Fluency Plus 7 - TG - Progress Check 2

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UNITS 3 – 4

PROGRESS CHECK 2 • Ask students to circle the word in each

question where the underlined part has a
UNIT 3 & 4
different sound.
Student’s Book, pages 48-49 • Let students work alone, then have one
student answer each question.
• Talk about any words that were hard to say
Lesson outcome and practice them again.
• Revise knowledge learned in unit 3 & 4 • Tell students how they did, saying good job
for right answers and helping fix any
Lead-in mistakes.
Sports Bingo cards • Answer any more questions about how to say
the words.
• Make bingo cards with a grid filled with sports

words and pictures. Answers
• Each square has something different about 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. A
• Give everyone markers to cover the squares 02
on their cards. • Ask students to match the words to make
• Make a list of the sports words and pictures phrases that fit into the sentences.
on the cards. • Give them the list of words (a-j) and tell
• Tell the students to listen to the sports words them they need to make phrases.
and pictures called out. • Show an example: "The boxer used his
• Make a list of the sports words and pictures strong punches to (g) beat the opponent."
in a mixed-up order. • Help students match the words for the
• As sports items are called out, students mark other phrases.
their cards if they have them. • Tell students to think about what each
• The game goes on until someone wins by word means and how it fits in the
getting a line. The first student to win shouts sentence.
"Bingo!" to tell the caller and the other • Let students work alone or in pairs to
students. match the rest of the words to make
• Then, ask students to use the phrases to
• Explain in a simple way how sounds are complete the sentences.
connected to letters in English. • Check the answers together as a class.
• Tell students to listen carefully to how the • Talk about the completed sentences, the
underlined part of each word sounds. choices made, and make sure each
• Talk about any problems or questions they sentence makes sense.
have about saying the words.
• Tell students to finish the rest of the sentences
Answers by themselves.
• Walk around and help students if they need it.
a. tourist destination b. flora and fauna
c. safety harness d. go on a cruise • When students are done, have them swap
e. travel agency f. overcome obstacles papers with a partner.
g. beat the opponent h. become a champion • Tell students to check each other's work and
i. wingsuit flying j. cliff diving give feedback.
1. beat the opponent 2. tourist destination
• Get students to talk about any mistakes and fix
3. become a champion 4. flora and sauna
them together.
5. Wingsuit flying 6. safety harness
7. cliff diving 8. go on a cruise • Review the completed sentences with the
9. travel agency 10. overcome obstacles whole class.
• Talk about any common mistakes or confusing
03 parts.
• Explain more if needed.
• Tell students to pick the right phrasal verb
for each sentence. Answers
• Quickly remind them what phrasal verbs are
1. is attending 2. was setting – were sitting –
(verbs with extra words).
watching 3. are going to organize 4. are setting off
• Explain any words they don't know. 5. is having 6. were sailing – saw 7. were driving
• Talk about what the phrasal verbs mean for – were listening 8. hiked – enjoyed – took
Extra activity
• Help students choose the right answer.
• Walk around to see how they're doing. • Tell students to make sentences using the
verbs from the activity.
• Tell them to use the sentence to help them
• Remind students to use different verb tenses.
• Quickly review the different verb tenses.
• Go over the answers together. • Brainstorm actions students can describe in
• Give feedback and answer questions. their sentences.
• Clear up any confusion. • Give students some sentence starters.
• Walk around the classroom to help students.
Answers • Let students work alone or in pairs to make
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D their sentences.
• Have students swap sentences and check each
04 other's work.
• Tell students to fill in the blanks with • Ask students to share some of their best
different verbs. sentences with the class.
• Talk about each sentence together, 05 4.10
explaining its meaning.
• Explain any new verbs or words in the
• Review the different verb forms needed
for each sentence.
• Show how to complete the first sentence
as a class.
• Get students to suggest the right verb
forms and explain why they chose them.
• Circulate around the classroom to provide • Offer suggestions for which verb tenses and
assistance and answer any questions. forms could be used in each sentence, but
• After students have completed the sentences, encourage students to come up with their
pair them up and have them exchange papers. own ideas as well.
• Instruct students to review their partner's • Circulate around the classroom to provide
sentences for accuracy and provide feedback. support and guidance as students work on
• Encourage students to discuss any their sentences.
discrepancies and work together to correct • Allow students to work independently or in
errors. pairs to create their own sentences using a
• Bring the class back together and review the variety of verb tenses and forms.
completed sentences as a group. • Encourage them to refer back to their
• Discuss any common mistakes or areas of brainstorming session for inspiration and to
confusion that arose during the activity. ensure diversity in their sentences.
• Provide additional clarification or explanation • Remind students to focus on accuracy while
as needed. also being creative in their sentence
• Have students exchange their sentences with
1. is attending 2. was setting – were sitting – a partner or in small groups.
watching 3. are going to organize 4. are setting off • Instruct students to review each other's
5. is having 6. were sailing – saw 7. were driving
sentences, paying attention to the use of verb
– were listening 8. hiked – enjoyed – took
tenses and forms.
• Encourage constructive feedback and
discussion about the effectiveness of each
• Ask students to create their sentences using sentence in conveying meaning.
the verbs from the activity. • Invite students to share some of their favorite
• Remind students of the importance of using sentences with the class.
different verb tenses and forms to accurately • As each sentence is shared, discuss the choice
convey different actions and events. of verb tenses and forms and how they
• Briefly review the different verb tenses and contribute to the overall meaning and clarity
forms covered in previous lessons, such as of the sentence.
present simple, resent continuous, past • Encourage other students to ask questions or
simple, past continuous, future simple, etc. provide feedback on their classmates'
• Lead a brainstorming session where students sentences.
generate a list of actions and events they
could describe in their sentences (e.g., travel 05 4.10
experiences, daily routines, future plans, past • Tell students to fill in the blanks in the
memories). conversation.
• Encourage students to think about a variety of • Explain what the conversation is about and
scenarios and situations to incorporate into point out the missing words.
their sentences. • Make sure students understand they are
• Provide a set of prompts or sentence starters planning a beach trip.
to guide students in creating their own • Play the conversation.
sentences. • Tell students to listen and try to understand.
• Tell students to write down any words they 07
hear that might help.
• Give students time to fill in the blanks. • Let students pick one of the two topics they
like more.
• Tell them to work alone first, then check with
a partner. • Once they choose, talk a bit about each topic
to make sure everyone understands.
• Walk around to help.
• For the Da Nang topic, quickly talk about Da
• Play the conversation again, stopping at each
Nang and its cool places from the word list.
• For the sports stories topic, talk about why
• Ask a few students to share their answers.
stories are important and ask if anyone has a
• Talk about the correct answers.
cool sports story.
• Talk about the conversation and the activities
• Go over the words for each topic.
they talked about.
• Make sure students know what each word
• Ask students what they think and if they like
means and how it fits the topic.
the activities.
• Tell students to think of more words or
• Ask them to suggest other things they could
phrases about the topic.
do or say.
• Tell students to pair up with someone new to
Answers make more friends.
• Give pairs 5-10 minutes to talk and plan their
1. A 2. G 3. F 4. D
conversation using the words.
5. I 6. E 7. H
• Tell them to use the words to help them, but
also to add their own ideas.
06 6.01
• Remind them to think about how their
• Tell students to listen to people talking conversation will go, like saying hello, sharing
about sports and traveling. They need to ideas, and saying goodbye.
decide if what they hear is true or false. • Let pairs practice their conversation.
• Go over any words about sports and • Walk around to help, answer questions, and
traveling that students might not know. give feedback.
• Play the first recording. • Ask students to share what was good and
• Tell students to listen carefully and pay what was hard.
attention to details to help them decide if • Give helpful feedback on their language, how
each sentence is true or false. smoothly they talked, and how creative they
• Stop the recording after each sentence were.
and give students time to decide.
• Ask students to explain their answers
using what they heard in the recording. Students’ own answers.
• Talk about the answers together and why Fast finishers
students chose them.
• Help students if they don't understand Ask fast finisher pairs to switch topics and repeat
something. the activity.

Answers Homework
Activity book, Review 2 page 46-47, exercises I,
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F

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