Literature Reviews

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Literature reviews / Literature survey

Paper Author Name Summary / Abstract Conclusion

Design and M.G.Jadhav1, - India is a largest populated It is upgraded design of
Fabrication Prof.J.K.Sawale2 country, which contains 65% manually operated weeder
of Manually population depending on and sprayer which will be
Operated agriculture. Generally Indian helpful for small land
Weeder with farmer use to traditional way farmers. It consumes less
Pesticides that is spray carry on backpack time and saves money as
Sprayer and weeding is done by bulls. compared with conventional
Which become times spraying and weeding.
consuming and costly this both 2) It covers twice area of
problems over come by using spraying than manually
multi nozzle pesticides sprayer spraying. Moist soil weeder
and weeder machine. For efficiency increases due to
better yield of crop multi proper penetrating and dig
nozzle spraying and out of soil.
simultaneous weeding is must 3) It does spraying and
this papers attends to design weeding simultaneously and
such a flexible sprayer and that of conventional does
weeder. This work gives separately. So this requires
continuously flow of liquid at less time.
required pressure, height and 4) This machine does not
gives freedom of easy engaging require any fuel or power so
and disengaging weeder. This maintenance is less. This
paper suggest a model of model removes problem of
manually operated multi nozzle back pain. As per our
spryer with weeder according requirement we can
to crop which will gives separately use weeder or
optimum results in less time. sprayer.
Pushing mechanism required
less effort and three wheel
mechanisms gives proper
balancing of machine.
Design, Laukik P. Raut In order to meet the food The equipment is purposely
development Raisoni Group requirements of the growing design for the farmers having
and of Institutions population and rapid small farming land say 5-6
fabrication of industrialization, acre. It is suitable for
agricultural Nitin Mohite modernization of agriculture is spraying as well as weeding
pesticides College of inescapable. Mechanization at minimum cost for the
sprayer with Engineering enables the conservation of farmer so that he can afford
weeder inputs through precision in it. The equipment will results
metering ensuring better more beneficial when it is
distribution, reducing quantity subjected to moist soil for
needed for better response weeding purpose, due to
and prevention of losses or moist soil the weed cutter
wastage of inputs applied. can easily penetrate and dig
Mechanization reduces unit out the soil and hence will
cost of production through easily accomplished the
higher productivity and input weeding process. The
conservation. Farmers are performance of the
using the same methods and equipment will increase
equipment for the ages. In our when it is operates on the
country farming is done by smooth surface or less
traditional way, besides that uneven surface and also it
there is large development of will be more effective when
industrial and service sector as it is used on the crops having
compared to that of nearly similar height and
agriculture. The spraying is having the less space
traditionally done by labor between two crops.
carrying backpack type sprayer
which requires more human
effort. The weeding is the
generally done with the help of
Bulls which becomes costly for
farmers having small farming
land. So to overcome these
above two problems a machine
is developed which will be
beneficial to the farmer for the
spraying and weeding
Design and Sudhir Kumar Aimed at issues associated In this study, sprayer cum
development Singh, RK with low capacity, more weeder machine was
of walking Kathiria, Km spraying time, fatigue of developed to apply pesticide
type battery Sheetal Banga operator with use of knapsack on plant canopy and remove
operated and AL Vadher sprayer, noise pollution of weeds in the spaces between
boom engine operated commercial plant rows simultaneously.
sprayer cum existing sprayers and the The overall dimensions of
weeder depleting resources of fuel, a developed sprayer were
walking type battery operated 1720×965×1910 mm and the
boom sprayer cum weeder was weight of machine was 171.5
developed. Similarly traditional kg and worked satisfactorily.
weeding operation requires This research fulfilled the
more labour and scarcity of basic requirement of manual
labour leads to more time spraying different row crops,
requirement for weeding uniformity and deposition of
operation. A need of combined spray in the field and also
sprayer cum weeder machine removing weeds while
at an affordable price was spraying.
developed to fulfil the need of
farmers. The objective of this
study was to design and
develop a walking type battery
operated boom sprayer cum
weeder. The developed
machine had an mechanism to
do both weeding and spraying
at the same time and
Technical Dadaso D Automation is quickly Weed cutter machine which
Aspects of Mohite Bharati advancing in today's is used to perform different
Multipurpose Vidyapeeth technologies, and the activities in agriculture field.
Weed Cutter Deemed agriculture area is no In the general view, each of
or Power University exception. Agriculture will those activities requires
Weeder P benefit from automation in different kind of machinery
Kapil Agrawal terms of progress as well as or an extra set of expert
Bharati farmer comfort. Brush cutter/ hands which ultimately cost
Vidyapeeth Grass Cutting Machine/ Power the farmer a fortune and
Deemed Weeder / Harvester are the brings down their monthly
University names of single multipurpose income even less. It has been
agricultural equipment. This concluded that the weed
Kundan Kumar equipment is very useful to all cutter machine will save a lot
Bharati farmers for their intertillage of money and time for the
Vidyapeeth operations. It makes it possible farmers which will directly
Deemed to do tedious farming jobs affect the economy of India
easily in a very short span of as the income of the farmers
Avirup Deb time and with lesser cost. This grow. As a result of the work,
Bharati equipment is also fuel efficient it can conclude that the work
Vidyapeeth consumes very less fuel. Weed will meet the needs of small-
Deemed cutter is the first machine scale ranchers who cannot
University widely accepted by the farmer afford to purchase expensive
in recent times. It has become agrarian equipment. It took
multipurpose equipment on less labour and time than
farms for performing different traditional methods, so if a
operations with various blade farmer uses it on a large
attachments. In this paper, all scale, his costs will be cut in
technical aspects of weed half.
cutter or power cutter and
safety use of this multipurpose
machine is explained are

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