Math2058 2023 Tuto1

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Department of Mathematics
MATH2058 Honours Mathematical Analysis I
Tutorial 1

Axiom of Completeness of R

Definition. Let S be a nonempty subset of R. Suppose S is bounded above. Then u ∈ R

is said to be a supremum of S if it satisfies the conditions:

(i) u is an upper bound of S (that is, s ≤ u for all s ∈ S), and

(ii) if v is any upper bound of S, then u ≤ v.

Here (ii) is equivalent to either of the following:

(ii)’ if v < u, then there exists sv ∈ S such that v < sv ,

(ii)” for any ε > 0, there exists s0 ∈ S such that u − ε < s0 .
Remarks. (1) u may or may not be an element of S.
(2) The number u is unique and we write sup S = u.
(3) inf S can be defined similarly provided S is bounded below.

Example 1. Find the infimum and supremum, if they exist, of the set A := {x ∈ R :
1/x < x}. Justify your answers.

Axiom of Completeness of R. Every nonempty set of real numbers that has an upper
bound also has a supremum in R.

Example 2. Let A and B be nonempty subsets of R, and let A + B := {a + b : a ∈ A, b ∈

B}. Prove that, if A and B are bounded above, then
sup(A + B) = sup A + sup B.

Archimedean Property. For each x ∈ R, there is a positive integer n such that x < n.

Example 3. Determine the supremum and infimum of the set

k k
S := : k, n ∈ N, n < 2 .
2n 2
Justify your answer.

Example 4. Let ω ∈ R be an irrational positive number. Set

A = {m + nω : m + nω > 0 and m, n ∈ Z}.
Show that inf A = 0.

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