(Segmented worms) (Joint appendages) (Soft bodies) (Spiny skinned) (Half chordates) Habitat/Habit Aquatic (marine, fresh water) Aquatic, terrestrial, air Aquatic, terrestrial (forest, desert, Exclusively marine (Bottom of sea) Exclusively marine Terrestrial underground) Free living Level of Organisation Organ system Organ system Organ system Organ system Organ system
(first animal-true coelome) Body Form True segmented body Head, thorax, abdomen Head (mouth, tentacles, eyes etc) Body shape varies: Anterior- Proboscis (soft and conical Visceral hump (digestive tract & some visceral Star like: star fish shape) organs) Globular: Sea urchin Middle- Collar (short and cylindrical) Muscular foot Cylindrical: Sea cucumber Posterior- Trunk (flat and differentiated into parts ) Exoskeleton X Chitinous (N-Acetyl glucosamine) Calcareous shell (Exception-Octopus) X X Endoskeleton X X X Calcareous ossicles (small bones) - Digestive System Complete Complete digestive system with glands Complete digestive system Complete Complete Extracellular digestion Extracellular digestion Extracellular digestion Mouth-ventral side (lower) Radula- chitinous teeth Anus-dorsal side (upper) Respiratory system Cutaneous respiration Gills, Book gills, Book lungs, Tracheal Feather like gills in mantle cavity Dermal branchiae (skin gills or papulae) and Gills Branchial respiration system Terrestrial animals-lungs tube feet Circulatory system Closed type (Leech-open type) Open Open (Cephalopods- closed) Reduced and open type Open type Excretory System Nephridia (coiled tubes) Malpighian tubules Gills for excretion and respiration (organ of Absent Proboscis gland Bojanus or Keber’s organor pericardial gland) Diffuse out by coelomic fluid Nervous system Paired ganglia connected to double Paired ganglia connected to double Paired ganglia - - ventral nerve cord ventral nerve cord Asexual reproduction X X X - - Sexual reproduction Monoecious (hermaphrodites): Mostly diecious, mostly oviparous Usually dioecious Usually dioecious Dioecious Earthworm, leech (Scorpians-viviparus) Monoecious: Doris etc Sexual reproduction Sexual reproduction Dioecious: Nereis Usually oviparous Fertilisation External/internal Usually internal Internal (common), external Usually external External in sea water Development Direct/indirect Direct/indirect Direct Indirect Indirect with free swimming larva indirect (common) Free swimming Metameric segmentation & true Special sense organ: Soft and spongy layer of skin forms a thin and Body covered with spines Worm like cylindrical body with Unique features coelom Eye (simple/compound) delicate covering over the visceral hump Water vascular system proboscis, collar and trunk Longitudinal and circular muscle for Antennae called Mantle Head absent Collar bears stomochord locomotion-Setae/parapodia Statocyst (balancing) Sensory organs: tentacles, eyes, statocyst, Calcareous endoskeleton Very soft, fragile, worm like Jointed appendages smell receptors and Osphradium Excretory system absent Connecting link between non chordate and chordate Nereis (Sand worm) Economically important: Pila (Apple snail) Asterias (Star fish) Balanoglossus Examples Pheretima (Earth worm) Apis (honey bee), Bombyx (Silk-worm), Pinctada (Pearl oyster) Echinus (Sea urchin) Saccoglossus Hirudinaria (Leech) Laccifer (Lac insects) Sepia (Cuttle fish) Echinocardium Vectors: Loligo (Squid) Antedon (Sea lily) Anopheles (Malaria), Culex (Filariasis) Octopus (Devil fish) Cucumaria (Sea cucumber) Aedes (Dengue), Xenopsylla/ Rat flea Aplysia (Sea hare) Ophiura (Brittle star) (Plague), Glossina (Tse-tsefly)-sleeping Dentalium (Tusk shell) sickness, Phelebotomus (Sand fly)- Kala- Chaetopleura (Chiton) azar Gregarious pest: Locusta Living Fossil: Limulus (King crab) Dr. Bheem Prasad, [email protected], 09835717523