Workbook (Syllabus 2020) Answers - SECTION 1
Workbook (Syllabus 2020) Answers - SECTION 1
Workbook (Syllabus 2020) Answers - SECTION 1
2 kn
2 APP c Outline two ways in which specialisation of its employees could benefit FS. {4 marks]
(CASE) Benefit 1: Better quality (1kn)
Explain: Less mistakes will be done when offering hair styling and beauty services
Benefit 2: Saves time
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Explain: given that the salon is very busy, specialist workers will be able to be more productive due
to their high skills.
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1 Business activity
d Explain two examples of how the business activities undertaken by FS benefit the
local economy. [6 marks]
e Do you think buying cheaper raw materials is the best way for a business to increase
added value? Justify your answer. {6 marks]
Although buying cheaper raw materials will reduce the cost of material
allow not compromising quality but only if customers are going to afford
I think that the business should buy cheaper raw materials IF they operate
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2 a Define 'capital'.
[2 marks]
finance and machinery required for production of goods or services.
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b Identify two pieces of equipment or furniture that Farah could purchase if she did
not buy the computer. {2 marks]
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hairdresser chairs
c Outline two ways in which the economic problem affects FS. [4 marks]
Scarcity of capital - if she buys the computer, she will have to give
d Do you think a business should employ specialist workers who are experts in just one skill
or workers with several skills but who are not experts in any task? Justify your answer. {6 marks]
Although hiring a specialist would ensure high quality and low mistakes
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2kn + 2app
d Explain two likely reasons why the relative importance of the secondary sector in
country X has declined. {6 marks]
Explanation: this means that the secondary sector might not be up to date anymore, with the latest
skills and equipment so they lost their competitiveness to newly industralized countires that are more
Explanation: as a result of that living standards have increased and thus there is more demand
on the service sector as now people can afford buying more services - so more business open in
tertiary sector not secondary sector.
e Do you think that a service sector business would benefit from the government policy
to expand the public sector of the economy? Justify your answer. {6 marks]
Although the expansion of public sector of the economy can help the service sector especially
if they are direct suppliers to them - this is because the services offered by the public sector
will be cheaper and hence could reduce the operating costs for private sector and maximize their
However, for the government to expand this policy they will need to increase tax rates to fund,
thus the profits re-invested in the private business might decrease as a result and the consumers
in this country might suffer from lower incomes which reduces demand.
I think it depends on the amount of increase in the tax rates as a result of this policy, in the short
term businesses might suffer but in the long term they would benefit from low expenses.
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3 Enterprise, business growth and size
A person that owns, operates and takes the risk of opening a new business
b Identify two important characteristics that allow Farah to be a successful entrepreneur. {2 marks]
hard worker
c Outline two ways the size of FS could be compared to similar businesses. {4 marks]
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d Explain two ways the Business Plan drawn up by Farah will help when she expands the
business. [6 marks]
2KN + 2APP + 2AN
1. Gives the "10" employees a sense of direction (kn) this is because it outlines the objectives and
makes the decision making more focused thus wasting less resources (an)
2. it helps in supporting loan applications (kn) as Farah needs to have large sums of funds to
buy the other hairdressers(app), thus the business plan will aid her in this process as they support/show
her planning ablility to lenders/allows lenders to trust that she will be able to repay. (an)
the firm's own resources, which can be suitable if the business does not have enough funds.
However, external growth can be a faster way as it is dependent on another firm's resources
so there are existing operations happening on a larger scale - business has access to existing
I think the use of external growth even though expensive in the short term due to the speedy process
but it is also faster in covering its costs in the long term and can be more profitable. So if the business
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3 Enterprise, business growth and size
document that outlines business objectives and details regarding all business funtions
1. difficulty in management (kn) especially that Farah might be operating in another city (app)
2. difficulty in sourcing capital (kn) as if she buys another hairdresser this would be an
d Farah has decided to use external growth to expand FS. Do you think she should
buy out Business A or Business B? Justify your answer. {6 marks]
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unlimited liability
no continuity
Explain: she was independent and was able to reject the Spa Town offer with no conflicts
Explain: this encourages farah as she feels rewarded for investing her savings.
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Reason 1: Risk of losing control (1kn)
Explain: as the business will need to sell shares to the general public, which could result in
dilution of ownership - since Farah likes being in control of the hair salon; there is a risk of this
being lost.
Explain: because the business will need to advertise its shares to the public to be able to sell them
and have extra funds. Since FS is a small sole trader (1app) business, there might not be enough capital
capital as more partners will be investing in the business, thus allowing for more
will be shared, which can result in conflicts that can slow down the decision
which partners can resort to when conflicts arise - this would ensure more capital
its when the liability of shareholders is limited to the initial amount invested and
Explain: in a public limited company shares are sold to the public, so there is risk of
dilution of ownership
Reason 2: expensive
d Do you think Farah should convert FS into a private limited company? Justify
your answer. {6 marks]
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5 Business objectives and stakeholder objectives
A person that buys a share in a limited company, this share represents part ownership
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d Explain two ways in which one stakeholder group, apart from employees, might be
affected by plans to redevelop one of the salons. {6 marks]
2app One stakeholder group is the local community
Point 1: the redevelopment plan will cause disruption in the area where local residents live,
resulting in noise pollution and possibly traffic congestion for whole 6 months.
Point 2: the redevelopment plans will create more jobs for people living nearby which can help
OR it will introduce a new service in the neighbourhood which is the gym, so the local residents
e Do you think it is right for a business owner to say that 'all stakeholders will benefit
from the expansion of the business'? Justify your answer. {6 marks]
Although some stakeholders might benefit from expansion, such as owners, given that
expansion allows for accessing more customers and increasing profits. Also, customers
might benefit from having access to more variety of services or more convenient locations.
Yet, expansion can still increase costs especially in the initial part of the process, this will
disappoint owners especially that it could affect their profits in the short term. Customers
Thus, I believe that expansion will not benefit all stakeholders at least in the SHORT TERM
but in the long term, especially with benefiting from economies of scale, business could be able
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5 Business objectives and stakeholder objectives
providing jobs
Objective 1: Survival
Explain: to ensure that costs invested in opening the HAIR SALON are covered
Objective 2: Profits
Explain: to act as funds for the opening the other branches in the city.
d Do you think that the objectives of customers will always conflict with the objectives
of shareholders? Justify your answer. {6 marks]
Although in some cases, customers and shareholders might have conflicting objectives
this is because customers usually want affordable prices and high quality which can
reduce profit per unit for shareholders. However, if customers are satisfied this would
mean they would return back again for future purchases, thus in the long term, profits
should be sustained hence satisfying shareholders. I think the objectives should not
and hence their competitiveness in the market - allowing for sustained profits.
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