Geodesy - Kahoot B (G&C by B)

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Geodesy: Kahoot B ( G&C by B )

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The celestial equator is a great circle which is the:
a. Intersect of the terrestrial equatorial plane with the celestial
a. Intersect of the terrestrial
b. Apparent path of the earth on the celestial sphere
c. Ecliptic
d. Hour circle of the sun
The 2 principal normal sections at a point on the ellipsoid are:
a. The prime vertical and the meridian of longitude at the point
b. The parallel of latitude and the meridian of longitude at the point a. The prime vertical and the meridian of longitude at the point
c. The prime vertical and the parallel of latitude at the point
d. The parallel of latitude and the geodetic at the point
îN & M î radii of curvature of Prime Vertical and Meridian Section
at a given point of the ellipsoid of semi-major a, at what latitude is
N = M?
a. 90½ N or S a. 90½ N or S
b. 0½
c. 45½ N
d. 60½ N
A star is at transit at a place when:
a. The vertical circle of a star coincides with the meridian of the
a. The vertical circle of a star coincides with the meridian of the
b. The meridian of a star coincides with the prime meridian
c. The meridian of a star coincides with the Equator of the Celestial
d. The meridian of a star coincides with the vernal equinox
The sidereal hour angle of a star is the:
a. Vernal equinox Westward to the Hour circle of the star along the
b. Vernal equinox Eastward to the Hour circle of the star along the
a. Vernal equinox Westward to the Hour circle of the star along the
c. Autumnal equinox Eastward to the Meridian of the star along
the equator
d. Autumnal equinox Westward to the meridian of the star along
the equator
The Greenwich hour angle of a star is the angle measured from
a. Prime meridian Westward to the hour circle of a star along the
b. Equator of the Celestial sphere eastward to the meridian of a a. Prime meridian Westward to the hour circle of a star along the
star along the equator equator
c. Observers meridian Westward to the meridian to the star along
the equator
d. Prime meridian eastward to the meridian to the star along the
The equator-right ascension system is an astronomic coordinate
system using as coordinates
a. Declination and Right ascension
a. Declination and Right ascension
b. Declination and Horizontal angle
c. Declination and Azimuth
d. Declination and Hour angle
The equator-hour angle system is an Astronomical Coordinate
System using as coordinates
a. Declination and Hour angle
a. Declination and Hour angle
b. Declination and Horizontal angle
c. Declination and Azimuth
d. Declination and Right ascension

The 3 great circles involved in the formation in the astronomic

triangle of the celestial sphere area:
a. Observer's meridian, hour, and vertical circles of the star
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b. Observer's meridian, the Equator of the Celestial sphere, and
c. Hour and vertical circles of the star and the ecliptic a. Observer's meridian, hour, and vertical circles of the star
d. Hour and vertical circles of the star and the Equator of the
Celestial sphere
The angle between the normal and the gravity line on the spheroid
is known the:
a. Deflection of the vertical
a. Deflection of the vertical
b. Angular deflection of the latitude
c. Angular convergence correction
d. Grid azimuth correction
The north and south points on the horizon of an observer are the
points of intersection of the:
a. Celestial horizon and the celestial meridian of the observer
a. Celestial horizon and the celestial meridian of the observer
b. Celestial horizon and the equator
c. Celestial horizon and the hour circle of the observer
d. Celestial equator and the celestial meridian of the observer
The east and the west points on the horizon of an observer are
the intersection of the:
a. Celestial horizon and the celestial equator
a. Celestial horizon and the celestial equator
b. Celestial horizon and the hour circle of the observer
c. Celestial equator and the celestial meridian of the observer
d. Celestial horizon and the celestial meridian of the observer
If a and b are the semi-major and minor axes of the ellipsoid
respectively, then the Meridian Radius of Curvature at the Prime
a. a a. a
b. a>>
c. b>>
d. b
An observational axis in the celestial sphere is a line:
a. Normal to the horizon of the observer
b. Normal to the polar axis of the celestial sphere a. Normal to the horizon of the observer
c. Normal to the plumb line of the observer
d. Normal to the plane of the celestial observer
What is the great circle that divides the earth with the Northern
and Southern hemisphere
a. A meridian at longitudinal zero
d. The parallel at zero latitude
b. A parallel of latitude at Greenwich
c. The prime meridian
d. The parallel at zero latitude
What is the great circle that divide the earth in the Eastern and
Western hemisphere
a. The meridian at zero longitude
a. The meridian at zero longitude
b. The vertical at Greenwich
c. The parallel of latitude at the equator
d. The meridian at 120½ longitude
What would be the position of the observer when his horizon is
normal to the polar axis of the earth?
a. At Latitude 90½ N
a. At Latitude 90½ N
b. At Latitude 45½ N
c. 0½ Latitude
d. At Latitude 60½ N
Position of the observer in the Northern hemisphere when his
horizon is parallel to the polar axis of the earth?
a. At 0½ Latitude
a. At 0½ Latitude
b. At Latitude 30½ N
c. At Latitude 25½ N
d. At Latitude 90½ N

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The intersection of the plane of the earth's axis and the celestial
sphere is the great circle called the:
a. Ecliptic
a. Ecliptic
b. Celestial equator
c. Equinoctial colure
d. The hour circle of zero declination
The maximum declination of point on the Ecliptic is:
a. 15½ S
b. 60½ S d. 23½ 30' S
c. 18½ 30' S
d. 23½ 30' S
The minimum declination of point on the Ecliptic is:
a. 15½ S
b. 60½ S d. 23½ 30' S
c. 18½ 30' S
d. 23½ 30' S
The point of zero declination on the Ecliptic is at the:
a. Vertical equinox
b. Lower culmination of the sun a. Vertical equinox
c. Upper culmination of the sun
d. Elongation of the Polaris
The points of maximum declination on the Celestial sphere is at
a. Poles
a. Poles
b. Vertical equinox
c. Elongation of the Polaris
d. Culmination of the sun
The points of zero declination on the Celestial sphere is:
a. Anywhere on the Celestial equator
b. Anywhere in the Equinoctial colure a. Anywhere on the Celestial equator
c. Anywhere on the Hour circle of Polaris
d. Anywhere on the Ecliptic
The equinoctial colure is an hour circle passing to the:
a. Vertical equinox
b. Greenwich a. Vertical equinox
c. Polaris
d. Parallel of zero declination
The right ascension of a star is the angle measured along the:
a. Celestial equator Eastward from the Equator of the Celestial
sphere to the hour circle of the star
b. Celestial equator Westward from the star's meridian to the
a. Celestial equator Eastward from the Equator of the Celestial
Equator of the Celestial sphere
sphere to the hour circle of the star
c. Ecliptic Westward from the star's meridian to the Equator of the
Celestial sphere
d. Ecliptic Eastward from the star's meridian to the Equator of the
Celestial sphere
The meridian of a celestial body is a great circle that is identical
to a:
a. Hour circle of the celestial body
a. Hour circle of the celestial body
b. Parallel of the declination of a celestial body
c. Right ascension of the celestial body
d. Meridian of zero declination passing thru Greenwich
The polar distance of a heavenly body is the spherical angle
measured from:
a. The pole to the body along its hour circle
a. The pole to the body along its hour circle
b. The equator to the body along its hour circle
c. The pole to the body along to its vertical circle
d. The horizon to the body along its vertical circle

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The declination of a heavenly body is the spherical angle mea-
sured from the:
a. Equator to the body along its hour circle
a. Equator to the body along its hour circle
b. Pole to the body along its hour circle
c. Pole to the body along its vertical circle
d. Horizon to the body along its vertical circle
The zenith distance of a heavenly body is the spherical angle
measured from the:
a. Zenith to the body along its vertical circle
a. Zenith to the body along its vertical circle
b. Pole to the body along its hour circle
c. Equator to the body along its hour circle
d. Horizon to the body along its vertical circle
The altitude of a star is the spherical angle measured from the:
a. Horizon to the body along its vertical circle
b. Pole to the body along its hour circle a. Horizon to the body along its vertical circle
c. Equator to the body along its hour circle
d. Zenith to the body along its vertical circle
The horizon system is an astronomic coordinate system using
South coordinates
a. Altitude and Azimuth
a. Altitude and Azimuth
b. Declination and Horizontal angle
c. Declination and Azimuth
d. Altitude and Horizontal angle
The local hour angle of a star with respect to the place of obser-
vation is the angle measured from the:
a. Meridian of the place Westward to the Hour Circle of the star
along the Equator
b. Meridian of the place Eastward to the Meridian of a star along a. Meridian of the place Westward to the Hour Circle of the star
the Equator along the Equator
c. Meridian of the place Eastward to the Meridian of a star along
the Horizon
d. Meridian of the place Westward to the Meridian of a star along
the Horizon
The position coordinate needed at a point of observing the star in
determining the direction of a line is:
a. Latitude
a. Latitude
b. Longitude
c. Hour angle
d. Polar distance
In solar observation, the time of observation is recorded for a
computation of the variation of the
a. Declination of the star
a. Declination of the star
b. Altitude of the star
c. Hour angle of the star
d. Horizontal angle of the star
A star is at its instant of elongation when its:
a. Hour and vertical circles are normal
b. Hour circle is normal to the observer's meridian a. Hour and vertical circles are normal
c. Vertical circle is normal to the observer's meridian
d. Hour circle is normal to the Equator of the Celestial sphere
A star is a transit at a place when:
a. The vertical circle of a star coincides with the meridian of the
a. The vertical circle of a star coincides with the meridian of the
b. The meridian of a star coincides with the prime meridian
c. The meridian of a star coincides with the Equator of the Celestial
d. The meridian of a star coincides with the vernal equinox
The E & W points on the horizon of an observer are the points of
intersection of the:
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a. Celestial horizon & the Celestial equator
b. Celestial horizon & the Hour circle of the observer
a. Celestial horizon & the Celestial equator
c. Celestial equator & the Celestial meridian of the observer
d. Celestial horizon & the Celestial meridian of the observer
Base line check in the Philippine standard for 1st order triangula-
tion is:
a. 1 in 25,000
a. 1 in 25,000
b. 1 in 50,000
c. 1 in 100,000
d. 1 in 10,000
Base on Philippine standard the average correction of the 1st
order to side equation test direction not to exceed
a. 0.4 sec
a. 0.4 sec
b. 0.8 sec
c. 0.6 sec
d. 0.12 sec
Base line check for 2nd order triangulation
a. 1 in 10,000
b. 1 in 5,000 a. 1 in 10,000
c. 1 in 20,000
d. 1 in 30,000
Base line check for 3rd order triangulation
a. 1 in 5,000
b. 1 in 2,000 a. 1 in 5,000
c. 1 in 10,000
d. 1 in 20,000
Triangulation closure for 1st order, minimum not to exceed and
maximum not exceed
a. 1 sec, 3 sec
a. 1 sec, 3 sec
b. 3 sec, 5 sec
c. 5 sec, 10 sec
d. 30 sec, 1 min
Triangulation closure for 2nd order minimum and maximum not
a. 3 sec, 5 sec
a. 3 sec, 5 sec
b. 1 sec, 3 sec
c. 5 sec, 10 sec
d. 30 sec, 1 min
Triangulation closure for 3rd order minimum and maximum not to
a. 5 sec, 10 sec
a. 5 sec, 10 sec
b. 3 sec, 5 sec
c. 1 sec, 3 sec
d. 30 sec, 1 min
The number of observation position on 1st order triangulation
a. 16
b. 8 a. 16
c. 4
d. 32
The base line measurement where actual error of base not to
a. 1 in 300,000
a. 1 in 300,000
b. 1 in 150,000
c. 1 in 75,000
d. 1 in 40,000
In base line measurement the discrepancy between 2 measures
of a section is not to exceed
b. 10 mm <<k
a. 20 mm <<k
b. 10 mm <<k
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c. 25 mm <<k
d. 50 mm <<k
In the 1st order triangulation, the Astronomical azimuth probable
error of result is:
a. 0.3 sec
a. 0.3 sec
b. 0.5 sec
c. 2.0 sec
d. 4.0 sec
In the cadastral control surveys the relative error for primary
traverse is
a. 1 in 10,000
a. 1 in 10,000
b. 1 in 5,000
c. 1 in 2,000
d. 1 in 25,000
The angular error of closure in a primary control of cadastral
project is
a. 2.5" <<p
a. 2.5" <<p
b. 30" <<p
c. "<<p
d. 10" <<p
The observation of Earth surface by moving around the earth is
what we call
a. Artificial satellite
a. Artificial satellite
b. North polar star
c. Stellar observation
d. Satellite geodesy
The allowable error of closure for 1st order leveling is: î where k is
km î
a. 5 mm <<k
b. 4 mm <<k
b. 4 mm <<k
c. 7 mm <<k
d. 10 mm <<k
The density of bench mark for 1st and 2nd order shall be installed
at every
a. 2 km
a. 2 km
b. 5 - 8 km
c. 8 - 10 km
d. 10 - 20 km
The allowable error of closure for 2nd order leveling is
a. 5 mm <<k
b. 2 mm <<k c. 8.4 mm <<k
c. 8.4 mm <<k
d. 6 mm <<k
The allowable error of closure for 3rd order leveling is
a. 12 mm <<k
b. 2.5 mm <<k a. 12 mm <<k
c. 6 mm <<k
d. 8.4 mm <<k
Result by combining force of the earth's attraction due to gravita-
tion & centrifugal force due to rotation of the earth
a. Gravity
a. Gravity
b. Centripetal force
c. Observation
d. Escape velocity
A type of gravity determination in which both Pendulum and
Gravimeter measurements are measured and from which gravity
may be calculated a. Absolute determination
a. Absolute determination
b. Relative determination
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c. Precise determination
d. None of these
A very sensitive instrument which measures minute variations in
the force of gravity
a. Eotvos torsion balance
a. Eotvos torsion balance
b. Gravimeter
c. Seismometer
d. None of these
Tidal bench mark are to be installed at
a. Tidal station
b. Intersection of 1st order leveling work a. Tidal station
c. Sea crossing point
d. 100 meters from the intersection of river & sea
The sea crossing bench mark is installed at
a. 100 meters from the intersection of river & sea
b. At sea wall a. 100 meters from the intersection of river & sea
c. At 1st & 2nd order level network
d. At intersection of river & nearby road
River crossing of up to about a maximum distance of 300 m wid.
The method to be used in determining elevation
a. Reciprocal leveling method
a. Reciprocal leveling method
b. Tilting screw method
c. Theodolite method
d. Tacheometer method
Sea or River crossing leveling of up to about 5km is
a. Tilting screw
b. Reciprocal leveling a. Tilting screw
c. Theodolite
d. Tacheometer
Sea or river crossing leveling of more than 5km and need tower
for target
a. Theodolite
a. Theodolite
b. Tilting screw
c. Reciprocal
d. Tacheometer
A vertical or inclined tunnel driven downward for connecting the
upper & lower level of transferring elevation
a. Winze
a. Winze
b. Raise
c. Tunnel
d. Rate
The sighting distance and reading unit of 1st order leveling shall
be as
a.) Maximum 50M 0.1mm
a. Max 50M 0.1mm
b.) Maximum 60M 1.0mm
c.) Maximum 70M 2.0mm
d.) Maximum 80M 1.5mm
The sighting distance and reading unit of 2nd order leveling shall
a.) 60M 0.1mm
a. 60M 1.0mm
b.) 60M 1.0mm
c.) 60M 2.0mm
d.) 60M 2.5mm
The angle at a point on the geoid between the vertical and the
normal to the spheroid of reference
a. Deflection of Vertical
a. Deflection of Vertical
b. Deflection of Line
c. Deflection of Horizon
d. Deflection of Meridian
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Leveling the amount by which the algebraic sum of the measured
difference in elevation around a circuit fails to equal to zero
a. Circuit closure
a. Circuit closure
b. Linear error of closure
c. Error of closure
d. Position on closure
A small net of geometric figures used to expose from a baseline
to a line of its main scheme of triangulation
a. Base net
a. Base net
b. Basic control
c. Base line
d. Base triangulation
Method of surveying which consists of measuring the baseline &
computing the location of chain of station by measuring angle
a. Triangulation
a. Triangulation
b. Intersection
c. Resection
d. Trilateration
If e & f are the eccentricity and the flattening of the spheroid then
a. e>> = 2f - f>>
b. e>> = 2f + f>> a. e>> = 2f - f>>
c. e = 2f - f>>
d. e = 2f + f>>
If e is the eccentricity of the spheroid and & ²are the geodetic &
the reduced latitude at a point on the spheroid then:
a. tan ² = î 1 -e>> î^•• tan
a. tan ² = î 1 -e>> î^•• tan
b. tan = î 1 - e>> î^•• tan²
c. tan = î 1 + e>> î^•• tan²
d. tan ² = î 1 -e>> î^•• tan
The Global Positioning System have different positioning modes.
A positioning with respect to a well-defined reference system
known as:
a. Absolute or point positioning a. Absolute or point positioning
b. Relative or differential positioning
c. Static positioning
d. Kinematic positioning
The Global Positioning System have different positioning modes.
A positioning with respect to another fixed point is known as:
a. Absolute or point positioning
b. Relative or differential positioning
b. Relative or differential positioning
c. Static positioning
d. Kinematic positioning
The most common mode of surveying & was the technique used
on geodetic survey of the Philippines is known as:
a. Absolute or point positioning
c. Static positioning
b. Relative or differential positioning
c. Static positioning
d. Kinematic positioning
In the Global Positioning System, how many satellites must be
observed to get an instantaneous point positioning?
a. 4
a. 4
b. 3
c. 5
d. 2

The datum to which all Global Positioning System data throughout

the world are referred to is known as
a. WGS 84 datum
a. WGS 84 datum
b. Luzon datum

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c. PRS 92
d. WRP 85
The number of repetitions allowed for Primary Triangulation for
base line measurement.
a. 6
a. 6
b. 4
c. 2
d. 8
The number of repetitions allowed for Secondary Triangulation for
base line measurement.
a. 6
b. 4
b. 4
c. 2
d. 8
The number of repetitions allowed for Tertiary Triangulation for
base line measurement.
a. 6
c. 2
b. 4
c. 2
d. 8
The maximum error of triangular closure in Primary triangulation
for baseline measurement
a. 3"
a. 3"
b. 8"
c. 12"
d. 4"
The maximum error of triangular closure in Secondary triangula-
tion for baseline measurement
a. 3"
b. 8"
b. 8"
c. 12"
d. 4"
The maximum error of triangular closure in Tertiary triangulation
for baseline measurement
a. 3"
c. 12"
b. 8"
c. 12"
d. 4"
Allowable check on base for Primary triangulation for baseline
a. 1 / 25,000
a. 1 over 25,000
b. 1 / 10,000
c. 1 / 5,000
d. 1 / 2,000
Allowable check on base for Secondary triangulation for baseline
a. 1 / 25,000
b. 1 over 10,000
b. 1 / 10,000
c. 1 / 5,000
d. 1 / 2,000
Allowable check on base for Tertiary triangulation for baseline
a. 1 / 25,000
c. 1 over 5,000
b. 1 / 10,000
c. 1 /5,000
d. 1 / 2,000
3 Systems of plotting heavenly bodies.
a. Horizon system, Equatorial system, Hour angle system a. Horizon system, Equatorial system, Hour angle system
b. Zenith distance, Right ascension system, Hour angle system
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c. Horizon system, Right ascension system, Equinox system
d. Hour angle system, Declination, Latitude system
Methods of determining latitude of the place of observation.
a. Meridian altitude of sun of star
b. Circum-meridian altitudes of the sun d. All of the above
c. Polaris at any hour angle
d. All of the above
The science of the geography of the heavenly bodies.
a. Uranography
b. Astronomy a. Uranography
c. Hypsography
d. None of the above
A great circle passing through the celestial poles and the vernal
a. Equinoctial colure
a. Equinoctial colure
b. Hour circle
c. Horizon
d. Almucantars

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