Universal Multipurpose Cultivator: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Akash L. Kundu1, Amol L. Nalawade2, Sushant S. Kolhe3, Rahul S. Warghane4
1,2,3B.E Students, Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Pillai HOC College of Engg & Tech, Maharashtra, India
4Professor of Mechanical Engg. Dept., Pillai HOC College of Engg & Tech, Maharashtra, India
Abstract – Now a days there is a rapid development in all the manual efforts of farmers such as Broadcasting and
sectors in which agricultural sector plays a major role. It also Dribbling. To overcome these difficulties, in this paper,
plays a vital role in the economic development of a country. efforts had been taken to develop an Universal Multipurpose
Due to increase in population in both underdeveloped and Cultivator. This technology in the farming system minimizes
developing countries, the demand for the food is also the efforts taken by the farmers, saving their time, labor cost
increasing at a faster rate. As India is also referred as a and their energy as well.
agricultural country which cultivates a wide range of crops
like rice, wheat, barley, corns, etc. in the village areas. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
Generally, the strength factor for the soil varies from region to
region so in order to meet the food demands, thereby it is 2.1. Mahesh Pundkar and A. Mahalle (Volume 3, Issue
required to implement the new methods which will not affect 03/ ISSN: “2249.”), [Research paper citing] – 2017
the texture of the soil which results in a high crop productivity
yield. Since the present seed sowing cultivators are too costly He presented the information about the different
as well as bulky which is not affordable for the farmers who innovations done in seeding machines available for farming
are having small scale farms. and plantation purpose. The seed sowing machine is one of
important key factor in an agriculture field and their
This paper suggests the design and re-development of the performance makes a remarkable influence on their cost and
Universal Multipurpose Cultivator (MPC) for agricultural yield productvity. Presently there are many ways to
operations. In this paper the field analysis is to done for determine the performance of seed-sowing machine.
various agricultural operations, the design and development
of MPC is done by using the analysis tool. The machine is able 2.2. L. P. Raut and, S. B. Jaiswal (International journal of
to perform various agricultural operations such as seed Research and studies), [Research paper] – 2013
sowing, ploughing, fertilizing and cutting through power
He presented to meet the various food requirements for the
generation in the respective order. We can use insecticide
increasing population, industrialization, modernization of
instead of fertilizer. The main objective of the multipurpose
agriculture is unable to be avoided. In this paper, it enables
cultivator is to put the seed in the desired depth and provides
the fact of being exact and accurate distri-bution, reducing
particular spacing between the seeds and further it covers the
the quantity needed for better results and pre-vention of
seeds with soil by the help plougher. We can achieve optimum
losses of inputs applied. Due to this it reduces the unit cost of
yield by proper spacing within the seed and can provide a
production and results into the better productivity.
particular row spacing with the help of implementing various
mechanism. The research is to be done to provide farmers 2.3. Dr. Ramesh and H. P. G. Kumar (Review journal on
which minimizes the labour hours required in multiple seed sowing equipment) , 2014
agricultural activities by implementing various operations.
This paper provides an alternative method to the existing He presented information regarding the various types of
farming system on agricultural field at effective cost. innovations done in the sowing equipment. In this the main
aim of seed sowing operation is to put the seed in rows and
Key Words: Seed sowing, Ploughing, Fertilizing, Cutting at desired depth and having a particular spacing between
MPC. seed to seed with soil and provides a proper exertion of a
force over the seed. So it shows proper row spacing within
the seeds, their seed rate and their depth associated with
In India, almost 75% of the population are dependent on different agro-climatic conditions to achieve optimum yields.
agricultural for economic growth. So the agricultural system
2.4. P. V. Sawalakhe and Amit , Sontakke, (global journal
in our country should be changed to reduce the manual
of solar seeding machine), [Cited on research paper]-
efforts of farmers required while farming. It includes the
various operations is to be performed in the agricultural
field like sowing, ploughing, cutting, fertilizer spraying in a They investigated that there is a rapid development in all
manual manner by the farmers. One of the basic and sector including the agricultural sector as well. So in order to
significant operation is seed sowing which is a lot time meet the future food requirements, the farmers need to
consuming process. So the traditional equipment used for change their techniques to overcome the traditional method
sowing is very difficult and inconvenient to handle. So there of farming. This Paper describes the various sowing methods
is a need to re-develop the machine which will minimize the implemented in agriculture for seed placements.

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 229
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


There are many developments in the existing cultivating  PLOUGH WITH SHANK
machinaries but it is too costly. It is not affordable for each
and every farmers in India as It has a complex design and  WHEELS
inconvenient to handle. Basically, it is not compact in size
and their weight is a major factor for handling purpose and  SHAFT AND BEARING
hence, it requires a much effort to accomplish its
transportation cost from one place to another place.  BATTERY

Due to these reasons, the design and development of  SOLAR PANEL

“Multipurpose Cultivator” has been taken up. Taken care to
ensure that the cost of the machine, operational cost and  TANK
maintenance cost are low. Also to reduce the weight of the
machinery to increase the productivity of crop. Various  GENERATOR
health problems can be minimized. This product is easy to
use and less effort required as compared. It is helpful for
small scaling farming. Hopper:: It is used to store the seeds and their delivery for
the further use. The capacity of the Hopper varies as per
Along with these several factors, the traditional way of
their design and various customers demands ie, from 25kg -
farming is time consuming and can lead to a lots of labour
85kg. Due to this hopper the seeds can be sown from smaller
work and their energy consumption as well. So by
to larger rate as per the requirement. Here, in our design the
implementing this design it is going to be simple and easy to
hopper is rectangular in shape in order to prevent the
handle and more convenient. Hence, the size of the machine,
wastage of the seeds. Hence the weight and cost of sowing
its production and transportation cost, everything will be
machine can be reduced.
Sliding-Plate:: The sliding plate consists of two brackets
with holes spacing in equal distance. The sliding plate
 To study the farming process. rotates as per the given drive to the cultivator.

 To Design and development of Multipurpose Seed Metering Mechanism:: This mechanism uses metering
Cultivator. of the seeds for the proper distribution of the seeds. It
comprises the seed buckets aligned at 180 degree or 90
 To perform the field testing and Design Finalization. degree based on the various demands. As it gets the primary
drive, the main shaft also rotates and it receives the seeds
from the hopper through the holes present in the sliding

Ground Wheel:: Ground wheel is the primary drive given by

the driver to generate the power in the device. The ground
wheel consists of a circular disc having a number of teeth
provided on their periphery ie, at their outer circumference
and it provides a fine grip with the land.

Power Transmission System:: It consists of a Belt drive

which is connected in between the front wheel through the
shaft. Hence the is generated initially by the primary drive
and then it transmits from the front wheel to the sliding
plate through the belt drive.

Seed Distributor:: It consists of flexible pipe which is used

MAJOR COMPONENTS IN THE PROPOSED MACHINE: as a seed distributor. Seed distributer receives the seeds
from the hopper. After receiving the seeds, the distributor
 HOPPER leaves the seeds on the cultivating ground in a well spaced
Battery: It is a device which produces electrons through
 CHAIN DRIVE electrochemical reactions, and contains positive (+) and
negative (-) terminals for power distribution for fertilizing
 SEED BUCKET and cutting operations.

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 230
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Solar Panel: Solar panel make use of solar thermal Ko = 0.25 x 3 = 0.75
radiations which converts solar energy into electrical energy.
For this we can make use of photovoltaic cell or the Take, w – 2.5 cm ............commonly available
concentrated solar power or the combination of both which
consists of mirrors focusing number of solar radiation and Taking , W/d = 1/4 ratio
further used for the power generation.
D = 2.5 x 4 = 10 cm
Generator: A generator is a device which converts
Therefore, D= 0.75 ( 2.5 x 10) =18.76 kgf
mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Again taking FOS = 3
D (Force exerted) = 18.76 x 3 = 56.28 kgf
7.1 Design Calculations:-

Selection Of Soil –


Light 0.13

Medium 0.16

Heavy 0.21
Length of the shank = 25mm
Very Heavy 0.26
∴Bending moment = Draft force x Shank length
7.1.1 Design of Plough: = 56.25 x 25
Now, =1412.5 kgf/cm
Taking Very Heavy Resistance of soil. ..0.25kgf/cm^2 By For Shank,
using Draft Force formula,

D = Ko x w x d. . . . . . . . . . . . from research paper


Ko = Soil Resistance, kg/cm2

W = Width of the plough

B = Thickness
H = Width
Considering, b:h = 1:2

Taking b = 16 mm . . . . . . . . . available in market

b/h = ½
∴ h = 32 mm

Then to find deflection ,

Y max = Wl^3/ 3EI
I = M.I of rectangular section( mm^4)
∴ I = bh^2/ 12 = 16x32^2/12
I=13653 mm^4

d = depth of the plough Now, by using formula,

D = Draft force, Kgf Ymax = 56.25 x 250^3/ (3 x 2.1x10^5 x 1365.3)
Ymax = 1.02 mm
Take Ko = 3................FOS
Hence, there is a less deflection present within the shank for
So, a length of 25mm.

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 231
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

7.1.2 Design of Shaft Therefore no.of revolution during 90% of time,

L1 = 0.9 x 50 x 60 x 5000
Bending: A bending moment is the measure of the bending L1 = 13.5 x 106 min
effect within the element which occurs due to external force
or a moment applied to the element. Number of revolution during 10% of time
L2 = 0.1 x 50 x 60 x 5000
Torsion: L2 = 1.5 x 106 min.
Torsion is an important action which measures the shear
strength of an element. It occurs due to the twisting force Basic dynamic load rating = C
acting on the member commonly known as torque.
L1W13 + L2W23 1/3
Combined Bending And Torsion: The combined bending and
torsion case arises when shaft is subjected to thrust action in C = ----------------------------
addition to the bending moment and torsion action.
On the other hand, this action can be possible due to direct 106
or indirect twisting. So that the cross-section of the shaft is
C= 37.79 kgf.
subjected to both bending and torsional stresses
simultaneously. Now using reference table, for static load of 38.86 kgf
bearing SKF 6203 is suitable.
Power of Shaft = P = 17 watt
7.1.4 Design of Bolt
Power transmitted by shaft,
Bolt is to be fastened tightly also it will take load due to
rotation. Stress for C-25 steel ft =420 kg/cm2 .Std nominal
P = —————–
diameter of bolt is 10mm. From table in design data book,
60 diameter corresponding to M12 bolt is 8.160mm

Where, Let us check the strength:-

N= Rpm of motor shaft = 24
Also initial tension in the bolt when belt is fully tightened.
T= Torque transmitted
P =30 kg = 300 N is the value of force applied by hand
T= 21.25x 103 Nmm
Also, P = π/4 dc2x ft
Torque transmitted,
T = π/16 x τ x d3 300 x 4
Selecting, shear stress (τ ) from PSG. ft = ——————— = 3.76N/mm2
τ = 70 N/mm2
3.14 x ( 12 x 0.84)2
Therefore, 21.25x 103 = π/16 x d3 x 70
D = 11.56 mm. The calculated ft is less than the maximum ft hence our
design is safe.
Taking, FOS = 2
D = 2 x 11.56 =23.12mm 7.1.5 Design of Welded Joints
Taking Dia =24mm
A welding joint is a edge or it can be a point where it make
We select dia. Of shaft =24mm. use of two or more pieces of metal or plastics are fused or
joined together with the help of with or without application
7.1.3 Design of Bearing of the pressure by using a filler material.
Here ball bearing are selected for radial load of transporta- Checking the strength of the welded joints for safety.
tion along with the self weight of plate including friction
being 10 kg. during 90% of time & 30 kg load during The maximum load which carries the transverse fillet weld
remaining 10%. The shaft rotates maximum at 50 rpm. We is given by -
have to calculate the value of dynamic load capacity for
5000hrs of operation. P = 0.707 x S x L x fs

W1 = 10 kg Where,
W2 = 30 kg
N = 50 rpm S = weld size,

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 232
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

L = contact length = 30mm ( 5 mm for starting & stopping of 9. CONCLUSIONS

We can infer that our planned mechanical machine is
The load of shear along with the friction is 45 kg = 441N beneficial over the current machines in the accompanying
Hence, 441 = 0.707 x 5 x 30 x fs ways:
It is of minimal effort similarly and accounts less than 50%
Hence let us find the safer value, of the current expenses.
441  The method of task is extremely basic even to the
Therefore, fs = —————— layman.
0.707 x 5 x 30  We can obtain a better productive yield over the
traditional machines.
fs = 4.15 N/mm2
 This equipment consist of a low maintenance cost
Since the calculated value =4.15 permissible value as fs=56
which does not consist of a fine texture which can
be easily broken or damaged.
Hence welded joint is safe.
 By using this machine, we get a good quality in

 It utilizes as a part of a fertilizer sprayer.

 Proper expertise not required for working this

machine and simple to exchanged.


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