to note what was her cadet rank in CAT; indicated on
the back of her shirt.) It was a love at first sight experience – this thing really happen with my firsthand experience.
And I have a themesong for her: “Long ago and far away”: “Long ago and far away, I dream the dream one day.
And now the dream is here beside me. Long the skies were overcast, but now you’re here at last, you’re here at
last. Chills run up and down my spine, Alladin’s lamp is mine, the dream I dream was not denied me. Just one look
and then I knew that all I long for long ago was you,” (etc.). This song is may be a themesong of a movie in the
1960’s or 1970’s because I first knew about it in our Readers’ Digest musical album. Then we were having our
social physical activity of psychological and other patients at the open public area of the Rehab Center, and I read
her name on her CAT shirt for I was behind her. With only a few hours acquaintance, my instant love-at-first sight
experience or love emotion with her lasted for 7 years but we never meet again. I hoped that we will meet again,
but I realized that God is sovereign and that if we are meant for each other then we will meet again and be
acquainted well with each other in a sweetheart relationship – which I have yet to make with any girl. I visited
their family business L---- Medical Gallery at Bonifacio Street, Davao City, and I met once her mother. When I
saw her mother again sometime later, it was near the entrance of their business place and her mother just arrived
carrying chicken eggs. It was as though her mother’s (left) genius told her to look to the left and she saw me. And
also at the same time, it was as though my (right) genius made me notice her to my right. And as though a sudden
feeling of apprehension came to her mother and she went pass by their business place and hurriedly entered the
next, neighboring adjacent business place and left the chicken eggs she was carrying there and immediately went
away to her vehicle – clearly an act of avoiding me. It is my perception that VCL’s mother may have heard gossips
about me, maybe from VCL or someone else. On January 2, 2007, I met fellow former Rehab residents at NCCC
Mall in Ma-a, Davao City, and they smiled at me when they refered to me their news information about “my
girlfriend.” And I became inspired and hopeful about my love intention for VCL. Late that year 2007, I searched
the yellow pages telephone book for telephone numbers with her family name, and I called each one. Then finally
when I called the last one in Mintal, Davao City, I talked with a young woman over the phone that was called by
the young kid who first answered the phone. The she answered me on the phone: “there’s no VCL here, bye.” I
knew she may be that woman, and I realized I may have been busted up again. Then I realized that that day was
December 17, 2007 the 104th anniversary of the Wright brothers first successful airplane flight on the same day in
1903. I heard from her cousin I befriended who was an events organizer and who occupied briefly their former
business place at Bonifacio Street, D.C. that she pursued medical studies at the Davao Medical School Foundation
in Davao City. And I mailed a letter for her with a voluminous amount of documents about my unusual person. It
was letter of “farewell,” but not “goodbye,” because of my perceived hope. The letter did not become a “returned
to sender” letter, unlike the last letter I sent to her mother, confirming that she may really have attended medical
school at DMSF. When the 7th anniversary of the first time I saw her, August 4, 2012 neared, I thought that we
may really meet again, if it is God’s will, on this day somewhere in Davao City. So on this day I came to the 2nd
floor of the National Book Store at Gaisano Mall which is not very far from her medical school. And I waited for
almost 2 hours sitting on the chair with a table for librarians-book inspectors. For I know very well that my unusual
person is very mysterious. We never met, so I came back home. Then on the 3rd week of August 2012, I met VTP –
she has the same given name as VCL (and our first names can be artistically combined together). We met at the
last corner on my way to my elder sister’s (Belinda, M.D.), home whose household I shared because I am single
and unemployed for a long time because of my normal psychological disability. (I have a small well-furnished
house 7 houses away from my sister’s that was a bequest from my father Glicerio, CE; died: November 12, 2016.)
When I saw her one early morning waiting for a pedicab (motorized sidecar tricycle), I was attracted with her and
talked briefly with her asking if she was a high school student and what is her college degree program choice (for
she was a senior 4th year high school student then). She said she will take up “chemical eng.” But her actual college
degree program was mechanical engineering at the University of Mindanao which campus is more than 3 Km.
away from our village. When I saw her, I failed to note the day, but that was from August 13, 2012, Monday to
August 17, 2012, Friday for that was a classday. Then I realized that August 13, 2012 is the 42nd birthday of my
immature 3rd love, ALAJ. Also that August 17, 2012, Friday, is the 8th month after December 17, 2011, the 108th
anniversary of the Wrights brothers’ famed achievement. Then our family went to Cebu City for a family function
at my mother’s hometown in Balamban, Cebu Province on the west coast of Cebu Island. Then when I came back
home, I have money to spare for my book purchases and I went to BOOKSALE Bookstore at the NCCC Mall few
Kms. away from our village. I may have bought 5 books that time. And when I arrived at the place of the pedicab’s
terminal at the highway near her high school, I met her sitting alone on the pedicab waiting for the pedicab to be
filled with passengers so we can go – this day was Thursday, August 23, 2012. And I sat near her at the front seat
of the pedicab and we talked for a long-enough extended period for the other passengers came so long. And she
entertained me and I learned of her name, VTP, and her birthday, May 2, 1997. And I showed her two of the five
books I bought: they are “Space Invaders, How Robotic Spacecraft Explore the Solar System” by Michel van Pelt;
and an education-issue book “Grade Inflation, A Crisis in College Education” by Valen E. Johnson. I don’t know
anything about her, VTP; what are her character traits and many important things to know about her. But since I
am attracted with her with a genuine attraction she became my 2nd real love, for my love for my 1st real love, VCL,
was expired already. It is my understanding from my experience and observation of other people, that “love can be
learned, love can killed, love can grow, love can die, love can be cancelled, love can expire.” But I have an idea
about a seventh love (from these series) that is a “forever love.” I am aspiring ever since to become a married
person in my future for many reasons including the “passing on of the torch of life to the next generation” with
many desirable traits from my many gifted (many of us) progenitors. I may have found at last the one to choose,
but I will discuss first about VCL and VTP. God gave me many signs in my life and also many most unusual
coincidences in my life including in relationships and attractions. I hope you will not find me presumptuous about
my status in the Lord, but I am trying hard in my life. You will find below how God in Jesus led me to what may
turn out to be my final love, my 3rd, final real love. You can find in my story that the message of Desiderata
“neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass” is
very true. In my life, it has been very true, and I have loves now (2018) up to love No. 16 who may be my final
love. She is not my girlfriend yet (I never had any before). But I have already made my first initiative this January.
VCL’s family name when combined with my family name in a certain way means “Delgra healed.” (If you have a
Filipino acquaintance, you may ask him or her about the vernacular word for “healed” and you may be able to
guess VCL’s family name.) VCL is a nurse and now maybe an M.D. also. Her interest in a medical specialty field
may lie in psychiatry for she was not afraid of me but came near me in that psychiatric facility (discussed above)
one morning on August 4, 2005. VTP’s family name when combined with my family name means “Delgra U.S.A-
bound,” and “to be one, to do one, to make one, to choose one” (“to be one love,…”). And she will become a
licensed mechanical engineer if she passes the ME Board Licensure Exam. From her picture (above) I can surmise
that she may be also interested in man-made flight for her behavior of looking to the sky is an exclusive behavior
of aviation enthusiasts. But after a few weeks – or more than a month – from our first meeting, on October 3, 2012,
I discovered that the last syllable of her name and her middle name is “sa Tan” or “ssa Tan.” So I was disappointed
with my discovery and that she cannot be my serious prospect because of this coincidence. But 22 days later on
October 25, 2012 while watching a TV program about U.S. military might (I did not note the program’s title), I
heard from the TV that Osama bin Laden was killed on May 2, 2011. Then I realized that this date is her 14th
birthday (14 = 7+7). I then also realized that that day October 25, 2012 is 14 months to December 25, 2013; or
Christmas Day 2013. I realized that these coincidences are actually “victories.” So because of these next
coincidences, I became happy and inspired to continue my attraction in a courtship with starting my sending her
cards and letters beginning on Valentine’s Day ‘13 (but I am not sure if it was Christmas ‘12 that I first send her
greeting cards with an enclosed letters). (I also discovered that the date October 3, 2012 above is actually 7 days
and 7 months to my 51st birthday on May 10, 2013.) I continued to send her cards for I believe she received my
letters/cards. But I am too liberal to reveal to her to soon about my normal psychological disability. Then at last on
May 31, 2016 she came to my house’ gate one afternoon, called me “Col, col” (a local address for an older person
here in my country; from “uncle”). I was then on the sala of my house and when I looked outside from my house’
front door, I saw her throw over the gate, papers, which turned to be all or many of my documents I sent her: she
dicided she was not impressed with my documents. When I checked the papers, there were two books I sent to her,
and many of the materials I mailed her. But I can determine that there are still others that were not included in
these returned “unusual courtship materials.” There was also written messages that started with the most vulgar
Tagalog-Pilipino expletive. For she decided she had enough of my courtship messages that piqued her. She wrote
me that she is too young to be attracted to me (she was 19 years old then in 2016). But actually, once when we met
in the pedicab she asked “where I worked?” (I answered, “I am taking master’s study at USeP” – University of
Southeastern Philippines, Obrero, Davao City – “so I can teach in college again.”) Then I realized that that day
May 31, 2016 is 7 months and 7 days to January 7, 2017; Honeyline D. Braceros’ 47 th birthday (as you can read
above and in the Part 1 of this revelation, she is the broadmindedness-genius girl I met on January 18, 1988;
election day in Digos City where she was a volunteer watcher in one of the precincts in our slow-process national
elections). Then I asked myself “should I continue my courting her with my recent view of her inner self?” She
really got the ultimate piqued emotion by my message in my last letter which was: “I hope you will turn out to
have many, even all, of my (deceased) mother’ (Carolina) excellent (charater) traits.” This last message caused her
her ultimate piqued emotion over my courtship initiative. She got the wrong idea that my dreams and pursuits are
“products of a sick mind” (even if she surely saw the evidence of my borderline giftedness: GRE scores and Mensa
advertisement, documents, etc.). Anyway I decided I will stop my courting her for I have already a view of one of
her undesirable character traits. It is my experience that most physically endowed women don’t have good
characters for they have high pride. I am praying to God that I will finally find a serious prospect with my mother’s
excellent character traits. I am concerned about my future plans of going abroad alone to pursue an aerospace job.
Then less than two months later, in early July 2016 (but I was not able to note the day), I met JSMQJ during our
family dinner date at the Balik Bukid (organic food) restaurant at Quimpo Blvd., Davao City. I don’t know who
invited them. (See picture above with messages below it.) In my Facebook account, the date was June 22, 2016,
which may be written by my brother-in-law, Mr. Joel Lim Tan, (BSEE). But this is unlikely since I was out from
my 12-day hospitalization for my appendectomy at Brokenshire Hospital in Davao City, on June 19, 2016. Then I
realized that the (maybe erroneous) date June 22, 2016 is my parents’ 61th wedding anniversary. (My mother
Carolina L. Borgonia Delgra, 1929-2002, died on March 1, 2002. My father Engr. Glicerio V. Delgra, BSCE ‘53,
CIT, 1930-2016, died on November 12, 2016.) I did not ask her name during our first meeting during that July
2016 family dinner date; but we were facing each other that time being seated in opposite seats. When I met her
again, it was an occasion at my elder sister’s, (Belinda, M.D.), house; and I entertained them – she and her two
parents. This day of our second meeting was September 23, 2016. And I learned about her name, JSMQJ. And also
in our conversation I sensed that she is not yet into relationships, but she is already a licensed nurse. Then I
realized that September 23, 2016 is exactly 49 (7x7) months from August 23, 2012; the day when I met VTP on
the pedicab and learned of her name. I am totally satisfied with JSMQJ’s physical attributes. And I hope that she
will turn out to have the same, or have many of my late mother’s (Carolina) excellent character traits. Early this
year I initiated my Facebook messages of intimate intentions with her. I hope for final success this time. If it is the
good Lord God’s will in Jesus then I will be fulfilled in this area of my life. And if this happens, the line in the
song “For once in my life,” “I can go, unafraid, where life leads me,” will be true in my life. For I have many plans
and places to go. She is also a nurse, a most excellent partner for my intimate needs. I pray to God in Jesus for this.
[9:31 P.M., August 8, 2018; Wednesday]. She is really beautiful. Her mother is the one at her back. I am lucky in
our times today that communication is facilitated by the convenient Internet, especially Facebook. The good Lord
God in Jesus proved to me that He is most faithful. And my story is how the good Lord led me to what may turn
out to be my final prospect. My impossible experiences did not shipwreck my faith in the good Lord. And now, I
will be ready for lifelong intimate intentions in a few years from now – after earning my U.S. MSAE degree in
2022 when I will then be 60 years old. She is around 32 years old younger than me. And even now at around 24
years old she is a full adult already. Her father is my friend/ schoolmate (I am one year ahead) from high school in
the late 1970’s in our old hometown of Digos City (September 8, 2000), Davao del Sur. Her mother also has a
historical connection in my life when I am 1st year college in BSME at CIT. I hope that she will turn out to have a
trait of broadmindedness that is the same or approaching that of Honeyline D. Braceros, the broadmindedness-
genius woman I met during the national elections of January 18, 1988 in Digos at my elementary school, the
Ramon Magsaysay Elementary School. The message of the Desiderata: “Neither be cynical about love, for in the
face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass,” is really true from my first-hand exper-
iences.” I hope the reader will be inspired to continue to have hope in the good Lord for he is most faithful. I invite
you to take a close look at The Navigator Ministries where I learned my Bible knowledge. The Navs was founded
in the U.S. Navy in 1933 by Dawson Trotman and not a religion or church. But only an interdenominational
Christian para-church organization (i.e., having at least the 3 elements of 1.) Salvation by Faith; 2.) God-Man
Jesus; 3.) Trinity). The fourth one may be that the Holy Spirit is neuter: neither male nor female; this is not widely
known. However, this is a sound doctrine in bona fide Christian denominations. The first 3 above may suffice for a
beginning. The Navigators is headquatered in Colorado Springs, CO, U.S.A. Its main aim is the discipling of
believers to heed The Great Commission of Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19-20 “Therefore go and make disciples of
all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to
obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” The end of
the age may really just be in the offing for this is the 21st Century: 21 (7+7+7). God won already. Don’t be afraid.
[1:46 P.M., August 6, 2018; Monday]. I aspired to become a married person ever since. And I am looking for a
partner who will share my life in a marriage in holiness and honor (the Bible’s ideal relationship). I got this beauti-
ful illustration when I was in love then with my 7th love SSS around ‘98-1999. God provided me with 3 loves more.
[1:40 P.M., August 6, 2018; Monday]. My younger sister Dr. Maria Eunice B. Delgra-Tan, M.D., MSN (Charles
Drew U., LA). She emigrated to the U.S. together with her family in 2003 and worked as a nurse there. D. Tony D.
[1:43 P.M., August 6, 2018; Monday]. My younger sister Eunice, M.D. and her husband, Mr. Joel Lim Tan, BSEE.
[10:58 A.M., August 9, 2018; Thursday]. One of my unusual Internet publication’s purposes is to reveal the facts
of my mysterious person which is constantly gossiped about here in my still right-to-the present time aerospace-
development backward cultural group. People here in my country thinks that my first-world field “aerospace” is
exclusively space; and this is an impossible prospective field here in my country. My countrymen should know
these facts about my person because there should be justice to my life’s most emotionally painful experiences
which dated back to my college days in Cebu City (1979-1986). I am called by the good Lord God in Jesus to
make inititiaves for our genuine Philippine local aeronautical development starting in the academia; which in fact I
am doing now. You can find them here in my “revelation.” I held on and pursued my first-world aerospace dreams
– which is not just for myself, but for all Filipinos with my same interests in aeronautics and astronautics. They
may never attain their unusual dreams if I abandon my altruistic, patriotic initiatives in local aeronautical
development. The good Lord provided me with opportunities to pursue my goals, plans and dreams for my
country. I hope that you can see from my documents here that I am not deluded in my first-world aerospace goals.
I have more to write about my topic but I will reserve them to my future Parts of my “revelation.” The ultimate
goal of all our lives is the general abstract idea of “happiness,” which is in its ultimate essential is our existence in
Heaven for the rest of Eternity – beyond our brief existence here on earth. The Evil One will try very very hard to
break our dreams and make us miserable. But not me: God in Jesus gave me a character of steel (“Satan’s triumph
is eternally ever lost”). I hope to achieve more victories in my life in the future with the good Lord God’s blessing
and providence. I will end this short Afterword with the poem Desiderata:
“Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career,
however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue
there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with wild imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.”
The Living Bible (Illustrated Catholic Edition), Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois:
Youth for Christ International, 1977.
New International Version (NIV) Bible, International Bible Society, East Brunswick, New Jersey
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