Compression Only Example

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In accordance with EN1997-1-1:2004 & EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigenda February 2009 and Corrigenda
January 2008, and the UK National Annex
Tedds calculation version 2.0.13

Design summary - PASS (0.651)

Pile analysis summary
Unit Applied Allowable Utilisation Result
Pile axial compression, pile 4 kN 186 1000 0.186 PASS
Pile cap design summary
Unit Required Provided Utilisation Result
Flexural reinforcement mm2 2046 3142 0.651 PASS
Pile cap shear capacity kN 90 482 0.187 PASS
Column punching shear N/mm2 0.684 1.554 0.44 PASS
Pile punching shear N/mm2 0.179 0.727 0.246 PASS
Corner pile shear kN 248 680 0.366 PASS
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Pile cap details

Pile cap width, along x axis Lx = 1900 mm
Pile cap width, along y axis Ly = 1900 mm
Total cap depth Dcap = 900 mm
Density of concrete conc = 25 kN/m3
Height of soil above pile cap hsoil = 0 mm
Density of soil above pile cap soil = 12 kN/m3
Pile cap area Acap = Lx  Ly = 36100.0 cm2

Column details
Column width, along x axis lx,col = 450 mm
Column width, along y axis ly,col = 450 mm
Column location, x axis xc = 950 mm
Column location, y axis yc = 950 mm
Pile details
Pile material Concrete
Concrete pile section Circular
Pile diameter hpile = 400 mm
Combination C1 (A1 + M1 +R1)
Allowable axial compression load PpC,allow1 = 1350 kN
Allowable axial tension load PpT,allow1 = 250 kN
Allowable lateral load Vp,allow1 = 100 kN
Combination C2 (A2 + M1 +R4)
Allowable axial compression load PpC,allow2 = 1000 kN
Allowable axial tension load PpT,allow2 = 200 kN
Allowable lateral load Vp,allow2 = 75 kN
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Number of piles Np = 4.000

Pile embedment dembed = 100 mm
Pile spacing sp = 1200 mm
Edge distance e = 150 mm
Edge distance from pile centre E = 350 mm
Surcharge loads
Surcharge permanent load pG,sur = 5.0 kN/m2
Surcharge imposed loads pQ,sur = 10.0 kN/m2
Column axial loads
Axial permanent load PG = 600 kN
Total area axial permanent load PG,area = conc  Acap  Dcap + pG,sur  (Acap - lx,col  ly,col) = 98.3 kN
Total area axial imposed load PQ,area = pQ,sur  (Acap - lx,col  ly,col) = 34.1 kN

Pile group centroid

Centroid location, x direction xpg,c = (xp1 + xp2 + xp3 + xp4) / Np = 950 mm
Centroid location, y direction ypg,c = (yp1 + yp2 + yp3 + yp4) / Np = 950 mm
Pile distance from centroid
Pile 1 centroid distance, x direction xp1,c = xp1 - xpg,c = -600 mm
Pile 1 centroid distance, y direction yp1,c = yp1 - ypg,c = -600 mm
Pile 2 centroid distance, x direction xp2,c = xp2 - xpg,c = 600 mm
Pile 2 centroid distance, y direction yp2,c = yp2 - ypg,c = -600 mm
Pile 3 centroid distance, x direction xp3,c = xp3 - xpg,c = -600 mm
Pile 3 centroid distance, y direction yp3,c = yp3 - ypg,c = 600 mm
Pile 4 centroid distance, x direction xp4,c = xp4 - xpg,c = 600 mm
Pile 4 centroid distance, y direction yp4,c = yp4 - ypg,c = 600 mm
Moment of inertia of pile group
Moment of inertia about x-x axis Ixx = yp1,c2 + yp2,c2 + yp3,c2 + yp4,c2 = 1440000 mm2
Moment of inertia about y-y axis Iyy = xp1,c2 + xp2,c2 + xp3,c2 + xp4,c2 = 1440000 mm2
Loading eccentricity
Eccentricity of column load, x direction ex,c = xc - xpg,c = 0 mm
Eccentricity of column load, y direction ey,c = yc - ypg,c = 0 mm
Permanent load pile forces
Permanent axial load on pile 1 Pp1,G = (PG + PG,area) / Np = 175 kN
Permanent axial load on pile 2 Pp2,G = (PG + PG,area) / Np = 175 kN
Permanent axial load on pile 3 Pp3,G = (PG + PG,area) / Np = 175 kN
Permanent axial load on pile 4 Pp4,G = (PG + PG,area) / Np = 175 kN
Imposed load pile forces
Imposed axial load on pile 1 Pp1,Q = (PQ + PQ,area) / Np = 9 kN
Imposed axial load on pile 2 Pp2,Q = (PQ + PQ,area) / Np = 9 kN
Imposed axial load on pile 3 Pp3,Q = (PQ + PQ,area) / Np = 9 kN
Imposed axial load on pile 4 Pp4,Q = (PQ + PQ,area) / Np = 9 kN
Combination details
Imposed combination factor 0 = 0.70
Wind combination factor W = 0.50
Snow combination factor S = 0.50
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DA1 6.10 load combinations (ULS)

1.35G (0.175)
1.35G + 1.5Q (0.184)
1.00G (0.175)
1.00G + 1.3Q (0.186)
Combination 14 results: 1.00G + 1.3Q
Pile 4 axial load Pp4 = 1.0  Pp4,G + 1.3  Pp4,Q = 185.6 kN
max(Pp4 / PpC,allow2,0) = 0.186
PASS - Pile allowable compression load exceeds axial force
Pile cap design
Reinforcement details
Characteristic yield strength of reinforcement fyk = 500 N/mm2
Partial factor for reinforcing steel - Table 2.1N S = 1.15
Design yield strength of reinforcement fyd = 435 N/mm2
Nominal cover to reinforcement
Nominal cover to top reinforcement cnom,top = 75 mm
Nominal cover to bottom reinforcement cnom,bot = 75 mm
Concrete details – Table 3.1. Strength and deformation characteristics for concrete
Concrete strength class C30/37
Aggregate type Quartzite
Aggregate adjustment factor - cl.3.1.3(2) AAF = 1.0
Characteristic compressive cylinder strength fck = 30 N/mm2
Max. char. compressive cylinder strength in shear fck,lim = 50 N/mm2
Mean value of compressive cylinder strength fcm = fck + 8 N/mm2 =38 N/mm2
Mean value of axial tensile strength fctm = 0.3 N/mm2  (fck/ 1 N/mm2)2/3 =2.9 N/mm2
Secant modulus of elasticity of concrete Ecm = 22 kN/mm2[fcm/10 N/mm2]0.3  AAF =32837 N/mm2
Ultimate strain - Table 3.1 cu2 = 0.0035
Shortening strain - Table 3.1 cu3 = 0.0035
Effective compression zone height factor  = 0.80
Effective strength factor  = 1.00
Coefficient k1 k1 = 0.40
Coefficient k2 k2 = 1.00  (0.6 + 0.0014 / cu2) =1.00
Coefficient k3 k3 = 0.40
Coefficient k4 k4 = 1.00  (0.6 + 0.0014 / cu2) =1.00
Partial factor for concrete -Table 2.1N C = 1.50
Compressive strength coefficient - cl.3.1.6(1) cc = 0.85
Design compressive concrete strength - exp.3.15 fcd = cc  fck / C =17.0 N/mm2
Compressive strength coefficient - cl.3.1.6(1) ccw = 1.00
Design compressive concrete strength - exp.3.15 fcwd = ccw  min(fck, fck,lim) / C =20.0 N/mm2
Maximum aggregate size hagg = 20 mm
Strength reduction factor, exp. 6.6N  = 0.6  (1 - (fck / 250 N/mm2)) = 0.53
CRd.c = 0.18 / C = 0.12

STR 6.10 load combinations (ULS_D)

1.35G (0.651)
1.35G + 1.5Q (0.651)
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1.00G + 1.5W (0.651)

1.35G + 1.5Q + S1.5S + W1.5W (0.651)

Combination 10 results: 1.35G + 1.5Q + S1.5S + W1.5W

Moment design, about x-x axis, positive moment

Critical bending plane at face of column
Ultimate bendind moment MEd = 197.6 kNm
Depth to tension reinforcement d = Dcap - dembed - cnom,bot -  / 2 = 715 mm
Redistribution ratio  = 1.000
K = MEd / (Lx  d2  fck) = 0.007
K' = (2    cc / C)  (1 -   ( - k1) / (2  k2))  (  ( - k1) / (2  k2))
K' = 0.207
K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required
Lever arm z = min(0.5  d  (1 + (1 - 2  K / (  cc / C))0.5), 0.95  d) = 679 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required As,req = MEd / (fyd  z) = 669 mm2
Tension reinforcement provided (10) 20 mm  bot bars (192 mm c/c)
Area of tension reinforcement provided As.prov = 3142 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement - exp.9.1N As.min = max(0.26  fctm / fyk, 0.0013)  Lx  d = 2046 mm2
Maximum area of reinforcement - cl. As,max = 0.04  Lx  Dcap = 68400 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds area required
Shear design, along x axis, right side – Section 6.2
Maximum design shear force at face of column VEd.max = 425.1 kN
Depth to reinforcement dv = = 695 mm
Maximum design shear resistance, exp. 6.5 VRd.max = 0.5  Ly  dv    fcwd = 6972.2 kN
VEd.max / VRd.max = 0.06
PASS - Design shear force at support is less than the maximum design shear resistance
Nearest valid pile to the column face P4
Critical shear plane distance from column face av.R = max(xPESP.p4 + ex,tolerance - xR,col_face, 0 mm) = 330 mm
Design shear force at critical shear plane VEd = abs(Pp2,ULS_D10  0.5  dv / (2  dv) + Pp4,ULS_D10  0.5  dv / (2 
dv) - (1.35  (conc  Dcap + pG,sur) + 1.50  pQ,sur)  max((Lx - xR,col_face -
av.R)  Ly, 0 mm2)) = 85.1 kN
k = min(1 + (200 mm / dv)0.5, 2) = 1.536
Longitudinal reinforcement radio l = min( / (Ly , 0.02) = 0.00238
vmin = 0.035 N0.5/mm  k3/2  fck1/2 = 0.37 N/mm2
Design shear resistance – exp. 6.2 a & b VRd.c = max(CRd.c  k  (100 N2/mm4  l  fck)1/3, vmin)  Ly  dv
VRd.c = 482.1 kN
VEd / VRd.c = 0.18
PASS - Design shear resistance exceeds design shear force
Column punching shear design – Section 6.4
Effective depth to reinforcement deff = ( + / 2 = 705 mm
Maximum punching shear resistance - cl. 6.4.5(3) vRd.max = 0.5    fcwd = 5.28 N/mm2
k = min(1 + (200 mm / deff)0.5, 2) = 1.53
Longitudinal reinforcement ratio - cl. 6.4.4(1) lx = min( / (Ly , 0.02) = 0.00238
ly = min( / (Lx , 0.02) = 0.00231
l = min((lx  ly)0.5, 0.02) = 0.00235
vmin = 0.035 N0.5/mm  k3/2  fck1/2 = 0.36 N/mm2
Punching shear at column face
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Loaded perimeter length lx,perim = 450 mm

Loaded perimeter width ly,perim = 450 mm
Column classification Interior
Punching shear stress factor - fig. 6.21N 0 = 1.15
Punching shear perimeter u0 = 2  lx,perim + 2  ly,perim = 1800 mm
Area inside punching shear perimeter A0 = lx,perim  ly,perim =2025 cm2
Maximum punching shear force VEd.max = abs(Sum(Pp1,ULS_D10,Pp2,ULS_D10,Pp3,ULS_D10,Pp4,ULS_D10) - 1.35 
(conc  Dcap + pG,sur)  (Acap - A0) - 1.5  pQ,sur  (Acap - A0)) = 816.2 kN
Maximum punching shear stress – exp. 6.38 vEd.max = max(0 VEd.max / (u0  deff), 0 MPa) = 0.74 N/mm2
vEd.max / vRd.max = 0.14
PASS - Design punching shear capacity exceeds max. punching shear load
Punching shear at intermediate perimeter - av from column face
av.punc = min(av.R,av.L,av.T,av.B) =330 mm
Intermediate perimeter distance a = av.punc = 330 mm
Column classification Corner
Punching shear stress factor - fig. 6.21N av = 1.50
Rectangular perimeter length lx,perim = 1505 mm
Rectangular perimeter width ly,perim = 1505 mm
Punching shear perimeter uav = lx,perim + ly,perim - 2  a +   a / 2 = 2868 mm
Area inside punching shear perimeter Aav = lx,perim  ly,perim - a2 +   a2 / 4 =22417 cm2
Design punching shear force VEd.av = abs(Sum(Pp1,ULS_D10,Pp2,ULS_D10,Pp3,ULS_D10,Pp4,ULS_D10) - 1.35 
(conc  Dcap + pG,sur)  (Acap - Aav) - 1.5  pQ,sur  (Acap - Aav)) = 922.4 kN
Design punching shear stress – exp. 6.38 vEd.av = max(av  VEd.av / (uav  deff), 0 N/mm2) = 0.68 N/mm2
Design punching shear resistance - exp. 6.50 vRd.c.av = min(max(CRd.c  k  (100 N2/mm4  l  fck)1/3, vmin)  (2 
vRd.c.av = 1.55 N/mm2
vEd.av / vRd.c.av = 0.44
PASS - Design punching shear capacity exceeds punching shear load
Pile punching shear design, pile 4
Effective depth to reinforcement deff = ( + / 2 = 705 mm
Maximum punching shear resistance - cl. 6.4.5(3) vRd.max = 0.5    fcwd = 5.28 N/mm2
k = min(1 + (200 mm / deff)0.5, 2) = 1.53
Longitudinal reinforcement ratio - cl. 6.4.4(1) lx = min( / (Ly , 0.02) = 0.00238
ly = min( / (Lx , 0.02) = 0.00231
l = min((lx  ly)0.5, 0.02) = 0.00235
vmin = 0.035 N0.5/mm  k3/2  fck1/2 = 0.36 N/mm2
Punching shear at pile face
Column classification Corner
Loaded perimeter length lx,perim = 475 mm
Loaded perimeter width ly,perim = 475 mm
Punching shear perimeter u0 = lx,perim + ly,perim - dp +   dp / 4 =864 mm
Maximum punching shear force VEd.max = abs(Pp4,ULS_D10) = 248.4 kN
Maximum punching shear stress – exp. 6.38 vEd.max = max(VEd.max / (u0  deff), 0 N/mm2) = 0.41 N/mm2
vEd.max / vRd.max = 0.08
PASS - Design punching shear capacity exceeds max. punching shear load
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Pile punching shear design, pile 4 - Intermediate perimeter

Intermediate perimeter distance a = 1.00  deff =705 mm
Pile classification Corner
Rectangular perimeter length lx,perim = 1180 mm
Rectangular perimeter width ly,perim = 1180 mm
Punching shear perimeter uint = lx,perim + ly,perim - 2  (dp / 2 +a) +   (dp / 2 + a) / 2 =1972 mm
Design punching shear force = abs(Pp4,ULS_D10) = 248.4 kN
Design punching shear stress – exp. 6.38 = max( / (uint  deff), 0 N/mm2) = 0.18 N/mm2
Design punching shear resistance - exp. 6.50 = min(max(CRd.c  k  (100 N2/mm4  l  fck)1/3, vmin)  (2  deff)/(1.00  deff), vRd.max) = 0.73 N/mm2 / = 0.25
PASS - Design punching shear capacity exceeds punching shear load

Corner pile shear design, pile 4

Design shear force VEd = abs(Pp4,ULS_D10) = 248.4 kN
Depth to reinforcement deff = ( + / 2 = 705 mm
Width of design section b = (min(yp4,Ly - yp4) + min(xp4,Lx - xp4) + (dp / 2 + deff - etolerance) / sin(45
deg)) / sin(45 deg) = 2650 mm
CRd.c = 0.18 / C = 0.12
k = min(1 + (200 mm / deff)0.5, 2) = 1.53
Longitudinal reinforcement ratio lx = min( / (Ly , 0.02) = 0.00238
ly = min( / (Lx , 0.02) = 0.00231
l = min((lx  ly)0.5, 0.02) = 0.00235
vmin = 0.035 N0.5/mm  k3/2  fck1/2 = 0.36 N/mm2
Design shear resistance – exp. 6.2 a & b VRd.c = max(CRd.c  k  (100 N2/mm4  l  fck)1/3, vmin)  b  deff
VRd.c = 679.5 kN
VEd / VRd.c = 0.366
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds design shear load
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