Pe Reviewer 123238

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FUNDAMENTAL MOVEMENT -this might seem trivial, but walking ISOMETRIC CONTRACTIONS -Balance on one foot for 10 seconds

PATTERNS is a fundamental movement. -generate force without changing the -Carrying a 5 lb weight
-patterns that allow the body to be BREATHING AND BRACING length of the muscle. -Getting up from the floor
coordinated in those simple, basic TECHNIQUES TWO EXAMPLES OF BRACING -Picking up a lawnmower
movement patterns of lateral motion, BREATHING IN ACTION -Pushing a car to the side of the road
weight transfer, forward motion, up -mostly focusing on a long and 1. HEAVY SQUAT FLEXING TH ABDOMINALS
and down motion, and coordination relaxing exhale and proper inhale to -lifter will breathe in about 70% of FLEXIBILITY is defined as the
upper and lower body movements. use breathing to set the position of their maximum air volume, pull their range of motion of your joins or the
7 FUNDAMENTAL our ribcage and pelvis. This is a shoulders down towards the pelvis, ability of your joints to move freely.
MOVEMENT PATTERNS lower threshold activity. and compress their rib cage while -it also refers to the mobility o your
PULL BRACING contracting the abs. When this setup muscles, which allows for more
-consists of pulling a weight toward -forceful holding of breathing that is complete the lifter will then movement around the joints.
your body or your body towards uses a higher threshold strategy to initiate the squat staying pressurized FUNDAMENTAL AND
your hands. stabilize the thorax and pelvis. during the down and up phases of DERIVED POSITIONS FOR
PUSH BREATHING TECHNIQUE the squat. After standing the lifter STARTING EXERCISES
-movement involves pushing a DEEP BREATHING will exhale then re-bracing and Movement can be initiated from a
weight away from your body or your -Get comfortable. You can lie on repeat for the reminding reps. wide variety of starting positions or
body away from an object. your back in bed or on the floor with static positions. These positions are
SQUAT pillow under your head and knees. maintained by static contraction of
-considered to be the most complex -Breathe in through your nose. Let the muscles which stabilize the joints
movement the human body is your belly fill with air. and by support of apparatus.
capable of. -Breathe out through your nose. These are five basic or
LUNGE -Place one hand on your belly. fundamental positions; standing,
-involves your body in a less stable -As you breathe in, feel your belly sitting, kneeling, lying, and
position of one foot further forward rise. hanging positions. All other
than the other. -Take three more full, deep breaths. 2. STANDING UP FROM A positions that are used are modified
HINGE MUSCLE CONTRACTIONS CHAIR from these five basic positions are
-are executed by kicking your butt -are defined by changes in the length -getting up from a chair a person known as derived positions.
back and leaning your torso forward of the muscle during contraction. will start by stiffening the core This may vary according to the
while maintain a neutral spine--like TYPES OF MUSCLE mildly, about 10% core contraction, purpose for which they are required.
when picking up something off the CONTRACTIONS lift the chest up slightly, lean This may be to:
floor. ISOTONIC CONTRACTIONS forward though the hips to transfer  Utilize support essential for
ROTATION -generate force by changing the the weight to the feet hen pull the relaxation
-is unique from the other six length of the muscle and can be hips through to complete the  Train balance
movements because of the plane that concentric contractions or eccentric stand.Once standing the brace is  Achieve adequate fixation,
it works in. contractions. released. when movement is to be
-the other exercises involve moving CONCENTRIC CONTRACTION The FOLLOW is a list from least localized to a specific joint.
forward and backward or side to -causes muscles shorten, thereby amount to most of brace required  Modify the effect of an exercise
side, yet rotation involves twisting at generating force. and is by no means exhaustive, it’s to improve range of motion
the core. ECCENTRIC CONTRACTIONS only to give you a perspective on (ROM) or strength.
GAIT -cause muscles to elongate in the range of applied bracing.  Maintain or improve posture.
-which is the technique of walking. response to a greater opposing force. -Tying your shoe DERIVED POSITIONS
-The position of the arms, legs or table with side arm support, -or AXIAL MOVEMENT are done  Proper growth of young bones
trunk may be altered in each of the sitting in a chair, sitting on chair in place and muscles.
fundamental positions to modify the with back support, half sitting. 1. BENDING OR FLEXING is  Improve the ability to avoid and
effects of the position or of the  From kneeling position: half moving the muscles around a joint recover from illness and
exercise. kneeling, kneel sitting, prone where two body parts meet. accidents.
The purpose for kneeling. 2. STRETCHING OR  Improve posture and
modifications may be to:  From standing position: wing EXTENDING is done by appearance by strengthening
 Increase or decrease the size standing, yard standing (wand straightening or extending any part muscles that supports the body.
and stability of the base of the standing), stride standing, walk of the body from the joints.  Minimize stress response.
base of support of the body. standing, half standing, step 3. LIFTING OR RAISING is  Maintain proper body weight.
 Raise or lower the center of standing, toe standing. elevating a part of the body, usually  Prevent heart ailment.
gravity (COG)  From hanging position: half for the arms and legs.  Improve organic function.
 Ensure maximum local or hanging (hanging with one 4. TWISTING is moving a part of  Delay the aging process.
general relaxation. hand). the body around a long axis, usually  Feel good and younger as a
 Provide a control or fixation for TWO FORMS OF MOVEMENT for the head and body. human being.
a particular part of the body to LOCOMOTOR MOVEMENTS 5. ROTATING OR  Experience joy of participation
localize movements to specific -This are done by moving the body ENCIRCLING is done by moving a in any recreational or sports
area. from one place to another part of the body around axis. activities.
 Increase or decrease the muscle 1. WALKING is shifting one’s 6. SWINGING is a pendular Factors which affects physical
work required to maintain the weight fro one foot to the other. movement below an axis fitness
position. 2. RUNNING is moving with longer 7. SWAYING is a pendular  Proper nutrition.
 Avoid muscle shortening and strides and in faster speed than movement above an axis.  Good mental and emotional
contractures. walking. In simple terms, “PHYSICAL health.
 Avoid joint stiffness and intra- 3. HOPPING is springing on one FITNESS” refers to the ability of  Freedom from disease.
articular adhesions. foot and landing on the same foot. the body to adapt to external  Adequate rest and relaxation.
 Avoid respiratory and 4. SKIPPING is done with a step environment and cope with daily  Physical activity and recreation.
circulatory complications as and hop using the same foot. activities.  Health and personal hygiene.
pneumonia , pressure ulcers, 5. JUMPING is springing on one Good physical fitness not only FITNESS ASSESSMENTS are a
DVT. foot or both feet and landing on both enables a person to carry out daily series of tests that measures and
 Increase or decrease the feet. (on landing always bend knees works, but also gives him / her extra monitors students' physical fitness
leverage. slightly) energy to enjoy leisure,ensuring the level. The series of tests assess the
TYPES OF DERIVED 6. LEAPING is springing on one body can adapt to unexpected five components of physical fitness
POSITIONS foot and landing on the other foot environmental changes and daily that make up total fitness:
 From lying position: Crook (wide stride). pressures. There are two kinds of cardiovascular endurance,
lying, half lying (30º), prone 7. SLIDING is done by gliding on physical fitness, namely Health- muscular strength, muscular
lying, half prone lying, side the floor, sideward or forward using related Physical Fitness and endurance, flexibility, and body
lying, or modified side lying the right and left foot alternately. Sports-related Physical Fitness. composition.
(45º). 8. GALLOPING is stepping on one IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL FITNESS TESTING is an effective
 From sitting position: stride foot and cutting the other, either FITNESS strategy to monitor and assess
sitting, long sitting, cross sitting sideward or forward. Through regular exercise, Physical students’ fitness levels. It can also
(tailor), crook sitting, side NON-LOCOMOTORS SKILLS fitness helps the individual; help students understand how
sitting, sitting on the edge of the healthy they are by learning about
the five components of fitness and with a cool down to get your body minutes tops. To benefit us the most STRIDE STANDING
how to set goals to improve their back into gear. a warm-up should work the same -Tension on of the forward leg
health-related fitness. During a workout we can all go from muscles we will be engaging during prevents forward tilting of the pelvis
EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION zero to hero and push hard but the the main workout - they should in trunk flexion exercises.
commonly refers to the specific plan safe way to train is to bring the include lighter exercises or a toned WALKING STANDING
of fitness-related activities that are body’s temperature up slowly and down version of the training ahead. -Walk-standing is taken by moving
designed for a specified purpose, loosen up the muscles before we get THERE ARE FIVE one foot about two foot-lengths
which is often developed by a fitness to do anything serious. That’s what FUNDAMENTAL POSITIONS forward in the sagittal plane,
or rehabilitation specialist for the warm-ups are designed to do.  STANDING maintaining the same angle between
client or patient. Stretching, on the other hand, is  KNEELING the feet.
Due to the specific and unique needs done in order to improve overall  SITTING STOOP STANDING
and interests of the client/patient, the flexibility. Once muscles have  LYING -the hi[ joints are flexed while the
goal of exercise prescription should worked they are at their most  HANGING trunk; head and arms remain in
be successful integration of exercise compliant state and they let us STANDING POSITION alignment and are inclined forwards.
principles and behavioral techniques stretch further than we normally STANDING, is a human position in LAX STOOP STANDING
that motivates the participant to be would gaining more ground while which the body is held in an upright -Taken by forward and downward
compliant, thus achieving their we are at it. (“orthostatic”) position and falling of the body in the hip joints
goals. Reminder: We start with a warmup supported only by the feet. and joints of the lumbar spine as far
COMPONENTS OF EXERCISE and then we finish our training -The base is small and the centre of as possible. It relaxes the anterior
PRESCRIPTION session with a cool-down and some gravity is high. abdominal wall, and was used
An exercise prescription generally stretching. -Easier to maintain than kneeling formerly in treating the abdominal
includes the following specific Warmups are critical to a better WING STANDING organs by massage.
recommendations: performance and fewer injuries but -It is used as starting position for a KNEELING
 Type of exercise or activity (eg, stretching is somewhat of an number of free-standing exercises. -is a basic human position where one
walking, swimming, cycling) optional extra - we can do it, we BEND STANDING or both knees touch the ground. It
 Specific workloads (eg, watts, should do it but not doing it will not -stand in the middle of your mat can be used: as a resting position.
walking speed) cause any issues, most times. It is with your legs together and your HALF KNEELING
 Duration and frequency of the highly recommended nonetheless. weight centered on the balls of your -The first step to a perfect half-
activity or exercise session Important difference: warm-ups feet. kneeling position is getting into a
 Intensity guidelines – Target should always be dynamic, always REACH STANDING legit 90-90 position. The “down”
heart rate (THR) range and use active exercises (e.g., hops, -it is used for performing and set up knee is at a 90-degree angle, and
estimated rate of perceived rotations, chest expansions) to get exercises by the grasping bar with directly underneath the hip and
exertion (RPE) our bodies ready. We need to get the hand shoulder. The “up” knee is also at, a
 Precautions regarding certain blood flowing, especially during YARD STANDING 90-degree angle, with the weight
orthopedic (or other) concerns colder seasons -it is used for to performing trunk balanced evenly on the foot.
or related comments Our bodies benefit from stretches rotation and bending exercises. KNEEL SITTING
WARMUP & STRETCHING after we have already worked out - TOE STANDING -where the thighs are near horizontal
To stay safe and get the most out of our muscles are more susceptible to -Standing up with both bare feet on and the buttocks sit back on the heels
your workout you must always them allowing us to stretch further the floor, perform heel raises. You with the upper body vertical. The
include a pre-workout warm-up and hold the stretches longer. do this by slowly raising your heel knees and hip are flexed so that the
before you begin and then finish Most warmups don’t take very long, off the ground but keeping your toes patient sits on his heels. The position
just two-three minutes, five flat. is some time used for small children,
but most people find it very In medicine, Fowler's position is a prone position, which is facedown....
uncomfortable. standard patient position in which Using anatomical terms of location,
SIDE SITTING the patient is seated in a semi- the dorsal side is down, and the
-cross-legged sitting is generally a upright sitting position (45- 60 ventral side is up, when supine.
good position for the hips and back. degrees) and may have knees either HANGING
It is important to alternate which leg bent or straight. hanging position has its height
is in front to prevent tightness on CROSS SITTING automatically set correctly and it
one side. If someone is sitting cross-legged, moves with the hanging position. A
PRONE KNEELING they are sitting on the floor with load that is attached to hanging
-Trunk and neck muscle strength to their legs bent so that their knees position can be moved off of the
maintain stability as the limbs are point outwards. He sat cross- legged position.
moved. on the floor. HALF HANGING
SITTING LONG SITTING Hanging on one arm and the rest of
-Sitting is a basic human resting Long sitting or sitting with the legs the body are free
position. The body weight is out in front stretches the hamstring FLEXED ARM HANGING
supported primarily by the buttocks and calf muscles and also helps The flexed arm hang is a popular
in contact with the ground or a develop core strength. military. testing exercise. It's
horizontal object such as a chair LYING purpose is to measure upper
seat. The torso is more or less Lying position. A lateral recumbent body.strength and endurance by
upright. position in which the individual rests timing how long someone can hang
STRIDE SITTING on the right or left side, usually with with their chin above a bar.
-is taken by the patient sitting astride the knees slightly flexed
a plinth, chair, form, or other CROOK LYING
suitable apparatus. The feet are often The subject was asked to Lye Supine
fixed by some support. This position with his/her both hip joints 45
fixes the legs and pelvis most firmly degrees and foot lying flat on the
of all, and this effect can be couch with the arms resting by the
increased by fixing a broad strap side of the subject.
Riding-like sitting or balanced From the previous position the
seating is the most suitable position pelvis is elevated so that the trunk
for long periods of sitting. rests on the shoulders and is brought
CROOK SITTING into line with the thighs. A firm
Knee and Hip are flexed in, and feet pillow may be used to support the
are kept forward while sitting in the buttocks, or the Extensors of the hips
floor Movement: Cross Sitting Uses may work toehold the position.
in Exercise Therapy: Breathing HALF LYING
exercise and reduce the respiratory Body is bent at the hips and trunk is
distress. raised from lying to any angle up to

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